Daily Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) 1865-02-24 [p ] · 2017. 12. 18. · ', to co-operate with Schofield...


Transcript of Daily Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) 1865-02-24 [p ] · 2017. 12. 18. · ', to co-operate with Schofield...

Page 1: Daily Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) 1865-02-24 [p ] · 2017. 12. 18. · ', to co-operate with Schofield and Sherman in the Carolinas. If any of-fensive movement against the Peters-burg

$iflnitflttu pfflifVRIDAY MORNINO FEBRUARY 21, 1865.

? The D<V* lfrfl C'Oi'aina-Koom ha* hern re.,rnf to the Marthamt Canter of Thirteenth mm)

Wain streets, fh)psnee,» MmtAingJ isnamtsmat* </--. , ?, ths Ohi Btmn4


\\y ki«"HMOND and run.RSBrRG linksSince tho salutes fired bj tho Yankees

en the 22d, the sound of big guns hasnot been heard on the north side of theJames. At Petersburg, tho national sa-lute WSS fired bj Grant's artillery withshotted gun*, some of tho shells falling

n the city. On this side, as we havebefore etsied, theycontented themselveswith letting oil' blank cartridges.

Por several days past there has been;..q much stir within the enemy's line*south of Petersburg as t<> give rise tothe report that they were concentratingfoi another attack en our extreme right.Va, however, nn attack has l»ecn made,it is probable the commotion observedwas incidents! to the removal of a partof the Yankee army to City Point, en

', to co-operate with Schofield andSherman in the Carolinas. If any of-fensive movement against the Peters-burg lines *wss contemplated by Grant,ithas been indefinitelypostponed by thedrenching rain of yesterday, which hasconverted Kastern Virginia into one vastquagmire.

FkOM Tin; SOUTH.The city was, yesterday, filled with

rumors relative to military movementsin North and South Carolina; but wehave no official intelligence from thatquarter. Wo, however, know that af-fairs in that quarter are abreauy begin-ning to wear a inure pleasing aspect.

General Joseph EL Johnston was, onWednesday, ordered to report to GeneralLee ; and it is the general opinion thathe has been assigned to tiie command ofall the forces operating against Sherman.ii has been a rumor for some days thatGeneral Beauregard had asked to be re-lieved on account of ill health. GeneralJohnston had been with (Jenoral Beau-regard since our troops fell back fromthe line of the Ed isto.


The Confederate Senate, on yesterday,removed the injunction of secrecy fromthe proceedings on the Senate bill, in-troduced by Mr. Brown, of Mississippi,to provide for raising two hundred thou-sand negro troops. Jt appears that thebill was lost in the Senate on Tuesday,the'J Ist instant, by a vote of eleven totea Those who voted for an indefinitepostponement of the bill?whichamounts to its defeat? were Messrs.Baker, Barnwell, Caperton, Garland,Graham, Hunter, Johnson of Georgia,Johnson of Missouri, Maxwell, Oir andWigfidJ.

Those who voted in the negative wereMessrs. Brown, Burnett, Haynes, Henry,

< tldbam, Semmes, Simms, Vest, Walkerand Watson.

In official circles, this is considered asdisposing of the question of putting ne-gro soldiers into our armies finally. TheHouse' negro soldier bill, which is verysimilar to the Senate bill, has not been,and it is now bc-lievcd will not be, actedupon by the Senate.

JMPORTA ST To THEMESER YESThe following important order, just

issued by the Adjutant-General, will befound especially interesting to all thosebelonging to the reserve forces. It willbe seen that the whole business of cn-forciog the conscript law is devolvedupon them. We give the general or-der:"A; " i vvi %Ml»lx*FE< H.i'.-Oi ?? 11< ii'sOil i> i, |

" 10' iim'M', Vjm-ima, February 23, lUHi. \

" </.hi , rf' o, del t, Jfoi 8."I Generals of reservesarill immediately place

upon activedutyevery man belonging to that clant he is not specially detailed,or has not beaa turnedover to generalscommanding ansae*, depart?testa<»r district*. They will organs/* them into coave-meat bodies, and will employ them vigorously inmating andreturn?ig to Urn army all deaarten

and i bsentees."11. Thia mivice wiQ, for UM present, constitutetho |>nuiary duty ul officersof Urn reaerve E-jrccs,an i they will inter actively upon it."ill. Generals ol reserves will visit and inspect'?'?? localities ia which thisforce isaaostneeded,and

\u25a0 d be most beneficially employed, and will givetbeir personal iirtrntioa to tho organisa_oa andojtirationi! ul tiVir troops in carrying out tbeseorder* They will report twicea month to Urn Ad-jutantend Inspector-Oeneral tho number of mmarrested *nd M-nt by thou to tiie armj-,

"IV. Qenerali commanding armies will returnto the generals ol rsaarrm for this duty all the re-«\u25a0>(; forces in active w-rvicethat arenot indisp* nsa-bl.yaece«»ry in the field.V. Itis not intend' 1 tli.it thi-se orders (diall ef-J- t the reserve** employyd in guarding railroad"By older.

[Signed] "8. rjOOMtB,41 ,? "Adjtil-int and Inspector-General.fcO*«al:BLL.C_*T,

"Aii-istaut Adjutant General."

