D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013

Happy Holidays from your District 47 Leadership Team May you find the peace within



Transcript of D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013

Page 1: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013

District 47 News and Events


Fall Conference Review


Fall Conference

- A Super-Powered Weekend 3

- Message from Gov. Rick Scott 1 3

- Mohammed Murad 1 4

- Ryan Avery 1 6

- Opening Events 1 8

- Workshops 20

- Matt Kinsey Tribute 22

- 201 2-1 3 Year-End Awards 23

- Contest Results 27

- Distinguished Toastmasters 28

- Save the Dates for Spring! 29


News and Notes

- Ready, Set, Learn at TLI 9

- Marketing Appointments 1 0

Club Happenings 11


Contributors 2

Messages from the DEC

- District Gov. 4

- Lt. Gov. Education and Training 5

- Lt. Gov. Marketing 6

The Digital District 7

Club Presidents' Corner 8

Education Awards 30

Got News? 35

Subscribe to The Sunshiner:Click the Image Below


from yourDistrict 47

Leadership Team

May you findthe peace within

Cheers for Phyllis May, not-so-evil genius of

Fall Conference! Coverage begins on Page 3.

Download the conference booklet at

www.toastmastersd47.org or by clicking on

the image at right.



Page 2: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013

Thomas Harrell, CC/ALB ("Club

Presidents' Corner"), joined Toastmasters

nearly four years ago and has dual

membership with the Miami Lakes and

Universal Toastmasters clubs. He is a

learning facil itator with New Horizons

Computer Learning Centers South Florida

and is available to visit your organization

as a speaker or workshop presenter. Visit

www.thomasharrel l .me.

The hardest-working man at Fall

Conference had to be Matthew W.

Hoelscher, who not only took or

oversaw all the photography for

this issue (except where noted),

but also was master of ceremonies

at Saturday's lunch. Matthew is

an ACC-accredited coach and a

member of Doral Toastmasters.

Public Relations Officer Douglas Shachnow, ACG/ALB,

was traveling abroad on business during production of this

issue. His column wil l return to The Sunshiner in the next

edition. Meanwhile, Douglas wishes happy and healthy

holidays to all .



The FacesBehind the Words(and Pictures)


Published by Toastmasters International District 47,

Southeast Florida and The Islands of The Bahamas.

Submit articles, questions and comments to

[email protected].


District Governor

Francis Molina, DTM

Lt. Governor Education and Training

Anthony "Tony" Longley, DTM

Lt. Governor Marketing

Damien Mil ler, DTM

District Public Relations Officer

Douglas Shachnow, ACG/ALB

District Secretary

Gary Sharp, ATMG/ALB

District Treasurer

Greg Henry, DTM

District Sergeant At Arms

Thomas Plant, ACB/ALB

Immediate Past District Governor

Matt Kinsey, DTM

Division Governors

Div. A: Marlene Bryan, DTM

Div. B: Johnny Segarra, ACB/ALB

Div. C: Chim Francisco, DTM

Div. D: Patricia Vallejo, ACB/ALB

Div. E: John Lazar, DTM

Div. F: Jason Springer, DTM

Div. I: Curtis Bryan, DTM


TLI Training Coordinator: Antionette Fox, DTM

Contest Coordinator: Shantel le Moxie, DTM

Fall Conference Chair: Phyll is May, DTM

Webmaster: David Clarke, DTM

Parliamentarian: Michael Schoen, CTM/ALS

Social Media Chair: Ruth Field Beck, ACB/CL

Sunshiner Editor: Kate McClare, ACB/ALB

Look for more district roles to be fi l led in the near future.

Copy Editor/Proofreader: Lisa Dunham Owers

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Heroes and vil lains converged on Sheraton Suites

Fort Lauderdale the weekend of November 8-1 0 for

two days and nights of fun, friendship and learning.

From Friday night's comic-inspired costume contest to

the keynote address by Toastmasters International 's

president-elect and the special workshop by world-

champion spaker Ryan Avery, it was a weekend to

remember. Turn to Page 1 3 for a special message

from Florida Governor Rick Scott.



Current and past District 47and International leaders pose one last time before dancing the night away at the conclusion

ofFall Conference.

A Super-Powered Weekend!

Jeanine and Matt

Kinsey at


luncheon. For the

tribute to Matt and

the district's

2012­13 year­end

awards, see

Pages 22­26.

International President­Elect Mohammed Murad with

Division C Governor Chim Francisco and Glenn Parks.

More photos in "Friday Night Heroes," Pages 18­19.

Feel the power of

Region 8


Director Kristina


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We have accomplished so much this year so far. I ’m grateful for members

l ike you who support us each and every day as we continue to succeed in

bringing you the best Toastmasters experience a member can have!

Last month, we came together for the 201 3 Fall Conference in Fort

Lauderdale. This issue wil l give you the highl ights of al l of our events.

“Heroes and Vil lains” from all over District 47 gathered to have a good

time and enjoy each other’s company. Thank you to the Conference Team

for putting on such a great show!

Congratulations to Donald Kelly and Carlos Palacious for winning the

Humorous Speech and Evaluation contests, respectively. These

individuals exemplify one of the ways we help our members in personal

development. They’ve inspired others to acquire unique skil ls and to

participate in upcoming contest events.

The spring contest season has already started! ! ! I f your club has not planned a speech contest, DO IT! Participate

as a contestant or a functionary. Download the 201 4 Contest Rulebook from the Toastmasters International

website. Encourage your club members to actively participate in al l of our activities so that they can also gain value

from the ful l experience.

Looking forward to 201 4…

The second half of our Toastmasters year is soon upon us. In the next six months, our district teams wil l focus on

both district performance and district talent management, starting with winter officer-training season, which has

already started. Register as soon as possible and invite al l of your club members to attend.

This is also a time when many of us wil l be making personal and professional resolutions to help us become better

people and more equipped for what next year may bring. District 47 is ful ly committed to support your educational

and leadership resolutions. What are yours? Send me an e-mail with your resolutions and we wil l showcase them

in our next issue.

Keep Finding the Talent Within,

Francis Molina, DTM

Governor, District 47



Happy Holidays, District 47!

Francis Molina has been a Toastmaster since 2005, when she joined her Corporate Club as Charter Club

President. She has held all club officer positions in her home club and has served District 47 as Area Governor

(President's Distinguished Area Governor 2009­2010), Division Governor (President's Distinguished Division

Governor and Division Governor of the Year 2010­2011) and High Performance Leadership and TLI Chair.

