Daily Journal and Log

Felisa S. Wiley COM 960 Internship Professor Amy Corbin 5 December 2016 DAILY JOURNAL & LOG: All students are expected to keep a written daily journal and time log of their activities on site. You may submit the journal for review at midterm if you wish. The journal should serve as a record of your learning experiences and a record of your hours on-site. You should describe your experiences and responsibilities, and explore any challenges you encounter in terms of skills, interpersonal dynamics, or ethics. Usually entries in the journal are longer early in the experience when everything is new, and become briefer as the experience becomes more routine. HOURS REQUIRED: 63 HOURS 9/9/16 Time: 1:30-2:30pm –1 hrs Today was my first official meeting with Professor Kalyna Procyk as the Communication and Social Media Intern for the fall semester of 2014 and we further discussed the responsibilities and requirements. I was going to have to create Social Media Guidelines that will describe the criteria for posting on Social Media sites. I would then have to come up with a minimum of 24 tips to send in weekly to the Berg Bulletin. The tips would have to include ways to make the audiences lives more sustainable and attempt to bring environmental consciousness into their everyday lives. I would need a catchy name and think of unusual ones since those would be the ones that most people would remember the most. I also needed to start thinking about signage to put up around campus and would need to have a minimum of 10-12 different signs. The signs should be informative signs about the Office of Campus Sustainability and things accomplished on campus that makes this campus sustainable. They would have to be short and less than 30 words. Each topic should include 3-4 different possibilities. For supplementary research I am going to have to request “Designing

Transcript of Daily Journal and Log

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Felisa S. WileyCOM 960 InternshipProfessor Amy Corbin5 December 2016

DAILY JOURNAL & LOG:All students are expected to keep a written daily journal and time log of their activities on site. You may submit the journal for review at midterm if you wish. The journal should serve as a record of your learning experiences and a record of your hours on-site. You should describe your experiences and responsibilities, and explore any challenges you encounter in terms of skills, interpersonal dynamics, or ethics. Usually entries in the journal are longer early in the experience when everything is new, and become briefer as the experience becomes more routine.

HOURS REQUIRED: 63 HOURS9/9/16Time: 1:30-2:30pm –1 hrs

Today was my first official meeting with Professor Kalyna Procyk as the Communication and Social Media Intern for the fall semester of 2014 and we further discussed the responsibilities and requirements. I was going to have to create Social Media Guidelines that will describe the criteria for posting on Social Media sites. I would then have to come up with a minimum of 24 tips to send in weekly to the Berg Bulletin. The tips would have to include ways to make the audiences lives more sustainable and attempt to bring environmental consciousness into their everyday lives. I would need a catchy name and think of unusual ones since those would be the ones that most people would remember the most. I also needed to start thinking about signage to put up around campus and would need to have a minimum of 10-12 different signs. The signs should be informative signs about the Office of Campus Sustainability and things accomplished on campus that makes this campus sustainable. They would have to be short and less than 30 words. Each topic should include 3-4 different possibilities. For supplementary research I am going to have to request “Designing Interpretive Design Signs: Principles and Practice” from the interlibrary loan. I would have to read a document called STARS Report that will have all of the ways Muhlenberg College applies sustainable practices. During this meeting it was also discussed that I would need to develop a syllabus for myself and spread out how I would be able to accomplish all these tasks.

I requested the book from the Interlibrary Loan.

9/11/16Time: 5:00- 6:00pm—1 hour

I googled some tips, some catchy slogans, and researched some other universities and colleges to check out their Sustainability accounts.

9/12/14Time: 7:00-9:00pm—2 hrs

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I searched for some Social Media Guideline that were already online from other universities and colleges for their interns. From 5-6 different Guidelines, I copied and pasted factors that I thought were important and relevant to my internship. By the end of the night I came up with a 2-page draft. Section 1.1 focused on the Goals/ Objectives for Social Media and included the goals Professor Procyk and I had already discussed, content necessary to inform and educate students, etc. Section 1.2 focused on the levels of Social Media Engagements and included notes to follow copyright laws, to consistently monitor social media responses and to post messages that in line with the goals and mission of the Office of Campus Sustainability. 1.3 focused on the responsibilities of the Communications and Social Media intern following the guidelines already set up with Professor Procyk ranging from executing event marketing to preparing monthly repost and developing a content calendar. Section 1.4 included Tips for posting on Facebook and Section 1.5 included Tips for Using Twitter. The last 2 sections focused on consistency, relevancy, quality vs. quantity and variety to maintain attention.