( (rushed sugar\J s bamia CHTJSIIED SUGAR, asaner** ar-

ticle ;1 baitsl I.AOUAVHA COFFEE, a superiorar-, hoc ; for wile byn ' It. WEaWhmWtma A CO.,** *' undertfpotuwood Hotel.

The Cards forLihcolnVlnauoura-tion Ball. ? The Washington paperspublish s description of the cards of ad- jmission to the inauguration ball, to takeplace in Washington on thesth proximo.The olive branch, it seems, has beenjomitted from Lincoln's Administration!in order that it may figure prominently !i:i his ball cards: |

"The caption consists of the words:4 National Inauguration Ball, March I,IKt'.V Beneath thin arc medallions in-terlaced (pinned together with a _taflsurmounted with a liberty cap) andedged with olive branches. Upon oneof the medallions is an excellent por-traiture of the President, and upon thoother that of the Vice-President elect,inscribed at the bottom of each respect-ively with the name of their oftice; andbeneath the medallions is a scroll, en-twined about the stall', upon which arcinscribed the names of Abraham Lincolnand Andrew Johnson. In the centre ofthe card below is the blank form of in-vitation, and the list of managers sub-scribed thereto. .v Upon either side of the centre pieceare twopillars standing upon a baso ofthree steps. The base represents stone,and the three steps are intended to re-present the three great struggles of ournation for existence: the Revolution, thelower r>ne, inscribed with the figures' 1777*8_'; the war with Great Britain,4 ISU2 15*; and the present war, *18b0---86.' Upon these steps arc granite pe-destals of rough rock, upon which arcerected columns offasces, strongly boundtogether w'th cords, representing thecolumns of the masses of the peoplesupporting the government of the coun-try. The right-hand column »S sur-mounted by tho Americaneagle, destroy-ing a serpent. The National pendant isentwined about this shaft. Upon theother column is also an eagle, graspingin her talons the usual insignia of thearrows and the olive branch. Aboutthis column is entwined a scroll inscribedwith the National motto, * EPluribusUnumf and also the words, 'Wearsone and indissoluble.'

We understand that theengraving hasbeen accepted, and that the cards arenow being printed. We also icarn thatone of themwas shown at Mrs. Lincoln'sreception yesterday afternoon, and eli-cited approbation."

MARRIED.On the 2'itli of January, in this city, hv Bar.

Mr. Duncan, Mies SALAJE L. WILLIAMS andHENRY A. LAND, both of Norfolk city.

Norfolkpapers please copy. 2t*

DIED.in Portsmouth, on the 3d day of November last

(1864), Mr. AMOS EDWARDS, in tho BCTentiethyear ol his sge. »

He was for fifty .yeiirs, and at the time of hisdeath, a eealous and pious member of the Metho-dist Church. He died as he hud lived?a christian.

Wilmington (North Carolina) papers please copy.In Sidney, ?I ?m Meide?oe of her daughter, Mrs.

Frances J. KeUcy, Mrs. ELIZABETH ALLEY,late widow of Thomas Alley, agedeighty-fi-M years.

My mother, hot nipee thou art gone, 'Oh, what i; EfSlo me;My aching heart, now sad and lone.

Must constant weep for thee.The friends of thf* family are invited to attend

ber funeral THIS (Friday) EVENING at 2 o'clock,at the residence of her daughter. ?

PERSONAL.riiliK YOUNG MAN WHO LOST HIS1 lifeby the bloving upofthe steamerSrhußz, inJames river, on Friday, tho 17th instant, was ED-WIN 11. CONLIFFE, of Chesterfield county, Vir-ginia, and not CUNDIFF, as reported, fe 21- It*rpo Mb. G. M. HATEH.?Sir: You willJ_ greatly oblige the undersigned by calling athis store to correct a mistake in a business settle-ment.

Any parties whocan furnish the information ofthe whereabouts of the said Mr. O. M. Lutes willl>e thankedfor the information.

E. B. COOK, Auctioneer,ie'Jl 2t 70 Mainstreet,Rk-hinond.

INFORMATION WANTED of Mr.HARNEY XOLL, a paroled prisoner irom (ampi hase, who arrivedat Aiktn's Landing, on the lidinstant, in veryfeeble health. Address

F. B. BAUGH,fe 21?2t» atKent, Pane & Co*B.

iy E W V(» CA L JI U8 1 ( .i i si riniis h i. n :


M _he warrior .prang on hi; jet Ll.uh steed.Theplume o'er his bead was waving,

Whin on to the battlehe hied with speed,Each thought o( danger Dialing.'*

Il 1 ius_a_ BlJOHN W. DAVIES & SONS,

Lithographers and Mask FuMi-hers,188 Main street (P. H. Taylor's old stand).

[lo 21?2t*]


and h general a-ssortiuent of GROCERIES andLIQUORS, whiUi I will sell in quantities to suitcustomers.

Call and examine my stock before purchasingdae*a_ere.

JAMES J. CAMPBELL, Twelfth street,f« 21-fit* between Main and Cary.


