Daniel 2:42-43 Review of Daniel 2:31-41 - Wenstrom · 2012 William E. Wenstrom, Jr. Bible...

2012 William E. Wenstrom, Jr. Bible Ministries 1 Daniel 2:42-43 Daniel 2:42-The Final Stage Of The Fourth Kingdom Will Be Strong Yet Part Of It Will Be Fragile As The Toes And Feet Were A Mixture Of Iron And Clay Review of Daniel 2:31-41 Daniel’s description of the content of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream appears in Daniel 2:31-35. In verse 31, Daniel tells the king that he was in a trance like state staring at a single immense statue, one of impressive size, extraordinarily bright facing toward him and directly in front of him and was intimidating to the king. Daniel 2:31 “You O King were in a trance like state staring as behold a single immense statue, one of impressive size as well as extraordinary brightness, was standing directly in front of you. Indeed, its appearance was intimidating.” (Author’s translation) In this verse, we read that Daniel tells the king that he received a vision of a single immense statue meaning that the size of this statue was exceeding of all ordinary bounds in size or amount or degree with the implication of abnormality or monstrousness. This indicates that the statue was larger than any statue he had ever been seen on the face of the earth. The statue was not normal in the sense that nothing on earth could be compared to, which indicates it was intimidating and amazing from the king’s perspective. The statue made a great impression on the king as evidenced by his desire to understand the statue’s meaning. The object’s brightness went beyond what is usual for a statue or for this world. The brightness of the image was exceptional or unusual, which fits with the fact that the image of the statue originated from God. The brightness of the statue deviated from the norm in the sense that nothing on earth could be compared to the brightness of the statue, which Nebuchadnezzar saw. Daniel says that this enormous, extraordinarily bright statue was facing toward him and directly in front of him, which means that it towered over him. Thus, Daniel says that the object was intimidating to Nebuchadnezzar. This is significant since Nebuchadnezzar was the most powerful and intimidating man in the world in the sixth century B.C. when Daniel penned the book that bears his name. Therefore, this verb denotes that the appearance of this statue as it towered directly over him “was intimidating” to him. Daniel 2:32 “As for this statue, its head was composed of fine gold, its chest and arms were composed of silver, its belly and thighs were composed of bronze. 33 Its lower legs were composed of iron, its feet, part of them were

Transcript of Daniel 2:42-43 Review of Daniel 2:31-41 - Wenstrom · 2012 William E. Wenstrom, Jr. Bible...

Page 1: Daniel 2:42-43 Review of Daniel 2:31-41 - Wenstrom · 2012 William E. Wenstrom, Jr. Bible Ministries 1 Daniel 2:42-43 Daniel 2:42-The Final Stage Of The Fourth Kingdom W ill Be Strong

2012 William E. Wenstrom, Jr. Bible Ministries


Daniel 2:42-43

Daniel 2:42-The Final Stage Of The Fourth Kingdom Will Be Strong Yet Part Of It Will Be Fragile As The Toes And Feet Were A Mixture Of Iron And Clay Review of Daniel 2:31-41

Daniel’s description of the content of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream appears in Daniel 2:31-35. In verse 31, Daniel tells the king that he was in a trance like state staring at a single immense statue, one of impressive size, extraordinarily bright facing toward him and directly in front of him and was intimidating to the king. Daniel 2:31 “You O King were in a trance like state staring as behold a single immense statue, one of impressive size as well as extraordinary brightness, was standing directly in front of you. Indeed, its appearance was intimidating.” (Author’s translation)

In this verse, we read that Daniel tells the king that he received a vision of a single immense statue meaning that the size of this statue was exceeding of all ordinary bounds in size or amount or degree with the implication of abnormality or monstrousness. This indicates that the statue was larger than any statue he had ever been seen on the face of the earth. The statue was not normal in the sense that nothing on earth could be compared to, which indicates it was intimidating and amazing from the king’s perspective. The statue made a great impression on the king as evidenced by his desire to understand the statue’s meaning. The object’s brightness went beyond what is usual for a statue or for this world. The brightness of the image was exceptional or unusual, which fits with the fact that the image of the statue originated from God. The brightness of the statue deviated from the norm in the sense that nothing on earth could be compared to the brightness of the statue, which Nebuchadnezzar saw.

Daniel says that this enormous, extraordinarily bright statue was facing toward him and directly in front of him, which means that it towered over him. Thus, Daniel says that the object was intimidating to Nebuchadnezzar. This is significant since Nebuchadnezzar was the most powerful and intimidating man in the world in the sixth century B.C. when Daniel penned the book that bears his name. Therefore, this verb denotes that the appearance of this statue as it towered directly over him “was intimidating” to him. Daniel 2:32 “As for this statue, its head was composed of fine gold, its chest and arms were composed of silver, its belly and thighs were composed of bronze. 33 Its lower legs were composed of iron, its feet, part of them were

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2012 William E. Wenstrom, Jr. Bible Ministries


composed of iron and in addition part of them were composed of clay.” (Author’s translation)

The statue is composed of five different substances: (1) gold (2) silver (3) bronze (4) iron (5) clay. The head is the most valuable substance followed by the chest and arms, then stomach and thighs which is followed by the lower legs and then lastly the feet and toes. So the substances which compose each part of the body were telling Nebuchadnezzar something as well as to Daniel and the reader. Namely, the substances descend in value as you go from the head to the feet. The diminishing value of the metals in the statue from gold to silver to bronze to iron represents a decrease in the character of authority in rulership. Consequently, the substances from head to foot go from being soft to harder and then very soft. This is significant since it indicates that the character of authority in rulership of the first kingdom was superior to the second, third and fourth kingdoms, the second superior to the third and fourth kingdoms, the third superior to the fourth. The first was the only self-contained unit, the second and third contained one unit and two parts, the third two parts and the fourth contained two parts and ten segments. However, although the value of the metals decreases in value, the strength of these metals increase. This indicates that Rome was more powerful than Alexander’s Greece, Media-Persia and Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon. Alexander’s Greece was more powerful than Media-Persia and Babylon. Media-Persia was more powerful than Babylon.

Fruchtenbaum writes “Two things should be noted concerning these metals: first, they increase in strength; but second, they decrease in value. The fulfillment will be in the decrease of the character of authority in rulership: Babylon was an absolute monarchy with the monarch above the law; with Medo-Persia the monarch was not above the law and he did not have the authority to change his own decrees (cp Da 6:8, 11, 12, 15); the Hellenic kings had no dynastic or royal right to rule, and ruled by force of conquest and personal gifts; and Roman imperialism was a republic which degenerated into mob rule merging with the imperial form of government. Yet there will be an increase in strength of one empire over the other.” (Fruchtenbaum, A. G. The Footsteps of the Messiah: A Study of the Sequence of Prophetic Events. 2003. Tustin, CA: Ariel Ministries)

The fact that the statue was in human form would appeal to Nebuchadnezzar’s frame of reference since he built statues to Marduk, which occupied an important place in the city of Babylon. Also, figures composed of composite metals were well known in the Mesopotamia region. Statues that were representations of men were built in the region which was similar to the vision in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. In fact, as Baldwin points, Hesiod wrote of a statue composed of a series of metals. He wrote of an image which spoke of five ages, namely Iron, Bronze, Silver, Golden Ages and Heroes. However, Hesiod’s image of these ages was

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different than the image shown to Nebuchadnezzar since the former looked back at human history whereas as the latter speaks of the future. (Baldwin, Joyce G., Daniel: An Introduction and Commentary; page 97; Inter-Varsity Press; Leicester, England; Downers Grove, Illinois, USA; 1978; cited J.A. Montgomery; International Critical Commentary: The Book of Daniel; pages 185-192; 1927)

Daniel 2:34 records Daniel telling Nebuchadnezzar that in his dream he saw a rock but out from a mountain but not by human hands, which stuck the iron and clay feet of the statue with the result that the rock crushed the feet. Daniel 2:34 “You were in a trance like state staring as a rock cut out but not by human hands struck the statue on its iron and clay feet so that it crushed them.” (Author’s translation)

Daniel 2:35 brings to an end Daniel telling Nebuchadnezzar the content of his recurring dream, which thus fulfilled the demand which the king made of his occult priests, necromancers, witches and astrologers.

