D THEY SAUT-READ IT WEEKLY ON EDITORIAL … · an interesting feature! and they saut-read it weekly...

AN INTERESTING FEATURE! AN D THEY SAUT-READ IT WEEKLY ON EDITORIAL PAGE vil, No. 48 FOLLOW DONOHUE'S SPORTS COMMENT IN'OR SO IT SEEMS 1 EVERY WEEK ON SPORT PAGE WOODHRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 31,1936 FROMOUR FRONT WINDOW to circumvent % . ..t , t. « in iti appWtjon for ,„, It would bj W.1I t« . i.*ltUti*« Sin pr.- »*ll of tnterprUet »• now «n- !,'l t* n P roRt » * rt<l two "" \ ',',,'uri™ fr° m ••«•'" P^nt. nu th's speech before the League created a.lot of ., i (iverybody had known hia v already, and talk in about. . ',', will come of it. ' *«• I , r more effective w«t Con- ,,,„„»„ Hamilton FUh't J- 7 the .,| e , „,,„, Tugw.ll, q Tru.l 'In- „,,„, Tugw.ll, Fr«kfuM.r ,, Cohem ••<! other N«w York j.littk termitei, iwklni to '„','.,|,.rmine the tonitllnllon." ,,,,. we discontinue assessing , ,! property tax, it would at : , ,, iMiiiilnble to either collect , ,11 to do resident* who fail- ,,,iy -as they ar« doing with ; '.. : ,,i,|oned ««!«» taxes—or re- i,,. money of the few who , in .n paying. None can quar- „ a plan that's perfectly fair i ,! Ml vc all, let's be reasonable. |),,wn in Waininfton, wHar* ! i,i liiti u.«d to b* frown«4 up- „„. wr le»rn that the Congreit JUT mitted »•>• lo '»k» a bow bt» |,,.. the atlamblad Uw-nakan t!,,- -thtr day- It w»» Ae L»gi«- !,.,,r r *pr«ianUtiT« pf the bo- „„< Uyi. Ha muit hare bean ,„<(. , :,.ction of state salaries ^ inoo.00 is proposed in a i Assemblyman Thomas of . • County who claims New . , an save half a million dol- ; ,, ,ir through cuts of 5 to 25 t from salaries ranging be- ,• <...000 and $25;0O0, That's !linnr like the rest of us have •.. Mike nnd everybody will be .itisfmd. Sue H. TooJ, a New York , t ''.• Aiiewibly wuiu«rrr^H":pf«- ;ijtlt« lawi looking towirdi ..• , r divorce »nd more dlffimlt .i nage. Probably thii il a bet- : wnf The old tytteiu doein't ii lo be working to well. ! • ii wore arrested in Hobo- week for operating a lot- •»ie name of a Scranton, Pa. tin- American Legion. This kiml IIf ono-aided gambling I'irtiner is determined to ••.'. of Woodb^ridgfe; 11 <lrrelopei thst tks marcit tin have b«*n granUd itate p.im-i on New Jen«7 railroMi ul the racket bat txeoai* to uip.inl that the Senate caucui • lit 1y decided on lif panes I.ii iach Senator. How 'bout it? Investigation ditciotei that the !t!i< printi the panel, the Sec- itiry of State illuel them and I IK mllriudi have no idea of 'iv. many arc extant. Eren the rrUry of State HT" he 1 'inl UnoW who ka> them. '•.'••:u> 1500 tre reported to be II me, rtlker than "one hundred r .MI—which would take care p.-rioni entitled to tke privi- :• Can you tie that one? 1 ..:' nut one's presidential cam- Brooklyn, as Senator Bo- ! is nlmoat a* bad as begin- i ;imden. But everybody <«hin Coolidge's comment nk r the Senator out riding y "The strange thing about .il Cal. "was that Both the nil the Senator were going •. amo direction!" Borah sel- ." s along with anything. Hr Sheriff 1 , lobby ka> of lirif fougkt all jury reform •iiUtion in New Jeney, for ' Uit Bve ye«r»—and be it I lucctiifully. But tbere il p. Ihit year of getting such a I into li«, tinee notk party 1 f"rm> are pledged to put It ">u s h. SomeKow tke Sheriffl . tu hold on to JnrypUklBg ' l> pouibly addi to their ' I'V, or what kave you. 'ii tlii* School Board adding 11111 to the budget this year :"-.''.000 last year—meaning •' '!'. points to the tax rate— '•Mih the Taxpayer Asmicia- •i'li-inptinjt to do pway with "I- of $50,000 in personal il liioks m though the Wood- 1 II •tiiiuncers would have to "me ht'nvy lifting, It & most commendable of tke "'i Club te take care of caiei »l fyr-trouble among leu for- >i«tt' lufferir. and they *re do- '«•' iplendid work in thii con' ''»!. That'i rejal lervice. |Thi : it RUSH BILLS TO PROVIDE CASH BASIS Detailed, Scientific Plan For Refinancing Vast Debt Studied By The Committee HOPE FOT^DOPTION OF PROGRAM MONDAY Full Year'* Effort Near* Culmination; Taxe* Mutt Be Raised To Meet AH LoodCosts Enabling legislation to cover adoption by Wood- bridge Township of a de- tailed, scientific plan of re- financing its staggering in- debtedness will probably be adopted on first reading Monday nijrht. ' While members of the Town Committee and the Citizens' Com- mittee studied the elaborate pro- gram devised nnd calculated on a careful actuarial basis, ordinances wwe being prepared for presen- tation Monday night at ,thc regu- lar session of the (tovcrninic boiy This step will culminate nearly a lull year of conferences, survey and study initiated by Committee- man Frederick A. Sp«ic«r. $ o f tlle P Ian w ' " be unin- to the citizenry and for Seniors Prepare "ftig Hearted Herbert" For Presentation Socn jt?i PRICE THREE CENTS SLATED AT OLD BANK MONDAY D«- P UD L | Viere <* Ready To Release DOnUS hold MSn $70,000 To Depositors Hits Full Stride; Dpnald Murchie and Genevieve Krause, cast in two of the 1 ending roles of the high school seniors' production of "Big-Hearted Herbert," here run through a hi t of sentimental businesn while other members of the cast form an a prcci.-itive, if not too sympathe- tic audience. In thrumml order, they ttre: Anthony Guiffreda, Evelyn La*yer, Michael Kurucza, PeRgy Ann Raup, Jane Jernee and Robert Anderson. Tht play will be given February 13 and 14. A comedy, it is built around the co nfliclhiK ideas of a mother and a father aa to how their family aha II be trained. leingiDie to the citizenry and for'n t III f\t IP this reason the administration has nirrPr rllfyK0C I If riCf/lf I* Yf)0fTC ( asked and received the assistance \ Ul * Kl I III UOCO \JI I lOtUt LfAf/cf Id of three local bankers—Robert W.lm 1 W * 1 . S\ /I I n, 11 ^^Ao^^Flash Light On Complex Problem of liason between the mass of - P Trt« and "AM^S handle' Herewith are some of the pertinent observations made the plan. This committee will meet.by the fiscal experts who devised the plan for refinancing thTwho"! Woodbrid 8 e Township's $6,000,000 of indebtedness: broad subject of refunding to- " . . . the tax rate, which was reduced from $f>.74 in 1934 nether with the proposal of carry- lo $5.63 in 1935 cannot be maintained. We do not wish to be under- iTTJf ttrernt us submitted hy H. V. stood aa criticising the township aathorities for making the reduction. Roilly and Company. Some reduction . . . was desirable as an incentive to taxpayers." Generally, the plan recognizes •*.••.« the simple nnd fundamental fact "^ * ne debt of the township is to be financed successfully, the that Woodbridge can only rm-pt its ' ev y mus t be increased or expenditures reduced. We suggest a com- dobts as it collects its taxes \\- bination of the two." ' * t + OH page lurlvc) TOWN VOLUNTEERS NOURISH JEALOUSY Wrangling Fails To Earn Appreciable Harmony At A Conierence Volunteer firemen of the township's nine jealously in- dependent districts are quite as jealqus and quite as inde- pendent as they have ever been, observers agreed to-, day, as thty studied the involved tan fie of the companies and the State Firemen's Relief Association. Thret' hourts of wran^li'iic Wed- nesday nitcht amoiif the five local units of that Association—a total "A general tax levy of $1,275,000 or a rate of approximately SCI.00 per thousand would be necessary to support a budget contain ing $305,000 for town operation; $380,000 for debt service; and state, county, school and district taxes at last year's figures." » * » * "Whether the rate will be'rnore or leu than $64.00 will dapeml on ths vigor and success of efforts at tax collection, an increase in as- sessed valuation arid the budget of town operating expenditures actu- ally adopted." " . . . Previous administrations have persistently contri- buted to the present financial situation of Woodbridge by artificially keeping down tax levies through over-estimating miscellaneous rev- en uesandappropHatingso^alb^di WOODBRIDCE TOWNSHIP STRICTLY OKAY DISCOVERS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE SURVEY Unbiased, Unprejudiced Inspection By Consultants Re- veals Schools, Churches And Libraries Fine Although Parks Are Trifle Scanty—But There Are No Slums! CONTINUED UPWARD BUILDINGTREND FORECAST Fords and Hopelawn volunteers in-, ^ n un t ) i ase d i unprejudiced survey made for the Con- produced what may prove a solu-lsultant Service of the National Municipal League makes no tion of the problem, however. i. ,L nllt if The State or K aniiation pay. ,; bones about it •• - - • • • - •• Woodbridge Township is pretty much at an all-right Warns Delinquents M. J. Trainer GAS FIRM STARTS DEFENSE OF BOOST AT STATEJEARING Objectors Await Chance To Probe Bond Between Two Companies 2-WEEK DELAY TAKEN Argument opened yester- day before the Board of Pub- lic Utility Commissioners in Newark over the proposed change in the rate schedule Vets File Claims Police Will Fingerprint Applicants 'Any Time' Announces Keating MIRAGE NEAR REALITY The Bonus Gold Rush was in full swing today as town- ship veterans lost no time whatsoever in preparing ap- plications for the full pay- ment of their adjusted com- pensation certificated in June. Detective Captain G. KeatinR announced police would fipger- print veterans "at any time" and lawyers w«r« besieged with re- quests for Information on proced- ure. Township Attorney Leon E. McBlroy, acting for the American Legion, discussed the situation with many ex-servicemen and an- nounced full details would, be shortly available at his Main Street office. The Veterans of Foreign War» arranged to help eligibles nil their pplication forms at their Uncoln. lighway headquarters between 7:30 and 10 o'clock evenings. They emphasized applications must be accompanied by the "pink slip" piven as receipt for the original of the Perth AmbfV Gas tf Company. TheiuL would adversely effect (• y con- i f f th l / .eviBion e K py $300 death benefit to all exempt firemen and to active volunteers. But at the 1922 convention, thei Association voted membership; limits based on population, in »| ratio entitlinu the whole of the Take for instance these observations: township to only 80 active mem- \vvi I v nCVDfCC FFFfiDT Ibers. Local delegates did not in-li 1 ^*'*'' IMSlKIM HIT UKi form their companies of the full T/) VU I flAJVIF SKSTEIW isumificance if the action w i t h i iU JULL ! h l h hi d luntu the state abruptly "eBmjdiCommission's Efficiency Is 'the result that nothing was done! itil the State abruptly ceas (Continued on page twclvr) PAY CUTS KEPT na J^H ' Ralph S. Kelly, local authority But Board Raises Minimum ,m fishing and hunting, today de- For Teacher* To SI 100 lc ' rietl the PW me J? f / bl ", P ef . or , e ror leacnera io?t,iw ..^ L cg ; s ] a j u f c w hich would abol- "Soriou* consideration cam not ! j»l> th ? present Fi»h and Gamo IZ.i! oTS^: ^cher^e^'^^-nTo^C^n: warned the Board of Education ir «nd of the "If felt, in t\ county is mak- Bquabble.over iinty Prosecutorship, nnd it "»kH as though Assistant I""•• utor Witfht, of Woodbridge, K m line to land the plum. No | e Hi 1 H u . cundidates has anything J '| Wii^lit, for earning and de- r his party's preference, fi'i'k'li hard and faithful perfor- "«i' with exceptionally credit- ' rcMiilts. He should have the "Uitrhent. " >• a mil eeniBienarjr on tha Utiuii of our unemployed •» thii, tha hsivied tnow- 1 i» recent hittory, It's r«port- that not one ilngla m»n ap- ed fur a township job lo help L t> the denning. How'i that the effect of the dole! itnyone can let President vi'lt know where to find two " dollars, quicTtly, he would tli'HH appreciate the tip. It's to be a bit difficult to pay i' bonus boya without any i system from $900 to $1,100. I increase, voted Tuesday after the .Taxpayers' Association had ao- ] proved it the night before, will I mean « further boost of $6,400 In the amount to be raised by tax»- I tion. Fifty-seven teachers, thr«e janitors and the truant officer will be affected, the last four get $300 raises to a siilury of $1,600. The gross rise in the local school tax bill will be $51,817. This includes $7,000" more than last year on current expenses, the $fl,- 400 pay adjustment, items of $1,768 long curried on the books which are to be charged- off, an slashes in the State school tax. Hems within the control of th Board rose $ 13,91)3 over last year estimates. . Scavengers Will Visit Hopelawn On Saturdays Growth of population in Fordi has *> increasrtl the problem o garbage collection that the wor* will be done on Saturdays j Homslawn Health Inspector Harol iMey announced this morning. Collections the.? previously had been made on Wednesday, whe th« Kftveiiff«r^also_vwit Fords. The » nd deceive a fealary of ?7,000. "The efficidncy of the present Boaril of Fish and Game Com- missioners," aaid Mr. Kelly, 'is M Ikiaii Ik WM|U Wu i ntkw lie. ua CIUMM 'u|. PIGEONS KILLED Twelve prined pigeons been destroyed by stray cats, Albino M»ee*> of itreet, Iselin, reported to hav missioners, proven by the facts; that for every dollar collected for hunting and fishing licensee, forty-one cents (Continued on page twelve) BRAWLS, GETS 30 DAYS Starick Sent To Workhouse By Brown On Blando'* Pie* John Sturick,-49, uf 44 Agnes' Place, Fords, was sentenced to 30 days in the workhouse by Judge Arthur P. I Brown in Police Court this week' Joseph Blando, Pine Street, Fords, preferred a disor- derly ohar(r« after a fyrawl. Failure of Anna Yuikovitch, 23 Loretta Street, Hopelawn, to press her charge that John Major, 64, IIIHO of Hopelawn, hadj threatened her resulted in the- caire being dis- missed. Thomas O'Brien, 40,'of Main Street, Woodbridge, was or- dered to pay a disputed board bill in installments to Mra, John Tur- ner 274 Fulton Strut. G. O. P, TO MEET A regular meetjng of the F\rst Ward Republican Club will be held Mohdjay night at headquarters on Amboy Avenue. Thoinas Wand, president, stated that candidates f h B d f E d t i ld president, stated that candia for the Board of Education would "Schools are ample and the en- rollment has increased . "Building . . . has sudden- ly, during the past five months, taken a decided upward trend. Thifs spurt represents new con j struction, being mortly homes. It should continue upward for some time . . i" ' Foreclosures "should be nearly complete and most property should now be in stronger hands." "The scarcity of houses is the immediate forerunner of new con- struction." Churches and libraries "are provided apparently to fill the need of the community." \ " . . . no slum conditions iire prevalent." residences predominate, i b tit Sg p theie^y offering better opportunity for home life. 1 ' "Water frontage haying the de- sirability of this location is rela- tiyely scarce in the New York urea. Find. Faults, Too The survey went further to de- clare that police and fire protec- tion "appear to be adequate. How- ever, so many independent flre de- partments are not conducive to the best and most economical op- eration." The report showed also that the total improved park acre- age, including the one now being built with Federal funds, totals sixty-two acres. "This is a amall area," the League observed, "for a commun- (Continued on page twelve) lions Here P\an Minstrel; Hraska To Be Interlocutor Stephen selected L. Hruska has been interlocutor for the Minstrel Show to be given by the Lions Club March B for the bene- fit of its fund to supply eyeglasses fgr the needy. The end-men will be Harold Votol, Anthony A. Aaiiila, Louis fionen and Rev. Carl C E. Mellberg, . The first rehearsal was held Tuesday and others will he held every Tuesday arid Thursday until the date of presentation. Tickets already are in the hands of mem- bers and may be obtained from th t ti d LEGITIMATE TAXES WON'T BEDROPPED Discrepancies In Ledgers Prohibit An Immediate Sale Of Personalty Despite delays, complaints and threats, Tax Collector Mjchael J. Trainer stated yesterday that all legitimate bill for personal property taxes must be paid. Although the Taxpayers' As- sociation which demanded aband- onment of the plan to advertise the delinquents has made its purport- ed influence 1 to be felt in some quarters, a counter-move has been inaugurated by those who paid their assessments and now are faced with the possibility of also having to pay the way. for dead- heads. Mr. Trainet stated that a num- ber of discrepancies and inaccur- acies have been discovered in the (Cpntimttd on page twelve) 'BENT FEfiDERS' WEEK PRODUCES ONE CRASH! Rutted Pavements Or Shiny Ice Threaten Drivers And Pedestrians Miraculous as it may be, tha Week of the Bent Fender in which motorists skittered with varying degrees of caution over rutted pavements of shining ice produced only one accident worthy of offi- cial attention by the police. Au- gust Fitzke of 62 Clyde Avanue, Hopelawn, slid right off Florida Grove Road into a plate glass win- dow of a vacant store at the cor- ner of Luther Avenue in that one crash. Amicably adjusted minor mishaps were numerous. They were frequently unavoidable at intersections er when passing parked cars. And the good luck of pedestrians continued I The condition of the streets made falls in front of ap- proaching oars seem inevitable but up to todfy, none had been ret ported. . ! d a d y y sumers .in favor of the large/users. Opportunity was not afforded counsel for the objectors yester- day to question company officials Hoarding the fiscal set-up of the concern. The Perth Amboy com- pany buys its entire output from the Elizabethtown Consolidated fias Company and counsel is anxi- ous to inquire the .propriety of both concerns making a profit on the commodity. It is held that elimination of the "middle-man" —thei Perth Amboy. company, Continued on page twelve R. J. Graham Is Honored For 8-Year Care On Roads R. J. Graham of Wood- bridge, truck driver for the New Jersey Bell Telephone Company, was awarded an honor certificate last night for a perfect driving record over a period of eight years. Mr. Graham and 36 others received ' eertinoats* from Paul K. Povlsen, pfent super- intendent for the company at the Harrison School, Roselle. Mr. Povlsen stated that com- pany trucks, driven all over the State and through all kinds of weather, were in- volved in fewer accidents last year than in any yeai since the company had been>.or- ganized. Making 53'/ 2 ' ( Paid Since Closure DISTRIBUTION OF CASH SCHEDULED^ 10 A. M. Receiver's Certificates Are Vital, Official Warns In Announcing The 4th Dividend Depositors in the defunct First National Bank and Trust Coinpany will be paid a five per cent, dividend on Monday morning, according to an announcement made this morning by Eugerte Vi»» reck, receiver. It ia estimated that ap- proximately $70,000 will be paid to th« 6,000 persont whose funds were tied uo p p g certificates when loans up to 50 per cent, were authorized in 1031. The certificates were voted in U121 to mature in 1945 at sums ranging uip to $1,575, baled on the length and type of service. Thtir full value will be paid this Summer. Miraget Near Reality Escape from long-standing debt burdens, vacations, new cars, "per- manent" nest eggs, furniture, clothes, long needed hospital treat- ment—the hazy mirages of sudden «nriohmant which have shimmered before the eyes of veterans for six years suddenly tins become realties soon to be realized. And, working on the natural as- sumption that "the first come, the first served," local vets meant to insure early consideration of their own applications. Drawers long {Continued on page twelw) NO. 1 FIRE BliDGll GOES U P J Y $1,200 At Least Three Candidates Will Seek Place As Commissioners Purchase of equipment re- quired by the Schedule Rat- ing Bureau will result in a boost of $1,200 in the new budget for Fire District No. 1 in Woodbridge and'Sewaren, commissioners announced today. The total to be submitted to the electorate on Saturday, February 15, will be $36,431, compared to the $35,875 spent last year. At least three candidates will seek the two open places on the Board of Commissioners, as .both E. H. Hunt and E. M. Sattler," whose three-year terms expire, will be candidates for re-election and Ferdinand Kath is also expected to run. To fulfill the requirements of its Class C risk rating, a ranking well above Perth Amboy's, the company must install a turret deluge, tbwer on its emergency truck and buy 1,000 feet of hose. The total plus Continued on page twelve when the institution close'', its doors in November, 1931.,, To date, 53 Vt per cent, haa been returned during the four-year period and what further re-payments will be made is a matter of conjee* ture. In a number of similar instances, the total dividend* have not exceeded fifty per cent, and the depositors are deemed particularly fortu- nate here to retrieve an ag- gregate of 58Vi per cent. Other Dividends Se«n Unofficial estimates were' made some time ago that the eventual dividends would even exceed this figure but (Continued on page twelve) LOCAL GOP CHEERS DEBUT B U A N D O N Kansan's Masterly Address Opening His Campaign Wins Township ' Unanimously hailed by the press, the formal entrance of Governor Alfred M. Landon of Kansas into the nice for the Republican nomination for President, was received with much enthusiasm by local leaders. Only rarely in the history of th<f country has a political figure so captured the imagination of the people as did Governor Landon in his initial major address. Broad- cast on a national hook-up, it was heard and universally praised by Township Republican^ who pre- viously had known little or nothing of the Kansan. The New York Times, Indepen- dent Democratic newspaper, had this to say in its lead editorial yes- terday: "At Topelta last night, Governor Landon refrained from that parti- san bitterness that sets the crowd yelling and disgusts the thoughtful reader. He was temperate 'alf^i fair, He impresses you as a man pf sound judgment and moderate opinions, clothed as a rule, in sim- ple, homely words . . . "W»nt» Common Sen«e" "Governor Landon doeRiit want the old order back. He accepts what is good in tha N Dl About civi ep New Deal * service re» form knocked galley-west, about politics and relief, about the hys> (Continued on page ticrfve) U School Board Candidates Kick Up [Quite A Fuss But A Stolid Citizenry Seems Uninterested Still permitted to uddrew th» meet. WIFE WINS SUPPORT Vicitki Ordered To Phy $5 Weekly By Recorder Mrs. Julia Viciako of Old Road, wawn, was awarded an Immedi- ate payment of $16 and %5 weekly ' it in Police Court In a non- te h«aid by Acting Re- ', {brown. Her husband, icwKO, now lives on Pit- man Avenue, Fords. B. W. Vogel appeared for tha wife. . , In another case Haify W. War- r»n of Keyport was fined $85 on a hit-and-run charged nled'by Mrs. C. W. Mesick, pulton* Street. Th« a>M rew out of an accident on K Rankin Withdraws; Blasts Hurled At Present! Commissioners Industrious witch-hunting of the most strident sort ap- parently has failed to dent profound public placidity, twelve days from a School Board election which haa kicked itft tremendous outward furor without appreciablyiptirring the township's emotions. l Maybe it waa only the great sil- ent vote which is the professional politician's pet hob-goblin, in the very middle uf an extra special job of silence, but the mirface clamor raised by a dozen candidates for the Board, their friends, relatives and Bomewhat hysterical outside whooper-onners has thus far aroused general interest not even a little. A group guided by Wesley Lid- dle has declared Its intention of> winning control of the Board at the polls, the three-year adminis- tration of V. C. Nicklas as Su- pervising Principal has been at- tacked, his right to tenure chal- lenged, the Wright case* of last Fall set up aa a burning issue, the whole institution Of elective Boards has been branded aa deplorable somehow—and no one outside of tnone directly Involved talks abuut any of it! Rather Talk Lottery Kv«n in the township't saloons, perennial amateur political for- ums, the best soundings indicate the boys would rather diseuia the lottery racket than who'll he .elect- ed School Commissioners and why. For the citizens invloved in quite the wildest scramble for unpaid office the township has seen in yprs, the entire affair guins mo- iiicnturn in dizzy spins, however, and yesterday's five developments had practically earth-shattering importance. Herbert Rankin of Sewarenj most highly regarded man in the race, withdrew and the "pro- Board" following shifted to John Kreger; Arthur Cj Ferry, hii Kreger; Arthur V *erry, school principal, vehemently nied he was plotting to oust Mr. Nicklas and take the job; James Filer, vice-president of the Board, announced his unqualified backing of Mr. Nicklas' record here; Dis- trict Clerk Roy E. Anderson met the charge that appointed Boards are mode efficient than elective commissions by comparing local per child costs with thope in New Dr. Gay H. Rothiuss Die$ In Pa. Railroad Accident .Many local residents were shocked today to learn of. the sudden accidental death of Dr. Guy H. Rothfuss, a broth- er of Dr. C. H. Rothfuss of 490 Rahway Avenue. He was killed in a railroad' accident near Sunbury, Fa. whil« en houte to the Brooklyn Eys, Ear, Nose and Throat Hospi- tal to tak# a special interne- ship. Dr. Rothfuss, Vho !$• a younger brother of the local physician, was very well known' and greatly admired in Woodbridge since he had tak- en over his brother's practice while he and Mrs. Rothfuss took a two months' holiday in Europe. Liddle - Nicklas Situation Fails To Awaken The Amateur Orators Brunswick and Perth Amboy, and , Mr. Liddle not only issued a blast! all his own at Me. Nicklas, Mr.! Anderson, Board President M. V.\ Dunigan and the First Wind rep-1 leaentatives on the Board but also J presented a second broadside sig ed by officers of thei Iselin Home | Owners' Association. Shunt Political Tie-Up In the withdrawal of Mr. Ran- ; kin some of the angle-finders pro- | tossed to discover new proof of ' the Importance of Dr. C. G. Derick of Sewaren, who had backed Mr. Kreger. Mr. Rankin, however, stated hi* reason as his close aili- ation with the- Republican party and his disinclination to lent any political tinge to the race, Mr. Filer and LeRoy Colling, who will run together, tuobahly will throw their support to Mr. Kreger but the presence on ihe ballot of other Third Ward candi- dates may prevent the latter from formally coupling his name with theftrattwo. In effect, Mr. Kreger will gain more than he receives In the way of help. The other member seeking re- oletion, William B. Turner uf Port Reading, and hii two running mates, Andrew Aaroe uf Woo<C bridge, and Eroett Link of t'olnnia, were busy with actual details of so- liciting support, leaving to Mf. Liddle the verbal part of the cam. > i Pfdgn. ,. Five l«d«p«nd«nt« The ' sudden emergence of * struggle organized to some degre* between these two groups over* | (Continued, an jxtg* Hvehi). ' ai. K

Transcript of D THEY SAUT-READ IT WEEKLY ON EDITORIAL … · an interesting feature! and they saut-read it weekly...



vil, No. 48





WINDOWt o circumvent

% . . . t , t . «

in iti appWtjon for, „ , It would bj W.1I t«. i.*ltUti*« Sin pr.-

» * l l oftnterprUet »• now «n-

!,'l t * n Pr o R t» *rt<l t w o " "\ ',',,'uri™ fr°m • ••«•'" P^nt.

nuth's speech before theLeague created a.lot of

., i (iverybody had known hiav already, and talk in about.

. ',', will come of it. ' *«•

I , r more effective w«t Con-,,,„„»„ Hamilton FUh't J -

7 t h e .,|e,„,,„, Tugw.ll,

qTru.l 'In-

„,,„, Tugw.ll, Fr«kfuM.r,, Cohem ••<! other N«w York

j.littk termitei, iwklni to'„','.,|,.rmine the tonitllnllon."

,,,,. we discontinue assessing, ,! property tax, it would at

: , ,, iMiiiilnble to either collect, ,11 to do resident* who fail-,,,iy -as they ar« doing with

; '..:,,i,|oned ««!«» taxes—or re-• i,,. money of the few who

, in .n paying. None can quar-„ a plan that's perfectly fair

i ,!Mlvc all, let's be reasonable.

|),,wn in Waininfton, wHar*! i,i liiti u.«d to b* frown«4 up-„„. wr le»rn that the CongreitJUT mitted »•>• l o '»k» a bow bt»|,,.. the atlamblad Uw-nakant!,,- -thtr day- It w»» Ae L»gi«-!,.,,r r*pr«ianUtiT« pf the bo-„„< Uyi. Ha muit hare bean

, „< ( ., :,.ction of state salaries

^ inoo.00 is proposed in ai Assemblyman Thomas of

. • County who claims New. , an save half a million dol-

; ,, ,ir through cuts of 5 to 25t from salaries ranging be-

,• <...000 and $25;0O0, That's!linnr like the rest of us have•.. Mike nnd everybody will be


Sue H. TooJ, a New York ,t ''.• Aiiewibly wuiu«rrr^H":pf«-

;ijtlt« lawi looking towirdi..• , r divorce »nd more dlffimlt.i nage. Probably thii il a bet-: wnf The old tytteiu doein't

ii lo be working to well.

! • ii wore arrested in Hobo-week for operating a lot-

•»ie name of a Scranton, Pa.tin- American Legion. This

kiml IIf ono-aided gamblingI'irtiner is determined to

••.'. of Woodb^ridgfe;

11 <lrrelopei thst tks marcittin have b«*n granUd itate

p.im-i on New Jen«7 railroMiul the racket bat txeoai* touip.inl that the Senate caucui

• lit 1 y decided on lif panesI.ii iach Senator. How 'bout it?Investigation ditciotei that the!t!i< printi the panel, the Sec-

itiry of State illuel them andI IK mllriudi have no idea of'iv. many arc extant. Eren the

• rrUry of State HT" he1 ' inl UnoW who ka> them.'•.'••:u> 1500 tre reported to beII me, rtlker than "one hundredr .MI—which would take care

p.-rioni entitled to tke privi-:• Can you tie that one?

1..:' nut one's presidential cam-• Brooklyn, as Senator Bo-! is nlmoat a* bad as begin-

i ;imden. But everybody<«hin Coolidge's commentnkr the Senator out riding

y "The strange thing about.il Cal. "was that Both thenil the Senator were going

•. amo direction!" Borah sel-. " s along with anything.

H r Sheriff1, lobby ka> oflirif fougkt all jury reform•iiUtion in New Jeney, for' Uit Bve ye«r»—and be itI lucctiifully. But tbere il

p. Ihit year of getting such aI into l i« , tinee notk party1 f"rm> are pledged to put It

">ush. SomeKow tke Sheriffl. tu hold on to JnrypUklBg' l> pouibly addi to their

' I'V, or what kave you.

' i i tlii* School Board adding11111 to the budget this year:"-.''.000 last year—meaning

•' '!'. points to the tax rate—'•Mih the Taxpayer Asmicia-•i'li-inptinjt to do pway with"I- of $50,000 in personalil liioks m though the Wood-

1 II •tiiiuncers would have to"me ht'nvy lifting,

It & most commendable of tke"'i Club te take care of caiei

»l fyr-trouble among leu for->i«tt' lufferir. and they *re do-

' « • ' iplendid work in thii con'''»!. That'i rejal lervice.

|Thi: it


For Refinancing VastDebt Studied By

The Committee

HOPE FOT^DOPTIONOF PROGRAM MONDAYFull Year'* Effort Near*Culmination; Taxe* Mutt

Be Raised To MeetAH LoodCosts

Enabling legislation tocover adoption by Wood-bridge Township of a de-tailed, scientific plan of re-financing its staggering in-debtedness will probably beadopted on first reading Mondaynijrht. '

While members of the TownCommittee and the Citizens' Com-mittee studied the elaborate pro-gram devised nnd calculated on acareful actuarial basis, ordinanceswwe being prepared for presen-tation Monday night at ,thc regu-lar session of the (tovcrninic boiyThis step will culminate nearly alull year of conferences, surveyand study initiated by Committee-man Frederick A. Sp«ic«r.

$ o f t l l e P I a n w ' " be unin-to the citizenry and for

Seniors Prepare "ftig Hearted Herbert" For Presentation Socn j t ? iPRICE THREE CENTS

SLATEDAT OLD BANK MONDAYD « - P UD L |Viere<* Ready To ReleaseDOnUS hold MSn $70,000 To Depositors

Hits Full Stride;

Dpnald Murchie and Genevieve Krause, cast in two of the 1 ending roles of the high school seniors' production of "Big-HeartedHerbert," here run through a hi t of sentimental businesn while other members of the cast form an a prcci.-itive, if not too sympathe-tic audience. In thrumml order, they ttre: Anthony Guiffreda, Evelyn La*yer, Michael Kurucza, PeRgy Ann Raup, Jane Jernee andRobert Anderson. Tht play will be given February 13 and 14. A comedy, it is built around the co nfliclhiK ideas of a mother and afather aa to how their family aha II be trained.

leingiDie to the citizenry and f o r ' n • t I I I f \ t P« I P •this reason the administration has nirrPr r l l f y K 0 C I If r i C f / l f I* Yf)0fTC

(asked and received the assistance \ U l *Kl I III UOCO \JI I l O t U t L f A f / c f I dof three local bankers—Robert W . l m 1 W * 1 . S\ / I I n, 1 1

^^Ao^^Flash Light On Complex Problemof liason between the mass of • -

PTrt« and "AM^S handle' Herewith are some of the pertinent observations madethe plan. This committee will meet.by the fiscal experts who devised the plan for refinancing

thTwho"! W o o d b r i d 8 e Township's $6,000,000 of indebtedness:broad subject of refunding to- " . . . the tax rate, which was reduced from $f>.74 in 1934nether with the proposal of carry- l o $5.63 in 1935 cannot be maintained. We do not wish to be under-

iTTJf ttrernt us submitted hy H. V. stood aa criticising the township aathorities for making the reduction.Roilly and Company. Some reduction . . . was desirable as an incentive to taxpayers."

Generally, the plan recognizes • * . • • . «the simple nnd fundamental fact "^ *n e debt of the township is to be financed successfully, thethat Woodbridge can only rm-pt its ' e vy m u s t be increased or expenditures reduced. We suggest a com-dobts as it collects its taxes \\- bination of the two."

' * t + •OH page lurlvc)


Appreciable HarmonyAt A Conierence

Volunteer firemen of thetownship's nine jealously in-dependent districts are quiteas jealqus and quite as inde-pendent as they have everbeen, observers agreed to-,day, as thty studied the involvedtan fie of the companies and theState Firemen's Relief Association.

Thret' hourts of wran^li'iic Wed-nesday nitcht amoiif the five localunits of that Association—a total

"A general tax levy of $1,275,000 or a rate of approximatelySCI.00 per thousand would be necessary to support a budget containing $305,000 for town operation; $380,000 for debt service; and state,county, school and district taxes at last year's figures."

• » * » *"Whether the rate will be'rnore or leu than $64.00 will dapeml

on ths vigor and success of efforts at tax collection, an increase in as-sessed valuation arid the budget of town operating expenditures actu-ally adopted."

" . . . Previous administrations have persistently contri-buted to the present financial situation of Woodbridge by artificiallykeeping down tax levies through over-estimating miscellaneous rev-en uesandappropHatingso^alb^di

WOODBRIDCE TOWNSHIP STRICTLY OKAYDISCOVERS MUNICIPAL LEAGUE SURVEYUnbiased, Unprejudiced Inspection By Consultants Re-veals Schools, Churches And Libraries Fine Although

Parks Are Trifle Scanty—But There Are No Slums!