Contact Francis at [email protected].

Francis Molina, DTM

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The 201 3 District Fall Conference is now history. Thank you for the positive

feedback and suggestions. Congratulations to the winners, Carlos Palacious

(Evaluation) and Donald Kelly (Humorous Speech), and to the other contestants.

Contest Coordinator Shantel le Moxie, DTM, and her team of functionaries did an

awesome job. THANK YOU!

Conference Chair Phyll is May, DTM, was amazing! The theme, “Heroes &

Vil lains, ” was depicted in a most creative and entertaining way. Her focus and

dedication resulted in a fabulous experience for our members. Phyll is, we love

and appreciate you — THANK YOU!

Special guests Mohammed Murad, DTM — Toastmasters International’s

president-elect — and Ryan Avery, ACB/ALB, 201 2 world champion of public

speaking, added tremendous value to our conference and for that we say —


Our seven division governors and their teams were outstanding. Each had a

responsibi l ity for a particular aspect of the conference, and they performed

admirably. To them we say a huge —- THANK YOU!

If you missed our Fall Conference, we hope to see you at the Spring Conference, Apri l 25-27, 201 4. Stay tuned for

detai ls.

Recently, most Americans and some Bahamians too celebrated Thanksgiving, and now Christmas is just ahead.

For many, these holidays are about shopping sprees and huge sales. While for others, these are occasions to

reflect, to fel lowship with family and close friends and enjoy good food. The Education and Training Team and I are

thankful for the opportunity to serve you. We are grateful for your wil l ingness to serve our members whether at the

club or district level. Our goal is to help you be the best Toastmaster you can be, thereby achieving individual

success as well as success in your clubs. We are here to serve you and help you realize your goals. Because of al l

you do for Toastmasters and District 47, we're on our way to Number 1 !

Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Toastful ly,

Anthony "Tony" Longley, DTM

Lt. Governor Education and Training, District 47



It's Time to Give Thanks

Tony Longley joined the First Bahamas Branch of Toastmasters Club 1600 in May 1987. He has been a club officer

in various roles and has served as a Club President, an Area Governor and a Division Governor. He was named

District 47 Division Governor of the Year in 2009­2010. Tony was the District's YLP Chair for South Florida and The

Bahamas in 2010­2011 and Public Relations Officer for 2011­2012. Contact him at [email protected].

Tony Longley, DTM

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Wow! What a conference! For those who attended, I am sure you would

agree that our three-day event was another display of partisanship, teamwork

and new resolve for the district! Congratulations to Conference Chair Phyll is

May, DTM, for a great job with her extended team. Please also peruse the

conference images available to you in this issue of The Sunshiner.

The challenge continues in our district as we strive for top achievements. We

are making many resources available for your benefit:

The Toastmasters International Website: This is your primary portal for

branded material that includes brochures, fl iers, promotional items, guides and

manuals. Visit www.toastmasters.org/marketingresources.

Your District Leaders: Your area and division governors are always wil l ing and

able to help you. Don’t lead without the support of these invaluable persons.

The District Marketing Chairs: This group is a resolved and knowledgeable

team working to improve the way we recruit, retain and reward our members.

The Leader’s Library: Scheduled for launch in January, this resource wil l equip you with around-the-clock access to

tools, templates and manuals needed to excel in your roles.

The District Source: The new "l ittle sister" to The Sunshiner is a special tool just for our leaders. I t wil l outl ine

announcements, updates, periodicals and notices and wil l encourage greater collaboration by our leaders.

We welcome the talented volunteers from around the district to join us and earn more credit toward the achievement

of your leadership and communication goals. Contact us today for more details.

Our new-club, new-member and special-program incentives are sti l l in ful l swing. Do you know all the ways that your

club, area or division can benefit from these opportunities? Contact us for more details and challenge your peers to

achieve these incentives and gain rewards for your clubs!

Compliments of the season to all of you. Let’s work hard today so we can play harder and celebrate our great

achievements tomorrow.

Damien Miller, DTM

Lt. Governor Marketing, District 47



Resources for Growth Are Endless!

Damien Miller has been an avid member of Toastmasters clubs in Florida and The Bahamas since June 2002. His

leadership positions have included a term as a President’s Distinguished Area Governor for 2006­2007 and chair of

the 2012 Fall Conference, which successfully returned to The Bahamas under his direction and that of a dedicated

team of committee members from throughout the District. Contact Damien at [email protected].

Damien Miller, DTM

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By Ruth Field Beck, ACB/CL

Social Media Chair, District 47

Social media has become central to District 47

conferences. The conferences are actively

promoted on the district and division group

pages, as well as on the district website. With

each conference, promoters use their creative

flair to gain members’ attention to urge members

to register and provide information.

Photos and event summaries are posted during

and after the conferences. These posts share news with our members;

praise contest winners, contestants, functionaries, workshop presenters and

facil itators; and send special messages from one member to another.

For the fal l 201 3 conference, Conference Chair Phyll is May and Division A

Governor Marlene Bryan posted several videos promoting the upcoming

conference. Marlene and I posted videos of the keynote speaker,

International President-Elect Mohammed Murad, and workshop leader Ryan

Avery, 201 2 world champion of public speaking.

District 47 Governor Francis Molina promoted our Twitter hashtag, #tmd47,

at the conference. Ryan Avery tweeted this: “Having a blast at the #tmd47

conference." Chelsea Turner Avery, Ryan’s wife and business partner, also

tweeted: “#AveryTour-just enjoyed some appetizers with #tmd47 leadership

and amazing folks & now to get #cuban food with our #bahamian friends yay!”

President-Elect Murad can be fol lowed at facebook.com/mohammed.murad.

Ryan and Chelsea Avery can be fol lowed on Facebook, as can their

business, How To Be A Speaker. You can fol low Ryan Avery using his

Twitter handle “howtobeaspeaker” and Chelsea Avery at her handle

“thenewwifestyle.” Videos of Murad and Ryan Avery can be accessed on


Spring Conference registration is coming soon. Encourage your club and

division members to read all of the posts to whet their appetites for

attending the next conference.



Making Lasting ConnectionsSocial Media

Channel Guide

Facebook: Connect with large

groups or single individuals

Twitter: Quick connection with

large groups. Fewer

Toastmasters are using it.

LinkedIn: Network with other

ptofessionals. Not as simple

to use as Facebook.

MeetUp: Easily promote

club events. Free for

individuals, groups pay.

