Darwin Worksheet

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  • 8/13/2019 Darwin Worksheet



    Name: ______________________________ Date Submitted: _________________

    What Darwin Never Knew

    1. Darwin was offered a position on the ___________________________ whose mission was to

    survey the waters around South meri!a.

    ". #here did Darwin make his first important dis!overy$ ______________________

    #hat did he find there$ ____________ of e%tin!t mammals.

    &. 'he ______________________________ are home to animals found no-where else on earth.

    (#here Darwin made his most important dis!overies.)

    *. 'he _______________ of the giant tortoises differed depending upon whi!h island they lived.

    +. 'he ,alapagos ____________ differed in the type of beak depending on the island.

    . Darwin realied for some reason that spe!ies _______________.

    0. Darwin studied dog breeders and how spe!ifi! traits were sele!ted. Darwin then wondered if

    ______________ sele!tion !ould be going on in life.

    . 'he pattern in nature that Darwin saw was that the !reatures that survived were those best

    adapted to the spe!ifi! ___________________________ in whi!h they lived.

    2. 'he ,alapagos fin!hes have different beaks be!ause the fin!hes used their beaks as ______.

    13.Darwin realied that ________________ was the start of !hange in nature.

    11.4ver many generations tiny variations allow the fit to get fitter and the unfit to vanish.

    'his is evolution by ________________________________.

    1".5n 1+2 Darwin published _______________________________________.

    1&.6any genes get translated into _____________.

    1*.DN has one other vital 7uality. 5t doesn8t stay the _____________.

    1+.#ithout ___________________ everything would stay the same generation after generation.

    #e !an now find the genes that are responsible for evolutionary !hange.1.9umans have _______________ genes. 'he same numbers as a !hi!ken and less that an

    ear of !orn. 6any of our key genes are similar to those other animals.

    10.9ow do you get all these differen!es if you have the same number of genes$ 'he first !lues

    are from the study of _____________. 'hey are the platform of diversity and all use the same

    basi! genes.

    ,-9uman_;#hat Darwin Never

  • 8/13/2019 Darwin Worksheet


    1.____ per!ent of DN doesn8t !ode for proteins.

    12. pie!e of DN !alled a _____________ is not a gene but it turns =on; or =off; genes.

    "3.#hat is spe!ial about the body plan gene$ 5t throws _______________ and tells the =stuff

    genes; what to do and when. 'his is how all forms of life are related but evolved to be!ome

    !ompletely different.

    "1.'he bones of the human inner ear have developed from fish ____________.

    "".>ossils show that !reatures with legs appeared __________ million years ago. ?efore that

    they were only fish.

    "&.Dinosaurs share a !ommon an!estor with __________________.

    _____________ share a !ommon an!estor of all four-legged forms.

    "*.'he r!haeoptery% fossil had features of both birds and _____________.

    "+.'iktaalik is a perfe!t transitional form: the body of a fish with s!ales but also the ___________

    stru!ture is seen in every four-legged forms.

    ".'he body plan genes !alled _________________ genes are found in all !omple% animals from

    33 million year worms to humans.

    "0.'he genes needed for arms and legs were in pre-histori! fish. ll they needed was a few

    ________________ to !hange the order of what genes are turned on and off.

    ".'here is a ____ per!entage differen!e in the DN of humans and !himps.

    "2.'he two signature organs of humankind are the ___________ and the ___________.

    &3. mutation in the human ________ mus!le allows the skull to keep e%panding into adulthood

    !reating a bigger spa!e for the ______________.

    &1.'here are ____ different mutations responsible for mi!ro!ephaly.

    &". study of human and !himp DN se7uen!es show that the differen!es weren8t in the a!tual

    genes but in the ______________ that dire!t the genes. 6ore than half of these swit!hes are

    near a gene that involves the __________. 'hat gene was different in " letters between the

    !himp and the !hi!ken but different in ____ letters when !ompared to humans.

    &&.DN works in many different ways --- through genes that make the stuff of our bodies through

    _______________ that turn those genes on and off and through se7uen!es of the DN that

    throw those swit!hes. 'his shows how small differen!es in ______ !an generate enormous


    ,-9uman_;#hat Darwin Never