9/13/14 Time: 8:00-10:00pm—2hrs

I worked on my syllabus tonight and I have a feeling it’s going to constantly change throughout the year. I liked the design that my PHL 110 professor used for his class syllabus so I downloaded the file and just deleted all his information. I created a contact section under the title with the names, locations and office numbers of my onsite coordinator, my academic advisory and my faculty sponsor. That way if I had any questions, comments or concerns I would have a quick place to look. I also included where and when my weekly meeting would be with Professor Procyk. Under the quick contact sheet, I made an overview section. I went back through my emails until I found the mass email sent out to simply copy and pasted what Professor Procyk wrote on that attachment and formatted it to how I wanted it to look. My next section was the Media and Communications Internship Requirements. I took the information given to me by Professor Amy Corbin since there would be 2 different sets of requirements for this internship (the requirements for Professor Procyk and the ones for the Media and Communications Department). My next section focused on the requirements for the actual internship, which is going to be a work in progress as Professor Procyk and I continuously get new ideas. The information came from what was discussed during the meeting. Then my final section included a Course Schedule. Every Tuesday during my meeting the “homework” for that week would be due. Throughout the semester there will be a total of 12 meetings. Those meetings will account for some of my hours as well. Would you look at that? I already have 12 hours basically completed, guess I only need 51 hours now.

9/14/14Time: 8:00-10:00pm –2 hr

I went on some online searches for ideas on tips and copied the ones I felt were relevant to campus life and my internship onto a word document. My interlibrary book that I loaned out has not arrived yet and I have not yet received the STARS Report document from my onsite coordinator so I am unable to start with the interpretive signage as of yet. I also found some interesting random facts that I think would be fun to post on the social media. We are going to

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discuss social media usage during the next meeting so I am not required to post anything yet, but I am still preparing myself for when I do start. After copying and pasting about 30 different tips on how to be sustainable, I went back and reworded a few to make it more original and relevant to campus life. Some of the tips required more research, (i.e. making it more relatable to Muhlenberg students).

9/15/14Time: 2:30-4:00pm – 1 hr 30 minutes

I went back through the documents I created for tomorrows meeting (the drafted guideline and the drafted syllabus), edited them a bit, and played around with how it was displayed. I also went through the tips again to make sure the ideas seemed usable. I continued my research on what other universities have been posting and their frequency and also copied a few links for me to follow when I create the social media accounts.


9/16/14Time: 1:30-2:30pm –1hr

My onsite coordinator and I went through the different slogans I came up with and out of a list of 12 decided that “Earth Day is Everyday” seemed to be the best. I would be sending out the tips to the Berg Bulletin every Thursday. Because there was an issue with a previous Social Media intern, it was brought up that I might have to go through her to post everything, which kind of seems counterproductive for my internship. How am I supposed to learn about the impact of social media if I am unable to learn first-hand? I brought up my concern, begged to have her reconsider, offered to sign a strict contract that would result in the loss of my credit if I accidentally posted anything that belonged on my personal account to the internship account and we decided that I would create a prototype account on Twitter and Instagram and we will see how that goes. My strategy would be to (1) share what Muhlenberg is doing to be a model sustainable citizen, (2) decided what the quick tips should be like, (3) foster engagement, and (4) change someone’s behavior. I was asked to continue looking at other campuses and even go to Pinterest, a site I didn’t even think of. My homework for the following Tuesday would be to create the Twitter and IG accounts, send my onsite coordinate the username and password. Since the STARS report got sent to me, I was too read over it and pull out facts that could be used in informative signs and simply brainstorm. I was also asked to email Jim Bolton about the disappearance of the battery recycling bins that were once by Java Joe. My onsite coordinator also suggested that I look at a few sources to get more substance in my tips. After reading the quick drafts I came up with, it was obvious she was unimpressed.

