D (} · Dia tidak berani melintas. Melihat keadaannya, Laila pun berkata di dalam hati, ³Saya...

明信片 䘏是ᡇ设计的明信片。左р是摩ཟ㿸景轮,右р是机场,左с是ᡇ的家 人,右с是鱼尾狮,中间是ള旗。ᡇ要把明信片送给新加坡 Angelita Chua Xue Ling 3 Perseverance

Transcript of D (} · Dia tidak berani melintas. Melihat keadaannya, Laila pun berkata di dalam hati, ³Saya...


是 设计的明信片。左 角是摩 景轮,右 角是机场,左 角是 的家

人,右 角是鱼尾狮,中间是 旗。 要把明信片送给新加坡

Angelita Chua Xue Ling

3 Perseverance


是 设计的明信片。左 角是缆车,右 角是摩 景轮,左 角是不 种

族的朋友,右 角是胡姬花,中间是 旗。 要把明信片送给小珍。

Charmaine Lim

3 Perseverance


是 设计的明信片。左 角是摩 景轮,右 角是沙爹,左 角是不 种

族的人,右 角是樟宜机场,中间是 旗。 要把明信片送给凯琳。

Cheah Kai Xuan, Ghethin

3 Perseverance


是 设计的明信片。在明信片的中间是鱼尾狮,它在新加坡河边不停地喷水。

右 角是胡姬花,它是新加坡的 花。右 角是滨海湾花园, 种了很多美丽的花。

Edmund Ong Chong Jun

3 Perseverance


有一个好朋友, 谢志炫。他今 九岁。他的脸方方的,个子不高,身材

瘦瘦的。他 欢游泳,游泳游得很好。长大 ,他想当运 员。 相信 要他 力练


Gabriel Santosa

3 Perseverance


是 设计的明信片。左 角是滨海湾,右 角是圣淘沙,右 角是鱼尾狮,

左 角是小游船,中间是 旗。 要把明信片送给新加坡。

Glendon Goh (Wu Wencong)

3 perseverance

帮 学

今 气真好,蓝蓝的 空中飘着朵朵白云。

铃… 一阵悦耳的铃声响了起来。 学们 五 群地从课室 走了出来。小明和小文 踏着轻快的脚步走出课室。他们相 在楼梯口玩你追 跑的游 。当他们玩得不亦乐乎时,一位学长走过来对他们说: 你们不可以在 玩你追 跑的游 ,危 了! 但他们却不听劝告,把学长的话当 耳边风。

就在 时,意想不到的事情发生了。小明失去 衡, 地跌倒在地 。他痛得快晕过去了,一句话 说不出来。而小文 吓得一溜烟跑走了。看到眼前的 一幕,学长连忙 步并作两步地走 前去,带小明去护理站,用纱布和消毒药水处理伤口。

时,老师 好经过,问他们发生什么事。于是,学长把事情的经过一五一十地告诉了老师。老师竖起大拇指称赞学长说: 你真是 人为乐的好孩子。 听了老师的称赞,学长的心 甜滋滋的,感觉比吃了蜜糖 要甜。

