Dakota farmers' leader (Canton, S.D.). (Canton, S.D.) 1900 ... · house Monday night. While the...

, T#| >,'• f B* ' /•, y « '% il' , M k M*'; mf .M •Mi W r $r» 1 U 4 JV»* ¥ M f*<* * ^ cm*mt\ *•» ,s p^« ?t W ^ vi ' r **' ' ' *- ,• ^ .«v ip>>,/^0^m yi ^]5 *9^5$ X *T4k " -—• -v^4 -.,,-;t:, •,,ri^.,,v„1.,v.„.lEi, i J-.,. •,. r . (-.Lk,- <$£• >JV >• /N < s >*4-«i j* r LA"*} . ;:j$L ,*. V, . •^:u. a ® ® Now at theJend:of the fly and dust season is a good time to paper, probably the best time, and" there areOapt to be less things to hinder than in the spring. m m ® <§> ® a ® ® is an unusually (rood time, because we are having a clearance sale of all the new and beautiful papers that are left of this season's stock. Everyone of these papers you now get for less than its worth. You realize no doubt thato the sooner you buy the better. I. M. HELMEY & CO. >Te)ephoqe 75. Cai)fcoi) f Sm P- ®. .®. ® ® '<§> ® ®:®:®:®:®:®:®:®::®:®:®:®:®:®::®:®:®:®:®:®:® CANTON, S. D., July 14. Having thoroughly tested, by person- al use, both myself and family, of Dr. ' Noid's Antiseptic Dandruff Care with complete success, I take pleasnre in recommending the use thereof to all others, believing it to be a very satis- factory remedy for dandruff, loosening of the hair, and for cleansing the scalp generally. O. S. GIFFOKD. . . "A Turkish Bath" played to a packed house Monday night. While the plot was not so deep as to lose the audi- ence, the costumes and specialties re- paid every one for the price of admis- sion. Elmer Knowlton of this city, and liiss Mary Wallace were married at the home of the bride's parents west of v town Tuesday at 10 a. m., Rev. C. E. - Mattison officiating. The bappy couple departed for California Tuesday after - noon. A large number of the newly united couple's friends were at the depot to bid them good bye and extend congratulations. , E.G. Erler and wife of Lawler. Iowa, arrived from the east last Saturday to pay a visit to Mr. and Mrs. John Benz. Mr. Erler is editor of the Lawler Dis- patch, and of course made the LEADER a fraternal call. He had intended go- ing home Monday but remained in order to attend the Pettigrew meeting which he said was one of the best speeches he had ever heard. This is his first trip to Dakota and he said he was much pleased with the country. Last Saturday the Bereeford gun club came over to Canton with a deter- mination of winning from our home club the "cup" which has been retained here for the past four years by the good marksmanship of our shooters. This was the third time that the Beresford boys have competed for the honor, but were always unsuccessful until last Saturday, when they came out vic- torious by one point. The Beresford boys will have to do some good shoot- ing next time, as onr club intends to redeem the lost treasure at the next shoot. Foot comfort for Men. There's no comfort without foot comfort, and the man who lays in his annual supply of .shoes now while our special'sale is going on is wise. We are selling one of the finest lines of men's shoes that can he found and no one should let. this op- portunity go by. Give us a call whether you desire to buy or not. We are here to show our goods and you are always welcome. O. H. Lybarger. Notice Puckett Bros, new ad. -this week. From now on the reading room will be open to the public. Dr. H. Holmgren returned home Wednesday from a trip east. Mrs. C. M. Seely went to Mason City, Saturday to visit her mother. A. Repp, who has been sick the past two weeks, is recovering slowly. Miss Fannie Sheldon went out to Parker Tuesday for a few days visit with friends. Joe Dodds, formerly of this county, died at his home at White Lake, Tues- day, Oct. 28. " G. E. Chivington, a resident of Fair- view, called Saturday and subscribed for the LEADER. Donald B. Ward of Yankton, is in the city visiting, with Bailey