You Tube: Engage people

with videos of speeches

and events.

Vimeo:More professional

image than You Tube.

Pinterest: Post photos and

images about interests. Not as

intuitive to use as Facebook.

Ruth Field Beck joined Toastmasters International in 2008 and is a

member of Boca Raton Advanced Toastmasters. She has served as an

officer in various capacities and was Area 30 Governor in 2012­13.

Contact Ruth at [email protected].

Ruth Field Beck, ACB/CL


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By Thomas Harrell, CC/ALB

President – Miami Lakes Toastmasters

I use two philosophies to overcome hil ls and valleys as president of Miami Lakes

Toastmasters: remembering why I joined Toastmasters, and perseverance.

As a software instructor, I depend on effective communication. However, in the 201 2-

201 3 program year, I was vice president of education so my focus was on leadership.

We were President’s Distinguished for the first time since the 1 987 club charter.

I decided to continue my leadership learning this year as club president.

Immediately, hi l ls and valleys began.

Our vice president education delegated half her duties, due to health issues. She

later succumbed to those health issues. Our vice president public relations resigned.

She could not devote the energy needed in the role.

In the midst of it, my personal l ife took a huge turn.

The high energy I began this year with waned. I seriously considered quitting Toastmasters, the presidency — just put

my hands up in surrender.

After introspection, I recalled why I joined Toastmasters. Yes, it was about communication, but at the core, it’s truly

about personal development. When I ’m asked, “What is Toastmasters?” I respond, “A personal development journey.”

In spite of my personal hi l ls and the valley of two officers no longer being in position, I remembered, this self-

improvement journey is mine.

Surmounting the hil ls and valleys as club president also takes perseverance. As much as I wanted to quit, I desired

personal growth more. For me, stopping my journey of development is not an option.

As a leader, what I ’m learning is that sometimes, you just have to do the best you can with what you have.

In conclusion, when it comes to finding the talent within to surmount the hil ls and valleys you wil l encounter during

your service as club president, remember why you joined and persevere.

Surmounting the Hills and Valleys of Leadership

Thomas Harrell, CC/ALB


Encourage Your Team to Challenge You! As leaders, we are often accustomed to

giving direction, making decisions and monitoring results without question. However, every

leader needs a "Challenger-in-Chief, " someone who can question your decisions and

challenge your thought process. Select someone who can constructively evaluate your

decision-making process and give you a different perspective of the results of your decisions.

— Francis Molina, DTM

District 47 Governor

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January 4

Broward and North Miami-Dade

January 25

Boca Raton

Nassau, Bahamas

February 1

Northern Bahamas (Freeport/Abaco)


February 8

Homestead, Miami/Dade, The Keys

Ready, Set, Learn — It's TLI Time


Are you taking a club office in January? Are

you thinking about taking a club office in

January but you're not sure what's real ly

involved? Then you need to sign up for

Toastmasters Leadership Institute.

Commonly known as TLI , Toastmasters

Leadership Institute is mandatory for anyone

serving as a club officer. TLIs also offer

workshops on Toastmasters skil ls for

everyone; past sessions have included tips

for mastering Table Topics, running a

speech contest and using social media.

In January and February, District 47 is

offering not one or two but six opportunities

to get trained, from the Bahamas to Stuart.

You may attend any session that is

convenient to you.

Visit the TLI page at the district website to

register onl ine and get more information.

You'l l also find regular updates on our

Facebook page.

New Year to Come — New Members to Come! Let’s spread the talk of a surge in

new members in the new year! Who wil l be our club, area and division leaders in the new-

member count in January 201 4? How can you start now to plan for continued success?

Well , do you ever wonder why few guests visit your clubs? Or why those guests don’t join?

Perhaps your long-term members have stopped coming to meetings or participating? Here’s

what you should consider:

People can’t join your club if they don’t know it exists.

People won’t join if they don’t get a good first impression.

Members won’t stay if their needs aren’t being met.

As leaders, let’s share the work and the learning. Consider forming a membership committee to help your club reach its

goals. Never pass up creative ways to recognize your guests, reward your members and recruit new life in the club. Let’s

make the new year our turning point toward even greater success in club and member strength.

— Damien Miller, DTM

Lt. Governor Marketing, District 47

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Lt. Governor Marketing Damien Mil ler has appointed several Toastmasters to important leadership positions within

the Marketing Team:


The district marketing advisor wil l be involved with key decisions related to the Marketing

Department and strategy. This role is supported by key chairpersons all working to execute

the requirements involved.

The district marketing advisor is responsible for supporting the LGM in leading the district’s

marketing efforts and ensuring the district meets and exceeds the goals of the Distinguished

District Program. He wil l work closely with the LGM to develop the annual marketing plan

and assist in building a team that wil l work to achieve the objectives of the marketing plan.

Hieu wil l lead a team managing a department with targeted goals for club expanision, club retention, membership

development and marketing operations.


The membership growth chair consistently monitors the growth of the district using effective

strategies and information from Toastmasters International.

Jason wil l enable the district to monitor the success of its strategies and evaluate them for

implementation in the next fiscal year.


The club quality chair (bi l ingual) is responsible for continuously monitoring al l district bi l ingual

clubs by working with division, area, and club leaders to ensure that clubs embark on a

program of continuous improvement, assemble a repository of best and worst practices

designed for community clubs, and disseminate this information throughout the district.

Jairo wil l ensure that clubs in the category are providing a positive and fulfi l l ing environment

for their members, thus providing experiences to retain our membership.

New Marketing Appointments

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Duties of the new member chair involve placing programs, strategies and forums in place to

enhance the experience of new members. By doing so, the New Member Team can create tools

(videos, checklists special meetings, etc.) to support the growth of the member experience.

Heather wil l create a forum for members in the district for less than one year and provide tools

to equip our new members to be more productive with their investment in Toastmasters and

gain from their experience in the program at large.


Duties of the strategic planning chair involve conducting efforts to identify opportunities for

member or club development throughout the district. Duquesna wil l work in partnership with the

marketing leadership to determine the ongoing strategy of the team and how it wil l change based

on outside forces.

Duquesna wil l also work with the Marketing Team to determine strategies, focus points and plans

for the next five years. She wil l also ensure that the Marketing Team is fol lowing the practices

and plans of the previous leadership.


The marketing incentives administrator’s duties include designing a tracking system for district-

approved marketing incentives, determining the achievement of the incentives and coordinating

awarding the recipient for their efforts.

