D105 APBI Future - My Point of View

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  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Dr. F. Guedea 28 de enero 2011

    APBI future: My point of view.

    Congreso Portugus de Oncologa Radioterpica

    Porto, 27 al 29 de Enero 2011

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. TheThe futurefuture forfor RTRT inin BreastBreast cancercancer::

    11..11 HypofractionationHypofractionation inin BreastBreast CancerCancer

    11..22 IMRTIMRT inin BreastBreast CancerCancer

    11..33 APBIAPBI

    22.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::

    33.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::

    44.. LiteratureLiterature reviewreview forfor APBIAPBI::

    55.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience..66.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    1.RMH/GOC Phase III Trial (UK): 19861.RMH/GOC Phase III Trial (UK): 1986--19981998

    2.Ontario Phase III Trial (Canada): 19932.Ontario Phase III Trial (Canada): 1993--19961996

    3.START A Phase III Trial (UK):3.START A Phase III Trial (UK): A 1999A 1999--200220024.START B Phase III Trial (UK): 19994.START B Phase III Trial (UK): 1999--20012001

    PhasePhase IIIIII trialstrials forfor

    hypofractionationhypofractionation inin BreastBreast cancercancer

    J. Yarnold, S. Bentzen et al.

    Hypofractionated whole-breast RT for women with early breast cancer:Myths and realities.

    IJROBP in press. Accepted august 2010.

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.Ontario Phase III (Canada, Whelan et al.)19932.Ontario Phase III (Canada, Whelan et al.)1993--19961996

    50.0/25/5.0 (2.0) LR: 3.2% Good Cosmesis: 79.2%50.0/25/5.0 (2.0) LR: 3.2% Good Cosmesis: 79.2%42.5/16/3.2 (2.66) LR: 2.8% Good Cosmesis: 77.9%42.5/16/3.2 (2.66) LR: 2.8% Good Cosmesis: 77.9%

    with median FU > 132 monthswith median FU > 132 months

    1234 patients1234 patients

    Phase III trials forPhase III trials for

    hypofractionation in Breast cancerhypofractionation in Breast cancer

    Whelan T., et al..

    Long-term results of Hypofractionated RT for breast cancer:

    NEJM 362: 513-520. 2010

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    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. TheThe futurefuture forfor RTRT inin BreastBreast cancercancer::

    11..11 HypofractionationHypofractionation inin BreastBreast CancerCancer

    11..22 IMRTIMRT inin BreastBreast CancerCancer

    11..33 ABPIABPI

    22.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::

    33.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::

    44.. LiteratureLiterature reviewreview forfor APBIAPBI::

    55.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience..66.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Pignol JP., Olivotto I., et al.Pignol JP., Olivotto I., et al.

    JCO. 15, 2488JCO. 15, 2488--2493. 2007.2493. 2007.

    Randomised trial of 3D RT vs IMRT in 358 patientsRandomised trial of 3D RT vs IMRT in 358 patientsIMRT compared to conventional RT (P=0.002) significantly reduces theIMRT compared to conventional RT (P=0.002) significantly reduces the

    development of severe moist descamation (31.2 vs 47.8%).development of severe moist descamation (31.2 vs 47.8%).

    ThreeThree phasephase IIIIII studystudy publishedpublished forfor BreastBreast

    tumorstumors ((ComparingComparing IMRT vs Standard RT)IMRT vs Standard RT)

    Donovan E., Yarnold J., et al.Donovan E., Yarnold J., et al.

    Rad. & Oncol. 82, 254Rad. & Oncol. 82, 254--264. 2007.264. 2007.

    Randomised trial of standard 2D RT vs IMRT in 306 patients.Randomised trial of standard 2D RT vs IMRT in 306 patients.Incidence of change in breast appearance was higher with standard RTIncidence of change in breast appearance was higher with standard RT

    compared to IMRT (P=0.008).compared to IMRT (P=0.008).

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    BarnettBarnett G., et al.G., et al.Radio. &Radio. & OncolOncol. 92, 34. 92, 34--41. 2009.41. 2009.

    AA randomisedrandomised controlledcontrolled trial of forwardtrial of forward--plannedplanned RT (IMRT)RT (IMRT) forfor 11451145 patientspatients

    withwith earlyearly breastbreast cancercancer:: baselinebaseline characteristicscharacteristics andand dosimetrydosimetry resultsresults..