9/16/14Time: 2:30-4:30—2hrsBecause I could tell that she was unimpressed, I’m just going to have to work harder. One of my advantages and flaws is that I seek perfection in all things I set my mind to do. I do not want her to be disappointed and regret picking me as the intern. After the meeting, I continued my research on tips, I probably went on about 35 different websites searching through, selecting

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viable options, copying them and pasting them to a separate document for future reference. By the time I was finished I had a 15 page document filled with tips. I did some research for a few to make them more relatable to students on campus. For example, I had one suggesting that they download the app GoodGuide before making a “Target run” (a popular term used on campus), to make sure the items they were buying were from companies who pursued environmentally friendly policies and practices. I tried to personalize the tips as much as possible.

9/17/14Time: 2:00-4:00 –2hrs

I sent my onsite coordinator an email to approve of the tips I came up with for the Berg Bulletin. I sent her my 3 best tips thinking it would impress her. However she responded asking me to send in a total of 5. From what I sent her, one lacked a hook, the other was too vague and the third could be used but it was not strong enough to be used as the very first tip of the semester. She then sent me some links to look for more “eye-catching” ideas. However, the sites she sent me were where I went to look for the tips previously and I dismissed them since yes, the tips were valuable and eye-catching, but a student would not be able to relate, at least from a students perspective. Who would want to read a tip about changing the settings on an AC when some of the dorms on campus do not have AC? However, I redid the tips again and sent in what she asked. We were up against a deadline since I would need to send it in to the Berg Bulletin to have it available for the next day but she did not respond. I guess we will get tips ready for next week then. Here’s an example of a tips I changed and personalized for Muhlenberg students:

“Shifting from "want" to "need." The whole point of advertising is to make someone want something that they actually don't require to conduct their life. First one has to learn how they have adopted this type of mindset. Then you have to stop thinking this way. Unlearning this type of behavior is part of the key to adopting a sustainable lifestyle. Don’t buy items if you don’t genuinely need them… “

This tip was what I originally sent in, and then I changed it t:

“When spending an afternoon at the Lehigh Valley Mall shopping, think, “Do I genuinely need this?” Making the shift from what you “want” to what you “need” is the key to adopting a sustainable lifestyle.”

I made it more precise, simplified it, and added in the Lehigh Valley Mall to make it more relatable to the Allentown community.

9/18/14Time: 3:00-5:00pm—2hrs

I spent this time redoing the rest of the tips I had on file, limiting them to 3-4 sentences, making them more concise and relevant. Here’s an example of a tip I edited:

(BEFORE) “What do you usually do with your bottle caps? Get creative and make magnets for your fridge, mini photo frames and DIY bottle cap coasters. Check out some ideas here

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http://www.pinterest.com/pin/113575221824529600/ and here http://erraticprojectjunkie.blogspot.com/2012/01/coastin-along-part-i-bottlecap-coaster.html?m=1”

(AFTER): “Before you throw away your bottle caps this weekend, why don’t you think of crafty ideas that you can use them for. From fridge magnets, to mini photo frames to bottle cap coasters, there are so many things bottle caps can be used for! Check out some ideas here http://www.pinterest.com/pin/113575221824529600/ and here http://erraticprojectjunkie.blogspot.com/2012/01/coastin-along-part-i-bottlecap-coaster.html?m=1”

I hope including links to pictures and websites will help with interactivity. I wonder if there is anyway to check to see how many times a student clicks on the link? I’ll have to email Mike Bruckner to ask him. I also changed the syllabus a bit to add in the information discussed in Tuesdays meeting. It’s best to keep all the information discussed in one place. I also created the Twitter and IG accounts, however I need to get all the tips, facts and pictures approved for the accounts before I start posting. Should I wait until I have them all approved before I make them? I think I’ll make them now to show some progress and just not post anything. I have a lot of work cut out for me.

The tip for today did not get sent in since I was awaiting the onsite coordinators approval. Next week the tip will go in.

9/19/14Time: 2:00-3:00pm—1hr

Today I spent some time looking through headers for the twitter (@BergSustainable) and preparing the account (writing the bio, etc.). Jim Bolton got back to me, and the battery recycling that used to be by Java Joe has now been returned to its original location! I got a response from my onsite coordinator approving the first 5 tips to go to on the Berg Bulletin. The first tip on Twitter will go out on Thursday, after the Berg Bulletin goes out in the morning.

