Daily Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) 1864-12-16 [p ]>*»"!\u25a0' c_vr.4;'i. mil "i'iini?....


Transcript of Daily Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) 1864-12-16 [p ]>*»"!\u25a0' c_vr.4;'i. mil "i'iini?....

Page 1: Daily Dispatch (Richmond, Va.) 1864-12-16 [p ]>*»"!\u25a0' c_vr.4;'i. mil "i'iini?. I'i.c.'"*-".-;?-j»iei vTiNfr*.? faW »t ranteriks for all k;-.«# *>f cum*.? ft* and mj*v« tuee,

>*»"!\u25a0' c_vr.4;'i. mil "i'iini?. I'i.c.'"*-".-;?- j»iei vTiNfr*.?faW »t ranteriks for all k; -.«# *>f cum*. ? ft*

and mj*v« tuee, in tirge or*..«?!.

Tnt'wiri.w, Dec«attor 1"., \M4.Prayer by Rev. Dr. Mmm; .the Epitcopa) ChrThe Chan* UU befar* the Senate the

f«u?ion of adjutants of certain GeorgiartgimenH a.«kinjj innrea:k* of rank or tobe put ia the hr»*»of pwnottori }\u25a0<Krn-A in ihr* Military tV;i;,; rit.'r.

House hill to rvgtalat* the nayMileage of members find thf coinneri ttion of officers nf the Senate and Uomtof Rcpr. ;:.int '.. -. v.".. rejwirted ad-.ei-..-J} iratu the Finance Ooßimitd-vrae placed on ihecr. lenda**-The Senate ih«n re* iinietl considerationof the Mil In definesnd buniracy again-1 ih<> Corr4e4eta!« Stales, ibepetivlittg question being on the :id©f>ti \u25a0<\u25a0

of an amendment proposed 1>«, the Judleiary Committer. After a lonr >!?sion. which con'tunicd mo t of the day,the amendment was adopted and thebill passed. Yeas, I*3; nay: ..

On motion, by Mr. Hill, the Senateresolved into secret session.

HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVE",The House tra* called lo order at the

iifinal ho*»r. Prtfyar by ).'???.. I*r Jeter.A j(>int re-okftion, defining ition of the (Confederate States and \ i

rlarinj; th*-ir detenninatidn to prosecutethe war until the independence of the

' South ia acknowledged, was referred tothe Committee©n Foreign Affair..

A bill to provide for the impressmentof free i egroeaand slaves to workon ihcl indicationsand otherpublic works wasreferred to the Committee on MilitaryliLiir*-.

A rcsoiut.on, proponing ih« adjournrnent of both nouses .from Saturday,the 21th instant, 10 the I'd of January,IStiJ, was indefinitelypostponed.

the *wqueHtration bill was then taken.ipand discussed; after which the Houseadjourned. «

IX?l -_S5-»«

fEXTr.A sras-i

Thursday, D*ct.nberlO, 18(14.The Seriate met at 12 o'clock M. SheRev. Dr. Dogget led in prayer.The joint resolution of the House olDelegatesproviding tor the adjournment

of both Houses on Wednesday, 21 v in-slant, to Wednesday, the 4th of Janu-ary, 1860, was so amended as to providefor its adjournment till the !Hh of Ja-nuary.

The Committee on Finance were in*? tmcted to inquire intoand report whataction, if any, be necessary by the Gene-ral Assembly to protect the bonds ol*.he Commonwealth from ruinous taxa-tion by the Confederate States Govern-merit.

On motion of Mr. Christian, of Au-fcru'stß, tho Senateadjourned.

The House metat noon, and was open-ed with prayer by P.ev. Dr. Jeter.

A bill was reported from ihe Commit-ter on Punting,changing the timefor the. otumcncenient of the term of office oftha Public Printer; aud the bill passedto its second reading.

Mr. Pendleton calledup his joint reso-lutions on th- existingwar and ibedeter-mination of Virginiain thestruggle; and'-he resolutions, after much discussion?nj amendment, were referred to theCommittee on Confederate Relations.

The Houso reconsidered theresolutionby which the body agreed to ad-journover on the 21st instant (Wednesday) toibe 4th of January, and made their ac-i ion conform to that of the Senate, which

to adjourn over on that day to the£th of January.On motionof Mr. Brooke the body aJ-

| MPOKTAK- NOTICE.-The STOCKI JtIOLDKRSoI ibeIUOHMOXD AM. ±'1.. ?i.-.ETKcI Jv.ULIi.tIAD cOMrAi.Y, who have, orshall Lave, dividend.* due to them and uncollected,-;te hereby notified that all dividendswill be paya-ile oiiiy in the Treasury notes of the Conte-iecitectated, fin which durinrthe Kar the*- hv,cLwid- rnvc be.-n earned, until the lirr. it*v li i, ii aar, 1-cj, n.r?i artei that d;.te at tb. option <.i ii,

! iieH'*ury antes aria tbe bondsot the Confederate States, valued and pai.i it thepnue i*iihout inteict j'aidfor ;uch bonds hythisto., oid-rr of the Uo2rd of Directors.

de 16?30t " " ' ' Tiyiuurer.

DX. comer of."«li.i! i.ml and 'lhird strtefe,ofierebie proies-t.i.nJ cci rii t-i lor the i;ccoinic&dat'c.u af Li? c.i'iuof liuiiiod means.

Meiical advice ju the office, indudinr mpiic'ncsI?; .-ash.

Visile vithin tiie csrpoißtion, including meai-.L.C.*, fid, ?Ofiij*! iiouii from 9 tn IS A. M., and from 3 to 6*M \ l-lc-lm*_A CAHD.?The*nulereigited,haruia t-}.c)iI\ «"\u25a0*? itvre, on Fifteenth uereet, i ttely o'ecupiedL> aii: Hichaid tauthc-m, uffen; his teivices to thepub'.-;.-a* Auctioneer -ir.d Coennußmoa Merchant.?lie Rcijcii- coßdigntuetrta, nitd, asi.ui-e.-i hie fiiaiidsthat ail tubule-is eutrusted to liim will l*? nreeaiitlyetu-ndel to. lie *ill attend ih. Uoraetiaiei ever*«Saiurdaj ; and a?k» iheijationagv «4 the jmblh.l'-i .' JAMfcS R. lIATCLITif.