    ConclusionConclusion:: ThisThis trialtrial confirmedconfirmed thatthat dosimetrydosimetry cancan bebe significantlysignificantlyimprovedimproved withwith aa simplesimple methodmethod ofof forwardforward--plannedplanned dosimetrydosimetry.. ItIt isis shownshown

    thatthat patientspatients withwith largerlarger breastsbreasts areare moremore likelylikely withwith dosedose inhomogeneitiesinhomogeneities

    andand breastbreast separationseparation givesgives somesome indicationsindications ofof thisthis likelihoodlikelihood..

    PhotographsPhotographs assessmentassessment ofof patientspatients atat 22 yearsyears afterafter RT,RT, asas thethe nextnext partpart ofof

    thisthis randomisedrandomised controlledcontrolled trial,trial, willwill showshow whetherwhether thesethese resultsresults forfor IMRTIMRT

    translatetranslate intointo improvedimproved cosmeticcosmetic outcomeoutcome..

    Breast IMRT Phase III trialBreast IMRT Phase III trial

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    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. TheThe futurefuture forfor RTRT inin BreastBreast cancercancer::

    22.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::

    33.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::44.. LiteratureLiterature reviewreview forfor APBIAPBI::

    55.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience::

    66.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Location of local recurrence in the breast after tumorectomy

    AuthorsAuthors NN casescases NN recurrencesrecurrences NN recurrencesrecurrences inin

    thethe samesame quadrantquadrant

    Clark 1982Clark 1982 680680 8787 84 ( 96 % )84 ( 96 % )SchnittSchnitt 154154 1212 10 ( 83 %)10 ( 83 %)

    Clarke 1985Clarke 1985 436436 1515 9 ( 60 % )9 ( 60 % )

    LeungLeung 19861986 493493 4848 36 ( 75 % )36 ( 75 % )

    LimbergenLimbergen 19871987 238238 2222 19 ( 86 % )19 ( 86 % )

    TOTALTOTAL 19911991 184184 158 ( 86 % )158 ( 86 % )

    VeronesiVeronesi,, MilanMilan, 12, 12 yearyear followfollow--up. 86% localup. 86% local relapsesrelapses inin thethe samesame quadrantquadrant..

    Rationale for APBIRationale for APBI

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    PorcentagePorcentage dede controlcontrol locallocal aa loslos 55 aaosos:: 8282%% enen pacientespacientes dedemenosmenos dede 3535 aaosos..

    PorcentagePorcentage dede controlcontrol locallocal aa loslos 55 aaosos:: 8585%% enen pacientespacientes dedeentreentre 3636--4040 aaosos..

    PorcentagePorcentage dede controlcontrol locallocal aa loslos 55 aaosos:: 9292%% enen pacientespacientes dedeentreentre 4141--5050 aaosos..

    PorcentagePorcentage dede controlcontrol locallocal aa loslos 55 aaosos:: 9696%% enen pacientespacientes dede

    entreentre 5151--6060 aaosos.. PorcentagePorcentage dede controlcontrol locallocal aa loslos 55 aaosos:: 9797%% enen pacientespacientes dede

    mmss dede 6060 aaosos


  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologia

    SelectedSelected patientspatients::

    elderlyelderly patientspatients ((SupSup toto 5555--6060 yearsyears))

    T1T1 tumorstumors

    EstrogenEstrogen receptorsreceptors positivepositive

    WithoutWithout EICEIC

    WithoutWithout lymphovascularlymphovascular invasioninvasion

    NegativeNegative axillaryaxillary nodesnodes

    MarginsMargins freefree


    Fowble B, Radiother Oncol 55, 26, 2000Fowble B, Radiother Oncol 55, 26, 2000

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    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::22.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::

    2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.3 IORT with electrons.2.3 IORT with electrons.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.

    2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.6 EBRT with 32.6 EBRT with 3--D or IMRT.D or IMRT.

    2.7 Seeds.2.7 Seeds.2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)

    3. Literature review for APBI:3. Literature review for APBI:

    44.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience..55.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.1 Multicatheters technique: advantages

    TumorTumor parametersparameters areare exactlyexactly knowknow atat thethe time oftime of implantimplant ((IfIf thethe

    implantimplant isis donedone postoperativepostoperative).).

    TargetTarget volumevolume coveragecoverage isis notnot limitedlimited inin formform andand volumevolume..

    VeryVery goodgood reproducibilityreproducibility..