• CONTINUED UPWARD BUILDINGTREND FORECASTFords and Hopelawn volunteers in-, ^ n u n t ) i a s e d i unprejudiced survey made for the Con-produced what may prove a solu-lsultant Service of the National Municipal League makes notion of the problem, however. i. , L n l l t i f

The State orKaniiation pay. , ; bones about it ••- - • • • - •• Woodbridge Township is pretty much at an all-right

Warns Delinquents

M. J. Trainer


Probe Bond BetweenTwo Companies

2-WEEK DELAY TAKENArgument opened yester-

day before the Board of Pub-lic Utility Commissioners inNewark over the proposedchange in the rate schedule

Vets File ClaimsPolice Will Fingerprint

Applicants 'Any Time'Announces Keating

MIRAGE NEAR REALITYThe Bonus Gold Rush was

in full swing today as town-ship veterans lost no timewhatsoever in preparing ap-plications for the full pay-ment of their adjusted com-pensation certificated in June.

Detective Captain G. KeatinRannounced police would fipger-print veterans "at any time" andlawyers w«r« besieged with re-quests for Information on proced-ure. Township Attorney Leon E.McBlroy, acting for the AmericanLegion, discussed the situationwith many ex-servicemen and an-nounced full details would, beshortly available at his MainStreet office.

The Veterans of Foreign War»arranged to help eligibles nil theirpplication forms at their Uncoln.lighway headquarters between

7:30 and 10 o'clock evenings. Theyemphasized applications must beaccompanied by the "pink slip"piven as receipt for the original

of the Perth AmbfV Gastf Company. TheiuL

would adversely effect (• y con-i f f th l /


e K p y$300 death benefit to all exemptfiremen and to active volunteers.But at the 1922 convention, theiAssociation voted membership;limits based on population, in »|ratio entitlinu the whole of the

Take for instance these observations:

township to only 80 active mem- \vvi I v nCVDfCC FFFfiDTIbers. Local delegates did not in-li1^*'*'' IMSlKIM HITUKiform their companies of the full T/) VU I flAJVIF SKSTEIW

isumificance if the action w i t h i i U J U L L

! h l h hi dluntu the state abruptly "eBmjdiCommission's Efficiency Is'the result that nothing was done!

itil the State abruptly ceas(Continued on page twclvr)

PAY CUTS KEPT naJ^H— ' Ralph S. Kelly, local authority

But Board Raises Minimum ,m fishing and hunting, today de-

For Teacher* To SI 100 l c ' r i e t l t h e PWme J ? f / b l", Pef.or,er o r l e acne ra i o ? t , i w . . ^ Lcg;s]ajufc which would abol-

"Soriou* consideration cam not!j»l> t h? present Fi»h and Gamo

IZ.i! oTS^: cher^e^'^^-nTo^C^n:warned the Board of Education ir

«nd of the"If felt, in t\

county is mak-Bquabble.over

iinty Prosecutorship, nnd it"»kH as though Assistant

I""•• utor Witfht, of Woodbridge,K m line to land the plum. No|e Hi1 Hu. cundidates has anything

J ' | Wii lit, for earning and de-r his party's preference,

fi'i'k'li hard and faithful perfor-"«i' with exceptionally credit-

' rcMiilts. He should have the"Uitrhent. "

>• a mil eeniBienarjr on thaUtiuii of our unemployed•» thii, tha hsivied tnow-

1 i» recent hittory, It's r«port-that not one ilngla m»n ap-

ed fur a township job lo helpLt> the denning. How'i that

the effect of the dole!

itnyone can let Presidentvi'lt know where to find two

" dollars, quicTtly, he wouldtli'HH appreciate the tip. It's

to be a bit difficult to payi' bonus boya without any

i system from $900 to $1,100.I increase, voted Tuesday after the.Taxpayers' Association had ao-] proved it the night before, willI mean « further boost of $6,400 Inthe amount to be raised by tax»-

I tion. Fifty-seven teachers, thr«ejanitors and the truant officer willbe affected, the last four get $300raises to a siilury of $1,600.

The gross rise in the local schooltax bill will be $51,817. Thisincludes $7,000" more than lastyear on current expenses, the $fl,-400 pay adjustment, items of$1,768 long curried on the bookswhich are to be charged- off, anslashes in the State school tax.Hems within the control of thBoard rose $ 13,91)3 over last yearestimates. . •

Scavengers Will VisitHopelawn On Saturdays

Growth of population in Fordihas *> increasrtl the problem ogarbage collection that the wor*will be done on Saturdays jHomslawn Health Inspector HaroliMey announced this morning.Collections the.? previously hadbeen made on Wednesday, wheth« Kftveiiff«r^also_vwit Fords.

The »n d deceive a fealary of ?7,000."The efficidncy of the present

Boaril of Fish and Game Com-missioners," aaid Mr. Kelly, 'is

M Ikiaii Ik WM|U Wui ntkw lie. ua CIUMM 'u|.

PIGEONS KILLEDTwelve prined pigeons

been destroyed by straycats, Albino M»ee*> ofitreet, Iselin, reported to


missioners,proven by the facts; that for everydollar collected for hunting andfishing licensee, forty-one cents

(Continued on page twelve)

BRAWLS, GETS 30 DAYSStarick Sent To WorkhouseBy Brown On Blando'* Pie*

John Sturick,-49, uf 44 Agnes'Place, Fords, was sentenced to 30days in the workhouse by JudgeArthur P. I Brown in Police Courtthis week' Joseph Blando, PineStreet, Fords, preferred a disor-derly ohar(r« after a fyrawl.

Failure of Anna Yuikovitch, 23Loretta Street, Hopelawn, to pressher charge that John Major, 64,IIIHO of Hopelawn, hadj threatenedher resulted in the- caire being dis-missed. Thomas O'Brien, 40,'ofMain Street, Woodbridge, was or-dered to pay a disputed board billin installments to Mra, John Tur-ner 274 Fulton Strut.

G. O. P, TO MEETA regular meetjng of the F\rst

Ward Republican Club will be heldMohdjay night at headquarters onAmboy Avenue. Thoinas Wand,president, stated that candidatesf h B d f E d t i ldpresident, stated that candiafor the Board of Education would

"Schools are ample and the en-rollment has increased .

"Building . . . has sudden-ly, during the past five months,taken a decided upward trend.Thifs spurt represents new conj

struction, being mortly homes. Itshould continue upward for sometime . . i" '

Foreclosures "should be nearlycomplete and most property shouldnow be in stronger hands."

"The scarcity of houses is theimmediate forerunner of new con-struction."

Churches and libraries "areprovided apparently to fill the needof the community." \

" . . . no slum conditionsiire prevalent."

residences predominate,i b t i t

Sg ptheie^y offering better opportunityfor home life.1'

"Water frontage haying the de-sirability of this location is rela-tiyely scarce in the New Yorkurea.

Find. Faults, TooThe survey went further to de-

clare that police and fire protec-tion "appear to be adequate. How-ever, so many independent flre de-partments are not conducive tothe best and most economical op-eration." The report showed alsothat the total improved park acre-age, including the one now beingbuilt with Federal funds, totalssixty-two acres.

"This is a amall area," theLeague observed, "for a commun-

(Continued on page twelve)

lions Here P\an Minstrel;Hraska To Be Interlocutor


L. Hruska has beeninterlocutor for the

Minstrel Show to be given by theLions Club March B for the bene-fit of its fund to supply eyeglassesfgr the needy. The end-men willbe Harold Votol, Anthony A.Aaiiila, Louis fionen and Rev. CarlC E. Mellberg, .

The first rehearsal was heldTuesday and others will he heldevery Tuesday arid Thursday untilthe date of presentation. Ticketsalready are in the hands of mem-bers and may be obtained fromth t t i d


Prohibit An ImmediateSale Of Personalty

Despite delays, complaintsand threats, Tax CollectorMjchael J. Trainer statedyesterday that all legitimatebill for personal propertytaxes must be paid.

Although the Taxpayers' As-sociation which demanded aband-onment of the plan to advertise thedelinquents has made its purport-ed influence1 to be felt in somequarters, a counter-move has beeninaugurated by those who paidtheir assessments and now arefaced with the possibility of alsohaving to pay the way. for dead-heads.

Mr. Trainet stated that a num-ber of discrepancies and inaccur-acies have been discovered in the

(Cpntimttd on page twelve)


Ice Threaten DriversAnd Pedestrians

Miraculous as it may be, thaWeek of the Bent Fender in whichmotorists skittered with varyingdegrees of caution over ruttedpavements of shining ice producedonly one accident worthy of offi-cial attention by the police. Au-gust Fitzke of 62 Clyde Avanue,Hopelawn, slid right off FloridaGrove Road into a plate glass win-dow of a vacant store at the cor-ner of Luther Avenue in that onecrash. Amicably adjusted minormishaps were numerous. Theywere frequently unavoidable atintersections er when passingparked cars.

And the good luck of pedestrianscontinued I The condition of thestreets made falls in front of ap-proaching oars seem inevitable butup to todfy, none had been retported. . !

d a d y ysumers .in favor of the large/users.

Opportunity was not affordedcounsel for the objectors yester-day to question company officialsHoarding the fiscal set-up of theconcern. The Perth Amboy com-pany buys its entire output fromthe Elizabethtown Consolidatedfias Company and counsel is anxi-ous to inquire the .propriety ofboth concerns making a profit onthe commodity. It is held thatelimination of the "middle-man"—thei Perth Amboy. company,

Continued on page twelve

R. J. Graham Is HonoredFor 8-Year Care On Roads

R. J. Graham of Wood-bridge, truck driver for theNew Jersey Bell TelephoneCompany, was awarded anhonor certificate last nightfor a perfect driving recordover a period of eight years.

Mr. Graham and 36 othersreceived ' eertinoats* fromPaul K. Povlsen, pfent super-intendent for the company atthe Harrison School, Roselle.Mr. Povlsen stated that com-pany trucks, driven all overthe State and through allkinds of weather, were in-volved in fewer accidents lastyear than in any yeai sincethe company had been>.or-ganized.

Making 53 ' / 2 ' ( PaidSince Closure


Receiver's Certificates AreVital, Official Warns

In Announcing The4th Dividend

Depositors in the defunctFirst National Bank andTrust Coinpany will be paida five per cent, dividend onMonday morning, accordingto an announcement madethis morning by Eugerte Vi»»reck, receiver.

It ia estimated that ap-proximately $70,000 will bepaid to th« 6,000 persontwhose funds were tied uo

p p gcertificates when loans up to 50per cent, were authorized in 1031.

The certificates were voted inU121 to mature in 1945 at sumsranging uip to $1,575, baled onthe length and type of service.Thtir full value will be paid thisSummer.

Miraget Near RealityEscape from long-standing debt

burdens, vacations, new cars, "per-manent" nest eggs, furniture,clothes, long needed hospital treat-ment—the hazy mirages of sudden«nriohmant which have shimmeredbefore the eyes of veterans forsix years suddenly tins becomerealties soon to be realized.

And, working on the natural as-sumption that "the first come, thefirst served," local vets meant toinsure early consideration of theirown applications. Drawers long

{Continued on page twelw)

NO. 1 FIRE BliDGllGOES U P J Y $1,200At Least Three Candidates

Will Seek Place AsCommissioners

Purchase of equipment re-quired by the Schedule Rat-ing Bureau will result in aboost of $1,200 in the newbudget for Fire District No. 1in Woodbridge and'Sewaren,commissioners announced today.The total to be submitted to theelectorate on Saturday, February15, will be $36,431, compared tothe $35,875 spent last year.

At least three candidates willseek the two open places on theBoard of Commissioners, as .bothE. H. Hunt and E. M. Sattler,"whose three-year terms expire, willbe candidates for re-election andFerdinand Kath is also expectedto run.

To fulfill the requirements of itsClass C risk rating, a ranking wellabove Perth Amboy's, the companymust install a turret deluge, tbweron its emergency truck and buy1,000 feet of hose. The total plus

Continued on page twelve

when the institution close'',its doors in November, 1931.,,To date, 53 Vt per cent, haabeen returned during thefour-year period and whatfurther re-payments will bemade is a matter of conjee*ture. In a number of similarinstances, the total dividend*have not exceeded fifty percent, and the depositors aredeemed particularly fortu-nate here to retrieve an ag-gregate of 58Vi per cent.

Other Dividends Se«nUnofficial estimates were'

made some time ago that theeventual dividends wouldeven exceed this figure but

(Continued on page twelve)


Opening His CampaignWins Township

' Unanimously hailed by thepress, the formal entrance ofGovernor Alfred M. Landonof Kansas into the nice forthe Republican nominationfor President, was receivedwith much enthusiasm by localleaders.

Only rarely in the history of th<fcountry has a political figure socaptured the imagination of thepeople as did Governor Landon inhis initial major address. Broad-cast on a national hook-up, it washeard and universally praised byTownship Republican^ who pre-viously had known little or nothingof the Kansan.

The New York Times, Indepen-dent Democratic newspaper, hadthis to say in its lead editorial yes-terday:

"At Topelta last night, GovernorLandon refrained from that parti-san bitterness that sets the crowdyelling and disgusts the thoughtfulreader. He was temperate 'alf^ifair, He impresses you as a manpf sound judgment and moderateopinions, clothed as a rule, in sim-ple, homely words . . .

"W»nt» Common Sen«e""Governor Landon doeRiit want

the old order back. He acceptswhat is good in tha N D l

About civi

epNew Deal *service re»

form knocked galley-west, aboutpolitics and relief, about the hys>

(Continued on page ticrfve)

U School Board Candidates Kick Up [Quite A FussBut A Stolid Citizenry Seems Uninterested Still

permitted to uddrew th» meet.

WIFE WINS SUPPORTVicitki I» Ordered To Phy $5

Weekly By Recorder

Mrs. Julia Viciako of Old Road,wawn, was awarded an Immedi-

ate payment of $16 and %5 weekly' it in Police Court In a non-

te h«aid by Acting Re-', {brown. Her husband,icwKO, now lives on Pit-

man Avenue, Fords. B. W. Vogelappeared for tha wife. . ,

In another case Haify W. War-r»n of Keyport was fined $85 ona hit-and-run charged nled'by Mrs.C. W. Mesick, pulton* Street. Th«a>M rew out of an accident on


Rankin Withdraws; BlastsHurled At Present!

CommissionersIndustrious witch-hunting

of the most strident sort ap-parently has failed to dentprofound public placidity,twelve days from a SchoolBoard election which haakicked

itfttremendous outward

furor without appreciablyiptirringthe township's emotions. l

Maybe it waa only the great sil-ent vote which is the professionalpolitician's pet hob-goblin, in thevery middle uf an extra special jobof silence, but the mirface clamorraised by a dozen candidates forthe Board, their friends, relativesand Bomewhat hysterical outsidewhooper-onners has thus fararoused general interest not evena little.

A group guided by Wesley Lid-dle has declared Its intention of>winning control of the Board atthe polls, the three-year adminis-tration of V. C. Nicklas as Su-pervising Principal has been at-tacked, his right to tenure chal-lenged, the Wright case* of lastFall set up aa a burning issue, thewhole institution Of elective Boardshas been branded aa deplorablesomehow—and no one outside oftnone directly Involved talks abuutany of it!

Rather Talk LotteryKv«n in the township't saloons,

perennial amateur political for-ums, the best soundings indicatethe boys would rather diseuia thelottery racket than who'll he .elect-ed School Commissioners and why.

For the citizens invloved in quite

the wildest scramble for unpaidoffice the township has seen inyprs, the entire affair guins mo-iiicnturn in dizzy spins, however,and yesterday's five developmentshad practically earth-shatteringimportance.

Herbert Rankin of Sewarenjmost highly regarded man in therace, withdrew and the "pro-Board" following shifted to JohnKreger; Arthur Cj Ferry, hiiKreger; Arthur V *erry,school principal, vehementlynied he was plotting to oust Mr.Nicklas and take the job; JamesFiler, vice-president of the Board,announced his unqualified backingof Mr. Nicklas' record here; Dis-trict Clerk Roy E. Anderson metthe charge that appointed Boardsare mode efficient than electivecommissions by comparing localper child costs with thope in New

Dr. Gay H. Rothiuss Die$In Pa. Railroad Accident

.Many local residents wereshocked today to learn of. thesudden accidental death ofDr. Guy H. Rothfuss, a broth-er of Dr. C. H. Rothfuss of490 Rahway Avenue. He waskilled in a railroad' accidentnear Sunbury, Fa. whil« enhoute to the Brooklyn Eys,Ear, Nose and Throat Hospi-tal to tak# a special interne-ship.

Dr. Rothfuss, Vho !$• ayounger brother of the localphysician, was very wellknown' and greatly admired inWoodbridge since he had tak-en over his brother's practicewhile he and Mrs. Rothfuss

took a two months' holiday inEurope.

Liddle - Nicklas SituationFails To Awaken The

Amateur OratorsBrunswick and Perth Amboy, and ,Mr. Liddle not only issued a blast!all his own at Me. Nicklas, Mr.!Anderson, Board President M. V.\Dunigan and the First Wind rep-1leaentatives on the Board but also Jpresented a second broadside siged by officers of thei Iselin Home |Owners' Association.

Shunt Political Tie-UpIn the withdrawal of Mr. Ran-;

kin some of the angle-finders pro- |tossed to discover new proof of 'the Importance of Dr. C. G. Derickof Sewaren, who had backed Mr.Kreger. Mr. Rankin, however,stated hi* reason as his close aili-ation with the- Republican partyand his disinclination to lent anypolitical tinge to the race,

Mr. Filer and LeRoy Colling,who will run together, tuobahlywill throw their support to Mr.Kreger but the presence on iheballot of other Third Ward candi-dates may prevent the latter fromformally coupling his name withtheftrattwo. In effect, Mr. Kregerwill gain more than he receives Inthe way of help.

The other member seeking re-oletion, William B. Turner uf PortReading, and hii two runningmates, Andrew Aaroe uf Woo<Cbridge, and Eroett Link of t'olnnia,were busy with actual details of so-liciting support, leaving to Mf.Liddle the verbal part of the cam. > iPfdgn. ,.

Five l«d«p«nd«nt«The ' sudden emergence of *

struggle organized to some degre*between these two groups over* |

(Continued, an jxtg* Hvehi). '

ai. K


Sewaren History dab YOUNG WOMEN'S CLUB COMEDY OFFERINGHas Colorful Program DRAWS HIGH PRAISE^CAPACTTY HOUSECzecho-Slovakia fs Subject "Forward Pass" Presented In High School Auditorium

Of Diicussion; Native On Wednesday Night With A Urge Cast; MissCustoms Are Told Jean Dunne Has The Leading Role

Sf i-a-<r; H.-

rvc-'.ii ;


iterMrs. Johr. Rytr..

The *r.t«r*«ir.tr.eri'. conjis".ed ofa colorful Citcho-.Siovak propram.the entertainers in native costume.Mr* Msry Koiu?ko of Sewarsn

Sive a brief'Iccfjfe or; I'ttmb'ovakia ar.d ir/.roduced Mrs.

ftattces Me'ur.ko who .'ant: sonpOf thi« cuntry m ;he r.ativetongue and in (heir Enjtlith trar p-lation. There was also a iwny bylittle Jour. KOIUJVO. Mi«« Veron-ica tterba and M»f Kathlfr«n K*:

,j*Uiko'ffave a foik dar>e ar.d soryr.Mrs.-A. T. Sofield also §r,i\e a

Mper on the History of Perth Arr.-boy, naminc a number of »nci'ir:tdwellinpt Mill intact in that irty.

Tveniy-OH* Pr«»*nt .•. There were twenty-or.e prefer.t,Mrs. K. J. Adam.'.' Mrs M. Chns-tie, Mrs. L. B. rouiiis, Mrs. W. <\Ecker. Mrs. 5. J. Henry. Mn. f.T. Howell. Mrs. E. Kau-s. Mrs. ?lArsori, Mrs. J. Mcfruirk, MtvMary Mack, Mr?. .1. F. Jtyap. .Mrs.A. F. Sordid. Mr«. G. S«ill»-e!i.Mrs. Alex L'rba'r,. Mrs. MalcolmWalcott. Mrs. Mary Kozufcko,' Mrs.Frances Merrko. Miss Anna Hydo.Miss Veronica Gcrba and MissesKathleen and Jfiji:: Kozusko.

Mr«. £. T. Howell presided overthe meetir.ff.' Mrs S. J. Henry,chairman of the program commit-ted hsui charge of the program.Delicious refreshments were Servedby the hostess.



Picture Wins Again

"Forward ] W a bri.«k musical comedy, and pre--ented under the d;r.-.'.i«n of the Young Woman's Club in

• fn ? femal.e role.

.f,e High School AtKti'oriutn Wednesday nipht. played to acapacity house. High prai.se was heaped up<in the cast and,,articularlv iipf.n Miss Jean Dunne, vho play-..! the lead-' • . . — . — _ :

After, the performance, dancingwar enjoyH. (

The entire ca«: follows:"Turn Usn, a student »t Clay-

> n Coi^ci-. Wa)t»r U n ; "ShadyU W . 1 ' B'irHtmwv, Clair Bi iek t-Chutk Srr.uheri'." .ar.othtr stu-,<fe;,s. ,Th' n',1- •(. urrie: 'A'nja . B ;f">yr.-.y f'ir'ur.e teller. Minarr.^er-.-riii'yar;; "STiado* Wert." -hi- ifiM'l-;;-. iv'>- (iau(fht«r. Mary i i ; ; -y:

~!i>it -I.<-wis.' a fT^hrr.,.r.. ){*.<•'] U « r y ' . . w • • H e c t o r T i ' i i ' . - . " ••'•••••

wantV to play tff«otb»ll Frar-,--B e a n y : -Mary «'l»r.iihan." •:-<• ,C a c h e s d jachter . J e a n Ih>r.:ie; i

I M d a n a h a n . " coach at (.".aytr.r.William M, Th'.mjison.

"Mrs. Tiddles." Hector ' s mother,Mr«. Arthur Pet t i t ; "Tony U i r e U^ . " who deals ir. pop, Edward Na-hass: "Marine," a sophomore . MaryFinn i^ 'E i sa ." another sophomore.Mary Markulin: ' A l e x a n d e r For-dye*'1 of the f a c u l t y . William J.R y a n ; "Mr. Mu!=ty" o f the boardof directors, N a t h a n Bernste in;'Mr. Crusty," another of the

fcxiard, Arthur F r a n t z : "Mr. Dusty"a l ! J O o f , j , e board. John Ohmen-

Frederick C«rf Of SewarenHost On Seventh Birthday

}'•:• : r k C M ! of Sf*are>r, wadh> •• v - seventh birthday to a„•: „; '. :~.<nds. A birthday cakei'n-.' : ' ;• " if hcjf't gf»nd".:Mhf-*.M'- Y•• : ' nrl. adorned the ct-v.-

Ar: •!• M v e present «rre:Mr. :•.:.•': Mrs. Fred Carl, Arthur

Jr>r(ii.-. • f Met lichen; Mr. nnd Mr*.Ii;ivi,j jny. • • . Billy and CatherineTapper. <-.f S<•'.varen; Mr. and Mr?.Emil Carl, .'smes Nolan and Fred-erick (ari of Wtxxfcridge.


Rope. Scissors End We OfMrs. Tundermmn,

Ofttn FoiltdA '".hf'sline h u n p fr^m a

•• .•••• • :. a sherl near herf .-' .V- > -'-Wv home in

battle tf <-na H<: life.H ! fr»m previmi- attemptu

nictinn throufh poi ion.b t hTur.di'rniann hr

».'!=<« T'lf'i "tut ret lied


a c e

..;'v.' I>:,i; .hie '

M- Tr.• ii B r


of bloody si'i.-S' .v>• k won a trapii1 s'.ic- v ) . ,Mrs. Margare t Tunri- »•(.-,,. i i

.:. her long mclanoholia- yearnin

at both:h the sei%-I'.ivi: ml »r-, nrd thc-r.

_ .1 her neck•. - > ; f ! n p into

i.-covered theF.,v -aid a*;.1.":•;!a'.ion.- ,r . h ; i d rr.f-•••':

('oloi.in. iu *'-•

HopelawnCollections of Garbage



Lox and Sohn hsae State-ments On Position

Four statements on the im-pending School Board elec-tion were given this news-paper last night.

Mr. FerryA. C. Ferry, principal of

the Woodbridifc High School, dis-avowed any intention of plottingto oust V. C. Nicklas, SupervisingPrincipal, who will go under ten-ure if reappointed this June. Mr.Ferry said:

f i s in^ Prin^iTiUl^^'T1 'nf-nt vf 1'rMf J'i\in H

I \ U f l ; . « n , i i . | i , . - f o r ( I , - s . , , . - . -v i s ing Pr'rifinalfihip nn tti<- r f i i f -merit .,r iTMf }.,hn 11 L'.v,. i » . . iin.l


a * n i . . - t r . p ) i i a l i l ci i n i i n i i v - h i . i j l o o f f e r

tion My inti-n-st m i.' •• ;.r- .ntion H k r * inih- IO 'i,.- i.i.rj

v. That rttriit i < xi" -1ivltli'iut moiestiiti ' in.

cij ial tiy tin; P e r t h A m t m y Kt.-iftTii?Xew* i-r ycHtefltty, allow nu* t"refer tht- in-rsoitnt-l "f ttiirt pafi^r t.

ktifiw m<: 1/ent. Thiy will explhlnt o \ j i i \ i L j n y t j i u i I I P l ' H I M T h a i ' - f t r i r i i - ' -t ton. Fnr tli':ir <.r,]iKi»"'rinv-nt I <1"not w e a r "rillihcr l,<-pls.'p

It wouM si-mi tn itu- tliat tin- HII.-t n r uf any"pii))er jible t o ftfttln-r POmurl i matt-ri!*! a s ajpiieur«:"l in Hi--Evfnmtf S*v.'>\ of y e s t e r d a y on a

, W.M..1M-I.IB.. !"-|.,,oi Kituat lot , i s l i l m -

• t h a t a e . o t . ^ r . v ,< w r . g

Ffantz; newsboys. JJerry Ki(ieorpe Robinson.

Footb*ll Girlt, No Leu(V,.i«|?: Dorothy Farr,

.villivan. Margaret Olbrick. MaryFir.n Florence Sullivan, Virnniu

•Leonard. Elizabeth Rtider, HelenRyan, Jane Dowling. Lornine.Tvar-ter. Helen Kingberry, DorothyOmenheisc-r. (jract Mott, ViolaKrysko, f'laire Xflson, EvelynDeKr.

••!>tick in the Mud' : MarySmith. Jean Kreger. Barbara Rush,Christina Hanson, Nora Mc-Quirk, Dorothy Ryan, Miriam Jan-derup, Arlene Janderup. Lorna Mc-Crory. Maria I.effler, lizabeth Dun-

ryliw. G(il'li(f Dtrick. Jean Merrill,Irene Nebel. ... <

Football Girls: Lorna McCrory,Lorainc Warter, F.lir.abeth Duni-

"(Tari; Louise Morris,-Florenw &ul..livan, Irene Nebel, f'laire Nelpon,Evolyn Deter. Jane Dowling.Helen Kingberry. Dorothy Omen-heiser, Grace Mott.

Campus Moon: Louiae Morris,Grace Smith, Mary Finn, FlorenceSullivan, Loraine Warter, MaryMarkulin, Jane Dowling, DollyThogjpson.

.Varsity Rhythm: Mary Smith,Goldip Derick, 'Jean Merrill, IreneHawryliw, Irene Nebel, Lorna Mc-

Van Iderstine, Lucille

Gene Hovik'The Typical American Boy"

; tally isn't eithtr undernourishednor stunted. Gene Honk's motherui-su/ed friend- this week. The1-!-/ear-old Woodbridge youngiterwhose picture won a national con-test last Fall, was ajtain chosenfor a $2i prize in a portrait con-test sponsored by a me'ropolitannewspaper this week. • The captionunder Gent's photograph, however,mysteriously announced the ladvi-iifhed only 08 pound? and was4 feet, 11 inches tall. The fact,Mrs. Hovik has bei;ii repeating toworried friends, is that Gentweighs ',).ri pounfls and towers aninch over un even five fi'-t.

Bathing Bellei, TooBathing Belles of the '90's:

Louise Morris, ElizaBeth Reider,Helen Kingberry, Lora'ine Warter.Ethe! Sullivan, Grace Smith, Flor-ence Sullivan, Jane Dunne; life-

Mr. UddleWesley Liddle, managtr of W,

B. Turner, Andrew Aaroe and Er-nest Link, who are running on ananti-Nicklas; pro-Stella Wrightplatform, declared the First Wardhas dominated the School Boardand disregarded the other wards,then continued: »' is it i-mi.i at.ii ';.!r io th* >,n ~r

A f * 7 ' Z' C " ' 4' "' '' ^

students 'and f'o-eds: RobertHenry, Jean StaufTer. Ro'bert Hel-ler, Irving Lifshitz, John Kerr,David Brown. John Omenheiser,A x e , Kjeiiman, Gordon Quekh,Arthur Frantz, George Robinson.William Landt, Jerry Kreuger,Joseph McLaughlin, Steve Katein-Wi Nathan Bernstein, EdwardNahass, Ruth Henry, Jean Thurge-=orii Dolly Thompson, Grace Smith,i a n e Dunne.

m a n y y e a r * <<u ti> B'>:ir<3 !..'-.- ^.-^:iP e r n i l t t e ' l i i)4| /fM.iti t muny of hl<-f a m i l y and r i T i l i v o v, ;.•.-:T ..rjS : I I .t h e Schoiil K•,»'•-n•*> '

Ir it not »tnif if.- i l . v •!:(• ("U-rk ofo u r }'.<>nr<) 'wit.- -•• '• '• , ; . ' f.i: ' " dpnuj t*?.a t > - ; i ' i i t r I;J !•.•..-•.".--si-v.-n y i - a r s '• ervi r - . - .,r: ti:>- pi o ' . \ - iswj ' r Ot t , fH«-r«U[»TViSi ' . r : , • vi J :« "•. I ,a* n 'H S»R y e tm a t i r i a l i / ' 't i •x)^)t- h i u F a m i l y \a

• |>o(<it:<>nh a t t l ie p r t s c n t

, . , - . - . . 1.--1 W r . - l i O I ; ! , : f ' r l ' - I'. Mi. i, M-:IV t ) i a t \\ I I K S \.i-n ni-i-i-vsHry fo i

,i m a j o r i t y e n . u p o f ti. .- B " » r . l ffp inr , ; i l lv / i t ' \HTI- r t s i - l f u s m p l > ' , r ' U . Bl l . e I . ( . 1 M ( - P ift t ' . . - . J . i | j v rv l» f , r mi f«-' • e n t l v i-lii' f l :'n ' • ' »"•'•• " ' ' ! ••" i J . ' . o U A tpr',tpi-r liips>- "f l i m t - ,.-t l : e o i . l y ' a i r m i - n s u K w l . - ' i , w i l l ; n -

j i ' : I ' . I - Hi.: HX'-ji'1- cffii :'•!.• " .

Costs he analyzed as follows:I ' M ],. f I'HI.; . 4H ;i vt-l ip/^ ".ii :',••

;iti -nilit rice f'il l<>'.'.s :Ev ••• Hrun.- v.., k » ' l "I

H o w l u ; ^ will o u r T a x i i i o > m " ' p E r " 'm i t o u r Hoard 'if i M n : i ' l n n ftlleh o w t'HtablisiK-'l m a j o n v i to t r ^ a tdelfcgationB wi th ;is l n t l v r m p e f l a s* a « a'-enrdt-d to ti.i- ' l i lcKii t ionsw h i c h c a m p li i- lnii ' i littii i n t h eW r l R l i t ia«<; Hii'I 1 v . ' i n U r juHI howl o n g tl ie uxpuyi-i-H wi , : iftaml inm a i n t i i m a Su j i f rv i - re Prltw-lpalw h o . i t is ruinnri-J W !n • n 'In- ti ' i l tti-

1 c f t l t n t l af thfc helf-i-iinn u, t he ex-t e n t ih; i t hi- is ntakjin, ' It nncom-l o r t u b l t for t!i'tt»c t-iri|jliiye.s of tin-• y s t c m who rton't Hi-f .fit in vote hl>'Wfty in Uie <nmln^ M*jctiijrr'

Metiri. Lax And Sohn" The tiorfie Owners' AssociationOf iBelin, through Albert Lax,president, and Fred Sohn, secre-

, asked four questions. TheyMiss Wright was demoted

"wfihout'fcau'ie or without beingcon*ulted" after 27 years in tlietchool system and 12 years as prin-cipal with full authority overNo. 16, they asked why. Continu-in«r. th^y asked:

W h e r e in i h « l ' n : i . , | Htntc-s In t l n - i i -« S c h o o l heuili-il h \ •„ t t - .u 'h ln t r I ' l ' i n -

" W h o Is .IIIIII I \ i - i - i l b y II n o n -r i i l M l p n l « ! II .II t u r n Is1 h y II Su | n r \ i-mt^ P r i ' i i i -•Fe U l i m i t , ,-xi i: |n m l s t l i u

Ool N o . 15. W h y. 7 h e n t h e c i t l / i . n H I,I l-n-nn L a m e

t o t h e B o a r d i>f Kil ix- i i t imi fur a nO4>neat e x p ) u n u t < n i nf a n n i > n r f e i ' t -f n g t h e i r c h i l d r e n , i- " f"; ' , nu-.-it h e m w i t h t h e r e p l y , n v , . l a v . , , , , i h -

! • * • t o w i y : ( l i e ' i i n r in i |,.Hi ii " AM t l t l o n « f » n e d h v ; i l l e . i s i t i n , , . I ; U I < -K. . ' O f j K i - V i l l W H S l I l M V ^ j u - . l - '

Committees SelectedForP.T.iCardPartySt. James Unit Announces

Benefit Affair In Audi-torium Friday

Committee? have been chosenfor the public card party to b(sponsored by the Parent-Teachers'Association of St. James' Churchnext ygjiday. Mrs. Joseph . Mc-Laughtui and Mrs. Hugh Quigley'are co-chairmen.

Their assistants are:Mrs. Charles Arsenault, tickets;.

Mps.'Owen Dunigan, refreshments;1 Mrs, Fred Witheridge, cards. TheI general commitee is composed of

Mrs. John F. Ryan, Mrs. ThomasI McDermott, M*s, William Golden,

Mrs. Fred Lewis, Mrs. EdwardGoley, Jr., Mr* Harold Peck,Mrs. John Sullivan, Mrs. WilliamBoylan, Mrs. Christian Witting,Mrs. John Coey, Mrs. CharlesKenny, Mrs. Ernest Ulbrich, Mrs.Michael Trainer, Mrs. John Pow-

j ers, Mrs. Michael Cosgrove, Mrs.• J. J. Dunne.j • - Otber Aideij Mrs. L. Baumlin, Mrs. JosephArway, Mrs. Eugene Bird. Mrs.

! Alfred J. Coley, Mrs. Nathan Pat-'jten, Mrs. Lillian Coffey, Mi>. Cel-' este Romond, Mrs. Michati be Joy,(Mrs. James Somm'ers, Mrs. Annai Herron, Mrs. John Olbrick. Mrs.Thomas Mooney, Mrs. GeorgeKrock, Mrs. L. Minkler, Mr.-. Au-

j gust Baumann, Mrs. Milo Jardot,Mrs. Thomas Crowe and Mrs. Du-

( ' , - ' - of a d n i i h . - t i i i tN- •., U r u n n w i ' kf • • > m l > » y

S u | n - i • •.:-ijipy

','. ' • ' L 7 > ' - 3 r l " " 1 . ' : : ' : ' l ' ; * ' i ! i l ' 1 m - ' \ \ ' >'•?!-

N.-v . ' : ! , . " , ' , , ' . . " . . " ' ' . . 1: 1 ' 1 ;

' . v . ' p N d h t - ' i ' i ^ " . ' . ' . ' . . . ' . : ' :n ::,< i ' i i i . r l i i . ; i r h y t o w n a f l i v . v a - : u l -

J l i l . '^r ,i J l 4Ui"i 16

M - n i c I c nl

Read THE INDEPENDENTweekly. Have it delivered by car-rier every Friday. Phone Circula-tion Department, Wdbge. 8-1710.

