Daily dispatch (Richmond, Va.).(Richmond, Va.) 1867-07-20 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 18. · VOL. XXXHI.....

VOL. XXXHI. . RICHMOND, SATURDAY MORNING, JULY 20, 1867. NO. 36. "h7: dispatch. SY COWARDIN & ELLYSON. I . V nfSI'ATCn Is dellrered fo nob- l'"r . 1 TV^ CR>TB por week, payable to the i " . v Mulled a! f 6 per annnra ; 50 for |r - ( par morfh tor a nhortcr period. i ^-.WEEKLY DISPATCH at $4 per an- ,. . fpy > \ month*. ^ijss'iT DiSPATCH at ?2 peranimm. Jjlu rational. v.MftX'I. K '1» GIRLS will 1h» 1 ;(;i« < i'v on the l*t of October next \ \] s t1 I! t I/Y fcUETON and her ) .. , ,a:.-vy ... iiai.ykpkton . ¦'j' h >1 'he !!*na^ branches of an . > ..<> "IfO li.e French language. . v( kK COliLKGR,.This insti- ;' .¦;.! it- FUTESXTii A.VN'UaL i 1 : ¦' i i-frM ye:. IV K. !'i:t>, r>. T>., president .: I h >. r. Well-, a. M.. , a':.! NiiTnral Philosophy ; ; y a. M , l'r.>fe«Hor Ancient l - ire : >Vr .1 II. Pa via, ¦ \ Minin : Moorman, I i:u Hi. I PliVetolo^V ; J,. 51 i. t Profoaeor of Lnn- r , D»p*t; li F. Kllncor. A. 31., . r .. a >«. J II Hud.««n, a. i'ref rep" t. -».- department*, including ~ i m i-iif and lncideiiiala, > . h-- i:i-*d Il< . hi V. |). y. UiTTi-K. 1). I\. Salem. Va. . M INSTITn 12. i 'l.\hl."TTESV!LLS. ' Vl. K N M V A I1 v. t'r i «<-Ti I,. . . < -. -ne : Msi* m Vool will »- ihi r *. i I end about the I J r i r'.iuiHix apply to "h! harl i> jy 12.'/in m\ S('H< >OL viil !... oju'iiinl iu \ .! > 'tis -' FTEV ./< a EXT f.v s 1! I.an K xt .i Mr. HoPJJa II v r.< riri d ;.« i- The pi:pt»* % i : - the Pniverrlty r e v.r..' i.i .iiy Institute, r i ! fv .!«. r p tt'rn *r« apply to b< re-named gentictucn, eox i*o .. i. . h jy ii.stu NTKK* ASD B 'O »K-BIv I> t pTo;.p- - iii>n rri'ib'-'- v ill he - h '1 ¦< h::<< n.| pc . itHe-t until i '"\ .. .: . :.< i ii -tam inciuMvc. fur M PSA s I) Ci'tMSS n? a new v<»- m* - ' i 11 rt mi* form, on Rinall pie t type. . -liiMt'i i, w.li make a boat -lit) 're l!i R- i' .1 m- |oj ci.tnpori- . r j.re-- work i u«t he given, .r v It lie ailouvil i r'h« . .\>cn- .'ft :.'i" ; p-r lumirhf'.l Ly the . "v 1M a!-o be received fr--ni - S N'UJ.VG. ro coon as the pririt- ! one :!i(>fts:unl rop;-a «»{ the :*¦",! himrde ami white r.Mf inline ih > .ui»» with the .!' ci of either pro|KN>i!ion .b !iM uii'ler-:gn-d. ih nd, with I f«': .. I in eacJi ca>a for a ;' ' t - t moo tb i ntract. . t a . in tJi- n: inner of . ' .'i;- - he atiove I k sinco - ; rovn-.o a ;. w .,:,yu ago. arid a'ro .y . ; -"r. i.il ;he hide on ibat 1;. i. i ':'. hare been heii c J-viai Hi my . i.'ire. .I J. PAI.MER. : *-..: !v t Put-lie I'jiining. R'"¦ ' v.s: ^LED phoI j . - isrt .il |,ft r...',..vd ..» *>i'- Pice tllltil M M"'.I'aV >' r A r th" 22fi inrtMlt. v.r-'*,,; Fence Clarke's i ami m "cihcrtior e ot the- work ran ' '''' I he ( lui:!i-sio'ers of .".til eft A v T ;-i! I if the W. <" :v Kniiinorr. DxtVKU-'.'l V Of VlK'ilMA, \ 1'!. T <*r. ic .lu v 10, l"t>7. S !.< \V J LI. liR lir/;f.TVKD . - .. 'iil the -.'5 h instant for the do- i rv kwi ch of S'iit long toil# of !, .5.111 lie :: to - kKP »8»' > .*. long touK i WRITE ASH in '. 'Ver- Id-ii g tlie months .'ciober, .:.i e- riii -r or earlier V. .1' !:NS".V, .lr y'-'l 1*. 1. Suiierintemient. ina and Lvd<jin<j. . .%. i.t-: «' livk, says the r.K HOCSF.".GorJonitville !a the .:i iiiond and the celehr.iteil ' '.'i ini; an t t^e onlyplmai Ii' i a: I Lynchbui.if, where riifli- .w. i ¦¦..r- get one of iho V.r. I! you do i;.»t find thi* v we * i'! refund your money, v . i's ¦.. c: tirely new, a*d \ ,r i, i.nj.o ite t e i.¦ e. p ion-rooui . i i i and the " tiii es f . - .'.nd W P. TeL graph ('. l- alb wed,-iin-e It rakex twenty- lit s transfer b-vyngo, matli \Vi .,.!... (.pared neither money nor j in k .-..:.. tre.vi Her'# :...treat, hes ,i- evi'i ;.> ded with the mostele* riches! i d- an! bar supplied with V - r So, a II o*e l ocejif.oli- irater, for get -ts. Politoaod at- ¦ w.ijt ipou travellers, and #|(e* I ; ui veiling a ion- and ji* g.. 1 in liCKr. u tb'. AK1M.N ROOMS TO LET. : '. STREET.- Mhs HAKBT h.'Ar.r>v.-iUi c¦>..!!. . : 1 'n .-id on reasonable i ;. .... m<> Miitabl' i<T !";. mi- iv It N I I til .-v'i' tiiiA.N'OE .? . iNllKIt UAiLKOAli DEl't>T, V*A..Uf'DSTON hl'CKER, PRO- I - I r i l . ! ! ?'.. Ill I'll fo I til.. ht>e. ¦¦ v. .! uju.il I.;iii. 'in'! having re- - i.. Tflt KS PER OAT, . i -ot that the well-known reputation ot ii. ; to sin;fthfcd in the -lit in- ii-furnished liHiet<>fi»r-- iiivi l of tr.: tis, ami Mlttlcielit tllin* . lUrongh »*.i-s. i.g. r? gcung north or the cli DgtnK of cars. jy IS.Sat . li x 1:; KS HoTKL, w r: \!rs ».'.:> F - !'! .NT.'! sTflKETK. *.:.! poj'ir'.: o I. b.< viMi: Iec-'lit- t:ly r- p. :r. d ai.d i.ewty larnlbhed, r (. 1 - ption (,.«. M-.' -in tho main ^lre'.t of the city, 'he IV.: i o.id depots, rie.l'ilboat i'p..l tj.. nt'M. Iiousca, together comfoitable accotnmoda- i'.-ed tr. ?¦.'.'¦ i . r day. it i* the .i; t. i lao ;:v.veiling public to i iln ;-.d train.® an<l stehinboiit » c .wy.-. g. r.. to the hotel. »T .1. UA'iCN .' K. PrciprietfT. \fONTIC£ I-: O HOUSE, T 143# SI UN STREET, a lew aoora from Kiftoetith, K'.ei'f no. Va. Mt !'. i.. : riii-PkorRitTar«0, the Xat -i 1 RotUie. Broad sireet. .- iitu .i- - lii :li'- uu'>i bioineee part u :!i'i. a -hurt ii:-' itn:* < f the 'i'ob.tcco i: ent: * .. Tiiginin Central and railroads, and . fTer* onnsual induce- . .1-. .:.g public. Tsari*: only two ' i -y. je 11 j 'iiii-; TRAVELLING PUBLIC. KAlMKP HOUSE,) ix< XD| Vi., May 21, i->u7. j K il !> U C T I O F FARE. r*i«ratS, leteralned to k«ep pace with ..-.I nv. ry facility to i. r . ..¦ .<! tb»- f.-ro to I'EK .AY The well-earned . a of thi- r.tr«-.ri?e hotel y for . « proprietor to eay on i..- t t shall be want- . <',v 5r#c-c.:;?n hctel in this . < r > " 'Th. y r- ted a.-.d newly furnished s' that can promote the com- .v- of h.s k'ueots ha» been ff.vora, the undersigned solicits .. l. h.siorii:-r i-.it ro;:- -and the pub- J. J:.'AX y. KAhLA L), Proprietor. |>i« if D LOUSE, CORNER OF u:e:iok a;n d ro*s streets, rich- ¦.'.mi'di'.ir.s and aduiirably- .s ( 'I -viiii; ii.;enthoroughly repaired I, i w open and prepared to S.VT, PERMANENT, and ° i ..v The rooms are laitte, airy, ri sbed. tha location ie central, <-.> cftf) thing destrablo. Terms mode- i,iv 1^1.t* I)issa\(ftions. <1V'. ok P.\ H'» N'EPSlirP. > in'iiiiy viv. <li-t the pazneistiip Wii F. COttKEKY -v; i. w a .[>, qrider iii<« name end KKKY & UU/LWaKI), is thin du did- ¦ . ..tlok. A J] peieous having claim- d -. in arv respectfully re- hand theui in at "nee. All persons u: 1 . ;>:i ,<r<j a.to requested to delay, as cue of the part- " av. F. COKKEKY, JaME* MiLliWiLU. . July id, in:. wood l'otol willhei'O- bj james millwakd, who to i.ixi!: the old patron* of the -..ri v .1.. he i. 'ronau'i cf the JaMES MILL WARD. A !. M i tb'ItKEHY, having leased .. /.el, ittai v.- t.'rh-a-.a, renpeoctfully nags of his oiJ friends and '.he -.iv. W. F. CORKER Y. Liv' A HEREBY IN- fioni this date Mr. KENJAMIh - an i ifi our bin'rie-h. i. .. . / a L ii C< 'TT ELL, corner ..nth street and basin. ' iv < iated iiivk-iP with Messrs. .'!' r i )!!,(., vrh'.'i ! will be pleased 'n--t.de a- .) ci*Ujir.f-rs. uk. j - .v.in coitkbIjT,. Jaty 1 j--: lvy->f . ai .K, A v'OilPLKTE SET OF .X'' 1y V ]Ii0 TCMV, lii the l.ibby taiiding. 1 r>.LMLlit H/.UT&OOK & CO, List of Letters.- t* 1ST OF LETTERS REM AT NT VG l/nr THE P'»ST-«'FKICB AT RICHMOND, sTaTH OK VIRGINIA, JULY 28, l«67. ' If not called for within one. month thoy will bo sent to tlio Dead Letter Office. To stranger* °r transient visitor* in a town or citv wtuv<e special address may bo unknown, ob'onld bontarKed on the lower left-hand corner with the word "transient." l'Uco the postage htamjxon the npper right-band corner, and leave space between the stump and direction for poet-marking without Interfering witli the writing. To obtain any of these letter* the applicant rnnst call for " (iilvrrti*"t IMer*" giving the data of till* l>Kt, and pay one cent for advertising. if. it.A request for the return of a letter to the writer, if unclaimed within thirty days or less, written or printed, with the writer'* name, poat- otilce, and State acm** the left -hand end <>f tho en¬ velope, on the face aide, will be complied Willi. LADIES' LIST. Abbott, Mrs. Marv C. Lambert, Ml** 11. E. A I'm i Son, Mr*. A E. (3) Lay-on Mre. F»r*h Ai'ihlle, 3Ii*s Kate Lewi*, Mis* Bettie AUtngton, Miss C. A. (2) Lee, Mi*n 1'tnkey Allen 3i!s* Kcnn Lipscomb, Mi*» Sarab Allen. Mrs. Catharine Lowry, Mrs. H. E. Alley Mrs K. ('. Longiuotti, Miaa V. Arm Alls* Mar lia E. Loflin, Mrs. A. Ati ietson, Mr*. SI- A. Lolier, Mia* Mollte H. At.dfison Mrs. *allv L'oul, MIsh M. K. Atkinson. Mrs .Indiana Ludiain, SlisaSarah Atbe, Mrs Jacobs. Malnme, Miss A. H. linker. Mrs. Caroline S. Moloney, Ann Baviy, sirs Jane O. Marshall, Sirs. SI. A. lb,no s. Miss Mary Mangiter Miss Lucy Batkin-. Mrs. Sarah M. Martin. Mis* Delia Barron, Miss Annie L>. Slan y. Mrs Dr. BangU M s* l.ucv Anil Mathews Miss Julia Banks. Miss PaMy Maylier Mn*. Slaggio Birlow. Mrs. Hi/a Meredith, Si" h. A. Bates. Mrs. M (cofd) Mitchell. Sirs. SI A. D. B.-cker, Sirs. Nane Minter, Mr-. B. 13. Bennett, Miss Frances. Milter, Mrs. Louisa Bennet, Mrs Kit/, a SntcheiLSIlM Carrie Beauregard, Mrs J. Miller. Mrs. Henrietta Mavklow. Mrs M. 0. Modly, Miss Ssrah Blount. Mrs Julia M-rron. Mr*. Hattlo BUncbard, 31'.,* N. A. Vor«n, Mrs. Clarissa Bird. Mrs M .rv M-irlon, Millie Birtk-v. Mrs. Betty' .Morgan, Mis* J - Hit.ford. Mrs. HsV.ih W. M-.reer, Miss Kitty Hn'i 1 fW. M rs* V»i»un Mon's, W iw* Julia Kouidio. Marry, M)8« Julia A. Bowls. Mrs. h.arali M irphy, Mrs. ( athanne Boucher. Mrs. Ann M. Mullen. Miss Fanny Broker, Miss Ell-n C. 31>er-, 311-8 Jnlia nan* «>n, Mrs. Mary Myers, vr*. K. Brarkett. Mr-. T.mma Mv-rs.Mrs. L. Bragg. MlasTenia McLannio, Miss B J. t'.i.oilv, Mrs. Delia E. Mc orinick >Iiss Matt. Bragg", Mrs Mhtv Mtiy urnr., Mis* anuie Briggs, 31 ies Annie 31c 'arthy, Mws Jane B-cwn 3Irs. A McClelland, Mrs. Mary Brown', Mrs. Einily N'eal, Miss C-thanne Brown, Miss Louisa Nether and. Mrs. JS. Brown, -Mrs. Mv--s » or man. Miss L A. Brown, Mrs. Lewis M. Kcfe, M.