    TreatmentTreatment planningplanning simple andsimple and reliablereliable..

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.1 Multicatheters technique: disadvantages

    Individually long learning curve.

    Some puncture sites

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    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::22.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::

    2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.3 IORT with electrons.2.3 IORT with electrons.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.

    2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.6 EBRT with 32.6 EBRT with 3--D or IMRT.D or IMRT.

    2.7 Seeds.2.7 Seeds.2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)

    3. Literature review for APBI:3. Literature review for APBI:

    44.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience..55.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.2 Balloon technique: advantages

    Short learning curve.

    Good reproducibility.

    One puncture site.

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.2 Balloon technique: disadvantages

    Volume coverage is very limited in form and volume. Tumor parameters are not exactly know at the time of implant

    Dose to the skin.

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    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::22.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::

    2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.3 IORT with electrons.2.3 IORT with electrons.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.

    2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.6 EBRT with 32.6 EBRT with 3--D or IMRT.D or IMRT.

    2.7 Seeds.2.7 Seeds.2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)

    3. Literature review for APBI:3. Literature review for APBI:

    44.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience..55.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.3 Single fraction 21 Gy with an IORT

    dedicated accelerator : advantages

    Good target volume coverage with sufficient dose.

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.3 Single fraction 21 Gy with an IORT

    dedicated accelerator : disadvantages

    Tumor parameters are not exactly known at the

    time of irradiation.

    Availability of this expensive system is limited.

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    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::22.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::

    2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.3 IORT with electrons.2.3 IORT with electrons.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.

    2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.6 EBRT with 32.6 EBRT with 3--D or IMRT.D or IMRT.

    2.7 Seeds.2.7 Seeds.2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)

    3. Literature review for APBI:3. Literature review for APBI:

    44.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience..55.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.4 Single fraction with 50 kV x-ray

    machine: advantages

    More flexibility

    compared with singlefraction from a Linac.

    Less expensive system

    compared to dedicated

    IORT Linac.

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.4 Single fraction with 50 kV x-ray

    machine: disadvantages

    Tumor parameters are not exactly known at the

    time of irradiation.

    Dose distribution is limited in form and volume.

    Insuficient 20 Gy surface and 5-6 Gy single

    fraction in 1 cm tissue depth?

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    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::22.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::

    2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.3 IORT with electrons.2.3 IORT with electrons.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.

    2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.6 EBRT with 32.6 EBRT with 3--D or IMRT.D or IMRT.

    2.7 Seeds.2.7 Seeds.2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)

    3. Literature review for APBI:3. Literature review for APBI:

    44.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience..55.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy with an

    HDR X-Ray source: advantages

    No radioactive isotopes

    Minimal room shielding requirements.

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.5 Electronic brachytherapy with an

    HDR X-Ray source: disadvantages

    Minimal clinical references and information

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    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::22.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::

    2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.3 IORT with electrons.2.3 IORT with electrons.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.

    2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.6 EBRT with 32.6 EBRT with 3--D or IMRT.D or IMRT.

    2.7 Seeds.2.7 Seeds.2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)

    3. Literature review for APBI:3. Literature review for APBI:

    44.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience..55.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.6. External radiation therapy with 3-D or

    IMRT: advantages Tumor parameters are exactly know at the time of external beam.

    Target volume coverage is not limited in form and volume.

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.6 External radiation therapy with 3-D or

    IMRT: disadvantages

    Daily breast fixation and reproducibility.

    High integral dose.

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    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::22.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::

    2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.3 IORT with electrons.2.3 IORT with electrons.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.

    2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.6 EBRT with 32.6 EBRT with 3--D or IMRT.D or IMRT.

    2.7 Seeds.2.7 Seeds.2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)

    3. Literature review for APBI:3. Literature review for APBI:

    44.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience..55.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.7 Brachytherapy with seeds:


    Invasive treatment with a technique very usefull in other


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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.7 Brachytherapy with seeds:


    Minimal clinical references and information.

    Mammography FU with seeds?

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    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::22.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::

    2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.1 Multicatheters Technique.2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.2 Baloon Technique (Mamosite).2.3 IORT with electrons.2.3 IORT with electrons.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.2.4 IORT with Intrabeam.

    2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.5 Electronic Brachytherapy (Xoft).2.6 EBRT with 32.6 EBRT with 3--D or IMRT.D or IMRT.