Avanel Junior Clab ToHold leap Year Dance

A Leap Year Dance will besponsored by the Junior Woman'sPlans for the affair wtj-e madePlans for the aair were riiadeTuesday night at a meeting at thehome of Miss Margaret Klennedy.'• Miss Finite Donato is chairmanof the committee in charge whichincludes Misses Margaret Kennedy,Marie iHpydt/n, Marion Baith,Virginia Manaker, Marie Du-Boyce, Virginia Asznuin and TIILT-esa Peterson.




i d . W h y ?I » t h e r e w n t i n » s i i u , ( i i " n

t h a t r e < | u l r e » a n e x t r u I m i l n i a tt t f O . O Q u n i l l . i i i . i u { : l i m II.i .,, : , ,M l I n 4 D O a l l i o i i U n i t t - i in In- h i l - . Sf o r h a l f t h e i : n » t , y e t t h i n i s l l u -f l t U U t l ' l l l Wi- h n v e l i t I s i - l l i U ' l i \ '

Mr. Andenonijn answer to the chui^e that an

. appointed Board would be more ef-ficient than the present electedorganisation, District Clerk Koy R.Atldcrugn Biiftlyiod the Incul sy»,tern find its costs in a ,1,000 wordfununary, He pointed out thatwhool itaxes here have decreasedfrom 18,99 to $2.21 since 1931,while other municipal couts haveriven, f8.13 to $3.42, and aaid thisslath in flouts hud been achieved inthe face of a rise in the number ofstudents..

Concerning1 Miss Wright, he•tddi *

It IIHH Imrumo evitlfiit fliiil theiUpervlnlun cut thwii In the viulmiu

. uchoolu tu vrcate eiunuin't-" il|i( p.itUnd toward Inc-rMned effli'lency In :

the lenohlngf ntufTi It hersme tliepurpoue uf the Board to iiuTtauo Ililijidpervlalun, iintl upon ni "i|iniend»-tlep of the HuparvlaUiK Principal, af-u x pmiur Inyeutlinitfoii. aucn u t o i a lVM1T taken, which uafurtunkttly

• Frank C'rutctto, who l»a« jutt uiuved hu ilore to 70 MniulI Street, 11 a 5hu«iii*W who hut itudied hi» traiJe very thorouy|>-ji ly, and the wurk he produce! it nutliing but tha bmt for he|wo>» «iln» to pleaie


Frank Croc«tte, Prop.



EXPANSIONMcColIum's is growing. We've recently leased several new de partments and the tenants demand immediate possession oi their

floor space. That means we've got to concentrate our Furniture stock at once. To place m storage a portion of this merchandisecost us plenty, so we are cutting the price on every stick of furniture in the store. If you ve waited to sNEVER BE LOWER. Watch for the grand opening of a larger and greater McCollum's Emporium. I ts





Walnut Dining Room Set

Large davenport and largeupholit*1!**1^ rhair cove,ed with long wearing tapestry. 2 Suit*! to dote out


A beautiful let and guaranteed

to give satitfaction. Brand new


A great value that will be ap-

preciated by every woman who


Beautifully finished. Truly a hand-some suite. A real value if there everwas one at this price. Regular $135.


MAPLE BEDROOM SUITEAuthentic in every line. Three hand-seme pieces. A regular $69.50 value.Our »ale price

$39-50Lounging Chair

Regular $25 talue. While a fewlast you get A ^ ffthorn for <P JL O «

CRIB and MATTRESSWell built, iturdy crib withgood quality maUreii. A regu-lar $19.75 value.

$12.75Regular $6.75

BOUDOIR. CriAIRSturdy, beautifully Bnithedchair that will lend charm toany bedroom.


Regular $11.95

STROLLERImagine buying it at thii towprice. You'll pay teveral dollar*more if you wait

.95Regular ^

CHEST OTDRAWERSA well conttructed piece of fur-niture. An ideal piece for anextra room. Our price


Save Money On These GreatFURNITURE VALUES!

Reg. 50c Furniture Cleaner 14cReg. $119.50 Bedroom Suite $59.75\U;g. $6.75 High Chair . ,.., $ 3.45Reg. $12.50 Potter Bed $ 7.$5Reg. $30 Drop Weaf Table $16.7SReg. $2.75 CoiuoU ,. $1.98Reg. if 1.49 Smoker* - - / 89cReg. $1.69 Card Tables . - - ' 79cReg. $35 Wilson Sewing Machine $19.75Reg. $35 Walnut Buffet _._. ..... $10.75Reg. $149.50 5-pc. Bedroom Suite $79.50

g H'.t.ljij 3-pc. Living RoomSuite ._... $89.50

Rug. $5.75 Mattress - - $ 3.98Reg. $5.50 Metal Spring . $ 2.95Reg. $250 3-pc. living Ropm Suite

(Moire Covered) $195.00Reg. $55 Gas Range $33.50Reg. $2.50 Hall Trees $ 1.98Reg. $2.50 Table Lamp* $1.29Reg. $35 5-pc. Kitchen S«t $19.75Reg. $195 5-pc. Dining Room Suite $79.50Reg. $225 Bedroonv Suite $99.00Ea»y Washing Machine $69.50

Folds out and makes two bed* as illustrated. Substartially built with long wearing covering. An exceptio •'ally good buy.

Any num-ber of beauti-ful pattern* tochonje front.

FELT B A S E . . 2 9CYD.

9x12 ^ RUGS $4.98

Bed, Spring andMattress

Metal bed, link ipring and cot-ton mattrpn -— complete

$9.95$7.50 METAL BED

A bed which wiil(ive yoan of ••>'-vict. Wtlnut, mi-hoganjr or tnaplt fin-iih.


MATTRESSHand tunic dam At k.covered coil spring,W i l l I . . I f o r » « . ^

yt-«i». Colon . .'

Farnitute PolishA good pallih that r ' t J

Urly tella for three i>"'tbit price. While 200 b••<tloi U i l .





rs. Hatfield Honored Congregational Sorority Lampoons Mrs. McNulty HostessA Surprise Shower Radio Programs In Gay Offering To The Mothers' Club

Harry Stankiewi" Is igm Mpha ph{ ^ ^ ^ ^ fn^nmfnl Qn MiS8 Katherine L. McCor-mick To Speak At Set-

sion At Mrs. Wight'sGue»t It

Recent Bride.,!(. shower was Riven re-

, honor of Mrs Lwoy, tiii'UI at the home of

„ stnnkiewicl of Spring' , , , .„ Hatfield in the former,,,'v Barbara Tirpak, daufh-\ mid Mrs. John J. Tirpak,

hri.lKe. Her marriage _to

Mrs. H. I, McXulty, GreenStreet, was hostess to tho Mothers'

Dr. W. '!,. Barrett, local dentist,

":'" Arthur J" Hatfleld, of,-.„., took place Dec. 21,

, St James Church, Wood-

i;,,v. Charles Dusten offi-

lli; those present at the

M"|1(.) VonBremer, Mrs. Jos-,v,.r Mrs. Julia Nagy, Mrs.i „.,, Mrs. Michael Suacnko,,,'n Lewis, Mrs. John Zam-

!, Andrew, Lengyel, MrsNnmoK, Mrs. Charles Ben -

, James Puskas, Mrs. JayMrs. Simon" Sch8tenbrun>

.|i,.,-|nc Galaida, Mrs. FrankMrs Louis Najavits,, Mrs.^imonsen, Mrs. Margaret\l,s Joseph Kara, Mrs. Ste

i. ,.,'iind, Mrs. John TirpakHIV Htankiewici.MMIion Itihbitts, MissEhz-K'iia, Minn Mary Liptak

V.ilii'tli Lenfryel, Miss Bett,Miss Mapdalin Fazekas,

Virginia StSnkiewlca oiAim Pretent

\Iiu-y Vafthan of Linden, ,,,,iyr Kreie, Mrs. Emer

Mrs. Steve Adama, Mrs,looker, Miss Victoria

\l,;- Florence Btjirel, Miss, Culuchuk, Mi»a Mary.nil Mrs. Elizabeth Mesaros

Stephen Goyena, Mrs.liiiliitdky, Miss Helen San-Mis. Stephen Langfr ofMiss Rose Waynok. of

MIIIIIK. Mrs. John Girdneru'n. Miss Lucille Bnssilo ofh. Mrs, William Turner ofily Mrs. Frank JJehrer of,nimy, Miss Alice* Sclsna,Mrs. N'ickolas Shortino of

MUSIC, DANCES, RECITATIONS ARE FEATUREDProminent radio stars and programs were lampooned

n an entertaining and cleverly presented program offered

1 S , S i T Ap-,a PH' SOrOrHy the Flr8t Cw™ation- ed'd^opt n T M i t ' ^I LhurQh on Friday night in the Sunday School rooms, in his profession. Mrs. K. H. De-

The announcer was Flnvrl Hnvrlr ,vanny presided and Mrs. StanleyA , . , , , , r * " " j u v . c p o l t c r poured.A children s Variety Hour, sponsored by the "Bossy "Pictures of Children by

of a talk by Mi«n Kutherine L. Mc-Cormick, chairman of th« art de-partment of the IViih Amboy Wo-man's Clab at On next meetingwhich will be how nt the home ofMrs. .lamps S. W'U-M, Linden Ave-nue. Mrs. E. !: .Inhnson will beassistant hostesj.p ^ ^ ^ £ n t e r ( a | n m e n e O

Friday Night In Sunday School Rooms; Floyd HayekIs Announcer In Clever Presentation

City, Mr. Arthur Hat-Mrs. Jenny Kagen of

, Pa.


y Society Of St. JamesChurch Sponsors Of The

Affair On MondayI linrron Levi nnd Mrs.

i Whalnn were co-chnirmencard party . held Monday

i st. James' Auditorium un-it 11 spices of the Rosary 80-

f St. James' Church. Specialwon by Mrs. Mary

Milk Company" opened the pre-sentation. .It" included tho sinking1

f "Animal Crackers in My Soup"by Patricia Andei/on, BarbaraBurjfesB, Hugh Bufgeaa. CarolynHall, Betty Jane Killenberger,Ruth Trautwein, Virginia flatrom,EliiaUth Ostroro, William Laur.tst>'ri, Joyce Morftenson.

Little Dorothy Lankan snne'andtap danced, her numliers beinjr''Yankee Rose," "Twenty-fourHours a Day" and "Rock-a-byeMoon." Recitations entitled "Ex-perienced" ' nnd "A Little BirdTells" were (riven by Elizabeth Os-trom and Ruth Trautwin, respec-tively. Following them was Wil-lard Miller who sans "Huitie un theRange" and other cowboy songsand Betty .lane KillenberRer s a ng"The Wedding of Jack and Jill."Joyce^ Mortfenson recited "TheRadio" and two vnnal selections"The Bird" and "Snow" were sungby Mary Mercurio.

"Newt" Brotdcut, TooMrs. Robert Hanson wrote a

nefws broadcast of local interestWhich WHB presented by WilllnmVoorheep, Jr., impersonating Lo-well Thomas. Two solos, "Who IsSylvia" and "Just A-Wenryin1 ForYou" were sunif. by CharlesThomas, followed by a travelogue,"A Trip on the Rhine" l>y Mrs.Laura Coddington nnd read byMrs. Stephen Chryn.

Next on the pro^tum was "ThoCoflfoe Hour" which opened with aselection of Victor Herbert melo-dies played by the orchestra corti-


Colonia Members; CardGames Are Played

A card party was held Fridaynijrht at the home of Misses Ednaand Putiiiia Bryne by The Mcrry-

. „ , „ ... v . , . , . .„ Fa- makers of Fnrds. Cards were play-Artists" will he the suhject o<\ unil prizes were won by .John

Anderson, William Gill, EdnaRyrne», lister McMichaek Dor-othy Brown, Raymond Jackson an*Charles Hinkle.

Miss Evn Friis wns in charg* ofarrnngrments, assisteil by MissesAngnt Monvin, Kntheryn Haw-kins, Dorothy V'onrsd nnd Miss Pa-tricia Byrnes.

Other? present were Misses Flor-ence Omlerdonk, Ruth BrownDorothy Rrown, .Innet Cox, Cath-erine Sciderstnn, Dorothy Conrad,Mavgnret Miller, Patricia Byrnes,Edna Hyi IH'S,-Eva Friss, AagotMerwin, Lillian Berpnan, Christ-ine Ni'lscMi. Irene Johnson, Mndc-lyn Krou-T. Lester McMichaels,(ieorge Olson, John Anderson,ThnmiK Smith, William Gill, Ray-mond .Inrkton, Albeit Hawkins,Lnwri'iici' Williams, John Kppen-stiriH'r, Charles Hinkle, Joel liee,sun.

7rie*A$ Fete LattmzioOn His Fiftieth Birthday

Thirty friends from An-sonin. Conn., Brooklyn, Morrintown, Newark and Spring-field celebrated the 50th birth-day anniversary of Jnrm* Ut-tanzio of, the WoodhridgeStudio on Main Street Friday.Fifty candles lighted a hugebirthday cake and decorationsfor the party were carried outin n color scheme of yellowand purple.

Mrs. F. G. Baldwin HostessTo Presbyterian Auxiliary

The Hreckenridge Auxiliary ofthe Kirst Presbyterian Church metwith Mrs. F. 0. Baldwin, Kahwny

i Avenue, on Monday. An interest-


Ing ptper dUeuainf economic cort-dttiojui in Uw Utln-Amerieancountries was read by Mrs. Mar-tin Ryder, who was in charts of theevening^ program.

BITTING'blue coal'



pasad at Mm Fn»«t«i-, Hut .,„„„,.,.,Ruth Tracy, Klizabeth Trautwein,Elaie Wood and Kdwnrd Stnnik.Mrs. (Jrace V. Brown and Mrs.Clarence Bungsten played the ac-companiments.

Alto On ProgramViolin selections, "Annie Lau-

rie" and "Carry Me Hack To OldVirjrinny," were pbiyed by MissKlsie Wood. A quartet composedof Charles Thomas, 1'. WilliamLauritsen, William Vonrhecs, Sr.,and Announcer Huyck saiiK two se-lections, "(iet Away from theCornfield," and "Santa Lucia." Ashort c«medy sketch, "Gloria Whit-tington Gushing." written by ClayFrnnklin, was enacted by Mrs. W.V. I). Strong. Tenor solos, "PoorButterfly," liy Hubbel and the

Mrs. Andrew Aaroe, Mrs. ("House by the Side of tho Road,'were sung by Mr. Lauritsen. iMr.B. and Mrs. E., a comedy team,played by Margaret Voorhees andMargaret Elik, sanjr two Spanishfolk songs, wjth cuitar acaompaniment by Harriet Killenb«rgerSoprano solos, "Treasure Island"and "Albno" were sung by Mrs,Kenneth Barker.

Even To Kate SmithMrs. Alice Pender, impersona-

ting Kate Smith, sunir, "When thcMoon Comes Over the Mountain,"The Coffee Hour closed with -twoorchestra selections, "I.n I'ampita"and "March of thc Mannequins."

The committee in charge of thsocial which followed was headciIn- Miss Ros.' Willis.

Mrs Kdward Falconer andjw Nash.

prizes were won as fol-

:>l;iyers, Mrs. Theodore Zeh-! •. Fakonef, Mri. John

'in' names, priie winnersMiul^. Mrs. Alfred J. Coley,' lories Farr, Miss Maneitn. Miss Ann Bergen, Mrs.il:ii. Mrs. John Mullen, R. L.

;• r Mrs. John Einhorn,i',>-'.r)fi' O'Brien, Mm. Fred

• !.•. Mrs. Howard R. Val-Mrs. Huffh Quigley, Mrs.

1 Si hrot-dor, Mm. Edwardmi.

Other Winner!•'•. Mrs. Charles Kenny,

••iitiiin P a t t e n .'•.!••. Mrs. Chris Martin,

• Khode, Mrs. Joseph Ro-IMwani Fitzpatrick, Mrs,limy, Mrs. W. Whalen,

I '••••i-t Owens, Mm. Juliun'! Fred Brisler, Mm. Mar-ii. Mrs. George Mosenthine,

• |h MeUuirhlin, Mrs. J.i1! • >h'rick Albertnon, Mrs.

Y'IIT, Mrs. C. Anderson.••'•<•: Mrs. Mary Kath, Mr».

' • I Sullivan.Mrs. Aufruat Bauman,

'«'"> Duniffon, Mrs. EdwardMrs Lewis Baumlin, Mrs.

| ' 'iiii'i-in, Mrs. P. J. Trainer,'• •'•.r>-nc(? C i i m p i o n . Mrs . L i l -

•"'-y. Mrs. J, B. Uvi.

Lois T. KardosOf 415 New Brunswick Ave-

nue, Fords, who ia eiiroute to,Pullman, Washington, In join-the faculty of WashingtonState College. Mr. Kardoi, «q3;H aSpijqpooM. jo i>>«n|>>:.i.nSchool in 1938, has beenawarded bachelor's and mas-ter's degrees at Rutgers anilhas completed work for hisdoctorate there. As an un-dergraduate he earned a num-ber of honors, amonp; themelections to Phi Beta Kappa,Phi Lambda Upsilon and Si^-ma XL He is the son of Mrs.Elizabeth Kardos.


Resident Of Keasbey ForHalt Century Dies At

Her HomeMrs. Hans Peterson, aged 73,

and a resident of Keasbey for overa half century was buried fromher late home on Smith Street Sun-day. Rev. E. J. Edwards of Brook-lyn officiated.

In addition to twenty-six grand-children and nine great grandchil-dren, Mrs. Peterson is purvivtil byfive daughters, Mrs. John Jensenand Mrs. Mary LaForge of PerthAmboy, Mrs. Lena Travis of Eliz-abeth, Mrs. Sophie Hansen of Pis-cataway, Mrs. Emma Janelle ofKeasboy; four sons, Hans of Fords,John and Peter of Perth Amboyand Mnthew of Keasbey.••The pall-bearers were six grand-

sons, Bernard Peterson, John Pet-erson, John Jensen, Frederick La-Forge, John Hansen and WilliamLaForge.

Burial was in Alpine Cemetery


II Party Tendered ,Mr, Mrs. A. W. Scheidt

1 will party for Mr. andi\ A Scheldt, East Avenue,• WHS tendered by Mr. and

1 Henry, Went Avenue, Se-Hiid(f« w»» played, with

'"•ing awarded, to Mrs.I'rlian, Mrs. Olive Van

A. W. Scheidt and Fred

•••ii'sts included: Mr. and' I Hemareat, Mrs. Hilda'• Mr. and Mrs. Frederick

Mr. and Mrs. MorrisonMr and Mrs. F. J. Adams,

lve \'an Ideratein, Mr. and•"i'ge Urban, Jamea Adams"'id Mrs. A. W. Scheidt.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Mit-chell of West Hi!l Roud had astheir guest over the week-end MissFrancis Gould of New York City.

'—-Mrs. Raymond Kohdes of Fair-view Avenue entertained in honorof her son Jackie's fifth birthday onMonday.

—The sheet and pillowcaseparty orl|rlrtal!y scheduled for Sat-urday nijrht at the CommunityCentre was indefinitely postponeddue to the unusunl cold weather,

—Mr. and MM. Joseph MCAJI-drewB of West Hill Road wereKuests at a dinner dance at thePennsylvania Hotel on Saturdayih


l''«rl Hannum Devanny,r. '""ir worship, 11:00, sermon

The Unemployed." ;Ai" ople'a sevraon far every-.

''"ir worship, 7:45, special•'<> Endeavor service.li'V School, 9:45, classes for

Miss Joan Mnos of West Cliffroad has been confined toi Her homewith a severe cold.

•7-Miss Ijiura Jean Beaujon ofPurview Aveniw was hostess to theJunior Stamp Club at the home ofMrs. M. M. Puttison on Fridaynight. Members present Vere Ger-trude McAmlrews, Betty SaywellrEugene Pipes, Robert Kanucr,Hancroft Liviuifston and WarrenDey.

- The N'eijrhborhood Card Clubmet at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Sidney PinWham of C3uiin-O-HillsRoad on Friday night. Their guestswere: Mr. add Mrs. Hurry Ludwig,Mr. and Mrk William Miller, Jr.,Mr. and Mrs. James Currid, Mr.and Mrs. Norman King, Mr. and

M d MMrs. FloydGarry DenS h

g,Manse, Mr. and Mrs.Blcykcr, Mrs. Sophia

d Fl S h


Christian En-P. M.

I111" r Christian Endeavor, 3:00

"ii Christian Endeavor eup-•1.1 P. M."i| Christian Endeavor, 6:30

M»y -The regular monthlyfn«nt tha Softaion will be held

Maime at 8 o'clock.'uy—JThe Buschan Guild"• «t 8 o'clock at the home1 unsy MacCrory on Row-

, -,•;•—/—The weekly tea•-"•lies' Auxiliary will het»c home of Mrs. Fred»" Rahwtty Avenue.

M,, Oak Troop Girl

M., Midweek\prayers.

!'»f the Presbyterian Men'sihiiixl will be held at the111 «:4fi. An excellent speak-"ci'ii secured.P- M," Clover Troop., Girl

fv 7:30 P. M., Troop 83,puts,

Schunsberg and Florence Schuns-

—The American Legion Post,No. 2'4«"held a Dutch supper in theLe-.-ion club rooms Wednesdaynight for members and prospectivemembers. Those attending were:Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McAndrews,Mr. and Mrs. James Cuirid, Mrand Mrs. Thomas Mynes, Mr. andMrs, William Doll, Mr. and Mrs.Edward Sehubei'ir, Mr. Hnd Mrs.Warran Pip'-s, Mr. and Mra. JamesCrowlcy, Mr. and Mrs. Philip DenBleyker, Gerald. Brown and Joseph

' —John Zimmerlich of New York*City has retuniid tQ his home aftera months visit at the home of hiscousins, Mr. mid Mrs. CharlesKnauer, of Fiiiryicw Avenue.

Plans have been completedfor the di/nce to be held by theAmerican Legion Post of Coloniaat their dub rooms on Saturday

'llghtMr8. Arthur Saywell of Fair-view Avenue enlertained Friday «t-ternoon at .tea and. bridget herguests were: Mrs- Joseph Corbett,Mrs. Joseph MeAndrews, •

rbet,Mr*.Mrs Joseph MeAndrews,

Ch"rle« Knauer and Mrs. Hancroft



Fire, Water andSmoke Damaged'45,000 StockLocated at the Corner of Smith St.and Madison Avenue, Perth Amboy

Edna Bryne mid high scores, \diilein radio, the winners were RayJohnson and Dorothy Brown. Oth-

members and guests presentwere: Janet Cox, Marjorie Millerand Katherine Soderstan of Co-lonla, William Gill of Iselin, Mady-line Krauze of. Port Redding, KviiFriis, Katherine Hawkins and Lil-lian' Bergmuli of Fordo, Dorothyand Harry Conrad of Sewaren;Thomas Smith, GeDrge Olsen andJohn Andersen of; Perth Amboy;Aagot Merwin, Dorothy Brown,Joh,n Ebbonatart, Ruth Brown andJohn Hentekle of Woodbridge.

—Mrs. William J. Bryne was tlit>guest of her mother, Mrs, Mar-gsret BrySdn, of Brooklyn, lastweek.

—Mrs. Henry Lavin and Mrs. J.M. McAndrelw.s of West Hill Roadattended a'mpeting of their bridgeclub at tho home of Mrs. Junior J.Dunne of Green Street, Wood-bridge, on Thursday njght.

—Miss Diantha Pattison, daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Maynicke Pat-tison, of Chnin-O-Hills Road enter-tained in honor of her sixth birth-day last Monday. Her guests were:Douglas Kvans, Beverley Nelson,John McClurc arid Munn Pattison.

—Mrs. William Barbour of WestStreet entertained Tuesday after-'noon in honor of her sun William'sninth birthday. A harmonica con-cert was given by some of theguests after which they were en-y

songs and games,were served and

tertained withRefreshmt'tiUgreen favors distributed. Thosepresent were: Margaret and Ru-dolph Grewe, Betty and StellaSuit, Robert Suit, Margaret andBernard Heiden, Edith Nixdorf,Boyd Minto, Billy Paul, EdwardBaggart, Richard Fuirhurst, Mrs.Joseph Fairhurst, Mrs. James Tag-gert, Beverly and Robert Barbour.

-Mrs. Elaine of Enh'eld Roadentertained guests from Newark

Come prepared to receive the most sensational values, the most stupendous savings on high grademerchandise (slightly damaged by smoke and water) it has been your privilege to enjoy in many years. Ihave been ordered to move this stock in the shortest possible time to make room for CARPENTERS, ME-CHANICS and PAINTERS under contract to repair the building. I shall therefore CUT. SLASE SMASHall prices - - and move this stock regardless of PRICE, PROFIT, COST or LOSS, and a bargain seeking pub-lic will get the chance of a lifetime.THE STOCK CONSISTS OF: Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes and Rubbers; Men's Furnishings; Boys'Furnishings; Women's Winter Coats; Ladies'Hosiery; Women's Undergarments; Handbags; Ladies' SilkDresses; Blouses; Sweaters; Houses Dresses; Children's and Infants'Wear.



vingston. . . , ...—A caid party w«» held hy the

Morrym»k*rii ('Itifc «t the home ofKdna and Patricia Bryne of Noith,

. —Attractive, prizes have beenplanned for each table in play atthe card party to be held Fridayevening, February 14tfy at theAmerican Legion club grooms bythe Colonia Parent IVar-heiV Axsoelation. Play will start prompt-ly at H :80 P. M.

helinV.F.W.AidingVetsFile BoMt Applications

Officers of Iselin Post 2636 ofthe Veterans of Foreign Wars arehelping vetemns fill out bonus np-plicatioiiB, they announced today.The pout rooms are o»en for suchadvice nightly between 7:80 ami10 o'clock. Veterans should brinirtheir: dinulmrge papers nnd "pinkslip" receipt for th«1r eertilieateif a loau h»x h«en inH.1.- mi it.

n m Road Wednesday , gGames play?d W(-'n' b»1(lir?.

Mo.played were I

In bridge, Wi'l1vi coverage

reliable, accurate.



be rebuilt. After repair* are completed you'll (

really be able to call thi» »tore "Penf* Amboy'* [

Newest and Pa»te»t Growing Department

Store." *




Benefit Party Is HeM Holy Name Society Of St. Cecelia sBy Local Altar Guild To Hold Amwijlarbecue Feb. IS

'Trinity ChardT Club Hai / „ « „ Men Complete Plans For Dinner To Be Held InSession At Home Of The Church Hall From Six Until Ten P. M.;Mr., Mrs. Carpenter Elaborate Menu HasBeen Planned


, JANUAKV 31,1986

Fete Mr., Mrs. KertesOn 17th

^ • 1.,,,.,,, , --..«

mss LOCKWOOD TALKS father Langan Willsm

T0 P r 4 OF SEW ARM l" « J r ^


Elaborate plans have been completed by the Holye society of St. Cecelia's Church, Iselin. for the annual

^ g r O a^nd barbecue at the church hall February 15»• veai* the men of the parish answer the call of

W l U & . their p a i r Rev. W. J. Brennan to arjan.e for ttl. *™t!" MS! C JLtertivity. The hall is now beautifully decorated in patno-h Miri l ait "

& M V N D S ! S! C JLtertiyBotkfim, Mrs. Bertha Minricy, . c c b , o r 8 . T h t twenty male wait-Mrs. Morris Choper, Mrs. William.« ( a n ,nnbun«m*n ; h»ve ,Tobrowgky. beeh meaMired for their spotless ,

Pinochle, Albert Carpenter, Mrs. h j unjforms. The chefs, PeterStephen BoMlsky. Mr*. Beatrice B , < n d c o m p a n T h»ve planned ,©aob, Charle« ne*ort,.Mr». Wil- h • ^ p e t i i ing mem.. The ladies oflUm Ey«rlra», Mrs. WtUiani Shep- h ^ h l v e p^rtmed to make« d , Mrs. Q»ear Urjje Miss Leonie h m ^ m 8 d e p i e & 8 n d cakes. Tert

k M Chrles Mesmck h b e n bou

Plant Barbecue

BreRler' M&.™ vr..*rick- ?&h™ tea; vrtv &U^B^A^%^ir^t "^/ono^g menu he, beenUujfhlin, Mrs. Ackefley, Efnert Pl«?ned': : b . •Raympnd, Mr*. Mary'Klein, Mrs. „ C* ler>'- ° h ^ f1^*9' J?'1 ' '*1;A. Hanson, Mrs. H. Morris Barbecue Pork and Beef Mashed

Non-player* Mrs Clavton OTI- P o t a t o e 8 . S a u e r K r * u t - APP l e

ley, M«TS. SattlerX Rib- :«•»"• T V ^ S^' Vert Rhodes, Mrs. John W. Boos. " C ' ^ b W ? o l & » u « f . ""!'•"• A s j

Door p r « , Mrs. Oscar Large; " ° * e d JS'J* H o . ? ! e , M a 2 e P l e s a m i

-J M«. po<,tr*r« Cakes, Coffee with fresh cream.Committee Named

Mr. Otto Boehm is chairman ofthe barbecue, assisted by 42 mem-bers of the Holy Name Society;William Breen is master of etv-emonies and has an array of talent

r Lsnre


Many Prizes AwAt Avenel P T A Party Many public officials in the county_ - " "t» • m • a n t ' Woodbridge Township will beMr«. GrOVer P e n e r Chair- present and reservations ha? al-

, p •,. aj ready been made for three handrrilnUUI 01 LOimnittee; IViany people. Special consideration ;-

extended to school children. Thee o schdol childrslogan is "No Blue Pluto butyou can eat."

6th District G. 0. P.Hosts At Card Party

Prizes Are AwardedA c a r d p a r t y w a s h e l d u n d e r t h e

a u s p i c e s of t h e P a r e n t - T e a c h e r s 'A s s o c i a t i o n of A v e n e l w i t h Mrs . £ i L T \ ! , , l ~ ! , - i P A DGrovier Penjer as.general chair- OlH lUSlTlCl U . U . I .man.

Mrs. William Kuzmiak, Mrs. An-nabelle Baker and Mrs. HaroldGrausam won the door prizes and _ ^ _ _non-players' prizes went to: . . , . fj T

Miss Ethel Cline, Mrs. George Mrs. Mae HarmonLeonard, Mrs. Fred Brause, Ernest • T L k \Grey, Mrs. Grovier Perier, Mrs A. Vises I he ArrangementsNier, Mrs. Kunic, Mrs. William M f t n v A w n r J . J p-J-p,Tares, Mrs. Barth, Mrs. Al Hender- mMY Awarded rrizeston and MrR. Merwin Jones.

Winners in the card games toere:Bridge: Mrs. Patrick J. Donato,

Keasbey Couple HonoredAt Party In Village

Barn, HopelawnOn the nrcanion of their seven-

teenth vveddinjr anniversary, Mr.and Mr.' Michael Kerte», Boujtln-Street. Keasbey were feted at adinner party in the Village Barn.Hopelawn, Saturday nif?ht. Thetoa.itmafter was John Kardos.

Included on the juest list were:Rev Charles Vtti«e, Mr. and

Mr». Michel Kerte., Miss HelenKertes, Michael Kertes, Jr.. Mr.and Mrs. John Chik, Mr. and Mr?.L o « i f M « M , Mr. .nd Mr. WilhamSiska, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baler..Sir. and Mm. Gabriel Miller, Mr.


Children With Rubbersand Glasses

„,-,! need for rubber? «i^. 'nr children attending the,..i school was reported at a•,* of the Sewaren Parent-tr«' Association by Mi» >«r-lx>ckwood, principal. Tuis-

i..v The meeting was unanimousI ,n'it-opinion that awlrtance in «H*!,!i'fH-inn be given. Mrs. H . \ - Kan-

V<r president, was in" charge.ri,n< were made to hold a pub-

•;, meeting in March and to obtainii speaker of promim nee. I Heiroup al-o vpt«d to hold a rum-'r.aee sale in April and a card partyin March. Members and friend?are a*ked to make contribution?

f0rHele«*N>me«xa. a student In th*school, eniertained thejsiiests *itr'

i "Drink To Me Only

Reiiduary Bequeathed ToEducarion Of Priest;

Hospital BenefitsT k .u.,n.'PThlch"he «rred «•»»

jW'Vnncjp.1 beneficiary ,nhe e.«M-- •" th%R


HELD " _ _ - M r S R . L . _I oral Society Holds Annual ^eni of the SecomlL0\r\ . 7 T . W-,,i Women's Republican Club v

Pilgnmate I o new Jammry meeli

York On Tuesday — T -

January meeting.I Others named were; Vic1 dent, Mi's. Howard ""


' (lent, mra. nowara ma<iiM)!1ve plan? wore initiated I c f ) r , | i , ,K necreUry, Mrs. i|,,;mini season by the rort- j c n s e n ; Miss Josephine Gro ,,.. . . f ; . i . . ^pthodiat Epi- >corresponding secretary trei

• meet- M r s Ella Beckman.


'n i l

• onLankan bequeathed ni?automobile and the resi-


rs.Mrs. Predmore nominnii^

following standing commit..,Mrs. Charles Kish, mcmln

Mrs. H. J. Bailey, programHerbert Klein, hospitalityAthlanta Jensen, pubilicity iolution was pasted Va

he Trenton Diocese "to >c used ailis discretion for the education, of•flme ecplesiMtical student to takemy plRCe in the Trenton Dioceseis a priest o{ G«d." The value of•.he .estatf w.as not indicfttfd.

A cash bequest of $500 was will-• - ' - . . -w. , i 1 . j Hospital, KHz-

!^5t*S?^"Unit Or Woman's ClabHas Charity Fund Patty

?elf. Miss Elizabeth Tr«ut«'e]n. ateacher,

Rev. W. J. Brennan

Mrs. Mae Harrisonof the card party

was ini

Fred Brause, Mrs. D. P. DeYoung,Mrs. Hilda Demafeat, Mrs. Olive"KflpianrRmroiph Heitmueller, Mrs.Allen, Mrs. Ray Grusam, A) H*t»-derson, Mrs. Grorpe B. Lund, Mrs.0. Bidka, Elsie Schubergh, Mrs.Edward Grode, Mrs. Schiller, Mrs.Edna Misenhelder, Miss MarieGrausam, Mrs. Charles Klein.

Pinochle: Mrs. R. Voelker, Mrs.F. Schwaghart, Mrs. DorothyStocker, Alex Tarcz, Mrs. Leldner,Mrs. L. S. Refenburg, Mrs. Thoma,Fred Ciegatura, Miss Mary Ciega-tura, Miss Betty Eisenhauser, J. E.Klubenspies, Mrs. C. Anderson.

Mrs. Bessie Crowley, Mrs. O.Franke, Mrs. E. J. Brady, Mrs.Gertrude Herman, K. Klubenspies,Mrs. Klutemspies, J. Klubenspies.

F M E R y o n d Ele

urday night at the Green StreetFirehouBe, Iselin, under the aus-

'pices of the Sixth District Repub-lican Club.

Miss Ruth Hughes of Metuchenwas awarded the door prize andMrs. Sanford Luna received thespecial priie.

Those winning awards in thecard games were:

Bridge: Nassib Haddad, MissAgatha Schmidt, .Miss Mary Se-quin, Miss Ruth Hughes, Miss Al-exandria Nahass, Hiss GenevieveBoehme, Miss Selma Nahass, Vin-cent Grogan, Mrs. Nahass, AlfredHyde, Mrs. Herbert Williams andJohn B. Mattenson.

Rummy: Henry Ohlerich, Mrs.Marion Mastandrea, C. A. Wil-liams, Mrs. C. A. Williams, Mrs.

d L M R LakeFan-tan: Mrs. E.Raymond, Elea-! 1'amJ?« ,Mr

T8- ^- * ; " " » « . »»"•

nor Kuimiak, Kate Payne, Inga; ?,anfo.™ L u n a - M.r?.- ftose , .»• 'Behrens, Ruth Gfery, Mrs. Fred : JJw. Henry Oherlich.Mts. LillianvnBroh Mra. Helen Schajrhart, j P°ke> M r s - 3\\*m\' M r s - TheresaBehrens, Ruth Gfery, Mrs. F r e d : yFoerch. Mrs. Helen Schaghart, £»>», Mrs. J. Lewis, Mrs TherMrg Paul Romano and Miss Mane Lewis.