«. John Brown. Mr- 1. (coFd) O'Conn-rs, Mrs. H. (.) Broadus. Miss M. (col'd) Owens, Mrs. Lucj D. Brown, 31 Us Lucy l'ago Miss L. «. Bull. Sirs. Margaret T'avre. Mre. Robert Burton, Miss Bet tic V- wter. btss .J.J. Byron. Martha B. £ ,Vi«r i fair Mr- Ann Pecbin, Mis* Clara Car dwell. Miss Bettie Vellum, Mrstranky Cannon, Mrs M- J. Perliins.ui Mrs. B. \ . C .rver 31 r- 31 J. Peyton. Miss JtilU Vary. 31 .- 31 argaret Pitts, Mrs. Martha Carier, Mrs Fantfe PhiMps. Miss Kato L. Carroll. Mis- Bridget :1'p'. v'.h F p farv. 31 is* Roberta K. Powell. Mrs. h. C. dialkb.-y, M. F. Pontock. Miss 0eoroia Price: Mrs S L. Ida'eeorn" Mi-*Hubbard Price. 3Ii*8Jennie Clarke, Mrs. Col. J. 0. Vro/.kauer, Mi** Hora [' irk Mi- Win PurKins, M *.. Lolema^Mrs. Dr. R. T. PallUB..Mr-o«um t'osby, Mrs. Mary C. 'Vmntock, Mrs K L'orblu, Mrs. Jai.e hag-uJic, Miss^li. Cousins, Miss Kenyan Kawin g^ MisH W. tMich, Ml** Deborah Band ll. .V rss Mary Co troll, Mrs. B-o. Mi-s Jenn'6 Connors, Miss Marg't Kegaii- Mr^ Msry Cooke, Mis* M A. f n v, bilia Cowling. Mir 31. L. v'1 nU3lrs' Marv" Co..per,>lissMary Koacb 3Ls Mary Cousins Miss Alviva Kolmttson. 3hs-J. V . It A.ipa KoWe 3lis. U. t'r'w-suiore, 311- ' liver Roberts. Mi.-. V Cruiuis Mrs Emi y Robert-on, Miss Kl./-t urrv Mis-.L.mo Lose. 3.r-. Vt in. J. Hobiinson: 'hitharine" : MS'eis..-" s:«ar M) Davis. Miss »li/.i bcof, Mrs. a.n ,iol rl) I»uv. 31 iss Nannie A. Scott. 31r-. James Davis, Jli-s Mary M. Behalf. Mi-* s Davis Mr- 3fa»vA. Bhopper.J, 31 i«» K L. , Mv* ( apt John Miea. Miss Bridget elan'ev. Misr 13. K Shines, drs U.p» p,.mil*" 31 rs Lennia Sbepperd. .i.-s s. h. i.i nn s, .'us o, s|..u:e. 3!is. t-nrah J. ?Myl R- L. Bhield. Mrs. Alfred ti^e.1 Mis** Ve.iti v shun.., Mr* t ebtcca i luii.i. ... Sim-n. 31 is* Jo-iO i-r-w" Mi-s Mi'i-v Shields. MU-5 Dntfuer, Mists bury A. Sharer. ;M:** .^o Dvi'.et' Mi'4'm" E. Dunn, Mr^ J.ettio|. j»j£. ¦ ^ v im. A, . Un,;y' vf; i n'e E. HI aught r. Mrs. Dhil. Du I.-t ., MlHjAi.n..i ». n .(,M_ Kv.bea.a Rllis. Mi *. I. . Hiiiith Miss K. (col'd) Farmer. Mr*. 31 L. fcii . Mj^ ^ j 5S&8's.^: K. M.HJ. AIintl-Gi ^!;,^li*raIrp Vct.r'd) H. rre-ler, iil>. ivelllv I-1 "v K M Mrs. Martha ^[asbniger.Mrs. Hara'h ChDk''!IM;sM: A ' C. Huilivan. Mrs. J E. i.i Hint ..-v.;,, Mraiii. 3lrs. JaneC. ii.troiltrr, *lls .<11/ r|.|r..o \ . rMre M Tar«?ii i** JiUiruw > . ':"1"'iHKSSa ?KK:*S&..r. ;;rc jV-../.'-- .. v,-» s A ^Thoiui'soii, .ura. r. i»reen,"lljseCulhartu® 'lH' Cray, te-ra A. TUnborlake. Mr.- D. A. .'tr.Vi. I'jr'rtiSK *"" llaid. Mw- H M. Tol-1* 3U»* M V B. Hail,-Mrs. A. H. Todd,'Mr». Chr.st. linden, iflibh uifirv v m w* Mr-. y Tj,.M,.,. Maria nH,Ci Z'ri k Turn-r, 31i*s P. iu-giV- Mrs' John Turner. Mrs. h. J. iiolioway. Mr* f.ofd) Turner^ 3ti» ^ !' "-"aOT* Un tinkle;31ii*L. Holmes, Miss, \. L. WaHace. Mr-. Ann Ham,, M.ss Nancy U a,ker. Mrs. Matilda Hope*, Mrs. I eg-,3 tvalton. Mrs. M. D. Howson, Mr*. l-- h. Wa,ker, Mr,. Attly Hoskin*. 3.rs al try w>.l<h 3Ir, Hope.-, Mis* Marltiu Wasiiiiigson, iiiss J. Hopkins, Miss a on ® wari ing Mrs. W. V- Hopkins Miss allie V- «r^ - Mr<> M. H' P-- >Ir:Tv^Vv (-1) Warren. Mrs. J. L> uUl ", i Mrs C Wstklns. MissS. E. Hub"aid, Mrs. v.. Watt 3Ii-s Corr.eDa Ingelson.Mr* Joan Mrs. E. W. Jaiser, MissL We siger. Miss Allie Jackson MIS.M; Weed. 3Irs X.Carrie Jobu-ton, Mrs. V _ Weisiger, Mrs. L. fmma 'f,,rl0rVli s Vinkv Weisiger, Sir* Pauline Jo .son. Mis* 1 M Weever.Miss Harali Johnson, Miss Eaura Mr*. Mi ta ohnst-n. Mi** Manna- Mlr, Mary Jones, Miss furne u. Mr*. 31. A. Jones, -Vre. Lettie 'h. -white, Mrs. Lucy R. I""'5''' mT* AUceT ' White. Miss Fannie Tones, 3Ii-s Al - wtm»ms Miss J. !°-te-'. Vfrs Marg't William-. Miss Mary Jorden, Mrs. .uarg wigb;»Mi-s Aim b. Jones, Mis* Emmc Williams. 3Ir*. R. "V 'Si Kllen L. Wilson Mr*. M. J- Kolfv" Mi-^ int.ie w'i! liamVMMr*'Parthenla ;V-s!iH>l.:irt;'t wn\?am»,!Mr*. John C. Is^h^-e. si Klrb'; ilri. J- . W'M'' ^ ji'0' KuigiU, Ml*e Jooine ^ rJoht' M' GENTLEMEN'S LIST. ts:«r rasa* * iViSS'i*. B.v* oSSST'A' iiirwv- safeBft A in bold, E- A. Granger, Kd. j lcot. WmH And«'*onBr<w. gjeen,f°bt . ,£*;ari.GNV. m Gre-n, W. C. Potts. J. & Sou Andereon, T. J. 0un«i, J. pSifdextor" A Anderson T. J. Harrison it ,, roin dexter, a. anuersuii i . xf Andrews Co., larnell M- j W. If. Haines, C. C. Prtddy. J. a. VV ill ndllllai v. . " , l) 1 Archer, . Hastings, Cha*. Pry or, Hon. R.A . , . 1> Vrr4s Kd Preston, A A (-' t'hley! J.' E. ParriV, II. H. PulL-r. Mr. and Ather, L. Harris, Henry M.,8; B\ Atkinson J. V. Harris, H. . Randolph, A.AU < tk. fouu, J. U. Haywood, J. *. |:a-Xi"^V V?hn. C. L. Hardy, J C. Kadfor., .lotin Branch, D. Haalo.i, James P:an{""i^ o Baker, 1). G. Hardwuke, J- %r ,i Galley, G. t. V. , Poland, W P. Baker. J. M. Jiartm&n,L. HeadA wnno .'auks, J. W T. Halm, O. W. I eeve.MaJ. J. J. HaskerviU, J.H. Harris, P. ,, Peagoii, J. Hail, M. A Harris, Karn'l Kea-i, Jordon Baldwin. 0 P. Hayes, S. C. . 5c!1/0Id> *- Bar.-adall. N.D. lianaigan, T.F. R«id,T. A. Barrett. W. H. 11 ever a Bennio. W.-A. lievoridK® A Hen-man Richardson, J. Nichols Hester, Col. f>. W.. Bislane. M. Hondrick, G. S. Bldde), John B'vthe, Beiij. Heaser. Henry Ritterhonbe, J .0. BlarikcnslilP, Heath H. (c'«t) Kotth.Fred. g w. Hondrick, J. T. Roy, J'hn Blackburn, V. lleury. J. L>. Rose, Jhs H. K llevi ran. M Rose, John RnsclieQ F. H-ndricks. W. Roane, Juo. T. Roa«hl"raan, J. Hines. a. M. , (colored) Rrrr Peter Hicks & Cosby Rogers. J. T. Brooks, Libert Hill, J H EtXi,.son John Browne'1 A.M. Hicks, John How, Ponker wrt«n F 12) Hitcucork.J. Robert*. 8. (i i /2> Hi ltsrd, Jelf. Rowe, ll«v.W.8. SjSft H. L' ( ) j/irillr. suae prison, Dr. lit»wn, .Tames ' \yVc'il) Rutherford,A.A. urown. J. M. uic*, «. i* p, ' Brown, Mote* Holmes. A. (c d) Kuhie. Ch^ Brant, Hobt. Howf CJ. guj.Bl jd«. hreeiltiOi W.F. fjo0a,ut uu, fc/nnrl«rft K A Brown, Win. Hopkins, John baundere, &> a. Bnttonbohmer, Hodgson. J. Fang«ton. Bdw. B. Ho^ar. John Sanders, Ell But'or, l) J. JJoy, J.T. Savage, N. E. Burton, Jas. Horace, S. (co- Feb inner, A. Butler, J. M. sored. 2) Schooff, Henrr < anion. A. Boge, W. fcTd) Behoof, Jno. H. Ca-tagnac, A. L. Ilnnt, Chas. Srhnur Johann Ca'N-r, Barry Hurhert, Jolm Schwartz, V. Cadwaltader, 0. Hnckh-s, S. Scott, Wm. B. Hunl, W. A. Sear, Joserh Catlett. 0. W. Hoitneft. .I»k. Sehton, Jamo* « ascl, 0. Jacks >n, Derij. Shafer. 8. S. Casey, ()¦ James. E. T. Sh'-aner. Q. L. Carter. O. (5. Jscksoti, M. Shires, J. H. Carter. H. C. Jack-on.MonrooSheppard, Jas. (colored) James Ji (j. Sheppberd.V. 0. Carter, J B. Jam-*, Dr T. Shackelford, Dr. Campbell, J. Jackson, W.W. 'Win. CamphsIt, J. H. Jefl'.Msnn, B. Simon, A. Camp. L. b. Jefferson, F. Siz«r, W. T. Can field. t.. 8. Jcager, (> W. Smith b Jonea Cabill, Mlk« Jenkirn, Ishani Smith, O. (c'd) Carrington, J*. .). tferhon, Jas. Smith, Josiah K Julius, T. T Smith, J. W. Carr b Rro , W. Jenkins, W. F. Smith.MarcelIns (colored) Johnson E L. Smith, S. J. C.irrinnton, W. Jones, Julias bin.tli. Wm. II. B. (2) Johnston, J. M. (colored) Carter, W. H. (2) Snead, W. D. Chi.JrcSS. A. Johnson. John Spurlock. A.(c'd) Chat'kloy, J. K. Johnson, I Spain, F. E (2) (2) Johnston, S. Spicer, J. B. Chapman, S. Johnson, W. H. Splgnlel, W. W. L'hantiom, T. Johnson, W. U. Spencer, W. B. Chatnian. W. Joy. Rev. J. B. Stacy, Cnas. Cliamueriavne, (2) Ft'Wrs, Claiborne Frof. E. .f Jonrnev, T. C. Stanley, D. A. Clarknon, J. N. Jory, M. W. btoors, 0. Clasby, J. W. Jones, li. il. Ptokey, Henry Clash, Ned Jones. J. L. Stanard, H. M. Costallo, Kadd-n, A. Stick. Henry Cooke, B. F. Hunting. IS. fctro-'k, Jacob Collins, John Kelley, H. C. Stuhhs, Jno. R. Con hi in, J. Keck, L. 1*. Stratt'n. J. A. (2) Cornell, J. c. Kelley, s. Stone, Simon Cross, A (c'd) K-l.i'V, Th"H. Sterling, J)r. W. Crowley & Kennedy, W.M. Sunderland, J. L'oleinan Bimhall. II. b. (colored) Crump, J (2) Swan, Maj. R. Cra.-on. Mark King. Jame* Tayior, A. Creegan. K. B. Kirsch. J. Taylor, Curtis Cunningham,A. King, J (c'd) Taylor, E. B. Cullen,Curtis Kirttey, St cl?.irTaylor, H. 1'. Cashing, J. King W J. Taylor, N.B. Currv, is. C. l.atie, <». J. W. T^rrv, Jas. Ik Crutchfield, W. Lacy, M E Thomas, Wm. P I ancaster, Z. D. Thompron b Oar la, H. H. I.e.. A. S. Ballard Davis John 1 eTenthall, B. Thomason, D. Derd-n, J M. I.ee, C P. (co or-d) Hahney, J. W. Lewis. J M. Thompson, L. B. D tniele, Kobt. Lewis, J. T. Thorp. Wm L. Davis, Kobt Lensch, W. M. 'tmslcy, Alex. Paris, T. W. b. Tiluian, Joseph Dance, Thoa. L5ppincott,P.B. Tlnsloy. Jno. a. Davis, W. P. Lev izo. M. Tignor, P..M. Dotrcll. albert Logan, J. W. Tinsley. w. N. Deanc. Dr. Lnmalen, C. Todd, Christian Devrix Benj. Lumpkin, Dr. Tompkins, J. D. D-n/ler. J. M. J O Todd. Koyal Den trick, L. Lyons, W B. Todd.J. Pont, Simon Mays, Albert Tracy, Jeffrey Diacont. John Martin, 1L C. Trecy, Peter B, Dickinson K.L. HI:tvs, Dev. J. Truhart. W . A. Diggs, Thos. Marble. L. E. Tyler, John Does, B. Mariiui, T. Tyrrell, A. Dorntierger, T. Maddux. W. II. Tyoos, Chas. Drewry, Maj. Ms hen, Win. Yauxucan a. H. Mediico t. J. B. Leeds Drsssel, Chas. Muhan, M. Vaughnot Bros. Dnesherry.a.B. Mea Jor, F. Tiles & Whitta- Dunhiirant, E. Merrltt, Dr. T. k<*r M. M11 t»y & Jones Watlbanr, A. Dnnlevv, J. H. Miller, J P. Watts, C. Duly, John Miller. John Waldrow, C. Kg*ton, Alex. Minis, Thos. W ard, Daniel Ftimtindson, B. Morse, A. 3T. Watkins. b W. Ewg:e*ton, M C. Moshv, Benj- Warace, Edw. Echols, John Moody, E. S. Wait, Dr. J.T. Kllison. K- MoJuy, Geo. AN Atkins, J. t. Kllett, John Morton, 0. W, Washington, L. Ellis J W. Moncnre, J. D. Wi'llace.P.H. En, land, R. Moore, J. E. Wa ter, W. T. English, W. (2) Moton, J J. Wa dr..n, W. J. Ernest. A. Morgan, J E. A all, Micnael Eubank J. L. Morrisett, J T. Weber, Mr. £virts& Mordy. Jno E. V est, Oreedy & Mcrritield Moore, Jas. M. Co. , E\ans, i>r-is Moran. 8. A. u eisigcr, b. b. Evans, James Molrs, B A. V raver. < apt.. . Evans. K. Mo ore, T. A. L. West, ^ b. Face, Chas. ^\| .rrifi, W M. Wells, VS W Fug an, hdwM Mooton, Wm. W.istger, V .H. Fii'.ilconer, J. A. Hlun'oo W. H. Whitman, J. T. Farrar. J. K. Myers W. B WhDe.T. B. Fancett, John McCurdy, Robt. Whito, W. Faithful D'.tor >tc''an:i, M. 3W. 'is, a. tfc <.) J. Mc^ortU^. ^ iliiAiiii va, hi' Ferguson, J. F. McMurray.C 1. j*'1' Fiick, L. E. McFariano, C. ^. hstou. V. Fink. Henry W V i son. Mr. Fi*her, John McMhut, D. A. Willtaifls, 0. u. Finnegan. HI. Katinuland, J. '-) .. Figg, K. W. a. (2) Wilson, David eSsh.T, Wm. Narev.Jos Winn. Edwin L'ewsou, Berry V/w»ner, F. Kevell, 1,. A. Winston, 0. v\. ,r..v,. N oli-Is. r Willims, 11i. . er, Cant D. Eorr's, Ja'' H. illjame. J. H. "iii.litiri, r.V,r. ^i.rturi. T. H. WilJiatuson, Dr. owler, J. i'. Foiitn. w, K. Cf. ,1 D. »>rr«stor. v>r. r>l>c»iid« rr«r. n. Winfree, J M. rayser, I.. W, i>'Iii«m Pat'k Wtui-ime. John rancis,A. < > ,v- i. J o. T. Wiltiumrt, IV ranee, K. l'ulton. r H. W;jliarn-, K. rofcb, Ko Fagf, J hiss WTil;iauiron, >\. r /i-r. Wm. 7'atfon, l)r J. H. -2) . 