Gilford and other friends. I J. I. Sheldon of this county and Miss Carrie Nihart of Tyndall, were married •t Tyndall Monday. James Dnrkee from over in Lyon county, was among the LEADER'S cash visitors last Saturday. Marshal Tucker is on the sick list this week. H. G. Gilbert is wielding the "billy" in his place. Adam Henkis went over to Beresford Wednesday to assist in furnishing music for a Catholic fair. B. H. A. Henningsen of Lyons, Iowa, arrived from the east last Monday for a visit with Thos. Thoraon. C. B. Kennedy returned from Pierre, Saturday. He made a numberof politi- cal speeches while at Pierre. Tossini's candy kitchen has a new ad. this week. Fresh oysters received direct from Baltimore at this store. Dr. Noid says the next attraction at the opera house will be the "Hans Hanson," comedy company, on Nov. 5. Rev. Mattieson and family departed for Madison Tuesday, where Mr. Matte- son takes up his pastoral duties next Sunday. Mons Johnson of Norway township, was in the city last Friday. He left a few silver dollars at this office on sub- scription. Hull & King opened up their bowl- ing alley to the public last Saturday. This proves quite an attraction for lovers of such sport. The Womans Relief Corps will serve supper and lunches during the even- ing of Nov. 6 in the Kennedy building. J. E. NASH, Sec'y. HASTINGS, NEB. , Sept. 2,1900. DR. A. G. NOID, Canton, S. D. Dear Sir:—No doubt you do not rem- ember me, but upon your advice I pur- chased a bottle of your famous Antisep- tic Dandruff Cure several weeks ago and can positively say that after .trying several other preparations could see no improvement, but after trying one bot tie of yours I can say that it was the only preparation that brought about a permanent cure. As this is an un solicited testimonial I hope that you can use it. Kindly refer any person troubled with dandruff to me. I will gladly answer any letter. Very truly youni, GEO. W. NETZ, Toledo, O. The Geo. Lorenz Salesman. Register next Tuesday if yon want to vote at the coming election. F. J. Limback and wife arrived home from Guttenburg, Iowa, Wednes- day. Dr. Rogers reports the arrival of a 10 lb. girl at the home of F. M. Mather Thursday. —For Spectacles, go to H. W. Baker, graduate optician, at the new Jewelry store, Canton. Rev. Shepard arrived from Madison Tuesday to take up his duties as pastor of the M. E. church. Rev. Chas. Warren Rider will preach next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. in the Episcopal church. V;-; Lieut. L. L. Djinna of Dixie, Iowa, has been in the city the past week visit- ing with his many friends. Hon. Thos. Thorson has sold his house to E. M. Boyce, who will become a resident of Canton about Dec. 1. —Having sold my house, I will sell at private sale all my household furni-, ture and carpets. Thos. Thorson- F. H. Bacon has been navigating with the assistance of a cane the past week as the result of a sprained ankle. H. E. Phelps of Dayton,, was in the city Wednesday and called at the LEADER office to see if we needed some cash.'. Tim Riley of Worthing, was a pleas- ant caller Wednesday at this office. He had some cash to help the LEADER along. . Wanted—Two or three nicely fur- nished rooms suitable for light house- keeping. No children. Address LEADER Canton. —H. W. Bauer, the Optician, has located in Canton. . He guarantees spectacles to "fit perfectly." At the new Jewelry Store. Enoch Lysness arrived home Tiles- day from Montana, where he has spent the summer. Enoch is not feeling the best and will remain at home for a time in order to recuperate. Mrs. F. H. Bacon arrived home last Sunday after a two weeks visit with her folks at Princeton, 111. Mrs. A. A. Bacon, mother of Ex-Mayor Bacon, ac- companied her here and will veite for a time with the Bacon family. DR. A. G. NOID. Have tried your Dandruff