\ Ff;V VALUABLE FAMILY (Jlildijeician'f HOitSJB for sule privatelv--irii

.i" nert opi.ujr, aourd, true, aud gentle to all; g«ai lit uisy be eeeu at tin- :. -i I .i.i. vi? i{/iain ftii'iaiu Owxi. on Urmid street, betweenI »eaiy-~i kil. .md Twenty-Seventh. If notsold »ri-i.-.for., -i,,. mil 1-? oiUri-d at nuction mi SAlL'KL.i V, n.l i; i.'clcck, st .1 hx&i nii.de l*>?n» ( M HUBl'r*o. At, DVfOTrrF. -The Board ot Directors bare- > \u25a0 i » 'tuidendof titt-en per cent, onthe jftiftial na*kof thi ?>. Company, pavaide onar.'i . i?-?\u25a0-» in. .-ai.t to ail per*-. Lbold-itin- 2vth oi ;\u25a0 cuiter 1 -:. o: to toeir :rt'preH(.Dtat. M. W YARUIXOTOJr, 1ii.-r.-<uiv-. i' .' ,i- ad anaFetereburglViilroed Cera- |

DISTJtJBUTION <»F .SALT j L*lt\Klt/TLVIUND Clir.-VTea.e caw Irenarvdt« * liverSALi?-. n , \u25a0 per head, at t*3ntv'enU per po-.m-i. A- an ( w,n bring with t*-mt .c u-ual ttAiunt .- to the number in the family,? cd i igt mustLe liuuisiied of wee to ocr? Ide l 1'">mU- »POTT» 4 UAKVEY."TTHERE V/ILLiiGASLPPEIt HELD

oil "/ AsYXUiI,««««--*e«, uch cc Uffja, Onteri v i Ico irv-inhave



istreet, two -J^f,fr.** Db,atJh^L** "' W. R. il**'U)ii\V)UDt lor s^aly"*""J_J Mt

, V?. U iscVfT, Diueaii.vrr.cr of geventt-aath and? v* i*?tit*rjVwt* ULWiDREt) BACKH tlßaiNiAlI MALI, in Aoro, for*ci» by J*# .-2W h. iLiiIYEY * CO. j

We w.tl *.'d th< f< Uotrtrs v»ry de»>*'r.in er';'i.'»T J... v ,.» «,»,m t.»r*lle,«, jt* ~ j

' , ' ' '\u25a0 j| ? ~,.; -. -~? |i. ..,-..>.--» Vi i >\u25a0\u25a0 11- *, !'..! *??*»»!» !?\u25a0I ' I| fOncV T.vi. .' ile*r.r,dC«M'.p, I| . WK-fir.-IV. I

p t ..me !??; ' lI liobott H..u.t>, Hi: O-.d live

' »! li. \u25a0 - : 1! '\u25a0 \u25a0 i \u25a0. \u25a0 <nre, \! : .' .i.-wr. I

.rt* '1M ran |I | I: ' '«", jI , UMVH* hi, Atwtion*vm.I .n.i Maiu strati I

i ?; . 11 . , V,i.r,,\vsnr>,

! roiflr'i oA3! ii the' ' (11V FEKU RTORf !! . r sweet, hetw. in Voiirt.im'haTi.i I iftafttffc. j

AVrSEMEXTS.TVrcHMUNI)- TTi KATRE,l< -r-?rSeventh aud Broad street*.


trnttmfor, en .1 j.iity* ft -o nicer »sf.'.ll~ h~w MAGOIE MiiCIIEIT.,

rntiiiclItAT V O ' 3JIE AL ,

will >*presented thir erming,with ail h?GONGS, I'ANCLS, &.



i lerfJrTnancnwill commence with the stor) ir,~Drama, rendered fafnoni by the unequalled actingof Mi. EDWIN FORREaT, entitledj TEIiBESE,| HE ORPHAN OF GENEVAI To-morrow?


I Dooranj.pn ct qnarter fa 7 o'clock; performanceI eonuncnciiu?at 7* o'clock. d>.l. ?It


Cottr-rn ck S::cth a>'u Marmialj.Stuevt!:,j On MONDAY EVENING, Dr.cEMwr 19tu, 1864.

\u25a0 Musicby Pnornssoa TKb.MER'S Cotillon Band.

A goodtime will be jniaianteed to r,ll.

J Adjni*<ion,for agent! man r.nd ladies, *,io.



BY THK POST BAND (formerly Sr...Ptd by aI'CLi. OKC'HK3'i'HA end the lollow-v.sr aekaewleuged talent:



SMITH, 6:c, Ac.,tc rjFivrr, :n EEIDAT NiGUX. December 16th,

Ai Tar. EXCHANGE HALL,\u25a0r;i Franklin and Fourteenth


1. OVERTURE?'Tub?;; FULL BAND.2. CLARIONKTTO SOLO?(Carl Marin of We-8. CAVAi'CNA? iUa-!.lifW,a,;i: \ia:> litJHJL.a. VIOLIN flOLO?lteilliimteJ KESSNItH.6. SOU2TDS JcT.uli HUME?(aa pejformed by

6. THE !_imv; 'Walts, by tluag:i! FULL OKcHEsfRA.

Part srcc.r-.1. OVERTURU? 'Zsmpa, HeroU ...ORCHESTRA.2. FLUTE bOLO? Kumm<i:....RodENßhßOl':R.

i 3. CASTA Dl VA? (Norma'; Maw. P.UHL.i. WCAKThTT? (Die Kapella Kieutser, as per-i foimod by tiur. celebrated Distant Family)>[5. ITAWfciNSOLO? RUTERSSAF?.

I*iGHT? .Mieidel-ohn} 7..PULii BAI-TD.j Adininrion, JM). D ors open at " o'clock. Concertto ciimm»cce «t Ii (Vciock pr.-ci'-eiy.j 'i. t-rts tobe hai nt tneFiin-ii-il muxlcind bnok-I Store*/. de 15?it*

I J\_ given t.t the MONTICZLXOHALL oni MONDAY 1 %L:riNG, DEctiißEE 10th, IW4.

TheManac.r- liave sparedno means to make IL'.?oneol the GRAiXBEMa 8A1.1.S TtiE BRA :?'-?Positivelyno ladieu adinltu-l unlena jeeompanied

with an invitation \u25a0 ick* 'v. Losas:J H. ADKlir<t>N, A. P.. TOLER.

1 W R O N G .rczr rnunn-:

j "YOU CAN NEVER TiKUS BACK :"I by a lad- of Kentucky. Music b\ J Ed-wart Bhuth.

" ii.v ..an never -win at back,Never, nersr;

Iho-jgh we petiah in the trackOf your endeavor."

jj rt'BtisEßD mr

j J. \\r.DAVIEA & SONS,

| d.; l?~2f U.i Main \u25a0\u25a0re.Err

i "VTC'ITOE.?I"he uosierHifueil, huviisoemted them»-ives uha.>r the »;i'e« el

EiM>:CH. MORION ?v i.0.. ir, trie d. cf'tiich-raond, for tha purrawe of eondevtidg peEM-aifcusi-Beee in S'iOt'KSAND MONI IT, i. p. .tfuiiy tendertheir 'en-icej to thcirJfricaulHaii.l thcput-licl mm so-licit a of their ftatronaire. Th._ propo*;purciiKw- ,hu'l »cli &TOCRS an;' "1r.ties i . .XKK.Kf'«»/;y and will an tg'.tiatiyn ufsecurities and th» jnvestn? \u25a0* ? >l intair conr.icticn withmor.iedin litut - ; andth'.r <-xa.rietice ir. the biinines', in wtttcu itender cfrvioea, will, they hope,their pnuvns ? r.'.i-e \u25a0 .itid'icuan fcrhL f ca.Cdrl ;« thetu. THOMAS BILOCH * -; >

(of PetiTf-buiA "ii -?. ?.,;I. B MORION,

' '}-('a<it:i liink of Comcv.W'Iwlrigytij, i: egper 12, 1864. d--"PARAJFTS il LVBRIcATIN'G '>lL ?