所谓 人为快乐之本 ,帮 别人是一件好事,在帮 别人 , 们的心感到快乐。


3 Perseverance


铃! 休息时间到了, 学们一窝蜂地冲出了可是。小明和小华在楼梯口玩

你追 跑 的游 ,他们玩得不亦乐乎。

时,一位学长看 了,就急忙 止他们。但是小明和小华吧学长的话当耳边

风,继续在楼梯口奔跑。突然, 啊 的一声,小明从楼梯 跌了 来。小明痛得哇


学长连忙 前去扶小明起来, 他到护理室帮他包扎伤口。 时,校长经过看

了,就竖起大拇指称赞学长是个热心的好孩子。听了校长的称赞,学长的心 甜滋

滋地。校长 提醒小明不要再做危 的事情了。

Li Min Rui, Verlyn

3 Perseverance


的水壶是蓝色的。水壶的 面有一个圆圆的盖子。 的水壶的 案是超 英

雄,因为 很 欢他们。 的水壶有一条红色的袋子。 欢 的水壶,它是 的好


Lim Jie Rui

3 Perseverance


是 设计的明信片。左 角是沙爹,右 角是鱼尾狮,左 角是不 种族的

小朋友,右 角是胡姬花,中间是 旗。 要把明信片送给小明。

Raean Oh Yin En

3 perseverance

Menolong Orang

Laila seorang budak perempuan yang aktif. Dia selalu berlari-lari anak apabila

waktu petang. Kadang-kadang dia bermain badminton bersama kawannya. Dia juga

gemar berenang pada hujung minggu.

Pada minggu lalu, Sarah berjalan ke sekolah pada waktu pagi. Dia ternampak

seorang tua yang buta dan bertongkat berada di tepi jalan. Orang buta itu mahu

melintas lintasan zebra. Dia hanya berdiri di situ tanpa bergerak. Dia kelihatan agak

penat dan lemah. Dia tidak berani melintas.

Melihat keadaannya, Laila pun berkata di dalam hati, “Saya harus menolong

Datuk itu.”

Laila terus membantu orang yang buta itu menyeberang di lintasan zebra

sehingga sampai ke seberang jalan. Orang tua itu tersenyum lebar dan

mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Laila. Laila berasa gembira kerana dapat

menolong orang yang memerlukan pertolongan.

Atiqah Najwa Binte Umar

P3 Perseverance

Sifat Bertanggungjawab

Firdaus seorang yang pelupa dan pendiam. Minggu lepas, dia terlupa membawa pembaris ke sekolah. Sewaktu pelajaran Matematik, Cikgu Fauziah menerangkan tentang bentuk-bentuk kepada murid-murid. Kemudian, Cikgu Fauziah menyuruh murid-murid melukis bentuk-bentuk yang dipelajari dan menamakannya.

Firdaus mula membuka kotak pensel untuk mengeluarkan pensel dan pembaris. Dia teringat yang pembarisnya tertinggal di atas meja di rumahnya. Dia terlupa untuk memasukkannya ke dalam kotak pensel. Dia mula berasa panik. Dia menggaru-garu kepalanya. Kemudian dia menoleh ke arah kawannya, Putri.

“Putri, awak ada pembaris yang lain? Boleh saya pinjam? Pembaris saya tertinggal di rumah,” jelas Firdaus.

Putri menganggukkan kepala, Dia ada dua batang pembaris. Dia pinjamkan sebatang pembaris kepada Firdaus.

“Terima jasih Putri,’ kata Firdaus.

Firdaus pun mula melukis bentuk empat segi. Tiba-tiba, pembaris itu patah. Putri terdengar bunyi sesuatu yang patah. Dia menoleh ke arah Firdaus. Dia nampak pembarisnya telah patah. Putri berasa sedih kerana ibunya yang membelikan pembaris itu. Dia bimbang ibunya akan memarahinya. Putri mengambil semula pembarisnya dan memberitahu Cikgu Fauziah. Cikgu Fauziah memarahi Firdaus kerana tidak berhati-hati.

“Saya minta maaf, Putri. Saya tidak sengaja,” kata Firdaus kepada Putri.

Apabila waktu rehat, Firdaus bercadang untuk menggantikan pembaris Putri yang patah itu. Dia mengeluarkan wang dari sakunya. Firdaus tidak cukup wang untuk membeli makan dan membeli pembaris baharu. Dis berfikir sekejap. Akhirnya, dia mengambil keputusan untuk membeli pembaris baharu untuk Putri.

Setelah waktu rehat berakhir, Firdaus pulang ke kelas. Dia memberikan pembaris baharu kepada Putri. Putri berasa sangat gembira. Dia tersenyum lebar. Dia berterima kasih kepada Firdaus. Putri bersyukur kerana Firdaus baik hati dan bertanggungjawab.