9/20/14Time: 11:00am-1:00pm—2hrs

I continued editing these tips. I feel like all I do it edit and edit and edit. Cut words out; make them more concise while still attempting to make them catchy. I sent my coordinator an email with more tips to be approved:

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Then I also included posts that I only intend to post on twitter:

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9/22/14Time: 12:00-1:30pm—1hr 30 mines

I went to look how to put up a message on the Berg Bulletin and sent my coordinator a sample. While playing around with the different categories I realized that I would need to talk to her about where exactly this tips should go. Some of the categories did not make sense. I would only be able to put the tip under Notes of Distinction because the other categories included: Promos, coupons, etc. and putting a tip under those categories would not make sense at all. And then under the Notes of Distinction, there was another category section where there was nothing that related to the subject of the tips. (i.e., I had to choose between options of Academic, Student Activities, Religion Studies, etc. etc.—the only sections that could possible relate were: Environmental Studies and Environmental Science). I sent her the username and password for the Twitter account. I could not continue editing the tips until I got a response from the last email.

This is what the tip would have looked like:


9/23/14Time: 1:30-2:30pm—1hr

Before going into the meeting, I received an email notifying me that the book I had requested to loan “Designing Interpretive Signs: Principles and Practice” arrived to the library. I also got an email form Professor Procyk approving the Berg Bulletin tips with a few suggestions.

I.e.: For tip number 3, “Buy things that will last you beyond the dorms. When purchasing things for your room, look for those that will work if you decide to move into an apartment later. That way you won’t have to spend money and you'll already have what you need!” She wanted me to find something specific to highlight. (I’m thinking of highlighting mason jars

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since they are popular right now).

She also made a note about my random twitter facts I wanted to post.

During the meeting I explained to her the problem with the categories for Berg Bulletin. I was to contact Christine Lake in the Public Relations office to see if there was a way to possibly create a new category, or to put the tips under general information. I showed Professor Procyk some pictures I found on Facebook of Muhlenberg Students at the 2014 NYC Climate March. I asked some of the students for permission to use their pictures and was just waiting for their responses. I was also warned about retweeting tweets from nearby colleges since they are our competitors. She sent me another logo to use and we talked about what Twitter should be used primarily for (information, engagement and attempting to change behavior). By next Tuesday my goal was to have 5 tweets about events happening on campus (Climate March, Garden House, etc.). My (personal) goal was also to have at 30 posts and 25 followers. And I was to star calculating the effectiveness of twitter by the amount of retweets, followers and replies I received.

9/23/14Time: 3:30-5:00pm—1 hour 30 minutes

I changed the logo and the header, and changed the logo on the Instagram account as well. (The account also got our first follower! Thanks @Muhlenberg). I sent Christine an email about my dilemma with the Berg Bulletin tips and she made a suggestion.

9/24/14Time: 11:00pm-1:00am—2hrs

I sent an email out to Joyous Pierce, a senior currently living in the Garden House hoping to ask her a questions about what she has done, what she’s planning on doing, etc. We planned to meet for a later day. On twitter, I sent out a “welcome” tweet and another tweet about a Center for Ethics event that dealt with environmentalism (in terms of coal mining). I also retweeted a fact from @grist and @Sierra_Magazine. I wanted to post something before I advertised the link. After I had about 6 tweets, I then posted the link to the @BergSustainble account on the

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Muhlenberg Class of 2016, 2017 and 2018 Facebook pages, and received 2 followers. I tried to follows Christine’s suggestion to put the tip under General Info but it did not work so I sent the tip in to her directly and planned to pay her a visit the next day so we could solve this issue.

9/25/14Time: 1:00pm- 3:00pm—2hrs

This was the first tip that I sent in! Yay! I then posted that tip on twitter. That day I also retweeted a tweet from @HuffPostGreen and asked @Muhlenber_OCE what volunteer opportunities there were that focused on the environment. Nothing more exciting then engaging with other offices on campus! I met with Christine and we realized that I did not have access to post anything under the General Info so she promised to try to get me access, or to add a category that related to what I was trying to do for me. Today I also received permission from various students to post their pictures.