cure and can cheerfully recommend it as cure for dandruff. Yours Respectfully. T.P.THOMPSON. The "PEOPLE'S PARTY" ticket is the fonrth column on the official ticket. The ticket marked "POPULIST" is the Barker-Donelly ticket. All supporters of W. J. Bryan should be careful and vote the "PEOPLE'S PARTY" ticket. The fire boys were called out Tues- day afternoon on a false alarm of fire. A telephone wire which was broken came in contact with that of the fire alarm and when the phone was rang up it set the fire alarm gong at the station going. The boys responded promptly. A fracas occurred down at the Com mercial club last Saturday afternoon in which a beer bottle played a promi- nent part. One of the participants got it where the chicken cot the ax, and the man who dealt the blow, took to his heels and fled up the street, run- ning into the feed store of Henderson & Guinter for protection. Marshal Jones was soon on his trail and hauled him in. H. C. Hichborn of this city died at his home Sunday night, Oct. SI, after an illness of two weeks. Mr. Hichborn had been in good health up to about two weeks ago when he was taken sick with dropsy, and his case was not con- sidered sierious until abont a week be- fore his death. All that medical skill could do was done, but to no avail, and he died at 10:20 Snnday night. Funeral services were conducted at the house Tuesday at 2 p. m. by Rev. Hamerson, and the remains laid to rest in the Forest Hill Cemetery. Be- sides a wife he leaves two children to morn the loss of a kind father. Latest Styles ...in Street Hats just received. I am selling Children's Tam'o- Shanters at 15c apiece, or two for a quarter. Trimmed Hats from $1.50 up. You are all cordially invited to call and see the bargains whether you buy or not. _ Helga Hage, Milliner and Dressmaker, Canton, S. D. Worthing, S. D., Oct., 25. EDITOR LEADER: I saw an article in the Sioux Valley News of last week casting reflections on ope of our citizens. Said article is false, as several of our citizens can attest. The gentleman referred to walked out of the Crawford meeting and made no disturbance whatever. His record with the First South Dakota Regiment, in the Philippines is all right and will compare favorably with N. C. Nash's record. So I will caution Mr. Nash to be more careful in the future. Asa Forrest and J add Conlrlin had a splendid meeting in the Wood school house last night. There are several McKinley men openly proclaiming themselves for Bryan. \ A. B. C- Canton. S. D., July 4, 1900, DR. A. G. NOID, Canton, S. D. Dear Sir:—Having used your anti- septic tooth wash ever since it has been on the market I am free to state it is the best tooth preparation I have found yet and cheerfully recommend its use to all. Yours respectfully, DR. A. E. JENNINGS. DR. A. G. NOID, Canton, S. D. Dear Sir:—I have used your Antiseptic Tooth Wash and its results are entirely satisfactory. I have recommended it to many of my friends and all are pleased with its use. Respectfully yours, - NONA MILLER-SMITH.: Notice of Teachers Xxamination. Notice is hereby given that a public examination of applicants for teachers five year state and county certifi- cates will be held in the court house in the city of Canton, November 2 and 3, 1900, begining at 9 o'clock a. m. The questions in didactics will be taken from lloark's Method in Educa- tion.' Bring ink. J. B. CLENDENNEN, Co. Supt. of Schools. Do you ask me for my secret— Why my teeth are pearly white, Why my breath is ever fragrant And my gums are rosy bright? My secret's oft been told before— Use Noid's Antiseptic Tooth Wash and nothing more. 25c per bottle. Pay up your subscription. MONEY TO LOAN on farms at low rate. JOHN ALLIBONE, 6-15 Canton, S. D. Notice to Water Users. All water rents are due on November 1, 1900'. SAM ODEGAARD, G. SATRANG, Water