106 bushels IRISH POTATOES,M bam!s FAMILY FLOUR,'M rrrrnhnll MEAL,10 kep HAILS, »e_ ritriiifmnient %_d fee -ale by

¥?OR HALE, an excellent aix octaTdJL* PIANO-FORTE, made by Gilbert, of Boston. JApply at the corner of Fruiikiin and Twenty-1secondstreets. fo 2*?t* I

BFBCIAL -TOTIC-I . __Nofica.?We respect-

fully call tho attentionof the trade toj. oar ancUoniwle THW (Friday) MORNING, the 24t» , ****&-We will commence tho mjo rromptly ah 10o'clockwith LIQUORS, TOBAGO and CIOAB 9^At \%o\lo«k we will aril DRUGS. GROCERIES OOITON0001>8, CROCKERY and OLASSWAB E. At 1,o'clock,DRY GOODB,WATCHES and BU NDRIEP.

will vr. aikbb:8 barrels English CrnskedS«ga»r ,

in barrels and boxeschokeBroa_. Sugar,:> barrel* Whiskey,

10 barrels Mountain «orne_ Beef,10 caws 8. »rfaMta _»hatita,

*> bales GrainFrpper,lea pounds Pewter,.

B barrels Vinegar,a barrels < ider,lo kegs Soap,20 dozen Tumblers,

IM Ohms Chambers, * !1 large-HlzoCooking-Stove, ,

Lotof Wire Sieves, '1 Irat da? Surveying Instrument, com-<plete, with Instruction Book.ALSO,

290 pounds Gum Arabic, - \Lot of Squill Roots,Opium, Morphia,Quinine, Calomel,Hydrant anil Sundries. t

ROBINSON, ADAMS fr CO.,fe 21 Auctioneers., , . :.

gUPLes-r.?l lost out of my pocket atPACKAGE OF MONEY AND CHECKS, as f jl-lows: About two thousand three hundred dolb' rsin currency of fifty and one hundred dolhir fail Is,and fourCHECKS, (two numbered 1,851 and I,H"> »,)drawn by Alfred .Moses, of two thousand dollnx*each, (one numbered 4,859,) payable to my ord.»r,for seventeen thousand, ono hundred and fourteendollars and thirty-six cents, all on the Bank of Vir-ginia ; and one drawn by Oeo. Lyons, payable tomy order, (No. 69,) fo» eight thousand, one hun -dred and ninety-two dollars, on Traders' 11.ink. Iforewarn all parties, from taking said checks, pf y-ment having been stopped. The finder, by return-ing the above to ane, will be rewarded liberally andnoquestionsasked. HENRY DAVIS, at

fe 23?2t* Alfred Moses's, No. f Pearl street.

tiik Voters oi» llenkicoCmi.my.?l respectfully announce mvsell'a CAN-«HIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION TO THE HOUSE IOF DELEGATES, and solicit your support at the gensuing election.

ELECTION HAY, March 23, 18fi5.Respectfully, J. ». ENGLISH.

Hexbico, February 23. feSJ?st*

B3_?~ Special Notice.?We shall offerfor s.ile, at Mayo*s Warehouse, THIS MORNING,at 16 o'clock promptly,

11 hogsheads PRIME LEAF TOBACCO, somelew hogsheads stainedfc 21 TARDY & WILLIAMS.

|_gr"A*r' Store, No. 17 Main street,we invite the attentionof the public to our *tockof FANCY and CHOICE GROCERIES, which wewill sell at the lowest prices.

TEAS?lmperial, Young Hyson and Black;SUGARS?Crushed, GranulatedandNewOrleans;COFFEE?Java, Laguavra and Rio;BUTTER?Prime Mountain;CANDLES?Belmont Sperm and Tallow ;MOLASSES?Sorghum, superior quality ;1 asiilyFLOUR; choice CORN MEAL.As we have both been disabled in service, we will

always be found at our store, and will doour utmostto please all who may give us a call.


MYATT, No. 17 Main street,fe 21?2t* between Seventeenthand Eighteenth.


RICHMOND TIIEATRE, .Corner Seventh and Broad streets.

E C C X 1 *

On THIS (Friday) EVENING, February 21th,will be presentedTWO NEW PLAYS.

FORGET AND FORGIVE,(so BBOcceasful last night.)

j SINGING AND DANCING.Concluding witli the entirely new comedy, in three

acts, by Charles Dance, Es«j., entitledA DREAM OF THE FUTURE,

neverpresented in this country before.Next week? ROBESPIERRE and a FRENCH



[fe 21?It]


(formerly known as the Varieties,)on Franklin street, next to Exchange Hotel.





HARRY BUDD, F. H. RIX and HARKJT HALLappear nightly.

Remember, next to Exchange Hotel.