9/26/14Time: 10:30-11:30—1 hr

I posted the approved pictures from the Climate March on the Twitter account and the IG account, retweeted a related tweet about the Climate March from @HuffPostGreen and tweeted a tip. I also followed back the first Muhlenberg students who followed me both on twitter and IG.

9/29/14Time: 3:00-5:00pmm—2hrs

To engage in audience I will now be using a hashtag #MuhlenbergCares on the majority of my posts. I am trying to get students to take pictures of themselves doing something environmentally friendly. I also received a weekly email from Twitter regarding how many new followers I got this week, etc. I also read the first 4 chapters of the book I loaned out from the library.

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9/30/14Time: 1:30- 4:00pm—2 hour 30minutes

I met with my coordinator about what I have done the week before and what I hope to accomplish by next week:

- I need to find out more information about the digital signage in Seeger’s by contacting Glenn Gerchman.

- I need to put in the Berg Bulletin a link for students to follow us. - I will put up information about the David Pellow event on October 20th by Oct 10th.- I need to try and spur inter-office communication on twitter by tweeting Greek

organizations or student organizations- I need to let Enact know about the Berg Sustainability account- I need to email Lara Kuhns about the policy for sending out campus wide emails- I need to look through what ‘Berg has done to be sustainable and color code the ones I

find interest, the ones I think can be used- I also need to revise what I have already to make them more relatable and less factual.

After the meeting I immediately sent out the emails to Kyle Esposito, the PA for Seeger’s Union about the signage, Lara Kuhns, to send out the campus wide email and EnAct to send out to their members about the social media accounts.

Twitter update before the new wave of followers flows in:

10/2/14Time: 12:00- 2:00am—2 hours

I worked and edited the poster to send into the PA of Seeger’s Union. I then read chapter 5- 7 of the “Designing Interpretive Sign” book.

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10/4/14Time: 3:30- 6:30pm—3 hours

I looked through what I copied to the list “What ‘Berg has Done” and narrowed it down from 48 facts to the 20 that I thought were most interesting/ the ones I could expand more on. From that list, I then narrowed it down again and created a “Top 10” list and edited and re-edited them using the “Deigning Interpretive Sign” book as a guide.Here’s an example of the editing process I went through:The original fact:

This then got edited down to:

Then I re-edited it again to:

And my final version:

From the book I learned that you want to be as concise as you possibly can, while still getting the main message across. There was nothing concise about the original post and the 2nd and 3rd were too wordy.

10/5/14Time: 1:00-2:00pm—1 hour

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I sent my onsite coordinator an email with my finalized poster to send to the Seeger’s Union PA for the digital signage. I am now waiting for her approval.

Here’s a review of our twitter so far.This past week:

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And our Twitter overall:


10/8/14Time: 11:30-12:00pm—30 minutes Time: 2:00- 2:45pm—15 minutes

I met with my on site coordinator, reviewed the poster and now have to email Bill Keller about successful social media strategies. We reviewed some of the informative signs I prepared and I have to remember that I’m making signs and not tweets about this information. From the 5 I prepared for the meeting, only one worked. I have to contact David Rabold, the Capital Project Manager to interview him about the sensors and the meters around campus. I need to send her more facts about ‘Berg from the STARS Report and cut out anything that has to do with the Dining Commons since that is not in our jurisdiction. For next week, I need to have a few drafts (50-100 words) about the sensors and tips. After the meeting I emailed David Rabold and Bill Keller. I also reedited the signs and sent her another draft.

10/10/14Time 8:00-9:00am—1 hour

I met with David Rabold and spoke to him about he lighting sensors around campus (there are CO2 sensors, infrared sensors, motion sensors) and there are also temperature controls. Due to our limited time, we were unable to talk about the meters around campus but we scheduled another meeting for 10/16/14 at 1:30pm to discuss that. I now have to do some more research about these topics and create a few drafts for onsite coordinator. Bill Keller also responded to my email and I need to get back to him. The day for the “Green Tips” will now be on Tuesdays (instead of Thursday).

