DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Alvonso D. Paulus P. 2009. Gambaran karakteristik ibu yang melahirkan bayi prematur di RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan tahun 2007. USU. www.repository.usu.ac.id/bitstream/123456789/25255/.../c over.pdf. 23 November 2012. 2. Beck S., Wojdyla D., Say L., et al. 2010. The worldwide incidence of preterm birth: a systematic review of maternal mortality and morbidity http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/88/1/08-062554.pdf. 29 Desember 2011 . 3. Manuaba I.B.G., Manuaba Chandranita, Manuaba Fajar. Pengantar Kuliah Obstetri. Jakarta: EGC; 2007 4. Oxorn Harry, dkk. 2010. Ilmu Kebidanan Patologi dan Fisiologi Persalinan (Human Labor and Birth). Yogyakarta : YEM. 5. Heng Y J, Pennell C E, Chua H N, Perkins J E, Lye S J. Whole Blood Gene Expression Profile Associated with Spontaneous Preterm Birth in Women with Threatened Preterm Labor. 2014 May ; 9(5) : 1-13 6. Cunningham GE, Gant NF, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, Hauth JC, Rouse DJ. Preterm Birth. In: Cunningham GE, Gant NF, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, Hauth JC, Rouse DJ, editors. Williams Obstetrics 23 rd ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill; 2010.



Transcript of DAFTAR PUSTAKA



1. Alvonso D. Paulus P. 2009. Gambaran karakteristik ibu yang melahirkan bayi prematur di RSUP H. Adam Malik Medan tahun 2007. USU. www.repository.usu.ac.id/bitstream/123456789/25255/.../cover.pdf. 23 November 2012.

2. Beck S., Wojdyla D., Say L., et al. 2010. The worldwide incidence of preterm birth: a systematic review of maternal mortality and morbidity http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/88/1/08-062554.pdf. 29 Desember 2011.3. Manuaba I.B.G., Manuaba Chandranita, Manuaba Fajar. Pengantar Kuliah Obstetri. Jakarta: EGC; 2007 4. Oxorn Harry, dkk. 2010. Ilmu Kebidanan Patologi dan Fisiologi Persalinan (Human Labor and Birth). Yogyakarta : YEM.5. Heng Y J, Pennell C E, Chua H N, Perkins J E, Lye S J. Whole Blood Gene Expression Profile Associated with Spontaneous Preterm Birth in Women with Threatened Preterm Labor. 2014 May ; 9(5) : 1-136. Cunningham GE, Gant NF, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, Hauth JC, Rouse DJ. Preterm Birth. In: Cunningham GE, Gant NF, Leveno KJ, Bloom SL, Hauth JC, Rouse DJ, editors. Williams Obstetrics 23rd ed. New York, NY: McGraw Hill; 2010.

7. Koucky M, Germanova A, Hajek Z, Parizek A, Kalousova M, Kopecky P. Pathophysiology of Preterm Labour. 2009 ; 110 (1) : 13-24