Hi»vmj% by eatvlul «iperini*4»tj altered-.vath- :aipiav>. i Hag.'. chara<rler ti onrGIL, we n> -oflePfbr «v« i.t ..rutlcoi LUBRICA'ii>"G OIL for

?tten ft«torirs wmeii ha.i no nuperioi in tie' ' \u25a0;. I'-to"- not gum orckill. li.-* cil, we\u25a0 '-o.'-, ii-u.h cilW-.l liihJ, to I"-' th" L«t c- icheapost Oil SDr aur tnuchiucry in the acufh/ a

l"' Ut) i-rmza- 1Kives l;n tJjJiepT.«pr:rat*na»'the fd, it not in? but fc-iuAi anpiove.

to agetits of Bod.a»h ami Efaver Creek\u25a0'oi» ;«*x CampaiUee. Pay»jtt7iile t North,, *rao jtotioUKC* it aveiy tsu;*-ii.ijO '. |

HENIvV E. eot'lO>, 'Agent V. K. Ikstuvanv,' 6~ l FayctteviUe, North Carc-Sna.IVTINEkAL*KIK&PROOF j

W.j&*« nc-* prepared tosupple ]v» thu l'/KJUTf in It i* v « iron,

tuuod'th.; mo>st ievcre icf.ts w.ti»Src,~.V*k*,aeety rodijsh ht^ara.

HENRY E., . Aitent F. X- ''oii.r.any,

f v. teach hejrini'er?; Litin. Noneaniap|lr b'tt thr r. lt*>r'v;b><t .finalitled. AAhBI ?ut!!>*tevv'i'iat i.i refc-nni. t,% ItdilAM** mSL*.*I d* I«?e**ilSt* Midlnthiin v>°*t-cffi".e, VinaJaja,j . \u25a0in -\u25a0 \u25a0 i«*i i»" - ?*?? - . \u25a0\u25a0

I \\ i fre re^i'--' end onewliite msa-He tin. ?'and of neat ye:ir. Fei-,rrar.?« I will r*v by the taanWl"'*Vfi am)

\u25a0 ; -.'dbyyiaj",:'.? iCO andboard and' \u25a0 Wouey »*iel*»f U»*jN*th or quarter. Apply*I eie-e in frr:ntof the Hete!!Az "??y ... .I U lilted and »T»*4did'with gas. Tbrf «nlI an \u25a0- -r ii in the same neighborhood, beet not trait*J Otc "mine roof. Apply X" 3. F- Al#A3tt»J n lifc-rmrtwr-O."!!.pi.. D-partmeut, corner cI Ruiik arrfl leall; >tr. ?-». fmirtt ilwr. <h» Ife?lf

I \\ T ' 'f':i' " f f lr,ire tft employ ?mnw-Vf diately a I.*,MY, to fc*kr> rh,.rr# oi* asmaf| *. UiiOL in my fssuilj,icompetent to Wk all i\AI Mghcf I '\u25a0?i 'lies li i.!.,':-li, French anl l.itin, a-

«?? " C. I'rr.o. A hires*. Bowth&fj ' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0, i it.-, .c, Vi.ipla, or Richmond, statin,jterm*. .:. IC i«- li.\u25a0(.'. DUAtiKVTSit.-.'|\\ rA N"l'i:i», nri i-xperumc#d MAN ?»

11 '" fh on a farm near Ri'liuaond.-rstmpt fom military sar] Vu.*, in I v : ~c best of nfcr.nies as t»eftarnC'. \u25a0 , _ n..rii. iliMm IAI.MER, IX*j fAt c cfli do |t>?eod.lf

?yf habit, anJ genteel appearand", to traxfe?la ly,arid child rix years old. 'Bo -tich a:j will bu.t, liberal compensation will bi- allowed. A.iI ire s A. l: «.'. !>., Richmond, Mating where the apI pileant may h. found. \ jta-ra^**^!

f* geed 3SURBE; v ffi;Jdi*-atfM Korean pr.-t'fersed. loor.; locomaiendedJffiocd shii ; cl. Apply to MP--. I'/iiOt, Park hWs*

I sjx fircsdstreet. dc 16?St; ?? . , n -fiii ?

\TT ANTED, an axfere, honett BOY,*W DINING-ROOM SERVANT at the Sonrt] C Molina Soldiers' Homo.de 16?H* O. H. McMASTER.I \u25a0\u25a0 -

j VY WAGON. To such a", will suit, the highestjpnyar.l oir.-.t.int r-mpleymentwillte given. Applj1 ' Port May.-, below Reeketts.I A YOUNG LADY desiresa situationa;J\ COPYIST or < LKRK, or in a GOVERNj MEST DEPARTMENT References given il re-I quired. Addies- 1 ROSE, Richmond post-office.| de ie?lt*

I ' """ GtaCAN EMPTY VIATAI We will pay the highest price for clean emptyj cn~once, two-ounce ami four-ouno-: VIALS.

"I"IALS, not bottles, ;:re wanted.MEAJIE k BAKER,Driurgi

d£. It?lt* comer of Tenth and Main street?.I ??____________________________

V T EA.EM,of ninety-flvi? acrn?, rle-yen mileJ b"Jow the city, ne.-r Malvern Hill. It has avalu-marl fcc-i A fivt acses.good apple orchard?! j house? all good. For particulars, addressbox 1,616,

| Richmond posbHiffioe. Term? low, in Cir.tVdeintdo 15?2t*

iW CUPS. Address P. P.| Dispatch office.I rle r.?2t*

J ? sc.n residing in an ezpo'cd countywho I* de-j hirouaof havinga portion of-hi* FURNITURE inI a. secure-place, own have it hauled and well takenj care of by asmall family residing in Richmond.?j Address B. 8., Dispatch "office, Richmond.; de I J?3t*

\? iear, a No. 1 COOK, WASHER ANE'\u25a0 IRONEII ; aJso, itNo. 1 HOUSE SERVANT. Amj such,a pticewill be given. Anyperson havingI such servants tjrhiie will please address 'J. 8., Dia-J puK-h oflicc. de 16?3f

business as lOBACCONIST, o. tenI yoara' sqfeding. Apply to WILLIAM CHIBWICR,| 1 1 Main etiflCSTtweenSeventeenthandEighteenthJ stree.-. de 15?at"

j W ONE THOUSAND SLAVES, tof on theP.ichmoiel andDauville fejblio.TDRED SLAVES to work en the PiedmontI railionl. Apply to any agent of the rosdi along

J the line, orat the offices in Rl. hmoud and-Oan-aU;.CHARLhS O. TAXCOIT,

e-»llB Superintendent.liTimiiier, Whig and Enq-jirer, retersburg Xx-i snd Lynchburg v iijrinian copy one month.