Daniel 2:35 Then when the iron, clay, bronze, silver and gold were crushed as one, they became like chaff from the summer threshing floors so that the wind blew them away. Consequently, absolutely no trace of them was found. However, the rock which struck this statue became a great mountain so that it filled the entire earth.” (Author’s translation)

Daniel 2:36 records Daniel telling the king that he has completed telling him the content of the dream which is recorded in Daniel 2:31-35 and now he will begin to present its interpretation, which appears in Daniel 2:36-45. Daniel 2:36 “This was the content of the dream. Now, we will communicate its interpretation in the presence of the king.” (Author’s translation)

Daniel 2:36 contains two statements, which are employed by Daniel to communicate to Nebuchadnezzar that he has completed telling the king the content of his dream and will now, with his statements to follow, tell him the dream’s interpretation. By telling Nebuchadnezzar the content of his recurring dream, Daniel fulfilled the demand which the king made of his occult priests, necromancers, witches and astrologers. Daniel 2:37 “You O king are the king ruling over kings who the God ruling the heavens has given sovereignty, military might, governmental authority as well as honor for your benefit.” (Author’s translat ion) Daniel 2:37 marks the beginning of Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. In Daniel 2:31-35, Daniel told the king the content of his dream which fulfilled the demand that his occult priests, necromancers, witches and astrologers could not fulfill. In Daniel 2:36, he told the king he had completed telling him the content of his dream and now would proceed to the dream’s interpretation.

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2012 William E. Wenstrom, Jr. Bible Ministries


In Daniel 2:37, Daniel begins to identify the head of gold as being Nebuchadnezzar. First of all, he describes him in this verse as the “king ruling over kings.” This description is followed by the relative pronoun clause “who the God ruling the heavens has given sovereignty, military might, governmental authority as well as honor for your benefit” which serves to explain how the previous statement “You O king are the king ruling over kings” came to be.

The statement “You O king are the king ruling over kings” denotes that the Nebuchadnezzar was superior to and in authority over the kings of the earth. It indicates that he is sovereign over the kings of the earth as a result of the Father’s decree. It indicates that the kings of the earth in Nebuchadnezzar’s day in the sixth century B.C. were under his dominion or subordinate to him because the Father decreed for this to take place. This does not imply that he actually ruled every inch of the globe but rather that God had granted him dominion in whatever direction his ambition led him, which history tells us included Egypt, Nineveh, Arabia, Syria, Tyre, and its Phoenician colonies (Jeremiah 27:5–8).

The phrase “the God ruling the heavens” taught Nebuchadnezzar that the inhabitants of the first, second and third heavens are under the Father’s dominion or subordinate to Him. This is reminder Nebuchadnezzar that he is under the authority of Daniel’s God.

The phrase “has given for your benefit” taught the king that God gave him sovereignty over the nations he conquered. It taught him that the Father had bestowed upon him and his nation military power and governmental authority as well as honor.

“Sovereignty” denotes the sphere of Nebuchadnezzar’s authority or control. It is used to designate the territorial sphere of Nebuchadnezzar, i.e. his kingdom. It refers to his political boundaries, which were determined by the extent to which he exercised his authority. Nebuchadnezzar’s kingdom consisted of the nations, cities, villages and farmland he controlled. The Holy Spirit through the prophet Jeremiah warned the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, Tyre and Sidon that the Father had given Nebuchadnezzar sovereignty over the entire earth (Jeremiah 27:6-7, 14). “Military power ” denotes that Nebuchadnezzar’s military power enabled him or gave him the ability to impose his will on other kings and nations. “Governmental authority” refers to the power and ability or capacity of Nebuchadnezzar to exercise his governmental authority or power over other nations.

“Honor” refers to the honor in the sense of public recognition that Nebuchadnezzar received from men as a result of his power over them which was given to him by the Father. Here it denotes the respect paid to Nebuchadnezzar by those individuals under his authority in the sense that they esteemed him because

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of his ability to impose his will on them because of his great military and governmental power. Daniel 2:38 “Therefore, wherever members of the human race, wild animals of the field or birds of the sky live, He has given them into your power. Consequently, He has caused you to rule over each and every one of them. You are the head of gold.” (Author’s translation)

Daniel 2:38 contains three statements. The first two are result clauses. The last is a declarative and prophetic statement. The first result clause emphasizes that there is no inhabitant on the face of the earth whether a human being or animal that has not been given into the power of Nebuchadnezzar by God. It emphasizes the extent of Nebuchadnezzar’s dominion over the earth in that God has even subjugated the wild animals to the king. This does not imply that he actually ruled every inch of the globe but rather that God had granted him dominion in whatever direction his ambition led him, which history tells us included Egypt, Nineveh, Arabia, Syria, Tyre, and its Phoenician colonies (Jeremiah 27:5–8).

The second result clause denotes that God had delegated authority to Nebuchadnezzar so that he exercised authority over members of the human race, the wild animals of the field and the birds of the heavens. He delegated authority to Nebuchadnezzar to govern the affairs of mankind.

The third statement emphasizes with Nebuchadnezzar that the golden head of the statue in his dream represented his Babylonian kingdom. The Holy Spirit through Daniel wants not only Nebuchadnezzar to dwell or meditate upon this statement but also the reader to do so as well in order to acknowledge that God is sovereign over the nations of the earth. Since the metals of the statue decrease in value but increase in strength, the gold head of the statue indicates that the character of the authority in rulership of this empire was superior to the second, third and fourth kingdoms. However, its power or strength was inferior to Media-Persia, Alexander’s Greece and Rome. This identification that Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon was represented by the head of gold indicates that the other bodies parts of the statue, which were composed of silver, bronze, iron and clay represent future world empires as well.

Daniel 2:38 teaches that God delegates authority to certain men to govern the affairs of certain members of the human race. These men are servants of God according to Romans 13:1-7. Daniel 2:39 “Following after you will arise another kingdom inferior than you. Then another third kingdom of bronze, which will rule over the entire earth.” (Author’s translation) Daniel 2:39 contains two statements. The first records Daniel telling Nebuchadnezzar that after his kingdom there will arise another kingdom which will be inferior to his kingdom. Since Daniel told the king at the end of Daniel 2:38

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that he was the head of gold of the statue in his dream, this second kingdom is represented by the silver chest and arms of the statue. History records that this part of the statue represented the Medo-Persian Empire. It was inferior since it lacked the inner unity of Babylon because the Medes and the Persians, though united, never fused into one people.

Since the metals of the statue decrease in value but increase in strength, the silver chest and arms of the statue indicate that the character of authority in rulership of the Media-Persian Empire was superior to the third and fourth kingdoms, which history records were Greece and Rome respectively and inferior to only Babylon. However, its power or strength was superior to Babylon but inferior to Greece and Rome. The Medo-Persian empire was founded by Cyrus, who started out as the king of Anshan in Persia. He fused the Iranian tribes into a great military machine. He married the daughter of the king of Media and added Media to his empire. Then, the Medo-Persian army conquered the Babylonians in 539 B.C. Under Cryus, they defeated the Babylonian army outside the city of Babylon. According to Babylonian and Persian records, the people of Babylon threw open the gates of the city, welcoming the Persian army as deliverers from the despotic reigns of Nabonidus and Belshazzar. They gave Cyrus a triumphal entry complete with palm branches. The Persian kings were good-natured but weak. Most imitated the corruption of Babylon.

In Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the arms of silver represented two distinct nations, namely, Media and Persia that together defeated Babylon. Although the Medo-Persia Empire lasted over 200 years (539-330 B.C.) longer than the Neo-Babylonian Empire of 87 years (626-539), the Medo-Persian Empire was inferior to it, as silver is compared with gold. History confirms that the Medo-Persian Empire, and the empire of Alexander which followed, lacked the central authority and fine organization which characterized the Babylonian Empire, thus the Babylonian Empire was greater.

In the second statement that appears in Daniel 2:39, Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar that after the second empire, there will be a third kingdom of bronze, which will rule the earth. This description makes clear that the second empire is represented by the silver chest and arms of the statue and that the third empire is represented by the bronze belly and thighs of the statue.

History records that the bronze belly and thighs of the statue represent Alexander the Great’s Greek Empire. Alexander the Great began to rule in 336 B.C. He defeated the Persians and conquered many nations while at the same time spreading Greek culture and language throughout these territories. He attempted to follow the Babylonian example, but this led to gross immorality and early death in 323 B.C. at the age of thirty-three.

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In Daniel 8:5-8, Alexander the Great’s empire is described under the figure of the shaggy goat with a big horn. This horn was followed by four horns according to this passage which represented Alexander’s four generals who divided his empire after he died. Alexander’s four general were Antipater who took control of Macedon-Greece, Lysimachus who possessed Thrace-Asia Minor, Seleucus was in Asia and Ptolemy ruled in Egypt, Cyrenaica and Palestine.

The eastern sections of the Seleucid realm revolted from the central authority in Antioch. However, it was gradually absorbed by the Parthians as far as Mesopotamia. The remainder of the Greek Empire was annexed by Rome after Antiochus the Great was defeated at Magnesia in 190 B.C. Macedon was annexed by Rome in 168 and Greece was permanently subjugated in 146. The Seleucid realms were annexed by Pompey the Great in 63 B.C. Egypt became a Roman province after the Battle of Actium in 31 B.C. Therefore, the Greek empire represented by the silver belly and thighs in the statue of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream lasted between 250 and 300 years before the Roman Empire defeated it.