1 ar ett, C. M. l'atf-rsor., Dr. W«-rd .h Welti-, sorgo, a. S. Wm. a. gbfj-) , .¦''liri4', Vi'hiI, PHlTu,vr."fi^n. Wortbit'U irv.' H. I'crct'll, J 1*. , '^trn'=,';t entry, W. J». l'earce. J. H. Wogau. Jas 1. ha'iar, Thos. Reroe, J. F. Wood, .Tub. P. illorpie, I'-tti-.J H Wooding. J. M. Wra:kin««k Co, Peachy, J. B, Wright, Win, lies, B. (c'd) MiB< tt AHEOrS. Board of Trade (2) ; Socr.*nry Board of Tmde ; iciiiii'Uid sum in '-tigar Kutiiiery; later of the oiored Buptitl Clinr -h t) i ALEXANDER SEAIil', P. M. r 1ST OF L17ITEILS X l.\ THE MANCHESTER, VA., l'OST-OFFICE L'LY 20, 15u7. LADIES' I.InT. ooker. Mrs. fulia James, Mrs. 1 T, aker, Miss.vi L Jaioes, Mrs, Mary dgw«ll, Mi-6 B. L. J iiL'es, ilrs. A. C. i k, Jtrs. 1'innie Joidou. Situ E. A. (») la:ke. Mrs. Frances Mo'es. Mrs. C. K. beatlnui. Mrs A. E. Ferpignon, Mrs. E. arise, airs. J. A. Richardson. Mi*s Kate arm-r. Mrs. M.F. T'cmple, Miss Lizzie ary, Mies b. J. Whitiock,JVlrs. Martha icks, MKs Catharine Woodson. Miss fcrptneer Winlree, Jliss Fannie* GENTLEMEN'S LIST, ranch, William H. Hatcher, i'. C. oil'tig, James Hew tt. K. 8. rake, Captain S. M. Harris. Oorge (cl d) .irioor, U. W. Pollard, T. J. nrish, K. 0. Rhodes, C H. ore, J. Tt. Smith, a. B. r4gory. J. II. be tr. Harnett "ouo, Prince Wallace, Thomss Wonaack, William ^ w J. M. MOODY. P. M. .tchcr, IX r. P. Cusi-o, Toilet Articles. HE DENTAL. EL1XIK, for preserv icg and vfhil"ulTig the teeth. This ilixir im- j ta a dnlightfully retresh'ng aromatic taste to mouth, a-s >ciating with it a gemle stlinulatiiig anodyne effect, and is warranted to contain no d or alkali. For tale by BLUNT & MOFELEY, . is 13M Main, near Fourteenth street. >LAIR'S RICHMOND HaIR DYE. J We confidently recommend thisarticle as bet- r tbau most of the Hair byes in ase. It is scion- Sc.ally prepared, arid has given universal *atis- ction. For sale atproiiPeior'spricos. wholesale id retail, by 1'CRCi.LL, LADD & C"., )e 24Druggists. linn hers. ?REIGN EXCHANGE..We are now prepared to draw B;Lt-S OF KXCHaLGE, urns to suit purchaser's, upon the principal ;a and towns in England, Ireland, France, many, Italy,and Russia. Also,on Alexandria, st iniiimpie, and other points on the continent iurope and In the ilrient. o especially call the attention of foreigners other* wishing to remit email sums of money i«ir (riends abroad and at home to our facul- for accommodating them on reasonable terms. THOMAS BRANCH b CO., 10.Irn Bankers. N'o. iol5 Main street. Hardware. MI! L Pit K8..feix dozen KXTRA C \FT-NTKEL MILL PInKS received to-day per steamer, and for sale bv the dozen or singly. jy 10 CIIaS. J. Slo'fo.V 1405 Main street. T RATHER AND GUM BELTING. A J Thirty packages received per steamer from the mamifticiarers. and for sale at factory prices. Also, I.ace Leather, Kelt Hooks, Kivets ,auiJ Pure, Kelt Punches, Kivet Sets, Gum Packing, Italian Hemp Packing, Hydrant Hose, Engine Hose, He., Sic., for sale by CliiJULES J. .SI ¦> T* »N. 1435 Main street, jy 10 Agent for the liunufacturers. \TKW HARDWARE STt RE..I have i-* just opened a select fdock of GENERAL HaKD- AVAKKinthe store formerly occupied by J. A> . Katclitfe, at the corner of Eighth and Broad streets. Having been engaged in >he haidware trade in this city fore number of years prior to the war, ai.d since it ended, i hope to merit, by strict atten¬ tion to business, a share oi the patronage of the public, 1 have secured the services of .Mr. W. ADDISON KEPLBK, who would be ploased to see his friends and those of his father, Lev. H. c. Kepler. J. V. L. 51 cCKLEfiY, 719 Broad street, 1e 11 opposite Frederickebug depot. An eaknfst appeal to the FBI ENDS f'F BENEVOLENCE..The New Teuiplo congregation will m^et at their usual place of worship over the new engine-honse on Broad .".rent on NEXT SUNDAY the 21st instant, at Ji o'clock P.. 51.. for the ptirptjso of organizing a Be- i.evident hociety, it! view of establishing audi maintaining in this city ari Asylum for the iufirtn and helpless of both sextet. 1 his not>le and all-important enterprise appeals directly to the t<*nder«at feeling* of hnnnnhy and claims the sympathy and support of every generous heart. The wai t of such a humane in¬ stitution in our midst is seriously feit, and the work iieeos only to be commenced in order to be appreciated. Invaluable assistance and encour¬ agement have been promised us Irom an iniluen- tial source, and therefore we desire to enlist only the good-wlll of ourcitizens in this enterprise. Jn behalf of the congregation. jy IS.at Da. A. L. 51AYEK. gichmoiui gisptclt. SATURDAY JULY 20,1867. THE CIRCULATION . OF THE "DIS¬ PATCH" IS LARGER THAN THE COM¬ BINED CIRCULATION of. ALL THE OTHER DAILY NEWSPAPERS OF THIS CITY. Auction Sates This Day, BEGNAUI.T k CO. will Hell at their store, at lo o'clock, a splendid assortment of furniture, crockery, tin and iron ware, books, stationery, engravings, mirrors &c. T. \\\ KEESBE will sell at 10 A. M., on Council Chamber Hill, several horses and mules, B. B. COOK wi!l sell at 10 o'clock A. M., on Coun¬ cil Chamber IIill, horses, mules, cow*, a hearse etc. £. OATH..TOHT will sell at No. 1433 Main street, commencing at 10 o'clock A. M., household fnrnitnro, beds, bedding, clothing, dry goods, and miscellaneous articles. LOCAL MATTERS. Religious..With the following excep¬ tions the pulpits of the various churches will be filled to-morrow'as usual : Bishop Doggett will preach at the Broad- street Methodist church in the morning. Rev. P. B. Reynolds will preach at the Manchester Baptist church both morning and night. Rev. C. C. Chaplin, of Danviile, will preach at the Grace-street Baptist church both morning and night. There will be communion service at o P. M. Rev. Dr. Ilopsnn will preach at the Sy¬ camore church both morning and Dight. He will not be absent from the city, as was announced on last Sunday. Rev. Dr. Baird will preach for Dr. Iloge at 11 A. M. At 11 o'clock A. M., at Seamen's Bethel, corner Twentieth and Cary streets, Rev. Hugo G. Knehnc, D. T)., will preach, and at 1 P. M. Rev. F. J. Boggs. A Colored Man Drowned..Alexander "Williams, a negro cook employed on the schooner William Frazier, of Norfolk, was drowned in the dock on Thursday night. He drew his wages in the afternoon, went up town, and retmmed at about 10 o'clock at night. At a late hour he was heard walking across the deck, and it is supposed that lie fell overboard from the bow o1 the vessel. Mrs. Ann E. Kjrrv..Yesterday,, in pursuance of the following order from Major-General Schoiield, Mrs. Ann E. Kirby was released from the city jail: " Hr.Aiejraktf.ks I'ik*t jM?utart District,) " State or Virginia. ? " Kic;iimo.nij, Va., Juno if>, is<57. ) "Special Order:; Xo. S7.. [Extract.] "Mrs. Aun E. Kirbv, confined in the city jail of the city of Richmond en the charge of munler, having given bond and sufficient security 'or her appearance for trial before the next term of the Hustings Court of the city of Richmond, will be re¬ leased from confinement. "By command of Brigadier nnd Brevet Major.General J. M. Sehofield, U. S. A. "S. F. Chalfix, A. A. G. tl( h rk of (he 11 as tinys Court, City of Rich' inund." Threatening to Kill IIls Wife.. Yes¬ terday evening Mrs. Frances Perkins bad her husband, John A. Perkins, arrested on warrant for "violently putting her out of the house, locking the door, and threaten¬ ing to shoot her with a pistol." lie was carried to the third .Ntalioii-hou.se, but was shortly afterwards released on his giving bail in the sum of *100 to appear before the .Mayor this morning. Shoe Thief Arrested..A colored fel¬ low named James Lewis, finding that most of the pursuits of life were bootless, de- termiucd to try the shoe line, and there¬ upon took, appropriated, and carried away five pairs of shoes, valued at fifteen dollars, tho property of Michael Gunst. He was shortly afterwards arrested, as was John Jackson, colored, charged with receiving three pairs of shoes said to have been stolen from the above-named shoo dealer. Mule Thieves,. In the JJispalch of yes¬ terday we gave an account of a hot pur¬ suit on the day before of a colored man who was running oil' with two United States mules. On that night two colored men, named respectively Prince Edwards and Thomas Lucas, were arrested by the police, and brought before the Mayor yes¬ terday. In the absence of witnesses the case was continued. False Alarm..Up town dashed the Fire Department yesterday about 4 o'clock, when the tire bells clanged out as if Richmond town was burning down. After a hot run it was found that there was nothing on which to cast water, and the engines returned to their quarters. Real Estate Sale..Messrs. Harrison, Goddin & Appcrson yesterday sold for $35.50 per front foot the beautiful lot on the north side of Marshall between First and Fousbee streets, fronting 31 feet, with a depth of 1G" feet. A Gun Goes Off."Nobody Hurt.". Yesterday a colored man passed by Mr. Samuel Sutherland's gun store, and seeing a number of guns standing quietly in front of the store, snatched one of them and made off. He was pursued, but etTected his escape, carrying off his prize. Guns going oil' in this way injure the owners in the pocket very seriously. "We hope Mr. Sutherland will receive no more wounds of a similar character. Personal..Rev. Bishop Doggett, of the Methodist Episcopal - Church, South, has returned to Richmond from a tour through the Northwest. Rev. Dr. Converse, the venerable senior editor of the Christian Observer, left the city a few days since for a summer trip to the North. Passionate..Thomas Martin was brought before Justice Wade yesterday to answer the charge of threatening to kill his sisters. It appeared from the evidence that Martin exhibited his violent temper by breaking up furniture and chasing bis sisters with a knife, lie was sent to the county jail in default of $1,000 bail. G. W. Thomas, Esq., has been employed as his couusel. Roost Robbery..The heneryofMahala Loornis, a freedweman residing