Com. Treasurer. Advertised Letters. The following letters remained un- called for in the Canton postoffice on Saturday, Oct. 20, 1900. Henry John W. ImesJ. W. Jacobson Miss Clara Morris K. E. Straw Geo. Klat Miss Carolina LindeThos. L. Linde JohnH. Linde Paul L. Vreeland C. T. In calling for the above list please say advertised. JAMES LEWIS, P. M. Inwood, Iowa, June 19, 1900. Dr. A. G. NOID, Canton, S. D. Dear Sir:—I have used the bottle of Dandruff Cure with most excellent re- sults. Dandruff is all gone, and my scalp and hair are in a most excellent condition. Yours, EDW. T. SWARD. With M. E. Smith & Co. Dollar for Dollar Vilw in footwear is not easily recognizable. Only the expert buyer is a competent judge. The ordinary purchaser must take his dealer's word as to value. Therefore it is well to buy where the quality « Uhe Right Price One satisfaction in trading with us:—We guarantee the price of every article we sell. If you can't do better here than anywhere else, we won't ask for your custom. When we offer Hart, Scbaffner & Marx guaran- teed suits snd overcoats for the price of ordinary cloth- ing you may know our way of dealing. 4 v Copyright 1000 bjr II art, Sclw9na> » Kwm Better value, more for the money, an equal quality for less maney than you'll find anywhere outside of our store "V'«' " *V > y -rf See our... » N*" Men's aim BOOS' . .-a Clothing". Underwear and Qaps -.v..-'. ."i'.V before making purchase LAXSON BR0&, One Price Up-to-Date Clothiers. 1 -^ F STRAW'S Furnishing Goods Company, ^||| g |g -.r HEADQUARTERS FOR-" M FnnisbiDg HM, I ^ ? Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mittens, * J 0 >; Overalls* ptick Coals a«|i vTi>4arwear. A 'f; g Trunks and Yalises. ^ SL™ J Everything in an Up-to-Date Furnishing Goods Store. i Straw's Furnishing Goods Co., E. J. STRAW, Manager. m Astonishing! Over two thousand dollors worth of Gordon & Ferguson far ooats to be sold in the next ninety days at prices never before heard of. For the next ninety days we will occupy an extra room second door south of onr store. This room will be the exclusive bargain room in fur coats, over coats, men's and boys' suits, underwear, cape, gloves and mittens. Remember we have rented this room for just ninety days. Everything in this room will go at cat prioes. It will contain a bargain counter np one side and down the other as this stock must positively be closed out in the next ninety days. CHRISTOPHER & OLSON, Canton, S. D. One Price Clothiers. ^ , MAOX BROS. ^ Mask's Lap Jsw Omrt. < Spencer, Iowa, Jnne 8. 9 Dr. A. G. NOID, | Dear Sir : The bottle of Hair ^ Tonic and Dandruff Cure has " cured my wife and myself ^ completely. It beats anything ^ I have ever heard of. We re- ' commend it to everyone. ft Yours truly, V A. 8. MACK, Y. S. 1 8831 !§1 is always foand to be of a high order. In oar Shoos the leather is of a fine grade, the shape correct and the workmanship perfect. W. J. Byrnes. Notice! _ ta lpty *Phoi)< * rftaijibar. Just call me if you wish to give me your order for j. The "PEOPLE'S PARTY" tie the fourth column on the official ticket. T" The ticket marked "POPULIST" is the* Barker-Donelly ticket. All supporters of W. J. Bryan should be Careful and vote the "PEOPLE'S*PARTY"ticket or "DEMOCRATIC" ticket. Canton, & D., Juiy 14. DR. A. G. NOID: I have used your Antiseptic Dandruff Cure and it has com- pletely cured .me Of and stopped my hair from fall- ing out. It was foiling out qaite badly. I have also need it on my three year old girl for eczema on head and back. She had been troubled two years, and your dandruff and eczema jg cure has completely cured the * child in four weeks. It stop- ped the itching in one applica- tion. I can cheerfully recom- mend it to any one that is troubled with dandruff or. eczema. - - ; B. E. WOOD. -VaVl? - j . ...» I IPISP" •ITBIMIIL. hiifWi in" mf in II