WANTED, a LADY who understands dancingand is willing to make herself useful in Burlesquesand Ethiopian pieces. Also, old CORK. The high-est price paid for any kind of old STOPPERS andCO*"" at t lie Hall. fe 21? 11*


a large number of our citizens, and many of ourrefugees und soldiers I declare myself a candidatefor your suffrages to be cast for a Representativeinthe House of Delegates for the ensuing two years.Your interests asa section demand attention, yoursuffering as a -people require that you should beheard, your unselfish andnever-swerving patriotismamid trialssuch as few have borne, entitle, you tothe highest respect in that body, which, in the nexttwo years, will shape the destiny of Virginia, forweal or woe, during both your lives and those ofyour descendants. The unexampled energy withwhich you have labored to supply ourcapital duringits soaeat hourof need from your unprotected butinexhaustible resources only require to be knownthat they may be properly and gratefully appre-ciated by the whole State, and to gain for youthatprotection which you so justly deserve, or thoseim-munities and privileges which other sections haveclaimed and obtainedwithoutenduringhalfsomanysacrifices.

Proud as I am to have been among the represen-tatives in the aimy of such a people from the con.*mencement of the war, I shall feel honoredat beingchosen as the exponentof your views on the impor-tant questionsto be dealt withby the next Legisla-ture of Virginia.

Identified as are my interests and feeling<- withyours,Iwould have every incentive, ahwell aseverydesire, to servoyou faithfully.

In yielding to your call, I take occasion to say Icannot ret*ign my position in the army to serve youin a civil capacity, nor do I thinkmy duties in theGeld will conflVt with those incumbent on me asyourrepresentative, the s-seion? of the House ofDelegate* being almost invariably during the win-termonths.

I have the honor to be.Very respectfully,U. L. FAHINHOLT,

fe 24-2t* Colonel I*. A. C. 8.TjtOß SALE, ton sacks COFFEE, on_T consignment, atHe WH/UAMS * BARKBDALL3.

iost. sT_UYm_on)BToL_3r. 1DNE HtTNDRED DOLLARS UR-\iw.n iu ;?Btoleu, from the stable of C. H.

nine miles below Richmond), on____*_"? '-"Sbt, the2'Minstant,aORETMARR;Jr iooki,*«J ci*ht ?» »»? y«*» ?»*»; in

__£ ? /*? order > lons ha» i !<«« tad; roan* hasI*"*1cMtbut tourorfive inches long; neck rather\u25a0\u25a0"VJ she has a large scar on her right shoulder,by a fistula. No other marks remembered.

Fiftydollars will be given for her return to C. 11.j POWELL or myself, and one hundred dollars torthe thief. THOMAS 11. POWELL,Confederate States Naval Ordnance Works,

fe 21-2f\u25a0*i

T OST OR STOLEN.?One of tho\u25a0 i Fourth Texas Bnnd lost or left his largeBRASS INSTRUMENT somewhere in theneigh-borhood ot theSpotswood Hotel, on the morning ofthe 21st instant, at about lo o'clock. He w»s in-toxicated, and may have gone in some public placeand deposited it, or some mischievous person mayhave taken it from him. Itis of no valueexcept toa good musician. The Leader of the Band will re-*ward the oirty who will leave it at the " BootHouse," 257 Main street, between Seventh andEighth. fo2l?lt

BROKE LOOSE FROM MY SER-VANT, on the evening of the 22d instant, on

(Grace street, my SORREL HORSE, with flaxenmane and bail and a heavy scar on left side of his.Withers and anotheron his left shoulder. He had5n a halter anda red figured blanket cover. Ai liberal reward will bopaid for his delivery to me, atmy residence, on Grace, second door from Third\u25a0*«__» A. J. RODGERS,Captain company O, Twenty-fourth regiment Vir-ginia cavalry. fe 2i?lt*

LO S§T, on Wednesday evening, onFranklin street,between Fonahee and Fourth,

oron Fourth, between Leigh and Franklin streets,a HAIR BRACELET, with a likeness Qf an eldeilylady. A liberal reward will be paid if it is b>it atthis ©fliee. fe 21?2tI" OST, on Second street, between Proudl_ and Main, a BLACK LACE (ladies') VEIL.

The finder will receive a liberal reward by leavingit at the store No. 1, under Exchange Hotel, Foui-Iteenth strict. fe2l?lf.

TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS RE-JL WARD.?Was stolen from mv stable, on thenight of tho 15th of February, TWO HORSES, to

_wit: onebrownormouse-coloredhorse, nine yearsI old, with heavy maneand tail; rubbed on his sideswith gear; has nomarksbut a slight knot on thebark, caused by the saddle; he rides well in all thedifferent gaits; his foretop is tiiinmcd off close.The other is a dark bay mare, four years old;lias a very coltish appearance, as she has"been used. but very little; has a slight searorrub on her check,'caused by the bridle bit. Iwill the abovere-ward, of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS, to anyperson who will give any information so that I canget them, or ONEHUNDRED DOLLARS foreitherof them. The horses are both about five feet high.My address is Mount Laurel, Halifax county, Va.

fe 22?at* WILLIAM A. I'ENICK.

CATCH THE THIEF.?Was stolenfrom mv stable, last night, the l*»th of Fe-

bruary, a BAY STUD COLT, with full, dark maneand tail, and oval from his eyes to his nostrils;short-coupled, and three years old this spring, andwell grown for his age ; he was not avery dark bay.Iwill pay a reward of five hundred dollars for hisdelivery to me again, and five hundred for the de-tection of the thief. My address is GoochlandCourthouse. T. MICHAUX,

fe 22?fit* Powhatan county.

ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS RE-WARD. ?Stolen out ofmy chamber, on Holi-

day night, about li o'clock, a* new BLACK AL-PACA LADIES' DRESS, with cambric lining,with a row of buttons in front; the skirt buttonedon to the body. Also, a DRAB-COLDRED SACKCOAT (domestic goods), with pearl buttons. Thepublic are hereby cautioned not to trade for thesearticles. The abovereward will be paid for the re-coveryof the same. J. 11.THURMAN,

fe 22?;>t* ? No. 2 Main street.rpWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY DDLI LARSREWARD.?FIFTY DOLLARS RE-WARD will bo paid for tho recovery of TWOBLACK SHOATS?one boar and sow?weighingabout fifty pounds each, if strayed; if stolen,TWO HUNDRED and FIFTY DOLLARS for theapprehensionof the thief. W. J. HOLMES,on Venalde,second door from Tweiitv-fifthstreet,UnionHill. fe 22?3t #

ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS RE-WARD.? Strayed or stolen, about sundownon the 21st instant, from my residence, on Claystreet, between Adams aud"Brook avenue, myHORSE, with Yankee saddle and pockets, contain-ingunder-clothing, and bridle. He is about sevenor years old, dark bay, and medium size. Nomarks recollected, except both hoofs behind werewhite. H. D. BURRUSS,

of Burruss ? Gamtt,corner ofThirteenth and Franklin streets.


HARDWARE, Etc.?Wo oiler for salethe following desirable goods, viz :

20 dozen No. 1 Cast Steel Axes,2j dozen Hand, Teunaut and Compass

Saws, assorted;3 dozen Cast SteelCircular Saws, assorted;

200 kegs Old Dominion Nails, assorted;.'»0 dozenDrawing Knives, assorted ;

"no pounds Hemp Twine,3<io pounds best Hemp Sash Cord,150 dozen Cast Steel Files, assorted ; Hand-

Saw, Pit-Saw, Mill-Saw; Round, Flatand Half-Round Bastard, all sizes ;

10 dozen Horse and Shoe Rasps,SO dozen Shoe Knives and Shoe Hammers,?r>o Weavers' Reed Shys, assorted;

GOO pounds CottonRope, assorted, one-fourthto one inch;

300 yards best Anchor Bolting Cloth,assert-ed, Nos. 5, ti and 7 ;50 dozen CottonPlow Lines,

300,000 Needles, assorted Sharps and Belweens ;f .'>n Pole Log Chains, assorted;

000 pounds Cut Tacks, assorted, eight lotweive ounce;

500 jounds Shoe Sparables, assorted, five-eighths to one inch;

500 pounds Finishing Nails, ussorted, three-fourths to two inches.

Also, a good assortment of Till, Cupboard, Tad.Door, Closet and Stock Leeks; Carpenters' andSmiths' Tools, &<?.

RHODES, WILSON & HURT,fe 23-lit No- -2 Pearl street.

NOTICE.? Lost or desiroyf-cl duringthe occupation of Fredericksburg by the

enemy. a CERTIFICATE OF VIRGINIA SPATESTOCK, No. loi>, dated the 6th of Match, ISit, forfifteen hundred dollars, standing in the name ofJohn F. Scott and William Browne, trustees ofJohn Gray, deceased. Application will be madefor the renewal of said certificateof stock.

JOHN F. SCOTT, Surviving Trustee.Fredericksburg, February 22, 18C».

fe 23?law3m*

ASSENOERS FOR TIIE POTOMAC.Persons desiringto go to the Potomac river

can obtain SAFE AND COMFORTABLE TRAN-SIT by applying to Mr. JOHN CARTER, at Ma-nassas Hall, corner of Tenth and bank streets.All such persons must provide themselves with theproper passports. None others need apply uuJ' -rany consideration. fe23?2t*

TJOARDING. ? Good ROOMS, well_[? furnished, and lighted with gas, in an eligibleand pleasant locality, with a table supplied with thebest the market affords. Accommodations for fromtwentyto twenty-live persons. DAY BOARDERSsolicited. Apply to Mrs. B. 0. TOWLES, on Frank-lin street, third door from Robinson's drug store,between Third andFourth bUects. References ex-changed. r fe 23?3t*

JT'OTJND, at my storo, on Seventeenthstreet, between Main and Franklin, one

IECK and one ORDER on G. W. Trenholm, Se-cretary of the Treasury* which the ownercanre-ceive by proving property and paying a suitable re-ward. H. MEYER,

on Seventeenth street,fe 23? 3f brp-een Main and Franklin

HOPS, CANDLES, BLACKING.100 pounds fineHOPS,10 boxes CANDLES,


for sale by EDWARD McADAM,fe 23?2t* Thirteenth street, near Cary.

