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  • 7/28/2019 DaftarIstilahTeknisKabel_noxindo


    PT Noxindo Cakrawala [T: 021-7592.0047 F: 021-7592.0048 W: www.noxindo.com E: [email protected]] Daftar Istilah Teknis Kabel A-ZHalaman # 1 - 19 #

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    Daftar istilah kabel


    Abrasion Resistance - ketahanan sebuah permukaan terhadap gesekan.

    Aerial Cable - kabel yang di rentangkan pada ketinggian dan di sangga oleh struktur kontruksi penyangga

    seperti tiang listrik.

    Air Spaced Coaxial Cable - kabel coaxial yang menggunakan udara sebagai media dielektrik.

    Alternating Current - aliran listrik yang berubah polaritas nya pada frekuensi tertentu.

    Alternating Current Resistance- tahanan yang terjadi dalam sebuah rangkaian pada aliran listrik AC.

    Ambient - kondisi lingkungan yang mempengaruhi dalam pengukuran teknis seperti kelembaban udara,temperatur, tekanan udara dan lain - lain.

    Ampacity - tegangan maksimum yang di perbolehkan pada sebuah kabel sebelum temperatur insulasi kabel

    tersebut melewati batas yang diijinkan.

    Amplitude - perbedaan besaran nilai pengukuran dengan angka nol sebagai referensi. Kata - kata yangmewakili hal ini adalah peak, maximum, rms, dan lain - lain.

    Anneal - perlakuan bahan metal dengan proses pemanasan/pendinginan untuk mengurangi sifat keretakan

    pada bahan tersebut.

    Anti-Oxidant - sebuah zat yang mampu memperlambat proses oksidasi pada sebuah material.

    Anti-Ozonant - sebuah zat yang mampu memperlambat proses ozonisasi pada sebuah material.

    Armor - proteksi mekanis seperti lapisan pita logam, anyaman serabut logam yang biasa ditemukan pada

    lapisan luar sebuah kabel.

    Armored Cable - kabel yang memiliki proteksi mekanis seperti balutan logam, kawat baja, pita, lembaran

    logam, yang tujuan utamanya adalah perlindungan mekanis.

    Attenuation - penurunan kekuatan sinyal karena energi yang hilang dalam perjalanan. Sebagai contohadalah meredupnya cahaya pada kabel fiber optik dikarenakan adanya kehilangan energi dalam

    perjalanannya dengan nilai tingkat penurunan adalah decibels per kilometer (dB/km).

    AWG - Singkatan dari American Wire Gauge. Standarisasi ukuran diameter sebuah kabel dimulai dari angka

    0000 yang mewakili ukuran kabel terbesar dengan diameter kabel 11.648 mm sampai dengan AWG 40 untuk

    diameter terkecil. Data lengkap dapat dilihat pada tabel dibawah ini.

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    Daftar istilah teknis kabel


    Backbone - adalah kabel pada jaringan yang memikul beban lalu lintas data paling padat. Kabel ini

    merupakan jalur utama dimana kabel pada seluruh jaringan terhubungkan pada kabel ini.

    Balun (Balanced/ Unbalanced) - alat yang memiliki kemampuan untuk menyetarakan impendasi antara

    koneksi kabel "balance twisted pair" dengan kabel "unbalanced coaxial".

  • 7/28/2019 DaftarIstilahTeknisKabel_noxindo


    PT Noxindo Cakrawala [T: 021-7592.0047 F: 021-7592.0048 W: www.noxindo.com E: [email protected]] Daftar Istilah Teknis Kabel A-ZHalaman # 3 - 19 #

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    Bandwidth - kapasitas hantaran sebuah kabel untuk menyalurkan data yang memiliki satuan hertz (Hz).

    Binder - pita atau pengikat sekelompok kabel.

    Bit - satuan terkecil bilangan data binari digital. Satu bit mewakili data satu (one) atau nol (zero).

    BooT - pelindung tambahan kabel selain jaket dan insulasi.

    bps - singkatan dari bits per second adalah kecepatan transfer data dalam sebuah medium (kabel) dengansatuan bit per detik.

    Braid - adalah anyaman serabut metal yang berfungsi sebagai perisai pelindung jalur konduktor pada sebuah

    kabel terhadap gangguan mekanis, induksi electro magnet, gelombang radio. Anyaman ini biasa difungsikan

    sebagai jalur ground atau aliran listrik negatif.

    Breakdown (Puncture) - pemutusan karena gangguan / kebocoran pada insulasi akibat tekanan elektrostatik.

    Breakdown Voltage - pemutusan akibat kegagalan insulasi antara dua konduktor atau konduktor dengan


    Buffer - (1) bahan yang menyelimuti serabut kabel (2) medium untuk menyimpan cadangan

    Building Wire - Kabel yang digunakan untuk penerangan dan energi pada instalasi permanen dengan

    tegangan 600 volts ke bawah. Biasanya terlindung dalam bangunan dan tidak berhubungan langsung dengan

    lingkungan outdoor.