    2.7 Seeds.2.7 Seeds.2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)2.8 Non invasive Brachytherapy (Accuboost)

    3. Literature review for APBI:3. Literature review for APBI:

    44.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience..

    55.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.8 Non-Invasive HDR Brachytherapy

    with AccuBoost: Advantages.

    Non invasive treatment


    Mammography based IGRT

    with CR System for digital


    Different apllicators.

    Minimal exposure to heart

    and lungs.

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    2.8 Non-Invasive HDR brachytherapy

    with AccuBoost: disadvantages

    Minimal clinical references and information.

    Daily Mammography.

    Dose to the skin.

    Necesity of a Mammography Unit for the


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    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::

    22.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::

    33.. LiteratureLiterature reviewreview forfor APBIAPBI::

    PhasePhase II--IIII trialstrialsPhasePhase IIIIII trialstrials

    OngoingOngoing PhasePhase IIIIII trialstrials44.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience..

    55.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Vicini F., Martinez A., et al.

    Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 69, 1124-1130. 2007.

    Interim cosmetic results and toxicity using 3D CRT to

    deliver APBI ( 34-38.5 Gy in 10 fractions over 5 consecutive

    days) in 91 pts with early breast cancer

    ConclusionConclusion:: DeliveryDelivery ofof APBIAPBI withwith 33DD--CRTCRTresultedresulted inin minimalminimal chronicchronic (>(>66 months)months)toxicitytoxicity toto datedate withwith good/excellentgood/excellent cosmeticcosmeticresultsresults.. AdditionalAdditional FUFU isis neededneeded toto assessassess

    thethe longlong termterm efficacyefficacy ofof thisthis formform ofof APBIAPBI..

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    3-DCRT APBI: Summary







    T sizeT size





    ER +ER +





    BeaumontBeaumont 9292 6262 2323 -- 22 -- 00

    NYUNYU 7878 67.567.5 2828 0.90.9 00 100100 00

    MGHMGH 6161 62621212

    (min)(min)0.90.9 00 -- 00

    RTOGRTOG03190319 4242 6161 -- 0.850.85 -- -- --

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Ott O., Ptter R., Strnad V., et al.

    Radiat. & Oncol. 82, 281-286. 2007.

    Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) with multi-

    catheter brachytherapy: local control (LC), side effects and

    cosmetic outcome for 274 patients. Results of the German-

    Austrian multi-centre trial.

    ConclusionConclusion:: LCLC waswas 9999,,33%%,, andand 33yy locallocal

    recurrencerecurrence FreeFree SurvivalSurvival waswas 9999,,66%%.. LateLate

    effectseffects GradeGrade 33 occurredoccurred inin 11..88%%.. ThisThis

    analysisanalysis underlinedunderlined thethe safetysafety andand effectivenesseffectivenessofof APBIAPBI..

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    MultiCatheter APBI: HDR/ LDR SummaryMultiCatheter APBI: HDR/ LDR Summary








    T sizeT size





    ER +ER +










    Oschner 5151 6363 7575 1.41.4 1818 -- -- 22 --

    Beaumont 199199 6565 6565 1.11.1 1212 -- 5757 1.21.2 9999

    Tufts-NEMC 3232 6363 3333 1.31.3 99 7979 6161 33 8888

    VCU 4444 6262 4242 1.21.2 1818 -- 6666 00 8080

    Nat. Inst.Onc.

    Budapest4545 5656 8181 1.21.2 22 8282 1616 6.76.7 9797

    Guys Cs 137 4949 5858 7575 2.52.5 4646 -- -- 1818 8181

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    MF. Clemente, J. Garcia, MT. Murillo, et al.MF. Clemente, J. Garcia, MT. Murillo, et al.

    Rev. Fis. Med. 10, 133Rev. Fis. Med. 10, 133--137. 2009.137. 2009.Irradiacin parcial de la mama con el palicador Mammosite:Irradiacin parcial de la mama con el palicador Mammosite:

    Primera experiencia en Espaa.Primera experiencia en Espaa.

    APBI with MammositeAPBI with Mammosite

    Vicini F., et al.Vicini F., et al.

    Cancer 15, 112, 758Cancer 15, 112, 758--766. 2008.766. 2008.

    33--year analysis of treatment efficacy, cosmesis, and toxicity in pactients treatedyear analysis of treatment efficacy, cosmesis, and toxicity in pactients treatedwith APBI using MammoSitewith APBI using MammoSite

    Benitez P., Keisch M., Vicini F., et al.Benitez P., Keisch M., Vicini F., et al.

