DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Aldridge. J, Kilgo L.J. Beyond Psychoanalysis: The Contributions Of Anna Freud to Aplied Developmental Psychology. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA.2, h. 12-26. 2. Anderson M.L, PhD. MPH, Carolynne Shinn, MS, Mindy T. Fullilove. The Effectiveness of Early Childhood Development Programs. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2004;24. h. 32-40. 3. Midgley N. Test of time Anna Freud’s Normality and Pathology in Childhood. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 2011; 16(3). h. 475-482. 4. Narendra, M. B. Penilaian Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Anak. Jakarta: EGC. 2003 5. Soetjiningsih. 2003. Perkembangan Anak dan Permasalahannya. Jakarta: EGC. 6. Kaplan H, Sadock B, Grebb J. Sinopsis Psikiatri: Ilmu Pengetahuan Perilaku Psikiatri Klinis Jilid I. Binarupa Aksara Publisher; Tangerang. 2010. h. 699-744. 7. Nurgiyantoro B. Tahapan Perkembangan Anak Dan Pemilihan Bacaan Sastra Anak. Cakrawala Pendidikan, Universitas Pendidikan Jakarta. 2005;24(2),p.197-222. 8. Fleming JS..Erikson’s Psychosocial Developmental Stages. 2004.p.1-12.



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1. Aldridge. J, Kilgo L.J. Beyond Psychoanalysis: The Contributions Of Anna Freud to Aplied Developmental Psychology. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA.2, h. 12-26.2. Anderson M.L, PhD. MPH, Carolynne Shinn, MS, Mindy T. Fullilove. The Effectiveness of Early Childhood Development Programs. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2004;24. h. 32-40.3. Midgley N. Test of time Anna Freuds Normality and Pathology in Childhood. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 2011; 16(3). h. 475-482.4. Narendra, M. B. Penilaian Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Anak. Jakarta: EGC. 20035. Soetjiningsih. 2003. Perkembangan Anak dan Permasalahannya. Jakarta: EGC.6. Kaplan H, Sadock B, Grebb J. Sinopsis Psikiatri: Ilmu Pengetahuan Perilaku Psikiatri Klinis Jilid I. Binarupa Aksara Publisher; Tangerang. 2010. h. 699-744.7. Nurgiyantoro B. Tahapan Perkembangan Anak Dan Pemilihan Bacaan Sastra Anak. Cakrawala Pendidikan, Universitas Pendidikan Jakarta. 2005;24(2),p.197-222.8. Fleming JS..Eriksons Psychosocial Developmental Stages. 2004.p.1-12.9. Sokol JT. Identity Development throughout the Lifetime: An Examination of Eriksonian Theory. Graduate Journal of counseling Psychology. 2009;1.p.1-12.10. The NSW Office of Child Care. A basic introduction to child development theories. Centre for Learning Innovation, Department of Education and Training, 2006. P .1-16.11. Simatwa E. Piagets theory of intellectual development and its implication for instructional management at presecondary school level.Journals Academic 2010;5(7).p.366-371.12. Nisbett RE, Dickens W, Flynn J, dkk. Intelligence New Findings and Theoretical Developments. American Psychological Association. 2012;67(2).p.130-159.13. Krishnan V. Early Childhood Development: A Conceptual Model. Early Child development Mapping Project (ECMap).2010.p.1-17.14. Hardgrove A, Enenajor A, Lee AJ. Risk and Childhood Poverty: Notes from Theory and Research. Young Life Technical Note.2011.p 1-25.15. An JS, Cooney TM. Psychological well-being in mid to late life: The role of generativity development and parentchild relationships across the lifespan. International Journal of Behavioral Development.2006;30(5).p.410-421.16. Jeremy EC, Genovese. Piaget, Pedagogy, and Evolutionary Psychology. Evolutionary Psychology. 2003:1.p.127-37.17. Riggs SA. Childhood Emotional Abuse and the Attachment System Across the Life Cycle: What Theory and Research Tell Us. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma.2010:19.p.5-51.18. Soorin R. Changing Images Of Childhood-Reconceptualising Early Childhood Practice. International Journal of Transitions in Childhood. James Cook University, Australia.2005:1.p.12-21.