Transcript of Dakota farmers' leader (Canton, S.D.). (Canton, S.D.) 1900 ... · house Monday night. While the...

Page 1: Dakota farmers' leader (Canton, S.D.). (Canton, S.D.) 1900 ... · house Monday night. While the plot was not so deep as to lose the audi ence, the costumes and specialties re paid

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a ® ®

Now at theJend:of the fly and dust season is a good time to paper, probably the best time, and" there areOapt to be less things to hinder than in

the spring.

m m ®

• • <§> • • ® • a ® • • ®

is an unusually (rood time,

because we are having a clearance sale of all the new and beautiful papers that are left of this season's stock. Everyone of these papers you now get for less than its worth. You realize no doubt thato the sooner you buy the better.


>Te)ephoqe 75. Cai)fcoi)f Sm P-


• •

.®. ®


'<§> ®

®:®:®:®:®:®:®:®::®:®:®:®:®:®::®:®:®:®:®:®:® CANTON, S. D., July 14.

Having thoroughly tested, by person­al use, both myself and family, of Dr.

' Noid's Antiseptic Dandruff Care with complete success, I take pleasnre in recommending the use thereof to all others, believing it to be a very satis­factory remedy for dandruff, loosening of the hair, and for cleansing the scalp generally. O. S. GIFFOKD.

. . "A Turkish Bath" played to a packed house Monday night. While the plot was not so deep as to lose the audi­ence, the costumes and specialties re­paid every one for the price of admis­sion.

Elmer Knowlton of this city, and liiss Mary Wallace were married at the home of the bride's parents west of

v town Tuesday at 10 a. m., Rev. C. E. - Mattison officiating. The bappy couple

departed for California Tuesday after - noon. A large number of the newly

united couple's friends were at the depot to bid them good bye and extend congratulations.

, E.G. Erler and wife of Lawler. Iowa, arrived from the east last Saturday to pay a visit to Mr. and Mrs. John Benz. Mr. Erler is editor of the Lawler Dis­patch, and of course made the LEADER a fraternal call. He had intended go­ing home Monday but remained in order to attend the Pettigrew meeting which he said was one of the best speeches he had ever heard. This is his first trip to Dakota and he said he was much pleased with the country.

Last Saturday the Bereeford gun club came over to Canton with a deter­mination of winning from our home club the "cup" which has been retained here for the past four years by the good marksmanship of our shooters. This was the third time that the Beresford boys have competed for the honor, but were always unsuccessful until last Saturday, when they came out vic­torious by one point. The Beresford boys will have to do some good shoot­ing next time, as onr club intends to redeem the lost treasure at the next shoot.

Foot comfort for Men. There's no comfort without

foot comfort, and the man who lays in his annual supply of

.shoes now while our special'sale is going on is wise. We are selling one of the finest lines of men's shoes that can he found and no one should let. this op­portunity go by. Give us a call whether you desire to buy or not. We are here to show our goods and you are always welcome.

O. H. Lybarger.

Notice Puckett Bros, new ad. -this week.

From now on the reading room will be open to the public.

Dr. H. Holmgren returned home Wednesday from a trip east.

Mrs. C. M. Seely went to Mason City, Saturday to visit her mother.

A. Repp, who has been sick the past two weeks, is recovering slowly.

Miss Fannie Sheldon went out to Parker Tuesday for a few days visit with friends.

Joe Dodds, formerly of this county, died at his home at White Lake, Tues­day, Oct. 28. "

G. E. Chivington, a resident of Fair-view, called Saturday and subscribed for the LEADER.

Donald B. Ward of Yankton, is in the city visiting, with Bailey Gilford and other friends. I

J. I. Sheldon of this county and Miss Carrie Nihart of Tyndall, were married •t Tyndall Monday.

James Dnrkee from over in Lyon county, was among the LEADER'S cash visitors last Saturday.