Jeanine wil l keep the leadership on track and collaborate with other chairs to motivate specific

clubs and leaders to achieve their goals. She wil l work closely with the corporate sponsor chair

to secure credible prizes for top achievers.


The District Source wil l be a regular portal with which the Marketing Team wil l keep in contact with the

district’s entire leadership. Kay-Andra wil l issue timely announcements, updates, periodicals and notices

in the form of a monthly newsletter created specifical ly for the leaders of District 47.

The District Source wil l present information in a visual ly appealing way to encourage greater participation

by the leadership and understanding of the many roles played by the Marketing Team.

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District 47 is proud to announce

the arrival of the newest

member of our family:

Biscayne Bay Toastmasters,

led by Charter President

Nadia Burrough .

Formed in November, the club has been assigned to Area

1 4, Division A, under the leadership of Maria Lucassen

and Marlene Bryan, respectively.

WelcometoDistrict 47!

Members and guests of Beacon Point Advanced Toastmasters celebrated the holidays with an open house at

Fernanda's International Food Market in Oakland Park. Seated, from left: Division A Governor Marlene Bryan, Area

12 Governor Heather Mahoney, Charlene Christiano. Standing center, from left: Laura Thezine, District 47 Governor

Francis Molina, Henry Ferguson. Standing rear, from left: Jerrod Clersaint, Region 8 International Director Kristina

Kihlberg, Josette Simms, David Esposito, Chuck Field, Lydia Harris.

Photo by Kate McClare

What's your club been up to? Share your news in Club Happenings. E­mail articles and photos to Kate McClare at

[email protected].

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FEATURES 201 3 FALL CONFERENCE: Message from Governor Rick Scott

A Message from Florida's Governor

District 47 was honored to receive support for our Fall Conference from Florida Gov. Rick Scott,

who sent official greetings:

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Strivingfor Excellence WithinBy Kate McClare, ACB/ALB

Sunshiner Editor

In 1 996, a young police officer visited a Toastmasters meeting in Dubai, United

Arab Emirates. Interesting, he thought, but not for him. His friend talked him into

visiting again. He won the Table Topics session and decided to join.

Seventeen years later, that young police officer is taking the helm of the

organization he once politely disregarded. Mohammed Murad has become a

global entrepreneur, garnering educational credentials from Harvard, the

London Business School and other prestigious institutions. Now serving as

International President-Elect of Toastmasters International, he is scheduled to

assume the presidency in August 201 4.

President-Elect Murad talked about the organization and his plans for its

future, in an interview at the conclusion of the District 47 Fall Conference.

"It's Not About You"

How has Toastmasters changed him?

“A lot, ” he said. “I ’m a different person. I have learned to have confidence

enough to start my own business and to create a life based on the values of


But while he credits Toastmasters with his

personal and professional development,

those rewards are secondary.

“The Toastmasters experience is about

others – it’s not about you. In the beginning

it wil l be that, but soon you wil l see that you

wil l have no benefit if you only develop

yourself. Your true self-development comes

from helping others.”

Members help the organization to excel by

helping others reach their own potential —

which in turn helps the individual to grow.

This, he said, is why members should

care about making District 47 the No. 1

"It's important to understand that it's

not only about communication.

Toastmasters is really about

becoming a better person."

— Toastmasters International

President­Elect Mohammed Murad

International President­Elect Mohammed Murad talks about team­building

in his keynote address at Fall Conference.

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district in the worldwide organization.

“I t’s important for members to understand that

it’s not only about communication. Toastmasters is

real ly about becoming a better person.”

Reaching for the Top

President-Elect Murad knows a thing or two

about bringing a district to the top. When he

joined, his club was not only the only one in

Dubai, but the Emirates were not even in a

formal Toastmasters district; they were a

“territorial council . ” They were granted status

as a provisional district in 2003. He became

district governor and brought the district to

No. 1 status in his first year.

He has a similar goal for the worldwide

organization: “to be the No. 1 authority on

leadership and communication.” With an

international membership of 300,000 — a

mere fraction of the bil l ions inhabiting the

planet — he sees a lot of work in the years


The new Education Program being rol led out

in the latter part of 201 4 wil l be an important

step toward growing membership by making

Top right: International

President­Elect Mohammed

Murad joins Lt. Governor

Education and Training Tony

Longley, District Governor

Francis Molina, Region 8

International Director Kristina

Kihlberg and Lt. Governor

Marketing Damien Moore.

Right: With the division

governors — Johnny Segarra,

John Lazar, Chim Francisco,

Patricia Vallejo, Marlene Bryan,

Curtis Bryan and Jason Springer.

the program more relevant to members’ development, especial ly in

technology. Big changes are coming, but the core product remains

the same: communication skil ls that enhance leadership.

“When we empower people to lead,” President-Elect Murad said,

“we are creating a product that is needed in the world. ”

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Find Your Voice, Share Your Message

By Kate McClare, ACB/ALB

Sunshiner Editor

He was the youngest person ever to win Toastmasters

International’s World Championship of Public Speaking,

just 25 years old when he took the title in 201 2. He may

have been the least experienced champion, having been

in Toastmasters for only a year and a half at the time of

the contest.

But what Ryan Avery really wants you to know about his

big win is just how impossibly it began.

“In my Ice Breaker," he revealed, "I had 44 ‘um’s."

You see, Ryan Avery may be a world-champion

speaker with a successful training business and a ful l

schedule of professional appearances, but he began

in the same place many of us do.

“There’s no difference between you and me. We both

have the same chance,” he said in an interview at the

201 3 Fall Conference, where he presented his

workshop, “How to Make It a Great Speech.”

Left: Champion

speaker Ryan

Avery, who

presented his

workshop, "How

to Make It a Great

Speech," after

Fall Conference.

Below: Entering

Saturday dinner

with his wife,

Chelsea Avery.

Top photo

courtesy of Ryan

Avery; bottom by

Matthew W.


His victory, he said, was simply a matter of training:

practicing his speech hundreds of times, studying other

winning (and almost-winning) speeches for hours on end.

And belief — belief so strong it was more like certainty.

Winning Strategy

Avery didn’t intend to win the world championship when he

joined Toastmasters in 201 0. Like most of us, he simply

wanted to learn how to communicate better. “I used to say

‘l ike’ al l the time. I ’m part of the ‘l ike’ generation.” His father

suggested that he join Toastmasters, and even paid his

dues. (In recognition of his dad’s support, Avery established

a scholarship in his father’s name to pay Toastmasters dues

for anyone under age 25 who can’t afford them.)