Rummy: John B s i k Mrs B u n j o : « « . Florence Touis-

C i t J

Bresnick, Mrs.A

M r s

I Pinochle: John Barth, George; Sedlak, Andrew Gilrchek, CharleiDube, Albert Furze, Harold LakeMrs. Alice Barth and Peter Hack

• enbrach.

Ann Cospito, Joseph Cosnito, Ar- f n | M r | - M . l l ^ r « d ro.u1

1K8!?p M r S

nold Jensen, M. YSung, M™. Ket- Andrew Sedlak Mrs Albert Furzeler, Mrs. Haley, Mrs. S. Johnson, $ £ * ^ a r a Brooke, Andrew PrwcoEugene Gery, Mrs. Faircloth, Ellis *?>*? &»?<*<* Touissant and MrsJohnson. iCilr!i"S;

Marie Smanko EntertainsAt El Siesta Club Session

Miss Marie Smanko, RidgedaleAvenue, wag hostess to the El 'Siesta Club Saturday. :

Among those present were: •Misses Jean Cook, Caroline Bin-,

d«wald, Sylvia Canilla, Emma Far- ,ley, Marie Smanko; Messrs. Wil- jliam Crowe, Cordon and Kenneth jMagyar, Kenneth Rachnitzer, Gor-1don Quelch, Rcfbert Litts andDouglas Zenobia. j i

Red Cross Chapter To Hold-£ttbHc Card forty Monday

A public card party for the bene-fit of the Woodbridge Chapter oftlje American Red Cross wil beheld at Port Reading School No. 6TDh"MoTi'dtiy ~AH"Card'games will t eplayed, with prizes, door prizes andrefreshments to be offered.

. Mrs. John Hapstack is chairmanof the commitee on arrangements,assisted by Mrs. A. L. Huber, Mrs.Asher Fitz Randolph, Mrs. GeorgeHunter, Mrs. Morrison! Christie,Mr. and Mrs. Carmen £ullo, Mr.and Mrs. Michael Sasso, Mrs. MaryBarnyak, Miss Anna Barnyak, HissMary Vahaly, Miss Helen Vahalyand Mrs. Stephen Hutnik.

Red Cross Has Card PartyIn Port Reading On Monday

Many prizes will be offeredat the benefit card party to be

I held Monday at the Port, Reading School, the township

1 chapter of the Red Cross an-nounced today. Refreshmentsare to be served at the affair,which will begin at 8 o'clock.Mrs. John Hapstack is generalchairman.

On the committee for theRed Cross are Mrs. A. F.Randolph, Mrs. A. L, Hub«rr -Mrs. Morrison Christie, Mrs.G. F. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs.Carmen Zullo, Mr. and Mrs.Micael Sasso, Miss Mary Lo-zak, Mrs. Frank Lozak, MTSJMary Baranyak, Miss AnnaBaranyak, Miss Mary Vahaly,Miss Helen Vahaly and Mrs.Stephen Hutnick.

4th Amateur Show ListedAi Parish House Tomorrow

The fourth of the series of Amateuf shows is scheduled tomorrowafternoon at the Parish House onRahway Avenue. A crowd of 200watched 30 entries last weekPrizes went to Lillian Fable, Doro

Mrs. John Poytasko, Mr. and Mrs.John Beak, Mrs. M. Deak Mr. aridMrs. Peter Hodan, Mr. and Mrs.Michael Paumer. Mr. and Mrs. Ste:phtn Toth, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Ste-phen Toth. Jr., Mrs. Vertes, Mr.and Mrs. Andrew Supko.

Othsr Ooe«UMr. and Mrs. Andrew Nagy, Mr.

and Mrs. Michael Najry, Mrs. RoseBuia, Mr. and Mrs. George Andra-rsik, Mrs. Francis JenesK Mr. andMra. Frank Varga, Mr. and Mrs.Louis Vig, Mr. and Mrs. RudolphToth, Mr. affd Mrs. Stephen Docs'Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Docs, Mr.ami Mrs. Paul Adam, Mrs. P.Adam, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ko-vacs. Mrs. Fosze, Mr. and Mrs. J.Orsak. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jr-uAu Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Soyak,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tomko, Mr.and Mrs. John Belanyi, Mr. andMrs. .l<ihn Cfcabai, Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Visnyai.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fofrash,Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Monush, Mr.Mrs. Kulman Csordash, Mr. andami Mrs. William Sabo, Mr. andMr«. Frank B*nyacski, Mr. andMrs. J. Mundy, Mrs. Aladar Oroaz,Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Urban, Mr.ami Mrs. Joseph Barna, Mr. andMrs. John Bacso. Mr. and Mrs.Paul Milchick, Mr. and Mrs. Ste-phen Kovach, Mrs. Elizabeth Sel-ayi, Mrs. Albert Sohayda, MissElizabeth Sohayda.

Alio PrauntMr. and Mrs. Kostas Bendcs of

3rooklyn, Mr. and Mrs. Stepheniovacs, Jr., and Stephen Kovacs,rd, of Whiting, Ind.; Mrs. Frank

Jayog, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Csuri,Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dursch, Mr.ahd Mrs. Andrew Churko, Mr. andMrs. Michael Nemeth, Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Churko, Mr. and Mrs. Zol-tan Kurpe, Mr. and Mrs. John Tyi-lian, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vig, Mrs.GOCM,-Mrs;Matyas Salai, and Mr.ind Mrs. Piosko.

Misses Hazel Belanyi, Helen Ko-


Parish Of M». CamelHolds Annual Bazaar

U n | E W l burial plot ih KeM " r

'Vather -Lfti»fran> curate. Rev. ICharles Dusten, wa« bequeathhe library. i

Feted On Anniversary\ variety of booths are in opera-

tion at the annual bazaar spon-

GH^oid MrF^nVad Stem, MrsM. Hutt, Mrs. Louift Cohen.

1 Other guests incrurt>d: MI1- -L. Hube" Mrs. George Bisbvow.Mrs. Joseph Klein, Mrs ( . e m pUughlin, Mrs. Edward B.-rB>t' ,n..Mr, William L. Raup. Mrs , U .llankin, Mrs. George tonkin. Mi>.Julius Blake, Mrs. John B air. Mr-

i Morris Klein, Mrs. M. In.iman,I Mrs. Harry Finkelstein.

•n Oeportm<>nJshow, "The

, be staged Sii1;.February 15th, at the Wf,<,,|i

i Parish House by the Re,I)<p«rtment. Admission w

• free. Daily rehearnal<i an.held.



S!;i: t- n Kt- anil ficiii'ir

H. W. Gardner, AvenelTel. WDBG. 8.2065-M

thy Klain and Charles BarcellonaIn addition, Dorothy Cannilla, Ber-nard Sullivan and Jean Hornsb;were given honorable mentionThe' series will close with the shoof February 8th.

February 15th the Recreati«rDepartment will inaugurate aramateur show for adults over 16.

Misses Hzel Belanyi, Helen Ko•ach, Helen Supko, Margaret Bur-

M Chik, Elizabeth Docs,a h , H

Jong, Mary C ,Elizabeth D«ak, Mary Vertee,

yesterday and will continuethrough Sundav. Dancing is anadded feature ol the affair.

The committees which arrangedthe bazaar are composed of IreneKusko, Mrs. Peter Tobak, JosephDnncscs, Mrs. Joseph Najry. Mrs.Andrew Galaida, Frar.V Benics.Mrs. William Prion, Mrs. Gabriel

[Oregus, George Horvath, Mrs. Bev-talon Lukacs, Mrs. John Pastor,Andrew Bak. Mrs. James Slinsky,Jr., Anna Koau, Ann* Sisan, RoseHornyai, Mrs. Joseph Dancses,Mrs. George Makiar. John Matyi,Mrs. Andrew Kristorf. JosephPetro. Mrs. Joseph Gal. JosetphRuskai, Margaret Kozu. HelenMesa's, Ruse Palko, Mrs. GeorgeLuczas.

Alio AtiiitingAlso Bailey Soba, John Bor, Mrs.

John Xenai, John Medvecsey. JohnMarinchak, Mrs. Joseph Ruskai,

| Sr., Mrs. Stephen Prekop, Mrs.| Stephen Kantor, Mrs. Matis Czin-! ege, Margaret Liptak, Rose Ur,Grace Ur and William Faubl.

Refreshment committee: Mrs.t George KehrmenyMrs.-Juhn Guizo,| Joseph" Magy, Andrew Batluska,John Koczun, Stephen Varga.

Ticket committee: John Kurucz,John Koblas.


Dancing And ASupper Features Of

Party In FordsDancing and » midr.icht supper

featured the thirtieth wt.idinMn-nivtrsary party of Mi. an'Chris Hoyer. Kintr i.i-"f^'Fords.

The guest 11=1 Included:Mr. and Mrs. H. IVu rson. Ml.

and Mrs; J. Blllott. Mr, and Mr . K.Hanse. Mr. and Mr?. ' •.1-aI.f0,n-Mr. and Mrs. J- P'» i lh- yU"' 'i ,ulh

.Smith.. Miss t>or«tJiy Smith, -Mrs,W. Romiff, Mrs. J. Jnlinson, MissM. Johnson. Miss M. rhamberliun.A. Larson. W. JeiiMn. CliffordJohnson, Foster Rt'iiixr nnd L.Powers.

Other guests were: Mr. and Mrs.G. Apple«ate. Mr. and Mrs. CharlesJohnson, Mr?. A. Webb, Mrs. C.Dunham. Mr. and Mrs. B. Dimat-teo, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hoyer, Wil-liam Hoyer of Fords, and MissAnne Berpen of Woodbridpe.





Phone Rah. 7-1263 - Night Phone Rah. 7-0424R

CillXUUVLll A^«»», —>-•« .

Helen Vig, Margaret Balog andStephen Koper, Stephen Czinnu,John Parsler, Daniel Bartha, Ste-phen Dalina, John Nagy, Gus Bod-nar, Frank Ishki, John Sabo, Mich-ael Sabo, Josoph Zsori, John Peter-csak, Stephen Peterscak, StephenPoroski, Anthony Horvath, JohnKovach, William Adam, John Chik,Jr., Victor Chik, Theodore Chik,John Bacso, Jr., Stephen Vargaand Joseph Turk.

Exchange Weeds MagazinesThe Magazine Exchange in the

Barron Library and the ParishHouse reports a need for old cop-ies af "American Boy," SportsMagazines, and "Boy Scout" or"Girl Scout" manuals. Residentswho have accumulated magazines•which they wish to give the ex-change should call Samuel Gioeat Woodbridge 8-1206.

Melder, Kreyling NamedAs Heads Of Fords Clabs

A joint meeting of thp FordsStamp and Photo Club was held

I Tuesday at the Lutheran ChurchI Parsonage under the supervisionof Miss Anna Moe, Recreationstaff member. Officers installed bythe Photo Club were: President,Andrew Melder; secretary, Mar-garet Soland, For the Stamp Club,

.they were: President, Paul Krey-| ling; vice-president. Joseph Eul-hauer.


YOU AND IA N D . . . .




(French walnut fini.li. A[beautiful and efficient .et.) SPECIAL $I"OO

:PTf 1 ' •



Douklc ' I ' d v l u Allnnmn



J. Arthur Applegate





RCA and Cunningham]RADIO TUBES '

Sal* / It.lePrta» ' '!'»»• ITtc*

« . . . . » • T1A » eXT . . . . 8SO MA . . . . «DcXT49

8Me •ad

RADIO apd REPAIRS1 Call EUrabeth 2-8900




Toast (he bread golden brown

In the electric toaster. Prices

begin at $1.95 cash. Coid and

plug eirtra.

Cqifee te delicious jtiade in

an electric percolator. Prices

are as low aa 12.95 cash.

The price on every lamp in stock at every Public

Service store is reduced by 20 per cent., A number

of I. E. S. floor and table lamps are Included. These u

lumps iurnish excellent illumination for reading or

aewing as they giv» a combination of direct a i d

indirect lighting. Prices are moderate and the 20%

reduction makeB them real bargains, Small carry-

ing charge if you buy, on terms.

Now That We Are AcquaintedLet's Talk Things Over . . . .

' SFRANKLY SPEAKINGLET ME SAY that for 21 yean 1 haT. b*en -1 • and at ill am - - - at 3t«!ab*k*rdealer". While ourt it not the larf.it automobile bttiin.it in Partb Amboy, a.Ttr-thelen |it )• growing, and you bare more than eTidenceJ jour faith in Stuaa-bakar <f>d in n«, I tay thii becau>» 1 »*»• a f o»d tbara of tfca biuin*u in. thelow and medium priced field in Woodbridfe, and b«ca»* of the .nthniUtin ofmy many friend* and old cuitomart with whom I have ducuti«d my 1930 plaai.

TO YOUR ADVANTAGEA few week, ajo a new Studabakar for 1936 Wat aononncd. You kava heardover the radio, and hav. i«en ID the newtpaperi and maga»inet, torn, of' thelUtementt about "tha car America ordered." A great many of you hav* teenthii car and have already bought. ! feel rare you Jill afrea it it the ear that youhave been Wanting . - - at the price you want to pay. Bet or* buying any car,at any price, tee the new Studefeah«r« and gel my prepotUlon.

^ u f l i i l i i c i U J t l l L I M « • J H t CHEAPE* IT CETS


Aik any man who wean Nunn-Buth thoet whut'he thinkt ofth.n\. You will receive an an-iwer indicating tuch genuineloyalty that it will lurpriie you.And now for a limited time onlyyou can,buy thii thoe at a re-markable taving.



MY PLEDGE TO YOUWa^have ipent a lot of time • • • and no little money. perfecting and operat-ing a food tervice depa.rtme.nt, to keep the cott of operation down to a minimum-Every individual in our organization Jt fully initnicted tbat BO ou»ton»er beallowed to leave dii.ntliped without leaing DM. Yon nay, thenlor*, f*«l Mr-tain thii part of our butlnett l« »lw«y» uppenaoat in my mind.

ALL I ASKIf you are eontiderinf the purchata of » now 1»W «»tomoWlo, put Studefcakeron your .hopping Utt. I'll leave it to yon whether or not tbii tnurt M I Shide-baker i. "Uilor-n.***" for Woodbridg. and - - v if 1 ej. M . •« - • • I *•»•?• 1**will like my way of doing buiinatt.



363 Division StreetPerth Amboy Phone P. A. 4-2516


N.w Brukiwick Phone N


fads Produces Screen's Masterpiece Of Aviation JEAN HARLOW CASTlFrmc"/„ Ceiling Zero', Opening At The Majestic Tonight® COLORFUL FILMfilming of Air Epic Has

Proven DanjerowFor P joh

A.,,,l Hawks, tall, bronzed,i-x-wnr nviator and direc-

,/ i n !my nviation epics was in, t i,ii1.-»i-lv jubilant mood when

,!,.„,,! work on "Ceiling Zero,"' , li;m,y.O'Brien masterpiece

| , j r s t National will presentMajestic Theatre starting


l,'.,,l been thinkinjr of the old(l]- intrepid stunt filers withI,,, mid his late brother, Ken-hM,l |J(.L.n so closely amoci

1,,,'tli in the war and later In

. 'X tint exception of FrankI .m , | Paul ManU, who, like'•nldiera, had reported for•"lll0<t of the otheri, a score,.,. hii'l been "washed out.

; ,^< . brother, Kenneth.'i.d'to death in SantanMonicn' i,ii,. filmuiir a scene. Leo

. \l mid Roy Wilson. H. S.,:;.-ter Koss Cooke, Lynn1

Huiton Unc, Morey Johns:Mike Murphy, VirRil Clmcl(.,fry Crandall, all members

I';IIIH'|| "Hollywood suicide(', ,,,>.•• had met swift deaths,• of duty. ,

i,. were others he had known ,,h(. ,|ay!, of "Dawn Patrol," i

, .!!•• ,,nd "Hell'r Angels," |•hrnuirh accidents, advancing-,', chautre of occupation, have ji,,w to a mere handful; such:,.; Hick Grace, now writinglivinit; "Boots" Iloutellier

''in commercial flying in San.,.,.:,•»; Harlfind Lincoln in the. :,,n rental business; Frank

i'huck Gordon and Eddie

• tinill-lovinj; audiencea must.','VIMI. Somewhat irravely the

,,r of forty-odd feature films,about the busless Of pickingstir?, recent graduates frorh-nid civilian f1yi"K schools,

. P with the story. • '... :h the influx nf new birdmen

nptimistir organisations asA-^ociated Motion Picture

; " :itid "Cjuiet Rirdmen,". liisnrbcd dwindling ranks and

,,f "The Thirteen Klyinir, I 'HK" and "the si|uanlon."

James Cagney, Pat O'Brien and June Travis MakeMerry Despite the Shadow of Death Hanging OverThem In "Ceiling Zero" at the MAJESTIC.

/Riffraff Co-Stan Tracy;Joseph Calleia Also

Has Good RoleOne of the largest tuna fleets

mi the Pacific Coast,-ships andmen, appear in "Riffraff," apectacular new production starring Je» n

llnrlow with Spencer Tracy whichopens tonifjht at the Strand TheaIrc. Tho film wns made against

I !he colorful background of the waI t.orf ront, with Tracy, Joseph Cal-i leia, .1. Farrell MncDonald, PaulHurst, Vinee Barnett, Wilde Bote-ler, Bob Perry, Bert Storehouseand a dozen other members of thecast taking part in the regula*cruises in search of giants of thedeep. Other vessels carried Direc-tor J\ Walter Ruben and hia staff,plus a complete complement • ofcamera and sound equipment, fhe

' thrilling scenes which take placej when the fishermen locate theI schols of (fiant tuna miles off the

coast have beeivfilmed for.the firsttime.

Jeanllarlow, Hollyw»o's "Blonde1 jean ilanow, tionywuu » uiuiim

Battling New Mystery Melodrama Begins Ran Today Bomtahdi." ha. u»ed. bomb 11*0' • 1 *. . . . - 1 0 /1 ' I fU« .onb. of tho nlntinum blondes!

At Crescent; Murder Ot Dr. Harngan Stars CotterA



Write for

FREE CATALOG• . • , . , \ i , i i i i ' i •• • : ' i i ••'•

11. W. Gardner, AvenelTel.'WOHli. 8 2065-M

baffling new mystery melo-u, "The Minder of Dr. Har-

. . . . . . i" comes to the OrescentTheatre today under the auspicesof First National's Clue Club.

The picture is based on the storyby Mignon U. Eberhart, an authorfamous for hair-raisini; mysteriesthat are practically unsolvuble un-til the very end.

In this picture the plot is wovenaround a strange new anaesthetic,which the head of a drug companyclaims as his own, but i* the boneof contention »f,ii number of doc-tors, who have worked on the for-mula.

In the unwimvintf of the storythe head of the drug companystrangely vanishes, as though intgthin air. The doctor who was tohave operated mi him is found '•mysteriously murdered by a surgi-cal instrument.

Underlying it all there is a in- jmuntic love story between an in-l e l t l e lltitl u t i i i lM- IUV'U.MMI o f t h r

murder.'Kay l.iiuker, new to the screen,

but :i well known I!roadway sta^est;ir, has the leailing role, that of:i nurse who is the chief suspectin the cinni'S committed. HiciudcCiirtey, playing the part of an in-te rne who is in love with her, lit:-Hrvt'S in her innocence.


! M i l , ' 1 UU1 t l U t i '

,,.|.l,.n ,• Si ho.

The (i;i points whichscored airiiinst Delawuie was thehighest total ever made by a Scar-let basketball team in a singlegame. Sixteen of them were cred-ited to Hoy I.ins whost sterlingplay ut guard marks him as one ofUutgers' finest all-time baskethallstars. ..,, ,

the ranks of the,platinum blondes!•In "Riffraff," she appears as abrunette with solf, silky brown hairwhich brings her to the screen asa vivid, sparkling new personality.Spencer Tracy appears with MissHarlow in a story of stormy rom-ances on the waterfront. Headingthe supporting cast are Una Mer-kel and Joseph Calleia.


Has Irene Dunne PlayingFeatured Role

A party of visitors in Californiatfot the thrill of tlieir lives one daywhile Director John M. Stahl was"on location" in a Los Angeles citypark with his Univsrsal companymaking "Magnificent Obsession."They were filming a scene in whichIrene Dunne lay unconscious in

show Mim Kidney and other play

The camera must rnnke a panor*

Spencer Tracy and JeanHarlow In Their New Pic-

ture, "Riff Raff" opening atthe STRAND tonight.

.: 1 —Please mention this paper toadvertisers; it helps you, it helps

the road before an automobilewhich had supposedly just crashedinto her. 1

Suddenly a car bearing Iowa li-cense plates dashed around a curveand came to a grinding stop rightbefore the cameras. The occupants jjumped out to,.render aid to thesupposedly injured woman. Thewails and shouts of the entire pro-duction crew immediately drew theattention of the tourists to thecamera taking the scenes. Thenjthey realized what they had stumb-1led into and "were more excited |than ever. Their relief at avoid-ing an accident gave way to anattack of jitters. Then the "in-

" ' dis-:

Franeei Langford who willappear with Joe Penner, JackO«kie, Ned Sparlu and BettyGarble in "Collegiate" comingto the MAJESTIC a week fromtomorrow.

he Penner: 'CollegiateIgirl who was heiress to more

than a million dollars a scant fewyears ago now is a dancer in motion pictures. She is DorothyJarvis, member of the chorus inPaiimount's "Collegiate," whichfeatures Joe Penner, Jack OnkieFrances Langf ord and Ned Sparks,and which opens on a week fromtomorrow at the Majestic Theatre.

Miss Jarvia, member of a wealthyLos Angeles family, was educated^;ibroad. : " " "


Introduces New KindOf Action Film

A new film stnr nnd a new formof "Western" motion picture will

introduced at the CrescentTheatre today and both should besmash hits with the audienc*.

It. is the first showing of "Moon-light on the Prarle," a drama ofthe Old West, which Warner Bros.tins filmed with all the disregardof cost nnd attention to detail thatcharacterizes thefcr big productionfeatures. It Is. so far removedfrom the conventional "horseIrnma" of silent picture days thntit must be Teviewed only in thelight of the b\S feature film it is.

The revival of interest in West-ern stories and song as evidencedby the popularity of mapuine fic-tion of that type and radio pro-grani's. undoubtedly InfluencedWarner Bros, to take ft, fast mov-ing story of the Old West, intro-duce into It a number of newsongs its well as traditional bal-lads of the prarie, give it a newstar who cah both sing and ride,mid then produce it as no "West-ern" before has been produced.

That the result Is worth the ef-fort and there 1B no doubt thnt theentire series of six pictures inwhich Nick Foran will be starredwill be equally successful.

Nary Burns, Fugitive'Stars Sylvia SydneyTenement House On Stilts

Built By ToluboUFor AH Effect

A tenement house flat; built onstilts to provide a second storyeffect is one of the unusual setsappearing in Walter Waneer's

er« coming all Vhn nay upitalrn.

mic shot, taking in everything fromthe first to the second floor.

line walls. It in that of dancerlurking around Miss Sidney. Onlyby such set building can playencntch the right ntmospheTe andmood for the situation.

"WhRt 1 consideT even more im-' "You will notice in this hallwayportant." the art director continued nt the head of the stairs, and also"is the effect, created by the com- in the rooms themselves, that nobination of poorly iijfhtpd, narrow ! two waits nre in lint yjjj,h eaehcramped haHwuya, and the out of other.





• |ip««a>.H ... JMdrama, "Mary-fiurns, Fugitive,"starring Sylvia Sidney, and com-ing Wednesday to the CrescentTheatre.

"Some pictures have second 1floor settings," explained Alexaml-'ed Toluboff, art director, "withoutbeing: built on stilts. They mayshow part of a stairway (joing up,and the camera is set at the head tophotograph persons coining up.Such an arrangement would not dofor 'Mary Burns' because we must

TI»Uu|win by • Iwdilidi ;

it Iti i Uv«..l V-

. tc mosthilling-thrilling

_JV mystery of the year!

OF DR. #






...couldn't k « pher horn tl>«man the loved






2 : 1 5 - 1 1 p.m.PERTH AMBOY

them, it helps your pu»"r., jured" girl sat up and they tI covered thnt she was Irene Dunne! i


Ralph Bellamy and Gloria Shea in "Dangerous In-• inuf" coming to the CRESCENT. ___

ITMAi.1 Telephone

P. A. 4-3388 $






5:47 "Slrik* Ma Pink."7:25 "Ceiling Zero."9:00 "Strike Me Pink."10:35 "Ceiling Zero."12:00 EXIT.










in a Universal hcture



HGNIFICJENT OBSESSIONA JOHN M. STAIIL %Production from the beit-adl"* »«v*l X

by Uoyd C. Douglas,>vuh %











. . . and it washer "Ho" thatkept them



FRI. NITECome Before9 P. M. andSee Both Fea-turei: "7 Key»To Baldpate"and 'Riff R>ff'No Advance in


A t e









CRGnevPresented by Warner Bro». in








" S T R I K E ME P I N K " ••




mmxl Klliott. Uu i s Knvhi't, Albert,l iuwl l nn-1 Tlinmnn F . i n c John,;, lni|ohuk. Winfnnl j M

lVt iT andl l l l l l l ' l l l l l l l ,


inspection.I'yorrhca hns been called the

PUnlev, Sea-

Frank Schmidt. CharlesOliver Meyers,

Samuel O'Dell, andMic-Hael Kovsti-s.

The (lepiirlnipiit spends aboutJii 000 n year. The major itemsare $3 1'11'1 f ' i r w r t t e r a m ' ?1>2(1{I

in piivim'iit on the truck, now nl-

Teethanai BealtjjjBy Dt. J. M. WJSA.N

Airman. Council on Mouth HygieniNew Jersey SUM Dentil Soaftr

By DrD. J. M. WISANCh»irman, Council o« Month Hjr-

jiene New J«"«r State DentalSociety

THE "LONG TOOTH" pISEASESo moth di«ea« has d


nv >.ni«hinK the teeth properly N e w . of All Waodbrid,keeping his freneral health flood,, j Kand cominfr rcfculnrly for dental I Towitthip in the IndftpPtl.

dent, the most widely

read paper in



FRED THOMASSecretary, Commissioner*


HOWARD DAVISFinancial Secretary



So moth di«ea« has r e c « ».o much publicity in the last fo«voars as pyorrhea; with the posM-

ble exception of « n * or. dec«>.•itme ha* received the «n»itiftiattention, either. A1 dental «

vnrrhea.symptoms have to do with bleed

Wh urns blee(rums. When (turnsh b h d t

bleed!'"d f , •• ••-•• ," . ( h j _ , Boys can e»rn extra ,,easily, a« when brushed, the den- m delivering THEtist should be consulted. He maj j p E Nr5ENT. See circulationfind the cause easily, or H may hi 'obscure, hard to discover.

No toothpaste, powder omouthwash can cure or proven:pyorrhea.

THE INDEPENDENT is themost thoroughly read newsrnapeicirculating in Woodbnd(?e Town-ship. - s

The Hoard of Fire 'lilstrlct No. 11, Iselin.tlu1 fu l lnwtng Midget

Hnmi arid Interest nil nI'urrint Hxj'cnin'Kllyrtrnnln, w n l f r HIUIJI

or 111" >'««

c k . . l l . - " n (


SMALL white Spit* do*. Ahsv.Hie name of "Fluffy," IU-UI,

Mnple Avenn\V 1. 1-31.

BALES—Parlor etuM- un !rsrrraiT*. A. Hrnicheli>, Isot|.,

l«vard, Inolln. N. J.W. T.—1-24; 2-1. !«

W 0 0 D B H I D 0 B F1HKxo. I

1MB »rn(JKT

Twelve years ago, houseswere springing up in Iselinlike so many mushrooms.Building lots- sold at lowprices as a bait for newspa-rier subscriptions, large-scalec evelopment by Samuel Fos-t t r and Henry Kunze, the post-warsjrretd of population from thec ties to suburbs within commutingdistance: all contributed to a verylipld growth. And the more thet iwn grew, the gTeater • the firelizard became.

I To baffin with there was no per-I anent system of water mains.1 Tells, public and private, and aa lall pipe line from pumps operat-t by realtors met the immediatej eds of the families but frequent-1 tBere was not ehough ?ven fort em, since the wells j^pifarly1 ent dry at evening in the Sum-

"WBe ana the pumps contintmlly1 oke down. For fire fighting,t ere was nothing.

tThere were no gas mains witht e natural, dangerous result that1 ost of the cooking and some oft e lighting was done- by kerosene.1 rtcJct DiTided1 wo Parts Of Town

And the only organized com-pany was the young, scantily-efluipped Iselin company No. Oneof volunteers. Between it andinuch of the new growth in thee>mmunity lay the main-linetacks of the Pennsylvania Rail-f iii.: The neeessitljr for Increasedt 'otection was. more- than immi-n»nt: it had arrived.

The inevitable time came whena crawling fredirht train delayed^t «- only available equipment ont i e WTong side of the tracks whileajhouse burned to the ground. Fos-ti r, then engaged in building some8 BO houses, suggested early in1924 that steps be taken immedi-a ely to organize a separate forceo fir«-fight«r» North of the tracks.

The first meeting was held inF aster's tarn at Oak Tree Roada id Correja Avenue. Instrumentalin the work which led to creationOf A separate district (the town-

ship's eleventh) by the Neubergadministration, election of sepa-rate commissioners and grantingof a charter were more than ascore of men.

Among them, in addition to Fos-ter and Kunze.'were: Charles Hut-teman, Sr., Charles Dent, CarlBrinkman, Louis Farber, JohnHassey, Henry Bohme, EdwardWalsh, Frank Price, Otto Hen-schelle, Stanley Seabasty, MichaelOliver, Barney Madison, Peter Mc-Cann, John Drtnnan, Joseph Dren-nan, Albert and Thomas Furze,John Brennan, Edward Mann. Wil-liam Kriete, Leo Murphy and Ly-man Andrews.Fletiner NamedAt The Fint Chief

A eKarter was granted on Aug-ust 11, 1924, to the "Iselin Chemi-

selves did the joli on Sundays, holi-days and eveninft?, The men,pledging S2,ri apiece, eyen finanaeaa $2,000 mortKBste !»i the ncces-•ary cement and sand. In 1929.the completed house was turnedover to the district and title vest-ed in the commissioners.

The district now has 26 hy-drants, the Boyer pumper whichdelivers 250 gallons of water aminute, and a rudimentary Sterl-ing automatic alarm system. Orig-inally, Are alarms were telephonedto Berger's store, and the sirennearby operated by hand.

Automatic boxes were purchas-ed but an expensive argument de-veloped in securing permission tomount them on Public Servicepoles. Permission finally was

cal Hook and Udder Company," Ki'anted last Summer and there are40 men enrolled as members, Con-rad Flessner named first'chief, Mr.Hassey first president, and rained$75 in a subscription. With themoney, the new unit bought a see-

five boxes in use throughoutthe district. More are needed*Yovingiten, Viiitori,Tried Out Alarm

The siren itself has b(><vn up forond-hand two-nrheel chemical cart seven years and now needs over-from South Plainfield. Tt was hauling but it is a considerable im-equipped with two tanks of chemi- .provement over the rim of a loco-cals and 200 feet of garden hose. , motive wheel which once acted as

With this cart, dragged to firestied to Foster's truck, the newcompany had its-adventures, nota-bly the night a wheel was brokehcarroming over the tracks to helpIselin No. One fight a house firein its own ninth district.

The next year, however, thecommissioners appropriated $1,000for » Ford track -which- MI »til£, 11 Uajiwhere at alLyears later, in service as an emer- The commissioners have equip-gency supplement to the Boyerpumper bought in 1927. The Fordwas loaded with the chemicals, aladder, brooms for field fires, andaxes. The company built a small,wooden garage on a plot ownedby Samuel Furze to house the Fordand two years later tackled thejob of constructing its own per-manent firehouse,Men Built FirehoiueWith Donated MalerUTt

Henry Kunze gave the lot, on.Harding .Avenue, Guy Weaver ofthe AnnesB tile works here donatedthe material end the firemen them-

a strident alarm. Hung at the cor-ner of Middlesex Avenue and OakTree Road opposite St. Cecelia's,the huge gong with the angry voicewas the continual target of playfulvisitors and curious youngsters.Until the siren was purchased tiltcompany more than once turneaout in hot haste, to find no fire

ped the $7,000 pumper today witha 30-foot extension ladder, a singleladder, 1,000 feet of hose, modernhoBo connections, sn inhalator andIK sets of rubber boots, coats andhelmets. The Ford is now used asthe second truck to pick up late-comers to the alarm and for grassfires.

Calls throughout the district a\*erage between 75 and 80 a year.The territory covered is boundedby the railroad, Wood Avenue, In-man Avenue, Middlesex Avenue,Sucker Brook and Mutton Hollowin Raritan Township.

Hurtrighting Firci

tist recently said that enough time j i.nve..^^.^..^^Andrew Jaworski, foreman; Run- a n ( j tnergy has been spent s™"™ , s ^ a r y salary .'.'•'..

tlHI.IK Itill fill I

sell Kurze, assistant; Otto Hen-The worst fire the company has s c h e , , e a n d A r t h u r AIbertson, fire

lad was the blaze whi*h devoured w a r ( ] e n s

.he Jackson Stores five years ago j The president of the commis-this Winter. A short-circuit caus- ] si one is is Joseph Hainill. Fred

; Thomas is secretary. Louis Farber,ed the fire, which both Iselin com-

to mnit»nliinyri>'the nroblem of prorrhea , , > m n i t n yBoulder-D.nl. and if will rtOl re- >";;£";-;„>''»»«",

quires much work. ,„ " ' ' "The chief result hns heen to

prove that pyorrhen,, which is «i n t disease has no one

amithat p y ,

ancient disease, has no one

treasurer, and Mr. Brinkman, of sinflle cause. It is P>S'panies fought all night and part of j thecTriirinal"founder is also'a mem- > lUently, or it may be ' .a u a^J h y i;:;',;

1 - — unequal pressure on the teem, _ . N

i disease or neglect. Many perrons ,;,,.contract it sooner or later, and ' AH

iilllty & •'•Truck* H o u s emrm

• TVIeph'im- •llmme wa-tt-r • .Kl,, Mli' IlKllt and I

Vm-nt. l."i-

nn Fir''

the next day under Chief Benz. j ber, as ia James Thame.Almost all the men suffered ; Rapaeioli Served

frozen hands and one, CharlesJones, bioke an ankle when heslipped off an Icy ladder. Litter, aheai-shattered glass doorknob at ahouie flre at Hillcpest Avenue and Furze,-Mr. Benz and Mr. Sluk. !it,Oak Tree Road severely gashed the Frank' Atiams and Arthur Albert-! Prevention "quires coopenrhand of Frank Burasser. Other-, son have .also held the offireTaVjtion between the den >t and .ourw*"e the department has had no well •» Mr. Flesgnex. Ue.lL K is the dent.rt » job to re-men injured while on duty. On the present roster, in order, moveThe tartar, study H »«J J«

The company .ponsors an Aug-'are listed: Richard AIbertson, Wai- [teeth fit in the "bite, and head

I iind Furl oillion Bourd .'•iline and Kcro

in• Chief 4 Timet i contract it sooiit-i m ' . ' , i, ' Si..t.,r oil

Joseph Rapaeioli had the longest > despite the knowledge ?ame« h> • , , , „ , , „,,,rm as chief, of four year*. Two research the best * « «tm t v . 1 r"«« F I " < ;

ear terms have been voted Albert handle the disease i> to prevent ^ u > . l l r a n U u n i | , v a , , . r


Block USmuck 4I1.V

Rltn-k 441ABlock 441AHlnok MIABlock 442G

Blork 4 42HHlwk 4421'

Mlra'k 444CBlock 444CBlock 444CBlnck 445A


ust jumboree at the installation ofofficers, a carnival In Septemberand card parties and dancesthroughout the year. The most im-portant of there is the annualThanksgiving Dance, held in thefirehouse. The group has no auxil-iary but, with Iselin District No. 9,maintoins units of the Firemen'sRelief Association and the Ex-empts Association.Huttemtn'i HelpNeeded In Early D»y»

Charles Hutteman, Sr., has beeninvaluable in the early days of thecompany because of his experiencein Guttenburg, HudBon County,of whose volunteer forces he was |an ex-chief. He is now a life mem- | ^J;;jJ JJ f;ber of both State groups, a distinc- nio< k 44«c'tion won by faithful attendance4-™~* "*«of the annual conventions. Benz. IHenschelle, Seabosty and Barney ,Madison are also life members of;he Relief organization while PaulSluk and Albert Furze hold similarmemberships in the Exempts.