    Bunch Stranding - metode penggabungan beberapa helai serabut konduktor di pilin dengan arah yang sama

    tapi tanpa susunan geometri yang jelas.

    Bus - kumpulan kabel-kabel dalam sebuah kabel besar (atau jalur tembaga pada papan sirkuit) yang berfungsi

    sebagai media penyalur data, status, dan pengendalian. ISA, EISA, VL-Bus, dan PCI adalah contoh bus pada

    sebuah Personal Computer. SCSI juga termasuk bus.

    Butt Joint - sambungan antara dua ujung konduktor yang di perkuat dengan sistem las, solder atau patri.

    Butt Wrap - pita yang membungkus kabel dari ujung ke ujung tanpa saling tumpang tindih.

    Daftar istilah kabel


    Cable Core - adalah konduktor yang terbungkus dalam insulasi.

    Cable Filler - adalah bahan yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan ruang pemisah antar beberapa konduktor.

    Cable - definisi kabel adalah sebuah konduktor atau sekelompok konduktor dengan insulasi atau tanpa


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    PT Noxindo Cakrawala [T: 021-7592.0047 F: 021-7592.0048 W: www.noxindo.com E: [email protected]] Daftar Istilah Teknis Kabel A-ZHalaman # 4 - 19 #

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    Capacitance - adalah nilai yang menunjukan kapasitas muatan pada sebuah medium. Kapasitansi dalam kabel

    merujuk pada nilai kapasitansi bahan dielektrik (insulasi). Satuan kapasitansi adalah farad, namum nilai

    kapasitansi yang umum pada bahan dielektrik kabel dalam microfarads atau picofarads. Kabel dengan nilai

    kapasitansi yang lebih rendah memiliki kualitas yang lebih tinggi.

    Capacitance, Mutual - adalah nilai kapasitansi antar dua konduktor termasuk pelindung yang terhubung

    langsung ke ground.

    Capacitance, Unbalance To Ground - adalah perbedaan kapasitansi antara kapasitansi ground dan sepasangkonduktor akibat muatan listrik dari luar, biasanya dari jalur transmisi listrik.

    Capacitance, Unbalance -adalah perbedaan nilai kapasitansi antar dua kabel akibat perpindahan sinyal yang

    tidak diinginkan dari kabel satu ke kabel yang satu nya lagi.

    Capacitive Coupling - interaksi elektrik antar dua konduktor disebabkan oleh kapasitansi antar dua konduktor


    Carbon Black- pigmen bewarna hitam yang berfungsi sebagai pelindung kabel outdoor terhadap sinar ultra

    violet yang menjadi bahan campuran adonan plastic atau elastomerik.

    CDDI - singkatan dari copper distributed data interface, nama lainnya adalah for ANSI X3T9.5. Proposal darikomite untuk koneksi dengan kecepatan 100 Mbps - UTP standard, TP-PMD (Twisted Pair Physical Media

    Dependent). CDDI terdaftar sebagai merk dagang milik Crescendo Communications/ CISCO.

    Characteristic Impedance - rasio tegangan listrik pada tiap titik arus aliran listrik pada kondisi tidak terjadi

    standing wave.

    Charging Current - arus yang terjadi saat tegangan DC pertama kali mengalir pada konduktor sebuah kabel

    yang tidak di terminasi. Penyebabnya karena reaksi kapasitansi kabel tersebut yang besarnya berkurang

    seiring dengan waktu.

    Chlorinated Polyethylene (CPE) - bahan insulasi kabel dari karet sintetis.

    Circular Mil Area (CMA) - satuan luas yang besarnya sebanding dengan lingkaran dengan diameter 1 mil

    (0.001 inch). Dipergunakan dalam menentukan luas area konduktor.

    Cladding - bahan transparan, umumnya dari kaca, yang mengelilingi inti kabel fiber optik. Kaca untuk

    cladding memiliki indeks pantulan yang lebih rendah dari kaca biasa.

    Coating - bahan yang dibubuhkan pada permukaan konduktor berfungsi untuk mencegah penurunan kualitas

    konduktor akibat reaksi alam, pelindung sambungan solder atau meningkatkan performa kelistrikan.

    Coaxial Cable - kabel yang terdiri dari satu konduktor poros dan konduktor serabut yang mengelillingi

    serabut poros dipisahkan oleh bahan dielektrik (insulasi).

    Cold Flow - perubahan bentuk insulasi kabel yang disebabkan oleh tekanan atau gesekan (bukan karena

    temperatur yang tinggi).

    Cold Joint - sambungan solder yang dilakukan pada temperatur yang rendah.