Iman Rihanna Binte Khairulnizam

P3 Perseverance

Akibat Mencuri

Cuaca panas pada hari itu. Adi berlari ke sekolah kerana dia bangun lewat pagi itu. Dia berlari sendirian. Ketika Adi melalui taman permainan untuk sampai ke sekolah dia ternampak seorang budak lelaki berdiri di sebelah sebuah basikal.

Adi mengesyaki yang budak lelaki itu hendak mencuri basikal. Budak lelaki itu cuba memotong rantai basikal. Adi mendapat akal. Dia mencari orang di kawasan itu untuk meminta tolong. Dia berlari ke arah dua orang dewasa di kolong blok.

”Selamat pagi pak cik. Ada seorang budak lelaki mahu mencuri basikal. Dia ada di sana, kata Adi. Mereka pun berlari ke tempat kejadian. Budak lelaki itu telah memotong rantai basikal itu. Apabila mereka sampai di tempat kejadian, budak lelaki itu cuba melarikan diri. Dua orang dewasa itu mengejar dan menangkap budak nakal itu.

Dua orang dewasa itu membawa budak lelaki itu ke balai polis. Adi berasa lega kerana dia ditangkap. Mereka mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Adi. Adi berasa besar hati. Dia pun terus berlari ke sekolah.

Nina Adriyana Binte Andywira

P3 Perseverance

Name Acrostic Poem






A girl



keen Learner

Eating healthily


Ashley Pearl Sacamay Corrales

P3 Perseverance

Name Acrostic Poem

My little Secret.

YoU and I, we are lovely people

A Happy girl, that’s me

Although I Attend school late, sometimes


Love school

And my mum and dad too.

Norsuhaila Binte Mohamed Sulaimi P3 Perseverance

Name Acrostic Poem

I Do not give up easily.

Here’s something Interesting about me.

Math contains my favourite Numbers and

my favourite colour Is blue.

Dini Hfiy Bin Faisal

P3 Perseverance

Helping Others Ring! The school bell rang. I went down quickly to buy my food. I queued up to order my food. Suddenly, I saw Francis falling with a loud thud. I rushed to his aid and asked, “Are you okay?” I took him to the General Office because he was bleeding. I asked an office staff to give me a plaster. After that, I went to find a teacher to ask for help. I told the teacher that a senior pushed Francis and told her how he looked like. She said, “Oh! I know that boy. He is going to get a scolding from me.” The teacher praised me for being alert and kind. Francis was also thankful for what I did for him. I felt a sense of satisfaction for helping others in need. I learnt that we must be kind and helpful to others in need. Pearl Rai 3 Perseverance

Helping Others Ring! The recess bell rang! My friends and I raced to the canteen. Suddenly, my friend, Erick tripped and fell with a loud thump! I helped him up and saw that he was bleeding badly. I quickly took him to the sick bay. I also informed the first teacher I saw, Miss Teo. She cleaned up Erick’s wound and wrapped a bandage around his knee. Erick thanked me for helping him. Miss Teo also praised me for being kind. I felt a sense of satisfaction for helping someone in need. I learnt that helping is caring. I knew it was the right thing to do, what would you do if you were in my shoes? Mohammad Nafiz Hassan Abir 3 Perseverance

Helping Others Ring! I was in my classroom when the school bell rang. I made my way to the canteen to order my food. In the canteen, I saw two boys pushing Ally to the ground so I rushed to her aid. When the two big boys saw me running towards Ally, they ran away. “Are you okay?” I asked. “I’m okay,” replied Ally. I quickly went to look for my teacher. I told my teacher that Ally was injured and she followed me to the canteen. The teacher and I brought Ally to the sick bay. I told the teacher, “When I was walking to the canteen, I saw two big boys pushing her in the canteen,” At that moment, the principal walked past and asked, “What’s the matter?” I explained what I saw to the principal. The principal and teacher praised me for being helpful and alert. Ally was grateful for what I did. I felt a sense of satisfaction for helping someone in need. I knew it was the right thing to do, what would you do if you were in my shoes? Bryan Ang Kang Kiong (Hong Kangqiang) 3 Perseverance