But when Avery found out about the world championship, he

decided to enter. “I just felt l ike I could do it. ”

He knew it would take practice — hard practice — to prove

he was right. He watched tapes of past winners and of

second-place finishers, to see what made the difference. He

got 2004 champion Randy J. Harvey to be his mentor. He

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surrounded himself with positive people who believed in him, in particular his wife, Chelsea.

“I 'm not the world champion of public speaking — we are. Chelsea trained right alongside me."

Between the time he won his district championship and the world finals in Orlando, Avery l istened to 1 ,000 evaluations

of his speech. He refined his speech and practiced it again and again. "Don't aim to be a champion," he said, "aim to

train l ike one."

And above all , bel ieve in yourself. “I f you consider yourself to be the best, you’l l be the best. Tel l ing yourself you can

accomplish it is the first step.”

1 . Keep it simple. Simple always wins.

2. Make it impactful. Create an impact on the

audience; send them a message.

3. Be relatable. Talk about your fai lures, not your

success. Share what someone else taught you rather

than try to teach the audience.

4. Drop the prop. People wil l focus on the prop rather

than your voice.

5. Tie your conclusion back to your opening.

Wherever you dropped them off, pick them up.

6. Don't make points. Tell stories that make your

points for you.

7. Use a "constant object" — a person, place or

thing that is repeated to l ink stories together.

8. Engage all five of the audience's senses. When

writing your speech, highl ight areas call ing on the five

senses: sight, sound, smell , taste and feel.

9. Use active voice, not passive. "He engaged the

audience" works. "The audience was engaged by him"

does not.

1 0. Practice. In crowds, by yourself, anywhere and


Ryan's Rules for a Winning Speech

"Your message matters. The questionis, what will you do with it?"

— Ryan Avery

1 0 tips from the workshop,

"How to Make It a Great Speech"

Image courtesy of Ryan Avery

Page 18: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013



Friday Night Heroes (and Villains)District 47's most heroic members turned out for

the first night of 201 3 Fall Conference in Fort

Lauderdale. After dinner, attendees watched the

final round of the Evaluation Contest (Page 29),

al l while wearing their most impressive costumes

in keeping with the Heroes and Vil lains theme.

Clockwise from right: Clubs line up for the Banner

Parade opening the first­night events; the prognosis

calls for fun and lots of it; ready to save the world; Past

District Governor Pamela Rolle with conference advisor

Lydia Harris and Division E Governor John Lazar;

Immediate Past District Governor Matt Kinsey with

District Parliamentarian Michael Schoen.

Page 19: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013



Toastmasters International President-Elect Mohammed

Murad honored us with his visit and enlightened us with

speeches on leadership and team-building. Shown here

are just a few of the people he met.

Clockwise from below, President­Elect Murad with:

Lt. Governor Education and Training Tony Longley;

Conference advisor Lynda Hammond; District

Governor Francis Molina; Region 8 International

Director Kristina Kihlberg; Area 41 Governor Audrey

Burzynski and Division D Governor Patricia Vallejo.

Page 20: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013



Skills to Grow OnSaturday was a day for learning from some of the district's best

speakers, who offered workshops on speechcraft, leadership and

personal development.

Clockwise from right: Jacquetta Cook, "The 5­Minute Makeover";

Larry Benovitz, "There Is No Redo . . . Finding the Talent Within";

Joe Duerr, "Methods of Change"; Franklyn Winder, "The Youth

Leadership Program"; and Adele Aexandre, "Train Yourself to

Prep a Speech in 45 Minutes."

Page 21: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013



Clockwise from above: Shannon Chamberlain, "Be the Hero

and Stop Your Villains"; John Schneyer, "I Don't Know What

to Talk About!"; Brooke Samples, "What They Didn't Teach

You in Superhero School"; Mary Lou Williams, "Heroes and

Villains . . . Essential Components of Storytelling."

Not shown: Leonardo C. Burrows, "Success to the Rescue";

Barbara Strasdas and David Clarke, "Confessions of a Chief

Judge: Assuring Fair Contests."

Page 22: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013

FEATURES 201 3 FALL CONFERENCE: Matt Kinsey Tribute


Honoring a Leader and Friend

The District 47 family honored Immediate Past District Governor

Matt Kinsey, who then offered a tribute of his own. "The paycheck

for being a district officer," he said, "is the people in this room."

Clockwise from above left: Past District Governor Pamela Rolle; District

Governor Francis Molina, presenting Matt with the District Governor

Award; emcee Matthew Hoelscher; Past District C Governor Lou Brown;

Past Area 33 Governor Jennifer Passino; Past Lt. Governor Marketing Hieu

Huynh; Lt. Governor Marketing Damien Miller.