    Cold Test - uji coba untuk menilai unjuk kerja pada temperatur rendah tertentu dan pada kerangka waktu


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    PT Noxindo Cakrawala [T: 021-7592.0047 F: 021-7592.0048 W: www.noxindo.com E: [email protected]] Daftar Istilah Teknis Kabel A-ZHalaman # 5 - 19 #

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    Cold Work- proses pengerasan dan penggetasan logam dengan cara melenturkan logam berulang kali.

    Color Code - sistem pewarnaan untuk mengidentifikasi sebuah jaringan listrik. Biasanya dengan petunjuk

    warna, selubung warna atau pencetakan warna.

    Compact Round Conductor - konduktor dengan konstruksi sebuah konduktor inti yang di kelilingi oleh satu

    atau lebih serabut konduktor dan dibentuk dengan cara rolling (putar) atau drawing (tarik).

    Compact Stranded Conductor - konduktor coaxial atau unidirectional (searah) yang di bentuk pada diametertertentu, kurang lebih 8 sampai dengan 10% lebih kecil dari diameter konduktor non-compact.

    Composite Cable - sekumpulan kabel kabel yang terdiri dari beragam ukuran atau bentuk atau jenis.

    Composite Video Cable - kabel video coaxial tunggal dengan resolusi maksimal 330 lines.

    Compound - bahan insulasi atau jacket yang terbuat dari campuran beberapa unsur.

    Concentric Stranding - metode untai dimana sebuah konduktor inti di kelilingi oleh satu atau lebih

    konduktor secara spiral. Putaran spiral berlawan arah untuk tiap lapisan dan jumlah kabel per lapis bertambah

    dengan jumlah yang sama.

    Concentricity - pengukuran lokasi titik tengah sebuah konduktor terhadap titik tengah geometri insulasi kabel


    Concentric-Lay Cable - konduktor dengan geometri konsentris, atau beberapa serabut konduktor yang

    tersusun mulai dari serabut inti yang di kelilingi oleh konduktor berisolasi dengan kumparan helix.

    Conductance - kemampuan sebuah konduktor untuk menghantarkan muatan listrik. Perbedaan muatan arus

    listrik yang memungkinkan listrik mengalir. Kebalikan dari resistance.

    Conductivity - kemampuan sebuah material untuk menghantarkan muatan listrik. Biasanya di bandingkan

    dengan persentasi konduktifitas material tembaga (copper) konduktifitas tembaga diberi nilai 100%.

    Conductivity sebuah konduktor di ukur pada konfigurasi standard.

    Conductor - sebuah kawat atau kumpulan kawat yang tidak terinsulasi satu dengan lainnya yang mampu

    menghantarkan muatan listrik.

    Conductor Core - helai inti (lihat concentric-lay cable).

    Conduit - tabung yang mana menjadi jalur kabel.

    Connector - alat penghubung aliran listrik antar satu jaringan ke jaringan satunya lagi.

    Continuous Vulcanization - proses extrusion dan vulcanization pada bahan pelapis kabel secara serempak.

    Contrahelical - pemasangan dua lapisan material atau lebih yang berbentuk spiral yang mana masing -

    masing lapisan di bungkus dengan arah yang berlawanan.

    Conventional Concentric Conductor - Kabel dengan inti di pusat kabel.

    Copolymer - campuran yang terbuat dari hasil polimerisasi dari dua buah material monomer.

    Copper Clad - keping tembaga yang di las pada sebuah baja.

  • 7/28/2019 DaftarIstilahTeknisKabel_noxindo


    PT Noxindo Cakrawala [T: 021-7592.0047 F: 021-7592.0048 W: www.noxindo.com E: [email protected]] Daftar Istilah Teknis Kabel A-ZHalaman # 6 - 19 #

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    Cord - Small, flexible insulated cable usually size 10 AWG or smaller.

    Core - The center of an optical fiber. The core of communications grade fiber is made of glass that has a

    higher refractive index than the surrounding cladding glass.

    Corona - pelepasan energi yang menghasilkan pancaran cahaya yang di hasilkan oleh proses ionisasi gas pada

    sekeliling konduktor yang mendapatkan beban tegangan melebihi nilai kritis.

    Corona Resistance - waktu yang diperlukan sebuah insulasi untuk menahan proses ionisasi. Pengertian lain:

    ketahanan tegangan listrik.

    Corona Test - A test to determine the ability of a cable to withstand the formation of corona under an

    increasing applied voltage, and to extinguish corona when a corona-producing voltage is reduced.

    Corona - A discharge of electricity appearing as a bluish-purple glow on the surface of, and adjacent to, a

    conductor when the voltage gradient exceeds a certain critical value. It is caused by the ionization of

    surrounding air by high voltage.

    Creep - The dimensional change with time of a material under load. At room temperature, it is sometimes

    called cold flow.

    Creepage - Electrical leakage on a solid dielectric surface.

    Crimp Termination - A wire termination that is applied by physical pressure of terminal to wire.