Mr. Hutteman is president of,the Iselin Exempts, Frank Burgis-1ser is secretary, Mr. Benz vice- jpresident and Louis Farber treas-urer.

Officers of the company are:Wilson Pherigo, president; FredWalker, secretary: Michael Ko-vacs, treasurer; Joseph Maher,chie£;JSalter Balavere, assistant;

are listed: Richard Albertson, Wai- [teeth fit in theter Balovere, James Burke. Joseph off and difficulties he can foresee,CulHnane. Howard Davis, Rty- But the .patient must oo.operate_

\ | ;inn

lU.li'ilMundatnry W|iilpnn>nt

iHlfBtfil by the Silu-KuiinK•Offloe of S. J.

lipi'iimmfnilHtlcms nf.Chief


MORTdAOBR Bt i% Interne • ..ypjir* nn home* r*Kardl<*Rn r«»nt rnnrt(rBffef, Urns or hark ' ,NO elmrgi) unleBS loan In t t .Opon every day find at nlgiii i .

- MORTOAOE SEItVICK BUUi24 Commerce St., and 20 Cllni.NKlVAHk Phone Mltclifll :W !, 1-17 IQ »-20. .

RADIOALL fYPEH nervlced nnd rrj,,

! n1*ft smAII motom Rtid el,. ><ipnllnnci'i. C. Shaln. 21 Onfu.

1 nun Wondbrldge. _Tel. 'VViin.ii,:!«-127S-W. W. I. U-R t,,

ItAil* WANTRIICI.RAN !!AOH, any color, not m

; (han ili« nf hankercrilef; wi,

i pendent. IS Oreon Street.

JWANTKIV-* Anything you ifrom cellar tn gnrrnt. Old 1

pnmplilets. p*|>em, picture*,'.cry. mirror*, <ctn»«. furnllnr.-

will be bought. Address n.


HK1.P WANTKlV-rKM.M^Woman who In not crlnule.il I

111 to net about wanti nti a ;<'inn|mn|on In exchange furhome and im»ll wage. Itc|i',W, Wuodbrldrre Independetii

! • : , •

I.oll.nts ,-n.l

l.otf S In 1-Lot 1 ?.Lot IdLot8 i!0 to 21

Lots 25 lo 21Lots 1 t" H

Lincoln H

jBroad StreetBroad Strei-tBrond StreetBrnad StreetFlume Street

Diaz StreetHlllcrest Avenue



illo.knint-k 446D,Rlnck 4(71Block -H7NBlock 448C

Trieste ami Trento StreetsTrento StreetTrento StreetLa Gimrdia AvenueLa Guard In AvenueFiat AvenueSonora AvenueFer*hlM. AjrenjjeMarconi AvenueMarconi Avenue ,

LotV£o30 and 30S1 John Street ,Lotn 1742 an,'. 1713 Kennedy PlaceLota 113 and 120 Vernon Street

Lots 24 to -TLota 31 to .13Lota 40 and *1LotB 48 to idLois 16 and 17Lots 12 and 13Lot 39

Lot 30


SECTION #64Notice l» hereby given that the undersigned Collector of Taxes of the Township of Woodbrldge. In the County olIMiddlesej: will hold a Publicsale at the Tax Office, Memorial Municipal Building, Main Street, Wood bridge, New Jersey, February 21, 1936, at Mro o'clock in the afternoon,Eastern Standard Time, to iatlify municipal liens now In arrears. . . , , _ , ,_ „„„„.!-„„.

The parcele to be sold are UBted below, being described by lot and block number shown on the Township Assessment Map, ana toi accordancewith the Uwt tax duplicate giving th« owner'i name as shown on the last tax duplicate, together with the total amount due thereon as computed

Said respective parcels of land w|)l be sold to make the amounts severally chargeable agalnit the H I M on said first day ofjjny. }*?!,** fnmnputeil la said Hot together with lnterest on said amount from said first of July to the date of sale, and the cost of sale. In a supplemental columnIs shown the estimated payment required to avoid oale. , , , , , , . . ,

Said parcels will be sold In tee t 0 such persons as will purchase the same, subject to redemption at the lowest rete of interest, but not ex-xllng eight per c«nt per annum. ^ , . , . .

Said sales -*ill be subject only t 0 municipal liens accruing after J\ily 1, 1935, Including assessmenis confirmed after that date ana isd& iax-ceedln

t> es, andtoThe right "of interested parties To'VeTeemwlthinthe'tlme'flxedby'law.'

Block 12D

IMS*Block 373BBlock S71F

. Block 87!G! Block 373H

Block 373HBlock 873J

^ Block 376BBlock 383D

rBlock 383DD

'Block 38!E> Block 883EBlock 386B

f Blockt 18IB* Blot k IB8Bi Bio. kJ88Di B l lL

Lots 19 & 20Lots 17 to 20Lots 21 to t lLots 1 to 4LOU 60 to G3Lota 8 and tLots 39 to 18

Lots 47C-48Lots 4 and CLot ULots 18 to 20

Liberty Street „Cooper Avtniie "Berkley BoulevardMiddlesex Essex Turn PikeCooper AvenueGreen StreetIndiana Avenue

Rldgely AVenueIndiana AvenueJuliet StreetHuber Avenue

JSlocic J88D~lock J88D

lock !88Dlock 888Dllock 888D

Block 388EBlock S8SEBlack 388KBlock 3S8EBlack 388EBlock 388KBlJck 388EBlock 3S8I0

(Block 388E• Black 388E

Block 388EBlock 388EBlock 389CBlock I89C

" 8»C8tK

Lota 4S to 62A * El New State Highway

New state HighwayMontague AvenueHubt-r Avenue -

Elm Street ,Pleasant AvenueHarrison AvenueHarrison AvenueHarrison AverfuaHarrison Avenue 'Harrison AvenueHarrison AvenueHarrison AvenueHarrison AvenueHarrison AvenueHarrison AvenueHarrison AvenueHarrison AvenueHarrison AvenueHarrison Al-enueHarrison AvenueHarrison AvenueHarrison AvenueHarrison AvenueHarrison AvenlieHarrison AvenueHarrison Avenue .Harrison AyenieHamson xrvenue iWaililngton Avenu*Washington Avenue!Washington AvenueWashington AvenueWashington AvenueWashington AvenueWashington AvenueWashington AvenueBt George. AvenueWashington AvenueWashington AvenueWashington AvenueWashington AvenueBt, George Avenue

•Street_tate Highway

Bdward Street

Lots IS to 22Lots It & 87Lots 5 to 7

Lots 6 to 8Lots It to ( ILot 120Lot U2Lot 124

•Lot 126Lot 128Lot 130Lot 132Lot 134Lot 144Lot USLot 148Lot 160Lot 152Lot 164Lot 1S6Lot USLot 160Lot 182Lot 164Lot lv« ;Lot 380Lot 892Lot 184 ,Lot 487Lot 489Lot 491Lot 498Lot 496Lot 497Lot 499Lot 601Lot 3Lot 2iLot 24Lot 26Lots 19 and 20

Eois 1 to 7Lots 6 to 7Lota 8 and 4Lots 16 to 22Lots 21 and 22Lota 14 to IILota 29 to 81Lots 23 to J«Lots » and 10Lots 2 8,29 & 9' of SOLots 14 to 17Lots 22 & % or 23Lot 14






• Com- Eftl-liuted mated

to AmountJulyl , to

1935 SatisfyIrregular -WnV&Agnea Maloney 1091.65 1131.0TIrregular Frank Cooper 311.81 325.24irregular F r a n k C o o JJ e r j.,1043.86 1092.68

Prank Ooopor . . . . . . . 59,76Rlalto B*L Adsn. ., 265.13W. Amboy B&L Assn. 724.85


"20X125 Kuch20x135 Each20x126 Each20X125 Each


493.73365.20240.45m 90


20x125 Hamilton B&L Assn.20x126 Each Webster Proper . . . .60xlrregul»r Wm. Duenselmand..25x100 Each Thomas Lentlne . . . . .

Irregular Michael & Anna Yab-lonlckl 208.ni

25x112 Each Frank Hlavenka . . . . 823.7526x112 Each Walter Cherry ., 13,8525x100 Each Athlian Green Pasture

80x120 Each26x100



17.9917.2175.239 089.09

tote 14 ,

Loti°9 to" 18Lot 91Lot It8

IStiHLots 190 and 111Lots 260 and JB1

Beglriftitreetew State Hig

Bdward StreetNew State HighwayNew State HighwayBdward 8tr#atJansen AvenueReglna Btrtat •Green StreetWlllry StreetWlllry StreetAlwat StreetWlllry Street

14' of 15 Alwat Street





i 28x10026x10025x10026X1(1026X10025x10025x1*026x10025x10025x100


20x100 Each28xlrregular Rose26*100 Bach Mary

Ilxlrregular Bach25x100 Each9(x93 Each

tCxIrregular E21x100 E«cn86x1*0 VAch25x100 Kiich26x100 Hach

SCxIrregular Each26X100

, Irregular

ClubAmelia N. HaugeSarah London . . .Sarah London ..Sarah London . . .Barah London . .Sarah London ..H^rah LondonSarah LondonSarah LondonSarah LondonSarah LondonSarah LondonSarah LondonSarah LondonSarah LondonSarah LondonSarah LfindlinSarah LondonSarah LondonSarah LondonHarsh LondonSarah LondonSarah LondoSarah Londo., -••-Sarah London 9.08Bafah London J.8JBarah London JJ4Sarah Londpn ;»S3Sarah London J-"J4Sarah London $-\\Sarah London ig.SSSarah Lohdon 9.83Sarah London oJ !2Helen Brown 8 ! i i ;Wendell P. McKown 8.80Wendell P. McKown 881


9.099.089 09 . •».07

< 9.08

idon 9.B7don 9*8don 9.08don ?.«


__jdyJose'ph Woli»»wskiFlorence Realty Co.Boris J. Makov . . .

h John Kusjnlerakl .Nlok Sgrlgnola . . . . .



74.38_ iiuia •. , . . • « ;89

Carmine Nuccloreae 18.88HnJ Kelsey )•-• T0.28Woodbrldge Ealatai W5.4L,'vfoodbridge Rstates 747.13Hlchael ftMajifPetran 371.92

25x100 Woodbrldge^Estates 289.91^

C l k l l k * 90878

, Hook •...• fitock 40IMVftlnrk 40IM•Iti'ick 4)»Ai Ki'ick 41SB

Block 4ilBBlock UIDBlock 481FBlock 4IIPHid. k 4I4CBlock 426H

flook 4S?C;*lack 437,1)lock 488


Lots 860Lot 4»7Lot 418L 4I |

4»7Lot 418Lot 4I |Lot* IU t» BitLot IILot ILots IT and II

Loti 4ft and E0Lot 1

KrftirtLot* 458 to 4Lols 485 andLots 196 andEot liLot SOLots 1 and 1Lot I,

Alwat KtreetOrove AvenueCampbell streetMawbey StrutMawbey Street

- M»wt»»y StreetAmboy AvenueWashington AvenuaMawbey StreetMtwbey StreetMiwuey Street.fUiurch HI metWest Hill RoadWest Hill Roa4Middle Hill RoadBast Cliff RoadHlghfleld RoadSt. Oeorg* Avenii*Valley RoadChain-O-HIll RoaiMcFarlane RoadSt. George AvenueFalrvlew AvenueMiddlesex Av«nueOutlook AvenueOxaen StreetifBndlntf rtVsnuii

4 Middlesex Avenue 'jBllier StreetLincoln Highway

5 ^

' 26x100 Stella Cwlkllk .* . . . . . 908.78

aoxlrregular Each J*Veh«rus l »i t ! !20x100 Angelo Pardl . . . . . . . . . 28,28


218.48339.04 .15.83


, 11.4511.4411.4511.4311.44ii .4a11.4411.4311.4411.4311.4411.4311.4411.4311.4411.4411.4511.4411 8911I7111.7011.7111.09


872.0211 141L1611.1417.1122.8119.7038.7424.04

298.6512 1079:82





Irregtlar Bach*rreg*lar ..Each

2OxIrregularS O I l a r







20x100 Joseph Santomasslno20xl»0 Joseph gantomasslnoJvilOO Joseph Santomasulno

l a r B i c n MaPTrlan PetraIteuV. Alex Eazekas .Michael Knopek

?OxIrregul&r . Michael Knopek . . .4 - " • " Michael Knopek . . . .Marie Ptrrls"Ujholas Lunanese ..obert K Houlft .'....(luorge Smith . . .R E. Hu»»eyHenry LlndMary A. DavisLaonlda IjjrutPmtik I*"11"Mrs. Joseph Becker.lacoli KolkIda J. Blai-kwood . . .Marie C. FaitfMuronoe H, Plnroe .1'Cned Munfagtriitlierlne O'c

160xIrregulir25116 B»oh





116 B»ohIrregular186 BMhwgujar86 BMh


80x16020x126 Bach10x100 Eaxh26x126 Bach26x125 Each81x115 Each

26x100JOijrregular BachtWlt»e|tular Kiutih MurriH wituvaKy .

. Irregular biach 1'oUmla H&L As«n.


Irregular charlen Mohr 17.60

Hlixk 41811niock 44810Flock 44SOHlock 448KBlock 448Nlllock 4480lllock )4«Olilnck 44SORlock U«PHlock 44gpRlock 44RP 'Block 4-tRPBlock 4 4RQBlock 4I8QBlock -iJXKBlock 4 48T

Block 448V

Block 4 4SVBlock 448WBlock 449FBlock 4491Block 449.T •Block 44 9.1Block -J 19.1

Block 449.1

Block 4F.3Rlock 468ABlock 46SK :Flock 46?KBlock 46SOlllock IfiSVBlock 473KBlock 473QBlock 413QFiMck 473QBlock 473Q

Block 473VBlock 473V

Block 473V

.BJoc.k 4S1C-Block 4I4UBlock 484CBlock 484EBlock 484KBlock 484(5Block 185K

Block 48615Block 486HBlock 487Blocks 49» toBlock 600Block 501Blnck 501Block 501Block 501

Block 502

Lots 121 anfj 1*8Lots lr'fi to 160Lots CS8 to 2«2Lote 343 and 344Lots 539 tn 543Lots 884 and 885Lots R3fi and 837I-ots 846 to 8S0Lots Sfifi toJi70Lots 7.'i<> ttrrr.sLots 759 and 760 'Lflt« 774 to litLots 781 to 785 •Lots 717 and 718Ixits ":i to 725

Lala-SlLAs. 678Lots 553 to 55T

Lot 1264

Lots 1174 to 1278Lots 1555 to 1660Lots 1143 to 1147Lots 1246 to 1249Lot 1497Lotfll498&W0fl499Lots ' , ot 1499 &

UM & 1501Lots H of 1525, all

of 1526 & 1527Lot 2Lot 2155Lot !MSrLot ittiLnts 2038 & 2039Lots 1916 & 1947

I.ol s 50E to 510Lots 855 to 862Lots S63 to-870Lots S71 to 894Lots i>9G to 900

Lots 1101 to 1108L*U 1109 to 1134

Auth AvenueMiddlesex AvenueKennedy StreetHunt StreetMcLean StreetMcLean StreetWarwick StreetTalmadge AvenueMcLean StreetA mil AvenueAuth AvenueGoodrich StuetTalmadpe AvenueHunt StreetTnlmadge AvenueHunt StreetA,utTr Av?nw" - -

Lincoln Highway

Lincoln HighwayLincoln HighwayBlock AvenueIitnv AvenueLincoln Highwayl.ihi'Oin Highway

Lincoln Highway

luiw AvenueOolonU lioadMdntrost- AyenUePrinceton AvenueCnluniMii AvenqeClar'-monj AvenueColonla BoulevardHigh StreetCentral StrictLincoln AvenueCleveland AvenueHigh Street

High StreetHarrison Avenue

Lots 1133 to 1159 Roosevelt Avenue

I/)t 301.6l.nls 43Slo 52Lots 1 and 2Lot 3i'Lots 34 anil 35Lots 31 and 82Lots 31 to 40

Lot i i .Lots 1 to 10 ILot 2

Lot HLot 61AI/)t 6JLots 64 and 65Lot S9

Edward StreetKdward Street „>Semel AWnue ' •Broad StreetIlroml StreetBroad Strtib*Semel Avenue ,

New1 Dt,v<r RoadHinder MenueNew Dovir Road

Klein RnulevilrdKlein RoulevnrilK3«-i»i BnultvardKlein BoulevardMutton Hollow Road



- BuildingBuildingBuilding


" Building.













Lot 895 IrregularLota 896 to 900

Lott 110$ to 1133Lot 1134Lot 1135Lots 1136 to 116»

21x140 Earn21x110!U14l»

20x100 Each

Jflil.i'i" F.mli20x100 Each

20x100 Ench20x100 F.ach20x100 Each20x100 Each20x100 Bnrh20x100 Each

20x10029x100 Ench


10x100 Each20x100 Each20x100 Each

» ' 20x100 Eaoh20ilnn EachSOxlOO Each20x100 Each2}x}?5 Each20x166 Each20x100 Each20x100 Each20x100 Each20x100 Each20x100 Each

• 20x100 Each.20x100 Each

20x100 Each20x100 Each20xU0 Each211x100 Each


20xIrregulAr Each20xIrregulnr Each

20x100 Each20xIrregular Bach


Mutual Home Builders

Com-puted in

to Am..J u l y l i

1MB H T68.15


4:0. 6.54

43« 12IRS 19


. :20.»:. 140.27

282.04. 7107, 1B»J74. 7TT2. 167.K0. 1S.9:


(*or|>.Paiftliel n*nder • ..Snmnel Bender . . .Samuel Bender . .l*l>-to-the-Mlnute

B&LL.-na MillerTp-to-llie-Mlnute

Il&LAtider!< Nellsnn . •Rose MflstranKPlol>r Htnrv II. Rntihins 190.lames Arnold.Joseph Scoppt'llt . . . ..Tfdm Knolce/.ary . . . .Koba IIoldinB Co. •••Henry KunlzUenry KuntzHenry Kuntz . . . . . .Home Guardian Co.Laura Stewart . . . ..Reliance Co-Operative

B&L Ansn. «0.SlFred Krnf S«.»TOeo .1. Chr.vsslkos . . 322.14HenryA.HathCv. inc. 347.68Thomas J O'Neill . . . . 461.14Ernest Karcher 594.11Catherine Qulnn — 13 74Miller & Hoff Lhr. Co. 504.63Alfred n. Smith 47.29John Tlttol 16.25Carl E. CrifflthB 528.30Carl E Griffiths 9S6.65Charles Page 439 93Edward ,T. Smith . . . . 47.29William Meddler .Florence A. Smith .Victor Holmlund .Henry .1. Auth

{Tfusrefl -.".'.-. .-T-.-TV 994.83Edw. J* Foster & Louis

H. Meade Trustees 6S1.SJEdward Elliot 127.93Wm. A. Palmer 322.S9Mrs. Anna Medler . . 44.28Si las & Rose McCann 165.93

47 2926.51


Morris WltftvskyMorris Wltovsky

20x100 Each Morris Wltovsky



20xIrregular1.29 Acres


60x100 EachIrregular

25x100 Each; 6x100 Eaoh26X100 Each


26X100 Each25x100 Each25xlO» Each


34x100 Each20x100

20x100 Each

Frank Garlirk 19.SIEdith F. T. Hull . . . .1862.20.Kllsabeth Jneksnn . . . 17 38Louis W. Lange . . . . ' , 8,89Wm. J. Farr ft Ron.. 138.9'JCharles E. Scott 34.73Cliarlen Rurkhanlt . . 108.03.Iiisepli Marglasso . . 42 IBAnthony M. Colacarro 125 01Anthony M Colaumrro !4.2lAnthony M. Colacarro 65.50

Anthony M. CulararroAntSony M CoUcarro


20x100 Each!0xl00 Eaoh20x100 Each

20x10020x100 Eaih

2 Acres

Anthony M. Colacarro St.*.'

Anthony M i"<ilac»rro 75 73W(.»l»y f>, Hadnel . . . . 3.57.Ion & LmilKc Claro 71.1.5Ada Howies 12 ft'-'.los. lie' l lnzuri "•• 9.TS.IOH. 4. Louise Clare . . s fitl layme a»rili>ner . . . . 114H15th,Ave ft 50th St.

Corn 117 s :.In*. W. Api'Iegate . . 6 3''Jos ft LV.uIae Clare 42 II1'nknown 178 - -

Lots and 99 N'ew Road

Blook 6O3EBlock r,03GBlock F,10DBlock 510Elllock r,10GBlock 516EBliick 616FBlock 517CBlock 517CBlock 51711Block 5178Bluck S!SABlock 525CBlock 527Block 628Block 528Block 628Block 529FBlock 529FBlock 629FRlnck 630Block 582

, Rlock 533ABlock 583ABlock 533ARlock S33CBlock 5330Block 533C

Rlock 6331)Block 637Rlock 539ARlock 640JRlock 640Klllock 540KBlock 640NRlock 643Block 643ABlock 54SABlnck 551A

Rlock 551BBlock 551CBlock 662CBlock 5E2CBlock 5520Block 562EBlock 5520Block S52OBluck 562HBlock B52JBlock 653Block 653Rlnnk 654A,Bf->ck 666ABlock 555RBlock 666ABlook 666CBrock 656CBock 561Block 561Block 661Block 561Block 561Block 561Block 562Block {62Rlock 66IBBBlock 56SCBlock 563CCBlock 663DDBlock 663FBlock 5«8rPBlock 583H

Lots 515 to 217Lots 19S to 197Lots 17', t» 177L(,t.2!lLots 6«3 and 684'Lois 200 and 201Lot 4 00Lots 311 and 342

Lot ciLot 14Lots 1 to 4Li.tn 8«4»ni» 87Lot ^6 ILot nLot OBLot 70Lot 71Lot 2i)Lot 27ALot 28BLots 1 U and 18BLot I!Lot 412Lot 5Lots 12 to 14Lot 47DLot 47KLot 58

Lots 15 and ISLot 2CLot IIALot 4Lot 28

- L o t 30Lot 1

Lots 20 and 21Ut 27L*ts 42 and 44Loti 40 plus W. 25'

•of 42, 44, 46Lots 60 and 61Lota 69 and 70 "Lot 1Lot 2Lot 5Lot 1Lot 38Lot 94Lut 8Lot 44Lot 4ALot 6ALot 14DLot 89 , •Lota 12 and ISLots 7 and 8Lots 6 to 8Lots i s and 14Lot 9Lot 18Lot tftA-Lot 89Lot 44BLot 4ELot 16 ALdts 18C and 20CLot itLet 602I'Oti 9 and 10Lota 6 lo 8Lots 568 10 571

' Luta 1 mi<t 2Lota 3.6.2 and 361

January 24, 1W«

East T.OCUM AvenueEast Sl.i'iinun AvenueKast Grant AvenueMaple .streeti',edar StreetMaple StreetLuke AvenueCleveland Avenue

Klor. in,- Avenue :

1 minim Avenue

Oi lur ' s Murk. Road 'Karl StrictFulton StreetFulton StreetHtrkwberry Hill AvenueHlrawhcrrV Hill Avenu*Kulton StreetFulton SijreetFulton SjrefctFulton Street •Fulton StreetAmboy AvenueAmboy AvenueSmith StreetSmith StreetAugustus StreetCaroline Street

" • * - •«• - .«—. ' -



Smith StreetMain StreetI'ulton StreetBerry Street «,J •tin CourtUan CourtBerry Streetlames StreetSchool StreetI'rarl Street

Moore AvenueWooilbrldge AvenuiWcimllirlilge AventttFreeman StreetFreeman KlreetFreeman StreetHahway Avenu*Olive PlaceOlive PlaceOiove AvenueRahway AvenueOrove AvenueRarron AvenueGrove Avenue,Amljoy Av«»ueOrove AvenueGrove Av«ttueLinden AvenuaLinden AvenueChurch StreetHigh StreetRarron AvenueLinden AvenueLinden Avenue •Linden AvenueBurnm/A*«)W»Barron'AvenueRahway AvenueRam ford AvenueMelbourne CourtClaire AvenueAlmon AvenuiClaire AvonueCrnmi>luii Avinnt •
















60xSL'7 Then. H White . , . . . ' . 9 F.T60xIrregu!ar liolirrt It. Byton . 5'.''•

120xlrregular Sninuel Tenenhaus l< '•'HOxIrregulnr Ea< h 1'uul Ma»«ettl 24 K>>

toxlrregular Autoinette Rarballo-neardo l*.'-5

Irregular Each Carmine Qat-tano, . .PlMidolfl .- 2S.7!

« r t « r « -].-••) Nohwar*., Ina . , H.»lilrrejjuhir Each J. j'. HcliwarU Inc. . . 65.91'Irregular Ear-h Augustine Farrell . . 11*4

20x100 Angelo Ilottlcello . . ' . J.4.Irregulamoo Each Vlncenio Casino H.3i

20x100 EiK-h Minnie M. LaVorgns, 19 7350x220 Krnent Link O '

Irregular Eai h August Anderson • • * ?3

20x100 William SchlmmJl . . 7.5720x100 William Schlmmel - 7.57

Irregular Frank Htra»ello 6 31-20x100 Each Fr»(ik Mas! I!.-1'

Irrtgultir Ear M Valentine . . . 5* 4140x100 Karl M> Valentin* . . . 29 7"

SOxlfrefeular Francisco Fliro 2! 2540xlrregular (Joseph ffii«an 259 4.'40xlrreKular Mike Itegedua 77.:^40xlrregular JoseplifBusan •• 411'

40x100 'And'rt* Bartfay 169 192<xl«0 Clarmce Smith 6*4US38x100 Franll Papp »6« 47

. 60x80 JaxofeLeffter 4J7.71( -40x100 Prank U p U k 2*5 1*

40x126 Arthur Dunham . . . . 182 1«40x126 Oeorge Dunham . . . . 71121

Irregular Each William H. Oerlty .. 157 4540xIrregular Steve Csordos I3.0&40xIrregular Arthur Dunham . . . . 4*7.4!

87x100 Eugene Vlereck,Receiver 442.3?

Irregular Mike S u c s k o IW-S!Irregular .lames P. Gorily ,...1484 67

lOOxIrregular Winifred Ryan 413 1140xlrregular Julia Kroek J j '51

4S«J0Q James F. U w l i . . . . 665 }-'46x180 Either Ewoytr t i l <4,

, lOxIrregular Freeman InvastoriCo. 831.9-'Irregular xlOO EBJTII Jacob Levinson J7»9rt

I } 60x100 Louis Frankel Kst. .. M4.83' f Irregular Eug«n* VersJfik. •i • ' ' T Ricejver 7B0.JS

Irregular Apex Food Products 472.!«115x100 ^ a c h Anna Brex* »»-J,-25xW0 Each . Fred Huff 47151

"^60x100 Krank Orego H-*'>6»xl00 Frank Qrego >2 *:60x100 Joseph S. Bacha »•6''

JOxIrregular fituve Balls. U8t•18xlrregular Malcolm Dunham . . . . 489 81SSxIrmgular /Elmer Moy 4<5J,'

Irregular fwilllam G. Bennlng 360.J-•0x84,1 Mrs. F Q. Tlndale ...J161V;

Irregular T. F. Dunlgan Hst. ..1811 II66x121 Wenzel Wolney | l ) - f j4«xlOO Barah Weatergtard, U l t

• UrrtuUf B«l» l u B e n . k ? . . . . . . »«.{«Irregular O W A A Dusham B101.*»

, « » » » E B , C 1 , W Q . ft A. DunhaS 4JJ"Hxlrregurar J. A. Prlbula 10»'

irregularxioo Myrtle Jem»n .: . . - . . l«M!!60xTrregular Arthur Rrnst 10U.J7tOxIrregular Reside Pfelfter IB8.S'

SO c2*0 Uathow Strlflkw •-•,*JJ!!*?XxlJ5 g»«nu«l Oilman »*|5 (

10x100 Nevln H. Quth M-;}•0x100 Nevln H. CUtth ^"Al:,

lOUiai John- FIHB .„ MilIrregular Each Est, T, K DunlgiH •• »"•'?

Irregular Ptorence •»*&"* ...MUMSBxlOo Joseph Vargo . , , . , . . * 11-'0

26X100 Nad. Mallow Qondttra . . . . »7« f

' • ' • ' ' • : '

Mlchwl J.


Valm ! fHL7W THaui 9d£o*>! cwrfOT SOUP IS PERFECT PRELUDE

ANY MEAL IN THESE WINTRY DAYS,1,,. time nf year when a

, 1 | i n u . hut. fioup, fragrantI'I,,, (., vi'S ns a perfect,|

l|.'1"i,,(.fil -or, if it is Bub-,,,,,,11;l, may provide theIf wj |h the addition of

in KK.N liOTHfowl 2 leeks

2 stalks celery;',„ Parsleyi l l l 0 , s Salt and Pepper

H qtB. cold water,,h,,kt.,i, then put It-lo

',|. ih,. hum for an hour in,,,, put on the fire »nd

•' w iv I" » boil. S k l m a n ( '',',.,r'i.tables. Boil slowly for

Si rain, cool nnd remove

,,, NK ICE CREAM, . i p sweetened condensed

_ wnter •",, ;i-.|nKiri lemon extract,, whippinif cream

,,,,,1 prunes, , |H. prune* in the water uni,, Do not sweeten. Force' , .', coarse sieve. This wil,,,,,,roximntely one-half cup

,!,l ,,ne-half cup juice. Blend,- t hi' sweetened condensed

'•'.,. , m P pulp with juice and1 '„!,<.! Chill. Whip the

' ',,, H custard-like consist, !l fold into the chilled mixI',,,,, the mixture into th<

v, pan and place in the fre«j-After the mixture hua

. '•',', a stilT mush rymove from,M^mtor. Scrape the mix-

•' .,„ the- sides and bottpm of• u n d e n t for 2 minutee.

nut ;md replace in tjieunit for 1 hour or until

. |,,r serving.

.j.\KV"BKAN RUM POT'ahli'spoons mm

; . :.t, In-own mm.;. red kidney beans

i,am shank; i. -alt |>ork

Clam Chowder: The Popular Winter Soup

L.-afnf thyme

. aspoon pepper •, i pixm .salt

i ponn chopped garlicMakiiur the beans for two

: am them., cover with wa-.'link with the hum shank,;, :md seasonings for 2• the end of which timetin <-d vegetables and cook

tiicr liuur. Add the brown.:..! rum just before ri'mov-.:i. I'IIV. The irravy «houl '

K. knit do not allow themushy.

CABBAGK ROLLS•> lartft-1 cabbage leaves1 1-2 teaspoons salt1-2 pound chopped beef'I tablespoons fat1 onion choppedMake pattieB of the meat, well

eaaoned and mixed with the on-on. Wrap each patty in a cab-mge leaf and tie aecurrly withstring. Place in casseroie andpartly- cover with water and thefat. Cover and stvnin until meatand cabbage are done. Make njtrnvy of thevreniainins; liquid andpour over the rolls after removingthe string.BAKED SPAGHETTI AND CORN

1-2 .pound uncooked spaghetti1 No. 2 can corn '1-4 cup chopped green .popper2 tablespoons chopped pimento1-2 pound American cheese1 cuv milk1-2 tiblenpoon RhortoninR1-2 tablespoon flour2 teaspoons salt1-4 teaspoon pepper1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce1 tablespoon grated onionCook the spaghetti in boiling

salted water until done; place ina strainer nnd wash with cold wa-ter and drain. Make a cream sauceof the last 7 ingredients. Whenthoroughly cooked remove fromdirect flame and add half thecheese cut in small pieces. Stir un-til welt blended. Pour this cheesesauce ovef the spaghetti mixedwith corn, gr<en pepper and pim-ento, Add more sensoning ifneeded: Pour into a greased bak-ing dish and cover the top with theremaining cheese sliced thin. Bake-"'n a moderate oven 5 or 20 minutes

until- the- cheese is incited andgotd«ii brewn in color.

SPANISH RICE1 cup ricer frniGTT chopped •\\ cups canned tomatoes:t or 4 stalks celerySalt and pepper to tasteBoil the rice nnd drain. Cook

the nnion in the tomatoes; add(•hopped celery and mix with the

Place in it greased casserole.Lay" on top links of sausage whichhave been previously half cookedin a frying pan. Hake in a hotm'er for half an hour.


Dice 4 slices of bacon and frycrwn.__ Remove fro.ni. flit. Drainoff most of the fat, aiU 1-4 cuppecans and hrown gently. Add 1-3cup diced cheese, the contents ofI can of oven bnked beans, bacon


Follow this sim-

ple recipe for a

real taste thrill!

Buy your clam*

fresh if you can

-but if you can't

the canned ones

are jiut at deli-

cious! Add the

equivalent of cne

cup* of cream

stock for each

portion — a bit

of onion juice,

salt and pepper

to taste — and

watch the plates

pass back for

second helpings.

St. Valentine's Party TableBANANA AND PINEAPPLE

ROUNDSii slices pineapple1 '.\ cup lemon juice2 I 'HIIIIIIRtL' cups white grapos halved ai)4

seededPlace the pineapple slices o»,

crisp lettuce. Slice the banana*and cover with lemon juice. A>low to stand for 6 minuted in thftrefrigerator and drain. Arrangea circle of banana slices around toeoutside edge of each pineappbslice. Pile the grapes in. the cen-ter of each slice. Garnish withmaraschino ch*rri«*. Serv* wifkmayonnaise thinned with a HttJ»of the fruit.juice. '

VEGETABLE SALAD1 cup each red and white cab-

bftge (shaved)1 nrp pens

I 1-2 cup beets1 diced onion1-2 cup diced carrotsSalt and pepper to tasteCanned peas and beets and fruh

cooked enrrots may be used. Shavethe cabbage and cut the onion i i -to very small dice, mix all the V*f-ctaldis I'i.ur a French dressingover the ssJad an hour before sen*ing.

and salt to taste. Pour into cas -serole, top with slices uf baconand bake in u hot oven until t hebacon is crisp.