    The American Journal of Surgery 194, 456The American Journal of Surgery 194, 456--462, 2007.462, 2007.

    55--year results: the initial clinical trial of Mammosite balloon brachytherapyyear results: the initial clinical trial of Mammosite balloon brachytherapy

    for APBI in earlyfor APBI in early--stage breast cancerstage breast cancerExcellent cosmetic results in 83.3% and 5y local recurrence similar to BCTExcellent cosmetic results in 83.3% and 5y local recurrence similar to BCT

    with a median FU of 5.5 y.with a median FU of 5.5 y.

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    MammoSite PBI: summary







    T sizeT size(cm)(cm)




    ER +ER +








    Initial MultiInitial Multi--

    InstitutionalInstitutional4343 6969 4848 1.01.0 00 -- 00 8080

    Rush Univ.Rush Univ. 112112 6464 --88%88%

    TisTis--T1T177 -- 00 8080


    VCUVCU2828 6262 1919 1.11.1 00 100100 00 8686

    St. VincentSt. Vincent

    HospitalHospital3232 6262 1111 97% T197% T1 99 9494 -- 8686

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    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::

    22.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::

    33.. LiteratureLiterature reviewreview forfor APBIAPBI::

    PhasePhase II--IIII trialstrialsPhasePhase IIIIII trialstrials

    OngoingOngoing PhasePhase IIIIII trialstrials44.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience..

    55.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Polgar C., et al.

    Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 69, 694-702. 2007.

    Breast conserving treatment with Partial breast irradiation with

    HDR multicathethers (PBI, 128 pts, 7 x 5.2 Gy) or whole breast

    irradiation (WBI, 130 pts, 50 Gy) for low-risk breast cancer

    patients: 5-y results of a randomized trial phase III of 258 pts

    ConclusionConclusion:: AtAt aa medianmedian FUFU ofof 6666 months,months, thetheresultsresults areare similarsimilar:: OSOS ((9494..66%% vsvs 9191..88%%),), DFSDFS((8888..33%% vsvs 9090..33%%),), LR LR ((44..77%% vsvs 33..44%%)).. ForFor

    cosmeticcosmetic resultsresults:: 8181..22%% inin APBIAPBI vsvs 7070%% ininWBIWBI (p=(p=00..009009))..

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Vaidya J., Saunders M., et al. (28 centres in 9 countries)

    Targeted intraoperative RT vs WBRT for breast cancer (TARGIT-A Trial):

    an international, prospective, randomised, non inferiorty Phase III Trial.

    Lancet 376, 91-102. 2010.

    1119 WBRT1119 WBRT

    with a dose of 45with a dose of 45--5656 GyGy

    with or without a boost of 10with or without a boost of 10--1616 GyGy

    2232 patients2232 patients randomisedrandomised to:to: vsvs

    1113 with1113 with IntraopRTIntraopRTwith a dose of 20with a dose of 20 GyGy surface and 5surface and 5--77 GyGy atat1 cm (8561 cm (856 TargitTargit only and 142only and 142 TargitTargit andand


  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Vaidya J., Saunders M., et al. (28 centres in 9 countries)

    Targeted intraoperative RT vs WBRT for breast cancer

    (TARGIT-A Trial):an international, prospective, randomised, non inferiorty Phase III Trial.

    Lancet 376, 91-102. 2010.

    Local recurrence at 4y.: 1,2% inLocal recurrence at 4y.: 1,2% in TargitTargit and 0.95% in WBRTand 0.95% in WBRT

    Major Toxicity = in both groups (p=0.44)Major Toxicity = in both groups (p=0.44)

    RT Toxicity Grade III was lower inRT Toxicity Grade III was lower in TargitTargit Group (0.5%)Group (0.5%)

    compared with the WBRT group (2.1%) (p=0.002)compared with the WBRT group (2.1%) (p=0.002)

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Vaidya J., Saunders M., et al. (28 centres in 9 countries)

    Targeted intraoperative RT vs WBRT for breast cancer

    (TARGIT-A Trial): an international, prospective, randomised,

    non inferiorty Phase III Trial.

    Lancet 376, 91-102. 2010.