Since the metals of the statue decrease in value but increase in strength, the bronze belly and thighs of the statue indicate that the character of authority in rulership of the Alexander’s Greece was inferior to Media-Persia and Babylon and yet superior to Rome, which is the fourth kingdom. However, its power or strength was superior to Media-Persia and Babylon and inferior only to Rome.

There has been some controversy among interpreters regarding this third empire. Some have argued that Greece is the fourth empire, and they treat the Medes as a separate kingdom. This interpretation is partly due to denying the possibility of prophesy. It is also the result of assuming that Daniel was written about 164 B.C. when the Roman Empire had not come to the forefront yet. However, Media and Persia are usually regarded as one empire. The Median kingdom had been mostly absorbed by the Persians by the time Cyrus II conquered Babylon in 539 B.C. Most conservative scholars identify them as Media-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Daniel 2:40 “Next, there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron because iron crushes as well as shatters everything to pieces. Therefore, like iron which breaks into pieces each and every one of these, it will crush as well as break in pieces.” (Author’s translation) Daniel 2:40 records Daniel continuing to interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, which contained a vision of an immense statue in the form of a man. The declarative statement “there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron” expresses the fact that after the third kingdom, which history records as Alexander the Great’s Greek Empire, there will be yet another great Gentile power, which history records is the Roman Empire. This declarative statement makes a comparison between the strength of iron and this fourth kingdom. This fourth kingdom is

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compared to iron because it would crush and shatter other kingdoms just as iron shatters and crushes all things. This comparison indicates that this fourth kingdom will be more powerful and destructive than the previous three empires which were represented on the statue by the gold head, the silver chest and arms and bronze belly and thighs, which history records as Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece respectively.

The result clause that follows this declarative statement presents the result of this fourth kingdom being strong as iron, which is that it will crush as well as break in pieces every kingdom it confronts in war just like iron breaks into pieces gold, silver and bronze.

The Roman Empire broke into pieces and shattered to pieces more kingdoms and brought them into greater subjection than Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece. Some modern interpreters have attempted to identify these four kingdoms as Babylon, followed by Media and then Persia and lastly Greece. They do this in order to fit the Book into their view that Daniel was written during the persecution of the Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes in 175-165 B.C. However, in Daniel 8:20, Daniel identifies Media and Persia as a single empire represented by a single animal, which is the ram. This confirms the interpretation that Medo-Persia was the second empire. Furthermore history does not demonstrate that Median Empire was followed by a Persian Empire.

In 65 B.C., the Roman general Pompey conquered Syria and by 30 B.C. Augustus had conquered Egypt and had taken over Jerusalem establishing himself as the first Roman emperor. The Roman Empire deserved its representation as the “iron empire” since it subdued and destroyed the remnants of the preceding empires as well as many other nations.

Interestingly, however, the Roman Empire and civilization incorporated much of the Greek culture, even identifying their gods with those of the Greeks. Also Persian and Babylonian cults and customs spread throughout the Roman Empire. The Greek language became the language of trade, commerce and government communication in the eastern half of the Roman Empire and even in the city of Rome itself. The fact that the iron lower legs belong to the statue indicates that Rome represented by the iron lower legs would incorporate the language, customs, culture and gods of Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece. Thus, in a sense these three previous kingdoms in a sense were not completely destroyed. However, Christ’s Second Advent will destroy any remembrance of these former kingdoms as depicted in the rock cut out of a mountain without human hands striking the image on the feet and destroying the entire image.

Since the metals of the statue in the vision of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream decrease in value but increase in strength, the iron lower legs of the statue indicate that the character of the authority in rulership of the Roman Empire was inferior to

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Alexander’s Greece, Media-Persia and Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon. However, its military power or strength was superior to these three.

The two legs of iron are an accurate portrayal of the Roman Empire since it ruled extensive areas of both the western and eastern divisions of the world and eventually was divided in A.D. 364 into two political divisions, the Western portion had Rome as its capital and the East had Constantinople as its capital. The Roman Empire was characterized by its strength, as iron is stronger than bronze (Greece), silver (Medo-Persia) and gold (Babylon) and was thus stronger than all the empires that preceded it. Daniel 2:41 “Then, as you saw, the feet as well as the toes, part of them were composed of potter’s clay likewise part of them were composed of iron, so it will be characterized as a divided kingdom. However, it will possess some of iron’s strength in it because as you saw, the iron was mixed with wet clay.” (Author’s translation) In Daniel 2:41, we continue to read Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar vision which he received in a recurring dream. In this verse, Daniel moves to the feet and toes of the statue, which the king saw in a vision. In Daniel 2:33, he tells the king that the feet of the statue in the vision were composed of a mixture of iron and clay. Now, here in Daniel 2:41, he not only says the same thing to the king but also adds that the toes of the feet were composed of the same mixture of iron and clay. In verse 41, he gives us more information also about the clay in that he says that it was potter’s clay and that it was wet and thus soft.

Daniel 2:41 is composed a declarative statement and an adversative statement. In the former, Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar that as the feet and the toes were composed of potter’s clays and iron so there will be a stage in the future in which the fourth kingdom will be characterized as being divided. This implies that the material which composed the feet and toes of the image in the vision of the king’s dream is not all one material but is composed of a mixture iron and pottery, which do not bind themselves to one another very well. This is further indicated by what Daniel says in Daniel 2:42 in which he tells the king of Babylon that this stage of the fourth kingdom will be strong like iron and brittle or fragile like potter’s clay.

The iron denotes the strength of this stage of the fourth kingdom and the clay denotes its fragility. The mixing of iron with clay represents the attempt to join the two distinct and separate materials into one combined whole as in vain. This weakness extends to both feet of the image; and, correspondingly, the division. That the kingdom was divided is not only reflected in the division of the two legs and feet but also in the further subdivisions of the feet into toes. At this point, the weakness of the iron and clay mixture becomes more evident. This is indicated by Daniel 2:42 where the toes expressly are said to be part of iron and part of clay

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which Daniel interprets as indicating that the kingdom is partly strong, because of the presence of iron, and partly fragile, because of how brittle pottery is.

As we noted, the four preceding kingdoms, represented by the gold, silver, brass and iron represent the material of these kingdoms, or in other words, their peoples and their culture. Correspondingly this stage of the fourth kingdom composed of a mixture of iron and clay represents the material of the kingdoms arising out of the division of this kingdom. In other words, it represents the national elements out of which they are constituted, and which will and must adhere together in them.

The divided stage of the fourth kingdom will include diverse elements such as race, politics and other interests, which will prevent this stage of the fourth kingdom from achieving true unity. This is indicated by Daniel 11:36-45, which records that the world empire led by Antichrist during Daniel’s Seventieth Week will break up as a result of a world-wide civil war. Armies from the south, east, and north will seek to confront Antichrist and challenge his rulership.

The adversative clause in Daniel 2:41 which follows the declarative statement presents a contrast between the weakness of this yet future stage of the fourth kingdom depicted by the iron and clay feet and the strength and power of this kingdom which is portrayed by the iron. This adversative clause teaches that there will be a stage of the fourth kingdom, which will possess some of the strength of iron in it. The iron describes this yet future empire as possessing some of the character of authority in rulership of the Roman Empire, depicted by the lower legs on the statue. Also, the iron describes this yet future stage of the fourth kingdom as possessing some of the power or strength of the fourth kingdom, which history records as being the Roman Empire.

In Daniel 2:41, the causal clause which completes this adversative clause presents the reason why the yet future stage of the fourth kingdom will possess some of iron’s strength in it. It indicates that there will be a yet future stage of the fourth kingdom, i.e. Rome which will possess some of iron’s strength because as Nebuchadnezzar saw in the vision in his dream, the feet and toes of the statue were composed of a mixture of iron and clay.

The feet of the statue represent an empire, which has not yet appeared on the pages of history. The Scriptures indicate that it will be an empire, which is connected to the Roman Empire but inferior in character of authority in rulership as well as power or strength. In fact, the Scriptures teach that it will be a Revived Form of the Roman Empire, which will be composed of a ten-nation confederacy which can be described as a United States of Europe. This is all indicated by several factors.

First of all, the feet of the image Nebuchadnezzar saw were composed of a mixture of iron and clay. The iron in the feet indicates that the empire represented

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by the feet is related to the lower legs of the statue, which we noted were composed of iron, which represented the Roman Empire. Also, Daniel does not say that the feet represent a fifth empire, which further indicates that the feet represent an empire which is connected to the Roman Empire.

The ten horns mentioned in Daniel 7:24 were ten kingdoms, out of which one horn will arise who will destroy three of the other kingdoms and lead the other seven and persecute believers in Jesus Christ. Daniel 7:26 says that this one horn called the “little horn” will be destroyed by God. Daniel 2:44-45 teaches that this ten nation confederation depicted as ten toes of the feet of the statue will be destroyed by the Second Advent of Christ, which is depicted as a stone cut of the mountain without hands.