in the vicinity of Bacon's Quarter Branch, was forcibly entered Thursday night by priziog otf a padlock and hasp from the door. Nineteen beDs and the lord of the harem, a venerable chanticleer, were carried off. Much lamentation was caused in the neigh¬ borhood yesterday when the facts of the robbery became known, chiefly on account of the loss of the rooster. One old Afri¬ can lady avowed that he was "do tirne- piece of de neighborhood, crowin' always at break ob day, jes as sartin as rollinolf a log." Sho added, with emphasis, that she sincerely hoped "his gizzard would choke do nigger what stole hint." Recorder's Cocrt.Recorder R e o - NAt i.T presiding..The continued case of George Field and Samuel Richardson, charged with assaulting and beatiDg Hay¬ wood Powers, colored, was first called up yesterday. After much testimony tho whole party was required to give security in $150 each to behave themselves in fu¬ ture. The next case was that of a white man named John Kearney, charged with as¬ saulting and beating Benjamin Thomas, colored. lie was fined five dollars, and re¬ quired to give security in $100 to keep the peace and be of good behavior for twelve months. A mulatto fellow named Robert Ashby next stepped in front of tho Recorder to answer for being drunk and disorderly and trespassing upon the premises of George Tiinherlake. No witnesses ap¬ pearing against him, he was discharged. George Lawson, colored, appeared to answer for haviDg lived with Martha Gar¬ land, colored, in the relation of husband, being the father of her child, and for de¬ serting her to marry another woman. A short examination revealed that they were residents of the county of Henrico, aDth they were sent there to be disposed of. Ungrounded Charge.Power of Love. Quite an amusing instance of the extent of the influence which love has over a man (according to ono of the witnesses) was told in the Mayor's Court yesterday. Mollie Wood, a denizen of Exchange al¬ ley, appeared to answer for stealing $45 in United States currency from-Mr. E. H. Stokes. The bar-keeper of Mr. Stokes,1 John C. Head, procured tho warrant for her arrest, the warrant containing the fob lowing items as to the theft: May 13, $13 ;1 Mav 15, $8; May 19, $10; May 23, $3;; May 24, $11. Head was first called to tho stand, and said he frequently visited the house where the accused lived, and whenever he went he was in the habit of going to sleep. Thought that every time ho went to sleep the pri-' soner took money from him, but did not miss it until he went to settle up his cash account. Here the Recorder asked the witness why he did not cease his visits when ho found she was stealing money from him, to which he replied : " Don't you know when the passion of love gets hold of a man's heart he can't control his movements." Some further testimony was elicited, when the Recorder became satisfied of the innocence of the accused, and discharged her. So soon as this case was disposed of, two men were brought up to answer for steal¬ ing a pistol and some money from John C. Head, tho witness in the above ease. A lengthy examination ensued, after which the parties were discharged, there being no evidence of their guilt. Sons of Temperance..At a late meet¬ ing of Springfield Division, No. 107, Sons of Temperance, a committee, consisting of Messrs. II. A. Atkinson, Jr., \\r. II. Plea¬ sants (l)i;palck ollice), R. E. Richardson, "\V. I!. Craig, and J. W. Davis, was ap¬ pointed to receive propositions for mem¬ bership. Persons desirous of joining the Order may apply to either of these gentle¬ men, who will introduce them to the Divi¬ sion. A TVord Aimer Does..Our exchanges are eoustantly ViriujjiiiS to notice cases of hydrophobia, the details of which, as is always the ease with that terrible disease, cause one to shudder at their mention. In these dog-days, therefore, although we have not recently been oppressed with beat, it is natural that we should look with much suspicion upon every cur that passes us uithopun mouth and hanging tongue. A gentleman states that in his perambulations yesterday he met with not less than two or three hundred dogs, and was an eye-witness to hall' a dozen serious lights. Now, while we have the most hu¬ mane feelings toward the canine species, and have no desire to interfere with their innocent little amusements, we would mildly suggest that a few of the thousands which infest the streets of Richmond should be caught and taken out of the city. True, .several spasmodic raids have already been made upon the noble army of curs; but they are so few and far be-' tween that little seems to have been ac¬ complished. Turn out again with your cage-cart, your sooty janizaries, your big uets, and crowd of admiring boys, and j ease the public mind of the dread of nydrophobia! Owners of trusty Cte.sars, old dog Trays, and faithful Tuwzers, will keep them either muzzled or penned, and the ladies will take care of the curly lap- dogs. Tin: " Prick Block.".The chaste and attractive block for some time past in the course ot' construction on the corner of Main and Eleventh streets has been so far completed as to permit our well-known and respected citizen Mr. Thomas K. Price to rebpen his dry goods business in the corner stores The old firm have as-1 sociuted with them Mr. E. P. Hudgins, long identified with their business. IV"e subjoin a description of the build¬ ing, and remark that, as a practical illus¬ tration of tho great work of reconstruc¬ tion which has been carried out in the burnt district, the '. Price Block" will stand fur generations to come a monument to the sagacity, enterprise, and enlarged views of Mr. Price, and a testimonial of the skill and taste of Culonel A. L. Rives, the architect who planned and supervised the construction of the building. - The building fronts 47 feet 4 inches on Main street, and runs back on the east side of Eleventh street 143 feet 4 inches to an alley *20 feet wide, and contains ten entirely distinct sub-divisions. They con¬ sist of 1. Corner store, with basement, sub- basement, and conveniences, to b*e occu¬ pied by Messrs. Thomas R. Price & Co. 2. Store next thereto, with basement, sub-basement, and conveniences, to be occupied by Messrs. Burress, Powers & Yancey. 3 and 4. Two front basement ollices, each o0x20).j feet, with safe-vaults and every necessary arrangement, thoroughly lighted and ventilated. 5. Large room on second floor, occupy¬ ing the entire front thereof on Main street, 40x45 feet; occupied by Samuel Ayres & Co., agents for the Old Dominion Steam- ship Company. t>. Large room on second floor in rear of the above, with side lights ou Eleventh street, 22x'J feet, lighted on three sides. 7. Large room on third floor, fronting on Main street, running back aloug Ele¬ venth street to tho alley, 22x140 feet,; lighted on four sides. 3. Small room on the same floor, front¬ ing on Main street, 22x33 feet. y. Large room on fourth floor, fronting on Main street, running back along Ele¬ venth street to the alley, 22x140 feet, lighted on four sides. 10. Smaller room on the same floor, fronting on Main street, 22x38 leet. The special advantages of this building are its solidity, the durable character of the materials employed (exteriorly stone, iron, and "brick), arrangements for sub¬ division, ea*y accessibility to every part, audio the upper portion over a stairway commanding a most attractive view, tho¬ rough lighting and ventilation, location in the very heart ol" the best business portion of the city, and, finally, ^exceedingly pleasant look-out in front of the C' p Square, and in rear across the river. It will be seen by an advertisement in another column that Messrs. Grubbs t "Williams, real estate agents, offer for rent those portions of the building not already taken. The whole will soon be ready for occupation. An Asylum for the Infirm. .The New Temple Congregation (Israelites) propose to meet at their usual house of worship, over the new engine-house on Broad street, to-morrow afternoon at 4 o'clock, for tbo purpose of organizing a beuevolent society with a view to tho es¬ tablishment in this city of an asylum for the infirm and helpless of both sexes. Dr. A. L. Mayer, in another column, puts forth an earnest appeal in behalf of this noble and important enterprise. Concert at St. James Church. A concert was held at this church on Thurs¬ day evening for the benefit of the Female Orphan Asylum. The charitable object to which the proceeds were to be appro¬ priated attracted a largo number of la¬ dies and gentlemen no less desirous of con¬ tributing something for the orphans than to hear tho excellent singing of the class. The concert was under the direction of Mr. E. H. Chamberlayne, Jr., who deserves congratulations upon his success. Is ot intending to be invidious, we would say the solo " Flco as a Bird," by Mr. Willie Bentley, and semi-chorus "Nearer, my God, to Thee," by the little orphans, were among the pieces best rendered. But as a whole the concert was a complete suc¬ cess, and Mr. Chamberlayne's original pieces wero received with great favor. We hope that he may be induced to give the public another opportunity of witness¬ ing tho proficiency of his pupils. . New German Church..We learn that it is in contemplation to organize a new- German Lutheran Church in the eastern portion of the city, under the auspices of Rev. Hugo G. Kuehne, D. D. Departure of a " Local.".Mr. A. P. Bennett, for soiuo time past connected with the local department of the £>amu ner, leaves Richmond to-day to enlor upon similar duties on tho Petersburg Index. Mr. Bennett is a gentleman of much versa¬ tility of talent, a graceful writer, and is thoroughly acquainted with the newspa¬ per business. We congratulate Peters¬ burg upon his accession to the roportonal corps of that city. Sale of Tari.es at the Corn and F lour Exchange..The sale of tables at the Corn and Flour Exchange will take place to-day at the Exchange at 1 ohdock. Notary Public..'Yesterday the Go¬ vernor appointed Mr. Samuel La\ t.y a i notary public for the county of Rocking- I bam. Offensive..The culvert on the coinei j of Sixth and Marshall, near the New Mar¬ ket, needs attention. A Lengthy Report..A friend who in¬ terests himself in statistics of various i kinds took the trouble