]7«OR SALE, one of SLOATS PLAN-; TATION BEWINO-MACIHNES, in perfectorder. For terms,apply to

Mas PHILIP GATHKIOHT,fe 23?St* Venabtostmt, Union Hill.I i

WAJTJ-D.WANTED, A PAa*rrNEß_-A gentle

man wishes tofindaPARTNER, mhocouldfurnish $50,000 ConJsderato money, to_er*« aWHOLESALE OROCERY AND OOatMISSIOWHOUSE. The sdvertiser owns a very commodiousstore in one of the best business thoroughfares ofthe city, and can command a very e-ten*ivecitytrade. Would harenoobjection toadd theAUCTIONBUSINESS. Address "MERCHANT,"

fe 24?3t* Boa 44, Richmond, Virainia.

WANTED, by a YOUNG MAN, adisabled roldier, who is mietnpt fiom mili-

tary duty, a SITUATION a.; CLERK in a groceryor commission hawse. References as to character,fie., given if repaired. Apply hy letter to J.N., atthis office, statinjrplace, Ac. fe2l?3f

MOULDKRS.- Wanted, for theStateof Louisiana, ten MOULDERS. Wage*

1 and transportation furnished. Apply at thestore of Meagi. Stokes, Williamson & Co., to

D. A. BLACKBHER,(je 21?2t» Commissioner.

WANTED TO PUT OUT, two or,three HORSES, to some person that will

take c-c-od care of them for their service*". A fannerpreferred. Call atmy bakery,-on Franklin street,between Seventeenth and Eighteenth.

fe 2t?2t* J. TOWERS.

WANTED, LEAD and PEWTER.?The highest price will be paid for LEAD

and PEWTER at No. 168 Broad street, betweenSixth and Seventh. fe 21?3taw2w*

ANTED, a YOUNG LADY toattend in a store. She must give good refer-

ence, and have some i BprsitiMS). Apply at 103Broad street, between Sixth and Seventh.

fe2l- It*

WANTED TO EXCHANGE, a DRYCOW, well fatted, for v FRESH MIL' 11COW. [fc2l-2tj SLAUGHTER A' CO.


fe24?3l SLAUGHTER & CO.

WANTED, gold andij_ silver; the highest price paid at MissSB-MUN'S Mihtarv Store, No !W Main street. Also,GOLD and .SILVER FRINGE or TASSELS,

fe 2;*-ov

WANTED, by a TOong man, a*FUR-NIBHED ROOM in a private family, onShockoe Hill, with or without board. Address, forone week, F.,b«>x 150,city post-office, .stating terms,lot-ation, fie. References exchanged, if desired.fe 23?3t*

WANTED TO 111HE, by the month,an old andexperienced NURSE, fora childseven months old. Good wages will be paid. Shemust come highly recommended. Address, forthree days, box 1.062, post-offtee. fe 23? it*

WANTED.?A young lady, competentto teach English aud the rudiments ofFrench, and music on piano, desires a SITUATIONin a private family. References exchanged. Ad-

dress L. 11. S.,Kichmond post-office, fe 23?3t*

WANTED, an OVEKSEEU {«x~~lsmall place in Amelia county. One exempt

from military dut# and with a small, or no family,tun addressbox Nlo Richmond post-oflke.

fe 23-.H*


HORSE. Apply on Clay street, fourth door fromcorner of Adams, south side. fe 23?2t"

WANTED, a GERMAN GIRL, to dogeneral housework in a small family.

ISAAC GKEENTREE,fe 23?ftt» No. EH Main street.

WANTED, ft good RIDING HORSE.Apply to N. H NORI-LEET fi CO.,

corner ol Thirteenth find Main streets.fc23~3t»


Ninth and Twelfth. Address ENTERPRISE,Dis-patch ofitee, for three days. fe 22?3t #

WANTED, a good COOK, WASHERand IRONER (colored). To such as can berecommended, good treatment and the highest pay-

will be given. Address A. li., Dispatch office.fe 2_,-3t«

WANTED IMMEDIATKLY. ? Anypelson having oneor two WORK HORSES

thatthey Wish fed tor their services, for a shorttime, will apply to SURGEON IN CHARGEHOWARD'S GROVE HOSPITAL. fe 22-Af

I WISH TO EM PLOY, IMMEDIATE~-LT, a LADY, to take charge of a small school

inmy family, competent to teach Latin, French,thehigher brain lies of English, and Musio?illstru-monMl and vocal. My addle:.;, until the loth ofMarch, will be Richmond; after that time, BowlingGreen, Caroline county, Virginia.

fo2l-ot» D. C. DiJARNETTE.

WANTED TO HIRE, throe NEGROMEN. A liberal price will be given, aud

they will be freefrom impressment. ?P. O. COSBY _ CO.,Cary, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth .streets.fe* 21-(if

WANTED TO RENT, n comfortableUNFURNISHED HOUSE, in a central

part of the town. Any one having such before theIstof March will please communicate with C. T.,atthisoaaoa. fe'2l- «f

WANTED, a MAN, to work on a smallfaun seven miles above Richmond, without

incumbrance, and not subject to military duty, to .take charge of the place. For a good man, a uood

price will bepaid. Apply toWILLIAM B. COOK, atFoundry, Eighth street, near Main. fe 20?lit*

rpEACHER WANTED.?I wish to ena. S the services of a middle-aged lady who

is competent to teach thoroughly all the Englishblanches, and Music on I'iano. State terms. Ad-diess AITLH'ANT, box No. 17, Scottsville,"Albe-marle county,Virginia. fe 20?It*

\XTANTED, OAK AND PINE WOOD.f f The undersigned wishes to buy?delivered

on the Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomacrailroad,between Richmond and Hanover Junc-tion? OAK and PINE WOOD ; for which the high-est prices will be paid. We may be found at RoyJones's, second door In-low the Theatre,any timebetween 9 A. M. and 2 o'clock P. ML

fe 11?2aw2w* JOS. FAUDREE & CO.