Daniel 9:26 indicates that this little horn will be a Roman dictator as indicated by the phrase “the people of the prince who is to come.” “The people” were the Romans who destroyed the temple forty years after the death of Christ. “The prince” refers to the little horn, i.e. the Antichrist indicating that the Antichrist will be a Roman. This verse teaches that he will come to power after 483 prophetic years, which ended with the death of Christ on the cross.

Daniel 9:27 says that he will make a seven-year treaty with the leaders of Israel, which will begin the final seven prophetic years called the seventieth week and during the middle of this seventieth week after three and a half years, he will break the treaty and stop the sacrifices in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem and declare himself God. Nothing in history corresponds to the events described during this seventieth week. The Second Advent of Christ has yet to take place.

Therefore, a comparison of Daniel 2:44-45 with Daniel 7:24 and 26 as well as Daniel 9:26-27 and Revelation 13 indicates that in the future, the little horn, i.e. the Antichrist will be the head of a ten-nation confederacy since he will be a Roman ruling over other nations which are close in proximity to him. Just as toes on a person’s feet are right beside each other so this ten-nation confederacy will be geographically beside each other.

Some commentators have attempted to find a ten-toe state of the statue in the fifth and sixth centuries A.D. However, the facts of history do not fulfill the ten toes of the statue.

The fact that the feet of this statue are composed of a mixture of iron and clay indicates that the character of the authority in rulership of this yet future Revived Form of the Roman Empire is inferior to Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon, Media-Persia, Alexander’s Greek Empire and Rome since the metals of the statue decrease in value. As we noted the metals of the statue decrease in value. The iron and clay of this statue is the least valuable of all the metals that compose the statue. We also noted that the metals of this statue increase in power or strength. This indicates that the power or strength of the fourth kingdom is greater than the first

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three, and the third greater than the first two but inferior to the fourth, the second greater than the first but inferior to the third and fourth and the first inferior to the second, third and fourth kingdoms. However, the feet of the image are composed of iron and clay with the former of course very hard and the latter was soft and would be very fragile. This would indicate that the power of this yet future Revived Form of the Roman Empire under Antichrist will possess some of the strength and power of the Roman Empire but will be very fragile. Therefore, the strong yet fragile composition of the feet of the statue indicates that the power and strength of the Revived Form of the Roman Empire is inferior to Rome. The Roman Empire was characterized by division (Western and Eastern) and deterioration since it could never unite the people they conquered to form a united empire and so in that sense the people were a “mixture” and were not united. Just as iron is strong, so the final stage of the Roman Empire will be strong militarily and just as clay is characterized by brittleness, so the final stage of the Roman Empire will be characterized by division. Different groups of people will unite to form the final stage of the Roman Empire but they will not adhere completely to one another just as iron and clay cannot adhere completely with each other. Therefore, the final stage of the Roman Empire will consist of a federation of several divisions, which will unite for the sake of military strength but they will not integrate to the extent of losing their ethnic and cultural identities. The ten toes of the image indicated that the final stage of the Roman Empire will consist of a ten-division federation. Daniel 7:23-24 signifies that eventually the Roman Empire will consist of a federation of ten divisions with ten equal rulers (See Revelation 17:12). Since the Roman Empire has never in its history consisted of a ten-division federation with ten equal rulers, we can conclude that this stage of the Empire’s existence will take place in the future during the Tribulation period. Also, Daniel 2:45 records that “in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom,” i.e. the millennial reign of Jesus Christ, which has never taken place in history but is yet future. Therefore, sometime in the future, after the rapture of the church, a revived form of the Roman Empire will be established. The Romans were the last to unite the known world of that day into one great empire, though many have tried since. Charlemagne, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm, Hitler and Mussolini dreamd of it who said he would make the Mediterranean Sea a Roma lake. All failed. Others have attempted to unite the world, such as the World Court and the League of Nations and the United Nations are trying at this very hour to do so. When Antichrist arrives on the scene he will succeed where others failed but in the end this uniting of the world will end in disaster and world war. His kingdom will be a very weak coalition of nations or confederation of nations each delegating

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power to him. Even though his military power will be awesome, his kingdom will be very weak internally. His military power will give the appearance of inner unity but such will not be the case among these selfish, godless nations who will be deceived by Satan through Antichrist. Protasis of Comparative Clause

Daniel 2:42 “As the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will be brittle.” (NASB95) “As the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery ” is composed of the conjunction wa ( ו) (waw), which is not translated but followed by the feminine plural construct form of the noun ʾěṣ·bǎʿ (אצבע) (ets-bah), “the toes” and the feminine plural form of the noun re

ḡǎl (רגל) (reg-al ), “the feet” and then we have the preposition min ( ןמ ) (min), “partly ” which is followed by the third person feminine plural pronominal suffix -henā(h) (־הנה) (hane-naw), which is not translated and is followed by the masculine singular noun pǎr·zěl (פרזל) (par-zel ), “ iron ” and then we have the conjunction wa ( ו) (waw), “and,” which is followed by the preposition min (מן) (min), “partly ” and then we have the third person feminine plural pronominal suffix -henā(h) (־הנה) (hane-naw), which is not translated and then we have the masculine singular noun ḥǎsǎp (חסף) (khas-af), “clay.” wa

The conjunction wa is used in a comparative sense meaning that it is introducing the protasis of a comparative clause which states that the toes of the feet of the statue that appeared to Nebuchadnezzar in a vision in a dream were composed of a mixture of iron and clay. This statement is compared to the statement in the apodasis which says that the latter stages of the fourth kingdom will be partly strong and partly fragile. Therefore, with this word, Daniel is telling Nebuchadnezzar that “just as” the toes of the feet were composed of a mixture of iron and clay, so it (the kingdom represented by the feet and toes) will be partly strong and partly fragile. Therefore, we will translate the word “as.” ʾěṣ·bǎʿ

The noun ʾěṣ·bǎʿ means “toes” which is a digit of the human foot. Like the feet but unlike the head, chest, arms, belly, thighs and lower legs of the statue, the toes of the statue do not represent any past empire in human history. The ten toes refer

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to the ten nation confederacy which will compose the yet future Revived Form of the Roman Empire, which will be led by the Antichrist during the Seventieth Week of Daniel. The fact that this is a yet future empire is indicated by the fact that Daniel 2:34 says that a rock cut of a mountain but not by human hands struck the feet of the statue and destroyed it. This rock represents the Second Advent of Christ, which has not yet taken place in human history.

This noun is in the construct form which means that it governs the noun reḡǎl

“ feet.” This expresses a genitive relation indicating that these toes “belong to” the feet of the statue in the king’s dream. reḡǎl

The noun re

ḡǎl means “feet” and indicates that the statue that appeared to Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream was human in form. Unlike the head, chest, arms, belly, thighs and lower legs of the statue, the feet of the statue do not represent any past empire in human history. The feet refer to the yet Revived Form of the Roman Empire, which will be led by the Antichrist during the Seventieth Week of Daniel. The fact that this is a yet future empire is indicated by the fact that Daniel 2:34 says that a rock cut out of a mountain but not by human hands struck the feet of the statue and destroyed it. This rock represents the Second Advent of Christ, which has not yet taken place in human history. Ellipsis Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, Daniel employs the figure of ellipsis meaning that he is deliberately omitting the third person masculine singular peʿal (Hebrew: qal) active imperfect form of the verb ʾ

ǎḇǎḏ (אבד) (ab-ad ), which means

“to be composed of, made of.” However it is implied and means “was composed of” indicating that the part of the toes of the feet of this statue “were composed” of iron. The peʿal (Hebrew: qal) stem of the verb is stative meaning that part of the toes of the feet of the statue “existed in the state of being” composed of iron. The imperfect form of the verb is stative expressing the same thing. We will translate ʾǎḇǎḏ, “were composed.”