to measure Urn matter in the Dispatch report ot 1 hdhpss trial, and informs us that it mcasuiod columns thirty-six yards, Frank Leslie for August, a very at¬ tractive number, is to hand from Turner, news agent, Governor street. This journal maintains its character as a " mirroi of fashion," and each successive number is eagerly sought after by the ladies. John Daunky never forgets his friends of tho press. On Thursday last, just at the time when all hands began to think ol " lunch " and " snack," John's boy entered the counting-room bearing a waiter of tip¬ top turtle soup and a mammoth glass uf julep, the latter being iced and put up iu 'the most approved style. The bystanders smacked their lips and smiled^ Another Pic-niu..The Sunday school of the Union Station Methodist church propose a pie-nic at Ashland on Tuesday next. American Standard Scales..Fair- hanks & Co.'s celebrated American scales have taken tho first premiums at tho Paris Exposition. This firm stands unrivalled iu this branch of manufactures, and their scales are almost universally used by mer¬ chants, mechanics, and farmers through¬ out the country. Messrs. W. S. Donuan 6: Co. are the sole agents for Richmond. MANCHESTER ITEMS. The Courts..Ellen Richardson was ar¬ rested by Constable Blunt for threatening to assault Sallie Clark. Justiee Hancock held her to bail for good behavior. Both parties were colored. Walter Reams, white, and Chcsley An¬ derson, colored, for lighting, were required to give bail in the sum of fifty dollars to keep the peace. Meeting To-day..There will be a meeting of the citi/.ens of Chesterfield, without distinction of color, to-day at Chester. It is expected that James II. Cox, C. C. McRae, and other able speakers will address the assemblage. Mass Meeting..Pursuant to a call, there was a very respectable meeting of the colored men of Manchester at the African church on Thursday night. R. H. Smith was appointed chairman, and Caleb Skipwith secretary. The committee ap¬ pointed reported resolutions, which were uuanimously adopted. The resolutions were radical in their tone, although one endorsing Thad. Stevens and confiscation was stricken out. By special invitation, Senator McRae addressed the meeting. Although sutlering fr®pi indisposition, this gentleman spoke at length in his usual able style, llis remarks were full of good ad¬ vice, and were well received. Captain W. I. Clopton followed in an eloqueDt and manly speech, advising harmony and unity of action on the part of the raees. In re¬ sponse to calls, Justice Gentry spoke briefly, heartily endorsing the remarks of the other gentlemen. Jordan Smith, colored, then addressed the meetiug at some length in support of the resolutions adopted and radicalism generally. The meeting adjourned at a late hour. Base-ball..A match game between the Belle Lsle Juniors and the Pensacola Club, of Richmond, resulted: Belle Isle, 37 ; Pensacola, 21. S. N. Clarke, of the Alerts, umpire ; Andrew Kelly, scorer. Matrimonial..This fever, so long dor¬ mant in our midst, seems to have raged ex¬ tensively daring ;the present week, about one dozen couples, of both colors, having entered into tfie blissful realms of wed¬ lock. We wish all a lifetime of smiles and snnsliine, and trust the good work may continue until the order of young bachelors shall be forced to disband for want of a quorum. President Davis..We have procured original negative* of this diatlpgutbbed gentleman, aid are prepared to furnish photographs, largo and email nizos. Picture* Merit by mail en receipt of stamp and 25c., 76c., or $1.25, Liberal discount to the trade. All orders addressed to Axu*kh0.x's Art Palace, 1211 Mala street, Richmond, Y». THE DISPATCH. TERMS OP ADVERTISING: One sq n&re, one insertion. f # Onesqiuire, two Insertion*.., 1 n One square, thr*«. ln«.-rtlcn* i * Oneequaro, eix Insertion*.. . . * °0 One eqnare, twelve Insertions.. ' * W .Onesqnare, one month 10 00 One square, twomonthe ISO# One square, three months 38 M Richmond Corn and Floiir Exchange, July 10, Theofferingst to-day were: Whnit..White, 1,291 bushels; red,~lo73 bushels. Cum..'JVhite, 1,383 bnshels; mixed, 228 bushels. llour..88 barrels Ohio fine. Oat*..354 bushels. Mtul..16 bags country. The ®Ues were: Wheat..262 bushels good white at $2.70; 22»> bushels medium white at 82.50; 244 bushels good white and 17o bushels inferior red on pri¬ vate terms. Cum..942 bushels prime white, 81.12M ; 233 bushebgood white, 81.10; 138 bushels mixed, 81.10. iMts..200 bushels prime, 70@71c. Flour..33 barrels Ohio fine, 810.25. It is requested that members on entering the Exchange with samples will report them to the secretary, and likewise the sales, speci¬ fying whether on private terms or otherwise. The names of buyers or sellers are not re¬ quired. as no entry is made of them. This request is made with the view of having the record of transactions as complete as possible. Report of the Tobacco Market. Tobacco Exchanob, * Richmond, July 19, 1867. > Breaks full to-day. Receipts continue light. Market lirsn and animated. Prices unchanged. Below we give the transactions: 224 hogs¬ heads, 16 tierces, and 25 boxes offered, and sold as follows: MANrPAOTPRIXO TOBACCO. Lugs..Common to medium dark working, $4 to $7; good dark working, 46 to $9 ; snn- cured, common, 87 to $12; sun-enred, good, $12 to 818; coal-cured, common, $7 to $12; coal-cured, bright, $12 to $20; coal-cured, fan¬ cy, $20 to $45. Leaf..Common dark working, $7 to $9; medium dark working, $10 to $14; good dark working, $15 to $17; fine and wrapping, $1S to $21; sun-cured, $15 to $25 and $32; yellow .wrappers, common, $20 to $35; yellow wrap¬ pers, medium to extra, $40 to$10o and $200. SHIPPING TOBACCO. Lug*..Very common and heavy weights, $4 to $5.50; medium, $5 to $6; good, $7 to . $10. Leaf..English shipping, $16 to $20 and $27.50; continental shipping, $13 to $lSand $23. STEMMING TOBACCO. Leaf..Common, $12 to $14; good, $15 to $17 ; fine, $is to $2t) and $23. Stems..Common to good, $2.50@$4. He-opbsinu of LAffATKTrit Saloon..'The nu¬ merous friends of Mr. Henry Schott will bo de¬ lighted to learn th it he has taken up his head¬ quarters at Lafayette Saloon, corner of .Ninth and Bank streets, wnere be will court that fickle damo Fortnne. La'aycUe Saloon has lately been re¬ built on the site of the well known saloon bear¬ ing the Fame historic name which In anie bellum days was so wtdl conducted by Mr Louis Eueger, a German citizen welt known to (ho old residents of Richmond. We doubt not the Lafayette Sa¬ loon, under the excellent management of Mr. .'jchott, will become a popular place of resort. A superior lot of liquors, ales, wines, cigars, &c., will be kept constantly on hand. On Monday at loo'c.ocka free lunch, prepared bya well-known caterer, will be served up. The public are invited to be present and partake of the hospitality and good cheer of the new and popular landlord. ret w-> are glad lo kn',v,r they rerHiiiu Wlt U"' ^ -A uh, as wholesale dealers, and will, after cdosiofc 4 tiieir retail stock, dovo.o theta-lves totheir original, and prrh-ps m..re legitimate, busi e- ^ Imporatlon and wholesale deal ng. think the ten days devoted to tho .*le, and in truth he sat'n See. <>f their retail tUpartmcut, will P'O ;.;sh carnival I. car Wr^«. «". . be disposed of under the hammer. TUt* I. <b. Wt chance Ibl* boo., can nx.enJ to retail purcbacr., but wc «M nnr.' c.n hereafter Bird attb.lrr. or* good* rd direct poriatlon a.nl troin lectori., at a* low J-nc*. M th.) s.imo »u he bought til America. » ur laiie* wilt remember « time Mo." ten day* let-o^n owlr. and those who improve the passing hour wlllsav a thousand vain reuttets. PnoTOfiRArnv .The Gnist specimens of photo- r-raphy that woro over exhibited in Richmond are to bo seen at Rkss & Co.'s extensive establish¬ ment, on Main between Murlt and Tenth streets. Their porcelain pictures and large-size photo¬ graphs are not excelled In this or any other conn- rrv The Risks ubothers are practical photo¬ graphers, and give tb-ir personal attention to all their patrons. Everybody should take Jdf*nt.'w* of the present line weather and have thcii like¬ ness taken at once by Kbes&io. J1 (trine In telligcnce. miniature almXnaC.Jolt 20, u«7. c.*n .lap* 4.53 1 Aloon rises. m.6 I5S Sg:::: :::::::* «»*httde,A.M<¦» FORT OF RICHMOND, Jclt 19. ARR1VID. Stoauier State of Maryland. Jravers^B mgchoo" er ^T.inF. Tkttb. ., Uaitliaore. salt. Wr-CUX* SAO.ED. Steamer Albemarle, Bourne, jJ*wc*ork' mer" CSS^K^^-^Sor)o,k.mer. jiEMoBASPA. Schooner S. C. Evans. Hamtnond. deareJ from Kow York for Richmond on the i«» ","t ' K Krie W H Blgelow, Roberts, sailed Hota nun corn lorCity fotnt on tli* 3d In.tnnl. BV TRJ.EORAPn. Qcek.vstoW5. July 19..bteamors Iowa and Wil- July 10.-Arrived, J-"? ^-Arrfved. steamers Alle- mania and Deutschland, Eur. pe; » ' Charleiton. Bailed, ram Ltuc.dorberg, for.Ur. Shipping. t*OR nV:W* YORK-I>LD DuMI- JC N' ION STEAMSHIP COMPANY. The 11-w and elexant hiatt-wh- cl St.. tniship SAHATt'OA. Captain Kino, will leave her wl^rf alBSMti-s» Rockelts on JsLNDai, Ju^y , ',,,-t, p m y M Freight recelv.d np to ti o clock, r.» TDKDAY. Fare, including meals arid * ^ !1ravt,,«a.cot.mod.Uo...on.».p;--A*l;P'r« jy 20_it Main and Eleventh »treeis._ Tjto¥^ALTXMOKE. SAV^-AII, C it M f.H.. I."*'"" cWspT* ll.t." 1 every WEDS tSDAl *.^ tPVU»\T0R1).,Y. .rh, ... This steamer h^ep'^ passage (moals In- street. ^ noil LONDON..'Ihe hue Bremen jC* rblp HERMANN. Kauu MASN tuast-r, now discharging her Inward cargo atba m. re, will come around to ' 1;y roiat vo-i ¦ ply\o°r NOLTI^O & PotttfiX'* xtOTICETO 8HIPPEIWn-Jtebo»t9 -1 |s" TU&ATd. Taottb. Hjcfih. and toll* «" SZrf.r.'Spp-r "»ITb7ricvUd and d.ltv.r- " w'.^rMSbt"wmVofb* deUrcrcd till cb.rS« are paid. . (^locked and ,n^^;4RP nH.LON. Agent Lawyers. ^ tYIchaku h. chbistian.t WMWt offers for practice in the courts of RICHMOND and llENBiOO. r.fice over Planters National B^'eW-SL Iain and Twelfth stroets. JTDRKW JOHX3TOK. . CHABLKS V. W^LIA rOHNSTONaWILU^%BuCi nil0M AM J. ONER1 1NK(JhAV- j?^*ond d*rr Vr"tn Sixth str-eL la »-ts an.'vin; <jUAND..Fifty toiw Phce- nii auauo. the hnest fertlllaer for tarutPj yet i in this^section of the country. Pric«.e»» J** tried in this wet. g p laTHHOP, Agent. tojy 19 Eighteenth street,, south »ld* oTDock*