\\rAS TED, a lust rate COUK, V/ASH-T? ER AND IKONER,for the calancc of tMs,I and. if the should suit, ihe ensuing' year. .';h-»

J must ct'KP well recommended for honesty and1io'slth. and be without encumbrax.ee. Aiw, a littleI GlßL.dithturten Appiy to P.cKLf.Tj J. KMYTii, at the Shotkoe X ii; or rccond hausej en Ninth street, northof Leigh. de 14? f*

VV HOUSE. For one thatwill suit, from ONEj THOUSAND TO iTFTEEN HUNDRED boL--1 j..- t;-i per month will be paid. Alro, asm.til ICR-NISHiD or UNEUENISKED HOUSE. Direct toI E, 2. 147,-post-office. de 14- 3t?

W year, tw-Jve NEGRO WHEEEWKiOUT.'S?-.-rctkoii Governmentwoik in ttc city ot Kich-j n;«:.d, for which tLa highest Gov-iliiuent'pi iceswillbe MM. R. P ARt HER,' de 14?tlstj Major and Quaiterm-icter.

)T FARM, srith dwelliiig-honseaad neoeesaryI out-housC3, nrar Richmond; one tfc.it would hi1 rented onsliarea preferred. Address, immediately,j rtatjatj loealUy, teims, 4-c, Mrs. M. A. T., Dis-I patch office. de 14?it*

X\T ANTE D TO KENT, a SMALLv v HOUSE, eoutaining three or four lootussr.d kitchen. Addrean i.ANCIT, at this office.j ' lIJ.4-?ir _

\T7"A:>TED; Iw.i or.thrt% fov aI y> gentlemanand his wile, in sTpJeaK at partj of ti.e ci'y. ' itclcirnces given. Address (.. J. 8.,j at thi.i office. de 14?"t"

j W HOUSE, in any partof the ?ity, for a fani-j ,iy trry persons; or would rriit ft portion of anj occupied house, with partial useof tit'hen, ere?I rlease addressS Piepatch office. Aliberalpr.ee

Trill be paid. dc Lt?tt«

\\r A X T E D TO HIRE, an EXPE-| Tf KiENCED NUKSE, one from the cam,try; : red. Apply i.i the residence) of MajorT. G.J PEYTON, Sixth street, bet"srcen Main and rrank-I lin, or box i,o'it., P.ichmoud.I Eor hire, a GIEL twelveyearsof a-re. Applyas"I above. ** de 14?eoalt*Sawyer and miller~wanted..1 k3 An exempt, who can Kive satisftictoiy proof asto honesty und sobiietv, i.i wanted to fnitnajte aCvc iilar Saw end Gnut Mill. One without childrenrreierred. Address J. LrCiUS UAVIB,do 14?eoddt* Box 712, Richmond. Vii^mia.AXrANTED TO PURCHASE A SeFM %'ANT?I wi«h to purclivse, between nowjand Omgtmtts, a find-rate COOII, WASHER andI IRONEE; one that can be well recorumended; I

j n«i 14?y JOHN DOOLEY.^WANTED, Bye MEN, tree from mili-1j yy tary duty, or assigned Is u«bt duty, as

I . _, Assistant Sujtrinhndent ,t.. HAR'VKt a CO.,

IWr A3 T ir'D '* immediately,^v * ntainine ureor sis roomit, in^|

tl'.", cue %ithrMpreferred. Addrti^\u25a0>i, Richmond poet-office. de 13?3t* jj\\TANTED, ROOM and BOARD for r j

IT gentleman aai his wife, in apiiv-itf : j \Satlsiactcry refcresßW* (jiveii. Addr< -. JOHN t -, jlirAXTKD, FIFTY SHAKES klt'li-. V? MOND, PREDEHII'ItSiiCAG AND PO-f JOMAe RAILBOAD sloe ii- Aypiy to"i"" ' n i »ifiim I\\f ANTED.?I t<V.engiige tb» eer- jf T vices of c lad; BtoVLRNsiSS fiwray twol! ' -.\u25a0-!* (iraniwiaStiyTTirho is ei-tie-ly <~*~ t ,-\ -.J

a«4.eatfi-r. ;iince<l ia tickingaUth.'VA»uu»b.--3m«Jb''' 1cf c- Eugliai.edutauca, Latin, French- tiui S". . 'i

piano. A flc«ii*H»t and descnshle fccrnri j| cfiVii i \o an asplwasat, who mtwt be well recota- I; mended. Adore*, the uiiUti *%ne\i, liviuf near II Oloooratar Cvurthvuae, Viiaittla, stating teiiwa.Vf. P. SMITH,

| Q UO«[N SOAPfoi dalekl by BAUGUMAJT jr RICILARD-,, jde i5-i-.» -|fe. i» |«sart ettprt. I

BACON.? 2.000 ttounds Vrigkt CMH[SIDES. > ul elMe M the Wfce:! m.oe. Address X.,city pcmt-cSlc*?. de 15-~rl* |

ttKOs,furßalrat *""

jmth tare**Wm* f*r e#A O-wttVatr. i« the| ' r. VTilfhaH.tK* V3ls, Manb JI.I lets', at-rsWd by liattati-r 1 L'o., depositary.

(\&r> DOLLARS EF-I General E«rrW> *iaiLie, en Cnvr ewrtj tof*a«a Siath atd Seventh! **r? **? M»**wbH« ena rr»>«-.0W.i..1, ieaWe-nv*;d.J POXJotSR w'nti h the abc-ve rewardf *ru!kflL*/BltT ff drep -rid to ths uodereismd sit the

j | OST, en Fwwth p- strwl-, a11, uf,aCR CRAJfiVf Jaf>*ith throe tuck* endj hem wme fMdth. .Zh-i ind'rjwillbe UfceraDv t* -fry leartofII e*ce.I .I \u25a0 n \u25a0[» ' I*l. i.w ??. -_?1 T iwjrwiag,my RETIRED|>JKa>PEBS, I anil giro a reward of 5 too for

turt; to ibe Dispatch officed»j#Llt' _ " WO. BEWRY.

Litsoda, makerjSrith -i GOLDVESTj CiUaS attached?the propertySpf a poorfamily oiI a dfceaued soldier. The above Nsvbm will be pailI frr thereturn of the w-itcri r.r.i rlmin, or -ush in-\u25a0l formation aswiiliead to theSfcco.very ol the same,Iby appryiri? at this oicr-p. Li? it"ANE II U NDHED DOLLAR"' BE-I \J WARD.?I haver lost a I>OG, of the following

| description:A dark red aette.', with a narrowI in his fac*, with white frst, ani of more than ordi-I nary ais:e. 1 will jivr theabwerew!*r.i to anyper-I .on"who will dniivcr him tom<\

fe 14?'it* GEORGE W. GILLIAM.

