DASC: Dense Adaptive Self-Correlation Descriptor for Multi-modal …€¦ · ∗WILLOW...

DASC: Dense Adaptive Self-Correlation Descriptor for Multi-modal and Multi-spectral Correspondence Seungryong Kim 1 , Dongbo Min 2,3 , Bumsub Ham 4, , Seungchul Ryu 1 , Minh N. Do 5 , Kwanghoon Sohn 1, 1 Yonsei University 2 Chungnam Nat. University 3 ADSC 4 Inria 5 UIUC http://seungryong.github.io/DASC/ Abstract Establishing dense visual correspondence between mul- tiple images is a fundamental task in many applications of computer vision and computational photography. Classical approaches, which aim to estimate dense stereo and optical flow fields for images adjacent in viewpoint or in time, have been dramatically advanced in recent studies. However, finding reliable visual correspondence in multi-modal or multi-spectral images still remains unsolved. In this paper, we propose a novel dense matching descriptor, called dense adaptive self-correlation (DASC), to effectively address this kind of matching scenarios. Based on the observation that a self-similarity existing within images is less sensitive to modality variations, we define the descriptor with a series of an adaptive self-correlation similarity for patches within a local support window. To further improve the matching quality and runtime efficiency, we propose a randomized receptive field pooling, in which a sampling pattern is op- timized with a discriminative learning. Moreover, the com- putational redundancy that arises when computing densely sampled descriptor over an entire image is dramatically re- duced by applying fast edge-aware filtering. Experiments demonstrate the outstanding performance of the DASC de- scriptor in many cases of multi-modal and multi-spectral correspondence. 1. Introduction Recently, many computer vision and computational pho- tography problems have been reformulated to overcome an inherent limitation by leveraging multi-modal and multi- spectral images such as RGB and near-infrared (NIR) im- age pairs [6, 40], flash and no-flash images [27], color and dark flash images [21], blurred images [14, 23], and images taken under different radiometric conditions [35]. WILLOW project-team, D´ epartement d’Informatique de l’Ecole Nor- male Sup´ erieure, ENS/Inria/CNRS UMR 8548. Corresponding author: [email protected]. Figure 1. Some challenging multi-modal and multi-spectral im- ages such as (from top to bottom) RGB-NIR, flash-noflash images, two images with different exposures, and blur-sharp images. The images in the third column are the results obtained by warping im- ages in the second column to images in the first column with dense correspondence maps estimated by using our DASC descriptor. Estimating dense visual correspondence for given multi- spectral and multi-modal images is a key enabler for real- izing such tasks. In general, the performance of correspon- dence estimation algorithms relies primarily on two com- ponents: appearance descriptor and optimization algorithm. Traditional dense correspondence approaches for estimat- ing depth [33] or optical flow [8, 37] fields, in which input images are acquired in a similar imaging condition, have been dramatically advanced in recent studies. To define a matching fidelity term, they typically assume that multi- ple images share a similar visual pattern, e.g., color, gra- dient, and structural similarity. However, when it comes to multi-modal and multi-spectral images, such properties do

Transcript of DASC: Dense Adaptive Self-Correlation Descriptor for Multi-modal …€¦ · ∗WILLOW...

Page 1: DASC: Dense Adaptive Self-Correlation Descriptor for Multi-modal …€¦ · ∗WILLOW project-team, D´epartement d’Informatique de l’Ecole Nor-male Superieure, ENS/Inria/CNRS

DASC: Dense Adaptive Self-Correlation Descriptor for Multi-modal andMulti-spectral Correspondence

Seungryong Kim1, Dongbo Min2,3, Bumsub Ham4,∗, Seungchul Ryu1, Minh N. Do5, Kwanghoon Sohn1,†

1Yonsei University 2Chungnam Nat. University 3ADSC 4Inria 5UIUChttp://seungryong.github.io/DASC/


Establishing dense visual correspondence between mul-tiple images is a fundamental task in many applications ofcomputer vision and computational photography. Classicalapproaches, which aim to estimate dense stereo and opticalflow fields for images adjacent in viewpoint or in time, havebeen dramatically advanced in recent studies. However,finding reliable visual correspondence in multi-modal ormulti-spectral images still remains unsolved. In this paper,we propose a novel dense matching descriptor, called denseadaptive self-correlation (DASC), to effectively address thiskind of matching scenarios. Based on the observation thata self-similarity existing within images is less sensitive tomodality variations, we define the descriptor with a seriesof an adaptive self-correlation similarity for patches withina local support window. To further improve the matchingquality and runtime efficiency, we propose a randomizedreceptive field pooling, in which a sampling pattern is op-timized with a discriminative learning. Moreover, the com-putational redundancy that arises when computing denselysampled descriptor over an entire image is dramatically re-duced by applying fast edge-aware filtering. Experimentsdemonstrate the outstanding performance of the DASC de-scriptor in many cases of multi-modal and multi-spectralcorrespondence.