Helping Others Ring! It was recess time. I was walking down the stairs when I heard a bang! I turned around and I saw blood on the floor. Adam had fallen down the stairs and scraped his knees. I ran to the general office and saw a female teacher, Mdm Key on the way. I told her that someone was injured. She ran to the staircase where Adam was and saw that he was on the ground. She helped Adam up and brought him to the sick bay. I told Mdm Key that Adam had fallen down the stairs. She helped to clean Adam’s wounds and asked him to rest at the sick bay. Adam thanked me and Mdm Key praised me, “Good job! Helping someone in need.” I felt a sense of satisfaction for helping Adam. Mohammad Hyder Lutfi Bin Mohammad Azam 3 Perseverance

Library Mischief One afternoon, Dini was going to the library to study for his SA2 exam. He rode a bicycle to get to the library. When he was in the library, he heard some laughing and giggling in section A and B of the library. He walked over and saw two boys, Peter and Ryan were there. They were tearing out pages from some books. Dini quickly ran to find the librarian. He reported what he saw to the librarian. The librarian was shocked to hear what Dini had said. He then pointed to section A and B where they were and led the librarian there. “There they are, still tearing out pages from those expensive books,” said Dini. The librarian was very crossed with those two boys. He went to them and shouted, “Stop! This is the last warning I am giving you!” The two boys were embarrassed. They regretted their actions and promised to not tear pages out from books ever again. Dini was glad that they learnt their lesson. After that incident, Dini walked towards the tables in section A and B to study for his SA2 exam, proud as a peacock. What would you do if you were in Dini’s shoes? Ian Dhia Qistina Binte Muhammad Fauzi 3 Perseverance

Library Mischief Ring! The recess bell rang and I went down to the canteen. After I ate my food, I went to the library to read a book. When I was looking for my books, I saw two boys tearing papers out from a book. I quickly ran to the librarian and reported to her. “Those boys over there are tearing paper out of the books!” I exclaimed. She was shocked, like a mouse that was caught by a cat. She quickly ran towards them. She shouted at the boys, “You shouldn’t be tearing the books! They do not belong to you!” The boys mumbled, “We are very sorry for what we have done, we will never do it again.” The librarian eventually forgave them and nodded her head. I learnt that we should always take care of the precious books in the library. Liang Shixuan Isabelle 3 Perseverance

Helping Others Ring! The recess bell rang. I walked to the canteen and I was looking forward

to eat my favourite food from stall four. Thump! I suddenly heard a loud sound while eating my favourite food. I turned

my head and I was shocked to see two big sized boys kicking Sam as he laid helplessly on the ground. They giggled and ran away when they saw me.

Without hesitation, I rushed to Sam’s aid and asked, “Are you alright?” He

shook his head and cried. I brought him to the General Office and then called for a teacher. I told the teacher what I had seen and what the bullies did to Sam.

The teacher praised me for reporting the incident. Sam was grateful to me. I

felt a sense of satisfaction for helping someone in need. What will you do if you were in my shoes?

Astin Tang Yeuw (Deng Yao) 3 Perseverance

Library Mischief

Last Saturday, I overheard my parents talking about visiting the library. I was as happy as a lark as we had not visited the library for a very long time. My parents reminded me to not run about or scribble on the library books. The following day, we went to the library. We found a place to sit and place our bags. I went to find a book to read. Just then, I saw two boys who were older than me, tearing out the pages from some library books. Looking at them, I recalled what my parents had told me, not to damage the library books. I quickly ran to report what I had seen to the librarian. I told the librarian about the two mischievous boys. The librarian walked up to the boys and dragged them out of the library. “Why did you tear the books?” the librarian scolded them. She stared at them strictly for an answer. Trembling, they dropped the pages they had teared. They blushed in embarrassment and mumbled a sorry for their mischief. The librarian gave a stern warning, not to commit the same mistake again.

