Dajjal And Mehdi (As)

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This paper describes the return of the christ who kills anti-christ (Dajjal)

Transcript of Dajjal And Mehdi (As)

  • 1. .....:::::::::: Articles ::::::::::.....Hereafter and the Portents of the End Times, Bedir Press, pp.493-494HOW TO PROTECT ONESELF FROM THE DAJJAL It will only, of course, be possible for true believers to be protected against the dajjal who will lead mankind into terrible strife. As in all periods, at this time, too, Muslims sincerely devoted to Allah need to be unified among themselves and to live fully according to the proper moral values commanded by Him. Almighty Allah reveals this in a verse from the Quran: The believers are brothers, so make peace between your brothers and have fear of Allah so that hopefully you will gain mercy. (Surat Al-Hujurat: 10) As stated in the above verse, all believers are brothers. However, the brotherhood of believers is one that demands a highly altruistic state of mind. For that reason, believers must be very considerate of one another and hold their brothers interests above their own at all times. Believers must love one and watch out for another for the approval of Allah. Naturally, when faced by such a great strife as that of the dajjal, Muslims must not seek out one anothers flaws or oppose one another over minor details. Quranic moral values command that they should embrace one another. The best behaviour will be for there to be no rancour between Muslims, for differences to be overcome