Transcript of Daily dispatch (Richmond, Va.).(Richmond, Va.) 1867-07-20 [p ]. · 2017. 12. 18. · VOL. XXXHI.....


    "h7: dispatch.SYCOWARDIN & ELLYSON.I . V nfSI'ATCn Is dellrered fo nob-l'"r . 1 TV^ >¦ CR>TB por week, payable to the

    i " . v Mulled a! f6 per annnra ; 50 for|r - ( par morfh tor a nhortcr period.i ^-.WEEKLY DISPATCH at $4 per an-

    ,. . fpy > \ month*.

    ^ijss'iT DiSPATCH at ?2 peranimm.

    Jjlurational.v.MftX'I. K '1» GIRLS will 1h»

    1 ;(;i« < i'v on the l*t ofOctober next

    \ \] s t1 I! t I/Y fcUETON and her) .. , ,a:.-vy ... iiai.ykpkton. ¦'j' h >1 'he !!*na^ branches of an. > .. "IfO li.e French language.

    . v( kK COliLKGR,.This insti-;' .¦;.! it- FUTESXTii A.VN'UaLi 1 : ¦' i i-frM ye:.

    IV K. !'i:t>, r>. T>., president.: I h >. r. Well-, a. M.., a':.! NiiTnral Philosophy ;

    ; y a. M , l'r.>fe«HorAncient

    l - ire : >Vr .1 II. Pa via,¦ \ Minin : Moorman,

    I i:u Hi. I PliVetolo^V ; J,.51 i. t Profoaeor of Lnn-

    r , D»p*t; li F. Kllncor. A. 31.,. r .. a >«. J II Hud.««n, a.

    i'ref rep" t.-».- department*, including

    ~ i m i-iif and lncideiiiala,>. h-- i:i-*d Il< .

    hi V. |). y. UiTTi-K. 1). I\.Salem. Va.

    . M INSTITn 12.i 'l.\hl."TTESV!LLS.

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    % i :- the Pniverrlty

    r e v.r..' i.i .iiy Institute,r i ! fv .!«. r p tt'rn *r« apply to

    b< re-named gentictucn, eox i*o.. i. . h jy ii.stu

    NTKK* ASD B 'O »K-BIv I>t pTo;.p- - iii>n rri'ib'-'- v ill he

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    1;. '¦ i. i ':'. hare been heiic J-viai Hi my . i.'ire.

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    M M"'.I'aV >' r A r th" 22fi inrtMlt.v.r-'*,,; Fence Clarke's

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    .".til eft A v T ;-i! I if theW.

    7. S!.< \V J LI. liR lir/;f.TVKD

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    '¦ in *» '. 'Ver- Id-ii g tlie months.'ciober, .:.i e- riii -r or earlier

    V. .1' !:NS".V,.lr y'-'l 1*. 1. Suiierintemient.

    ina and Lvdv.-iUi c¦>..!!.