1. IntroductionRecently, many computer vision and computational pho-

tography problems have been reformulated to overcome an

inherent limitation by leveraging multi-modal and multi-

spectral images such as RGB and near-infrared (NIR) im-

age pairs [6, 40], flash and no-flash images [27], color and

dark flash images [21], blurred images [14, 23], and images

taken under different radiometric conditions [35].

∗WILLOW project-team, Departement d’Informatique de l’Ecole Nor-

male Superieure, ENS/Inria/CNRS UMR 8548.†Corresponding author: [email protected].

Figure 1. Some challenging multi-modal and multi-spectral im-

ages such as (from top to bottom) RGB-NIR, flash-noflash images,

two images with different exposures, and blur-sharp images. The

images in the third column are the results obtained by warping im-

ages in the second column to images in the first column with dense

correspondence maps estimated by using our DASC descriptor.

Estimating dense visual correspondence for given multi-

spectral and multi-modal images is a key enabler for real-

izing such tasks. In general, the performance of correspon-

dence estimation algorithms relies primarily on two com-

ponents: appearance descriptor and optimization algorithm.

Traditional dense correspondence approaches for estimat-

ing depth [33] or optical flow [8, 37] fields, in which input

images are acquired in a similar imaging condition, have

been dramatically advanced in recent studies. To define a

matching fidelity term, they typically assume that multi-

ple images share a similar visual pattern, e.g., color, gra-

dient, and structural similarity. However, when it comes to

multi-modal and multi-spectral images, such properties do

Page 2: DASC: Dense Adaptive Self-Correlation Descriptor for Multi-modal …€¦ · ∗WILLOW project-team, D´epartement d’Informatique de l’Ecole Nor-male Superieure, ENS/Inria/CNRS

not hold as shown in Fig. 1. In these cases, conventional

descriptors or similarity measures often fail to capture re-

liable matching evidence, leading to a poor matching qual-

ity. Although employing powerful optimization techniques

could help estimate a reliable solution with a spatial con-

text [13, 24, 20], an optimizer itself cannot address an in-

herent limitation without suitable matching descriptors for

challenging multi-spectral and multi-modal images [28].

Our method starts from the observation that the local in-

ternal layout of self-similarities is less sensitive to photo-

metric distortions, even when an intensity distribution of

an anatomical structure is not maintained across different

imaging modalities [34]. The local self-similarity (LSS)

descriptor enables overcoming many inherent limitations of

existing descriptors in establishing correspondence between

multi-modal or multi-spectral images. It is worth noting that

although several approaches based on the LSS have been

presented for multi-modal and multi-spectral image regis-

tration [16, 39], they do not scale well to estimating dense

correspondence for multi-modal and multi-spectral images,

and thus their matching performance is still poor.

In this paper, we propose a novel local descriptor, called

dense adaptive self-correlation (DASC), designed for es-

tablishing dense multi-modal and multi-spectral correspon-

dence. It is defined with a series of patch-wise similari-

ties within a local support window. The similarity between

patch-wise receptive fields is computed with an adaptive

self-correlation measure, which encodes intrinsic structure

while providing the robustness against modality variations.

To further improve the matching quality and runtime effi-

ciency, we also propose a randomized receptive field pool-

ing strategy with sampling patterns that selects two patches

within the local support window, rather than using a center

patch and a patch of a neighboring pixel. A linear discrim-

inative learning is employed for obtaining an optimal sam-

pling pattern. Moreover, the computational redundancy that

arises when computing densely sampled descriptors over an

entire image is dramatically reduced by applying fast edge-

aware filtering [15]. Experimental results show that our

DASC descriptor outperforms conventional area-based ap-

proaches and feature-based approaches (including LSS de-

scriptor [34]) on various benchmarks; 1) Middlebury stereo

benchmark [1] consisting of images with varying illumi-

nation and exposure conditions, 2) multi-modal and multi-

spectral dataset including RGB-NIR images [36, 6], differ-

ent exposure [36, 35], flash-noflash images [35], and blurry

images [14, 23], and 3) MPI optical flow benchmark [8]

containing motion blur and illumination changes.

The contributions of this paper can be summarized as

follows. First, to the best of our knowledge, our approach

is the first attempt to design an efficient, dense descriptor

for matching multi-modal and multi-spectral images. Sec-

ond, unlike a center-biased dense max pooling, we propose

a randomized receptive field pooling with sampling patterns

optimized via a discriminative learning, making the descrip-

tor more robust against matching outliers incurred by dif-

ferent imaging modalities. Third, we propose an efficient

computational scheme that significantly improves the run-

time efficiency of the proposed dense descriptor. Finally, we

provide an intensive comparative study with state-of-the-art

methods using various datasets.