Ma.hed Potito Rolli• a t take• ip lukewarm water. ip •.hurteninir

• • -1 j> s i i | ; a r'•,i-.p(i(in salt ,.'ip masliwl potatoesw\i -c.njdi'd milk

• • >• i-ups flour !ii piUitoes, add *hortenin(t,'

>ali and eggs and creamIh-ulvf yeast in lukewarm

:nld tn lukewarm milk,1

! "i.itn mixture. Add sift-. in make u Atnf dough.•, floured hoard and kneed

1' i! into large bowl and let1 * • •..ibl<- in bulk. Knead•. I: ill over top with melt-

."".. place in casseiole| cov-.'.'!>. ami plate in refngtra-.!•• ri• -1 until reudy to bake.• "!!•• hour before baking

:' 'n oif dough, shape intoiS-^ired, then let rise until

!• "<• in n hot oven (-JuO de-''<i- I.'I or 20 minutes.Refriferfttor Rulli• ' (impressed yeast

'I' .iugar: • .••-•. '.on salt

• i lukuu'arin water"

ORANGE MARMALADESlice Ii oranges and 3 lemons

v r y tine, discarding siteds. Coversliced fruit with water and l e ts tand overnight. Next morn ingbolt th* f r u i t ' a n d wntcr m i x t u r e

j 15 minutes, [.et stand overnight^! again . In the morning measurej ami Bnng to a boil. A d r F o n e! and.one-half t imes as much suga r1 as fruit. Boil 45 minutes. J u s t

before the marmalade is removedfrom the heat add 1 cup lemon'

I ju ice . Si al in glasses.

Beat egg yolks and whole egg! Chopped parsley and spring on-together until vaj-y light and fluffy.! ions.Add sugftr jrrantinlly, beating with I Itacon filed crisp and broken

into small pieces. ICanned tomatoes cooked with |

minced onion. iJams and jellies.Canned fruits such as pineapple,

icaches and apricots.Plain omelets may be given a

new z.est by serving them withseparate sauces auch as mushroomiauce, cranberry sauce, or thefollowing:TOMATO MUSHROOM SAUCE

5 tablespoons fat1 slice onion3 tablespoons flour11-2 cups tomato1-2 teaspoon saltFew grains ptpper1-2 cup mushroomsMelt 3 tablespoons fat, add

onion, stir and oook until brown.Add flour. When slightly brown-ed add tomato, salt and pepper andnth1 till isaui'o boilG. Cook 5 minutes. Slice mushrooms, pan-fry 3minutes in 2 tablespoons fat, addmushrooms to tomato sauce nndpour over omelet. This recipe

rotary egg bea te r about 10 minites. When the mixture becomesstiff add a l i t t le of th f ho t water,•iift the f lour once before measur-;ng. Sift the flour, aalt and bak-ing powder t o g e t h e r ' a n d bea t inal ternately with the remaining hotwater. Add orange rind and juiceand pour into ungrcased pan. Bake50 to GO minute's in a very moder-ate oven.

W H I T E CAKE3-4 cup b u t t e r2 cups suga r2 1-2 cups cake flour2 1-2 teaspoons baking powder1-8 teaspoon salt

I cup milk. ...| ; . .» egg w h i t e s1 teaspoon vanillaCream bu t t e r thoroughly and

add the sugar gradually. Sift thecake flour once before measuring.Measure, add the baking powderand salt and sift together. Addthis to the creamed mixture alternutely with the milk. Be sure toadd some of the flour, before add


1 pound pecans, sliced

.'J-4 cup butter2 teaspoons baking powder2 cups sugar0 eggs1 grated nutmeg1 1-2 pounds raisinsJuice of one orange4 cups flour3-4 teaspoon salt1-3 cup evaporated milk

1-2 cup evaporated milk \Cream the but ter and sugnr. :

Kohl in the yolks and whites ofegr;s which have been beaten sep-arately. Sift flour, baking pow-der, nutmeg and salt . Add al ter-nately to this mixture milk and or-ange juice. Then add nuts andraisins. Pour into large greasedpan which has been lined with waxpaper. Bake slowly in a moderate oven, 325 F. for 2 1-2 to 3hours.

1 quart water and small hambone

Soak the peas fur several hoursand drain. Cook in the hum brothwith the onion, celery and pepperuntil soft If a raw ham bone iused, cook it in water for an hourbefore the other ingredients areadded, When the peas are soft,inash them through a sieve. Servwith toasted croutons.

SPLJT PEA SOUP1-2 teaspoon pepper2 stalks celery1 onion2 cup dried split peas1 quart ham broth or

PINEAPPLE JELLYTo 3 cups of unsweejanwl pine

apple juice poured from the canadd 0 1-2 cups sugar. Bring to afull rolling boil; add 1 cup liquidfruit pectin; boil vigorously one-half minute. Skim, pour into glass-es and seal.



131 Smith Street



ing any of 'the milk. Fold in eggwhites and the vanilla. Bake in2 greased 0-inch cake, pans in amoderate oven for 25 to 30 min-utes. '


pcalls for a large omelet.


Just about thin time of yeur thesupply of jams arid jellies is apt

!tp._shj)w serious depletion—but,, . .,, , ., „ i don't worry. You may put up de-It is possible to vary the flavor I , , . . * .

of omelets almost endlessly by | etnhh conserves and jams evensuch a variety as these: I in the dead of Winter if you ful-

(irated cheese. low these recipes;

CAKE FOR DESSERTIf you arc proud of your reputa-

t ion us a cake maker you will wishto add the following to your collec-tion of "sure t i re" recipes:

ORANGE SPONGE CAKEfi egg yolks1 whole egg1 1-3 cups sugar •>2-3 cup hot water t -1 l-;i cups general pwpoi-e flour1-3 teaspoon saltI 1-3 teaspoons bilking powder2-3> tablespoon grated o r ange

ind2-3. tablespoon orange juice

{Italian Food Store.£244 SMITH ST.

PHONK P. A. 4-1361

!. ifted flourMi-.pi'ioiis shortening'ii' '• yeast, into large mix..! A<lil sugar, salt, water.

1; licuteii iffg. Add half off!ii;ir and beat well. Add

•Imrtening and i t s t ofM,\ thoroughly and lot rise'i'is- its bulk. Punch down,

and ijtore in refrigAbout on^ hour before

]•'-move desired amount o>'hiipt into rolls and fltac

•' * (1 pun. Let rise slowly toih.ir bulk. Bake in ho1

1 ' • !•'.) 20 to 25 minutesRefrigerator Cookiei'• ip* shortening

>'r i'lown sugar> "I' wliiu- sujfur

n'-n-|M)on soda•aspoon salt

teaspoons cinnamonI cups flourr>iini Mhortening, add sugurpX'iDy and bout well. Then add

t"u: at a time, beating welleach t.gg, s « t dry inp-edi-

<>mi stir In, Make into a roll«»ap, tightly in waxed paper.uck into a greased loaf pan.thoroughly. Then slice thin

[bake at 450 P.Fruit Punch

Iteuspoons teal<iuarts boiling waterpound granulated sugar| orangesfreM|i pineapplepint strawberrieslfniun»

rinds of two Unionsfook with sugar and waterfive minutes. Pour over tea

|let stand 'for five minutesstrain, and cool. Cut two or-into slices. Cut pineapple

|»mall pieces. Wash stem andstrawberries. Mix all fruits'id jiilce of remaining lean

Did oraii^eg. Add cool tea t[mixture and plwe In refrig-

to chill. Pour over ic<n punch bowl. Serve Iglagges.

pciul meeting was held Monht by the Sigma Alpha Phir of UieFirst Cungregation

Orch at the home of Mr».IV. Brown, Main Street. Th

"feting on Februaty 10, ttl»Brown's home, will taka

n of a Valentine PartyrKins Bergh was hoitcM

night to the Sunahini>f the First Presbyteria





PORK LOIN23c lh.




;SMOKED HAMS;Whole 2 9 « I









S A L A D O I L Gallon 98¥ DE MARTIN









\ cans

10 cib







2 f o r 5 C









Mbbox 10


C A T S U P ;






;BRILLO (REGULAR PKG.) m• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • • • •

Weston's Mb boxCRACKERETTES 17

353»/2 LBS.









Mb. box 10'Oven FreshFIG B A R S

Mb 10'








VegetableShortening 15









12'can 10'

A P P L ES A U C E can


12 Boxes SafetyM A T C H E S




2 LBS. 25






2 LBS.










»w Serving The PeopleOfWoodbridge

With the Best in Frejh Fruitsand Vegetable*




JASPERFruit and Vegetable

MARKET100 Main Street, Woodbridge

Old W«gner Market Site









2 lbs.








- 'V1



Flames Without AnyVisible Cause

Firemen ami police werefairly unanimous today insuspecting a maliciou"touch-off artist" is interested in -leeing a vacant houseon Rah way Avenue dertroyeii by fii-c. Bnth were sty-mied in protnvssinir beyond thapoint. -

Woodbriiltri' volunteers have-twice beei! funtmoned to pxtingu\rh . my#terii>:i« binges nl th(bullilim: at TS' Rnhwfly Avemi*Owned by Mm Kliinhelh MatoscjkXhf second fire Sntufday wns killed before it hsul completely \yfpcked the house, hut no natural .'niifcould he discovered.

Careful ?eaich of the'pini'i- t.;irned up qo more evidence thnt indication." a elum.-y Httyiript. ot ar?onnueht have bei'ii mnrtV. Policeemphasized the "miff lit" and care-fully avoided the word "fire-buj;.'Throughout the week, a quiehunt for more cluip? failed' \t\ turup anything tanprible, which fail

*ure didn't at all Phalu' theif private belief both the fire? were attempts to injure Mrs. Matoscik..

Firemen regarded the situationwtth extra-special indignation be-cduse of the zero weather whichmirle their task no lark at all butarduous, dangerous work.

TheWeekin Review

Sons who step into their father'sshoes are fairly common in theseand other times, but fathers whostep into son's strres «r* not, SoJotin Mills, Sr., now filling theplace of John Mills, Jr., in the fa-tnous Mills Brothers vocal quartetis1 the exception rather than therule. Mills Junior died last weekafter a long illness from lungtaken his place in the quartet afterhe" became ill, will continue to filltrouble and his father, who hadit;

4 * * *

•Direct proof of the extreme ne-cebsity of man for snlight is con-tained in a report issued by weath-er1 reporters and physicians. Therffcrort states ]935 to have been

-<nfe of Uw rlarkestull record, withclouds obscuring the sun for 182<htys. Related figures give a tenper cent, rise in the number ofdeaths from respiratory ailments,particularly traceable to weatherconditions.

f . • •tThe road department of South

Dakota reports the magnet it oped-aties over that state's roads pickedu# 52,395 pounds of metal andthtus sayed motorists 3,300,885 flat,tijes. •

! * * *tA schoolgirl in California actu-

a l ^ HslcedVirgmia-boHi-Rear Ad-miral Richard E. Byrd if "he ac-quired his Southern Accent at theS»uth Pole!

1«* * * *I King Carol of Roumania was

niver forgiven by the late KingGeorge for having deserted his•wife, former Queen Helen, so theKing was not a uest at Bucking-ham Palace with the- other royaltyatt«ndinfr the funeral of the Brit-ish monarch. He attended the fun-eral, howt-ver. walking in the linetjehind the casket.1 '• ' *

.'. Police ComnilsiSioiit'i' \ alentineaf New York City says the noiseabatement campaign carried on inmat metropolis ?inc* Qetobw- hlbst has not only lessened the noiseBut brought about a marked de-crease in traffic fatalities, iiJuriesa,nd"aceidents.

• * * * •

* Trenton, North Carolina; seems*a invifinp plact- to live, evenhough It is now getting ready forI tapi levy. Residents of that placehave not paid taxes since 1929, the"Sown getting along without paidpublic officials because of the badtimes. Now that normal conditionssre returning the assessors will doItheir stuff again.:. * • * : 'ji A. jury in Ocean County decidedagainst Stanley. Andreas of Cai-jteret, awarding $10,750 damages.to Theodore Ivins of New Egypt.'Andreas was defendant and Ivinsplaintiff in a suit resulting from anjautomobile accident three years

Only 27 Store-KeepersInvest $5 On Bagatelle

A month is quite longenfttlfrh for any store keeper !tn rtecirlr to pxchanfre * five- >dollar bill for a baitatellpboard license Township Clerk ;B. J. Du in pan decided yes- '<torday. He turned over to po-lice the list of 27 permit*which have been issued and ithe gendarmes immediatelyocean oheckinp for cither es-tablishments operating pin 'hoard frames. A craze here ''for more than a year, theboards in recent months havebeen losirnr iddicts steadily. ;


Fights Off His Old'HeartTraub!*''

Nurses;atteiulinjr 78-year-ilcl Mike Robnitz.at 'Perth'Amboy Hospital could ;notsay that the gallant "Mayorof Avenel" was in more than'fair" condition today. It

was the aged 'gamester's heartrouble-ajrain, heart trouble com-

plicated by the debilitating effectsf his bout three weeks afro with


The hospital helped the prizzledInynr lick that dangerous attack

hut Mike wouldn't stay there once.he felt better. No, he insisted, he'd'be better off in the little shack-with the huge stove on'Ella Ave-nue irr -Avenel, near the SopeThlfrh-iway he helped build. So backLhere- he went to live alone again.

The old friends who make lifeileasant for Mike found him ter-•ibly .weak on Monday. Officers;

Leidner and Leonard called Dr. H.A, Be'afsky, who ordered immedi-nte removal of the courageous an-ient to the hospital. "As long a?« stays i n bed.1' the dqctor said,'Mike will be all right—but hevon't do that."

M)TICKNolle* !• hereby given «o the leital

liter* of the School Dl>trtrt of llii-•unnxhlp "t WondbrldKe, In thennnty of «lilille»ej, that the annualieetlnic lor the election of three,irmherM or thv Bosril of Edlieatlim:ir three M'nr« "111 lie held At

I'OLl. 1llarrou Aienm- Hlnh School. Ill Iouilhrltlice.

POLI, Uliarrou Avenne Hlnh School, atj(indhrldKe. :

lill . l . 2 . lI'llbllf Sihool Xo. H, \ l Kra«liey.

POLL :( ' jI'lihllr SchiMil No. Ill, At Ilonrlmvu.

I'OI.I. 4ttiMit- ^h..ul -Nil. 7. At rorilt.

l'OI.L 10 :I'lihlli- School >o. 14,-At I'ordn.

IMI1.I. 5I'ulilli- School >i>. ". \t luellp."-

l'OLL «Public Sehiiot Nu. II. %


Dl*«r«nt fron Ordliory Hair ToniciIT'S A SC4LP MfOICINf

» c * » l . FEEL IT WOW AiAllOr^ao''1!rlu lit ( K i ii Hi.r - Il i ln

i in Ih, Ir-jin A«,m,,,, c» Nr» •)„»

POM- I • «•- MPubl ir School N">. 4. s i A » » P * 1 . ' " T

I'OI.I, •>1'ublU' Si-hotil >o . VI, Al Sewarru

P O U IIl'ublta Sehuol Njt>. '1, Ml CIIIODIH.

J I'OI.I. l'JI'uhllr School \ u . I". Hi Ur l iu .t T U E S D A Y , KEB1H A I U IITi l

r«m aevcu o'clock 1\ M.. 1.1 ulu-'clock P . M.. and IIH much lunuer u>my b e nKT»»nr>, to cunlilc nil tin'KAl \ o t c r » prewent to va^l theli |

V o t e r s r e s i d u e witliln_. F . i u J w i j

l vn ie at p.'ll N". 1. B a n i Av.--

itern rt-Hi'liiiK wlt l i in ,l-M.--iloi.|....ri.-ts 4. ". unil -;'..f W.i'r.i S... 1

ami Kl.-i-tinn LilHtri.-l Nu I >••• \ \ •>!••'No, 3 must voti- ut Poll N". 1! Hir-ron Avi-nuo H i g h St-liool.

V o t e r s rfsidiliB wlt l i in Kl-c l lonl i i m r u a No. 1. of Wiir.l N... -. must

Voters rrsiiHng wii l i in Kl*-ci ionI . S t r u t No ; "'' Waril N" - mustvn'ir ut Si-liool X... 1". ;it llnpelttiyn.

VuU'rs r<*yi.lintf wl i i in lOlcctiotiI liiHtrli-m 3 ami t. "f W a n l No. 2,

nuiiii vole at js.-!n>ol No. 7. ui Fords.Voiei-B ivsl.lmir witl . i i i E lec t ion

i l i i s t n c t No...'.. "I Wi.r.l Xo. i. mustI v.itf at Sih.i.r. No. H . urttforilH.I Vim-is riBl.lintf wit l l l l i ' E lec t ioni l>Mu<t Nu « ..f Wiirtl KM- -• »iu.stl\-uii- iit Sclinol N». 8. at U e l l n .

Vott-ra r ia l . l ing w i t h i n Eltcii .>n

NOTICE!The Assessment Books oi Woodbridge Town-

ship will be open for inspection today from 9 A. M.to 5 P. M. »nd from 7 P. M. to 9 P. M.; tomorrow,Saturday, February 1, from 9 A. M. to 12 noon;Monday, Ftbruary 3, from 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. and7 P. M. to 9 P. M., at the Assessors' Office at theMemorial Municipal Building.

- • * ft! . ' I

, JOHN V. HUNT, Secretary.

Board of Assessors'-••-'• "-""•'-; '• Towwhip ^f Woodbridge



DemonstratiotuM SAYS SHB

see HO*) i 6ETS- SO I'M

Avenel Ladies' Unit Makes$75 Donation To Church

A contribution of $75 to the.:hurch treasury has been voted by'he Ladies' Aid Society of the!venel Presbyterian Church. De-

mon to make this contributionras made at a meeting held at the,icrne of Mrs. Grace Siessel, Bur-:ictt Street. '

A Valentine "Apron Social" will;e held February 14. Mrs. Charles j^ongstreet will have charge of re-;

reshments, Mrs. Frank Brechka,,,prons, and Mrs. Dirk P. DeYoung, jirogram. ;

Mrs. Joseph Lomax, Mrs. Anna-Ielle Baker and Mrs. Grovier Per-^cr will- be hostesses at the nextleeting on February 11. i

Sport fans will find complete,verage^of all local activities on;

he ?p"orts page. " • I

' Boys can - ettrn-extr* • psicket:oney delivering THE INDE-

'ENDENT. See circulation man-'

SWATTER P O P - The Juggler By C. M. PAYNE

t:<) The Pell SynillraU, Ii I




REG'LAR FELLERS" Such a Weighty Problem Needs Time for Thought




Scene "two--
























WEJL-L. , VOU \MAV£^4'TC3OM£ \




CAM i see TO LOOKTHEM |- -



it. Trt#

MESCAL IKE By S. L. HUNUEY The Desperatl

l.y «. L. Humlty, Tr.rtt liar* R«l. V. I. l'

Dlalrlcl No. S, uf WurU No. t, m u a tvole ut Scliutil Nu. \h, at lttellti.

Voters rt-Bliling; w i t h i n KSlyOtloa| i i« t iUt Nu. 7. of Wartf No. H, m u m

it rt. lioul No. a, at Colonltt...r» renli i ln* within B l e e t l o n

lii»tili.t« No. I uml 4. 1)( Wurd No.Uliool No, niii-l votu Ul

lNo. 9, at por t

\<. iers r e t t d l u g willHn E l e c t i o nMatrhiH i a n d T>, of Ward No. 3.

mu»t vote ut Schoo} No. i, lit Avenel .Vutor* r e s i d i n g wltl i in Ultiction

l i i s i r i i l No. S, o f WwiJ No. 8J m««tVote at S t h o o l No . I t , a t Hewaren.

—•• —• _• - . - . . jrfu kc tlmmlti C»r

i t*I Ut the»mf»>Mt»i i

Kur turrrnt Kipru.ri. »:t.1T,-(H«.O»Kor Utvttrt aud IU11U1 <•-

'li'i.r lluliaiuga auil

iu«utKOr M»nn«l

• •« ••wlaatlKor l.tbckir l'urv«KHThf lut'Kl lamml

Iv lie •«•*•»«> .- ....»^.,,Uiitcd tbb «Wlrlj-llr.l da) uC Jan-

uary. 1MB.KOV kl. ANDKIIHUN,

Illalrifi < lTck.NOTE—The term 'Vurit-m «x-

p«n>ai includes PrIndP&U'. tuuliar*'Janitor*' and mBdical IIUPDCIUIV •»!»rl«i, tiwl. — " — ' - ' -

flugii. traimportatiuii uf PUIIIIB.tuition.of nu|iil8 unending mlioolsIn other dUtrluU with the I'onHent ofthe Board of Kducatin, ai'houl lluru-i i » l f Hiii», cominn»utlQii .,f theClerk, of (lie vuituiliiiii of nvt'uolmoiieya and of truant uflWra trb'anfBfllPylji, ,|J(J«riirn;e anil li|, |rtttl »X-vemta urth* nuhvuti. " "

A inaiiibur ii[ the Board of Kdui'lt-liiiii. aliull lie at leant 21 yeara Ofai(r. a I'ltUan and regldt'iit of thusi'liuol diBtiici, und aliu.lt have beensuWi a vlllzen und rtalUtnt for atl«*»t three yeara Imrni-dlately pr»-I'tidliijr lila or her becoming a mem-ber of tuch Board, and aha.ll b« ablalo rfii(| ami wrlit..

l'i-il!ioiia l«g»lly nominating can-dldutun lo l>» vuttd on at a»ld mttt-

iuK. m u s t hi- lili-il w n l i II.,. i i iBifii-iCli-rU ill IciiKl IWcl i lv i l u y s hi.|in-i- l|n>. l a t e >>f l l i t NIIH1IIII4 in iii i i ,-r tu h u v tt l ie imiiieis a! »m-U ran.l l i lnK-i! in intoitoi l t i l e o f f l r l a l IHLIIUIH i n Uv UHt-iJ inv o t i n g . In i-uh-uluil i iK tin- IIII.JVC-m r n t l o n r i l " t w e n t y d a ^ h c l t h | . | t h eflllnfe ilttV or Hit- i- lei . l | i i i i ilny b u l no tliotli n m y lit- «iMiiit«il. J i U n k furiuiifor t i l l s iiuriiiiBe n m y | ( l ! o l i ta lnni lfrom th<; Ui«trlct Clerk.

FJeixiiM Who may v.He In Hihiittoiutu tliuaovjeKlstii.-il for Hit laul pre-.'«dli>K general election ure llioaeWho reginter »l "Ihe Hoard ICouiu attilt) Harron Avenue HIKII School .untlii- Kulucduy evening jfrnodlnir th»elwtlon (February 8, IKSd) betweenihe houra uf 7 o>look and > o'clockP. 14. Any penou mity roj ldtr wtio In

.lii.ilili.,1 tn v<it.. In tlmi illairh-t forii iihinhtr ui tin- lujlHlalure. ,

Til: I'llANK MAOYAK ANH JULIAMAUYAK, bla wife:Hy virtue of an Order of the Court

"f Oliuliifiy of New Jtirioy, mad* onthe 23rd day of l>et«mb#r, U36, In uCUUIM;.%||«r«!t) Nua Mortgage £ Tn-vestmi-nt Conipttify, la complainantKii<l l-'runk Magyar And otlmr» irudefendanta, you m> rwiuire,) to au-1'i-ar and unawer the bill of saidloniululnunt on or bufure tlie 'iiihlav of Febi'UHi'y, next, or Hit aulabill will bo taken an confemoilagaliuil you

The tuiil MUhl, fllfl to furvcloA)certain moftgafki given by Frank

Muityur and JullH Mi'C,to I.eiJiiunl Xnremlm. ;"u»l 2nd. 1»2« and by »'''"th« Naaa UortiruK1-' A

I'omiiany, and the otb'1

ary h i t , l»)> by irni"''JuHa Magyar, hi* w)>'MongagB Mi Invent!".'both «n landa In tl»,VToodbrldge, In Ilia * ''dleHei and BUt« of Ni"<you Prank Magyar u";1y»r. hta wife, are mi"1'becauaa you are theord nf «aJd mi'i

ol'r. of Cin»ii;i t aroUn «"•':•

Perth Aroboy. ^W, I, 1-10, 17, It, »>

.,,..?,«.' L ? i


Every Frid«y bj


l S 20 Gr«en Street Woodbridgel h y Wo«H>eUf« 8-1710 ,

Subscription $1.60 Per Year

"lnJGH~WILLIAMSON KELLY,Editor and Publisher

, n \ m/ftS E. GREGORY... Managing Editoi

i-ntpred a» second-claai matter March 18,. / f a t the PoBtofflce at Woodbrldje, N. J.

•;'i(1,;1;"he Act of March 8, 1879.

Qualifications„ despatch from its Trenton Burea

undreda upon hundreds of dollars into aacket that is calculated solely to fill the

pockets of the promoters. Frequently,hese oily gentlemen are able to line up a

good front for their scheme—some well-in-entioned social organization—and therebyive to their slimy business an arlor of re-


J^ut there is nothing respectable aboutt. The dimes and the quarters and the dol-ars that are mulcted out of an unsuspectingpublic constitute only a very small propor-tion of the total prize money. The rest of it—the lions' share of it—is the promoters1

?ravy. Money which should in so many in-stances go for the purchase of the necessi-ties of life is weaned-'from a desperate per-wn who 'envisions a thousand-fold returni5ut it doesn't come. He trys again and yet!t?ain. The promoters live sumptuously.The speculator deprives ;his children ofbread. .

Officials apparently are I6athe to clamp

It '

,|ay, the Newark Evening News poinmi (hat support for the candidacy,-!,.* M. Morris for Prosecutor of the, (,f Middlesex County was derived;down on the racket because ,of the charac-

fact that he managed the guberna-Jter of the purported sponsors—veterans' or-. _ a . . . , . . „_ „ . « _ . _ 'ganizat'ibna. and the like. But any group

which would lend its name and its prestigeto a Ponzi-scheme such as this is unworthy

there for Mr. Hoffman.untinuing, it declared that support for, S. Wight of Woodbridge "comeshis record for trying cases." > | of consideration,

H seems to us that it is far more im-; The .racket should be stamped out; notMHI to hiive some one in the office whoionlv'here but wherever it may operate., ivrord "for trying cases" than to have| —~-nine who is a good ward healer and:

das only tried one criminal case in his Pltase Feed The BirdsA look around the Township these

* -morning* when k hard crust of snow covers

w... . „ c 9 ^ e landscape reveals that the birds are nntWill It Never Stop! • forgotten completely,for maiw a lawn and

i:,,th the Board of Education'and the backyard has been sprinkled with bmuK..ll.riiljtp Township Taxpayers' Aiwoei- mimhs a m | o t her bits from the kitchen„ s,cm pretty well agreed that an in- \V(. h o p 6 t h a t t h l g- p r a d j s e will con-

,-,. of approximately $61;000 is neces- t j m u . through the waiter months. Our fea,m Hie school budget this year. ihvm{ f r i (, IU,H h a V e a ( l i ^ i c u ] t T 1 m e o f i t

or that sum, $14,000 is repreBent«d4>y.,iiH.jMR|hJlt/4)eriQd when they are deprived \....srd operating expenses. The remain, o f t n , . j r l lRUa] provender and must dependmust be raised to offset a reduction in .upon the thoughtfulness, of, humans, for

:,• ;ii<i and is looked upon as a mancla- their daily meals. ' '




"u reuse.Ail of this means that nearly a half-

mil dollars must be exacted of local resi-,'* in |a,x levies during the next fiscal

i i f " O l h l

S,, please feed the birds.

Timely AdviceThis is cause for concern." Only half I'ai'ents should heed closely the warn-

al estate owners in the town met inK '»>' Sergeant Ben Parsons against theof permitting children to cross un-

(l thoroughfares over thg railroad

• h i r

n assessments in 1935 and there is ;:.(.• that a materially larger., percentage V l l i r i l ( ', meet them this year.. It may be that the tracks..nl and the Taxpayers' Association can Sergeant Parsons has given much study•! no way to pare their estimates but at;a l l ( l e l T o r t t o keep at a minimum the dan-

-,niie time we wonder whetjher they


gers to children as they travel betweenright to anticipate that property- n o m e and school. He organized the Junior

.ins can pare their other essential ex-! I>ol i te f o r t n i s purpose and this group of.litures in order to meet the higher cost]stur(1.v l a c l s , «"der his direction, has given



The first draft of the TownshipCommittee's budget for 1926 waspassed on first reading last night.Despite cuts in several items, itappears that the tax rate for thetownship will be $2.OS, or fourteenpoints higher than last year. Inaddition It is expected that the ratefor schools will also show an in-


The serious situation which hasarisen throughout New Jersey asa result of the present anthracitecoal strike with the consequentscarcity and excessive high priceof hard coal and Its various sub-stitutes has resulted in a greatlystimulated demand for cord woodForesters of thy State Departmentof Conservation arid Developmentthis week urged that owners of

- ... .. ,i. ... _ , . woodland use this new market ton mi inconvenience and a hardship is to; s U rPa s s ' n e ™eW record wmetr the-ger-l thin out property by the needed, T , , ., , .. - , ,. - , iM.,,,mt jiiul Viia hfilnpru havp putshlinlipH 'removal of more than a millioniilnted that it is always the poor fel-,£<•»«» ""<J nis neipers na\e estanusnea. coi.(,g of gcod f u d wood

who is unfortunate enough to own N(>w- Sergeant Parsons is appealing to• iiy who must always be the victim. Ik'^hc part-nts .for assistance. He asks that

has deprived himself of so mUch! they forbid their children from crossing the.

tee required to impose. an excellent account of itself. We ventureIt has become increasingly evident that! to s">' t h a t . n o municipality in the State can


••• be cannot keep up with his municipal t n u k s a t P o i n t s unguarded by watchmen,• unions. But that apparently is never pointing out the while the awful danger in-,^1, hei-cnt in the practice. The responsibilityWith the increase anticipated this year t'"'1 impressing upon the youngsters the po-

i l h t t h i li d l i b i ie jump of 125,000 in the Board bud- threat to their lives and limbs in ig.!K15, an addition of $70,000 has been ^mn the warning rests upon the older

it-lit about in'two years. Is it never go- fnll<*- W e t r u s t t h e y w ! n m e e t »t—meet itby transmitting to the children a full reali-zation of what is involved.


-.I ,t

Dl y

An Ominous Silence . D .was a stinging indictment whichl M«NW tight Reformr Zullo handed down against the Although double-cussed for five yearsion of the nevi firehouae in Port by the politicians, advodates of jury reform

. continue hard at their chosen task. Twosince the project was first men- b i l l s to-effect a thorough cleansing of the

t has been the subject of much criti- CUITenf s y s t e m o f selecting grand and petitIts effectuation, it hiis been alleged,!1™1 s v s t e m o f selecting grancP and petit

Hi.' result of misrepresentation and! i^ i M have been introduced into the Legis-•-TfiiBe and yet not one of those at the!liltl'« t h i s Veiir< o n e by S e n a t o r Bowert of"! has attempted to reply to the charges. | Somerset and another by Assemblyman• aiming to be regarded as one of those McNaughton.m', which cannot be publicly justified. , U ^ e r the terms of these bills, the jur-Mr. Zulro who has great praise f o r t h e ' ^ «'0"'d b e selected by a single commis-

..-it-iK-y of the Port Reading company, sioner appointed by the Supreme Court Jus-ntni out that new building in that sec- tjce presiding in the several counties. They"Practically has been at a standstill dur- |w o u ld eliminate sheriffs from functioning

the last seven or eight years and that;'" this respect.


An ordinance that is generallylooked on as the first move of the


have not exceeded one a year."Nevertheless," sfys Mr. Zullo, "it was"pinion of some that Port Reading

a new firehouse. Why? Perhaps

As in othef years, however, the sheriffs'lobby is expected to- fight the proposals.They see in the reform the loss of much po-litical prestige which can be derived from

a combination'ballroom and bar Participation in the selection of juries..'Sheriffs,! in the light of experience, have

done little to prove themselves worthy ofthe trust. Until they have reinstated them-

vas suggested by some, or to erect a newind larger gambling rendezvous at pub-•'xpense or perhaps there exist certainnor motives of

Kant." ' !These questions constitute• a serious

"I lunge to the good faith of those reapon-'If for the firehouse construction..To per-il them to go unanswered gives credenceMr. Zullo's indictment.

«- « *

Stamp It Out!l-otteries, operating under the guiae of

aternal benefits, are running full blast inrVoodbridjw Township in full defiance and

of all laws andall law-enforcingAgents whip, out a book of

lances in the broad daylight, take the' money and leave to continue their

alyn jfaine unmolested.Once in a while, word comes that some

Mdent of the Township has cleaned up'tli a major prize. This winner, however,°»ily one of a. legion jwhteh Kas poured

should be willing to stand aside and quitfighting for a dishonored, discredited sys-tem. As, long ,as they continue, they dis-honor a.nd discredit themselves.

s , The Pass RacketOld-timers at the State House aren't

particularly flabbergasted at the sugges-tion by some of the politicians- who thinkthey are entitled to a half-dozen railroadpassea ft} addition to their own. They re-member- a day when riding' on trains wasa pleasure denied practically no one.

The.free pass disease is not as virulentnow as it waa years ago^when anyone whowas anyone had a ticket which was good foru free ride almost anywhere in the UnitedState*). The pass racket now is limited to acertain extent, since the tickets are onlygood withia.the boundaries of the State.

Democratic administration in itsanticipated war'on the RepublicanTax Collector's office, was intro-duced before the Township Com-mittee last night. It provides ••hatthe office be manned by a chiefclerk at $2,000 a year and as manyassistants as may be necessary at$1,200, all to be selected and ap-pointed by the committee. Com-,mitteemen Kish and Jensen ob-jected, saying they feel the Com-mittee has no right to interferein the office of an official selectedby trt> voters.

* * •


Charles fy Siessel of Avene),Acing Postmaster there sinceApril, 1929, was appointed post-master by President Hoover. Mr.Jiessel was the high man in a com-petitive examination for the postand . was reconimsnded by Con-gressman Harold G. Hoffman. Theerm is for four years.


Approximately $19,000 moremust be raised in taxes for thecoming fiscal) year in WoodbridgeTownship, according to figuresmade public Monday. The totalbudget fpr the year is $624,975, asagainst $535,205 last year Indi-cations poirit to enly a slight in-crease in the tax rate, if any, dueto increased value of ratables.

. *| •


A zoning ordinance will in allprobability be Adopted by theTownship Committee at its nextmeeting on February 9. Zones forbusiness, residential and factorydistricts were laid out by a citi-zens' committee headed by ThomasJ. Moran. The AdministrationCommittee, the chairman of whichis Joseph Gill, has made a carefulstudy oi the entire plan.

« » •Three Year* Ago


The continuous session flan ofoperation for Woodbridge HighSehooi, one which will allow great-er utniization °f th.e cam'tal in-vested by the township in its schoolByatem, will go into effect at the

THE QUESTION: Wh»t ii the moit difficult fire-fighting »it-uition you hart ever met?


FRED MAWBEY. 418 School Street, Woodbridge, chief ofpaid drivers, Company No. One: It happened in 1921 at the Rod-ney's fire. That was a two story and a half house on Fourth Ave-

nue in Port Reading. Driving to the fire, myhands froze to the wheel. Coming back th«same thing happened. When I finally freedmy hnmta, I couldn't move them but 1 had themen pour cold water down inside my glovesuntil they began to thaw.. .It was a weekbefore they were fixed. Dr, Spencer, whotreated them, said he would probably have >•had to amputate if the cold water hadn't beenpoured on them. Frostbite is a dangerousthing because sometimes men don't knowthey're bitten, particularly their ears, whichjust get numb. But the next day they swell

and if they're not treuted properly, they're likely to turn black andfall off. The worst fire the department has ever had was theShell Oil fire in 1931 when two bargee of 52,000-barrel capacityburned at the dock. At first we put a line to the dock and an-other line behind that, playing the second stream on the men utthe dock U> cool them off. But when the seeond barge went up,we had to take the men away. Finally a New York fireboat, the-Mayor Gaynor, came up and cooled off the tanks until they couldbe towed out into the Sound. They burned out finally on th&Staten Island side. An oil fire is the worst that any departmentcan have because water only spreads the flames and the burningoil just rides on top of the water. We attack the fire itself withchemicals and'use water to cool off thei tanks. Any fire in Winteris worse to handle than in Summer because a man is no good afterhe gets wet: you've got to put a fresh man in.