QTBAYEDOiI STOLEN frcm tho campI k_y of theFirst battalion carnlrf.iienrTaylorsville,I two HORSES?one abay,blind"in the ii*»ht pyc, noj whit." excepta spot on each side, causal by, the sad-

dle, and belcnjrs to Adjutant Taughan ; the other,an iron-grey mare, medium sue, übout five veersola, and belongs'to Lieutenant Parham?both ingood order. A liberal reward will be paid for theirrecovery; or any information concerning them, if

Ift with Major tfOOD, at Tuvio.sville,or JAMESOODHOUSE & CO., Richmond. de IS?if

\S¥. HUNDRED DOLLARS RE-y WARD.?Stolen fmm my chamber, on Sisthreet, between Clayar.d Marshall street*, aLIGHTSOWN SILK DREBS, with low ntck and plaindy; sleeves pn_t»d and trimmed with gimp of thecad shadk' of the dress. Tnc &b.-'%«; reward will beid for ito return or any inform;!tion that will leaditsreooveTy. GEORGE V.'. FOOS.

OST, CONFEDERATE FOUR PER_t CENT. ( F.RTIFICATE No. 1,119, for #SOO, ineiiameofWiiliimM. Hariinon.issued by L:incnster

&Co., dated Marchii, 18C-1. Thefinder wiTl pleasedeliver it to Lancaster & Co. or to the subscriber.no 10-2fciw6w WILLIAM M. HARRIsON.

FOR REKT. .17OR KF'NT, two most desirable andP comm diou; FAMILY RESIDENCES, situ-

ated at the sjutheartcornerof Franklin and Fourthstreets. Tlie dwellings contain fourteen roomieach, with kitchens containing cix rooms < \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0nil the modern improvement.s~su.-h as gas, water,bath-rooms, water-closet*, &c. These tenerneidsare so arranged thit they may l* converted intoone, which would, in view of its fipvicjoiisness andcentral locality, tender it a most excellent positionfor a first-class bcarding-hou«e; but whether forprivate residences or a boarding-hu-uee, the pro-perty is amongst the most de-nimbi- in th-city.?Possession givenonthefirst day of January nest.

FRANCIS T. ISBELL,General Aec.it, &c,de 16?lt cornerEleventh and Bank streets.

r?OR RENT, PRIVATELY, my RESI-I Jl dense, in Manchester, a<ntaiiiing six ia.rgoI a Urn ball, closets; with all ntc??-ury out-I Ljuaea: kiteiieu, containing seven room:.;I hov.-e, etore-ro«m, ice-house, ofiLce, coal und weed-I house: a goodwell of water in the yard; a goodjgarden, veryrich; bikb stHble. I Live enclosedI lots, which can be rented wiih tlie house, if desired.I i h-.Tsa winter supplyof tfOOD and COAL,vnictI I wiU sell, if desiicd.I del6?6t« S. D. ATKINSON.I RENT, a part of thoDWELLING-I JT HOUSE and p. portionof theLANE' attached,I z,meted oaManon Hiii. on the o«norne turnpike,I aboutone mile from Richmond, possession givenI For arplvto

ilaa. W. A. HOPPE;.-de io?Steed'* Marion Hill.I RENT, several ROOMS on the

first and second Soors, with kitchen. ApplyI .. iith stiSet, heeoud door rrom LeiKb, west sid'c'WANTED, at ;ame address, one goodNURSE.

K'OE RENT, UNFURNISHEDI F ROOMS, (it theSouth CaroiiEa Soldiers' Homr,Eichange Hotel. Apply to

de G. H McMA-VTER.

UOR RENT, two ROOMS in the houT**JP and one in the kitchen?-one Luge front loom,with gas. Apply over ihe Hood Hoase; betweenSeventhandEighth, on Main street de It?'it*R~T)OSIS~FOii lIKNT.?FoliT ROOMS,

with Kas, forrent, on Seventeenth s'.ieet, cp-pusit*. W. 11. Lindsay's stall. Old Ma>ket Applyto JOHN P. WINGO, "

delfi?3f Seventeenth ntreet.

FOR RENT, a FURNISHED ROOM,with gas, ou Laighstreet, between Second andiThird street;;, Servant's atteniion'if desired.de Iti?3t» I

I?OR RENT, two pleasant UNFUR-NISHED ROOMS, on Main afreet, in Sidney,square above Stuart Hospital. de IB?lt*

ROOMS FOR EENT.-Two or threegood i:OOM3. Applyat wed cornerof Smithand Miif-hall streete. deH? "i*

T>ERSONAL.?Dr. CHARLES WHI-Jr TAN will find a BUNDLE to Li* addreas bycallingat the office of American Hotel, de IS?2i>riIHE UNDERSIGNED WILL FEEL__ much obliged for any information in're-p.-_d ioCARLO BILLONE, an luban, said lo re-aide vi Ninth ?r Sc-uth i.!_rolina.

D. TONGR>NING,de IV-.f,f» Yi.-t~C»n*.r,l of Iraiy.

IJERSONAL.?Surgeon R, E. BROWN,I 1. °* Bnuton'3 lirigade, will Cud hi- book andIPfP_[_Dy cullingat Dispatch office. de 15?StT F A-nTot THE OFFICERS BE--1 LONGING to thecommand of the late GeneralI JOHNMORGAN are in the city, theywill confer aI great favor bycalling upon JAMES E. CARTER,

I Smith's brigade, Castle Thunder, Bieamcnd, Va.de 15?it

CONTRACTS WILL BE GIVEN ATIV> _tK EJCHMOND ARSENAL for the fol-I l'.win*___vr»#, or lor a part thereof. pit.t«>*_ds,i -____*' **\u25a0 > a,'e ?'? v» tt''.t;' \u25a0*>'.« sets I Infantry Actaufc-jmi-tita, in-, _H tludius; Caitnut-e-Boi, csrtiidge-Lfl V ''bS* Waist-Beit, Cap-PoachJ-\u25a0 end BaTsnet-Scabbaid,I Kue.psicl; -.I<?

'~ lUjOon Ma- i-i*«cks.I i 1S^0 ° Un Bi':nSs- Ii_ *»»\i«J r® Carbine Slinpr* "/SW SabreBelt:, j

i,ovO Gun Wipers.j-sfTU / , 5,000 Ball Screws.j v'y,' lO.ocW Cavalry Suddies, . !! "y,(KK) Bridles and Halters- {j 2.i,uuy Saddle Blankets. jj 15,uiJ0 Curry-comt^..

i'.wCO Koii>e Brushes. !I 3ttU,oyt'pound- Hov.-eshoes.SO.v'iAi poltwls ilorKedt "-.vs. ? jI lS.Cit' p.iirs Spurs, II . 1,060 g«linnsAkJsS*.

i £,G.iy jtitites Lms*fd Oil. ji.yo", jrallon>-M.1 bine oih

I "Oo,irj ;,;t Sea-on'd Pine...c . Ji-.?t JS.a.xrtK-a Poplar.| v - i.e.: Seaaoaed Walnut.. . v.tiiV Duik. $ I. ? .. t ;-jtffc Oiuaburjts. j'\u25a0 'I.\ feet Seasoned Jtapie. j

I i.«n*. fv*K«eaaoa*dA"b,I i,<&s \u25a0poun;'» T*w» Ochre.... sricle*. <*re u> !>*?' vqaaf in everywepaetfstha

epr -..\u25a0?*-.fc-f «??«*?<. - < tfee At»._»l. extractori wiil be\u25a0-! i*\ * b«>ud ai»d eecantj; fcr thefaiihAtl

p. i i ao>*Tvf jne and for <ieUw?<ssteu.it '.jurue :ijk at ,? T?i rtc*B<,nwiew will be- -. . t the M:p>. - a \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 >» ceirtrartwr.