    Cross Connect - The physical connection between patch panels or punch down blocks that facilitates

    connection from the workstation to the host or network.

    Cross Linking - pembentukan sebuah ikatan antar beberapa rantai molekul polimer. Dapat terbentuk akibat

    proses pemanasan, vulkanisir, iradiasi atau dengan menambahkan komponen kimia.

    Cross Sectional Area - area permukaan potongan dengan sudut pemotongan searah dengan sisi panjangbenda tersebut.

    Cross-Linked - rangkaian antar molekul antar polimer termoplastik yang terjadi karena reaksi kimia atau

    reaksi elektron. Tujuan proses ini adalah untuk meningkatkan sifat bahan.

    Crosstalk- interfensi sinyal antar dua konduktor yang terjadi karena muatan energi yang tersebar disekeliling

    konduktor. Atau sering juga disebut sebagai "interfensi induksi".

    Crosstalk, Far-end - Crosstalk measured by applying the disturbing signal on one pair at the near end and

    measuring the pick up on the disturbed pair at the far-end.

    Crosstalk, Near-end - Crosstalk measured by applying and measuring the disturbing signal on two pairs atthe same end.

    Crosstalk- The unwanted introduction of signals from one channel to another.

    Crush Resistance Test - A test to determine the ability of a cable to resist damage from radial compression,

    such as might be encountered in service.

  • 7/28/2019 DaftarIstilahTeknisKabel_noxindo


    PT Noxindo Cakrawala [T: 021-7592.0047 F: 021-7592.0048 W: www.noxindo.com E: [email protected]] Daftar Istilah Teknis Kabel A-ZHalaman # 7 - 19 #

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    Daftar istilah teknis kabel (D)

    Data Transfer Rate - Generally associated with high speed serial data transfer systems and measured in gigabits persecond (Gbit/sec).

    dB - Abbreviation--see decibel.

    Decibel - Unit to express differences of power level. It is used to express power loss in cables.

    Density - The weight per unit volume of a substance.

    Derating Factor- A factor used to reduce a current carrying capacity of a wire when used in other environments from

    that for which the value was established.

    Dielectric - Any insulating medium that intervenes between two conductors and permits electrostatic attraction andrepulsion to take place across it.

    Dielectric Breakdown - The voltage at which a dielectric material is punctured.

    Dielectric Constant (K) - The ratio of the capacitance using the material in question as the dielectric, to the capacitance

    resulting when the material is replaced by air. A low electric constant material results in a low cable capacitance for a

    given size.

    Dielectric Strength - The voltage which an insulating material can withstand before breakdown occurs, usually

    expressed as a voltage gradient (such as volts per mil).

    Dielectric Withstanding Voltage - The maximum potential gradient that a dielectric material can withstand withoutfailure.

    Differential - A SCSI bus configuration in which each signal is sent on two wires. The signal is derived by taking the

    difference in voltage between the two wires, effectively eliminating unwanted noise in the wire.

    Direct Burial Cable - A cable installed directly in the earth.

    Direct Current - Electrical current whose electrons flow in one direction only; it may be constant or pulsating as longas their movement is in the same direction.

    Direction Of Lay - The lateral direction, designated as left-hand or right-hand, in which the wires of a member or unitsof a conductor run over the top of the member or conductor as they recede from an observer looking along the axis of

    the member or conductor.

    Discontinuity - Rated interconnection: a broken connection (open circuit) or the loss of a specified connectioncharacteristic. Transient phenomena: Short term (temporary) interruption or unacceptable variation in current or voltage.

    Dissipation - Unusable or lost energy, as the production of unused heat in a circuit.

    Drain Wire - An uninsulated wire, usually placed directly beneath and in electrical contact with a grounded shield,

    which is used for making ground connections.

    Drawing - In the manufacture of wire, pulling the metal through a die or series of dies for reduction of diameter to

    specified size.

    Duct - An underground or overhead tube through which electrical conductors are pulled. Gives mechanical protection.

    Durometer - A measurement used to denote the hardness of a substance (usually of thermosetting and thermoplasticmaterials).

  • 7/28/2019 DaftarIstilahTeknisKabel_noxindo


    PT Noxindo Cakrawala [T: 021-7592.0047 F: 021-7592.0048 W: www.noxindo.com E: [email protected]] Daftar Istilah Teknis Kabel A-ZHalaman # 8 - 19 #

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    Daftar istilah teknis kabel (E)

    Eccentricity - A measure of the lack of coincidence of longitudinal axes of a circular cross-sectional wire andits surrounding circular cross-sectional insulation. It is expressed as the percentage ratio of the distance

    between wire and insulation centers to the difference between wire and insulation radii.

    Eia 568A - Electronic Industries Association. A commercial building wiring standard for voice and data

    communications developed in 1989 by the EIA.