2. Related Work

Feature-based approaches As a pioneering work, the

scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) was first introduced

by Lowe [25] to estimate robust sparse correspondence un-

der geometric and photometric variations. Recently, based

on the simple intensity comparison, fast binary descrip-

tors, such as binary robust independent elementary features

(BRIEF) [9] and fast retina keypoint (FREAK) [3], have

been popularly proposed. Unlike these sparse descriptors,

Tola et al. developed a dense descriptor, called DAISY [38],

which re-designs conventional sparse descriptors, i.e., SIFT,

to efficiently compute densely sampled descriptors over an

entire image. Although these conventional gradient-based

and intensity comparison-based descriptors show satisfac-

tory performance for small deformation, they cannot prop-

erly describe the multi-modal and multi-spectral images in-

cluding non-linear deformation frequently.

To estimate correspondences in multi-modal and multi-

spectral images, some variants of SIFT have been developed

[32], but these gradient-based descriptors have an inherent

limitation similar to the SIFT, especially when an image

gradient varies across different modality images. Schecht-

man and Irani introduced the LSS descriptor [34] for the

purpose of template matching, and achieved impressive re-

sults in object detection and retrieval. Torabi et al. em-

ployed the LSS as a multi-spectral similarity metric to reg-

ister human region of interests (ROIs) [39]. The LSS has

also been applied to the registration of multi-spectral remote

sensing images [42]. For multi-modal medical image reg-

istration, Heinrich et al. proposed a modality independent

neighborhood descriptor (MIND) [16] inspired by the LSS.

However, none of these approaches scale very well to dense

matching tasks for multi-modal and multi-spectral images

due to a low discriminative power and a huge complexity.

Area-based approaches As surveyed in [29], the mutual

information (MI), leveraging the entropy of the joint prob-

ability distribution function (PDF), has been popularly ap-

plied to multi-modal medical image alignment. However,

the MI is sensitive to local variation since it is assumed that

there exists a global transformation [18]. Although cross-

correlation based methods such as an adaptive normalized

cross-correlation (ANCC) [17] show satisfactory results for

locally linear variations, they provide limited performances

Page 3: DASC: Dense Adaptive Self-Correlation Descriptor for Multi-modal …€¦ · ∗WILLOW project-team, D´epartement d’Informatique de l’Ecole Nor-male Superieure, ENS/Inria/CNRS













−15 −10 −5 0 5 10 150.1




ground truth→

search range



g co



(a) Matching cost in A

−15 −10 −5 0 5 10 150.06











ground truth→

search range



g co



(b) Matching cost in B

−15 −10 −5 0 5 10 150.12










ground truth→

search rangem





(c) Matching cost in C

Figure 2. Examples of matching cost comparison. Multi-spectral

RGB and NIR images have locally non-linear deformation as de-

picted in A, B, and C. Matching costs computed with different

descriptors along A, B, and C’s scanelines were plotted in (a)-(c).

Unlike conventional descriptors, the proposed DASC descriptor

yields a global minimum.

under severe modality variations. Irani et al. [19] employed

cross-correlation on the Laplacian energy map for measur-

ing multi-sensor image similarity. Recently, a robust selec-

tive normalized cross-correlation (RSNCC) [36] was pro-

posed for the dense alignment between multi-modal images,

but its performance is still unsatisfactory due to an inherent

limitation of similarity measure based on intensity value.

3. BackgroundGiven an image fi : I → R or R3, a dense descriptor

Di : I → RL is defined on a local support window centered

at each pixel i, where I = {i = (xi, yi)} ⊂ N2 is a dis-

crete image domain. Conventionally, local descriptors were

computed based on the assumption that there is a common

underlying visual pattern which is shared by two images.

However, as shown in Fig. 2, multi-spectral images such as

a pair of RGB-NIR have a nonlinear photometric deforma-

tion even within a small window, e.g., gradient reverses and

intensity order variation. More seriously, there are outliers

including structure divergence caused by shadow or high-

light. In these cases, conventional descriptors using an im-

age gradient (SIFT [25]) or an intensity comparison (BRIEF

[9]) cannot capture coherent matching descriptors, which

induce erroneous local minima in estimating dense corre-

spondences. Without suitable descriptors, a matching qual-

ity has an inherent matching ambiguity even with a spatial

context by leveraging a powerful optimization,

Unlike these conventional descriptors, the LSS descrip-

tor DLSSi measures a correlation between two patches Fi and

Fj centered at pixel i and j within a local support window

Ri [34]. As shown in Fig. 3, it discretizes the correlation

surface on a log-polar grid, generates a set of bins, and then

stores a maximum correlation value within each bin. For-

mally, DLSSi =


LSSi,l for l = 1, ..., LLSS is a LLSS × 1

feature vector, and can be written as follows:

dLSSi,l = max

j∈bini(l){C(i, j)}, (1)

where bini(l) = {j|j ∈ Ri, ρr−1 < |i− j| ≤ ρr, θa−1 <∠(i− j) ≤ θa} with a log radius ρr for r ∈ {1, · · · , Nρ}and a quantized angle θa for a ∈ {1, · · · , Nθ} with ρ0 = 0and θ0 = 0. The correlation surface C(i, j) is typically

computed using simple similarity metric such as the sum

of square difference (SSD) with a normalization factor σs:

C(i, j) = exp (−SSD(Fi,Fj)/σs) . (2)

The LSS descriptor has been shown to be robust in cross-

domain object detection [34], but it provides unsatisfactory

results in densely matching multi-modal images as shown

in Fig. 2. It is because the max pooling strategy performed

in each bini(l) lose matching details, leading to a poor

discriminative power. Furthermore, the center-biased cor-

relation measure cannot handle severe outliers effectively,

which frequently exist in multi-modal and multi-spectral

images. In terms of a computational complexity, there ex-

ists no efficient computational scheme designed for dense

matching descriptor.

4. The DASC DescriptorOur objective is to design a dense descriptor for multi-

modal correspondence, while a computational complexity

is kept low. Our descriptor is built with a series of adap-

tive self-correlation for patch-wise receptive fields, which

is efficiently computed with fast edge-aware filtering.

4.1. Randomized Receptive Field Pooling

Instead of using a center-biased max pooling of LSS de-

scriptor in Fig. 3(a), our DASC descriptor incorporates a

randomized receptive field pooling with sampling patterns

in such a way that a pair of two patches are randomly se-

lected within a local support window. It is motivated by

three observations; 1) In multi-spectral and multi-modal im-

ages, there frequently exist non-informative regions which

are locally degraded, e.g., shadows or outliers. 2) Center-

biased pooling is very sensitive to a degradation of a center

patch, and cannot deal with a homogeneous or salient center

pixel which does not contain self-similarities [34]. 3) From

the relationship between Census transform [43] and BRIEF

[9] descriptor, it is shown that the randomness enables a de-

scriptor to encode structural information more robustly.

Our approach encodes a similarity between patch-wise

receptive fields sampled from log-polar circular point set

Γi as shown in Fig. 3(b). It is defined as Γi = {j|j ∈Ri, |i − j| = ρr,∠(i − j) = θa} where the number

of points is defined as Nc = Nρ × Nθ + 1, and has

a higher density of points near a center pixel, similar to

Page 4: DASC: Dense Adaptive Self-Correlation Descriptor for Multi-modal …€¦ · ∗WILLOW project-team, D´epartement d’Informatique de l’Ecole Nor-male Superieure, ENS/Inria/CNRS



bin ( )i l




,i ls

,i lt



Figure 3. Demonstration of (a) LSS descriptor [34] and (b) DASC

descriptor. Within a support window, solid and dotted line box de-

pict source and target patch, respectively. Unlike a center-biased

dense max pooling on each bini(l), the DASC descriptor incor-

porates a randomized pooling using sampling pattern (si,l, ti,l) ∈∪L

i on Γi optimized by a discriminative learning.

DAISY [38] descriptor. Given Nc points in Γi, there exist

Npc = {Nc × (Nc − 1)}/2 candidate sampling patterns,

leading to a dramatically high-dimension descriptor. How-

ever, many of the sampling pattern pairs might not be useful

in describing a local support window. Therefore, we em-

ploy a randomized approach to extract L sampling patterns

from Npc pattern candidates. Our descriptor Di =⋃

ldi,lfor l = 1, ..., L is encoded with a set of patch similarity

between two patches based on sampling patterns that are

selected from Γi:

di,l = C(si,l, ti,l), si,l, ti,l ∈ Γi, (3)

where sl and tl are lth selected sampling patterns. Note that

the sampling patterns are fixed for all pixels in an image.

Namely, all pixels share the same offset vectors, enabling

a fast computation of dense descriptors, which will be de-

tailed in Sec. 4.3. Although the DASC descriptor uses only

sparse patch-wise pairs in a local support window, many of

patches are overlapped when computing patch similarities

between the sparse pairs, allowing the descriptor to consider

the majority of pixels in the support window and to reflect

original image attributes effectively.

Sampling pattern learning Finding a optimal random-

ized sampling pattern is a critical issue in our descriptor.

With the assumption that there is no single hand-craft fea-

ture that always provides the robustness to all circumstances

[11], we employ a discriminative learning to optimal sam-

pling patterns describe a local support window. Given can-

didate sampling patterns ∪i = {(si,l, ti,l)|l = 1, ..., Npc},

our goal is to select the best sampling patterns which derive

an important spatial layout.