10/11/14Time: 2:30-4:30—2 hours

I reviewed my notes from my meeting with David Rabold and redid the poster that will go on the signage in Seeger’s Union. I sent my coordinator the .pdf version for approval.

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Here is the new version of the poster:

I also spent this time researching more information about the sensors around campus to have more notes to write the drafts with and I finished reading the “Designing Interpretive Signs” guidebook.

10/13/14Time: 3:00-5:00pm—2 hours

This morning I had a lovely tweet session with an alumnus! I was so excited when he responded. This was my first actual conversation with someone on twitter on the intern account.

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Here is a review of my week on Twitter:

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and the Twitter overall:

Here is our Instagram account:

I also reviewed the Informative signs and looked for a few more ideas from the STARS report to right about.



I emailed the poster to the PA of Seeger’s Union to put on the digital signage in Seeger’s Union.

10/15/14Time: 1:00-2:00pm—1 hour

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I met with my coordinator today to go over the Informative Sign drafts that I came up with from my meeting with David Rabold. Overall she liked them and there are a few edits I need to make on the Infrared Sensor sign, the New Sci sign, the AC Regulator Sign, etc. I have to hold off on the compost and mulch sign since the process might have changed since out the STARS report went out last. By next week, I need to redo the drafts, have new drafts about the meters and trees around campus. I need to make 2 separate Just Tap it Signs. We discussed what our goals should be from the email that I got from Bill Keller and we decided that our first aim should be people who have actually shown some interest in the environment (i.e. those involved in an Environmental Science or Sustainability Studies class) and not the entire student body. Though a few enrolled in the class may only be in that class to get the science credit, the fact that they chose an environmental science/ sustainability studies class means that something must have caught their attention and sparked an interest. This way, we have a base and can then expand our followers on Twitter and IG from them. Another thing I need to pay attention to is that those who are interested in the environment and being sustainable are not the ones who will be inside going on Twitter and IG talking about. The people who I am attempting to target are the ones who are not behind the computer screen, but outside enjoying nature. So getting them to join in on discussions on Twitter and IG will be more difficult; though they are the ones who care, they aren’t the ones who spend time on social media. However, I need those who care to get my base started. And now you see my dilemma… My marketing strategy is to get the ones who care and aren’t on social media to care and express their opinions and converse via social media to help get those who are not as involved but are on social media to jump on the Berg Sustainability bandwagon.

10//16/14Time: 1:15-2:15pm—1 hour

I met with David Rabold to discuss the metering system around campus and then I asked him questions about the trees on campus. If I have any questions, I plan on setting up another meeting with him.

10/17/14Time: 3:45pm-4:45pm—1 hour

I went online to Capstone and searched through all the Environmental Science and Sustainability Studies classes for the Fall 2014 semester and wrote down the professor’s names. I then emailed them all asking them to let their students know about the Twitter and IG accounts for the Office of Campus Sustainability, in hopes of building a base.

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10/19/14Time: 12:00pm-3:00pm—3 hoursTime: 4:00- 5:00- 1hour

Here is my Twitter Week in review:

I worked on the edits for the Informative signs and then also worked on the 2 signs for Just Tap It.For example, here is the text for the signage for New Sci from the last meeting with my coordinator:

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Here is the new version that I will show my coordinator on Tuesday:

I took out the costs and tried to highlight the environmental impact instead.Here is the placard I drafted for the Just Tap It stations:

10/20/14Time: 11:00-12:00pm—1 hourTime: 2:30- 3:00pm- 30 minutes

I worked on some informative signs. Here’s what I have come up with so far (these two signs with be next to each other so I they purposely have the same color):

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I also went over my first informative sign drafts (texts only) and found it humorous how much they’ve changed. For example, here are some of the very first ones I came up with and the newest versions:

“The Raker Biological Sanctuary Field Station and Wildlife Sanctuary and The Lee and Virginia Graver Arboretum are off campus lands generously donated to the college to protect and

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maintain wildlife habitat. Biology and environmental science classes use these locations for field studies and research.”