A TEACHER WANTED.-I vWshUiemploy, the present year, a GENTLEMAN

to teach a small school in my family. A disabledsoldier preferred. He Must be well qualified toteach the English branches, for which I am willingto give him his board, &<.., and a small salary.-Address 8., Oak Shade, Culpepor counts-, Virginia.

fe 10?lot*


GRATES, SIFTERS, PAINTED BUCKETS, TIN(UPS, TEA-POTS, COFFKE-POTS, TIN RUCK-ETS, WASHBASINS. KNIVES ASH FOURS,BROOMS, _c, for a tie at my foundry, No. -25Main street, between Eighth and Ninth.fe 22? it* S. D. DKNOON.

NOTICE.? Tho following creditors* o<E. E. ORVIB are earnestly called upon to

present their claims for settlement to me, on Mainstreet,between Twentieth and Twenty-first: JamesA. Coghill, William E. Stone, T. C. Leak, JamesLipscomb, Jiunes King and P- H. Slaughter.

fe 22?St- THOMAS T. DUKE,Trustee.

FOR SALE, a lino young HORSE, sixyears old and sound, suitable for a familyor

cavalry ; is a quick walker; run*very fast, and isverygentle. Apply at Hospital,Baßery No. m.

fe IS?«w2w»

T7K>R TIIE UNITED STATES.?ThoJF cheapest, shortest and most'reliable route toYankeodoui. Parties desiring to go North,who senobtain proper passport*, will find it very mucn totheir intore.it to call at No. 102 Mainstreet, betweenThirteenth and Fourteenth, whore information willbe given, and necessary aaantsnce r**w«red.getting passports. \u25a0 _______mwENTV- FIVE KEGS SUPEBI (ARM. SODA for sale byj -t.;AX KD.T.KOWHSOIf.

. . J a*a*a*^^--^--awso* XEtr.£a«tt_^jptttt

K ar»soft_._t-. Jm&ZoVmnT fctgV^FOR KENT, three or four exceUeotROOMS, ? KfrCHKN ROO_L_Bd,Mdwahwd,choice fruit, well inehwd, dfTwenty-ninthandThirtieth Bmuteron thelot. Terms moderate toa family wwR Npcommended. Applyon the prettdss*, or to

T. SWEENEY,fe 2?- 2t* Register'» office, TreaanrybwOaaag.

T?OR RENT, the UPPER PART of th«' HOUSE No. 196 Mate street,containing four

r-oms, well finished, with gas, etc., and kitchenwith two rooms. If not rented before Monday, ISo'clock, it will then be rentedto thehighest bidder,at auction, on th# premises. . .REDWOOD, PHILLIPS * CO.; Auctioneer*,fc» No.M Mala street,

FOR RENT.-I har6 for rent, in t_etown of Sidney, a good HOUSE,with sightrooms, in good repair. There is a lot attached, ef

fouracres ofrich land, well manured; also,a goodORCHARD of various kinds ofFRUIT TREKS.bor terms, apply to WM. 8. PHILLIPS,onTwellth, between Main and Bank streets.fe23? 3t»

FOR RENT, a desirable LODGINGROOM, with gas (furnished orunfurnished),

in a pleasant location, within ten minutes' walk ofthecapitol. For terms, etc.. applyat thestoreHo.231 Main street. fs 2S-St*

TJOR RENT, throe UNFURNISHEDROOMS, on second floor, with gas, suitablefor gentlemen or a family. Apply on Gracestreet,second hou je from Eighteenth. fe 23?St*

OR RENT, the HOUSE on thewtside of Mayo street,first aboveFranklin, con-

taining elevenrooms; kitchen with threeroomsinthe yard. Possession given at once. Applyto

W. H. ALLISON,at George Watt & Co.'s Plow Btore, Franklinstreet. *____-!\?6n RENT, several ROOMS, onF Twelfthstreet,between Main and Franklin,

furnished with gas, suitable for offices or singlegentlemen. Applyto

fe 20- 12f JOHN A. BBLVDY.

17*OR RENT, three well-furnishedROOMS, tor gentlemen; central locality.?

References required. Address H. E. WARE, atDispab-h office. fe 18?St*


FOR HIRE, a SERVANT WOMAN,aged twenty-two. without incumbrance?a

good washer, ironer snd house servant, ornurse.?Apply to T. W. BROCKENBBOUQH,

at William Wallace Sons,Thirteenth street,between Main andCary.

fa 24?St*

FOR HIRE, a good COOK. Apply tofe 2t-2t* Mr. A.E. MOORE, Cary street.

SALE, privately, a likely GIRL,a good NURSE for her age?say tenyears old*

Alio, a WASHER ana IRONER, twenty yearsold.BURTON St WALLACE,fe 23? ts No. 3 Belvin's Block, Oovernor street.