The third person feminine singular pronominal suffix -henā(h) means “them” referring to the toes of the feet of the statue and it is the object of preposition min, which means “part” since it functions as a marker of the relation of a part to the

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whole indicating that part of the toes of the feet of the statue were composed of iron. pǎr·zěl

The noun pǎr·zěl means “iron” and is used with the noun ḥǎsǎp, “clay” to

describe the yet future Revived Form of the Roman Empire under Antichrist, which is represented by the feet and toes of the statue. The iron describes this yet future empire as possessing some of the character of authority in rulership of the Roman Empire, depicted by the lower legs on the statue. Also, the iron describes this yet future state of the fourth kingdom, i.e. the Roman Empire, as possessing some of the power or strength of the Roman Empire. wa This time the conjunction wa is adjunctive meaning that it is introducing another substance or material which the toes of the feet of the statue were composed of which is “in addition to” the iron already mentioned. We will translate the word “as well as.” -henā(h)

The third person feminine singular pronominal suffix -henā(h) means “them” referring to the toes of the feet of the statue and it is the object of preposition min, which means “part” since it functions as a marker of the relation of a part to the whole indicating that part of the toes of the feet of the statue were composed of clay. Therefore, we will translate this prepositional phrase with adverb “partly .” ḥǎsǎp

The noun ḥǎsǎp means “clay” and is used to describe the yet future stage of the

fourth kingdom, which the Scriptures reveal will be a Revived Form of the Roman Empire. The clay feet and toes describe the fragility of this yet future Revived Form of the Roman Empire. Apodasis of Comparative Clause

Daniel 2:42 “As the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will be brittle.” (NASB95)

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“So some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will be brittle ” is composed of the preposition min (מן) (min), “some” and then we have the feminine singular construct form of the noun qe

ṣāṯ (קצת) (kets-awth), which is not translated and followed by the feminine singular form of the noun mǎl·ḵûṯ (מלכות) (mal-kooth), “the kingdom” and then we have the third person feminine singular peʿal (Hebrew: qal) active imperfect form of the verb ḥ

ǎwā(h) (חוה) (khav-aw), “it will have” which is followed by the masculine singular form of the adjective tǎq·qîp ”and“ ,(waw) (ו ) strong” and then we have the conjunction wa“ ,(tak-keef) (תקיף)which is followed by the preposition min (מן) (min), “part ” and its object is the third person feminine singular pronominal suffix hî(ʾ which is not ,(hee) (היא) (translated and followed by the third person feminine singular peʿal (Hebrew: qal) active imperfect form of the verb ḥǎwā(h) (חוה) (khav-aw), “it will be ” and then we have the feminine singular peʿil (Hebrew: qal passive) passive participle form of the verb teḇǎr (תבר) (teb-ar ), “brittle .” qeṣāṯ

The noun qe

ṣāṯ means “end” and in Daniel 2:42, it means “the final stage” since it is describing the final stage of the fourth kingdom which is represented by the toes and feet of the statue, which were composed of iron and clay. The word has a similar meaning in Daniel 4:34 where it is used to denote the “end” of a period of time. Some of the English translations don’t even translate this word such as the ESV while others render the word “some” such as NASB95 or “part” as in the GNB and LEB. Only the NET Bible translates it and does so accurately by rendering the word “the latter stages.”

The noun qeṣāṯ is the object of the preposition min, which is a marker of a block

of time or a time when something occurs. Here it denotes that “during” the final stage of the fourth kingdom, it will be partly strong and partly fragile.

This noun is in the construct form which means that it governs the noun mǎl·ḵûṯ, “kingdom.” This expresses a genitive relation indicating that this final stage “belongs to” the fourth kingdom. Therefore, we will translate this prepositional phrase “during the final stage.” mǎl·ḵûṯ

The noun mǎl·ḵûṯ means “kingdom” and denotes the territorial sphere of this

divided final stage of the fourth kingdom’s authority or control. It refers to the political boundaries of this empire, which were determined by the extent to which this empire exercised its authority. This word denotes that the final, divided stage

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of the fourth kingdom will consist of the nations, cities, villages and farmland it controlled. The Scriptures teach it will become a world-wide kingdom (Daniel 7:23; 9:27; 11:36; Matthew 24:15; 2 Thessalonians 2:4; Revelation 13:7, 14-15). hǎwā(h)

The verb hǎwā(h) means, “to possess a certain characteristic” indicating that this yet future final and divided stage of the fourth kingdom represented by the feet and toes of the statue which were composed of a mixture of iron and potter’s clay “will possess the characteristic of being” strong.

The peʿal (Hebrew: qal) stem of the verb is stative expressing a state or a condition. Here it denotes the state of this yet future final, divided stage of the fourth kingdom as being strong. The imperfect mood of the verb is expressing the event in the future from the perspective of Daniel in the sixth century B.C where the yet future final and divided stage of the fourth kingdom will be characterized as being strong. We will translate this verb “will be.” tǎq·qîp

The adjective tǎq·qîp means “strong” and is derived from the Aramaic cognate of the Biblical Hebrew verb tā·qǎp, which means “to overpower.” We saw this adjective of course in Daniel 2:40 where it modified the noun pǎr·zěl, “iron.” It described this metal’s hardness or tensile strength. Together these two words described the fourth kingdom, which history records as the Roman Empire. This adjective is describing the military power and strength of this fourth kingdom, which was superior to Babylon, Medo-Persia and Greece.

However, here in Daniel 2:42, the adjective tǎq·qîp is not modifying the noun pǎr·zěl, “iron.” Instead it is used alone here in verse 42. However, as was the case in verse 40, here in verse 42 the word is describing the yet future, final and divided stage of the fourth kingdom. It describes this yet future, final and divided stage of the fourth kingdom as possessing some of the power or strength of the Roman Empire. wa This time the conjunction wa means “yet” since the word is used in a adversative sense meaning it is introducing a clause which stands in contrast with the previous statement, which records Daniel telling Nebuchadnezzar that during the final stage of the fourth kingdom, it will be strong. This conjunction is introducing a clause which records Daniel telling the king of Babylon that part of

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this kingdom will be fragile. Therefore, the contrast is between the strength of the future, final stage of the fourth kingdom and its weakness or fragility. hî(ʾ )

The pronominal suffix hî(ʾ ) means “it” referring to the future, final stage of the fourth kingdom. The word is the object of the preposition min, which means “part” since it functions as a marker of the relation of a part to the whole indicating part of the future, final stage of the fourth kingdom. Therefore, we will translate this prepositional phrase “part of it .”


The verb hǎwā(h) means, “to possess a certain characteristic” indicating that this yet future final and divided stage of the fourth kingdom represented by the feet and toes of the statue which were composed of a mixture of iron and potter’s clay “will possess the characteristic of being” fragile.

The peʿal (Hebrew: qal) stem of the verb is stative expressing a state or a condition. Here it denotes the state of this yet future final, divided stage of the fourth kingdom as being fragile. The imperfect mood of the verb is expressing the event in the future from the perspective of Daniel in the sixth century B.C where the yet future final and divided stage of the fourth kingdom will be characterized as being fragile. We will translate this verb “will be.” teḇǎr The verb teḇǎr means “fragile” referring to that which can easily be broken or separated. Thus, the word describes the future, final stage of the fourth kingdom as being “fragile.” The peʿil (Hebrew: qal passive) stem is stative expressing a state or condition. Here it denotes the state of this kingdom represented by the toes and feet of the statue being fragile. The participle form of the verb is functioning as a predicate adjective meaning that it is making an assertion about this final and future stage of the fourth kingdom, namely that it will be fragile. Translation of Daniel 2:42 Daniel 2:42 “As the toes of the feet were composed partly of iron as well as partly of clay, so during the final stage of this kingdom, it will be strong yet part of it will be fragile.”

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Exposition of Daniel 2:42

In Daniel 2:41, Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar that he saw that the feet and toes of

the statue in his dream were composed of a mixture of iron and clay and thus they represent a form of the fourth kingdom which will be characterized by division. That this is a form of the fourth kingdom is clearly indicated by the fact that the lower legs of the statue were composed exclusively of iron, which represents the Roman Empire according to history whereas the feet and toes of the statue are composed of a mixture of iron and clay. Daniel goes on to say in verse 41 that this form of the fourth kingdom will possess some of the strength of iron since the king saw that the feet were composed of iron mixed with wet clay. Now, here in Daniel 2:42, we see that Daniel presents to the king of Babylon another description of this fourth kingdom by stating that during its final stage it will be strong yet part of it will be fragile. This description corresponds with the description in verse 41 that a form of the fourth kingdom would be characterized by division. The divisiveness of this form of the fourth kingdom results in it being fragile.

The iron denotes the strength of this stage of the fourth kingdom and the clay denotes its fragility. The mixing of iron with clay represents the attempt to join the two distinct and separate materials into one combined whole as in vain. This weakness extends to both feet of the image; and, correspondingly, the division and fragility.

The divided stage of the fourth kingdom will include diverse elements such as race, politics and other interests, which will prevent this stage of the fourth kingdom from achieving true unity. Thus, Daniel describes this divided stage of the fourth kingdom as fragile. That this divided form of the fourth kingdom will never achieve true unity is indicated by Daniel 11:36-45, which records that the world empire led by Antichrist during Daniel’s Seventieth Week will break up as a result of a world-wide civil war. Armies from the south, east, and north will seek to confront Antichrist and challenge his rulership.

The iron describes this divided and final stage of the fourth kingdom as possessing some of the character of authority in rulership of the Roman Empire, depicted by the lower legs on the statue. Also, the iron describes this divided and final stage of the fourth kingdom as possessing some of the power or strength of the fourth kingdom.

The feet and toes of the statue represent an empire, which has not yet appeared on the pages of history. The Scriptures indicate that it will be an empire, which is connected to the Roman Empire but inferior in character of authority in rulership as well as power or strength. In fact, the Scriptures teach that it will be a Revived Form of the Roman Empire, which will be composed of a ten-nation confederacy

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which can be described as a United States of Europe. This is all indicated by several factors.