    In a series of 2232 patients, (1119 with WBRT and 1113 In a series of 2232 patients, (1119 with WBRT and 1113

    withwith IntraoperativeIntraoperative RTRT --856856 TargitTargit only and 142only and 142 TargitTargit

    and EBRTand EBRT-- with a dose of 20with a dose of 20 GyGy surface and 5surface and 5--77 GyGy at 1 cm),at 1 cm),a single dose of RT delivered at the time o surgery by usea single dose of RT delivered at the time o surgery by use

    of targetedof targeted intraoperativeintraoperative RT should be considered as anRT should be considered as an

    alternative to EBRT delivered over several weeks.alternative to EBRT delivered over several weeks.

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::

    22.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::

    33.. LiteratureLiterature reviewreview forfor APBIAPBI::

    PhasePhase II--IIII trialstrialsPhasePhase IIIIII trialstrials

    OngoingOngoing PhasePhase IIIIII trialstrials44.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience..

    55.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologia

    1.1. GECGEC--ESTRO Phase III trial (Europe)ESTRO Phase III trial (Europe)

    2.2. NSABP BNSABP B--39 / RTOG0413 Phase III Trial (USA)39 / RTOG0413 Phase III Trial (USA)

    3. ELIOT Phase III Trial (Milan, Italy)3. ELIOT Phase III Trial (Milan, Italy)4.4. Rapid Phase III Trial (Canada)Rapid Phase III Trial (Canada)

    5.5. Irma Phase III Trial (Italy)Irma Phase III Trial (Italy)

    OngoingOngoing PhasePhase IIIIII trialstrials forfor

    APBI inAPBI in BreastBreast cancercancer

    J. Yarnold, and J. Haviland.

    Pushing the limits of hypofractionation of adjuvant WBRT.

    The Breast 19. 176-179. 2010.

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Polgar C., Van Limbergen, Polo A., Guedea F., et al.

    Radiotherapy and Oncology 94, 264-273. 2010.

    Patient selection for APBI after breast-conserving surgery:

    recommendations of the GEC-ESTRO breast cancer workinggroup based on clinical evidence.

    ConclusionConclusion:: TheseThese recommendationsrecommendations willwill provideprovide aa clinicalclinical

    guidanceguidance regardingregarding thethe useuse of of APBIAPBI outsideoutside thethe contextcontext ofof aaclinicalclinical trialtrial beforebefore largelarge--scalescale randomizedrandomized trialtrial outcomeoutcome datadata

    becomebecome availableavailable.. FurthermoreFurthermore theythey shouldshould promotepromote furtherfurther

    clinicalclinical researchresearch focusingfocusing onon controversilacontroversila issuesissues inin thethe

    treatmenttreatment ofof earlyearly--stagestage breastbreast carcinomacarcinoma..

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Polgar C., Van Limbergen, Polo A., Guedea F., et al.

    Radiotherapy and Oncology 94, 264-273. 2010.

    Patient selection for APBI after breast-conserving surgery: recommendations of the

    GEC-ESTRO breast cancer working group based on clinical evidence.

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Smith B., Arthur D., Buchholz T., Vicini F.,

    Whelan T., Harris J., et al.

    Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 74, 987-1001. 2009.

    APBI consensus statement from the ASTRO.

    ConclusionConclusion:: TheThe TaskTask forceforce proposedproposed 33 patientspatients groupsgroups::11)) AA suitablesuitable

    groupgroup,, fofo whomwhom APBIAPBI ousideouside aa clinicalclinical trialtrial isis acceptableacceptable,, 22)) AA cautionarycautionary

    groupgroup,, fromfrom whomwhom cautioncaution andand concernconcern shouldshould bebe appliedapplied whenwhen

    consideringconsidering APBIAPBI outsideoutside ofof aa clinicalclinical trialtrial andand 33)) AnAn unsuitableunsuitable groupgroup,,forfor whomwhom APBIAPBI outsideoutside aa clinicalclinical trialtrial isis notnot generallygenerally consideredconsidered

    warrantedwarranted.. PatientsPatients whowho choosechoose treatmenttreatment withwith APBIAPBI shouldshould bebe informedinformed

    thatthat wholewhole--breastbreast irradiationirradiation isis anan establisedestablised treatmenttreatment withwith aa muchmuch longerlonger

    tracktrack recordrecord thatthat hashas documenteddocumented longlong--termterm effectivenesseffectiveness andand safetysafety..

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Smith B., Arthur D., Buchholz T., Vicini F.,

    Whelan T., Harris J., et al.

    Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 74, 987-1001. 2009.

    APBI consensus statement from the ASTRO.

