Dammitic Creed

The Dammitic Creed Historic Beliefs Kindred are decedents of the Rephaim (The Dead Ones, offspring of angel and man who nearly destroyed the world with there appetites and necessitated the Flood). Kindred had divine purpose before Longinus, to shepherd the Isralites. Lead by a Prophetess called Amara, childe of the last Rephaim, discoverer of the Shadow Kabbalah and Theban Sorcery. Amara spoke with Longinus shortly after his Embrace (often mistaken as the Devil in the form of his mother). After she was satisfied that his purpose was the Will of the Divine, she went into the wilderness and sank in to torpor, the first time since her Embrace. She will awaken at the end of days. Religious Beliefs God is eternal, one and unique. God filters in to the world and is observable as several spiritual states, the Sephirot (see below). Jesus was a prophet, not the messiah of the Jews. God has made several worlds before, although it is unclear if these were physical worlds or spiritual states. Dammitics of modern nights favour the later. The last world before ours was called The World of Chaos, in which the spiritual aspects of God entered the world in an unbalanced manner. The World of Chaos ended with the destruction of its Sephirot, which shattered. The Sephirot reformed in balance to form our world, except the sparks of the Sephirot of Judgement, Gevurah, which became buried. Gevurah did not reform, and so our world exists in a state of imbalance. The sparks of Gevurah are collected when the chosen people of God, the Jews, behave in a manner befitting Him, such as the eating of kosher food.

Transcript of Dammitic Creed

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The Dammitic Creed

Historic Beliefs Kindred are decedents of the Rephaim (The Dead Ones, offspring of angel and

man who nearly destroyed the world with there appetites and necessitated the Flood).

Kindred had divine purpose before Longinus, to shepherd the Isralites. Lead by a Prophetess called Amara, childe of the last Rephaim, discoverer of

the Shadow Kabbalah and Theban Sorcery. Amara spoke with Longinus shortly after his Embrace (often mistaken as the

Devil in the form of his mother). After she was satisfied that his purpose was the Will of the Divine, she went

into the wilderness and sank in to torpor, the first time since her Embrace. She will awaken at the end of days.

Religious Beliefs God is eternal, one and unique. God filters in to the world and is observable as several spiritual states, the

Sephirot (see below). Jesus was a prophet, not the messiah of the Jews. God has made several worlds before, although it is unclear if these were

physical worlds or spiritual states. Dammitics of modern nights favour the later.

The last world before ours was called The World of Chaos, in which the spiritual aspects of God entered the world in an unbalanced manner.

The World of Chaos ended with the destruction of its Sephirot, which shattered.

The Sephirot reformed in balance to form our world, except the sparks of the Sephirot of Judgement, Gevurah, which became buried.

Gevurah did not reform, and so our world exists in a state of imbalance. The sparks of Gevurah are collected when the chosen people of God, the Jews,

behave in a manner befitting Him, such as the eating of kosher food. Kindred can gather and condense these sparks. Through study of the Sephirot

and following the way of Longinus these sparks can be returned to their rightful place.

The Traditions are commandments from God via his prophet Longinus. Kindred should use their connection to the spiritual darkness of the world to

drive humanity to enlightenment. By doing these things Kindred help restore and balance Gevurah . There is no hell: at the end of days God will resurrect those who he finds

worthy to enter the next, perfected world. This excludes Kindred. Just as the Jews await their messiah, the Kindred will receive theirs in the

form of a woman in red. Through her the worthy shall pass in to the perfected world.

Shadow Kabbalah The Divine Light of God is too intense to shine upon the world directly so it

must be sequentially dimmed through several filters, much like sunlight passing through several curtains before it enters a room. This veils are called the Sephirot.

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Each curtain is a different colour and thus colours the light a different shade as it passes through, as well as dimming it. When one pulls back the curtains in turn the light appears different, despite it coming from the same source. Similarly each Sephirot expresses different characteristics of God, without being separate from him.

Each curtain also casts a shadow into the room. Imagine these shadows layered on the back wall of the room, with the veil closest to the window casting the deepest shadow. These shadows represents the absence of their corresponding aspect of God, the Qilphoth.

A tiny pin-prick in the curtains allows a spot of pure light through and play amongst the shadows, if the curtains are moved in a certain way. This is Knowledge, Da’at.

Mortals stand in the room: Jerusalem, the material world. Through communion and study they may move aside the curtains and understand the Light of God.

Kindred are one step removed from Gods Light, spiritually residing within the first Qilphoth: Henem (The Ruins of God).

They cannot interact with the Sephirot directly, for they are condemned to darkness, but they can study the shadows they cast on the world to gain an understanding of them indirectly.

With enough study they can find Knowledge, Da’at, amongst the Qilphoth, and so commune with the Light of God.

Theban Sorcery is an expression of this indirect communion, with different rituals associated with different Qilphoth and Sephirot.

The Sephirot of Judgement, Gevurah , is damaged and acts as it’s own Qilphoth. Kindred exist to rectify this.

