Darfur Conflict

DARFUR CONFLICT Yang Jin Naomi Wakayama Lee Chae Won


Darfur Conflict. Yang Jin Naomi Wakayama Lee Chae Won. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BJOfpJ8qVE. Once upon a time…. “devil on horseback”. 100,000 refugees in Chad. GENOCIDE. AU(African Union), UN, Arab League, and EU didn’t agree to U.S. 185,000 Darfur people registered. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Darfur Conflict


Darfur ConflictYang JinNaomi WakayamaLee Chae Won


devil on horseback

100,000 refugees in ChadOnce upon a time185,000 Darfur people registeredAU(African Union), UN, Arab League, and EU didnt agree to U.S.GENOCIDE

FAILUNMIS = United Nations Mission in SudanDelayed by GoSNow 235,000 refugees in Chad2.4 million300,000 Darfuris died from conflictRejected by rebel groupsIDP increases to 2.7 million

8GoS expels 13 international humanitarian aid groups

ongoing violenceImportant incidents & FAilures2003200420062011Big eventsInternational communityInterveneNeglect2003 the start of the warSLASudan Liberation Army

JEMJustice and Equality Movement

Sudan Government

Darfur region


2003: International communityNGOs PREDICTED WARNED(Amnesty International, the International Crisis Group, Justice Africa)negligibleUN did not intervenedUN Security Council esp. China, Russia

+ Sudan governments strict media controlImportant incidents & FAilures2003200420062011Big eventsInternational communityInterveneNeglect2004: Interventions and negotiationRebel groups

Sudan Government


Humanitarian Ceasefire Agreement and a Protocol on the Establishment of Humanitarian Assistance in Darfur

Full access of humanitarian organizationsAUs monitoring committee AMIS(African Union Monitoring Mission in Sudan) Lack of support/equipment

UNSC resolution 1556, 1574Resolution1556-Report of the Secretary-General on the SudanUnder Chapter 7 of UN Charter6. Demands that the Government of Sudan fulfil its commitments to disarm the Janjaweed militias

7. Decides that all states shall take the necessary measures to prevent the sale or supply, to all non-governmental entities and individuals, including the Janjaweed, operating in the states of North Darfur, South Darfur and West Darfur

UNSC resolution 1556, 1574Resolution 1574-Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan7. Welcomes the preparatory work already carried out by the United Nations Advance Mission in Sudan (UNAMIS), and calls on the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement/Army to commit to full cooperation with UNAMIS,

11. Demands that Government and rebel forces and all other armed groups immediately cease all violence and attacks, including abduction, refrain from forcible relocation of civilians, cooperate with international humanitarian relief and monitoring efforts 2006: Darfur peace agreement (Abuja Agreement)SLA

Sudan Government


Objected by JEM

Power-sharingDisarmament of MilitiasWealth-sharing to promote economy of Darfur

Important incidents & FAilures2003200420062011Big eventsInternational communityInterveneNeglect2008 UNAMID 2011: Doha agreement (2011 Darfur peace agreement)Liberation andJustice Movement

Sudan Government

Compensation for victims of DarfurEstablishment of Darfur Regional AuthorityPower-sharing

Whats happening now?From December 2010 to September 2012, Doha peace forum, a new round of talk between the LJM and the Sudanese government was take place in Doha, Qatar.

UN, AU and EU joined the mediation during the forum.

Whats happening now? $300,000,000 of compensation for victimsTwo new states was announcedA new Darfur Regional Authority was establishedProvisions for a Darfuri Vice-President was announced


In 2013

EvaluationJust cause 5/5

Right intention 2/5 | 4/5

Final resort 4/5

Legitimate authority 5/5

Proportional means 1/5 | 3/5

Reasonable prospect 4/5referenceDarfurdreamteam.org http://darfurdreamteam.org/the-crisis/timelineWikipedia, War in Darfur http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_in_DarfurSudan Peace Watch http://www.enoughproject.org/publications/sudan-peace-watch-december-21-2010Radiobanana.org https://www.radiodabanga.org/node/7950Monstersandcritics.com http://news.monstersandcritics.com/africa/news/article_1609145.php/Alliance-of-rebel-factions-agrees-to-Darfur-peace-dealDr. Marc Gustafson, The 'genocide' in Darfur isn't what it seems, http://www.csmonitor.com/layout/set/r14/Commentary/Opinion/2009/0819/p09s02-coop.html

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