CHANGED TO:“We have off campus land dedicated to protecting and maintaining wildlife habitat. The Raker Biological Sanctuary Field Stations and Wildlife Sanctuary and the Lee and Virginia Graver Arboretum were generously donated to the college and are used by biology and environmental science classes for field studies and research. In addition to the 150 conifer species and native and rare trees in the arboretum, the college is home to more than 100 different native and foreign trees.With 40 acres from the Wildlife Sanctuary, 63 acres from the Arboretum, and 82 acres on campus, the college manages more than 250 species of trees in over 185 acres of land in Pennsylvania.If an acre of trees absorb enough CO2 in a year equal to the amount produced when you drive a car 26,000 miles, then the land Muhlenberg College owns absorbs enough CO2 equal to the amount produced when you drive a car 4.8 million miles.?

And then here’s another one:

“Muhlenberg uses motion light sensors in buildings and dorms across campus to reduce the amount of energy used. We also have timers in 9 buildings to control the temperatures.”CHANGED TO (I already made the sign for this one):

Twitter Update: We have gained 2 followers and I followed 5 new people. Instagram Update:

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10/21/14Time: 1:30-2:30pm—1 hour

During todays meeting, my coordinator and I went over the signs I drafted (she liked them!). There are few tweaks I have to make though. For instance I need to get rid of the flame and put in a green punch line and put the Office of Campus Sustainability logo at the bottom of all of them and change the red to green to make the color scheme more “harmonious”. For next week, I need to mock up the placement for all the signs and figure out which signs will go together. I also need to double check some of the information with David Rabold, schedule a meeting with Tim Korn and Brett Fulton. I also need to redo the tree signs and mention that the trees on campus provide an educational opportunity for our campus, prospective students and the Allentown community and how the campus can be considered a classroom since anyone can learn about the trees by just walking through our campus.

10/22/14Time: 11:30pm

I sent out an email to Brett Fulton and Tim Korn to schedule a meeting to talk about the meters (Korn) and the native species on campus and the compost and mulching procedures (Fulton).

10/24/14Time: 3:30-4:30pm—1 hour

During the meeting with Time Korn, I learned so much about the meters, the light sensors, occupancy sensors, the CO2 emissions, and the HVAC system. He actually corrected some information on some of the signs I made and was able to visually show me the boilers and the technology behind some of the systems on campus. It was so much information to take in that I might end up sending him another email to meet with him again. I am not a science person, so some of this information is much harder to fully comprehend. To be able to make comprehensible signs for students to understand, I need to understand the material as well.

10/27/14Time: 2-2:30pm—30 minutes

Brett Fulton has only been working on campus for about 2 months now so a lot of my questions went unanswered. A lot of the topics I brought up such as Snow and Ice removal policies, pest removal properties are not set up yet, or have been set up and are in the process of being changed and the environmental procedures will be put in, but in the future. He was able to give me more information about the rain garden and suggested that I talk to David Rabold again but about the water filtration system on the south side of campus.

From these 2 meetings, I now have to go back to my drafts and re-edit them since some of the information is false, or slightly incorrect. I’m trying to be as precise as I possibly can, so I will

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probably have follow up meetings with Tim Korn and David Rabold since those two are more familiar with what is going on campus (they’ve both worked here longer than Brett Fulton)

10/28/14Time: 12:30-1:30pm—1 hour

I re-edited the signs, only changing the color and adding the Office of Campus Sustainability logo to the bottom of them. Since I’ve been very busy this past week with midterms and Family Weekend, I was unable to dedicate as much time working on them (during last weeks meeting I made sure to tell my coordinator that I was going to be busy—luckily she understood.)

Here’s how the signs look with the changes:

SOCIAL MEDIA UPDATE: We have 1 new follower on TwitterAnd 2 new followers on IG!


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10/28/14Time: 1:30-2:00pm—30 minutes

I met with Kalyna about my meetings with Tim Korn and Brett Fulton and now have to email Bill Keller to see if he could possibly help us with our social media sites.

10/30/14Time: 6-7:30pm—1 hour 30 minutes

I added 5 new text drafts and edited the old ones with the new information from my meetings with Tim Korn and Brett Fulton.

10/31/14Time: 1-3:00pm—2 hours

I continued editing and reediting the drafts.