Page 23: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013

FEATURES 201 3 FALL CONFERENCE: 201 2-1 3 Year-End Awards


Commitment to Excellence




Lynda Hammond,


Area Governorof the Year

John Lazar, DTM

Area 51

Division Governorof the Year

Lou Brown, ACS

Division C

Page 24: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013

FEATURES 201 3 FALL CONFERENCE: 201 2-1 3 Year-End Awards


Francis Molina, DTM

Lt. Governor


Hieu Huynh, DTM

Lt. Governor

Education and


Page 25: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013

FEATURES 201 3 FALL CONFERENCE: 201 2-1 3 Year-End Awards

Distinguished Service

Damien Mil ler – Fall Conference Chair

Mari lyn Hu – Spring Conference Chair

David Jess – Realignment Chair

Glenn Parks – Audit Committee Chair

Barbara Strasdas – Contest Adviser

Brandon Kinsey – Sound Engineer

Jeanine Kinsey – Webmaster

Lynda Hammond – Conference Adviser and DTM Chair

Antionette Fox – Past District Governor Committee & Nominating Committee Chair

Steven Harwood – Strategic Expansion Chair

Mitch McInnis – Training Coordinator

Eddy Lopez – University Chair

Mary Mayrosh – Club Coach Chair

Richard Otten – Gavel Club Chair

Division Governors

Division A – Lydia Harris – President’s Distinguished

Division B – Michael Brown

Division C – Lou Brown – President’s Distinguished

Division D – Joseph Duerr – Select Distinguished

Division E – Samantha O’Neil – Select Distinguished

Division F – Judy Simmons

Division I – Andrew Albury – President’s Distinguished


Page 26: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013

FEATURES 201 3 FALL CONFERENCE: 201 2-1 3 Year-End Awards


Area Governors

Area 1 0 – Debbie Kest – Distinguished

Area 11 – Maria Alexandra Sanchez –


Area 1 2 – Marlene Bryan – President’s


Area 1 3 – Wil lasue Susskind

Area 1 4 – Shakira Taylor – Distinguished

Area 20 – Keith Herring

Area 21 – Jairo Aragon – Distinguished

Area 22 – Johnny Segarra – Select


Area 23 – Maryam Khosravi – Select


Area 30 – Ruth Beck – President’s


Area 31 – Gregory Henry – President’s


Area 32 – Beverly Cordner – President’s


Area 33 – Jennifer Passino – President’s


Area 40 – Thomas Plant – Distinguished

Area 41 – John Hockey – Distinguished

Area 42 – Patricia Vallejo – Distinguished

Area 43 – Phyll is Sidersky

Area 44 – Brian Turcotte – Select Distinguished

Area 50 – Jack Barnes

Area 51 – John Lazar – President’s


Area 52 – Lisa Foose – Distinguished

Area 53 – Jason Stewart – Select Distinguished

Area 54 – Hector Patino

Area 55 – Shannon Chamberlain

Area 60 – Sashane McDonald

Area 61 – Sharine Symonette

Area 62 – Ronald Patterson

Area 63 – Ria Newbold – Distinguished

Area 64 – Elvis Coll ie

Area 90 – Charles Newbold

Area 91 – Deborah Young – Distinguished

Area 92 – Jason Springer – President’s


Area 93 – Julieth McCafferty

Area 94 – Roselyn Mil ler

Page 27: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013



Left: Humorous Speech contestants Donald Kelly,

Jerrod Clersaint, Andre Dean, Sharine Symonette,

Jason Bank, Charles Schneider, Miike Babst; in

back row, Lt. Governor Education and Training

Tony Longley, Mohammed Murad, Francis Molina.

Below left: Francis Molina and Frederique Roggero

with Evaluation contestants Carlos Palacious,

Sharine Symonette, George Kleine, Maria

Alexandra Sanchez, Jeanine Kinsey, Judy Joffe,

Jordan Vichot.

Below right: Humorous Speech emcee David

Esposito sets the mood.

Months of intense competition were

decided at Friday night's Evaluation

contest and Saturday's Humorous

Speech face-off.

Right: Humorous Speech winner Donald Kelly

with International President­Elect Mohammed

Murad, District Governor Francis Molina.

Far right: Evaluation winner Carlos Palacious

with Francis Molina.

Winning Ways with Words

Page 28: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013

FEATURES 201 3 FALL CONFERENCE: Distinguished Toastmasters


Meet Our Newest DTMs

They've distinguished themselves, their clubs and the district for years. Now it's official : They

are Distinguished Toastmasters.

How big an accomplishment is it? Current requirements for Distinguished Toastmater include

giving more than 40 speeches, serving as a club and district officer, guiding a fel low member

and a club as a coach or mentor and completing a High Performance Leadership project. We

congratulate al l of our new DTMs, starting with those in the photo above.

Front row: Jason Springer, Greg Henry, Norman Gaslowitz, Maurice Fuller, ChimFrancisco, Marlene Bryan, Maria Alexandra Sanchez.

Back row: Jennifer Passino, Debora Young, Sharine Symonette, Debbie Kest, JohnLazar, Francis Molina, Shakira Taylor, Patricia Rivera, Nicole Williams, Lisa Foose,Willasue Susskind.

Not shown: Steven Harwood and Mike Pineda.

Page 29: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013

FEATURES Save the Dates for Spring!


Page 30: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013




…on earning Competent Communicator (CC) Certification:

Toastmaster Date Club Club # Div. Area

Acosta, Ysabel 1 0/8/201 3 Pembroke Pines Club 6003 A 11

Ahmed, Umar 1 0/9/201 3 Miami Beach Toastmasters 1 293723 E 52

Barnett, Merrel l E. 1 0/23/201 3 B.P.S.U. Majestic Marl ins Toastmasters 1 360933 F 63

Barto, Paula K. 1 0/1 6/201 3 Talk Of The Town Club 5390 D 43

Dean, Rakel Melissa 1 0/3/201 3 Scotia Dynasty Club 829842 I 91

Espinosa, Martin L. 1 0/31 /201 3 South Dade Toastmasters Club 2463 E 53

Fardella, Marc E 1 0/1 7/201 3 American Express Tech Talkers 1 762453 A 1 0

Ford, Jane Gray 1 0/24/201 3 Palm Beach Noon Toastmasters Club 22 C 30

Fuller, Maurice Michael 1 0/1 3/201 3 Universal Toastmasters Club 7653 A 1 3

Gilbert, Edwige 1 0/29/201 3 The Palm Beach Toastmasters Club 1 588575 D 43

Gingerich, Susan M. 1 0/23/201 3 Boca Raton Toastmasters 3299 C 31

Goodman-Davis, S. Sherry 1 0/4/201 3 Action Communicators Extraordinaire 9477 I 90

Hanna, Owen Julius 1 0/1 8/201 3 Chickcharney Toastmasters Club 971 904 F 60

Hepburn, Virinia S. 1 0/22/201 3 Central Bank Control lers 2597579 F 63

Hudson, Catherine Lee 1 0/11 /201 3 Assurant Toastmasters Miami 1 776255 E 54

Jones, Lynette D 1 0/11 /201 3 First Edition Club 6391 07 B 22

Kemp, Elton Ell is 1 0/21 /201 3 RBC Legends 1 305066 I 92

Knowles, Melissa L. 1 0/31 /201 3 Healing Communicators Club 71 78 F 60

Markwith, Greice Figueiredo 1 0/1 7/201 3 1 st US Portuguese Toastmasters 1 450351 C 33

Meltzer, Sherry L. 1 0/24/201 3 Palm Beach Noon Toastmasters Club 22 C 30

Murray, Marc 1 0/31 /201 3 The Palm Beach Toastmasters Club 1 588575 D 43

Pinder, Audric D 1 0/1 7/201 3 Freeport Eagles 1 425 I 93

Ramirez, Bernarda L. 1 0/31 /201 3 South Dade Toastmasters Club 2463 E 53

Rando, Elizabeth A. 1 0/1 7/201 3 Boca Raton Toastmasters 3299 C 31

Rivera, Patricia 1 0/1 9/201 3 Universal Toastmasters Club 7653 A 1 3

Schwab, Judith 1 0/2/201 3 Plantation Club 2582 B 23

Shapiro, Rachel 1 0/1 0/201 3 Early Bird Club 3659 B 21

Steel, Wil l iam R 1 0/31 /201 3 Universal Toastmasters Club 7653 A 1 3

Strachan, Vincent 1 0/1 8/201 3 Chickcharney Toastmasters Club 971 904 F 60

Sukhu, Subhashree 1 0/1 6/201 3 Plantation Club 2582 B 23

Thomas, Wil l iam Nelson 1 0/5/201 3 Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters 2096 A 1 2