Marshal Tucker is on the sick list this week. H. G. Gilbert is wielding the "billy" in his place.

Adam Henkis went over to Beresford Wednesday to assist in furnishing music for a Catholic fair.

B. H. A. Henningsen of Lyons, Iowa, arrived from the east last Monday for a visit with Thos. Thoraon.

C. B. Kennedy returned from Pierre, Saturday. He made a numberof politi­cal speeches while at Pierre.

Tossini's candy kitchen has a new ad. this week. Fresh oysters received direct from Baltimore at this store.

Dr. Noid says the next attraction at the opera house will be the "Hans Hanson," comedy company, on Nov. 5.

Rev. Mattieson and family departed for Madison Tuesday, where Mr. Matte-son takes up his pastoral duties next Sunday.

Mons Johnson of Norway township, was in the city last Friday. He left a few silver dollars at this office on sub­scription.

Hull & King opened up their bowl­ing alley to the public last Saturday. This proves quite an attraction for lovers of such sport.

The Womans Relief Corps will serve supper and lunches during the even­ing of Nov. 6 in the Kennedy building.

J. E. NASH, Sec'y.

HASTINGS, NEB. , Sept. 2,1900.

DR. A. G. NOID, Canton, S. D.

Dear Sir:—No doubt you do not rem­ember me, but upon your advice I pur­chased a bottle of your famous Antisep­tic Dandruff Cure several weeks ago and can positively say that after .trying several other preparations could see no improvement, but after trying one bot tie of yours I can say that it was the only preparation that brought about a permanent cure. As this is an un solicited testimonial I hope that you can use it. Kindly refer any person troubled with dandruff to me. I will gladly answer any letter.

Very truly youni, GEO. W. NETZ, Toledo, O.

The Geo. Lorenz Salesman.

Register next Tuesday if yon want to vote at the coming election.

F. J. Limback and wife arrived home from Guttenburg, Iowa, Wednes­day.

Dr. Rogers reports the arrival of a 10 lb. girl at the home of F. M. Mather Thursday.

—For Spectacles, go to H. W. Baker, graduate optician, at the new Jewelry store, Canton.

Rev. Shepard arrived from Madison Tuesday to take up his duties as pastor of the M. E. church.

Rev. Chas. Warren Rider will preach next Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. in the Episcopal church. • V;-;

Lieut. L. L. Djinna of Dixie, Iowa, has been in the city the past week visit­ing with his many friends.

Hon. Thos. Thorson has sold his house to E. M. Boyce, who will become a resident of Canton about Dec. 1.

—Having sold my house, I will sell at private sale all my household furni-, ture and carpets. Thos. Thorson-

F. H. Bacon has been navigating with the assistance of a cane the past week as the result of a sprained ankle.

H. E. Phelps of Dayton,, was in the city Wednesday and called at the LEADER office to see if we needed some cash.'.

Tim Riley of Worthing, was a pleas-ant caller Wednesday at this office. He had some cash to help the LEADER along. • .

Wanted—Two or three nicely fur­nished rooms suitable for light house­keeping. No children. Address LEADER Canton.

—H. W. Bauer, the Optician, has located in Canton. . He guarantees spectacles to "fit perfectly." At the new Jewelry Store.

Enoch Lysness arrived home Tiles-day from Montana, where he has spent the summer. Enoch is not feeling the best and will remain at home for a time in order to recuperate.

Mrs. F. H. Bacon arrived home last Sunday after a two weeks visit with her folks at Princeton, 111. Mrs. A. A. Bacon, mother of Ex-Mayor Bacon, ac­companied her here and will veite for a time with the Bacon family.

DR. A. G. NOID. Have tried your Dandruff cure

and can cheerfully recommend it as cure for dandruff.

Yours Respectfully. T.P.THOMPSON.