First of all, the feet of the image Nebuchadnezzar saw were composed of a mixture of iron and clay. The iron in the feet indicates that the empire represented by the feet is related to the lower legs of the statue, which we noted were composed of iron, which represented the Roman Empire. Also, Daniel does not say that the feet represent a fifth empire, which further indicates that the feet represent an empire which is connected to the Roman Empire.

The ten horns mentioned in Daniel 7:24 correspond to the toes in Daniel 2:42 and were ten kingdoms, out of which one horn will arise who will destroy three of the other kingdoms and lead the other seven and persecute believers in Jesus Christ. Daniel 7:26 says that this one horn called the “little horn” will be destroyed by God. Daniel 2:44-45 teaches that this ten nation confederation depicted as ten toes of the feet of the statue will be destroyed by the Second Advent of Christ, which is depicted as a stone cut of the mountain without hands.

Daniel 9:26 indicates that this little horn will be a Roman dictator as indicated by the phrase “the people of the prince who is to come.” “The people” were the Romans who destroyed the temple forty years after the death of Christ. “The prince” refers to the little horn, i.e. the Antichrist indicating that the Antichrist will be a Roman. This verse teaches that he will come to power after 483 prophetic years, which ended with the death of Christ on the cross.

Daniel 9:27 says that he will make a seven-year treaty with the leaders of Israel, which will begin the final seven prophetic years called the seventieth week and during the middle of this seventieth week after three and a half years, he will break the treaty and stop the sacrifices in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem and declare himself God. Nothing in history corresponds to the events described during this seventieth week. The Second Advent of Christ has yet to take place.

Therefore, a comparison of Daniel 2:44-45 with Daniel 7:24 and 26 as well as Daniel 9:26-27 and Revelation 13 indicates that in the future, the little horn, i.e. the Antichrist will be the head of a ten-nation confederacy since he will be a Roman ruling over other nations which are close in proximity to him. Just as toes on a person’s feet are right beside each other so this ten-nation confederacy will be geographically beside each other.

Some commentators have attempted to find a ten-toe state of the statue in the fifth and sixth centuries A.D. However, the facts of history do not fulfill the ten toes of the statue.

The fact that the feet of this statue are composed of a mixture of iron and clay indicates that the character of the authority in rulership of this yet future Revived Form of the Roman Empire is inferior to Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylon, Media-Persia, Alexander’s Greek Empire and Rome since the metals of the statue

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decrease in value. As we noted the metals of the statue decrease in value. The iron and clay of this statue is the least valuable of all the metals that compose the statue. We also noted that the metals of this statue increase in power or strength. This indicates that the power or strength of the fourth kingdom is greater than the first three, and the third greater than the first two but inferior to the fourth, the second greater than the first but inferior to the third and fourth and the first inferior to the second, third and fourth kingdoms. However, the feet of the image are composed of iron and clay with the former of course very hard and the latter was soft and would be very fragile. This would indicate that the power of this yet future Revived Form of the Roman Empire under Antichrist will possess some of the strength and power of the Roman Empire but will be very fragile. Therefore, the strong yet fragile composition of the feet of the statue indicates that the power and strength of the Revived Form of the Roman Empire is inferior to Rome. The Roman Empire was characterized by division (Western and Eastern) and deterioration since it could never unite the people they conquered to form a united empire and so in that sense the people were a “mixture” and were not united. Just as iron is strong, so the final stage of the Roman Empire will be strong militarily and just as clay is characterized by fragility, so the final stage of the Roman Empire will be characterized by fragility. Different groups of people will unite to form the final stage of the Roman Empire but they will not adhere completely to one another just as iron and clay cannot adhere completely with each other. Thus, it will be fragile. Therefore, the final stage of the Roman Empire will consist of a federation of several divisions, which will unite for the sake of military strength but they will not integrate to the extent of losing their ethnic and cultural identities, which will result in its divisiveness and fragility. The ten toes of the image indicated that the final stage of the Roman Empire will consist of a ten-division federation. Daniel 7:23-24 signifies that eventually the Roman Empire will consist of a federation of ten divisions with ten equal rulers (See Revelation 17:12). Since the Roman Empire has never in its history consisted of a ten-division federation with ten equal rulers, we can conclude that this stage of the Empire’s existence will take place in the future during the Tribulation period. Also, Daniel 2:45 records that “in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom,” i.e. the millennial reign of Jesus Christ, which has never taken place in history but is yet future. Therefore, sometime in the future, after the rapture of the church, a revived form of the Roman Empire will be established. The empire collapsed in Western Europe in 476 A.D. but will be brought to life again in the form of a ten-division federation that will ultimately give its allegiance to the Antichrist (Revelation 17).

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The Romans were the last to unite the known world of that day into one great empire, though many have tried since. Charlemagne, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm, Hitler and Mussolini dreamd of it who said he would make the Mediterranean Sea a Roma lake. All failed. Others have attempted to unite the world, such as the World Court and the League of Nations and the United Nations are trying at this very hour to do so. When Antichrist arrives on the scene he will succeed where others failed but in the end this uniting of the world will end in disaster and world war. His kingdom will be a very weak coalition of nations or confederation of nations each delegating power to him. Even though his military power will be awesome, his kingdom will be very weak internally. His military power will give the appearance of inner unity but such will not be the case among these selfish, godless nations who will be deceived by Satan through Antichrist.

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Daniel 2:43-The People Of The Final Stage Of The Fourth Kingdom Will Mix With One Another But Will Not Adhere To One Another As Iron Does Not Mix With Clay Iron Mixed with Wet Clay

Daniel 2:43 “And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one another in the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery.” (NASB95) “And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay” is composed of the conjunction dî (די) (dee), “in that” which is followed by the second person masculine singular peʿal (Hebrew: qal) active perfect form of the verb ḥ

ǎzā(h) (חזה) (khaz-aw), “you saw” and then we have the masculine singular noun pǎr·zěl (פרזל) (par-zel ), “the iron” which is followed by the masculine singular puʿʿal (Hebrew: pual) passive participle form of the verb ʿ

ǎrǎḇ (ערב) (ar-ab ), “mixed” and then we have the preposition bĕ ( ב) (beh), “with ” and its object is the masculine singular construct form of the noun ḥǎsǎp (חסף) (khas-af), “common” which is modifying the masculine singular noun ṭîn (טין) (teen), “clay.” dî

The particle dî means “as, just as” since it functions as a comparative particle introducing the protasis of a comparative clause. The word is introducing a clause which says that Nebuchadnezzar saw in the vision of the statue that its feet and toes were composed of a mixture of iron and wet clay. This statement is compared to the statement in the apodasis which says that the people of the final stage of the fourth kingdom represented by the feet and toes will mix with one another but not adhere to another. Therefore, with this word, Daniel is telling Nebuchadnezzar that “just as” he saw the feet and toes composed of a mixture of iron and wet clay, so they (the people of the final stage of the fourth kingdom represented by the feet and toes) will mix with one another but not adhere to one another. ḥǎzā(h)

The verb ḥǎzā(h) means “to see” in the sense of receiving a prophetic revelation in a dream. Here it is used with Nebuchadnezzar as its subject as indicated by the second person masculine singular form of the verb. It means “to see” in the sense of the king “receiving a prophetic revelation” in a vision in a recurring dream. The word refers to Nebuchadnezzar “receiving a prophetic revelation” in a dream which was concerning the future. Specifically it concerned itself with the empires

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of Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece, Rome, the Revived Form of the Roman Empire and the Messianic Kingdom of Jesus Christ. The word is used here in Daniel 2:43 for the king “seeing” the feet and toes of the statue in his dream which were composed of a mixture of iron and wet clay. This was a prophetic revelation the king received regarding the final stage of the fourth kingdom.

The peʿal (Hebrew: qal) stem is fientive expressing an action. Here it is expressing the action of Nebuchadnezzar “seeing” the feet and toes of the statue, which were composed of a mixture of iron and clay. The perfect tense of the verb is constative describes in summary fashion this action taken by Nebuchadnezzar of seeing the toes and feet of the statue which were composed of a mixture of iron and clay. We will render this verb “you saw.” pǎr·zěl

The noun pǎr·zěl means “iron” referring to a metal substance that it describes. It is used in a statement which says that this metal does not mix with clay. This statement is used in a comparison between the impossibility of the people of the final and future stage of the fourth kingdom ever uniting and the impossibility of iron mixing with clay. ʿǎrǎḇ

The verb ʿǎrǎḇ means “to be mixed” and denotes that Nebuchadnezzar saw that the feet and toes of the statue were composed of iron “mixed” with clay.

The puʿʿal (Hebrew: pual) stem of this verb is factitive meaning that the subject of the verb in the puʿʿal is caused to enter a state that can be described by the same verb in the peʿal (Hebrew: qal) stem. The subject is iron that helped to composed the feet and toes of the statue in the vision of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. This means that the iron that helped to compose the feet and toes of the statue was caused to enter into the state of being mixed with clay.