This world is imbalanced: God will create a perfected world, after the end of days.

Religious Practices Gathering the sparks from the World of Chaos by preferential feeding on

practicing Jews, compulsory upon the Sabbath. A Dammic nomad may create and consume a Vitae Reliquary as a symbolic gesture of gathering the spark.

Enforcement of the three traditions on Kindred Gentiles. Perusing indirect study of the Sephirot by observing the Qliphoth. Punishing the wicked amongst mortals: Jews who violate the tenets of their

faith, gentiles who harm Jews and worshipers of demons. Guiding the Jewish people towards enlightenment in the Sephirot, and

tempering their souls with the Qliphoth. If a mortal is intended to be killed, it should be as quick and painless as

possible. Likewise a mortal being fed on should feel no pain. Feeding vessels should be of able mind and body, and be older than thirteen. Once a year come the High Holy Days (September 23* - October 2, 2006, 1

Tishri - 10 Tishri 5766, *begins sundown September 22). Celebrated by mortals, they are also the most important observance of the Dammitic Sanctified.

During the High Holy Nights the Dammitics seek to right any wrongs or moral failures they have conducted over the previous year.

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A Dammitic kindred is expected to fast for as long as possible during this time, although the consumption of vitae reliquaries is allowed to prevent frenzy.

On Yom Kippur itself a Dammitic is expected to “inflict the flesh” to assist in the cleansing process.

There then follows a group confessional between all members of the Dammitic creed in the area, in which they confess their failing from the previous year and what they have done to correct them.

At the end of the night all Dammitics who participate in the ritae are considered clean and forgiven.

It is also at this time a Dammitic can choose to walk in to the morning sun, rather than spend another year as a vampire. This is considered an honourable and sacred way to meet Final Death. Some Dammitics who have confessed to grievous sins, such as Diablerie or mastery of Cruac, are encouraged to take this honourable path by their peers.

Acharit Hayami (The End of Days) Radical sub-faction which permits only those who were male Hasidic jews and

students of the Kabbalah in life. Mostly based in the Holy Lands. Study numerology, the Book of Eschaton and other apocalyptic texts to divine

signs of the end times. Pilgrims are sent out from the Holy Lands to search the earth for the signs, and

report back to Jerusalem with their findings. No real co-ordination until the dawn of modern communication technology,

but rumours of rituals to send short messages back exist.

Signs of the End Times in the Book of Eschaton War in Jerusalem. Locusts Owls The Woman in Red: Messiah to the Damned. Armies of red, green, white, black and yellow. Black is the strongest. Ruined towers of glass and silver, full of bones and black locusts. The sun turning black. The song of the sun. Kindred Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Pestilence, Conflict, Famine, Chance. The Fifth Horseman: Death, followed by the Owl. Beast men at war. Patchwork people praying to a statue. Demons in a mountain. Men and woman warring in heaven with divine fire. The death of God.

The Nephehsim As per the Lancea Sanctum book. The Nephehsim are the spiritual decedents of the original practitioners of the

Dammitic creed who wandered with the Israelites. Those who rejected Longinus as Dark Prophet attempted to seek out Amara in

the desert. These kindred eventually joined the Circle of the Crone.

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Opinions on other practitioners of magic

The Coils of the DragonDammitics view the Coils with a combination of curiosity and pity. Similarly to Theban Sorcery the Coils represent study of the various Qilphoth, but instead of gleaning insights in to the Sephirot they focus on insulating the soul from their darkness. The Dammitics view this as short sighted fear, with little true insight into God obtainable from such a path. Many Dammitics secretly covert the secrets of the Coils, however, since the mastery over the Qilphoth they represent would be potent if directed with an understanding of the Kabbalah and Theban Sorcery.

CruacUnlike the Coils, Dammitics feel nothing but revulsion and contempt for Cruac. The Dammitic creed is vastly less evangelical than its close relatives, and would probably feel only pity for the misguided Circle of the Crone if it wasn’t for their practice of blood magic. Unlike the Shadow Kabbalah which studies the Qilphoth to understand the Sephirot, and the Coils which studies them to insulate the soul from their effects, Cruac comes from communion and worship of the Qilphoth. To the Dammitics Cruac represents a complete abandonment of the Sephirot, a turning away from the Divine Light which twists and corrupts a Kindreds souls and purpose. The study and practice of Cruac is strictly forbidden to Dammitics, on par to Diablerie in its severity.

Mortal MagicAll mortal magic come either from the Sephirot or the Qilphoth. Due to their living state, mortals can access the Sephirot directly and so come to revel in Gods light. The Jewish people, being chosen by God, have the greatest potential. It is slightly harder for them to access the Qilphoth than kindred, but due to the metaphysical damage to the world it is not uncommon. Demons, being manifestations of the Qilphoth, often tempt mortals with promises of power if they shadow their souls and thus the world. Dammitics seek to purge such mortals before they can cause too much damage, and seek to encourage study of the Sephirot amongst Gods chosen.