W. t. KKOtS,a?\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 \u25a0\-iietaaMMMsfilcomnwnding.

3> !&«*>e«»i r. ' '

j §EJ*9__*_tXiiF* *****B':; ? a (I I

i liS"*?******LTM**,0 ar**- rnceaenivvaof tki» ale II \_l?^* ? u'"r Br*4* '*% (Taura- j-[ *?*\u25a0** . Auctioneers. IJ By ftouie, Sender>on k rat*, IJ (So. 11l Main urtrrrt. ItXTE WTtT, FOB SALE, ON ]

J European and Am ericen authors. " IJ ALSO, jSCHOOL AXD MISCFLL \2fEOti9 BomM, tBevarnl very han'isosfc*. PAINTINGS,1 A hexof superiorP,arrtT3, soft water color ? 1A lot ofCanul-hair «i:LSHF..-t, tw.. doer.,I Several very Hupertar HO.VRS and Tinkeron.- II STONES '!

T-. S rteelT EWARES, one moveable; I

A haad*»m.; ©OLD WATck, Iand other article- in the way ofBoots end Era- Jturnery, Mathematical Instrument*', ftc., ton nu- Jisia*B: ii. nviii.or.. I

This will be at 10j to 3 e'cisek, and frcm 7 to I,-tf» at night.Pa-rtk'i wishing to avail themnclves of this sale I

will send in their hooks by Thurxdav, IMb instant. IROUTS, BANbEB>ON ft TABB,Auction and Cornmi<s-.ior. Merchants,

del 4 , IU Mainstreet.l.v Eobin-on, Adams ft Co., Auctioneer*, - I

of Ninthatd Main strf-et" ) IWE WILL OFFER, ON FRIDAY It f NTXT, at 10o'clock A if , a larg-e and at- I

tractiveUi ot |

a3follows! I23 bale* 4-4Augusta Sheetings, I5 bales 7-SAugusta Shotting"., I2:i bales 7-S Osuaburgs, '-6 bales Tweedy I15 balei! Cotton Yarns, No. 6 to 14.

10 cases Sugar,8 biig-n Fttpper,

20 cases Starch, _36 barrsis Fish (qffiQetaj,

with a generalassortment of Groceries.

Lot cf Boots, Shci-*, Bregacs,4 dozen French Caii'Mkin*. I

DRUGS AND MEDICINES.1 lot Drugs, Medicines, ftc.


Cet of superior Surgical Instrument*, embracing1 large and 1 wnail Spevur'am,I pair Hodge's Long Forceps (improve'!

1 Atiuo-jr.hpricTupping Set and Piston,a pfiieraiassortment of other Goods,core ftili and complete list will be given oning of sal*.

Pm-tics wishing to avail themselvesof this salewill p'eßPe send in their goods tally.

BORES-SON, ADAMS ft CO.,de 13 Auctioneers.

1 INKS TO THE HUNTER BESIDEX-i THE G"AYE OP CHARLES F. POPE.'lake the gnu * >iv thy shoulder, the cap liom thybrow; »Be the world anaits pleasures forgot by thee now.

Stand awhile hero in tileuce and awe ; for the deadRests under the blanches that wave o'er thy head.XUou art now a\ bin prepuce, and ontis domain;Let hint speak to thy he* it, ere thou leave it again.In the twilightoi death, when the shadows ariseFrom the dim land of souls, like amist o'erthe eye*;Ere the epint jo forth on its journeyeione,Eiy it pnrt, arid forever, Iron all it halh known,'Tia raid that oncemore, in that momentof fear,The hard heart ia softened, the false heart sincere,And the tongue that for long hath tut spoken tofei«n,Return's to the truth cf its <hildheod again,UnkWeding ths censure, tha worn that may dwrilOn the guiltit reveals iv thepower of that spell.K-.-.t the l,satof this sic*.-!.-'.'; .'cencftth the lone treeWas. always unhiideii'J, fivni falsehood was free 'His spirit. a!:U? in his childhood, his youth,His manhewd, bow*d down to "th*1 worjhipof truth.An.l elite mWe"*sunshine, alife* in its blast.Was loving,and gentle, and laud to the last.And now; when iile's cares e.nl it.; troubles are o'er,And he rjits where its storms can pursue him no

more,\u25a0very lieece, frcm each quarter, that chances to

bIOWThrough the oak leave 5 above, cr the green grassbe-lo*,Con-co bearing th? ;igt)2, in its murmuring breath,Of »oiue that lu'.v« liiv 'd him in life and in dvath,Aoid who feel, treeu ilieii luiure, howe*er it miy

Somepart of life** sunshine foierer withdrawn.Frcm the gxa» i ol tlia kind heart, the brave, andBack now to the woild, and thy fortunes pursue.But remember, if celfiibnein, passion, or j,ride,From true pathoi honorshould turn tLeeaside,Though ihy name sound afar, and thy gaaieea boluudIn thi- voice of the wise end the shout of the crowd,Though marble thy tomb, and its nculptui-e declareThy wisdom iv couiibel. thy v.tlor in war,>'o bbnwriny, nokindlymueaibranca ihuil crsv.-For the real of thy soul, fcr the i*cace of thy grave;!AndpeiUaps, when the last hc-ur vt nature ehailcome,Aud a voice frcm tL. sjuit-woiM summon theehome,Thou wilt losthc the cold boners arcind thee ai-ray'd,And envy this sleeperbeneath the lone slutde. \u25a0

|?()R SALE, PKIVr ATELY,"A? 2 mahog.my Kpijig-statPiirloi-Tete-a-Tetea,

2 mahogany saarble-ton Parlor Table-,0 mabogai.y hair-seat Parlor Chairs,2 mahoganylarge tizv hair-seat Pajior Chairs,.1 large size Walnut What-Jfot, orParlor Oina-

rncnt:1? gilt-framePk-tuies, dirfeient bizes, for par-

lors, huiL> an 1chfcmL>ris ;1 lot giltWindow C'oriuces.

1 mabicjiny Wardrobe,j 1 marbii -top Washsttr.d.j 1latUiogany marble top iiureau,I ? 1 Hi;;h-poot Bedstsad,I llTOaiie neat Chairs,J 1 Lane-seat Rocking Chair,J 1Lounge,

ilargeaize Mirror,1 uhuck and 1 H-.ii Mattress, !1' commonCabinets w<ttnuc and pnpU .I 1 beautiful mshojjisivir.,ivl.le-tc,F i1Ebptio-spnng*' Sloat's" aewinfe-atichinc,1 riefrisiTatoi.and other article", to be -**nuronappltr-ationto the

uiidcrsieni-d, on Cary str.vt, b**tv»»-cu lhirteentll audFourteentn street-,"over the store of Messr.4. L.WnUer&Co. !de IC-.U; 4. 1> POWELL.