11/2/14Time: 1:30- 2:30pm—1 hour

I played around with the posters and the different colors, and emailed Jim Bolton about what facilities Muhlenberg sends their waste to.Here’s what I have so far:

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1 new follower on both IGand Twitter!

This is how our IG looks as of now:

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11/4/14Time: 1:30- 2:00pm—30 minutes

I went to the meeting with Kalyna. I need to redo the Leviton posters, continue fixing signs and playing around with them. By next Tuesdays I need to have 3-5 new ones. I need to also put some posters around campus about the Social Media accounts for the Office and will also need to send Bill Keller an email about what I would like him to feature.

11/6/14Time: 2:30-5:30pm—3 hours

I made 4 new signs and re-edited the old ones. I created a new one for BAS, the trees on campus, the off-campus wildlife habitats, and the grass clippings.

11/7/14Time: 3:30- 4:30—1 hour

Kalyna sent an email to Tim Korn and David Rabold to look over my facts and she emailed me back with their corrections. I looked through them and redid some of the texts.

11/8/14Time: 12:00pm

I sent out an email to Bill Keller asking him to highlight my latest post on Twitter and Instagram. I also emailed David Rabold and Tim Korn to meet with them both about the new edits.

11/9/14Time: 2:00- 4:00pm—2 hours

I redid all of the posters to make sure that they match the texts on the other document. I also posted in the Class of 2016, 2017 and 2018 group pages on Facebook about the social media accounts.

Here are all the edits I had to change:

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Daylight Harvesting Sign:Here are the edits by David Rabold and Tim Korn:

And here is how I changed it:

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Here are the new posters after all the edits have been made:

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(on the poster above I took out the exact amount of species the college managers)(on the poster below I took out the tiny part about the squirrel… It wouldn’t be fair to all the other animals out there…)

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(In the poster above, I took out the fact that 2/3 of the yard waste that ends up in landfills are from grass clippings)

I also wrote my 3rd/ final essay for the Media Communications Internship requirement due December 5th, and sent in the weekly tip to Christine!



8 new followers on Twitter and 4 new followers on IG.

11/11/14Time: 12:30 -2pm; 2:30-3:30pm; 6-7:30pm— 4 hrs

I met with Tim Korn and got more information on the Leviton System, HVAC and the CO2 Monitors since those are the 3 signs that I’m having the most difficulty getting accurate information for. There actually aren’t any CO2 monitors in New Sci but there are some in Seeger’s Union, Ettinger and Haas. New Sci actually operates off of static pressure (new system—I swear I never heard about this before.)

After the meeting I redid some of the signs, then I met with Kalyna. After all my revisions, I’m going to send all the signs to David Rabold and Tim Korn and CC Kalyna to ask for their feedback. By next Tuesday I need to have drafts for the Leviton system, HVAC, the CO2 monitors, native species and the salt and ice removal procedures. The very last sign I’ll work on will be the meters because I find them very confusing.

David Rabold and I had an incredibly productive meeting. He printed out all of the signs (the 9 I drafted up) and we went through each of them, correcting and editing all. After the meeting I continued working on and editing the signs.

11/14/14Time: 5:30-7:30—2hours

I continued editing the signsHere are the new versions:

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These are now all factually correct. Now I just need to make the final signs and get those emailed out to David, Tim and Kalyna.

11/17/14I sent the new drafts to Tim, David, and Kalyna asking for feedback on the newer versions of the signs.


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TWITTER: no new followers, but 1 new follower on Instagram!


11/18/14Time: 3:30-6:30—3 hours

I began working on motivational signs and came up with 6 that could be used on Muhlenberg College campus.

These signs are about the size of an index card.

11/21/14Time: 12:30-1:30—1 hour

I continued working on the signs.

11/22/14Time: 8:00-9:00pm—1 hour

I took the corrections from David Rabold and corrected the old informational signs.


We have 1 new Twitter follower!

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12/28/14Time 3:00-5:00pm—2hrs

I worked on the PowerPoint about the internship that I will present to the Greening Committee on December 3rd. I basically just included everything I did during my internship, my research, the social media, developing the signage, etc.

12/29/14Time: 4:30-6:30pm—2 hrs

I continued working on the PowerPoint.


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1 new follower on Twitter and 2 new followers on Instagram!