I felt a sense of satisfaction for reporting this matter to the librarian. I knew I did the right thing, what would you do if you were in my shoes? Goh Hong Mui, Joelle 3 Perseverance

Helping Others Ring! The school bell rang. I walked out the classroom happily and made my way to the canteen. I queued for my food, chicken rice. After collecting my food, I sat at a quiet corner of the canteen. There was not many students in the canteen as recess was almost over. Most of the students were out at the parade square playing. Suddenly, I heard a loud thump! Thinking that the sound came from the hall, I rushed there. I saw Verlyn on the ground. I was shocked. “Ouch!” Verlyn cried in pain. I rushed to her aid and the two bullies ran away. I asked Verlyn, “Are you okay?” and she replied, “I am fine.” I helped her up and we went back to our classroom together. In class, I informed my form teacher, Miss Teo. She scolded and warned the two boys who pushed Verlyn. I felt a sense of satisfaction when Verlyn thanked me. “You did a good job!” Miss Teo praised me for helping,

I was happy that I could help someone in need. Would you do the same if you were in my shoes? Lee Jia Xuan Allivier 3 Perseverance

Helping Others Ring! The recess bell rang. I went to my favourite stall four. While queuing, I saw May. She was getting bullied by some primary six boys. I remembered those boys. They once asked for money and I told them, “I don’t have money.” After hearing that, they pushed me. They were punished severely but they were doing it again to May this time. I have to tell the teacher, I thought. I rushed to tell a teacher. The teacher came with the principal. They stopped the bullies and scolded them sternly. May thanked me and the teacher praised me for being alert. I blushed at their compliments. I felt a sense of satisfaction for helping someone in need. Ryan Ding Zhao Yuan 3 Perseverance

Helping Others Ring! The recess bell rang. I was on my way to the canteen to eat when suddenly, I saw a boy punching a girl in the canteen. I ran as fast as I could towards them. “Hey! Stop that!” I yelled at the boy. “Get out of my way!” the bully said. I quickly went to report to a teacher and told her what I had seen. She was shocked to hear what had happened. The teacher and I rushed to the girl’s aid. The teacher scolded the bully sternly. The boy was perfectly fine while the girl on the other hand was badly injured. Unfortunately, she had to go to the hospital. When the girl was back in school, she thanked me for helping. I would always remember this day and I was glad that I could help someone in need. Duen Bin Rudy 3 Perseverance

An Unlucky Day Ring! This was the fifth time and last time I was going to hear the alarm clock. I tried to cover my ears with my pillow and soon fell asleep again. An hour later…My mother woke me up and told me, “Aaron! You’re late for school! Your school bus is outside waiting for you!” I rushed into the bathroom to change into my uniform and get ready. Hurriedly, I ran to the bus stop. Suddenly, it started to rain cats and dogs. I did not bring an umbrella and I had missed my school bus. I was drenched from head to toe before I had reached the bus stop. I quickly ran for the shelter and called my mum to pick me up.

What an unlucky day! Adam Rushdiy Bin Mohammed Fadly 3 Perseverance

Helping Others Ring! It was time for recess. I took my lunchbox and walked out of my classroom happily. Suddenly, I heard two big sized boys trying to ask for money from a primary one girl. I ran towards them but it was too late. The boys pushed the girl down onto the floor and walked away. I rushed to her aid and saw that her knee was bleeding badly. “Ouch!” the girl cried in pain. “Are you alright?” I asked. She nodded. I helped her up and brought her to the sick bay. She was very grateful to me. A teacher who walked past the sick bay asked what had happened. She praised me for being alert after she knew what I did to help. I felt a sense of satisfaction for helping someone in need. I knew it was the right thing to do, what would you do if you were in my shoes? Amberlyn Lau Jing Ying (Liu Jingying) 3 Perseverance

Helping Others

I helped Ally to the sick bay and one teacher saw me and said that I did a good job. I was

elated. I felt a sense of satisfaction for helping others in need. It was fun to be helpful. I learnt that

we should always be considerate to others.

I knew it was the right to do, what would you do if you were in my shoes?

Yeo Chee Seng Brian (Yang Zhisheng) 3 Perseverance