The "PEOPLE'S PARTY" ticket is the fonrth column on the official ticket. The ticket marked "POPULIST" is the Barker-Donelly ticket. All supporters of W. J. Bryan should be careful and vote the "PEOPLE'S PARTY" ticket.

The fire boys were called out Tues­day afternoon on a false alarm of fire. A telephone wire which was broken came in contact with that of the fire alarm and when the phone was rang up it set the fire alarm gong at the station going. The boys responded promptly.

A fracas occurred down at the Com mercial club last Saturday afternoon in which a beer bottle played a promi­nent part. One of the participants got it where the chicken cot the ax, and the man who dealt the blow, took to his heels and fled up the street, run­ning into the feed store of Henderson & Guinter for protection. Marshal Jones was soon on his trail and hauled him in.

H. C. Hichborn of this city died at his home Sunday night, Oct. SI, after an illness of two weeks. Mr. Hichborn had been in good health up to about two weeks ago when he was taken sick with dropsy, and his case was not con­sidered sierious until abont a week be­fore his death. All that medical skill could do was done, but to no avail, and he died at 10:20 Snnday night. Funeral services were conducted at the house Tuesday at 2 p. m. by Rev. Hamerson, and the remains laid to rest in the Forest Hill Cemetery. Be­sides a wife he leaves two children to morn the loss of a kind father.

Latest Styles ...in

Street Hats just received.

I am selling Children's Tam'o-Shanters at 15c apiece, or

two for a quarter.

Trimmed Hats from $1.50 up. You are all cordially invited to call

and see the bargains whether you buy or not. _

Helga Hage, Milliner and Dressmaker, Canton, S. D.

Worthing, S. D., Oct., 25. EDITOR LEADER:

I saw an article in the Sioux Valley News of last week casting reflections on ope of our citizens. Said article is false, as several of our citizens can attest. The gentleman referred to walked out of the Crawford meeting and made no disturbance whatever. His record with the First South Dakota Regiment, in the Philippines is all right and will compare favorably with N. C. Nash's record. So I will caution Mr. Nash to be more careful in the future.

Asa Forrest and J add Conlrlin had a splendid meeting in the Wood school house last night.

There are several McKinley men openly proclaiming themselves for Bryan. \ A. B. C-

Canton. S. D., July 4, 1900, DR. A. G. NOID,

Canton, S. D. Dear Sir:—Having used your anti­

septic tooth wash ever since it has been on the market I am free to state it is the best tooth preparation I have found yet and cheerfully recommend its use to all. Yours respectfully,


DR. A. G. NOID, Canton, S. D.

Dear Sir:—I have used your Antiseptic Tooth Wash and its results are entirely satisfactory. I have recommended it to many of my friends and all are pleased with its use.

Respectfully yours, - NONA MILLER-SMITH.:

Notice of Teachers Xxamination. Notice is hereby given that a public

examination of applicants for teachers five year state and county certifi­cates will be held in the court house in the city of Canton, November 2 and 3, 1900, begining at 9 o'clock a. m. The questions in didactics will be taken from lloark's Method in Educa­tion.' Bring ink.

J. B. CLENDENNEN, Co. Supt. of Schools.

Do you ask me for my secret— Why my teeth are pearly white, Why my breath is ever fragrant And my gums are rosy bright? My secret's oft been told before— Use Noid's Antiseptic Tooth Wash and

nothing more. 25c per bottle.

Pay up your subscription.

MONEY TO LOAN on farms at low rate. JOHN ALLIBONE,

6-15 Canton, S. D.

Notice to Water Users. All water rents are due on November

1, 1900'. SAM ODEGAARD, G. SATRANG, Water Com.


Advertised Letters. The following letters remained un­

called for in the Canton postoffice on Saturday, Oct. 20, 1900.