    Elastic Deformation - A change in a substance whereby it reverts to its original dimensions on release of an

    applied stress.

    Elastomer - A material that at room temperature returns rapidly to approximately its initial dimensions and

    shape after substantial deformation by a weak stress and release of the stress.

    Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) - The ability of an electronic device to operate in its intended

    environment without its performance being affected by EMI and without generating EMI that will affect other


    Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) - Unwanted electrical or electromagnetic energy that causes

    undesirable responses, degrading performance or complete malfunctions in electronic equipment. See also:noise.

    Electromagnetic Propagation - Pertaining to the combined electric and magnetic fields associated with

    movements of electrons through conductors.

    Electromotive Force (EMF) - See voltage.

    Elongation - The fractional increase in length of a material stressed in tension.

    Embossing - A means of marker identification by means of thermal indentation leaving raised lettering on the

    sheath material of cable.

    EMI - Energy generated by outside sources, such as lighting systems and electric motors, which is received by

    copper data/voice cable and interferes with transmission.

    Environmental Stress Cracking Resistance - The ability of a material to resist crack

    Equalization - A process of compensating for increases in attenuation (signal loss) with frequency. Different

    frequencies are attenuated differently over a given distance.

    Equilay Conductor - Conductor constructed with a central core surrounded by more than one layer of

    helically laid wires with all layers having a common length of lay and the direction of lay being reversed for

    successive layers.

    Ethylene Propylene Rubber (EPR) - An ozone resistant rubber consisting primarily of ethylene propylene

    copolymer (EPM) or ethylene propylene diene terpolymer (EDPM).

    Extrusion - The process of continuously forcing either a plastic or elastomer and a conductor or core through

    a die, thereby applying an insulation or jacket to the conductor or core.

  • 7/28/2019 DaftarIstilahTeknisKabel_noxindo


    PT Noxindo Cakrawala [T: 021-7592.0047 F: 021-7592.0048 W: www.noxindo.com E: [email protected]] Daftar Istilah Teknis Kabel A-ZHalaman # 9 - 19 #

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    Daftar istilah teknis kabel (F)

    Farad - Unit of capacitance whereby a charge of one coulomb produces a one volt potential difference.

    Fatigue Resistance- The ability of a repeatedly deformed material to resist crystallization and accompanying


    Fault Current - The maximum electrical current that will flow in a short-circuited system prior to the

    actuation of any current-limiting device. It is far in excess of normal current flow and is limited only by asystem's generating capacity and a cable's impedence.

    FDDI - Fiber Distributed Data Interface. A standard for a 100 megabit-per-second local area network.

    FEP - Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene is a ''Teflon'' fluorocarbon resin and is a registered trademark of the

    DuPont Company. This is a melt extrudable fluorocarbon resin.

    Fiber Optic - A lightwave or optical communications system in which electrical information is converted to

    light energy, transmitted to another location through optical fibers, and is there converted back into electrical


    Fibre Channel - A scalable, high speed, serial data transfer interface standard (ANSI X3T11)

    Fibrous Filler- A material used to fill interstices in cables made from fibers, such as jute, polypropylene,

    cotton, glass, etc.

    Figure 8 Cable - An aerial cable configuration in which the conductors and the steel strand which supports

    the cable are integrally jacketed. A cross section of the finished cable approximates the figure 8.

    Filler- Any material used in multiconductor cables to occupy interstices between insulated conductors or form

    a core into a desired shape (usually circular). Also, any substance, often inert, added to a plastic or elastomer

    to improve its properties or decrease its cost.

    Film - Thin, plastic sheeting having nominal thickness usually not greater than 0.010 inch.

    Flamer Resistance - The ability of a burning material to extinguish its own flame, once its flame-initiating

    heat source is removed.

    Flame Resistance - The ability of a material not to propagate flame once the heat source is removed.

    Flame Retardance - Ability of a material to prevent the spread of combustion by a low rate of travel so the

    flame will not be conveyed.

    Flex Life - The number of bends or twists, of specified type, that a cable will withstand before failure.

    Flex Life - The measurement of the ability of a conductor or cable to withstand repeated bending.

    Flexing Test - Any test to determine the ability of a cable to withstand repeated bending and twisting.

    formation and crack propagation when subjected to stress within a contaminating environment.

    Frequency Modulation (FM) - A scheme for modulating a carrier frequency in which the amplitude remains

    constant but the carrier frequency is displaced in frequency proportionally to the amplitude of the modulating

    signal. An fm broadcast is practically immune to atmospheric and man-made interference.

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    PT Noxindo Cakrawala [T: 021-7592.0047 F: 021-7592.0048 W: www.noxindo.com E: [email protected]] Daftar Istilah Teknis Kabel A-ZHalaman # 10 - 19 #

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    Daftar istilah teknis kabel (G)

    GHz - See gigahertz.

    Giga - A prefix meaning one billion (109).