    . : 1 'n .-id on reasonablei ;. .... m Miitabl' i

    .v- of h.s k'ueots ha» been

    ff.vora, the undersigned solicits.. l. h.siorii:-r i-.it ro;:- -and the pub-

    J. J:.'AX y. KAhLA L),Proprietor.

    |>i« if D LOUSE, CORNER OFu:e:iok a;n d ro*s streets, rich-¦.'.mi'di'.ir.s and aduiirably-.s (

    'I -viiii; ii.;enthoroughly repairedI, i» i w open and prepared to

    S.VT, PERMANENT, and° i ..v The rooms are laitte, airy,

    ri sbed. tha location ie central, cftf) thing destrablo. Terms mode-

    i,iv 1^1.t*

    I)issa\(ftions. f. ai .K, A v'OilPLKTE SET OF.X'' 1y V ]Ii0 TCMV, lii the l.ibby taiiding.1 r>.LMLlit H/.UT&OOK & CO,


    If not called for within one. month thoy will bosent to tlio Dead Letter Office.To stranger* °r transient visitor* in a town or

    citv wtuver-, 311-8 Jnlianan* «>n, Mrs. Mary Myers, vr*. K.Brarkett. Mr-. T.mma Mv-rs.Mrs. L.Bragg. MlasTenia McLannio, Miss B J.t'.i.oilv, Mrs. Delia E. Mc orinick >Iiss Matt.Bragg", Mrs Mhtv Mtiy urnr., Mis* anuieBriggs, 31 ies Annie 31c 'arthy, Mws JaneB-cwn 3Irs. A McClelland, Mrs. MaryBrown', Mrs. Einily N'eal, Miss C-thanneBrown, Miss Louisa Nether and. Mrs. JS.Brown, -Mrs. Mv--s » orman. Miss L A.Brown, Mrs. Lewis M. lissMary Koacb 3Ls MaryCousins Miss Alviva Kolmttson. 3hs-J. V .

    It A.ipa KoWe 3lis. U.t'r'w-suiore, 311- ' liver Roberts. Mi.-. VCruiuis Mrs Emi y Robert-on, Miss Kl./-turrv Mis-.L.mo Lose. 3.r-. Vt in. J.

    Hobiinson: 'hitharine":MS'eis..-"

    s:«arM)Davis. Miss »li/.i bcof, Mrs. a.n ,iol rl)

    I»uv. 31 iss Nannie A. Scott. 31r-. JamesDavis, Jli-s Mary M. Behalf. Mi-* sDavis Mr- 3fa»vA. Bhopper.J, 31 i«» K L., Mv* ( apt John Miea. Miss Bridgetelan'ev. Misr 13. K Shines, drs U.p»p,.mil*" 31 rs Lennia Sbepperd. .i.-s s. h.i.i nn s, .'us o, s|..u:e. 3!is. t-nrah J.?Myl R- L. Bhield. Mrs. Alfredti^e.1 Mis** Ve.iti v shun.., Mr* t ebtccai luii.i.... Sim-n. 31 is* Jo-iOi-r-w" Mi-s Mi'i-v *¦ Shields. MU-5Dntfuer, Mists bury A. Sharer. ;M:** .^oDvi'.et' Mi'4'm" E.Dunn, Mr^ J.ettio|. j»j£. ¦ ^ v im. A,. Un,;y' vf; i n'e E. HIaught r. Mrs. Dhil.Du I.-t ., MlHjAi.n..i ». n .(,M_ Kv.bea.a

    Rllis. Mi *. I. . Hiiiith Miss K. (col'd)Farmer. Mr*. 31 L. fcii . Mj^ ^ j5S&8's.^:

    K. M.HJ. AIintl-Gi ^!;,^li*raIrp Vct.r'd)H. rre-ler, iil>. ivelllv I-1 "v K MMrs. Martha ^[asbniger.Mrs. Hara'h

    ChDk''!IM;sM: A ' C. Huilivan. Mrs. J E.i.i Hint..-v.;,, Mraiii. 3lrs. JaneC.ii.troiltrr, *lls . .

    ':"1"'iHKSSa ?KK:*S&..r.;;rc jV-../.'--.. v,-» s A ^Thoiui'soii, .ura. r.

    i»reen,"lljseCulhartu® 'lH'Cray, te-ra A. TUnborlake. Mr.- D. A..'tr.Vi. I'jr'rtiSK *""llaid. Mw- H M. Tol-1* 3U»* M V B.Hail,-Mrs. A. H. Todd,'Mr». Chr.st.linden, iflibh uifirv v v» mw*Mr-. y Tj,.M,.,. Maria

    nH,Ci Z'ri k Turn-r, 31i*s P.iu-giV- Mrs' John Turner. Mrs. h. J.

    iiolioway. Mr* f.ofd) Turner^ 3ti» ^!' "-"aOT* Un tinkle;31ii*L.Holmes, Miss, \. L. WaHace. Mr-. AnnHam,, M.ss Nancy U a,ker. Mrs. MatildaHope*, Mrs. I eg-,3 tvalton. Mrs. M. D.Howson, Mr*. l-- h. Wa,ker, Mr,. AttlyHoskin*. 3.rs al try w>.ll.:irt;'t wn\?am»,!Mr*. John C.Is^h^-e. siKlrb'; ilri. J- . W'M''^ ji'0'KuigiU, Ml*e Jooine ^ rJoht' M'GENTLEMEN'S LIST.

    ts:«r rasa* *iViSS'i*. B.v* oSSST'A'iiirwv- safeBftA in bold, E- A. Granger, Kd. j lcot.WmHAnd«'*onBr Vrr4s Kd Preston, A A (-'t'hley! J.' E. ParriV, II. H. PulL-r. Mr. andAther, L. Harris, Henry M.,8; B\Atkinson J. V. Harris, H. . Randolph, A.AU< tk. fouu, J. U. Haywood, J. *. |:a-Xi"^V V?hn.C. L. Hardy, J C. Kadfor., .lotinBranch, D. Haalo.i, James P:an{""i^ oBaker, 1). G. Hardwuke, J- %r ,iGalley, G. t. V. , Poland, W P.Baker. J. M. Jiartm&n,L. HeadA wnno.'auks, J. W T. Halm, O. W. I eeve.MaJ. J. J.HaskerviU, J.H. Harris, P. ,, Peagoii, J.Hail, M. A Harris, Karn'l Kea-i, JordonBaldwin. 0 P. Hayes, S. C. . 5c!1/0Id> *-Bar.-adall. N.D. lianaigan, T.F. R«id,T. A.Barrett. W. H. 11 ever a Bennio. W.-A.lievoridK® A Hen-man Richardson, J.

    Nichols Hester, Col. f>. W..Bislane. M. Hondrick, G. S. Bldde), JohnB'vthe, Beiij. Heaser. Henry Ritterhonbe, J .0.BlarikcnslilP, Heath H. (c'«t) Kotth.Fred.g w. Hondrick, J. T. Roy, J'hn

    Blackburn, V. lleury. J. L>. Rose, Jhs H.K llevi ran. M Rose, John

    RnsclieQ F. H-ndricks. W. Roane, Juo. T.Roa«hl"raan, J. Hines. a. M. , (colored)Rrrr Peter Hicks & Cosby Rogers. J. T.Brooks, Libert Hill, J H EtXi,.son JohnBrowne'1 A.M. Hicks, John How, Ponkerwrt«n F 12) Hitcucork.J. Robert*. 8.

    (i i /2> Hi ltsrd, Jelf. Rowe, ll«v.W.8.SjSft H. L' ( ) j/irillr. suae prison, Dr.lit»wn, .Tames ' \yVc'il) Rutherford,A.A.urown. J. M. uic*, «. i* p, 'Brown, Mote* Holmes. A. (c d) Kuhie. Ch^Brant, Hobt. Howf CJ. guj.Bl jd«.hreeiltiOi W.F. fjo0a,ut uu, fc/nnrl«rft K ABrown, Win. Hopkins, John baundere, &> a.

    Bnttonbohmer, Hodgson. J. Fang«ton. Bdw.B. Ho^ar. John Sanders, Ell

    But'or, l) J. JJoy, J.T. Savage, N. E.Burton, Jas. Horace, S. (co- Feb inner, A.Butler, J. M. sored. 2) Schooff, Henrr< anion. A. Boge, W. fcTd) Behoof, Jno. H.Ca-tagnac, A. L. Ilnnt, Chas. Srhnur JohannCa'N-r, Barry Hurhert, Jolm Schwartz, V.Cadwaltader, 0. Hnckh-s, S. Scott, Wm.

    B. Hunl, W. A. Sear, JoserhCatlett. 0. W. Hoitneft. .I»k. Sehton, Jamo*« ascl, 0. Jacks >n, Derij. Shafer. 8. S.Casey, ()¦ James. E. T. Sh'-aner. Q. L.Carter. O. (5. Jscksoti, M. Shires, J. H.Carter. H. C. Jack-on.MonrooSheppard, Jas.(colored) James Ji (j. Sheppberd.V. 0.

    Carter, J B. Jam-*, Dr T. Shackelford, Dr.Campbell, J. Jackson, W.W. 'Win.CamphsIt, J. H. Jefl'.Msnn, B. Simon, A.Camp. L. b. Jefferson, F. Siz«r, W. T.Can field. t.. 8. Jcager, (> W. Smith b JoneaCabill, Mlk« Jenkirn, Ishani Smith, O. (c'd)Carrington, J*. .). tferhon, Jas. Smith, Josiah

    K Julius, T. T Smith, J. W.Carr b Rro , W. Jenkins, W. F. Smith.MarcelIns(colored) Johnson E L. Smith, S. J.

    C.irrinnton, W. Jones, Julias bin.tli. Wm. II.B. (2) Johnston, J. M. (colored)

    Carter, W. H. (2) Snead, W. D.Chi.JrcSS. A. Johnson. John Spurlock. A.(c'd)Chat'kloy, J. K. Johnson, I Spain, F. E (2)

    (2) Johnston, S. Spicer, J. B.Chapman, S. Johnson, W. H. Splgnlel, W. W.L'hantiom, T. Johnson, W. U. Spencer, W. B.Chatnian. W. Joy. Rev. J. B. Stacy, Cnas.Cliamueriavne, (2) Ft'Wrs, ClaiborneFrof. E. .f Jonrnev, T. C. Stanley, D. A.

    Clarknon, J. N. Jory, M. W. btoors, 0.Clasby, J. W. Jones, li. il. Ptokey, HenryClash, Ned Jones. J. L. Stanard, H. M.Costallo, Kadd-n, A. Stick. HenryCooke, B. F. Hunting. IS. fctro-'k, JacobCollins, John Kelley, H. C. Stuhhs, Jno. R.Con hi in, J. Keck, L. 1*. Stratt'n. J. A. (2)Cornell, J. c. Kelley, s. Stone, SimonCross, A (c'd) K-l.i'V, Th"H. Sterling, J)r. W.Crowley & Kennedy, W.M. Sunderland, J.

    L'oleinan Bimhall. II. b. (colored)Crump, J (2) Swan, Maj. R.Cra.-on. Mark King. Jame* Tayior, A.Creegan. K. B. Kirsch. J. Taylor, CurtisCunningham,A. King, J (c'd) Taylor, E. B.Cullen,Curtis Kirttey, St cl?.irTaylor, H. 1'.Cashing, J. King W J. Taylor, N.B.Currv, is. C. l.atie, r-is Moran. 8. A. u eisigcr, b. b.Evans, James Molrs, B A. V raver. < apt.. .Evans. K. Moore, T. A. L. West, ^ b.Face, Chas. ^\| .rrifi, W M. Wells, VS WFugan, hdwM Mooton, Wm. W.istger, V .H.Fii'.ilconer, J. A. Hlun'oo W. H. Whitman, J. T.Farrar. J. K. Myers W. B WhDe.T. B.Fancett, John McCurdy, Robt. Whito, W.Faithful D'.tor >tc''an:i, M. 3W. 'is, a. tfc . Large room on second floor in rear ofthe above, with side lights ou Eleventhstreet, 22x'J feet, lighted on three sides.