The participle form of the verb functions as a predicate adjective meaning that it is making an assertion about the iron that helped to compose the feet and toes of the statue in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The assertion of course is that the iron was mixed with clay.


The noun ḥǎsǎp means “clay” and is used to describe the future and final stage

of the fourth kingdom, which is represented by the feet and toes of the statue. The fact that the feet and toes are composed of a mixture of iron and clay indicates that

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this divided kingdom originates from the fourth kingdom, which history records as the Roman Empire. Therefore, the clay feet and toes here in Daniel 2:43 describe this yet future Revived Form of the Roman Empire as possessing some of the character of authority in rulership of the Roman Empire, depicted by the lower legs on the statue. Also, the clay describes this yet future empire as possessing some of the power or strength of the Roman Empire.

The noun ḥǎsǎp is the object of the preposition bĕ, which is a marker to show a combinative relation. Here it shows the combinative relation between the iron and clay that helped to compose the feet and toes of the statue, which appeared to Nebuchadnezzar in a vision in a dream.


The noun ṭîn means “wet clay” which was employed by potters when forming

vessels. Thus, this word denotes that in the vision in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the king saw that the feet and toes of the image were composed of iron mixed with wet clay, which of course would make it soft and very fragile. People of the Final Stage of the Fourth Kingdom Will Mix With One Another

Daniel 2:43 “And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one another in the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery.” (NASB95) “They will combine with one another in the seed of men” is composed of the masculine plural hitpeʿel (Hebrew: qal) middle participle form of the verb ʿǎrǎḇ ar-ab) (ערב) ), “combine” and then we have the third person masculine plural peʿ al (Hebrew: qal) active imperfect form of the verb ḥ

ǎwā(h) (חוה) (khav-aw), “they will ” which is followed by the preposition bĕ ( ב) (beh), “in” and its object is the masculine singular construct form of the noun zerǎʿ (זרע) (zer-ah ), “the seed of” which is followed by the masculine singular form of the noun ʾěnāš (אנש) (en-awsh ), “men.” hǎwā(h)

The verb hǎwā(h) means “to become, to enter into a particular state or condition” since it denotes a change of state or condition. The third person masculine plural form of the verb refers to the people of the future, final stage of the fourth kingdom. Thus, this verb denotes the change of state or condition of the people of the final, future stage of the fourth kingdom entering into the state of mixing with one another.

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The peʿal stem (Hebrew: qal) of the verb hǎwā(h) is fientive expressing an action. Here it expresses the act of the people of the future and final stage of the fourth kingdom entering into the state of mixing with one another. The imperfect mood of the verb is expressing the event in the future from the perspective of Daniel in the sixth century B.C where the people of the future and final stage of the fourth kingdom will mix with one another. We will render this verb hǎwā(h) “they will enter into being.” ʿǎrǎḇ

Once again, the verb ʿǎrǎḇ means “to be mixed” but this time it denotes the people of the future and final stage of the fourth kingdom “mixing” with one another.

The hitpaʿʿal (Hebrew: piel) stem of the verb denotes the subject of the verb in the hitpaʿʿal (Hebrew: piel) is caused to enter a state that can be described by the same verb in the peʿal (Hebrew: qal) stem. The subject in our context is the people of the future and final stage of the fourth kingdom. The causative agent is these people. Therefore, this stem denotes these people being caused to enter into the state of being mixed with one another.

The middle voice denotes a reflexive idea, which corresponds to the hitpaʿʿal (Hebrew: piel) stem. The middle voice thus denotes the people of the future and final stage of the fourth kingdom causing themselves to mix with one another.

The participle form of the verb functions as a predicate adjective meaning that it is making an assertion about the people of the future and final stage of the fourth kingdom. The assertion of course is that they will cause themselves to enter into being mixed with one another. We will translate this verb “cause themselves…mixed with one another.” bi zerǎʿ ʾ ǎnā·šā(ʾ)

The noun zerǎʿ refers to the descendants of the human race. The noun ʾěnāš means “mankind, humanity” without reference to gender referring to the human race or mankind in a generic sense. The noun zerǎʿ is a genitive of production meaning that it produces the noun to which it stands related which is of course, the noun ʾěnāš indicating that the descendants were “produced by” mankind or humanity.

The noun ʾěnāš is the object of the preposition bĕ, which is a marker to show a combinative relation. Here it shows the combinative relation between the people of the future, final stage of the fourth kingdom mixing “with” the descendants produced by the human race or mankind.

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Therefore, this prepositional phrase means “with the descendants produced by mankind.” In other words, Daniel is telling Nebuchadnezzar that the people of this final and future stage of the fourth kingdom will mix “with one another.” (See NET Bible)

The question arises as to what this means? Well, we know that Daniel is speaking in the context of the final and future stage of the fourth kingdom, which will be composed of a ten-nation confederacy. The ten toes of the statue in Daniel chapter 2:40-43 correspond to the ten horns mentioned in Daniel 7:7-8, 23-24, Revelation 13:1-10, and 17:8-10, which are ten kingdoms. Out of these ten will arise one ruler who will destroy three of the other kingdoms and lead the other seven and persecute believers in Jesus Christ (Daniel 7:26; Revelation 13). Therefore, “the descendants produced by mankind” refer to the people of these ten kingdoms mentioned in Daniel 7:7-8, 23-24, Revelation 13:1-10, and 17:8-10, mixing.

But what does it mean that these people of the final stage of the fourth kingdom will mix with one another? The answer is gained by the meaning of the metals in the three preceding kingdoms. As we noted, the four preceding kingdoms, represented by the gold, silver, bronze and iron represent the material of these kingdoms, or in other words, their peoples and their culture. Correspondingly this final and future stage of the fourth kingdom composed of a mixture of iron and clay represents the material of the kingdoms arising out of the division of this kingdom. In other words, it represents the national elements out of which they are constituted.

The divided stage of the fourth kingdom will include diverse elements, i.e. people of different races possessing different cultures, politics and other interests. This will prevent this stage of the fourth kingdom from achieving true unity. Therefore, Daniel is telling Nebuchadnezzar that the people of the final and future stage of the fourth kingdom will mix with the descendants produced by mankind in the sense that it speaks of their efforts to combine their diverse races or nationalities and cultures including intermarriage.

John Walvoord makes an excellent comment with regards to the phrase “the seed of men,” he writes “A clear interpretation of the meaning of iron and clay, apart from the inherent weakness, is not given except as indicated in verse 43. Here the statement is made that the mingling of the two materials means that ‘they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.’ Because this description is not entirely clear, it has given commentators a good deal of latitude in using their imagination. As Keil points out, ‘The mixing of themselves with the seed of men (ver. 43), most interpreters refer to the marriage politics of the princes.’ Keil refutes the many explanations arising from this principle of intermarriage. Another common

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interpretation of the meaning of the mixture of clay and iron is that it refers to diverse forms of government, such as democracy as opposed to dictatorship. H. A. Ironside, for instance, defines it as ‘speaking of an attempted union between imperialism and democracy.’ A. C. Gaebelein has a similar interpretation, ‘But what does the clay represent? Clay is of the earth. It stands for that which does not belong to the great statue at all, a foreign ingredient brought in. The metals represent monarchies, but the clay stands for democratic rule, the rule by the people.’ In view of the fact that the text actually does not tell us, probably the safest procedure is to follow the argument of Keil and gain the interpretation from the meaning of the metals in the three preceding kingdoms. Keil accordingly writes, ‘As, in the three preceding kingdoms, gold, silver, and brass represent the material of these kingdoms, i.e. their peoples and their culture, so also in the fourth kingdom iron and clay represent the material of the kingdoms arising out of the division of this kingdom, i.e. the national elements out of which they are constituted, and which will and must mingle together in them.’ While intermarriage may form an element of it, it is not necessarily the main idea. Keil concludes, ‘The figure of mixing by seed is derived from the sowing of the field with mingled seed, and denotes all the means employed by the rulers to combine the different nationalities, among which the connubium [intermarriage] is only spoken of as the most important and successful means.’ The final form of the kingdom will include diverse elements whether this refers to race, political idealism, or sectional interests; and this will prevent the final form of the kingdom from having a real unity. This is, of course, borne out by the fact that the world empire at the end of the age breaks up into a gigantic civil war in which forces from the south, east, and north contend with the ruler of the Mediterranean for supremacy, as Daniel himself portrays in Daniel 11:36-45.” (Daniel: The Key to Prophetic Revelation; pages 70-71; Moody Press; Chicago; 1971) The People of the Final Stage of the Fourth Kingdom Will Not Adhere To One Another