    Gigabit Ethernet - High speed network data transfer protocol standard (IEEE 802.3z)

    Gigahertz (GHz)- One billion cycles per second (109 cps).

    Graded-Index Fibre - An optical fibre in which the refractive index of the core material varies across the

    core diameter, usually in a parabolic fashion, which the highest values at the core centre.

    Ground Potential - Zero potential with respect to the ground or earth.

    Ground - A connection, intentional or accidental, between an electrical circuit and the earth or some

    conducting body (e.g. chassis) serving in place of earth.

    Groudnded Neutral - A circuit operates with grounded neutral when the neutral is metallically connected to

    ground and there is a provision for immediate removal of a faulted element.

    Grounding Conductor - A conductor used to connect equipment or the grounded circuit of a wiring system

    to a grounding electrode or electrodes; usually colored green.

    Daftar istilah teknis kabel (H)

    Hard-Drawn Wire - As applied to aluminum and copper, wire that has been cold drawn to final size so as toapproach the maximum strength obtainable.

    Heat Endurance - The time of heat aging that a material can withstand before failing a specific physical or

    electrical test.

    Heat Resistance - Ability of a substance to maintain physical and chemical identity and electrical integrity

    under specified temperature conditions.

    Heat Shock- A test to determine stability of a material by sudden exposure to a high temperature for a short

    period of time.

    Heat - Shrinkable--A type of plastic material that has been cross-linked. A term describing tubes, sleeves,

    caps, boots, films or other forms of plastic which shrink to encapsulate, protect or insulate connections,

    splices, terminations and other configurations.

    Helix - A spiral winding.

    Henry - Unit of inductance such that the induced voltage in volts is numerically equal to the rate of change in

    current amperes per second.

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    Hertz (Hz) - International standard term for cycles per second. Named after the German physicist Heinrich R.

    Hertz (e.g., 60 cycles per second is equal to 60 hertz or 60 Hz).

    High Voltage Time Test - A high-voltage time test is an accelerated life test on a cable sample in which

    voltage is the factor increased.

    Hi-Pot - A test designed to determine the highest voltage that can be applied to a conductor without breaking

    through the insulation.

    Hygroscopic - Attracting or absorbing moisture from the ambient atmosphere.

    Hypalon - DuPont trademark for chlorosulfonated polyethylene (CSPE) synthetic rubber.

    Daftar istilah teknis kabel (I)

    IDC - Insulation Displacement Contact. A type of wire terminating connection in which the insulating jacket

    is cut by the connector when the wire is inserted.

    IEEE 802.3 - is a physical layer standard for 10 Base T, 100 Base T, Ethernet, and 1000 Base CX (Gigabit


    IEEE 802.5 - is a physical layer standard for Token Ring.

    IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. An international professional society that issues its

    own standard, and is a member of ANSI and ISO.

    Impedance (Z) - A measure of materials' resistance to the transfer of electricity.

    Impedance Match - A condition in which the impedance of a component or circuit is equal to the internal

    impedance of the source, or the surge impedance of a transmission line. This gives maximum transfer of

    energy from the source to the load, as well as minimum reflection and distortion.

    individual wires composing the conductor. It is generally expressed in circular mils.

    Inductance - One cause of reactance. An electromagnetic phenomenon in which the expanding and collapsing

    of a magnetic field surrounding a conductor or device tends to impede changes in current. The effects of

    inductance become greater as frequencies increase. The basic unit for inductance is the henry.

    Inductive Coupling - Crosstalk resulting from the action of the electromagnetic field of one conductor on the


    Input Impedance - The impedance that exists between the input terminals of an amplifier or transmission linewhen the source is disconnected. The circuit, signal level and frequency must be specified.

    Insertion Loss - The loss in load power due to the insertion of a component, connector or device at some

    point in a transmission system. Generally expressed in decibels as the ratio of the power received at the load

    before insertion of the apparatus, to the power received at the load after insertion.

    Insulation Resistance - The electrical resistance between two conductors separated by an insulating material.

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    Near End Crosstalk (NEXT) - Signal distortion as a result of signal coupling from one pair to another at

    various frequencies.

    Neoprene - Trade name for polychloroprene, used for jacketing.

    Nitrile Rubber - A rubbery copolymer of butadiene and acrylonitrile. It is usually compounded and


    Noise - An extraneous signal in an electrical circuit, capable of interfering with the desired signal. Classes of

    noise include burst of popcorn noise, intermediate frequency noise at low audio frequencies, white (thermal)

    noise, etc. Signals from power supply or ground line coupled into an amplifier output may be considered


    Nominal - Name or identifying value of a measurable property by which a conductor or component or

    property of a conductor is identified, and to which tolerances are applied.

    Numerical Aperture (NA) - The characteristics of an optical conductor in terms of its acceptance of

    impinging light. Controlled by a specific code to cladding refractive indices.