T»kTOTICE.?I hare in atore and for sale,wholesale and reSaiJ, ocrner of Flrfct endEivad streias,

16 fcarrftl*Apple Brandy,to barreitOld VVTiist>y;5 bcrrtds Old Rum,

2j eaeesOutPunch Brandy,j * 3 caeks Wise-I 4 i-aiiels iiac Cn.ihei Sug»?,J 10 bei-raj»aupei»..r X - s rI 4.....H* poundstoeifa-:asn,' i .-aebs Cotfee,j 3 chests GreenTee,I 3 cbestefiktck lei.,i 10 barrels' Flour,I 100 bushel* Chestnut?.' 10 kegs Curb. Scla,i 20U doxen Egi^,

and a variety of articles usually kept in aCftVcrry; and also obbgti? m:'si-li to -cii cheaperI -.Uttii unjbody else foi*lSeri!<una,s. M. WALL,

'de 16? 3t* cornerofFirst and Bruad streets.I . . - -..I. I i ;UK;,

H Imported 3TOTE PAPER.do. BA'lli rOdi PATEJS,

j 10. iafFTKR PAPER,I do. CAP PAPER, plain as4rcl«d;

do. .FOSfi', CAP and 30! D»7M PAPiiE;SOTS PAPER,| to. CAP PAPER,

do. WiIXTE,BlTPPaa4jß&olf~i_. \u25a0 PAPER. *ii»bl* for tdankeTWe h*Jßß*rf»T *4ocb and gTeaUr vartetr than

atanyprevfou; period.BAU»HMAN ft RICIiAEDS,liniorter» and fraelsxateLveleis m Paper, ftc ,ifcia-gf Ko.l9Jka»A»U^t." ' ' "" * '*?? |"K,C»S* l,B» »CAKRlAQE,»oitel^torJTfeg»yN£, <*>r«et urn. »ppry tm iAJtRS it. ICARTER, at n*atoo toaaty I

111 ' \u25a0 H IiT«£. S

»'V A


tweea Oaad p stream,

iwree L m *__* famasV'thUty^any'

**>>*, Tli 11 ilTSldlsnfriTslu* *?'RibbonsJTapesj

I Sewing 3ilk endThread,I I.cad Pencil*, Buttons, Beads, *v ,I besidcr. mnny other v etui article*.I deK ~ 4t P' -\u25a0 Atytinneer.

By George W. WilUs, Auctioneer,(No. ~ Main«treet.)

ITTILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION,Iff at my store, on SATURDAY,DecemberI 17th,at 10 o'clock, a large and desirable mt ofj lici.teb-ildand Kitchen Furniture,I Stove 1, Crockery end Glassware,] l'.iankem. Shoes, Boots, flats, Dry Good",I Eeidv-inade Clothing, fancy Goods,

Gold and Silver vfatchee, Jewelry, Ac.dc 16 G. W. WILLIS, AactmnefT.

I ByRedwood, PhillipeA Co., Aue.iior.aers,(No. 54 Main street.)

TTTE WILL BELL~AT THE HORSEff LOT, on SATURDAY next. Kth* instant, anumber of SADDLE and HARNESS Hi/HAKS,MtJLEii, WAGONS, Ac, 4?c, Amongthemwill be

1 Amt-rate cavalryHone,1 Rood brood Mam?works well;1 young Mare, five yearsold ,Several Mules. Vehicles, etc.

REDWOOD, PHILLIPS & CO., Auctioneer*:,de 16 No. 64 Main street.

By Thomas W. Keesee, Auctioneer,(Office Oovesiorstreet, letwecn MainaadFranklin.)

J7LEGANT PIANO-FORTE, tfIANO\ STOOL AND COVER, HOUSEHOLD ANDrft'HKN FURNITURE, CARPET'S, fix., FORIJCTION ??Iwill sell, at my store, onct, on MONDAY, December 10th,t 10 o'clock, a large assortment of, Be, consisting in partofwewood-case Plane, (by Worcester,'tares, with stool and coyer;','uremia,?f, Cottage and other Redstrsde,l> CentreTable,- I >iningand other Tables,, Caneaad Wood Chairs,-led Hah- Spring Mattress,Shuck Mattomses,Crib, 11a Safes,ior fourteen-day Clock and Shade,ior Mirrors,Jaby-Houseaad Furniture,-riage,.inung,elvet, Tlifpe-ply and other Carpets,lowCurtains and Cortices.

ALSO,\u25a0s, fine Crape Shawi,n,Hi'ver-platedFruit Baskets,Hassware, ChinaPistes,Cloaks.

ALSO, vr andFurnace, Cooking-Sftrrs,arriege, Be.ts sohcitod.HOMAB W\u25a0\u25a0jnskVStx, Auctioneer,

SrORSES, MULES, CARRIAGE AN©L HARNL3S. AND BUOGFEa, FOB BALEAUCTION.-! will offer for snle on fAIUaDAY, December 17th, onCoTincil( banker Hill, at10 o'clock, 'Klne Sattdla and Harness Hones,>ne Mules,t Unc-Horsc Carriage, with four seats,i doors, trimmed with drab cloth, withHhmev>;Uuggies.

THQB. W. KEESEE, Auctions-.rubbs A Williams, AuctioneersESTATeTiN MANCHESTER,lALE AC AUCTION.?WiII be sold atn, onthe premises,on TUESDAY, the20th day of lie-ember, at 12 o'clock M , tWOFRAMED TENEMENTS, near the town of Maa-

cheater. They ..outaiu tworoomseach, withkitchentoone; a stable tt/od a well of excellent water onthe lot. There are attached nearly four acres ofrich land, w*ll stated to a market garden; nowoc-cupiedby Mr. Perkins. The property adjoins Colo-nel L, M Bnrfoot. Possession given inunediately.After the ?ale of the above, will be sold a HALF-ACRE LOl, :>o 157,in Marx's plan, founded byDecatur and i 15ior .\u25a0street*.

Teem*. (>»h. GRUBBS A WILLIAMS,de 15 " Auctioneers.

I/ORTY THOUSAND DOLLARS IN-P TF.RNAL IMPROVEMENTNORTH CAB«>LINA STATE BONDS FOB SALE.?WiII be soldin the city of R-tleigh, North Carolina, at the aao-tion-rcom cf Creech ft Litehford, onTHURSDAY,December lid, FORTY THOUSAND DOIXA??OF NORTH CAROLINA COUPON BOND*.?These bonds were issued for the benefit of theChatham Uiiircad Company, and an secured bya specialsinking fund, provided for their r.-denp-tion when due.

No better invert-tent can be made.Copie-, of tho law authorizing tha issue can hehad onapplication to the undersigned, or to Meson.Creech a Litehford, comanaaon merchant* aadAu.-uoneen. KEMP P. BATTLE,

President Chatham Railroed Company.do 16?7t*

X THURSDAY next, at SLo'iioek, at my reTiden<a, in Manchester, betavesvoaehundred andremnundrcd cords of gooddryOAK and PI WOODput of it in MenrhrrtfTj the other near Besmokem cfting-Uc-une, four mitee n-oenMenehaster. AUo,two bundled b.iMbels cf COAL,aX lot of LUM.fJKR, and a lot cf PoLEta, eiinned. -reitetfr tor *1.11ge ioe-hoUae. S. D. AXKXN&ON.