Our approach exploits support vector machines (SVMs)

with a linear kernel [10]. For learning, we build a dataset

P = {(R1m,R2

m, ym)|m = 1, ..., Nt} where (R1,R2) are

support window pairs in multi-modal or multi-spectral im-

ages, and Nt is the number of training samples. y is a bi-





































Figure 4. Visualization of patch-wise receptive fields of the DASC

descriptor which are learned from (a) Middlebury benchmark [1],

(b) multi-spectral and multi-modal benchmark [36], and (c) MPI

SINTEL benchmark [8].

nary label that becomes 1 if two patches are matched or 0

otherwise. The training data set P was built from ground

truth dense correspondence maps for images captured un-

der varying illumination conditions and/or with imaging de-

vices [1, 8, 36]. First, the feature rm =⋃

l rm,l that de-

scribes two support window pairs R1m and R2

m is defined

rm,l = exp(−(d1m,l − d2m,l)



), (4)

where σr is a bandwidth for Gaussian kernel and dm,l is

an adaptive self-correlation, which will be explained in Sec.

4.2. The decision function to classify training dataset P into

matching and non-matching can be represented as

ρ(rm) = vT rm + b, (5)

where v indicates an amount of contribution of each candi-

date sampling pattern and b is a bias. Learning v can be

formulated as minimizing the following objective function

L(v) = λ||v||2 +∑

mmax(0, 1− ymρ(rm)), (6)

where λ represents a regularization parameter. We use LIB-

SVM [10] to minimize this objective function. The weight

|vl| encodes the importance of corresponding sampling pat-

tern towards the final decision [22]. Therefore, we rank top

L sampling patterns based on |vl| value, and use them in our

descriptor, which is denoted as ∪Li . Fig. 4 shows visualiza-

tions of learned receptive fields of the DASC descriptor.

4.2. Adaptive Self-Correlation Measure

With the sampling patterns (si,l, ti,l) estimated, our de-

scriptor measures a patch similarity with an adaptive self-

correlation measure in order to robustly encode a local in-

ternal layout of self-similarities. For the sake of simplicity,

we omit (i, l) in the correlation metric from here on, as it

is repeatedly computed for all (i, l). For (s, t) ∈ ∪Li , we

compute the adaptive self-correlation Ψ(s, t) between two

patches Fs and Ft as follows:

Ψ(s, t) =


ωs,s′ωt,t′(fs′ − Gs)(ft′ − Gt)


{ωs,s′(fs′ − Gs)}2√∑

t′{ωt,t′(ft′ − Gt)}2



Page 5: DASC: Dense Adaptive Self-Correlation Descriptor for Multi-modal …€¦ · ∗WILLOW project-team, D´epartement d’Informatique de l’Ecole Nor-male Superieure, ENS/Inria/CNRS

Figure 5. Efficient computation framework of the DASC descrip-

tor. In order to reduce a computational load in computing the adap-

tive self-correlation, the DASC descriptor re-arranges the sam-

pling pattern and employs fast EAF scheme.

where s′ ∈ Fs and t′ ∈ Ft, and Gs =∑

s′ ωs,s′fs′ .The weight ωs,s′ represents how similar two pixels s and

s′ are, and is normalized, i.e.,∑

s′ ωs,s′ = 1. It can be

defined with any kind of edge-aware weights [41, 15, 12].

This weighted sum better handles outliers and local vari-

ations in patches compared to other patch-wise similarity

metrics. It is worth noting that the adaptive self-correlation

used here is conceptually similar to the ANCC [17], but

our descriptor employs the correlation metric for measur-

ing self-similarity within a single image (which is used for

matching two images later), while the ANCC is used to di-

rectly measure inter-similarity between two different inten-

sity (or color) images.

Finally, our patch-wise similarity between Fs and Ft is

computed with a truncated exponential function, which has

been widely used in robust estimator [4]:

C(s, t) = max(exp(−(1− |Ψ(s, t)|)/σ), τ), (8)

where σ is a bandwidth of Gaussian kernel and τ is a trunca-

tion parameter. Here, a absolute value of Ψ(s, t) is used for

mitigating the effect of intensity reverses. The correlation

C(si,l, ti,l) is normalized with unit norm of all l.

4.3. Efficient Computation for Dense Description

For densely constructing our descriptor on an entire im-

age, we should compute C(si,l, ti,l) for all patch pairs be-

longing to (si,l, ti,l) ∈ ∪Li for each pixel i. Thus, a straight-

forward computation can be extremely time-consuming. In

specific, the computational complexity becomes O(INL),where I , N , and L represent an image size, a patch size,

and the number of sampling patterns, respectively.

In this section, we present an efficient method for com-

puting the DASC descriptor. To compute all weighted sums

in (7) for (si,l, ti,l) efficiently, we apply a constant-time

edge-aware filter (EAF), e.g., the guided filter (GF) [15].

However, the symmetric weight ws,s′wt,t′ varies for each

l, and thus computing the numerator in (7) is still very

time-consuming. Moreover, ws,s′wt,t′ is computed with a

Algorithm 1: Dense Adaptive Self-Correlation (DASC)

Input : image fi, candidate sampling patterns ∪i, train-

ing patch pairs P .

Output : the DASC descriptor volume Di.

Parameters and Notatation :

L: descriptor dimension.

ωi,i′ : weight between pixel i and i′ ∈ Fi.

/∗ Offline Procedure ∗/1 : Compute rm using (4) for possible candidate sampling

patterns ∪i on training support window pairs P .

2 : Learn a weight vl by optimizing (6).

3 : Select the maximal L sampling patterns (si,l, ti,l) in

terms of |vl|, denoted as ∪Li .

/∗ Online Procedure ∗/4 : Compute Gi =

∑i′ ωi,i′fi′ for all pixel i.

5 : Compute Gi2 =∑

i′ ωi,i′f2i′ .

for l = 1 : L do6 : Re-arrange (si,l, ti,l) as (i, j) = (i, i+ ti,l − si,l).7 : Compute Gi,ij =

∑i′,j′ ωi,i′fi′fj′ .

8 : Compute Gi,j =∑

i′,j′ ωi,i′fj′ .

9 : Compute Gi,j2 =∑

i′,j′ ωi,i′f2j′ .

10 : Estimate Ψ(i, i′) and C(i, i′) using (10) and (8).

11 : Re-index di,l = C(si,l, ti,l).end for

range distance using 6-D vector (or 2-D vector), when an

input is a color image (or a greyscale image). It signifi-

cantly increases a computational burden needed for employ-

ing constant-time EAFs [15, 26].

To alleviate these limitations, we simplify (7) by con-

sidering only the weight ws,s′ from the source patch Fs

so that a fast computation of (7) using fast edge-aware fil-

ter is feasible. It should be noted that such an asymmetric

weight approximation has also been used in cost aggrega-

tion for stereo matching [31]. We also found that in our de-

scriptor, a performance gap between using the asymmetric

weight ws,s′ and the symmetric weight ws,s′wt,t′ is neg-

ligible. Furthermore, for efficient description, we also re-

arrange the sampling pattern (si,l, ti,l) to referenced-biased

pairs (i, j) = (i, i+ti,l−si,l). The adaptive self-correlation

in (7) is then approximated as follows:

Ψ(i, j) =


ωi,i′(fi′ − Gi)(fj′ − Gi,j)

√∑i′ωi,i′(fi′ − Gi)


i′,j′ωi,i′(fj′ − Gi,j)



where Gi =∑

i′ ωi,i′fi′ . Gi,j =∑

i′,j′ ωi,i′fj′ means

weighted average of Fj with a guidance Fi with our ap-


We then decompose denominator and numerator in (9)

Page 6: DASC: Dense Adaptive Self-Correlation Descriptor for Multi-modal …€¦ · ∗WILLOW project-team, D´epartement d’Informatique de l’Ecole Nor-male Superieure, ENS/Inria/CNRS

Figure 6. Comparison of disparity estimation for Dolls image pairs taken under illumination combination ‘1/3’. (from left to right) Left

color image, right color image, and disparity maps for the ground truth, ANCC [17], SIFT [25], and DASC+LRP. Conventional approaches

cannot estimate a reliable disparity map. In contrast, the DASC+LRP descriptor estimates accurate and edge-preserved disparity maps

while reducing artifacts.

5 X 5 9 X 9 13 X 13 17 X 17 21 X 21 25 X 25 29 X 29 33 X 3310






support window size


or in






Effect of support window size

Exp. 0/1Exp. 0/2Illum. 1/2Illum. 1/3

50 100 150 200 250 300 350 40010











descriptor dimension


or in






Effect of descriptor dimension

Exp. 0/1Exp. 0/2Illum. 1/2Illum. 1/3

Figure 7. Average bad-pixel error rate on Middlebury benchmark

of DASC+LRP descriptor with WTA optimization as varying sup-

port window size and descriptor dimension.

image size DAISY LSS DASC† DASC‡463× 370 2.5s 31s 128s 2.7s

Table 1. Evaluation of computational time. The brute-force and

efficient computation of DASC is denoted as †and ‡, respectively.

after some arithmetic derivations:

Gi,ij − Gi · Gi,j√Gi2 − Gi

2 ·√Gi,j2 − Gi,j

2, (10)

where Gi2 =∑

i′ ωi,i′f2i′ , Gi,ij =

∑i′,j′ ωi,i′fi′fj′ and

Gi,j2 =∑

i′,j′ ωi,i′f2j′ . While the Gi and Gi2 can be com-

puted on image domain once, Gi,ij , Gi,j , and Gi,j2 should

be computed on each offset. All these components can be

efficiently computed using a constant-time edge-aware fil-

ter (EAF). Thus, our approach removes the complexity de-

pendency on the patch size N , i.e., O(IL). Furthermore,

since there exist repeated offsets, the complexity is further

reduced as O(IL) for L < L. Finally, the dense descrip-

tor Di is re-indexed as di,l = C(si,l, ti,l) though the robust

function in (8). Fig. 5 describes our efficient method for

computing the DASC descriptor. Algorithm 1 summarized

the DASC descriptor computation.

5. Experimental Results and DiscussionIn experiments, our DASC descriptor is implemented

with the following same parameter settings for all datasets:

{σ, τ,N,M,L} = {0.5, 0.03, 5×5, 31×31, 128} where Mis a local support window size. We implemented the DASC

descriptor in C++ on Intel Core i7-3770 CPU at 3.40 GHz,

1/1 1/2 1/3 2/2 2/3 3/30









or in





s (%


left/right image illumination configuration combination

GC results under illumination variations


0/0 0/1 0/2 1/1 1/2 2/20








or in





s (%


left/right image exposure configuration combination

GC results under exposure variations

1/1 1/2 1/3 2/2 2/3 3/30










in u



d ar



left/right image illumination configuration combination

WTA results under illumination variations

0/0 0/1 0/2 1/1 1/2 2/20









or in





s (%


left/right image exposure configuration combination

WTA results under exposure variations

Figure 8. Average bad-pixel error rate on Middlebury benchmark

with illumination variations and exposure variations. The GC (first

row) and WTA (second row) were used for optimization, respec-

tively. Our DASC+LRP shows the best performance.

and measured the runtime on a single CPU core without

further code optimizations and parallel implementation us-

ing multi-core CPUs/GPU. The DASC descriptor was eval-

uated with other state-of-the-art descriptors, e.g., SIFT [25],

DAISY [38], BRIEF [9], and LSS [34], and other area-

based approaches, e.g., ANCC [17], MI+SIFT [18], and

RSNCC [36]. Specifically, we evaluated the DASC using

a randomized pooling (DASC+RP) and the DASC using a

learned randomized pooling (DASC+LRP) that is our final

descriptor. It is worth noting that we built three training sets

from benchmark databases for each following experiments,

and each training set was excluded from experiments. Fig. 7

shows the effects of a support window size M and the num-

ber of sampling patterns L in DASC descriptor. The com-

putational complexity of DASC descriptor compared with

other descriptors was evaluated in Table 1.

5.1. Middlebury Stereo Benchmark

We first evaluated our DASC+LRP descriptor in Mid-

dlebury stereo benchmark containing illumination and ex-

Page 7: DASC: Dense Adaptive Self-Correlation Descriptor for Multi-modal …€¦ · ∗WILLOW project-team, D´epartement d’Informatique de l’Ecole Nor-male Superieure, ENS/Inria/CNRS

(a) Input image pairs (b) RSNCC [36] (c) BRIEF [9] (d) DAISY [38] (e) LSS [34] (f) DASC+LRP

Figure 9. Comparison of dense correspondence for (from top to bottom) RGB-NIR images, flash-noflash images, different exposure images,

and blurred-sharpen images. The results consist of warped color images and correspondence flow fields overlaid with reference images.

Compared to other conventional approaches, our DASC+LRP descriptor estimates reliable dense correspondence fields for challenging

multi-modal and multi-spectral image pairs.

posure variations [1]. In experiments, the illumination (or

exposure) combination ‘1/3’ indicates that two images were

captured under 1st and 3rd illumination (exposure) condi-

tions, respectively [1]. Fig. 6 shows disparity maps for se-

vere illumination variations obtained by varying cost func-

tions with the winner-takes-all (WTA) optimization. Fig.

8 shows average bad matching errors in un-occluded ar-

eas of depth maps obtained under illumination or expo-

sure variations with the graph-cut (GC) [5] and WTA op-

timization. Our DASC+LRP descriptor achieves the best

results both quantitatively and qualitatively. Area-based ap-

proaches, e.g., MI+SIFT [18], ANCC [17], and RSNCC

Page 8: DASC: Dense Adaptive Self-Correlation Descriptor for Multi-modal …€¦ · ∗WILLOW project-team, D´epartement d’Informatique de l’Ecole Nor-male Superieure, ENS/Inria/CNRS









NRDC [13] 54.27 48.92 51.34 59.72 53.56

ANCC [17] 18.45 14.14 11.96 19.24 15.94

RSNCC [36] 13.41 15.87 9.15 18.21 14.16

SIFT [25] 18.51 11.06 14.87 20.78 16.35

DAISY [38] 20.42 10.84 12.71 22.91 16.72

BRIEF [9] 17.54 9.21 9.54 19.72 14.05

LSS [34] 16.14 11.88 9.11 18.51 13.91

DASC+RP 11.71 7.51 7.32 12.21 9.68

DASC+LRP 8.10 5.41 6.24 10.81 7.64Table 2. Comparison of quantitative evaluation on multi-spectral

and multi-modal images.

[36], are very sensitive to severe radiometric variations, es-

pecially when local variations frequently occur. Contrar-

ily, the descriptor-based approaches perform better than the

area-based approaches. Interestingly, the BRIEF [9] is bet-

ter than other descriptor-based descriptors (SIFT [25] and

DAISY [38]) thanks to an ordering robustness.

5.2. Multi-modal and Multi-spectral Image Pairs

Next, we evaluated our DASC+LRP descriptor with im-

ages under modality variations, e.g., RGB-NIR [36, 6], dif-

ferent exposure [36, 35], flash-noflash [35], and blurred arti-

facts [14, 23]. Due to severe matching ambiguities and out-

liers that exist multi-modal and multi-spectral correspon-

dence, the simple WTA method does not achieve excellent

results. In experiments, we exploit the SIFT flow optimiza-

tion based on the publicly available code, specifically hier-

archical dual-layer belief propagation (BP) [24], as varying

descriptors and similarity measures. Unlike the Middlebury

stereo benchmark, these datasets have no ground truth cor-

respondence maps, thus we manually obtained ground truth

displacement vectors for 100 corner points for all images,

and used them for an objective evaluation similar to [36].

Indeed, it is necessary to build up multi-modal databases

including ground truth dense maps for more accurate as-

sessment, but we reserve this task as future work. Table

2 shows an objective evaluation of DASC+LRP descriptor

and other state-of-the-art methods on these datasets.

Area-based approaches, e.g., ANCC [17] and RSNCC

[36] are very sensitive to local variations. As already de-

scribed in literatures [36], gradient-based approaches, SIFT

[25] and DAISY [38], have shown limited performance in

RGB-NIR pairs where the gradient reversal and inversion

frequently appear. The BRIEF [9] cannot deal with the

noisy and modality varying regions since it considers a pixel

difference only. It should be noted that some efforts have

been made to estimate reliable flow maps in the motion

blur, e.g., blur-flow [30], but they typically employ an it-

erative matching framework, which relies heavily on an ini-

tial estimate. Additionally, they do not scale well to gen-

Clean Pass Final Pass

all unmat. all unmat.Classic-NL [37] 7.940 39.821 9.439 43.123

LDOF [7] 7.180 38.124 8.422 42.892

LDOF+BRIEF [9] 6.281 37.841 7.741 41.875

LDOF+LSS [34] 6.182 37.514 7.152 40.332

LDOF+DASC 5.578 36.975 6.384 38.932Table 3. Comparison of average EPE on the MPI SINTEL [8].

eral purpose matching scenarios. Unlike these approaches,

the LSS [34] and our descriptor consider the local self-

similarities, but the LSS still lacks a discriminative power

for dense matching. Our DASC+RP descriptor combining

patch-wise pooling with adaptive self-correlation provides

satisfactory results under modality variations. By employ-

ing the optimal sampling pattern via discriminative learn-

ing (DASC+LRP), the matching accuracy was further im-

proved. Fig. 9 shows subjective evaluation, clearly demon-

strating the outstanding performance of our descriptor.

5.3. MPI Optical Flow Benchmark

Our DASC descriptor can also be incorporated into vari-

ational optical flow approaches, which typically assume

only a small displacement between consecutive frames.

However, motion blur and illumination variation can degen-

erate the performance. In order to handle such challenging

issues simultaneously, we applied the DASC descriptor to

the large displacement optical flow (LDOF) [7] as an initial

evidence in the MPI SINTEL database [8] containing spec-

ular reflections, motion blur, and defocus blur. The dataset

consists of two kind of rendering frames, namely clean pass

and final pass, and each contains 12 sequences with over

500 frames in total [8]. Table 3 shows average end-point

error (EPE) results on MPI SINTEL clean and final passes.

The DASC descriptor improves the performance of conven-

tional LDOP method.

6. Conclusion

The robust novel local descriptor called the DASC has

been proposed for dense multi-spectral and multi-modal

correspondence. It leverages an adaptive self-correlation

measure and a randomized receptive field pooling learned

by the linear discriminative learning. Moreover, by making

use of fast edge-aware filters, our DASC descriptor is capa-

ble of computing the dense descriptor very efficiently. The

DASC demonstrated its robustness in establishing dense

correspondence between challenging image pairs taken un-

der different modalities, e.g., RGB-NIR, different illumina-

tion and exposure, flash-noflash, blurring artifacts. We be-

lieve our method will serve as an essential tool for several

applications using multi-modal and multi-spectral images.

We made our code publicly available [2].

Page 9: DASC: Dense Adaptive Self-Correlation Descriptor for Multi-modal …€¦ · ∗WILLOW project-team, D´epartement d’Informatique de l’Ecole Nor-male Superieure, ENS/Inria/CNRS

Acknowledgement. The authors would like to thank the

anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and sug-

gestions. This research was supported by the MSIP (The

Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning), Korea and

Microsoft Research, under ICT/SW Creative research pro-

gram (NIPA-2014-H0510-14-1019) supervised by the NIPA

(National ICT Industry Promotion Agency). Bumsub Ham

is supported by the research grant for the European Re-

search Council, VideoWorld.).

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