Henry John W. ImesJ. W. Jacobson Miss Clara Morris K. E. Straw Geo. Klat Miss Carolina LindeThos. L. Linde JohnH. Linde Paul L. Vreeland C. T. In calling for the above list please

say advertised. JAMES LEWIS, P. M.

Inwood, Iowa, June 19, 1900. Dr. A. G. NOID,

Canton, S. D. Dear Sir:—I have used the bottle of

Dandruff Cure with most excellent re­sults. Dandruff is all gone, and my scalp and hair are in a most excellent condition. Yours,

EDW. T. SWARD. With M. E. Smith & Co.

Dollar for Dollar Vilw in footwear is not easily recognizable. Only the expert buyer is a competent judge. The ordinary purchaser must take his dealer's word as to value. Therefore it is well to buy where the quality



Right Price

One satisfaction in trading with us:—We guarantee the price of every article we sell. If you can't do better here than anywhere else, we won't ask for your custom.

When we offer Hart, Scbaffner & Marx guaran­teed suits snd overcoats for the price of ordinary cloth­ing you may know our way of dealing.



Copyright 1000 bjr II art, Sclw9na> » Kwm

Better value, more for the money, an equal quality for less maney than you'll find anywhere outside of our s tore "V'« '

" *V >

y — -rf See our...

» N*"

Men's aim BOOS' . .-a

Clothing". Underwear and Qaps

-.v..-'. ."i'.V

before making purchase

LAXSON BR0&, One Price Up-to-Date Clothiers.1-^


STRAW'S Furnishing Goods Company, ||| g |g


M FnnisbiDg HM, I ? Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mittens, * J 0 >; Overalls* ptick Coals a«|i vTi>4arwear. A 'f; g Trunks and Yalises. SL™ J Everything in an Up-to-Date Furnishing Goods Store.

i Straw's Furnishing Goods Co., E. J. STRAW, Manager.

m Astonishing!

Over two thousand dollors worth of Gordon & Ferguson far ooats to be sold in the next ninety days at prices never before heard of. For the next ninety days we will occupy an extra room second door south of onr store. This room will be the exclusive bargain room in fur coats, over coats, men's and boys' suits, underwear, cape, gloves and mittens. Remember we have rented this room for just ninety days. Everything in this room will go at cat prioes. It will contain a bargain counter np one side and down the other as this stock must positively be closed out in the next ninety days.

CHRISTOPHER & OLSON, Canton, S. D. One Price Clothiers.


Mask's Lap Jsw Omrt. < Spencer, Iowa, Jnne 8. 9 Dr. A. G. NOID, | Dear Sir : The bottle of Hair

Tonic and Dandruff Cure has " cured my wife and myself

completely. It beats anything I have ever heard of. We re-' commend it to everyone. ft „ Yours truly,

V A. 8. MACK, Y. S.

1 8831


is always foand to be of a high order.

In oar Shoos the leather is of a fine grade, the shape correct and the workmanship perfect.

W. J. Byrnes.

Notice! _ ta lpty *Phoi)< * rftaijibar.

Just call me if you

wish to give me your

order for


The "PEOPLE'S PARTY" tie the fourth column on the official ticket. T" The ticket marked "POPULIST" is the* Barker-Donelly ticket. All supporters of W. J. Bryan should be Careful and vote the "PEOPLE'S*PARTY"ticket or "DEMOCRATIC" ticket.

Canton, & D., Juiy 14. DR. A. G. NOID:

I have used your Antiseptic Dandruff Cure and it has com­pletely cured .me Of and stopped my hair from fall­ing out. It was foiling out qaite badly. I have also need it on my three year old girl for eczema on head and back. She had been troubled two years, and your dandruff and eczema

jg cure has completely cured the * child in four weeks. It stop­

ped the itching in one applica­tion. I can cheerfully recom­mend it to any one that is troubled with dandruff or. eczema. - - ; B. E. WOOD.

-VaVl? - j . ...» I

IPISP" •ITBIMIIL. hiifWi in" mf in II