    Nylon - A strong polyamide polymer used for wire, cable jacketing, fillers and rope.

    Daftar istilah teknis kabel (O)

    Ohm - The unit of measurement for electrical resistance. A circuit is said to have a resistance of one ohm

    when an applied emf of one volt causes a current of one ampere to flow.

    Oxygen Bomb Test - A test to determine the ability of conductors and insulations to withstand physical and

    electrical change when immersed in pure oxygen gas of specified temperature and pressure for a specified


    Oxygen Index - Percentage of oxygen necessary to support combustion of a specified material.

    Daftar istilah teknis kabel (P)

    Patch Cord - The connecting cord between the terminal device and the drop.

    P-cable - A 68-wire cable used for 16-bit SCSI-3 buses. P-cables can be used with Q-cables for 32-bit SCSI-3


    Percent Conductivity - Conductivity of a material expressed as a percentage of that of copper.

    Permeability (chemical) - The passage or diffusion (or rate of passage) of a gas, vapor, liquid or solid

    through a barrier without physically or chemically affecting it.

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    PT Noxindo Cakrawala [T: 021-7592.0047 F: 021-7592.0048 W: www.noxindo.com E: [email protected]] Daftar Istilah Teknis Kabel A-ZHalaman # 15 - 19 #

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    Permeability (magnetic) - The measure of how much better a material is than air as a path for magnetic lines

    of force. Air is assumed to have a permeability of 1.

    Plasticizer - A substance incorporated into a material to increase its workability or flexibility.

    Plating - Any thin metallic coating applied over a metallic substratum.

    Plenum - The air return path of a central air handling system, either ductwork or open space over a dropped


    Polychloroprene - Chemical name for neoprene. A rubber-like compound used for jacketing where wire and

    cable will be subject to rough usage, moisture, oil, greases, solvents and chemicals.

    Polyester - A resin generally used as a thin film in tape form.

    Polymer - A material formed by the chemical combination of monomers having either the same or different

    chemical composition.

    Polypropylene - A thermoplastic polymer of propylene.

    Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) - A thermoplastic material composed of polymers of vinyl chloride, which may berigid or elastomeric, depending on specific formulation.

    Propagation Delay Time - The time between the application of a digital input waveform and the

    corresponding change in input waveform. It is measured between reference points on the waveforms. The time

    is generally different for positive-going and negative-going waveforms.

    Propagation, Velocity of- The speed with which a signal wave travels

    Prototype - A model suitable for use in the complete evaluation of form, design and performance.

    Pulse Width - The length of time that the pulse voltage is at the transient level. Electronic pulse widths are

    usually in the millisecond (10-3), microsecond (10-6) or nanosecond (10-9) range.

    Pulse - A change in the level, over a relatively short period of time, of a signal whose value is normally


    PVC - Polyvinyl Chloride. The material most commonly used for the insulation and jacketing of cable.

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    Daftar istilah teknis kabel (Q)

    Q-cable - A 68-wire cable used in conjunction with a P-cable for 32-bit SCSI-3 buses.

    QUAD- A structural unit employed in cables, consisting of four separately insulated conductors twisted


    Daftar istilah teknis kabel (R)

    Reflection Loss - The part of a signal which is lost due to reflection of power at a line discontinuity.

    Resistance - Property of a conductor that opposes the current flow produced by a given difference of

    potential. The ohm is the practical unit of resistance.

    Resonance - A frequency at which captive reactance and inductive reactance are equal and therefore cancel

    one another's effects.

    RF - Abbreviation for radio frequency.

    RG/U - Symbol used to designate coaxial cables that are made to Government Specification (e.g., RG-58U; in

    this designation the "R" means radio frequency, the "G" means Government, the "58" is the number assigned

    to the government approval, and the "U" means it is a universal specification).

    Ribbon Cable - A flat cable of individually insulated conductors lying parallel and held together by means of

    adhesive or woven textile yarn.

    Ring - A Local Area Network topology in which data is sent from workstations via a loop or ring. One

    conductor of a pair (vs. tip).

    Rise Time - The time required for a component or logic circuit to change from the quiescent to the transient

    state when an input is applied. (i.e. elapsed time between application of input and attainment of full output


    Riser - Pathways for indoor cables that pass between floors. It is normally a vertical shaft or space. A riser

    cable rating indicates good flammability characteristics, but not necessarily low smoke as in a plenum type.

    RMS - Abbreviation for root mean square.

    Root Mean Square - The effective value of an alternating current, corresponding to the direct current value

    that will produce the same heating effect.

    Rope-Lay Conductor - Conductor constructed of a bunch-stranded or a concentric-stranded member or

    members, as a central core, around which are laid one or more helical layers of such members.