C. WILLIAM MES1CK, 14 Fulton Street, Woodbridge, a paiddriver: The toughest thing is driving in traffic. People won't getout of the way and, instead of pulling to the curb when they heara siren, some of them will usually try to beatthe pumper to the fire. We go to the firefirst, unload and then go on tt the hydrant.Sometimes that means the truck has to turnaround and go down the street it enteredwhich by that time is froquuntly so jammedwith cars it's almost impossible to move. Thatmeans valuable time is lost getting water onthe fire. In spite of repeated warnings, carsstill park, too, in front of the firehouse onSchool Street in space that we know we've gotto have to get the trucks out and under way.The most dangerous thing that could happen would? be a gasolinetank truck fire on Main Street. Anything might happenj especiallyif flaming gasoline ever ran down the gutters into the sewers.Personally, th^ nastiest thing I've ever had ..happen was in theNtftiberg fire at Sewaren. I was cnught in aibiickdraft and thrownseveral feet when' one of the firemen opened some French doorsand created a draft. That's the worst thing anyone can do in afire—open doors or windows. That time, a woman was trappedupstairs and had to be brought down a ladder,

6f schools next Septem-,e plan, besides postponing

openmher. 1 . . T .for four or five years the expenseof building new classrooms to ac-commodate the rapid yearly in-crease in enrollment, marks an im-portant step in the progress ofmodern educational methods inWoodbridKe, Under the pkn, theschool will be in use from 8 A. M.to 4:15 P. M.

• • »BOARD MAKES FURTHER CUTBEFORE ADOPTING BUDGETi Paring (8,250 more from ll»*current expense account, theHoard of Education has finallyadopted a budget which now shuwsa decrease of $87,5119. Debt st'i -viee of $120,671 land operatingotata of, $848,200 leaves a torn!of $468,871. J

LEO GORISS, 45 New Street, Woodbridge, a paid driver:The worst time I ever had was driving the engineer of that de-railed train last Winter to Perth Amboy Hospital in our open

emergojicy truck. We didn't dare wait foran ambulance since the man was bftdlyscalded ajid the truck, of course, had no wWl-shiHld. There was sleet, hail and snow driv-ing into my eyes all the time. I could hardlysen on the ride and it was thre« days beforemy eyes were all right. That night, on mostof the route1, there was between two and threefeet ii f snow, no cars had gone over it and wehad to break our own way in bitterly coldweathtr. The most difficult time I've everhad was taking the No. 1 pump to a fire atKamey's on Kulton Street about sewen years

ago. It was 11 second alarm and when I reached Fulton Street, Ifound the road so Mocked with cars I couldn't get through. Iwent down Amoby Avenue then, turned off at Albert Street andfound that blocked by sightseeing drivers, too: I just barely gotthrough with the big machine, throttled down to 6 or 7 miles anhour. People apparently don't think ojf helping the firemen bystaying out of the way at all. j ,

; ERNEST HUNT, 87 Green Stjreet, Woodbridge, a flre commis-sioner: This was the Mullins Fire in Sewaren, in 1923. I rode theback of the truck. Tha fire was up on a terrace and we had todrag the hose out. One man can do it alone,working each side at a time, hut I only tookone side, thinking the other men would jumpoff and pull out. They didn't, I got alltangled up and fell heavily to the ground. Acouple of square feet of me was black andblue for some time. Incidentally, 1 don'tthink a lot of the townspeople in Woodbridgvrealize just how efficient their department is..I .think it's the best in its class in the State.Only when people see the' company at workdo they realize, how modern1 Wre the equipmen* and methods the men use and how wcll-

trailied tiwy are in extinguishing fires with a minimum amount ofand maximum protection of property.

Newspaperdom's own brain trust pnurpd out iU mostlearned analyses of the political effects and ramification*-of the speech of Alfred i, Smith, in which the former Gov-ernor of New York had ome very pointed things to sajabout the New Deal.

Mr. David Lawrence searched the whole picture very,carefully. His findings were printed in the Newark Eve-ning News and by special permission, are reprinted herein:

Political history was made during the week-end. Th«long-looked-for split in the Democratic party was crystal-lized by the speech of Alfred E. Smith, once the standardfearer of his party for the Presidency and three time Gov-enor of the most prosperous state.

Anybody who Baw and heard Al Smith deliver Msaddress could'not' but have Ueen impresse,d with the pro-found sincerity and depth of his convictions. It was not anordinary political speech. It rose above the height* ofpersonal ambition or party advantage.

When historians 1661c back on trie fateful Words of Mi".Smith, this speech will be ranked with those of AbrahamLincoln-delivered in the critical period preceding the CivilWar, when occurred the famptis debates with StephenDouglas. •• .

Agaimt DemagogueryFor Al Smith put into carefully chosen words the feel-.

ing of .millions of his countrymen who believe in constitu-tional government; in government by laws and not by thearbitrary whim of man, hi government by direct and ex-*plicit methods of constitutional amendment to meet socialchanges and economic vicissitudes, and not in governmentby usurpation, by subterfuge, by circumvention or even by>enevolent dictatorship.

Speaking the simple, homely language of one whorose from news vending on the sidewalks of New York tobe the Chief Executive of a great state, Al Smith foughtimpersonally but effectively in his address against demag-oguery and the setting up of class against class.

It was no new role, no hindsight that so oft«n is bet- .ter than foresight—on the contrary, Al Smith's pronounce-ment against Franklin Roosevelt's so called "forgottenman" speech, at St. Paul in the early part of 1932, has astriking similarity in the argumeiit'made even then and t h e —speech of Saturday night.

A Tip to RooseveltPolitical effects of the Smith speech are difficult aV

this time to estimate. Certainly, he has given hcaijt t«the constitutional Democrats of the nation. But if Presi-dent Roosevelt, who was listening in, did not also derivesome important guidance from the Smith address, it wiftbe a surprise to those who have always credited the Pped-;dent with a keen political intuition.

If Al Smith accomplished nothing else than to expressto Mr. Roosevelt in unmistakable words the warning thatmillions of citizens are beginning to think seriously aboutthe danger of the New Deal's adventures in unconstitu-tional government and to remind Mr. Roosevelt that any-where from 2,000,00<Ho 3,000,000 votes, which is believedto be Al Smith's minimum strength, may be lost tb theDemocratic party, it was worth while as a service to th«President. For it is not too late for the President to giveheed-to thesound philosophy of his former colleague andthe "happy warrior."

The address was a keynote speech if ever there wasone. It was a clarion call to the Constitution. There was ,in the speech every argument of importance that has* beenmade ih^the last two and a half years by critics of the NemDeal, but it was phrased not in the highbrow language oflegal controversy or in the ponderous words of some of ouipolitical protagonists, but in language the average mascould understand.

The New DealToday the New Deal knows the case that can be made

against it, not by those who it thinks can be easily struckdown with epithets about "entrenched greed" but byliberals, social-minded persons like Al Smith, who knowbest how to strike out devastatingly against jxponents of"entrenched power." fr

The fact that the speech was made under au^pic**of the American Liberty League, against which the ad-ministration has been directing its shafts because of thenumber of wealthy men who have backed it, did not dis-urb Al Smith, who was quick to point out that anybody

who sets out to destroy capital must inevitably bring abouttrie destruction of labor. He appeared ready for the^hal-enge, confident of his own ability to make the American*

people understand that he. was not afraid to speak any-where, at any itime, under any auspices, for, as he ex-pressed it:

"I represent no group, no man, and I speak for noman or no group, but I do speak for what I believe to bethe interests of the great rank and file of the Americanpeople, in which class I belong." *

I May T>y "Smearing"The administration may be getting ready to "smear"

Al Smith, It would not be surprising. A Senate speech*t week already intimated as much. But this would b«

a mistake. For whatever-Al Smith sa,ys is born of a m*cerity, which, at the outset of his remarks, he so firmly es-tablished when he announced that he was not a candidate"for any nomination by any partyUt any time."

The former Governor did not outline what course heand those- who believe with him might take in the nextseveral months. This much is sure—he has started a re-volt and has issued a warning to the members of bis ownparty, Since the President can by his power and influencehand-pick the delegates, it would seem futile to-seek withinthe Democratic party to achieve the acceptance of con-stitutional principles. But nevertheless the fight has tobe made there, if only to make clear to the Democrats thattheir opportunity to preserve their party is impaired byNew Dealism and Socialism.

Mr. Smith's strategy in reading the Democratic plat-form of 1932 plank by plank and calling for its endorse-ment and fulfillment and his statement that Mr. Rouse veilhud d a r t e d ths Democratic party to embrace the 1932platform of the Socialist party indicates the nature.of thestruggle in the pre-convention months. ,.

The Fight in the SouthThroughout tlje South, for example, in the Democratic

primaries, which are equivalent to election, senators andrepresentatives are sdorfto be nominated. Will opposition

Continued on latl page



ftdiut Dnbay OrganizesMevo Girla' Dancing Class

A now MiFim'ss Rirl's «prrinl

tnciii£ clnss has Itoen ortritnizrilJulius Dubay, R<<reatii>i)»l

iff Worker, nt the St. JamesSchool in Wnriiihiidirc. This uroupHill inept Mondays and Thursdaysfor the next few week? anil will•wentually be used in n product inn•fH tn be decided. Membership isopen to the public.

For the benefit of those whoVould like to enter any of the tapdancing classes sponsored by theBycreation Department, the classes•re herewith:

Woodbridge Parish HouseMondays, Tuesdnys. Thursdnys.1:45.

Hopelawn School — Tuesdays.Wednesdays—3::iO. '

Avenel and Port ReadingAghooln—Fridays, 3-:3O.

fcelin—Jit. Cecelia I 'amh Hall,Wpdntsdays. 4 .no ichilrlrenl.

.Woodbririge I'ari.«l( House--Business Girls, 7:00.

Iselin—St. Cecelia Parish H«ll,TOesdays, 7:30.

SocidI dancinp cloeeeB nre hel<lto, follows:'Parish House, Woodbridge, Mon-

day, 7:00, Boys.Iselin School,-Thursday, T^n,

M<sday, 7:38, Girls.', Iseline School, Thuisday.7 ;:iO, |Mixed. i


TdlStoty Contest SetOk Friday, February 21 si \

That' "Tall Story Contest" an- '•ounced by the Recreation Depart-ment for Friday, February 21, at '•Hie Parish House, is already at- :

trading entries from proficient 1y|irn-*piiuiei a, department headE•fid today. They emphasized the !

wilder the tales the better they'll ,Eke 'em.

Rtcnation Center Openedfor ltelin Residents' Use \

^ _ « — iFor the use of Iselin residents a

Recreation Center was established(tip week in a two-room building

,i «1 Green Street anil MiddlesexTurnpike. A full program will besponsored by the Recreation De-jartinwit.

The program will be similar totfiat of the Parish House in Wood-bridge, including Ping Pong,Chesa, Checkers, Photo and StampClubs, Card fames, etc.

Pinochle League SetTwo pinochle leagues of eight

{earns each have been formed atthe Parish House Recreation Cen-ter. Each team will play threegames against every other club inita division. The two survivorswill meet for the championship<rf the Recreation Center. Regis-

" tratlons are stft) open for moreleagues.



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IS •'•.;


GREAT CREAM!Moirten th« ikin . . . rub in a dabof Pdmpeian Manege Cream, un-til the cream roll* out.. .'and withft coin* »H the pore impuritiel,leaving the >kin freth and young41 * baby'll Thit great aid to ikin

, health, made by a company withMarly haH a century of e»peri-ence behind ii,inbioliit«ly indis-pensable to the man or womanwho "tluei youth and good took*.FREE lantple will be lent on re-

' queit.-Jult tand your name and•ddrtti to


..•> tkt (alaaklt M.I. . .1, •> 4 41 I.I.I

Something For Every Member Of TheFamily In These Great Features


.—Henry Lavin of West HillRoad attended ii theatre party inNew York with the library staff ofSt. Peter's College in Jersey Citylast Friday.

—Mrs. Aubrey Woodward ofFairview Avenue was a gueat atluncheon and theatre in New YorkCity on Saturday.

—Laura Jean Beaujon of Pair-view Avenue attended a meetingof the Junior Women's Club at thehome of Miss Jane Warr of Wood-KHdge on Tuesday night.

—Mrs. Henry Lavin of WestHill Road entertained at tea onTuesday Mrs. John Mossman ofRahway and Mrs. Joseph McAn-drews of West Hill Road.

—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knauerpf Fairview Avenue spent theweek-end as the iruests of Mrs.Knauer's mother, Mrs. Does of At-lantic Highlands.

—Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pipes ofFairview Avenue entertained'guests from Elizabeth on Sunday.

—Mrs, George Lewis of Fair-view Avenue was a visitor in New-ark on Tuesday.

—Mr, and Mrs. Christian Jung-blood of McFarland Road had astheir gu«gts over the week-endtheir daughter and son-in-law, Mr.snd Mrs. Louis Kupka and daugh-ter, Barbara, of Plainfield. '

—Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Saywellef Fairview Avenue entertainedMr. and Mrs. Edwsj-d Kitt of New-ark over the week-end.

—Mr. and Mrs, Charles Davis ofSt. George Road entertained guestsfrom New Yoirk City on Sunday.

—Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schu-. Lerg were the guests of Mr. and

Mrs. Albert Schenholm of Hunt-ington, Long Island, on Saturday. I

—Mrs, Matilde Geiger of Dover ;Road was the luncheon and dinner jeftest of her sister, Mrs. Louis jWendell, of Elizabeth, on Thurs-'day. |

—Mr. and Mrs. William Godson' Colonia Boulevard had as their ilests over the week-end their

_ .ughter and son-in-law, Mr. and •. .. . Hrs. Hiram Tuttle, of Jersey City, jyt-'t —Mr. and Mris. Adolph Sieckel'••,-,*•' M Elm • Street entertained Mr.»it__,fi«ckel's brother and family of• t ifcw York City on Sunday. iK•',';• 4-Mr. and Mrs. Patsy Moscarelliv.:L v i f ' p e w h Street entertained their

•.idBni Frank and his wife of Rahway•n Monday. fc

The Largest Assortment of Interest-Packed FeaturesOffered By Any Weekly Newspaper In New Jersey

"BACK HOME AGAIN"It's not necetwiry to introduce the people in thi» week-

ly comic feature to you. You know Aem already, by othername*. They're your neighbors, and there's not one youcan't spot at a glance.

Follow this humorous feature every Friday. It'spacked with lots of fun for every member of the family.Another big reason for having THE INDEPENDENT de-livered every Friday.

WEEKLY MENUSHere's something that will give every housewife a

big lift. Well balanced menus and food suggestions thatwill aid in solving the ever present problem of what toserve for dinner.



Expert advice by a nationally known physician onproblems of health and the prevention of disease. Dr.Cnrisman will also be glad to answer questions-en healthfor INDEPENDENT readers through the columns of thepaper. y


Have you ever been confronted with a personal orhuman relation problem and didn't know where to turnfor advice? If this situation arises again call on MarianMartin and she'll answer you through the columns of THEINDEPENDENT. Read her column weekly.



What were the stars doing at the time of your birth?On their position depends your fate, according to astrolo-gi»ts. What does the new year hold for you? Stellaanswers these and other questions every Friday in THEINDEPENDENT.


Every woman is interested in her beauty and appear-ance". New beauty culture, secrets are being uncovereddaily. Miss Hunt keeps you posted on these new develop,ments and gives you advice based on many year* of exper-ience.


Every mother will enjoy this new INDEPENDENTfeature and come to rely upon it for advice in child rear-ing, Mrs. Goward is considered an authority in this fieldand her discussions of problems regarding children will beenlightening.

HOW IT BEGANWhat started the idea it's bad luck to have a black

cat cross your.path? What started the institution of thebest man at weddings? This interesting new featuresgive you the correct answers to these and other similarquestions.

Real action-packed yarns that thrill and •atertain..They don't require much time for reading, yet give you awell rounded story. Don't miss it. Every Friday m THEINDEPENDENT.


These puzzles are still the craze and thi* new featurewill find many fans in Woodbridge, we're sure. Followthis brain-teasing feature every Friday.


What's new in fashions? Miss Vail gives you theanswer direct from Paris. Keep abreast of style develop-ments through this new INDEPENDENT feature, I 'yours for only 3c a weet. |







arrons^ Begin Second Half Of Season, Minus Winife Marches On Township Gym WOODBRIDGE TEAM - — ^ T ~ - " r ~ S r f fWf f W firiK OUCH VANCIIAFKyAle Marches On Township Gym

Of Campaignu,n•/ And Rahway Hammer Gallant Prisco Young-|,lci,s' Woodbridge Ties Borough In Third Quarter5 IIH'I Fades Under Pressure Of Victorious Rally

FOE IN AWAY GAME DUE TUESDAY.,,<,. gallant kids who struggle with the strange busj-

i,:1sketball for Woodbridge High School enter the

hair of their 9eason tonight with a perfect record,

A Lost, prospects and only the slightest chanr.p of


Teachers To Easy29-16 Win

PIVOT SINKSJ FOULSWoodbridge High School

die will be the enemy at the bandbox court on Par-invnders won in

,.I inn of the two squads,,-!, kiys llic wholi out-,,• township Youngstersuntii-ins instructor, one

luivo the Poateight different

,,, and have accepted ex-;,,' .Icfonts. Now, tiiey play, t,.,ims all over again.,.y ,;in't do any worse than.,', j,nd nine* they've been•,/ riRht along, thepros--,• better than they have.,. practice opened.hway, Curtwet Clicki, V I'liu'kn and Carter«t

most recent conqueror*.!hr smoothly-ticking ma-,, irni'li'd by Enrl Walter

A ,y, the local lads never, i iii.ii-v than a chance to

rii iiuiraKe. They did• l,i. i-von thoUKh the pay-

,.. wcif east, in 35-16 dia-

ii,i winners' 18th. straitrht.r , '., who just atrtftit beift

n k cut (town Trenton's...,;• n.iis l»y an enormous,;i,'h irivps you a rnipi<?• ,' kind of u test the raw


Show Promise, TakeFirst Engagements

BOYS LIKifTHE SPORTFirst round results in the

high school's intra-muralwrestling tournament wereannounced this week. Stagedduring physical educationclasses in the gym, the boutshave produced real enthusiasm;no much enthusiasm thitt the smallmats used havo become a brushburn problem circumvented liy an

Second Half Bowling CompetitionGets Away To A Straggling StartTony Ferraro Helps 3-Man College Inn Crew Outpoint

Olsen Entry, Shooting Fine String 01201,205,205;George Deter Again Clicks Off Week's Top Game

bred word which seems, mysteriously, to mean "in the mid-; NAGY AND LtE BOTH RECORD 223 TOTALS



d which seems, mys te r ioy , an in thdie." Will Thomas Joseph Brennan produce or will he notproduce? It appears that that ajred seer has writhed in a Second half competition in the two bowling R

„,.„_„ 1 1 1 _ I I „. .„„. strictly unfriendly silence for many, many months while, a t the Craftsmen's Club got away to a straggltog start this

wound up on the winning ^ u r ° w " ?agu<! m 5 « ^ ^ dribbled into this weekly apace,1 w e e k _ T w o C i v t c - ^ - ^ m a t c h e f t > involving that circuit1«nd f h + H i i thus defiling what once were precious columns And! *•end of *

alainst Carteretword went this week For a P r o m i s e d

ance were precious columns,, And , , , - , ,* ' 4 i i < i i • • * I P V f i i ' l r ^ i i M u l u n r t t nA<irnfir iPfl J i l ln QPVflt*n I t o n m * wAff t

,.r.., -~..\% flt long last in righteous wrdth, h a s c r a u U U I ) S - w e r e postponed ana se\orai teams were

oh, sofdefinitely—to return to the typewriter of handed, the "blind" scores upsetting form results and drnir

second it "se'emed the to\*n" ^ y ° u t n a n ^ t^ere construct a piece in rebuttal to some- ging dowii the team totals.second it seemed the town ^ y t

ship varsity's point-drought had|tninK °r o t h e r y°U s a i d - would fill-'these 8fl fony Ferraro of the College Inn

oven though the local police won't 8 0 n a l> P~iyate deadline, no Brennan effusion—and the mor- outpointed' Spike Otscn's athletes.he nice boys and play thfcse new: row looming. , lih a split decision. Ferrnro Rotfancied court rules. , ' \ What, if anything, do you have to report to the cus- inside the 200 circle in every start,

T.mboTr were the i m D o r t a n ^ ^ t 0 m e r 8 ? W ° u l d ih** l i k e t o k n 0 W a b o u t t h e afortaaidircRlfcrin- 201, 205 and 205. Na.ytlemen in the faculty's 29-18 t r i - ' B r e n n a n ' 8 brotheV, one John, Jack, Rusty, Red Brennan ?1 nnd Julius Bernstein, who alsoumph over Carteret. 8-r.hristjThe young man is still playing quantities of excel 'entbas-| pitched (or the improving Col-flipped four field goals from scrim-i ketball—both for the Metuchen Y. M. C. A. and Uie New Wians, contributed performances

porder that all i pdone in sweat-shirts.

ymust he

Al Hruaka, a middleweight; llich-aixl Junni. lijthtweifht, U'TKJ EarlSmith, heavyweight, have nhownunufuml promise In the prelimin-ary training. All won their first


roanit trHruskn threw J hn Ri'dner

,.| in moot.i III tcret on Tuesday it.liilYicnt story. Neither |

;• iicd a single victory be- j sors,...iirli and t a i h accountsilir iithci practically as j

,,. nf Hueet'ss. I t was i

thr-c minute-, <tft s-rnnrts with imHim lock and body hold. In the

ming from the floor but just Brennan, Thos. J., weren't upset he wouldn't write you anyjH e more colyums, would he? So you'd better skip it. j

M b l d ff ll iThe margin wasn't So top he.vy,i d t l l i th b i hil

, y p je you could dash off a small masterpiece on Sam-!th h d th h d f R

Team Score LowThe six compulsory blind totals

of 125 each held the team totals835, 827 and 808. With n full• IHT mtugiii WBOU i au my neuvy,, „ . ~S , . j ;\~ Ll •, „ « ! t 0 ™\>, "£" »n« BUS. Wltn H full

incidentally, m the scbrini? whileiiel Gtoe—the young man who guides the horde of Recrea-!sqimd_ t M e t a v e r n crew would cer-Umejvas in, though Woodbridgetion Department workers these days. Will the clients thrill tainly'have seta new team reCord.

" l!l'e'!to the news that Samuel ran down large quantities of track, ' T 1 \ e ms™ also were a man shy


Mapleleafs By MarginOf 38 To 21

FIRST H A L M S CLOSEThe WoodhridRC Field Clul

added the Fords Mnplelenfn totheir long; list of victims by thescore of 38 to 21 lnst Saturdaynight at the Fords School before ft

f« s;; wtanVr, J O ^ s i iin v e i >yb r i e f amounte.at Notre Dame ? An but i| pins

f o u l" w h o f o r

- - _ , — ...»,..,....»..•,, w i . iiimiini , - , > - . , . - _ . in Mti VUUIUII i. Tinn the points toof the WoodbridRe squad, was on I he Wa3. And Who do you suppose he ran against a COUple ;ciinch what should have iicen athe whistle but no too-violent pro-:of times? Was it a colored husky from Marquette, namedithree-same rout. Russ Loreh, thetests were registered.

Drummond, Ruggieri SIn addition to the two

:Ralph Metcalfe or something?

• ILIWII V.U vim I W I I i cu i i r r s s y . ' , ,

Drummond gave Wood- and they called tor the next heat.

Mr, Gioe ran his 60 yards league's individual leader climbed

., . : factory individual performance.bridge four points and Joe RUK- Next? Well yOUtlg LeRoy Simonsen of the high school In the six team matchesirecorded

" ^SFrtJt ^itLfiH(tbulv;hL football team is being inspected by Albright as well as by!by n i c k Krohne> t h e h i ^ h s c o r e

Academy. And Fred Swan of Temple will be around


same class, John burin won overLou liartha in l:fi0 when Bartha,

I zealously clumpiiii; nil « Imily scis-IH'KICI'UMI to krep his own

^HHilitirs off the floor.Janni Wim '

11 Jiiiini, employed a hnlf-nelsonr;i|i. too, until Wood- ami notch-hold to dispose of Mike

;•,! away in the final min- I'Vmirn. Ill, in ,r>:'.!7. Smith, 1H1,.'1-17 defeat. i foiled Malrolm Itulnu. H>D, with a

Roily Nicely body slain in 2:l"i.ti,' final score couldn't Other results hail Montazolli,memory of the losers' 1-14, licking Mourer, lf>J, in '2:">(i

.illy iii the third nunrtcr, w'it" " head lock; Mickey Kuruczn,c* l6Win»ftlp had srtu--| IS», i'(H»l)inin(f an arnvlock ami

Uxly lii>Ui (vr H i;:W Win ovtirZciioliia, UtH; Si-hrimpp,

UK, ihruuiiiK Trio, 114, with ahead luck in li:ll), and Mac Hop-kins, 1 12, vomiuvrini; Paul Husin-!"ki. 137, in t:»» with iiiintlu.r mmlock.

¥ff, = / c^rtti-t li »«" Academy. AndFreS Swan of Temple will be aro»nJ,^l » U ^ U ^ I S Kthe "nettinit at all, white the com- In a little while to look at Joe Bartha—the big one of theithc figure rnnched by both M«Ry ofb i d efforts of Noe and Hfcklcy Port Reading guards, built for Warner football. LOU, or the Giants and Lee of the Woelpers

just three tallies t th t y ^ h l i l t thi f i n a Civic Lag encounte, Bartha may also wind up with something very defi-,'" a Civic League encounter.Win By Four Pint


Of First Hali In Pin-Spilling Race

PURITANS~GRAB FLAGHijth scores hung up early

in the present season remaintops for the first half of theIndustrial Bowling Leaguecampaign, statistics releasedtoday liy Uuss Lurch, secre-tary, tectify.

l.nruh himself S» shown the mostconsistent Imwler in the league by.niiihy points. In ,TH -amts, fourlc<s than the fitll si'hedule totaKfefK. tin; postaf.employe kicked over7,111 pin«, one more than henei'di-d for an averaRe of lilfi. Inaddition, his Sfit, • rt({i«tcred forthe. Olsiens. remains, tops for singleKami' excellence, although TommyVan Gilder of tho Van Syckles tiedit,

The Olnetift set up a new teamthree-frame m»rk during the sec-ond quarter, climbin- to 2,883, butGeorge Peter's fifi7 is still the bestthe league has seen in the muttert)f thre* corijccutive high totals.

Puritani Get No LaureltP»rit«n Dairy figured in none of

larjte crowd. Tn n preliminarygnitic the Porda A. O, trouncedtheir home town rivals, the FordsReliables. 28 to 12.

Next gn the Field Clubbers' listare the Metuchen Trojans, toniphtat IJetuchen.

l.->. Stretch LeadThe Lnttanzio quintet came out

of the first half nt Fords Saturdaywith a two-point lend, '20 to, 18,but with Frit- Leftler, Frank tj\t-tanzift and Alf Tyrfell scoringbasket's from all"Soapy" Mayer nn<:

anirlt's amiTom a,nd ,lm

first !ttaftMr'<fr-4ir'i badly, so badly that

nt th« half. So <:aotnjn' in"; led bis crew to an the third period play"if was all'i'VBii enter-' chapter.• I'litiroly too hot for•till linve tt-oulile re-they've p i t to drib-

hcy run. The prensurti'-d Harnts and his col-iitcmlly when. Caxti'i't't

h, i;uard pi 10-17 lendi'iti' left. Uv*mn*iouit,tt-Ji'i 'hick pixon cut inv t'lillnw-up shot which( i rr i^ io l l .

'!H'- were played with-' vires of Mel Anacker,:-in'- ci-ntri's and a lint• I liy the water-flu hisi: !• ii memento of the• ••.i-nii. Rurron L«vi'i.c jump circle against. ciappy Hill Karr, n• • 'I, wlis Kivi-it the start-

-lit Tuc«lay at Car-

/ •

1 i'u ' I.TII Tiiiilln.i r,C, N.ir. ri;J I'rlSrnII I l i r - k l . V

rr i

could not win and so

High School Scores\ \ Ihrl i l i lr 11*1

I'T. T i l .il H

Knrr.I ' . H P .MirwK i n .

HillM mV i rW n

•MI. r f

' ^ I '

' '.. 'v\i"\\ l l / .

;i« i'Kr,| IK

( HTirtrt

V K • • • . .

l^ l li: r.:: '1|> 1

II nI IIj ,i

FT. Til.l ;i I

0 «i) Ji, i

added juat three tallies to the towii-

^ ' L t u L p k McCarthy, Cartwet n i t e - T h e o t h e r l a c l s ' P ^ ^ c t s you've mentioned already.: T h c G .1"sDwonTh1eIo1drd-game infootball tutor, and Joe Comba. the * thai, KrabhinR the decisiobasketball coach, compiled dmr Mr f W Ttlthpt t n ' r t ' I1"' ''e*1'3^0 s t a r t ty a bare

points apiece, but Horn, the icn- r " U * K C I four pins. The Woelpers had fourtic, was hiKh at six. THAI1 MAKES YOU THINK OF TWO THINGS: OF men and five scores in the classic

The gfcme WHS won in the rtrst the paucity of the local school's athletic program, cutting >'n"Ke--Urban»ki'H 203, Sipos' 203,

off trfro1Wle»dI-t°tho(!ull'iT-1 clown the number of fields where a kid can distinguish him-; ^ es , . t o t a 1 ' p l u a ' m u n d 2 0 1 b y

made it 19-8 at the half an?Uoast-iaelf and so qualify for legitimate scholarship aid to college;' The other Civic duel fdundnnd of Mr. Swan. .Aycnel whitewashing DeMolay. Re-

You said once that the gentleman might be at Rutgers ™iHSJ1)UW,1^ ?1 3 /I""1 (;har ley S'ea-

next Fall as head coach. Everyone immediately became s T>UCVC pin sdorca^""eeistercd|l very much rufflea and saidyou w,ere wrong;. -That usually>,m thp Vnn'Sytkle win- «vet 't»4i doesn't surprise you. This time, it did. Why were youjA.fi P. The latter outfit had,only5 wrong? Because the Rutgers athletic director, George j . ^ e

n p T tn '

-, Little, said so—pouncing on and assuming sole ownershipi^m, ^ 20

^ of the whole rap for the bad seasons they've been having pushedoverTrpinflinhisfast'start!u at New Brunswick. J. Wilder Tasker, present coach, is the;after earlier gettln- OR and 120.,, more popular choice as raptaker. Do you dislike that man ¥; i ^ r u " ; n ^ t


o w /^ f^°- aver8K?s

«'Nut a whit but you can't figure how he holds on—or wants pam'e. The victoriousto, particularly, playing big-time opponents with no paid coasted in but Seilerplaying hands.. , o v e r 2()3 in his first game and

* And still no piece for the customers. One sound, two the'twUestl " P t 0 *" C V c n 2° f l '"words, that 'piece': either one will do. ;• Tn^ontTak to these underm-nn-

* * * * jedsquada, 13 keglers worked in ther.ntno ^rnroe Antnarnnh ' 2"1 ^ipos victory over the Busyuame, scores, Autagrapn J]S9Wi D»t.T and Totin each dick-

SO YOU HAD A FINE TIME PLAYING A KID'S,ed off one 205 in this one.game with Nick Prisco of the high school, did you? Right.What's more, all the backs on next Fall's club will play it,and hard before next September. It's Howard Jones' foot-

Uittanzio pnttin? tip n strong backcourt defensive ifamo the eventualwiniiers scored IS points whileholding the Lenfs to but three.

Frit?; Leffler led the scorinpr nt-tack for the locals with seven fieldKonls und two singletons. Frank[.Mttanzio chipped in with tenoints and Tyrrell with seven.

Mntus/. led the losers with sixloints, "Red" Dunham contributfdfive. •*

ed in. .•*The 'lineups:

f ' -r lHTl KRPIIIO

l>i.."ilii,. rfMi-CiirlhyCiinilm, IfHorn, c

7 -S !«•

l : , -r .Ti . i . - .1.


[Unbeaten In Lost Season,I Scarlet Sluggersj Weaker Now

Puritan. Lo.e, 2-1




K M M . !I'crst.ii

ivi-ri B . r l lnirlit well I'nVfi

'.. tin- SDi'ough'H bestThe ri 'fercv finally

..nit i-arly in the last 1 liar in •rvi.r. ami Bartv, lost j '."ViVr 1

m i n i ' l i i ' l d K O I I I S b e - 1 t a i n in .ii' was over, For the j•• him a lotal of seven

1hud tho chore of JOK-"1"1 '"1"'7"uodwiw. t*e Rahway , . 1 ' " " "

1U' pleased the!>y rcatraininu Mr.i-iK'ht pointsl. That'snot tuo much for aman who's bfun rack-

lrt und 20 per

lin ilisplays some talent1'UK pivot shot, was topihni' fii'M goalx aifiiinst\ aloscik, Farr and Bar-

'!"• rest nf the countwsnly."••fd nine boys at Car-•MII. Dave Merwin, topped

1 i-', which was distributed'-' the lineup.

Jayvecs Bowii.«' tlie picture uniinimous,1 '•' lost both their eumes," ty took the seconds overil<\ 27-111, and Cartwrt1 1. Hob Bruithwaite wasluwnsliipper to stort ill

.l"-1 half of the second defeat,' ii'i;un Anthony Ji'Klinitki

li;ii ilistiiiction in th^ jouaj.

•I'oi'l follows Roselle on the1 'i.iiiu! of the reason. That,'II In" played away on'.Tues-

1.'hi' iiiciny's skilled crew won1" in the first engagement.'

1 '<' the fust breaking forward^ haven't worked out too•'illy,'Prisco has b*eH"teftih-'••' 'joys a double pivot, spot-"tsidc tho banned^ foul urea,'he centre coming around

1 tin' corner to cover any traf-

youngsters say they like it

- 1 7- 1

\ \ i.i,,ll.rl,lm- I llh

k. if

i ftl

I' IT Til.

t l l f t

I' I'T, Til." • • 1 f t

Rutgers University'steam will open its liKifi cnmpaiirnj

ad h p half us Puritan Dairy, which wonb a l l - b r a i ^ d e v e l o p e r . T h e defense is a u t o m a t i c b u t t h e 'hat lap easily, fell a'2-1 victim of

the Massachusetts Institute; player in possession of the ball picks his own plays. Seen. Scores were uniformly bad.however continuing the h a p h d

of Technology rinK squad In the If he'picks the right ones, "he advances, finally score. S 6 ^ ^ ? ^ C tlTe^XrRutgers Gymnasium Wednesday points. 'High school' quarterbacking loses ground quick— .-*»i— r

night. UmWeaU'd last season, the (besides which, fumbles, penalties:_intercepted_ passes crop

in. thematches.

The lineups:c'vn 1,i:\oi !•:

" "' niID' 3n:i

Jcnv JelTenls, 155-pound flash Gambler, huh?from Bayonne, and Jess Eison. There IS a story you can tell about this business!Brooklyn heflvyweiitht are the T h a t n i C e Mrs.'Prisco went in to buy her husband a




i 1 t a l s

thi'se peak ratings but nonethelessis sure of a plnce in the playoffsnext Spring—if some one elsebeats them out in the second halfrace now under way.

Schoonovpr, (tt an even 191,rates second to I/>rch in the indi-vidual standings, but he went totho post only three tinU-a. HoraceDeter, used 11 times during thehalf, is third, 188. The leadersbunch after them'.. Moo, Hmielski.Nadler, George Otter, Halfner,Julius Bernstein, Hill Skay andVan (lildcr nil nvcrnge ISO orbetter. .

Van Gilder, by the way, bowledin every unnie, as did Seiler, 178;.Hanson, lliO and Gladys, 16G. Me.nwho missed only one game were:Corey, 104; Haddeti, 138, and Cps-Eiove, 131.