1_UKHIFi<"B SALE ,OF ?VImtiLNIAO VOLUNTKEB NAVYCOMPANY STOCK.?fey order of the Circuit Court 1f Mimtgiaiimycounty, I will sell, at vehtie \u25a0artlisn'. on BDAY,December 17, list, aft 12 o'clock 8.,11 Icflcr. twenty-lnues of the Btaek 0/the fß___VolunteerNavy Company.

_\ offerforsale, ian.lnßssAa* ?dinimnt.Htor on theenteto ofMan. l£t J.Adith, a NE<iKO TTrsf||Taaniat BJWi famiiruphyears eld. ;.- latlsfyde_| ate. Bade*.to be st 12 o'cluck. \u25a0 "T'^ffiißlf^srTt»wtprf*Qet.

Ail pvnouthavingclaims tsjatoat the eudate wsßjil«ra*« prt*«t fct them to anc\u25a0le 10?ioi" - TTt \u25a0Tiri nil iikfm-iiului

vT Ladifj' and Mlnwn*Qoaks,Large stock Clothsaad feeajweTtn all colon*Fulled vlctbi?to arrive: 'Cotton Yam-?at retail;Black Flax Thread'bpool tX/tlon?in gnsß '^Btatl -

Giav-» sadGanatJgto£alf ri( 1 r-jtgyi^fil'l'iifif.;f-'"B* Jf. **?'\u25a0\u2666 -awmjos - . ..»in_f * Sb_Hay :aa.tclc*s»emi Pasu. *.

lot ef CAM 3s9HyiN

W' 4

I?arm por mn W&mr A»DBALKOPF«UtIO ___EMACHINE, WUKAT-FaH, ÜBAmIwill rent out at sin then, en the wituieea, ej 1*fCe'the* ' ?^ laiKll»»AY, the VietItecemtor.

&111^ti^S^S^^"mead, oc.v_._n* ;mnetr aem ef deareS %&,'highly improved.The improvementsareadweOiitfewttkteammt,' 'ktehea.and wash-honm, wittyyen,rooms aaeh; andf*iT!urU'h^Immediately after the.nndtng, wUI b* setter*reaper, ant wheat maetaaa, ono wheat-fan, asd aI"! minyotlui fiinalM nlea__fit** At sale. OBtBM * WILLIAM*.dele?tds Auction-era..', ». -\u25a0 t .wj ".\u25a0*,\u25a0 ..'«»?!.\u25a0». i .ii? »._,\u25a0?*?-\u25a0

JiTTNAWAYS.wo nuwmip dollars be-WARD --Ran awayftm* Mr. lUldnu'i fce-twy last we**,my NEWtO BOY, TOM. Hais ofs lightgingsruread colorK«bout avefeettWrorflveinches high;one of bis front teeth le em, he vveryquick and active. Ihave every reason tobe-lieve that he is makingUfawar to theenemy. Theabove reward will bo giventiehie eppnbsaaion andoonhnemeutinjeJl, so thatI get him again. Offi-ce-and soldiers in the astnywill pjeeseiookout forhim. [de le-3t>] JOMM «. faMEMOUPft.

RAN AWAY from the Richmond andD.mvtlle Raßrmd Cweapany tha toUcwtog-

named NEGRO MEN: PAUL, -amofW. _o*£,Campbellcounty, Viiginia, end TOM, sieveef V.A. turris,Lunenburg county, Virgmu.. 'fnetasualreward will be p .id for their delivery to an agentcfthe company, orconfinement in any jail where thecompany canget them. Pajtl to tweaty-faeryear*old, six feet hifh, darki leipiwiin; Tumi*eight.coyean old, Are le«ts*_inch*wlngh. Mackcornptixioa,CHAttLRVo. YAIXXrI*dell?l* miperiateadetst.

JRichmond Examiner arid Lynchburg Virginiancopy oneweak. I"' ' i ii i?«*e?»\u25a0 » .nePI T E HUNDRED DOLLABB Rg*

WARP. .Baa away tVem tha euheerlker, ostThursday, tha B*th or Moismna, Iftftt, a NEGROBOY, named PITMAN. Ha is Mean or sixteenyean old; about five feet serrtvt or eight inches -high, and slender; is of a clear blackcolor, bis mother beinga dark mulatto and Mifa- /the*black; can read prettywell; toefctsimple w_m /\u25a0Taken to, todoften curls up hiafovaht-dwesmad- /dreaoed; hadon a gray took**,* ore*?. tUrt mm&fpaatn**_p*ohabty .black sackrvuioimd, andear/ried with hUnabrack eateheL / ?.

Ha waapnebatad ta sAires raterd in Otsrianoejnutjr. f

artist aad detention co that lean recover aessjkfam ofhim. HUGH w. nHtffEY \

doM?St (HKEE HUNDRED DOLLARS RIWAIUX-Leii ear factory; on I.MSuturJnsonung, a NEGRO MAN, named Dlst Wr*formerly the property of Mt. B. W. fß*y. kUnegro is of agingerbread colee, waggaw ia Wei

ing, epeak*euiekly when spoken to, and is ?boltvefeat eight or tea inches high. Tha nbove atward will La paid fur hie arrest and dehveiy to atorfox any infornuition which maylead to hisreelvary. CHILDREN «t JONES, Tobacconist*,, \Main street, between Twenty-third antde 1»~1W T»T«nty-tourthAfpWELVE HUNDRED AKD FLFT*\X DOLLAE9 REWARD-A reward of TWO.HUNDRED AND FIFTi" DOLLARS will be i,»y\far the delivery to me, in this city, of each <.c cdlthe followingSLAVES, who have abscond*', from \the CarbonHitt Mines, in this ounty, durn.r the I! pastsix snontha: \CHARLES, amnlatto, about fivefrrt nine inobes Iinheight, thirty-two yeanold, not (tout,with wry 1noticeable greyeyes; from Orangecounty. I

DANIEL, a dark brown negro, abcat fire fret \eightinche*. inheight, niiM.te.ia ortwentyyean old, ,\very sprightly eonatanancv, and very tejkeaive. 'WillJAM, darkbown orblack, firefret eightornine inches ia height, very slightly made, thirty«two or thirty-u*ur yeen old, very quiet inhi* domeanor; from Olouceatercounty, Virgtaia.i-KSTrJS, dark brown, five tarn men or tightincheein height, well made, pleaeaat a*,Mt»nanei*am) good address, twenty-twoto toenty-fouryean M

LEWIS, Iink, five fret seven or eight inches Inheight, suuare built,but not vary stsmt; twenty-eightor thirty yean <4 age; limps stiejwiy.The- twoUtter have nlatoenUvmgm Rudmwnd,

da a?amHw -. : Agmtt.

MAvyjLjmjnjtor*tmn*y\vPFici arraci?ti ennjit. >Biewnoai*, Vs., ttes*tm«mw p, IBMv /

JkTtJfn.(Jß> " eftBill ami nAfg UOHDAT

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