FOR HIRE, a COLORED GIRL,eighteen years old. Apply at the General

Court-Martial, over Yerbv's store, No. 5 Twelfthstreet, between Main and Cary streets, to

fe23-3t* W. C. GREEN.

FOR HIRE, a first-rate COOK, who iaalso a good washer and ironer. To a good

home, the price will be low. Apply at the officeofthe Tredegar Iron Works. fe 23?2t"

RUNAWAYS.rpiIREE HUNDRED DOLLARS RE*J_ WARD.-Left my bouse, about 7 o'clock lastmsht, three NEGROES, whose names are as fol-lows : IJETJSY, fifty years of age; LIZZIE, twenty-three years of age, and CHILD, eighteen months ofage. No doubt they are aiming for Yankceland"Iwill give the above reward for their delivery toBBS or confined in jail so I can get themagain, orone hundred dollars for eitherof them.

fc2l-3t B. T. C. ROBTNB.I> AN AWAY from tiie subacriber a_T\- negro man, named LEWIS, of dark com-plexion, Hiul nearly six feet tall; quite intelligent,und his pronunciation a little singular; hin handswere b icily frost-bitten when he left. His wife,whom he expressedgreat desire for meto purchase,is owned by Mr. James A. Johnson, of Carolinecounty, of whom I bought the said negro man,Lewis, some months ago; suppose he is now lurkingin the neighborhood of bin wife. Any informationof him will be thankfully received, and a reward offive hundred dollars will be paid for h*s delivery tome, or his lodgment in jail, that I may get nlmagain. Mv address is Goochland Courthouse.

fe 22-Cf T. MICHAUX.

RKWARD.-LeA the Manchester Cot-ton Factory, a few weeks ajfb, HENRY, a

mulatto boy, about twelve years of age. Ha washired of John P. T.ibb. Will pay THIRTY DOL-LARS for bis delivery to me.

fe 22-If WM. H. Agent.

15IV E HUNDRED DOLLARS RE-WARD.?Ran away from Greensboro',North

Carolina, on the loth of Oris month, a negro man,named LEWIS. Said negro is about twenty-fouryearsold, five feet ten or eleven inches high, blackcomplexion, and weighs one hundred and ninety-two pounds. He wasbought on Sic 3d of Februaryfrom Dr. R. 11. Christian. I will pay the abovereward for his delivery to inc.

ROBERT LUMPKIN,fe Hi?lm* -Richmond, Virginia.

Post Qi: \ktmrmAvrfcn's Orricß,)Thibi* CoyoßisMONAi. Disrsu i, Viboima, >Ru nmono, February 20,1805. )

IAX IN KlND.?Producers residing inthe counties ol Henrico and H.tnover, who

re to deliver their tithes in the city ofRich-mond, are notified that d« liveries may be madetothef illowing officers,vi/.: *

Wheat toCaptain P. A. Welford.at Me cars. Cren-haw 6c Co.'s Mills.Corn, osta and long forage to Major J. C. May-

nurd, Navy Hill.Provisions to Captain F. F. Myers, near Oallego

Mills.Wool toMajor W. O. Ferguson, corner Cary and

Fifteenth struts.ReoripM should, in all cases, be takenaad pre-seutcd to me, thatthe amount may be credited onproducers' climates. W. O. CAZENOVE,

Captain and Post Quartermaster,fe 22 -w3w» Third Congressional District Va.


to pn sent tor payment, at the officeof Messrs. R.11. Maury 6c Co., in Richmond, your interest eou-l*>n* which are now due,and hereafteras they be-come due, as funds* have been, andwill be always,provitled ready to pay them; and thecounty willnot hold itself responsible to pay themexceptin thecommon currency ofthecommunityas they becomedue. R. f. MORRIS,

fe 23?law*w» County Agent.

"PROFESSIONAL.?Doct. J. C. WIL-I LIAMs, from thecounty of New Kent, offersbis professional acrvi-ee to the atisetu of Rich-mond. He may b« found at his office, inK. R.Meanlcy'sstore, tfo. 109 Main street,between thehours of » and 12 A. M. and 4 aad6 P. M.

Residence on Sixth street, between Main aadCary. fsll-»taw2w*»

NOTICE.-All persons who may haveBOOKS or MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS he-

longing to the late Dr. James H. Osarway w_lgreatlyobligeme by returning thou at the officeof theundesigned, an Main street, ffweeilt theAuwßßcan Hotel, or at Dr. Conway** lake ttridwet

fe 20-ood3t THOMAS T.OD_RS.

STOTICE.? The annual meeting of In*% STOCKHOLDERS OP TUB RICHMONDPORTING AND EXPORTING COMPART willbe held at the Company* office, on TUESDAY.the2ath of February, at i oNslochP. M.SAMUEL J. HARRISON,

le»?oodtd lwi_iwrt.

NOTIC&-The BANK OF MOH-MOND wiU redeem IU eirculatkm. faytaf

one doUarin »p«cfe for «if»t dellala<*Js~*g*?~fcH?ltwrSw Cmwm»