Keep Learning at TLI: Beginning in January 201 4, the district wil l hold its second series

of Toastmasters Leadership Institutes (TLIs) of the 201 3-1 4 program year. These sessions

are mandatory for club officers but are open to all members. TLIs present opportunities to

reflect on the first six months of the year and to get ideas for a successful second half. You

can discuss what worked well and what could be improved, and review the commitment you

made to your club as an officer or member. For a schedule of TLI dates, see Page 1 2.

— Tony Longley, DTM

Lt. Governor Education and Training, District 47

Page 31: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013


…on earning Advanced Communicator Bronze (ACB) Certification:

Toastmaster Date Club Club # Div. Area

Bendana, Teresa M. 1 0/1 7/201 3 Voice Of Champions Club 7082 E 50

Farrington, K. Dominick 1 0/1 7/201 3 Freeport Eagles 1 425 I 93

Goodman, Radjiv Orlatundo 1 0/1 7/201 3 P.T.A.B. Toastmasters Club 1 360579 F 62

Grant, Kingsley 1 0/1 0/201 3 Hollywood Toastmasters 1 261 950 A 1 2

Haji , Mohamud 1 0/23/201 3 American Express Tech Talkers 1 762453 A 1 0

Hendricks, Richard 1 0/1 6/201 3 Outspoken Toastmasters 1 46941 3 B 24

Kelly, Andre 1 0/1 /201 3 Destined For Success Toastmasters 3956 I 90

Ortiz, Dennis 1 0/22/201 3 Miami Advanced Toastmasters 2798 E 54

Thomas, Wil l iam Nelson 1 0/5/201 3 Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters 2096 A 1 2

Wang, Zhengzi 1 0/1 6/201 3 Office Depot Toastmasters Club 9086 C 32

…on earning Advanced Communicator Silver (ACS) Certification:

Toastmaster Date Club Club # Div. Area

Burrows, Leonardo 1 0/1 /201 3 Destined For Success Toastmasters 3956 I 90

Gaslowitz, Norman 1 0/1 /201 3 Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters 2096 A 1 2

Potter Fernandez, Nina S. 1 0/24/201 3 Boca Raton Advanced Toastmasters 1 888268 C 32

Ross, Abby 1 0/5/201 3 Seminole Casino Toastmasters 1 348034 A 1 2

…on earning Advanced Communicator Gold (ACG) Certification:

Toastmaster Date Club Club # Div. Area

Taylor, Shakira C. 1 0/26/201 3 Universal Toastmasters Club 7653 A 1 3

…on earning Competent Leader (CL) Certification:

Toastmaster Date Club Club # Div. Area

Ashoka, Mandegere C. 1 0/1 6/201 3 Voice Of Champions Club 7082 E 50

Baron, Jose Carlos 1 0/2/201 3 Pembroke Pines Club 6003 A 11

Bethel, Lorenzo 1 0/1 0/201 3 Holistic Trendsetters 1 809972 F 61

Dean, Rakel Melissa 1 0/3/201 3 Scotia Dynasty Club 829842 I 91

Hartman, Richard S. 1 0/31 /201 3 The Palm Beach Toastmasters Club 1 588575 D 43

Hockey, John A. 1 0/9/201 3 Palm City Orators 81 81 D 41

Lamont, Edwin Lodge 1 0/3/201 3 Palm Beach Noon Toastmasters Club 22 C 30

Mitchell , Kimberlee A. 1 0/24/201 3 Assurant Toastmasters Miami 1 776255 E 54

Post, Marty A. 1 0/28/201 3 Hobe Sound Toasters 1 206922 D 41

Rock, Marie S 1 0/1 7/201 3 Early Bird Club 3659 B 21

Srikant, Satchidanand 1 0/1 0/201 3 Voice Of Champions Club 7082 E 50

St. Fleur, Yamma 1 0/31 /201 3 The Soaring Orators of Johnson Park 1 227605 F 62

Strachan, Vincent 1 0/1 8/201 3 Chickcharney Toastmasters Club 971 904 F 60



Page 32: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013



…on earning Advanced Leader Bronze (ALB) Certification:

Toastmaster Date Club Club # Div. Area

Aragon, Jairo 1 0/8/201 3 Great Fort Lauderdale Toastmasters 2004 B 21

Barkley, Kip 1 0/29/201 3 Club V.O. I .C.E. 3278 B 24

Brown, Maria 1 0/1 3/201 3 Sensor Toast Club 351 8 C 32

Donaldson, Franklyn 1 0/26/201 3 The Luminaries 1 51 0789 I 91

Hendricks, Richard 1 0/1 6/201 3 Outspoken Toastmasters 1 46941 3 B 24

Lindo, Romaine P. 1 0/1 3/201 3 FCC Toastmasters 1 390883 A 11

May, Phyll is A. 1 0/1 /201 3 Key West Toastmasters 6298 E 55

McClare, Kate 1 0/5/201 3 Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters 2096 A 1 2

Mika, Barbara A. 1 0/3/201 3 Fort Pierce Toastmasters 1 41 7483 D 40

Robinson, Brenda K. 1 0/28/201 3 Bil l Gove Golden Gavel Club 681 8 C 30

Ross, Abby 1 0/5/201 3 Miami Advanced Toastmasters Club 2798 E 54

Wil l iams, Nicole Delores Yvette 1 0/4/201 3 Action Communicators Extraordinaire 9477 I 90

…on earning Advanced Leader Silver (ACS) Certification:

Toastmaster Date Club Club # Div. Area

Gaslowitz, Norman 1 0/30/201 3 Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters 2096 A 1 2

Plant, Thomas Gray 1 0/31 /201 3 Palm City Orators 81 81 D 41

…on earning Leadership Excellence (LDREXC) Certification:

