Darren silverman | The latest news iran president says saudis fan religious strife


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Page 1: Darren silverman | The latest news iran president says saudis fan religious strife

The Latest: Iran president says Saudis

fan religious strife

Page 2: Darren silverman | The latest news iran president says saudis fan religious strife

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — The most recent improvements

after Saudi Arabia separated strategic ties with Tehran in the midst of a

disagreement regarding Riyadh's execution of a restriction Shiite minister

and assaults on Saudi political posts in Iran. (All times nearby).

2:21 a.m. Thursday

Iran's leader is blaming Saudi Arabia's legislature for fanning strife in the

middle of Shiite and Sunni Muslims and making "an Islamaphobic climate"

in world sentiment, as indicated by Iran's U.N. Mission. In an official

statement, Hassan Rouhani blamed the Saudis for supporting terrorism

and blocking "the triumph of Iraqi and Syrian governments," and elevating

pressures in the district.

Saudi Arabia disjoined ties with Iran on Sunday after the assaults, started

by Saudi Arabia's execution of an unmistakable restriction Shiite minister

throughout the weekend.

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10:30 p.m.

Qatar has reviewed its envoy from Iran to challenge assaults on the Saudi

Embassy in Tehran and Consulate in Mashhad, roughness coming from

the Saudi execution of a resistance Shiite priest.

Page 4: Darren silverman | The latest news iran president says saudis fan religious strife

The official Qatar News Agency reported the move Wednesday in

a brief dispatch.Saudi Arabia disjoined political relations with Iran

over the assaults on its strategic missions and Iran's feedback of the

execution, which Riyadh said added up to interfering in its inward


Saudi associates have taken action accordingly, with Bahrain

cutting relations with Iran and the United Arab Emirates downsizing

ties. Saudi Arabia and Iran are long-lasting local adversaries which

back inverse sides in the wars in Syria and Yemen.

Qatar has had beset relations with Saudi Arabia previously, yet ties

have enhanced as of late, and both nations are driving sponsor of

the Syrian rebels battling to remove President Bashar Assad.

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6:40 p.m.

The state news office Petra says Jordan has summoned Iran's envoy

to pass on its judgment of the raging of two of Saudi Arabia's

discretionary missions in Iran.

The raging of the missions took after Saudi Arabia's execution a week

ago of a top Shiite priest who was additionally a resistance figure.A few

Saudi associates have taken after the kingdom's lead and downsized

or slice strategic binds to Iran.

Jordan is a recipient of vast totals of Saudi help. It has already

censured the raging of the missions and ventured up its challenge by

summoning the Iranian diplomat. Petra on Wednesday cited the

Jordanian Foreign Ministry as saying that the assaults on the

discretionary missions "constitute an outrageous infringement of

universal traditions."

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Page 7: Darren silverman | The latest news iran president says saudis fan religious strife

6 p.m.

Bahrain says it has separated an aggressor Shiite bunch supported by

Iran's Revolutionary Guard and the Lebanese Hezbollah.

Bahrain's Interior Ministry declared the captures Wednesday. It says

the gathering got $20,000 from Hassan Nasrallah, the pioneer of the

Lebanese Shiite aggressor bunch. The service says the gathering had

connections to those behind a 2015 besieging that executed two cops

and wanted to do different bombings.

The modest, Sunni-ruled island of Bahrain is overwhelmingly Shiite. It

has confronted low-level turmoil since 2011 Arab Spring-propelled

challenges by Shiites looking for more political rights. It additionally is

home to the U.S. Naval force's fifth Fleet. Bahrain took after the lead of

its nearby partner Saudi Arabia in separating binds to Iran and crossing

out flights this week in light of dissident assaults on Saudi discretionary

missions in Iran. The savagery was connected to the Saudi execution of

a resistance Shiite priest.

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5 p.m.

Iranian ambassadors have left Saudi Arabia and came back to

Tehran after the kingdom separated ties with the Islamic

Republic. The state-run Saudi Press Agency reported Wednesday

that staff at the Iranian Embassy in Riyadh and the Iranian Consulate

in Jiddah had left the nation. State media in Iran demonstrated still

photos it said were of the representatives landing in Tehran on a

Meraj Airlines plane.

Saudi Arabia slice political binds to Iran over the raging of two

strategic posts in the nation taking after the kingdom's execution of a

top Shiite minister who was likewise a restriction figure. A few Saudi

partners have taken after the kingdom's lead and downsized or slice

conciliatory binds to Iran.