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Smith B., Arthur D., Buchholz T., Vicini F.,

    Whelan T., Harris J., et al.

    Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 74, 987-1001. 2009.

    APBI consensus statement from the ASTRO.

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Smith B., Arthur D., Buchholz T., Vicini F.,

    Whelan T., Harris J., et al.

    Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 74, 987-1001. 2009.

    APBI consensus statement from the ASTRO.

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. TheThe futurefuture forfor RTRT inin BreastBreast cancercancer::

    22.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::

    33.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::

    44.. LiteratureLiterature reviewreview forfor APBIAPBI::

    55.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience::

    66.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Step-by-Step multicatheters technique

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    Institut Catal dOncologia

    1.1. Short learning curve.Short learning curve.

    2.2. Good reproducibility.Good reproducibility.

    3.3. One puncture site.One puncture site.

    4.4. Excellent integration between surgeons and RadiationExcellent integration between surgeons and Radiation


    Our team has selected theOur team has selected the

    Balloon technique at DexeusBalloon technique at Dexeus

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View



    To evaluate our experience with brachytherapy alone used as a partial

    breast irradiation technique following conservative breast


    This was a phase II single-center trial of 42 patients between 66 to 89

    years old with early breast cancer. High-dose rate brachytherapy (HDR-BT)

    was applied through plastic catheters in all cases.

    Ultrasound localization was used to insert the catheters into the border areaof the surgical bed.

    Ten fractions of 3.4 Gy each were administred, b.i.d. (twice daily), atintervals of at least 6 hours. After tube placement, a CT was performed to

    evaluate dosimetry.

    The mean follow up was 4.5 years (1.4-5.3y)

    Purpose & Materials (APBI)

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  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View



    Treatment outcome

    One patient (2,38%) had a local relapse requiring salvage mastectomy.

    A second patient (2,38%) developed multiple bone and lung metastases anddied in September 2009.

    A third patient (2,38%) was diagnosed with a primary lungadenocarcinoma (treated with chemotherapy) and bone metastasis, wichwas treated with palliative radiotherapy.

    The remaining 39 (92,86%) patients are alive free of disease.

    Cosmetic results are excellent in 24 patients (57,14%), good in 3 patients

    (7,14%), bad in 6 patients (14,29%), the remaining 9 no cosmetic resultsevaluated.

    Treatment outcome and

    cosmetic results (APBI)

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologiaICO+centre. Servei/Unitat

    11.. TheThe futurefuture forfor RTRT inin BreastBreast cancercancer::

    22.. RationaleRationale forfor APBIAPBI::

    33.. ModalitiesModalities ofof APBIAPBI::

    44.. LiteratureLiterature reviewreview forfor APBIAPBI::

    55.. CatalanCatalan InstituteInstitute ofof OncologyOncology experienceexperience::

    66.. GeneralGeneral ConclusionsConclusions::

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Modified from J. Yarnold, S. Bentzen et al.

    Hypofractionated whole-breast RT for women with

    early breast cancer: Myths and realities.

    IJROBP in press. Accepted august 2010.

    ... Recent randomized trials justify the routine... Recent randomized trials justify the routineuse of modest hypofractionation with APBIuse of modest hypofractionation with APBI

    in women with early breast cancer .in women with early breast cancer .....

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Prosnitz L., Horner J., and Wallner P.

    Int. J. Rad. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 74, 981-984. 2009.

    APBI: caution and concern form an ASTRO Task Force.

    WBI in a conventional courseWBI in a conventional course

    remains the gold standard, andremains the gold standard, andpatients should be so informed.patients should be so informed.

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View


    Institut Catal dOncologia

    Azria D., and Bourgier C.

    Partial Breast Irradiation: new standard for selected


    Lancet 376, 71-72. 2010.

    In elderly patients, we are already convinced In elderly patients, we are already convinced

    that APBI is the new standardthat APBI is the new standardand intraoperative RT an excellent approach.and intraoperative RT an excellent approach.

  • 8/7/2019 D105 APBI Future - My Point of View




    Institut Catal dOncologia

    ICO lHospitalet

    Hospital Duran i Reynals

    Gran Via de lHospitalet, 199-203

    08907 lHospitalet de Llobregat

    ICO Badalona

    Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol

    Ctra. del Canyet s/n

    08916 Badalona

    ICO Girona

    Hospital Doctor Trueta

    Av. Frana s/n

    17007 Girona

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