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    PT Noxindo Cakrawala [T: 021-7592.0047 F: 021-7592.0048 W: www.noxindo.com E: [email protected]] Daftar Istilah Teknis Kabel A-ZHalaman # 17 - 19 #

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    Daftar istilah teknis kabel (S)

    SCI - Scalable Coherent Interface is a point-to-point, unidirectional link for handling large amounts of data in

    scalable, massively parallel processors.

    SCSI - Small Computer System Interface. An intelligent bus for transmitting data and commands between a

    variety of devices. There are many implementations of SCSI, including Fast SCSI, Wide SCSI, Fast Wide

    SCSI, Fast-20, and Fast-40.

    SCSI-2 - The second generation of SCSI; includes many improvements to

    SCSI-1, - including Fast SCSI, Wide SCSI, and mandatory parity checking.

    SCSI-3 - The third generation of SCSI; introduces Fast-20 and Fast-40 as improvements to the parallel bus.

    The standard also includes a number of specifications for high-speed serial bus architectures such as SSA,

    Fibre Channel, and IEEE 1394.

    SE - Single-Ended is a method for defining and/or measuring impedance.

    Secondary Insulation - Any extremely high resistance material which is placed over primary insulation toprotect it from abrasion.

    Semi-Conductor - A solid material characterized by comparatively high resistivities.

    Semi-Rigid - A cable containing a flexible inner core and a relatively inflexible sheathing.

    Serve - Any helical wrapping applied over a wire or cable core. It may consist of wires, fibers, yarns or tapes.

    Served Wire Shield - A barrier to the passage of interference formed by a helical wrapping of wires over a

    cable core. It is also called spiral shield.

    Sheath - The material, usually an extruded plastic or elastomer, applied outermost to a wire or cable. Veryoften referred to as a jacket, or an impervious metal covering usually lead.

    Shield - Any barrier to the passage of interference - causing electrostatic or electromagnetic fields, formed by

    a conductive layer surrounding a cable core. It is usually fabricated from a metallic braid, foil or wire serving.

    Shield Coverage - The amount of cable core surface area which is covered by a shield. It is expressed as a

    percentage of the cable core's total surface area. It is also called braid coverage when applied to a braided


    Shield/Shielding (Cable) - A conducting envelope, composed of metal strands, which enclose a wire, group

    of wires or cable so constructed that substantially every point on the surface of the underlying insulation is at

    ground potential or at some predetermined potential with respect to ground.

    Shield/Shielding (Circuit) - The metal sleeving surrounding one or more of the conductors in a wire circuit to

    prevent interference, interaction or current leakage. Shielding protects a circuit against crosstalk.

    Shock (Mechanical) - (1) An abrupt impact applied to a stationary object. (2) An abrupt or nonperiodic

    change in position, characterized by suddenness, and by the development of substantial internal forces.

    Simplex - A transmission facility in which the transmission is restricted to only one direction at a time.

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    Daftar istilah teknis kabel (T)

    Tape Wrap - A term denoting a spirally or longitudinally applied tape material wrapped around the wire, either

    insulated or uninsulated, used as an insulation or mechanical barrier.

    Tear Strength - The force required to initiate or continue a rip in a jacket or other insulation under specified conditions.

    Temperature Rating - The maximum temperature at which a given insulation or jacket may be safely maintained

    during continuous use, without incurring any thermally-induced deterioration.

    Tensile Strength - The greatest longitudinal stress that a substance or union can bear without tearing or pulling apart. In

    crimped terminations, it is the greatest longitudinal stress that a terminal can bear without the wire separating from theterminal.

    Thermal Conductivity- Ability of material to conduct heat.

    Thermal Rating - The maximum and/or minimum temperature at which a material will perform its function without

    undue degradation.

    Thermal Shock- The effect of heat or cold applied at such a rate that nonuniform thermal expansion or contractionoccurs within a given material or combination of materials. The effect can cause inserts and other insulation materials to

    pull away from metal parts.

    Thermoplastic - A classification of resin that can be readily softened and reformed by heating and be rehardened by


    Thermoset - A material which hardens or sets when heat is applied, and which, once set, cannot be resoftened byheating. The application of heat is called "curing."

    Time-Delay - A Circuit that delays the transmission of an impulse for a definite and desired period of time.

    Tinned Wire - Copper wire that has been coated during manufacture with a layer of tin or solder to prevent corrosion or

    facilitate soldering.

    Tolerance - A specified allowance for error from a standard or given dimension, weight or property.

    Topology - The architecture of a network, or the way circuits are connected to link the network nodes together.

    Transceiver - A device used in contention networks for sending data over the

    network and receiving data from the network.

    Triad - Any grouping of three conductors or three assemblages of conductors, generally twisted together and foundwithin a cable.

    Trunk Cable - Trunk Cable typically refers to a copper twisted pair backbone or vertical riser cable consisting of

    multiple groups of 25 pairs.

    Twisted Pair - Two wires twisted together to reduce susceptibility to RF noise.