Daniel 2:43 “And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one another in the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery.” (NASB95) “But they will not adhere to one another” is composed of the conjunction wa ”not“ ,(law) (לא) but” which is followed by the negative particle lā(ʾ)“ ,(waw) (ו )which is negating the meaning of the third person masculine plural peʿal (Hebrew: qal) active imperfect form of the verb ḥǎwā(h) (חוה) (khav-aw), “they will” which is followed by the masculine plural peʿal (Hebrew: qal) active participle form of the verb de

ḇǎq (דבק) (deb-ak), “adhere” and then we have the demonstrative

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pronoun denā(h) (דנה) (dane-awe), “to one another” which is followed by the preposition ʿim (עם) (eem), which is not translated and its object is the demonstrative pronoun denā(h) (דנה) (dane-awe), which is also not translated. wa This time the conjunction wa means “however” since the word is used in a adversative sense meaning it is introducing a clause which stands in contrast with the previous statement, which says that the people of the final and future stage of the fourth kingdom will cause themselves to enter into being mixed with one another. This conjunction is introducing a clause which records Daniel telling the king of Babylon that the people of this final and future stage of the fourth kingdom will not adhere to one another. Therefore, the contrast is between the attempts of the people of the future and final stage of the fourth kingdom attempting to mix with one another and unite and their failure to successfully do this. hǎwā(h)

The verb hǎwā(h) means “to enter into a particular state or condition” since it denotes a change of state or condition. The third person masculine plural form of the verb refers to the people of the future, final stage of the fourth kingdom. The word’s meaning is negated by the negative particle lā(ʾ), which is a marker of emphatic negation indicating that the people of the final, future stage of the fourth kingdom “will by no means enter into the state of” adhering to one another.

The peʿal stem (Hebrew: qal) of the verb hǎwā(h) is fientive expressing an action. Here it expresses the act of the people of the future and final stage of the fourth kingdom entering into the state of adhering to one another, i.e. uniting. The imperfect mood of the verb is expressing the event in the future where the people of the future and final stage of the fourth kingdom will mix with one another. deḇǎq

The verb de

ḇǎq means “to be united” referring to the diverse nationalities and races of the people who compose the final and future stage of the fourth kingdom “uniting” with one another through various means including intermarriage.

The peʿal (Hebrew: qal) stem of the verb is stative indicating the diverse nationalities and races “existed in the state of being” united with one another. The participle form of the verb functions as a predicate adjective meaning that it is making an assertion about the people of the final and future stage of the fourth kingdom, namely that they will by no means unite with one another.

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denā(h) ʿ im denā(h) The demonstrative pronoun denā(h) appears twice in this expression and in both instances, the word refers to an unidentified member of the final stage of the fourth kingdom. The second time it appears in this expression it is the object of the preposition ʿim, which is a marker of unity meaning that the people of the final stage of the fourth kingdom will by no means be united, one “with” the other. Comparison with Iron’s Inability to Mix with Clay

Daniel 2:43 “And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one another in the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery.” (NASB95) “Even as iron does not combine with pottery” is composed of the interjection hē(ʾ) (הא) (hay), “even” which is followed by the preposition k (כ־) (kee), “as” and its object is the particle dî (די) (dee), which is not translated and followed by the masculine singular noun pǎr·zěl (פרזל) (par-zel ), “iron ” and then we have the negative particle lā(ʾ) (לא) (law), “not” which is negating the meaning of the masculine singular hitpaʿʿal (Hebrew: piel) middle participle form of the verb ʿ ǎrǎḇ ar-ab) (ערב) ), “combine” and then we have the preposition ʿim (עם) (eem), “with ” and its object is the masculine singular construct form of the noun ḥǎsǎp (חסף) (khas-af), “pottery.” hē(ʾ) The interjection hē(ʾ) is used as a discourse marker to introduce a description of iron mixing with clay with emphasis. It is used as an intensive to stress the comparative degree. It draws the attention of the reader in order to emphasize the impossibility of the people of the final and future stage of the fourth kingdom ever uniting. We will therefore translate the word “even.” k ḏî

The preposition k and the particle dî are employed together as a marker of comparison meaning that they are comparing the previous statement with the one to follow. The former said that the people of the final and future stage of the fourth kingdom will by no means be united, one with the other. These two words are introducing a statement which says that iron by no means mixes with clay. Therefore, the comparison is between the impossibility of the people of the final

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and future stage of the fourth kingdom achieving true unity and the impossibility of iron mixing with clay. pǎr·zěl

The noun pǎr·zěl means “iron” and is used with the noun ḥǎsǎp, “clay” to

describe the yet future Revived Form of the Roman Empire under Antichrist, which is represented by the feet and toes of the statue. The iron describes this yet future empire as possessing some of the character of authority in rulership of the Roman Empire, depicted by the lower legs on the statue. Also, the iron describes this yet future state of the fourth kingdom, i.e. the Roman Empire, as possessing some of the power or strength of the Roman Empire. ʿǎrǎḇ

Once again, the verb ʿǎrǎḇ means “to be mixed” but this time it denotes the

impossibility of the metal iron mixing with clay. The word’s meaning is emphatically negated by the negative particle lā(ʾ), which is a marker of emphatic negation indicating iron “by no means mixes” with clay.

The hitpaʿʿal (Hebrew: piel) stem of the verb denotes the subject of the verb in the hitpaʿʿal (Hebrew: piel) is caused to enter a state that can be described by the same verb in the peʿal (Hebrew: qal) stem. The subject in our context is the metal iron. Therefore, this stem denotes impossibility of the metal iron entering into the state of being mixed with clay. The participle form of the verb functions as a predicate adjective meaning that it is making an assertion about iron and clay, namely, by no means do they mix with one another. We will translate this verb “mixes.” ḥǎsǎp

The noun ḥǎsǎp means “clay” and specifically wet clay that potters used to

make vessels as indicated by Daniel’s use of the noun ṭîn in Daniel 2:41, which means “wet clay.” The word is the object of preposition ʿim, which is a marker of unity meaning that iron by no means mixes “with” clay.

Translation of Daniel 2:43 Daniel 2:43 “As you saw the iron mixed with wet clay, so they will cause themselves to enter into being mixed with one another, however, they will by

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no means be united, one with the other even as iron by no means mixes with clay.” Exposition of Daniel 2:43

Daniel 2:43 is composed of two comparative clauses. In the protasis of the first comparative clause, Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzar he saw that the feet of the statue were composed of a mixture of iron and clay. In the apodasis, he says to the king that the people of the future and final stage of the fourth kingdom will cause themselves to enter into being united with one another. So this first comparative clause compares the feet and toes of the statue, which were composed of iron and clay with the attempt by the people of the final and future stage of the fourth kingdom to unite with one another.

This first comparative clause is followed by an adversative clause which states that the people of the final and future stage of the fourth kingdom will by no means be united even though they attempt to do so. This adversative clause serves as the apodasis of the second comparative clause. The protasis of this second comparative clause says that iron by no means mixes with clay. Therefore, the comparison is between the impossibility of the people of the future and final stage of the fourth kingdom uniting with one another and the impossibility of iron mixing with clay.

The divided stage of the fourth kingdom will include diverse elements, i.e. people of different races possessing different cultures, politics and other interests. This will prevent this stage of the fourth kingdom from achieving true unity. Therefore, Daniel is telling Nebuchadnezzar that the people of the final and future stage of the fourth kingdom will attempt to combine their diverse races or nationalities and cultures including intermarriage but will fail. The Roman Empire was characterized by division (Western and Eastern) and deterioration since it could never unite the people they conquered to form a united empire and so in that sense the people were a “mixture” and were not united. Just as iron is strong, so the final stage of the Roman Empire will be strong militarily and just as clay is characterized by fragility, so the final stage of the Roman Empire will be characterized by fragility. Different groups of people will unite to form the final stage of the Roman Empire but they will not adhere completely to one another just as iron and clay cannot adhere completely with each other. Thus, it will be fragile. Therefore, the final stage of the Roman Empire will consist of a federation of several divisions, which will unite for the sake of military strength but they will not integrate to the extent of losing their ethnic and cultural identities, which will result in its divisiveness and fragility.

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The empire collapsed in Western Europe in 476 A.D. but will be brought to life again in the form of a ten-division federation that will ultimately give its allegiance to the Antichrist (Revelation 17). The Romans were the last to unite the known world of that day into one great empire, though many have tried since. Charlemagne, Napoleon, Kaiser Wilhelm, Hitler and Mussolini dreamd of it who said he would make the Mediterranean Sea a Roma lake. All failed. Others have attempted to unite the world, such as the World Court and the League of Nations and the United Nations are trying at this very hour to do so. When Antichrist arrives on the scene he will succeed where others failed but in the end this uniting of the world will end in disaster and world war. His kingdom will be a very weak coalition of nations or confederation of nations each delegating power to him. Even though his military power will be awesome, his kingdom will be very weak internally. His military power will give the appearance of inner unity but such will not be the case among these selfish, godless nations who will be deceived by Satan through Antichrist.