The individual averages;FINS

Avo. nvrcu

W. K. I

l . i l l l i i i i z i n

•I. l.iiCliur'.ln. f .. .

Mnyi'i', KTvn-rll,

, (SHIi ;

. 1

. 11

. 0

'. i

F. FT. Til

11 0 1II . I 12 :i -i 1s i; ;1 -, \

1 « 1;, ;i«

XAHRLurchS r l m o i i i t v i ' r .II, IV'li.'i- . . . .

J;_. HmioiKki'.'

ll'iiflTm-r . . . ..1. l i i T i i s i ^ i n •

• \V- Kkrt V '

VII'TI U l i d c r .

N* RiTlistiMn

ri ly , r

l.i'i', i-K n i l I, KI i i n i l i i u n

p.i-r .T. . .1! ; .? ,^; . ,H - I i Wiiirin-r . . . .

1 1 1 . ! . K u r i ' l i a kn 5I

M l . K113 K ii*ti

A Iniiitil.11 21


' Knvni-Ht

II. l.r.Tut Inl l n r r l l i


Ten Years Ago

HELEN WILLS CAM-paijrned on the Riviera, hop-ing for a.match with SuzanneLunglcn, greatest woman ten-

ld h d


Palcanis 'of Christmas present. She picked out the Jones board garrife MVKH:star,-has devoi-.for her football-mad Nicholas. Ken Strong of the Giants

l > •,


l ! l l l < I W i l l .

WumlliHllKe J. V.l l . !•'.


tlUlvrlluiiiA, 11l l r a i t l i w u l l e If

U'Kllnskl, IX1:111.,i, IK

x.lliibxny J. V

F-V. T i l .


oped into one of the cleverest and Was at the stnnd, autographing the sets. Dialogue:hardest hittinfr nirhters on tb'< Strong: "And what's your little boy's name?"squad and is boomed by Coach o , - v - - _ . .Earl Lovejoy for an intercolleiri"*"title in the 175-pound class tftisyear.-Another newcomar is ChanosBobrowski, of PatersoYi, a toujtlislugger at lfi.ri pounds, who will

any opponent plenty oftrouble this st-UHon.

The loss of Hal Haskin. I3f>-pound veteran, who is unable to _ , . . , , , . , » , , , . , , • • .vtrain this year because of conflict- reason at all you immediately think of the literati in theinp laborttoVollf, interc

Hl-illnlt rfU r i ' i r , r l .I ' i ' i ' i*-. If •

fi. F. KT. Til.0 IIII II

.ifliny.H i l l i v , IKIja'hlii'i^li, 1|?

S i n n , l,y in

lUi Ii way . . . .

( nrl i 'rr l J. V.

CL'Isky, r U JVlru^, rf yKariii'l, If 1LlU'HH JW' hul I, ,.Nloi'kdni 1W11UI1. IK 11Pullnak-y I)l'nlii', IK *TiJiilyrui'k 1

HIK:. 11 8—16


•I 11

IIIUM »rlere< J, V, ( M )I', I'.l O, F. P.11 l l l 'elro, rf 0 0 00 4 llui-kay 0 0 11 4ln'i.Miu, it l o a

11 -I \* Iijv.t-II ll'HIllll'

J ^


-. , 1S|K,UII,IK. lg I"Illnlllnger 1

Kl|l<it. >'Ki h k l


Strong:Mrs. Prisco: "Nicky." (Businessof signing). "Thank

you very much.1', So it doesn't look funny at all now, does it? The punch

his to be explained: Strong and Prisco have played againsteach other—too often! * * _ * *




GIANTS (!)22s171H i193

!i:i 1

1 mmii t i l ll l ' i l


S9S SfiS.

nis player the world had everseen . . . Mile. Leng-len was favored, despite her firstnut default to Molla Mallow in heronly American appearance. . .Sad news: Woodbridgo Firemenabandoned their crack basketball

8S4 team . . . Reason: porfr at-



I. I,nrso,n


4. A.r1f.7



I tl•.MS1S2

year utuiuM: in IUHIIHL- I t;anuii ui ail j y u uiuiivutubvij uiuui wi wnv «iu^^u^« A< |{llnti

latory periods, and Reil m u s ter room at Police Headquarters) like to know that j J. H.-(tercoiiejriata' I2(i-pimnd. p ^ ^ ^ n t f l ( aotiVelyrto^-iaWi8h track here this Summer? T,,t.i, WHO iett senooi, ' ^ .yeah—even if it's the most simple progtam. He's busy with

Hi:iI ts



158Mr",176USI l l s


representative in the four lighter | his basketball and Wrestling now, plots a lot Of Spring foot-brackets. ;iian practice before baseball—and has devised quite the

Although the Rutgers mentor. I l R . k i e g t SCF,edule forthe Fay but, shshshsh! that's a secret.i5 " n l Hke^hZTthSr'jo "ita-i How about Lou Bartha, busy squeezing Cook Dunn1

cone of Camden.ar Joe Dzuryak with a very business-like body scissors in an intra-mural1

of piainfield will pet the call in tourniment match? He did fine—until he forgot that nothe 145-pound group. The jS5- ft > w h a t t h e p o s i t i o n w n e n his shoulder" are on theuounu class is still urulecuieu. wn- , , , T • .n c J. J.I_ i. i • ir mHam Ancier, Rahway, 125 pounds,;mat, he loses. Louis never will forget that again. You 11and Herb Greenhouse, Ridircneid bet on it, He's the kid, incidentally, who handles himselfPm'k, ll!) pounds, a-« the probable s 0 Well on his fe$t—talking,;not dancing. An example of

joy learnain football.• • • •

rOl . l . lOCK I N N ( 3 )

Piuk, l i s poulightweights,

Illlnil . . .Ul lnd . . ..1. Hi-rnsl

T"t u Is

Ullml . . .

ll'. Thei-Bi

l.ori-li ','.'.

T i i l u i s




I'll lfiO ien . . . . . . 145

.'.. 193 .

Braithwaite, Schwenzer,Barcellona Retm Lead

Robert iriithwuiti'i SobSchwenzer and Tony Barcellonastill lead the table tennis tourna-ment at the 1'nrish House, it wasannounced today. Both HwirySnakes and Ed Miller also betteredtheir position in the double elimin-ation this week, climbing up to thefifth round.

marks By An Old Subsiriber And Constant ReaderI I'1. X. Donohue,H "'<lla'e Independent,•bridge, N. J.

L«it Wevi't Columntr Mo«i If there i»any

your heart which la notM V* a deep, dark and absy-

mbtjr byyour continuid d«-wuiit to work and, nerve

ililic, you'll print this andon to said public you are

"iK "much by ailpwing anurnulijstic h#»-b*eri to in-

[heulleged sacred domain of' Heemji." Such a column

write, teaming with lnter-•' ' ' and th« reflections of

• id (which at times iwfathom), ahould be parti-


db'grant the space, rest assuredthere'll be TWO avid rendeiy thisweek (not counting the proofread-er). The upurtment's janitor huupromined faithfully to puruse the

tatlieash-barrelorusesit 0 wrapMia Saturday night nip "to go .OOf Column * ! » ^ " l

llrTOOf Column •*.(tramatically entitled SWent To The Movies," wua inUr-6Btin«. And While ,,ult. .orrect myour aurmiaine t« » c,erlfn *? ;

wondered at the time ifb h U l

t«» tUI wondered at the time if*ewmlgh t n o tbe ju . t »hUle j>£L^n , ino . <.!><« which dr»wa tbpaorndthtngfans to athletic

When a game is,

which (Jraws

aa' you say,«non-leairu« and neither team (orindividMal a» the case may be) J»

unbeaten," you hit the null on thehead when you figure it to be thereason why crowds won't jar theturnstiles from /their foundations.At leust it's a reason which prettygenerally goes." The fans like win-ners, "never been licked'', the topmen and all that.

pite this theory tugw. Trn.« bit), a lot of us have

d t t i l tltf ),

watched second-rutei'H, tail sutlersand a raft of goings-on which leavethe ' gent in tho winduw with"plenty ducats unpunclied", and"Wfyn iruUeu a real i>uu«ii*»wt of if.

Ami getting a bit hazy'! Here'sy g ge

less of the' class ofthlti counter

what Vm trying to get « . Regard-l f h l f t f

t « gamr type of

h t itless of the class of ypathletic encounter or whatever it

(Continued on Ust F«g»>

the poise a boy


A. & P. fll)k e n

l ' u m i ' r o yU l l n d . . .I l l ln i l . . .


>>lai«yaH l k


done about it? You figure the high school is hopeless—notjust this year's club but in any year. And how you respectthe kida who stick with the squad!

You never fully realized before basketball seasonmeans they get to school.at 8 o'clock, are through before 1>wait four hours, come back for practice starting at 5, get alittle more than an hour's work, shower and dress and head! w

for home and dinner about 7. " , J.yWhere'a home? All over the township—Keasbey, Se-| KJ>

waren, Avenel,Iselin. And how do they get there? Walk-ing—and thumbing. In this bitterly cold Aveather? Yes,]in this bitterly cold weather—in the dark|—hungry, tiredand almost 12 hours since they left home that morning!

Would the town1 go for Sunday afternoon leagues in if,',,1""'the high school gym? That floor is in so much demand— \gym classes throughout the day, then an hour's varsity' i.work while the janitors lean on their brooms and wait, then:at night, the varsity games, tho faculty's weekly physical-iconditioning orgies,^Shell Oil, independent clubs, and nowthe Recreation Department wants it, ft>o, Sunday afternoonwould be another fyur or five hours.


1712 or,125







Charles Boehmwns lauded for leading role he hadtaken in organization of Tri-County scholastic' soccer league

. . . "Voodhridee - Rahwaybasketball game was rescheduledmer postponement—to save coal,since school fires were hanked

Jack Edgar and AndyLockie led Woodbridge Hi-Y to vic-tory, over Dayton Arrows, iJ4-24

.' . . Edgar got 1:2 points

. . . Teammates were Rich-nrds, JacobsoDi McCullagh andNoe . . '

; 11 mi tI. .li.lmmI UI lll'St'S

S n i ' i l r k e rK. s k a ym.-ki-nxcn .l i . i ikI", l-'uri-liukMnllHIlKtll

Hlxl'y '.'.'.'.'.'.f a n i ' c t ' k . . . .u, Miict.illiiH

Mjtc i.ll<isikl.



. 34H

40. :u

. :n



I I1it










• 177


161116»ir,7167MI;|,;:.hi:,ICainr.I-;I1 i l lHiif::1IS2


ir.515Sir,r,1 r.iir,4tr,:i1S3153ir, 1is 1H",III142I IIn:ililH117UIt:tnlis








} •


Leafs, ReliablesBoth Amboy Opponents

Tomorrow ni^ht ttt School 14 inFords, the Maple Leafsiwill tanglewith the stellar Y.M.H.A. quintetof Perth • Amboy. The Fords Reli-ables tyill meet the Perth AmboyKnifchts of Columbus, in a preliln-inary. Dancing will follow the twogames.

Final First Half Bowling Scores

Mi-KayUuiik .Kara .

G 1 A N T W <»>1SIK

' 1T)»1*7I HI131

llili. .i141SDR

i n r>





•1- Hansen .Vuti Glider

Totals ...

BiifiVANSYCKLB 6 (3)

21)3 191173 164n 106

118 148

'61!) 622

.. 177


SIPOS S. S. ?)165US138


826 808



¥l>etoi' 'I.',','.'.".'.'.-.1 les



' 1B6



201 165

J04 804

136 133

.Il''uivlmkl-'uiTlmk .

' { • •

. 159170



7S2 783




I,a |,\1'nri.v

H K O O •

124118 168


Basketball can't go unless grammar school youngsters ('".siS! Jr."e t a l l c a t g g yglearn the basic motions until they dribble, cut, pivot, passand shoot instinctively. You cm polifli n i 8 h schoolers butyou can't teach'em from the beginning.

And here you »ve, still waittag for Brennan, Thos. J.,to show-i-i-\vith no more room! ;«aybe you can run theblast as a letter, huh? •



i7 6

772 (773











Ihtffni'i-Knyt'ii .ll.ulinii-ltlluil ..Krqlme


\ . l.eo(Ji-rltyt ' b

«4II Slii",OI.I> TIMKItW ( 0 )

202 2(11171 188138 131

•. 135174


j, S20


'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. \V>180lflK




I'tipnn(' Si-hwun

797A. A.

. 136

. HI:I. 132, 180. 15!)



l»l i



i'llil . 1 .

770 |17

Ullml.1. ScliLitta

To tulaW. HkiiyH.ika . ,KuVilca.Itjllli'kaK. UHtmi

H1I.K H A T S (UI..../,... -us

i:tr,sor 13J



W A V S 1 H K S . C




m sin



Hlliul . ,, ..N'. UorusK'iii

. Totiil.i



CRAFTSMEN (5)G. I.i'vl 14JBlind 135P. Ci'hweiuer ..'.. USA. LeVl 171Naylor lot)Blind . . . 13U

TotBlt . , . (10 ' hS






tr,li!l1 :'!l1!H










l.VDlSI'ltlAI, IKmilllil


I'lirltiin IliiirvOlrn-naVun 8 y c k l «Hoco 1



T11 . . . . . . . . . 787OLSKNS (2)

A ThergeB&n. 177It, Thergejen . . . . . . 119


nurchardlilann ..








V;d 844 820

Kuvat'S . .O. Levl ..H l U O H . . . .

lB.!SkiU' ,.

Blind . . . .

SIPOS' m18:'

. ' . • : . . 165150

• I 177. 134

Totala Sl>S

* p 111)A. * P 111)Hmlilrn ..-.- l l jOiMU'aiihon ' l.'\BlindHlliulOostf rtwo . . .

Tululu .*..


vi i

61-' 6 a ti

Wilfred Cann, former Olympicwrestling coach who ifi now teach-ing the mut trame at Hut^ers, be-lieves that Iha primary purpose oiwrestling'is to pin the opponent'sshoulders to the mat: He t*llsi*«Scarlet grqpplers to use offensiveholds with this purpose in view,even though they may sacrifice agood defennive. poeitioa to <Jft W-It in if ratifying to *ea bJl mail litaction after watching gome othercollege representatives eltng to thebacks of their opponents, ttfUlfor a time advantage vktpry.



I Continued irom paiirpayiiiK the benefit* to





Local Society Holds AnnualPilfrimmage To New

York On Tuesday

The annual dinner and theatreparty of the Salmagundi Literary' . , . , . j•nd Musical Society was held in companies have 40 members andNc-w York Tuesday night.

Among those who made the tripwere:

Mr. and Mrs. Asher Fiti Ran-dolph, Mrs. r . H. Ford iMiss GraceC. Huber, Miss Helen PfeifTer,Hiss Ada Fullerton. Mrs. M. B.Skidmorf. Mrs. C. H. Rothfufu,Miss Martha Morrow, InfrrahamLamont, Mr. and Mrs. LeonardWillincer, Miss Anna L. Johnson,Mrs. Grace V. -Brown, Miss Louis*Brewrttr, Mr. and Mrs. Vietor C,

<HidclM. Mr., and Mr^ Andrew Me-fleld, Mrs. W. B. Krug, Mr. and

Woodbridire No. One slone ha-">n its roster, several

mnone «a« willing to reduce it

1 membership.To Ajk Concenion

REMARKS(continued from Sport Page)

may b«, I think there are a host ofseat-buyers who |t) expecting Bpunk show but anticipating the vi-L-ariotis "step-up" which comes ofuutrhing participants who are m>t• Uead-pan Looies."

Tn get further into it. Haven'tyou over been disgusted *>y a bo*-ine matoh, for example, in whichthe leather throwers, win, lose or

At the session Wednesday herv ( j r ! i w c , , through the whole thingwith Chris Hassalhum, Carlstadt, j u g t w(?.,,-WK smirks on their facespresident of the State er»up, and unA rcf,Isl,,B to let the crowd in onCharles J, Morris. Sute auditor.• h o w m l l c h , n e jabs hurt or howlocal deleirates agreed to consider t h e j r fee) ahout it all? You don'tfiling a petition to the State execu- ^ j ' t h e pokei face stuff do you?tive board asking that a 50 per j think sports spectators are pa-cent, increase over their popula- tnetically eager to share th*tion allotment be granted here thoughts and emotional experienc-

considering members whoiei( <,f their hcros?. I also think thatbetween 1!>22 ana 19S2ana i n m a n y clistv o m . little revealing

that a 20 p»r j » n t . merest* Pe.haoktjr EWtrrre will pressc the TJUi'„ , . , ...,.,. ••• -• . . . - » ; • - • • „—- , allowed since "Ine latter date. m o r e t £ a n perfect performaHFesCord, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Max-; Granting of that request by t n e o r winning scores Who on earth,;

"*- •' <u~ '"" -»•""-"— • i ( n o w s anything about base-ever forget the Yankees-

field, Mrs. W. B. Knig, Mr and j g^" tei"even if the local companies

head and Miss Ella O'Neill of .PerthAmboy.

HattieJ S K r e e ' ( 0 jt, is regarded as distinct- baj]ly uncertain but no olru* solution C n l ^ ¥ i u l m i j c l l l r , B . , l r e l , ,„ „ ,could he found which produced Babe Ruth with two and two on

Mrs. William &Khi(r, M>s. ^ _ m t ^ „ . „ „ „ „ „ .Pearson Dee. Mri. Garret Brod- J j " u w* tu, in but no olru* solution C n l ^ World Series games in whith

GAS FIRM STARTS(Continued from page one)

would permit a decrease ratherthan an increase.

All of j-esterday, it was statedat the Commissioners' office, wasconsumed with the examination»nd cross-examination of W, S.Potter, auditor, who stated thatdistribution, maintenance and ad-ministrative costs amounted to 60

per T t ii

ncents per customer. Testimonyfur iclupurchase$5.60 per thousand feet, a repre-

i f h C i i n id

cents per yfurther indicated this figure is ex-clusive of the enst of jras which ispurchased from Eliiabethtown for

d f tsentative of the Commission said

Acceptance of these figureswould convey the impression,therefore, that the minimumcharge of G5 cent? now in force isnot sufficient.

Attorney Leon E. McElroy ap-eeared in behalf of WoodbridgeTown ship.

Adjournment was taken for twoweeks.


any accord. ' . him pointed the <>ld willow In. theEspecially resented was Wood- general direction of center fleld (a

bridge's Ai«restion that its own,f j t t|e derisive, no doubt) and thenpolicy be followed. That com, .pr0Ceed&l to wallon the next onepany has accepted iU population(0U^ o n t n e j n ^ ib l , . line he'd laid

t f 29 d held Us activep a y ha p p p ( 0 U ^ o n t n e j n ^ i b l , line hed laidquota of 29 and held Us active o u t » L«vers and haters of theexempt membership to 35, allow- g r e a t Bam must h;ive come awaying only 23 new men on the rolls, fighting to discover wlio liked himOther onita,. it was declared, have ; b M t . Get it? •retired exempts as soan as they, The boys and Rir! who play thatcomplete their seven years of se f - w a y ™ ^ the iralleries theirvice and taken on new members m o ney a worth—or at least I'mas fast as place* became vacant. Conyinced of it. When I buy a tic-

Thc principal point at issue for kWto s e « you go through your an-th d l t s m e d ot to secure i f

FRIDAY, J A N l _ ^ Y U< 1 9 3 6


p F . P A R T l t m BKADS


V would s^ply sufficient receipt, toll.nnnort budget expenditures 01'iSW&OO for, tow,, «P«™t»«:1 p ooo for debt »«vice, in •d-

to state. rounty:it«hool__Bnd


MAYORF. Greiner.


John Bergen, 1st Ward.Fred Spencer, l i t Ward..lames Sehaffrick, 2nd WarHChas. Alexander, 2nd WardFred Foereh, 8rd Ward.Ernait Nl«r, Srd Ward.

Harold Bail«y, Board of He JthParker Nralnn, HealUi Atty.,1 A. WahH, ChUf of PoliceUieust F. Greiner, RecorderM ,). Trainer, Tax Collector0. J. Morgenson, TreainrerClarence Darii, EngineerL. E. McElroy, AttorneyDr. S. W. Fox, PhyskianCarmen Zullo, Over'seer of PoorB. J. Dunigan, Clark.

Meetings frit and third Monday* at 8 P. M. tn MunicipalBuilding, 1 Main rtreet,

Sfiurice P. DunlfM, Pwt.Morriion ChrUtkMark D. McClainWilliam TurnerRaymond Mu.ndy

BOARD OF EDUCATIONRoy E. Anderson, ClerkWtllard W. DunhamMarguerite Fitx RandolphJames FilerJ. H. T. Martin, Connsel

Victor- C. Nlcklu. SupsirislBf Prtnclpil

. Meetings third Monday i t 8 P.M. In Barren a r«u« HlfhSchool.


'of true

•alue. the point is made that a$B 70 rate Is equal only to $2.70ft hundred on true value.

Informal negotiations, the Rellycompany reported, have indicatedthat the plan outlined wi I be ac-ceptable ?o both bond dealers andinvestors.",

. . , « . w „ « ,»» RU ....jugh yourthe delegates seemed not to secure i t j c g j w a n t t o ae(s :in kind's of suf-eligibility'to the burial fund for f e r jng c n y O u r p n n when you losaas many men as possible but to see _ a n a > plenty of the happy "I'mto it that no one of the companies gia<j j w o n j j o m " stuff ii you win.in the township was permitted to Back to your column. Just as

' '"""" -'•-— j you say a fan picks Joe Zilch to be"his man" in a boxing tiff. The

'other boy may be jui t as good• but Mr, Fan rivets on Joe. Joe winsand the fan, to quote you: " - - - -

more than any other.


NO. IFIRE BUDGET(Continued jrom page one)

the small items recommended byChief Thom»s Kath, is fl,T67. :

Charges for wntcr'and hydranU jdecrease under last year's, but j

Hopelawn, said he would have ] premiums due on liability and pro-1"lieutenants" busy in every part; toetion insurance offset most ofof th« township. Mrs. Hilda Dem-

SCHOOL BOARD(Continued from page one)

shadowed the independent candi-dacies of five other nominees, butat least one, Albert Schicker, of

Brest of Woodbridge is well known,ChaTles Klein of Avenel has soughtoffice before and S. Chas. Browne,also of Avenel, showed some sbil-

the cut.In Iselin District 11, the voters

will be asked to approve an ap-propriation of $7,625, accordinto announcement today by FreThomSB, secretary of the commis-

g |d t

ity at organization when he helped j sioners there. Payments on the :the Democrats elect four of four " •""" 'municipal candidates in 1934.

j Since then he has lost stature, how-Th l t h t k

(Continucd*Kjrom page one)terical Sir Oracle behavior of toomany officers of the government,about the locust swarms of place-, ,„.men and bureaucrats, he speaks i _ / „ _ J / n r p v p rPlainly. He talks common sense.! £ ™ w h ° t t o " 'He wants common sense in govern-'merit.

"Surrounded by hU spenders

are weeded out,"the delinquents against whom themunicipaftfcf'-hjs a proper claimwill be made io pay.

"They will be made to pay," hecontinued, "unless their taxes areabated by the Township Commit-tee. There is, I understand, some

But when ' _ . . . .two boys inflhe first place, wasn't

to focus attention

feeling that all these delinquenciesshould be wiped out.

"The personal property ledgers,in years past, have been a" dumping

1 ' -•"•'- 'they didn'tMany er-

rors have been discovered and itwould he a disgrace to the Town-

y b pand projectors, Mr. Roosevelteoiildn't rin he.tter than to listen tothis voice of common sense. Gov-ernor Landon is a friend of pro-gress. He can sympathize withMr. Roosevelt's humane and zen-•rous aspiration*,. feut remamtersthat the world can't be made overin a day and that money makes themarc go."

POST OFFJCE HOURSOpen daily from 15:30 A. M. to

6:30 P. M. except Saturdays, Sun-days and Holidays.

Saturday, 6:30 A. M. to 1:00P.M.

One carrier delivery, all parcelsdelivered. All mails dispatched asWeek days.

— Holidays: New Year's, Wash-ington's Birthday-, Memorial Day,Fourth of July, Labor Day,

. Thanksgiving Day, and ChxislnmNo carrier or parcel post deliveryand no mails dispatched.

Half Holidays: Lincoln's Birth-day, Columbus Day, Election and

ship of Woodbridge to advertisethe list as it was first compiled. Itwould not only eoure embarrass-ment to many, many people but itwould also embarrass the tait de-partment of former years."

Wrath It ArouteJIn the meantime, the TTath of

scores of townspeople who havepaid all of their assessments upto-date has been aroused over theveiled efforts of some local offi-cials, and the open efforts of theTaxpayers' group, to saddle theTownship generally with thedebts of a few well-placed delin-quents.

"It is always the people who donot pay taxes who suggest thatsome new item be included in the

, ever. I The eleventh vote-seeker,v John Ulbrich of Fords, is a new

.t<i figure, but may be helped out byMr. Schicker.

As for rumors, the. broad fieldproduced a teaming; crop. Myater

company's truck wiii be $1,200,1current expenses $3,305 and watercharges, $3,120. j

CASH BASISp g p yious issues suddenly unveiled intothe simple business of choosing \

tern ranged from nepotism throughPerth Amboy fraternal lodges toplumbing contracts, with way stopsfor treatment of teachers, extrav-agance, discourtesy, political dic-tation, religion, jobautomobiles. On*

hunger and.•nterprising

lad who had the edge in "color."I mean the kid who was showing alittle nervousness, bashfully look-ing around—taking you right Intohis shell and making you feel thesame way, making you vicariouslyrealize what it means to sit in thatcorner?

You mentioned Kelley of Yale,the wrestling Duseks and peoplelike tjiat—and doesn't it hold truewith them? You run, bang andslam with a fellow like Kelley. Ifyou're at all serious about oomfah-gluK mat game, you hurt in themiddle of the back and feel dizzywhen one of the boys goes out intothe press row head over heels.

Before we close. Take Joe Louis.He's good, fast, strong and hasmost everything. But that change-less expression, even in victory,even though he gets the loud hyz-zahs, doesn't draw the crowd closeto him. Not as it did to Jack Demp-sey, who, crashing to sure defeatbefore Tunney, took you heart andsoul with him and made you like > l r .• , , . ..him all the more-^just because he ] (Continued jrom page erne)scowled, looked bitter with the i i ly o f thisj S!M ' .Al1 .a.b!*nTO **se!f-reali7ation that even before j playgrounds is noticeahlp.

{Continued jrom page one)though <uch Tecogliition mightseem axiomatic, a dozen or more

rasn to-administer the school ays'-' y??. r3 ° f «" e ' e s s spending, newt«n l rano-oH frnm nenntium thrniin-li I ?Wljratlons tfnd stamping tax Col-

whisper specialist even exhumedthe K.u Klux Klan as an issue,though for or against whom hewas a title vague.

And through it all, the voterswho will decide the whole circustalked steadily—about otherthings.

Statements last night by Mr.Ferry, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Liddleand the Iselin Home Owners are.summarized elsewhere.

LEAGUE SURVEYt e b o e j

the fight ended he was already anex-champion. You liked that. You I

It was found that the cost ofiving here is "no greater or lesser'

budget," said one of them. "It! were right there in the ring feel-j than the cost in municipalities ofc_ertainly shows the calibre of the ing it. But you get no satisfaction similar type and the hazard wasTaxpayers^fAssociation when it out of a guy who looks irlassy=!made- that- the standard sf-livingtalks about 'discrimination' when eyed, stone faced and doesn't lets "is no doubt lower than'the aver-

is, attempting to jam the honestebts of a few

down the throatsof its members

of those whohonestly try to meet their obliga-tions. If they felt that the taxa-

>oints, 12:00 noon all'. M. Rahway, New-


Armistice Days. One carrier end tion of personal property was dis-parcel post delivery. "Window ser- criminatory, why didn't they ap-vice 6:30 A. M- to 12:00 M. AU[peal to the proper authorities?"mails dispatched as week days.

WINDOW SERVICEStamp and parcel post 6:30 A.

M. to 6:30 P.M.Registered mail, 6:30 A. M. to

6:30 P. M,Postal Savings, 8:00 A. M. to

8:30 P. M., Saturdays, 8:00 A. M.Money Order, 8:00 A. M. to

5:00 P. M., Saturdays 8:00 A. M.to 12:45 P.M.to l(»30 A. M.


points. 1:52ark and New York, 2:30 P.Perth Amboy, 6:15 P. M.points 'but not sorted.

OUTGOING MAILS7:00 A. M. to all points south of

Woodbridge and 7:00 A. M. to allpoints north of Woodbridge in-truding all Southern and Western

mails. j10:00 direct mail to Newark, N,|

10:00 all points.1:00 P. M. Perth Amboy, N. J.2:00 P. M. Rahway, Newark and

• 8 points.5:80 P. M. all points south of

Woodbridge.6:00 P. M. all points. ,Air mail dispatched at 7:00 A.

M., 10:00 A. M., 2:00 P. M. and• :00-P.M.

Registered mails dispatched atJ:00P.M. and 6:00 P.M.

Postmaster James J. Dunne.

BANK DIVIDEND(Continued jrom page one)

these calculations had no of-ficial sanction,

Mr. Viereck was emphaticin stating it would be impos-sible for any of the money tobe distributed before teno'clock "on Monday and hetherefore urged the deposi-tors not to attempt to maketheir collections prior to thattime. He furthermore warn-ed that no payments wouldbe made except to thosebringing the receiver's certi-ficate with them,

Previous dividends werepaid in October, 1932 j De-

on you're there at all.Or do you? Maybe it's only my

idea but you're to blame. Lastweek's piece broueht_it_ on. Sorry,Moe. TOM BRENNAN.

GAME SYSTEM(Continued jrom pni/e one)

I Bio Time Tonight And ITomorrow Night

"A Night In Harlem"PRESENTEft BY


\FEATUR1NGColored Orchestra


Formerly with Bill Rubinton\World'• Greatest Colored,




cember, 1932, and July,1932. ,,

New Bank Under WayWord that the latest re-

payments will be made comes!upon the heels of a deter-mined effort by Ambrose Mundyand a selected group of local resi-dents tfl inaugurate a new bank.Already, the Board of Directorshas been chosen and the majorityof the capital stock pledged. Ttnaldetails an now being arranged andit is expected that a fornial an-nouncement of the opening will hemad(! within a very ahttrt time.

PL,AN BENEFIT tARTYThe Yount Woman's Club and

the Junior Woman's Club will holda benefit card party Monday feve-nmic, February 3, at the home tfJean Kreger on Prospect Street.

Miss Dorothy Farr arid Miss JteanKie^er are co-chairmen. Ticketsmay be purchased from any mem-ber of the clubs.

MEN'S CLUB'PARTYl^Roy B. Collins is chairman of

urrangements for th^ fard partyto be held in the Parish House ofthe Trinity Episcopal Church, un-der the auspices of the Men's Clubwn February 10.

Tliu games will start at 8:16o'clock and prises will be awarded.

goes for game; 30 cents for fish;22 cents for lffw enforcement andseven cents for other expenses.

"This is accomplished," he con-tinued, "only through a non-poli-tical, non-salarietl' system such asis in operation at present. Let uspreserve it."

Mr. Kelly pointed out that theoperation of the present adminis-tration "does not cost the taxpay-ers a penny," and that the fund*it uses are supplied by those whopurchase the privilege to hunt andfish. He characterized the pro-posal now before the law-makersas unfair, unsportsmanlike and un-just.

"All civic, social and fraternalgroups are being appealed to," tyeconcluded, "in the support of ourclaim that the funds provided forhunting and fishing be maintained.It is hoped that each group, as wallas individuals, will write our Sen-

t d A b l i i i

I age—yet no lower than in compar-able Industrial areas."

The average weekly income ofthe professional male worker wasplaced at $50 per week the femalesalary being fixed for the samegroup at $35. Clerical workersreceive an average of $22, female,$15; skilled labor, male, $35.00;female, $25.00; unskilled labor,male, $18.00; female, $12.60.

lections have hidden it from com-mo'h'view. Mr. Spencer and theadministration, however, acceptedit as stark reality and determinedto face it.

Objecton AnticipatedTheir method will recruit ob-

jectors.Restoration of a cash basis and

the abandonment'of scrip is con-templated under the outline. The$6,000,000 of indebtedness wouldbe wiped out through issuance ofnew municipal bonds, all to matureby 1955.

IttattemptinE- to anticipate whatthe Townthip can ejtact of itstaxpayers withaut \miine hardship,and still be able to meet interestand amortization costs promptly,the fiscal experts warned that thepresent tax rate of $ft.fi3 a hun-dred cannot be maintained.

"We do not wish to be under-stood," said the report, "as critici-sing the township" authorities formaking the redaction in the 1935rate. Some reduction from the103-4 rate was desirable as an in-!centive to taxpayers, and the high!collections of December, 1934, \and January; 1935, seemed to

f"J)rqnii{j£ that the lower rate would[be sufficient. Experience, however, •has demonstrated that It was not. j

"If the debt of the townshipusto be financed successfully, the •levy must be increased or expencli-1tures reduced. We suggest a Com-bination of the two."

Rate Of $6.40 SeenAii arbitrary estimate, there-'

fore, is advanced that a rate of i^ ^ 4 0 per hundred bejixed which I

ator andthat ourwith."

,Assemblymen insistingrequest be complied

SWEETNESS AND LIGHT Continual from Editorial pagecandidates, claiming1 to be real Democrats, oppose the re-rtomination of those who have voted for Socialism in Con-gress through acceptance of various New Deal measures?-

This is likely to be far more important in the.*Springmonths than the perfunctotfy selection of delegates in theSouth for. the Democratic convention at Philadelphia. It'jseems certain there will be a protest on the floor of the con-vention against Socialistic principles and a record voteoii what constitutes the main argument Smith made—namely, an effort to secure the readoption of the 1932Democratic platform.

The vehicle for revolt in the Democratic party is notthe American Liberty League. Al Smith spoke at thebanquet, but that organization has Republicans and Demo-crats in it and will doubtless not participate in the cam-paign as a political party at all. In Georgia the Tal-madge-Kirby convention, to be held in a few days, is muchmore of a Democratic rebellion.

The 1936 campaign has begun. President Rooseveltstarted it with his "state of the Union" address and his

BONUS GOLD RUSH(Continued jrom page one)

neglected were searched for dis- . , , ., .charge papers—sometimes unsuc- j Jackson Day speech. The opposition usually benefits by

T o l v ewound Jh« question: "Whatchagonna do with YOUR bonua" whichbecame the principal topic as soonas passage of the measure this ses-sion <jf Congress was assured,

COPS, FIND CARA new automobile stolon from

Adolf Kleins of Smith Stfeet,Perth Amboy, was found abandon-ed on Amboy Avenue at the tpwn-•ahip line by Officers Farkas'andZuccar while cruising in a police

™ early,fttart. *his is January and the campaij^ is o n -and it ought to furnish-a great dehate on constitutional



New Floor ShowTonight

~ ~ MUSIC BY UNt> BROS.TWO SHOWS —11P.M. and J A M ;








AND CHOW MEINOrder (>ut Up To TA» Out

~"—• ' ' ' " •




Vote For


Board Of EducationFEBRUARY 11

Representative of no political organization or of

no telfish group, Mr. Colline promises to serve the

best interest* of all the Township. He w»i induced to

become a candidate by a legion of taxpayers who were

convinced, that the integrity, ability And conscientious

endeavor he could supply to this important agency of

"t>ur government would distinctly benefit the com-

munity. * *

Mr. Collins pledge* himself to conduct hu office

' so as to merit an<f\{iiaintain this oonndence,

- /

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Single persons

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Loans made without

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ture — or oa automo-

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You May Applyfor a loan in the

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Just call, write or

phone and tell us you

want a private inter-

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Free Advisory Service on

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Uttm. No. 491 • PfcoMifcrl* Amboy 4.1663


Tun* In fdgir A. Gu*lt—efy Tuesday Evening NBC


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