    7. Large room on third floor, frontingon Main street, running back aloug Ele¬venth street to tho alley, 22x140 feet,;lighted on four sides.

    3. Small room on the same floor, front¬ing on Main street, 22x33 feet.

    y. Large room on fourth floor, frontingon Main street, running back along Ele¬venth street to the alley, 22x140 feet,lighted on four sides.

    10. Smaller room on the same floor,fronting on Main street, 22x38 leet.The special advantages of this building

    are its solidity, the durable character ofthe materials employed (exteriorly stone,iron, and "brick), arrangements for sub¬division, ea*y accessibility to every part,audio the upper portion over a stairwaycommanding a most attractive view, tho¬rough lighting and ventilation, location inthe very heart ol" the best business portion

    of the city, and, finally, ^exceedinglypleasant look-out in front of the C' pSquare, and in rear across the river.

    It will be seen by an advertisement inanother column that Messrs. Grubbs t"Williams, real estate agents, offer for rentthose portions of the building not alreadytaken. The whole will soon be readyfor occupation.An Asylum for the Infirm. .The

    New Temple Congregation (Israelites)propose to meet at their usual house ofworship, over the new engine-house onBroad street, to-morrow afternoon at 4o'clock, for tbo purpose of organizing abeuevolent society with a view to tho es¬tablishment in this city of an asylum forthe infirm and helpless of both sexes. Dr.A. L. Mayer, in another column, puts forthan earnest appeal in behalf of this nobleand important enterprise.Concert at St. James Church. A

    concert was held at this church on Thurs¬day evening for the benefit of the FemaleOrphan Asylum. The charitable objectto which the proceeds were to be appro¬priated attracted a largo number of la¬dies and gentlemen no less desirous of con¬tributing something for the orphans thanto hear tho excellent singing of the class.The concert was under the direction of

    Mr. E. H. Chamberlayne, Jr., who deservescongratulations upon his success. Is otintending to be invidious, we would saythe solo " Flco as a Bird," by Mr. WillieBentley, and semi-chorus "Nearer, myGod, to Thee," by the little orphans, wereamong the pieces best rendered. But asa whole the concert was a complete suc¬cess, and Mr. Chamberlayne's originalpieces wero received with great favor.We hope that he may be induced to givethe public another opportunity of witness¬ing tho proficiency of his pupils. .

    New German Church..We learn thatit is in contemplation to organize a new-German Lutheran Church in the easternportion of the city, under the auspices ofRev. Hugo G. Kuehne, D. D.Departure of a " Local.".Mr. A. P.

    Bennett, for soiuo time past connectedwith the local department of the £>amuner, leaves Richmond to-day to enlor uponsimilar duties on tho Petersburg Index.Mr. Bennett is a gentleman of much versa¬tility of talent, a graceful writer, and isthoroughly acquainted with the newspa¬per business. We congratulate Peters¬burg upon his accession to the roportonalcorps of that city.Sale of Tari.es at the Corn and F lour

    Exchange..The sale of tables at theCorn and Flour Exchange will take placeto-day at the Exchange at 1 ohdock.Notary Public..'Yesterday the Go¬

    vernor appointed Mr. Samuel La\ t.y a inotary public for the county of Rocking- Ibam.

    Offensive..The culvert on the coinei jof Sixth and Marshall, near the New Mar¬ket, needs attention.

    A Lengthy Report..A friend who in¬terests himself in statistics of various ikinds took the trouble to measure Urnmatter in the Dispatch report ot 1 hdhpsstrial, and informs us that it mcasuiodcolumns thirty-six yards,Frank Leslie for August, a very at¬

    tractive number, is to hand from Turner,news agent, Governor street. This journalmaintains its character as a " mirroi offashion," and each successive number iseagerly sought after by the ladies.

    John Daunky never forgets his friendsof tho press. On Thursday last, just at thetime when all hands began to think ol" lunch " and " snack," John's boy enteredthe counting-room bearing a waiter of tip¬top turtle soup and a mammoth glass ufjulep, the latter being iced and put up iu'the most approved style. The bystanderssmacked their lips and smiled^Another Pic-niu..The Sunday school

    of the Union Station Methodist churchpropose a pie-nic at Ashland on Tuesdaynext.

    American Standard Scales..Fair-hanks & Co.'s celebrated American scaleshave taken tho first premiums at tho ParisExposition. This firm stands unrivallediu this branch of manufactures, and theirscales are almost universally used by mer¬chants, mechanics, and farmers through¬out the country. Messrs. W. S. Donuan6: Co. are the sole agents for Richmond.


    The Courts..Ellen Richardson was ar¬rested by Constable Blunt for threateningto assault Sallie Clark. Justiee Hancockheld her to bail for good behavior. Bothparties were colored.Walter Reams, white, and Chcsley An¬

    derson, colored, for lighting, were requiredto give bail in the sum of fifty dollars tokeep the peace.Meeting To-day..There will be a

    meeting of the citi/.ens of Chesterfield,without distinction of color, to-day atChester. It is expected that James II.Cox, C. C. McRae, and other able speakerswill address the assemblage.Mass Meeting..Pursuant to a call,

    there was a very respectable meeting ofthe colored men of Manchester at theAfrican church on Thursday night. R. H.Smith was appointed chairman, and CalebSkipwith secretary. The committee ap¬pointed reported resolutions, which wereuuanimously adopted. The resolutionswere radical in their tone, although oneendorsing Thad. Stevens and confiscationwas stricken out. By special invitation,Senator McRae addressed the meeting.Although sutlering fr®pi indisposition, thisgentleman spoke at length in his usual ablestyle, llis remarks were full of good ad¬vice, and were well received. CaptainW. I. Clopton followed in an eloqueDt andmanly speech, advising harmony and unityof action on the part of the raees. In re¬sponse to calls, Justice Gentry spokebriefly, heartily endorsing the remarks ofthe other gentlemen.Jordan Smith, colored, then addressed

    the meetiug at some length in support ofthe resolutions adopted and radicalismgenerally. The meeting adjourned at alate hour.Base-ball..A match game between

    the Belle Lsle Juniors and the PensacolaClub, of Richmond, resulted: Belle Isle,37 ; Pensacola, 21. S. N. Clarke, of theAlerts, umpire ; Andrew Kelly, scorer.Matrimonial..This fever, so long dor¬

    mant in our midst, seems to have raged ex¬tensively daring ;the present week, aboutone dozen couples, of both colors, havingentered into tfie blissful realms of wed¬lock. We wish all a lifetime of smilesand snnsliine, and trust the good workmay continue until the order of youngbachelors shall be forced to disband forwant of a quorum.

    President Davis..We have procured originalnegative* of this diatlpgutbbed gentleman, aidare prepared to furnish photographs, largo andemail nizos. Picture* Merit by mail en receipt ofstamp and 25c., 76c., or $1.25, Liberal discount tothe trade. All orders addressed to Axu*kh0.x'sArt Palace, 1211 Mala street, Richmond, Y».


    One sq n&re, one insertion. f #Onesqiuire, two Insertion*.., 1 nOne square, thr*«. ln«.-rtlcn* i *Oneequaro, eix Insertion*.. . . * °0One eqnare, twelve Insertions..

    ' * W.Onesqnare, one month 10 00One square, twomonthe ISO#One square, three months 38 M

    Richmond Corn and Floiir Exchange, July 10,Theofferingst to-day were:Whnit..White, 1,291 bushels; red,~lo73

    bushels.Cum..'JVhite, 1,383 bnshels; mixed, 228bushels.llour..88 barrels Ohio fine.Oat*..354 bushels.Mtul..16 bags country.The ®Ues were:Wheat..262 bushels good white at $2.70; 22»>

    bushels medium white at 82.50; 244 bushelsgood white and 17o bushels inferior red on pri¬vate terms.Cum..942 bushels prime white, 81.12M ; 233

    bushebgood white, 81.10; 138 bushels mixed,81.10.iMts..200 bushels prime, [email protected] barrels Ohio fine, 810.25.It is requested that members on entering

    the Exchange with samples will report themto the secretary, and likewise the sales, speci¬fying whether on private terms or otherwise.The names of buyers or sellers are not re¬quired. as no entry is made of them. Thisrequest is made with the view of having therecord of transactions as complete as possible.

    Report of the Tobacco Market.Tobacco Exchanob, *

    Richmond, July 19, 1867. >Breaks full to-day. Receipts continue light.

    Market lirsn and animated. Prices unchanged.Below we give the transactions: 224 hogs¬heads, 16 tierces, and 25 boxes offered, and soldas follows:


    Lugs..Common to medium dark working,$4 to $7; good dark working, 46 to $9 ; snn-cured, common, 87 to $12; sun-enred, good,$12 to 818; coal-cured, common, $7 to $12;coal-cured, bright, $12 to $20; coal-cured, fan¬cy, $20 to $45.Leaf..Common dark working, $7 to $9;

    medium dark working, $10 to $14; good darkworking, $15 to $17; fine and wrapping, $1S to$21; sun-cured, $15 to $25 and $32; yellow.wrappers, common, $20 to $35; yellow wrap¬pers, medium to extra, $40 to$10o and $200.


    Lug*..Very common and heavy weights,$4 to $5.50; medium, $5 to $6; good, $7 to .$10.Leaf..English shipping, $16 to $20 and

    $27.50; continental shipping, $13 to $lSand $23.STEMMING TOBACCO.

    Leaf..Common, $12 to $14; good, $15 to $17 ;fine, $is to $2t) and $23.Stems..Common to good, $2.50@$4.

    He-opbsinu of LAffATKTrit Saloon..'The nu¬merous friends of Mr. Henry Schott will bo de¬lighted to learn th it he has taken up his head¬quarters at Lafayette Saloon, corner of .Ninth andBank streets, wnere be will court that fickle damoFortnne. La'aycUe Saloon has lately been re¬built on the site of the well known saloon bear¬ing the Fame historic name which In anie bellumdays was so wtdl conducted by Mr Louis Eueger,a German citizen welt known to (ho old residentsof Richmond. We doubt not the Lafayette Sa¬loon, under the excellent management of Mr..'jchott, will become a popular place of resort. Asuperior lot of liquors, ales, wines, cigars, &c.,will be kept constantly on hand. On Monday atloo'c.ocka free lunch, prepared bya well-knowncaterer, will be served up. The public are invitedto be present and partake of the hospitality andgood cheer of the new and popular landlord.

    ret w-> are glad lo kn',v,r they rerHiiiu Wlt U"' ^-A uh, as wholesale dealers, and will, after cdosiofc4 tiieir retail stock, dovo.o theta-lves totheiroriginal, and prrh-ps m..re legitimate, busi e-

    ^Imporatlon and wholesale deal ng.think the ten days devoted to tho .*le, and in truthhe sat'n See. f their retail tUpartmcut, will P'O;.;sh carnival I. car Wr^«. «"..be disposed of under the hammer.TUt* I.