Toastmaster Date Club Club # Div. Area

Aragon, Jairo 1 0/31 /201 3 Great Fort Lauderdale Toastmasters 2004 B 21

Cohen, Mitchell 1 0/1 8/201 3 NCCI Toastmasters 1 21 6633 C 32

Gaslowitz, Norman 1 0/28/201 3 Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters 2096 A 1 2

…on reaching the peak - DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTER (DTM):

Toastmaster Date Club Club # Div. Area

Taylor, Shakira C. 1 0/26/201 3 Universal Toastmasters Club #7653 7653 A 1 3


Page 33: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013




…on earning Competent Communicator (CC) Certification:

Toastmaster Date Club Club # Div. Area

Aragon, Jairo 11 /5/201 3 Toast Of The Gold Coast Club 4267 B 21

Bernfeld, Debbi J 11 /8/201 3 American Express Communication 1 41 5772 B 23

Cabezas, Christopher I . 1 1 /8/201 3 American Express Communication 1 41 5772 B 23

Coffey, Jim 11 /27/201 3 Treasure Coast Toastmasters Club 3466 D 40

Dawkins, Donovan Leroy 11 /29/201 3 Scotia Dynasty Club 829842 I 91

Eubank, Cassandra 11 /20/201 3 Boca Raton Noon Toastmasters Club 4207 C 31

Ferguson, Henry R. 11 /20/201 3 Boca Raton Noon Toastmasters Club 4207 C 31

Hutchinson, Susan J. 1 1 /27/201 3 Treasure Coast Toastmasters Club 3466 D 40

Huyler, Anastarcia 11 /8/201 3 Great Persuaders Of Atlantis Club 8720 F 63

Mariano, Haley 11 /1 3/201 3 West Boca Toastmasters Club 1 978 C 33

Mil ler, Jarissa L. 11 /28/201 3 Scotia Dynasty Club 829842 I 91

Randazzo, Laura 11 /21 /201 3 Plantation Club 2582 B 23

Ribner, Melinda S 11 /21 /201 3 Boca Raton Noon Toastmasters Club 4207 C 31

Schneyer, John J. 1 1 /7/201 3 WCR Palm Beaches Noon Toastmasters 1 21 6688 C 31

Stone, Rebecca K. 11 /2/201 3 Toast of Las Olas 9400 B 22

Vinikoor, Lori R. 11 /22/201 3 West Boca Toastmasters Club 1 978 C 33

Whymns, Kamara 11 /29/201 3 Scotia Dynasty Club 829842 I 91

…on earning Advanced Communicator Bronze (ACB) Certification:

Toastmaster Date Club Club # Div. Area

Armbrister, Sherman Paul 1 1 /28/201 3 Scotia Dynasty Club 829842 I 91

Flanagan, Marcus 11 /27/201 3 Sensor Toast Club 351 8 C 32

Symonette, Sharine Theresa 11 /1 4/201 3 Cable Beach West Club 6796 F 61

Wells, Charles Alexander 11 /29/201 3 Scotia Dynasty Club 829842 I 91

…on earning Advanced Communicator Gold (ACG) Certification:

Toastmaster Date Club Club # Div. Area

Gaslowitz, Norman 11 /2/201 3 Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters 2096 A 1 2

Lotmore, Antoinette 11 /1 4/201 3 Great Persuaders Of Atlantis Club 8720 F 63

Mahoney, Heather 11 /24/201 3 Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters 2096 A 1 2

Page 34: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013




…on earning Competent Leader (CL) Certification:

Toastmaster Date Club Club # Div. Area

Aragon, Jairo 11 /5/201 3 Toast Of The Gold Coast Club 4267 B 21

Dash, Jennifer 11 /5/201 3 Office Depot Toastmasters Club 9086 C 32

Gil lette, El len 11 /20/201 3 Fort Pierce Toastmasters 1 41 7483 D 40

Johnson, L. Shenique 11 /11 /201 3 Action Communicators Extraordinaire 9477 I 90

Luczak, Denise 11 /21 /201 3 Early Bird Club 3659 B 21

Matthews, Victoria H. 11 /8/201 3 American Express Communication 1 41 5772 B 23

Ott, Kate 11 /6/201 3 Power Speakers Club 589263 B 22

Perdomo, Alexis Peter 11 /22/201 3 High Voltage Voices 1 376226 D 41

Wells, Charles Alexander 11 /29/201 3 Scotia Dynasty Club 829842 I 91

. . .on earning Leadership Excellence (LDREXC) Certification:

Toastmaster Date Club Club # Div. Area

Isaacson, Marshall Owen 11 /4/201 3 Boca Raton Toastmasters 3299 C 31

Vogin, El lyn 11 /8/201 3 Sensor Toast Club 351 8 C 32

. . .on reaching the peak: DISTINGUISHED TOASTMASTER!

Toastmaster Date Awarded Club Club # Div. Area

Gaslowitz, Norman 11 /4/201 3 Gelfand Good Morning Toastmasters 2096 A 1 2

Page 35: D47 Sunshiner - November & December, 2013


Does your club have an impressive way of attracting

new members? How do you make your meetings fun?

Got a special anniversary or other event coming up?

The Sunshiner wants to know.

Send us news and feature articles about your

Toastmasters journeso we can share them with the rest

of District 47. Submit articles, images and comments to:

[email protected]

Articles: Submit them via email , as Word attachments

or in the body of the email . Write “D47 Sunshiner” and

the article title in the subject l ine of your email .

Images: For proper reproduction, we prefer original

JPG files rather than links to online photos, which

often are so small they get distorted when enlarged to

the size we need. Set your camera at the highest

resolution you can, so the image is at least 200K.

Include as much information as you can about the

subjects in the image. I f you did not shoot the photo

yourself, tel l us who did so we can give proper credit.

For all submissions: Please include your name and

phone number, in case we have questions.

Got News?Share It with Your Fellow Toastmasters

Issue Theme Deadline

July 201 3 The Leadership Issue

August 201 3 Finding the Talent Within

October 201 3 Fall Conference: Heroes & Vil lains

November/December 201 3 Fall Conference Review

January 201 4 Resolutions for Results January 1 4

February 201 4 The FUN Issue February 1 4

March 201 4 TMI ’s New Education Program March 1 4

Apri l 201 4 Membership Campaigns That Add Up April 1 4

May 201 4 201 4 Spring Conference May 1 4

June 201 4 District 47 Year in Review June 1 4

Get ready to make 201 4 your best year yet

with our January theme feature, "Resolutions

for Results." Share your tips for success, and

don't forget to send us your club, area and

division news by the deadlines below: