1 CYNGOR CYMUNED GORSLAS COMMUNITY COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of the Gorslas Community Council held at Ysgol Gorslas C.P. School on Monday, 12 th September,2016, at 7.00.p.m. 63.0. Item 1: Record of those Present/Apologies Members Present: Cllr Huw Davies (Vice Chair), Terry Davies, Darren Price, Nia Lewis, Tina Jukes, Simon Martin, Terry Jones, Brian Kirby, Gavin Griffiths and Aled Owen. Others: Member of the general public, Llew Thomas Clerk to the Council, Mr Hefin Jones, Translator. Apologies for absence: Cllr W Edwards, Cllrs Ellis Davies and Clive Green. 63.1. Welcome In the absence of Cllr W Edwards, the meeting was Chaired by Cllr Huw Davies. The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance including the member of the general public. 64.0. Item 2 Declaration of Interest. A deceleration of interest was made by Cllr T Davies in relation to all planning matters falling under agenda item 10, in the light of his position as a member of Carmarthenshire County Council Planning Committee. Cllr Darren Price declared a personal interest, based on proximity to his residency, in relation to planning application W34138 which was included under Agenda Item 10. Neither member took part in the discussions or decisions relating to those items. 65.0. Item 3 Exclusion of Press and Public. It was proposed, and agreed that discussions and decisions relating to agenda item 7, Urgent Local Matters, be transacted as part of agenda item 15. It was proposed by Cllr T Davies that 'In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the press and the public be excluded from the following items of business i.e. the revised agenda item 15, as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.' The proposal was seconded by Cllr D Price. and agreed by all. 66.0. Item 4. Consider the Minutes of the Meeting held on the 11 th July, 2016. Under the direction of the Chair members proceeded to examine and consider each page of the minutes of the meeting for accuracy. Resolved: Proposed by Cllr T Davies and seconded by Cllr S Martin and agreed by all present that the minutes were a true and accurate record of proceedings and decisions.


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Minutes of the meeting of the Gorslas Community Council held at Ysgol Gorslas C.P. School on Monday, 12th September,2016, at 7.00.p.m.

63.0. Item 1: Record of those Present/Apologies

Members Present: Cllr Huw Davies (Vice Chair), Terry Davies, Darren Price, Nia Lewis, Tina Jukes, Simon Martin, Terry Jones, Brian Kirby, Gavin Griffiths and Aled Owen.

Others: Member of the general public, Llew Thomas Clerk to the Council, Mr Hefin Jones, Translator.

Apologies for absence: Cllr W Edwards, Cllrs Ellis Davies and Clive Green.

63.1. Welcome

In the absence of Cllr W Edwards, the meeting was Chaired by Cllr Huw Davies.

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance including the member of the general public.

64.0. Item 2 Declaration of Interest.

A deceleration of interest was made by Cllr T Davies in relation to all planning matters falling under agenda item 10, in the light of his position as a member of Carmarthenshire County Council Planning Committee.

Cllr Darren Price declared a personal interest, based on proximity to his residency, in relation to planning application W34138 which was included under Agenda Item 10.

Neither member took part in the discussions or decisions relating to those items.

65.0. Item 3 Exclusion of Press and Public.

It was proposed, and agreed that discussions and decisions relating to agenda item 7, Urgent Local Matters, be transacted as part of agenda item 15.

It was proposed by Cllr T Davies that 'In accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960, the press and the public be excluded from the following items of business i.e. the revised agenda item 15, as publicity would be prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.' The proposal was seconded by Cllr D Price. and agreed by all.

66.0. Item 4. Consider the Minutes of the Meeting held on the 11th July, 2016.

Under the direction of the Chair members proceeded to examine and consider each page of the minutes of the meeting for accuracy.

Resolved: Proposed by Cllr T Davies and seconded by Cllr S Martin and agreed by all present that the minutes were a true and accurate record of proceedings and decisions.

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67.0. Item 5 Matters Arising from the Minutes.

67.1. Asset Marking

Following a site visit and advice from the Dyfed Powys Police Crime Prevention Design Officer quotations have been received from a suitable company in relation to the marking of Community Council assets and property.

There are some 250 items which would need to be marked and therefore the costs are as follows: - (i) Recommended TESA Security Label - £ 285(ex VAT)

(ii) Stencil – Name and postcode - £ 175 (ex VAT) however there would be a labour cost to stencilling some 250 labels.

The Clerk advised that the proposed label type had been approved by the Police Force under the Secure by Design scheme and had also been approved by insurance industry bodies.

Resolved: To proceed with the purchase of the TESA security label.

67.2 Gorslas CC. Search Engine Results.

Checks indicate that the information on the actual Gorslas CC website have been updated and correct.

The order that searches are returned are determined by Google themselves and can only be changed by them. It may be of some comfort that recent tests (September 2016) by the Clerk using different computers and search engines – Safari and Google had returned the correct information.

Resolved; To receive and note the information provided.

67.3 Model Financial Regulations

It was agreed at last meeting of the Council to defer consideration of the model financial regulations over the Summer period to allow sufficient time for consideration.

The option is open to the Council to adopt or amend the model regulations.


(i) To adopt the model regulations as a framework. (ii) That the Sub Committee review the procedures and report back on any changes

which would assist the Council in undertaking its work. (iii) That the Council approve that the Clerk in consultation with the Chair be authorised

to instruct works where there was a danger to the public or to the Council’s assets.

67.4 Dog Access Policy

The decision of the Community Council on the 11th July, 2016, to establish a new policy in relation to park access for dogs has been conveyed to the County Council.

The County Council confirmed that following inspection of the designated fenced off play areas they meet the necessary criteria.

Once the Community Council has removed the signage in the general parks area a further inspection would be undertaken prior to formal registration.

The County Council also kindly provided free of charge the appropriate signage for the litter bins in the general parks area relating to depositing dog waste.

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Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

67.5 Grounds Maintenance Tender and General Maintenance Tender

This item to be dealt with under the Sub Committee reports section.

67.6 Japanese Knotweed.

The work of spraying the knotweed in the three parks had been completed.

Resolved: To receive and note the actions taken.

67.7 Maintenance Work – Parks.

A schedule had been provided by the Clerk to members providing an update on the maintenance work carried out in the three parks over the summer period.

Cllr T Davies advised that the landscaping work relating to the brick flowerbed at Gorslas Park had been completed.

It was also proposed that a review of trees in the parks be undertaken during the Autumn period.

Resolved: To note the information provided and approve the actions taken and to commission a review of trees in the parks during the Autumn.

67.8 Gorslas Tree Growth – No 8 Cefneithin Road.

The Clerk had discussed further with the contractor the issue of the pruning of the relevant tree and its shape as well as the need to attend to other trees in the park.

It was the view of the tree specialist that it would not be advisable to further cut back the tree at this time but the position could be reviewed in the Autumn.

The cutting back of branches and bark growth undertaken over the summer period will also address many of the concerns expressed by the householder.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

67.9 Community Council – 30th Anniversary Celebrations

At the July meeting members were invited to put forward any suggestions they have in relation to the above to the October meeting.

The Clerk advised that an enquiry had been received as to whether or not it was the intention that former members of the Community Council would be invited to attend any proposed celebratory event.

Resolved: That the suggestion be forwarded, and considered by, the Sub-Committee as part of the forward planning process.

67.10 Footpath Maintenance

As agreed at the last meeting clarification was sought from the County Council in relation to responsibilities for the maintenance of footpaths.

In response they advise as follows: -

Where a path is registered then the removal of obstructions and the keeping of the surface of paths clear rests with the County Council. Frequently they may also clear overgrowth which is not on the path or they may take action against the landowner who has responsibility for the area from which the growth stems.

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For non-registered paths the responsibility rests with the landowner be it a private landowner or a public body.

The Community Council would only have a liability if it was the land owner or if it had entered in to an agreement to maintain a footpath. There is no automatic liability for footpaths incurred or bestowed upon the Community Council.

Resolved: To receive and note the information received.

67.11 Planning Matters: Fritillary Butterfly.

Members were advised that since the distribution of the report for the meeting to members that County Council Officers had advised the Clerk that it was their intention to try and attend the October meeting of the Community Council.

Resolved: To note the information provided and place the matter on the agenda for discussion at the October meeting of the Community Council.

67.12 Planning Application W/33937 – NBA Developments

The concerns expressed by the Council at the last meetings have been relayed to the County Council’s planning department.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

67.13 Section 106 Monies

The County Council had confirmed that the proposals for the provision of MUGA’s at Cefneithin and Gorslas Parks together with the proposed drainage scheme at Gorslas Park met the criteria for funding from section 106 monies.

Accordingly planning applications have been submitted in respect of the MUGA’s at Cefneithin and Gorslas with the consultation period ending on Friday 2nd September,2016. The Council will be advised of the decision early in September.

Members of the Sub Committee, as well as the Clerk, met with representatives from the County Council’s Park’s department on the morning of Tuesday,12th July to receive details of the matters outstanding.

As agreed at the July meeting the Sub Committee also met, at 5.30 p.m. on the evening of Tuesday,12th of July, 2016, with representatives of the Cefneithin ward to share details of the tenders received and to discuss the specifications and timescales for the proposals.

The meeting proved most useful with the Chair thanking the members from the Cefneithin ward for their attendance and input.

Having done so the Sub – Committee then retired to consider the tenders received following discussion resolved as follows: -

That the Clerk proceed to submit a planning application in respect of the proposed MUGA’s at Cefneithin and Gorslas.

That the preferred contractor for both MUGA schemes be Sunshine Playgrounds with the award being subject to both schemes being granted planning permission.

That the drainage scheme for Gorslas Park be awarded to Shapewright Services Ltd and that the scheme proceeds forthwith.

That the other tenderers, and County Council be advised accordingly.

Resolved: To note the information provided and approve the actions taken.

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68.0 Item 6 New Matters Parks and General.

68.1 Park General.

The Clerk advised that he had been contacted by the Parks inspector and members over the summer period in relation to items of concern and which required attention.

Following discussion with the Chair these matters had been attended to promptly and a schedule of the works included for members with the papers for the meeting.

Additionally, the Clerk had met with Mr Ian Edwards from the County Council’s Parks Division and an examination undertaken of all items of play equipment in the three parks undertaken.

A schedule of the works which were identified as being required had been provided by the Clerk as part of the update report accompanying the agenda for the meeting.


(i) To note and approve the actions taken. (ii) That costings in respect of the schedule of works to be undertaken be obtained and

discussed with the Sub-Committee. (iii) That the Clerk proceed to instruct minor items of repair on the schedule.

68.2 Gorslas Park - Securing Litter Bins.

A recent incident whereby it was reported that a group of young people had moved a litter bin to help gain access to the roof of the Teen shelter had highlighted the need to permanently fix and secure such items in such a way as to prevent their being used for such purposes and thus help prevent a fall from height.

In view of the danger to park users the contractor has provided three concrete bases as a means of securing the bins to the pads by means of a bolt/screw type fitting.

The placement of the pads to have regard to preventing access to nearby structures and also, where the bins are in the dedicated fenced play areas so as not to encourage the placement of dog waste bags by park users.

Resolved: To note and approve the actions taken.

68.3 Cefneithin Park.

Members raised concerns relating to the return of the overgrowth surrounding the footpath in the wooded area of the park.

Resolved: That a further cut of the area take place and that a regime of two cuts per year be included as part of a maintenance regime.

69.0 Item 7 Urgent Local Issues.

As resolved earlier in the meeting the items of discussion under this heading would be considered as part of Agenda Item 15.

70.0. Item 8 Members Report.

No items were reported under this heading

71.0 Item 9 Report PACT .

No items were reported under this heading.

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72.0. Item 10 Correspondence.

72.1 EIRIOL – Quarterly Newsletter

EIRIOL is a mental health advocacy organisation operating across Carmarthenshire and West Wales. The Summer edition of the organisations newsletter is available on the organisations website or electronically from the Clerk.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

72.2 Carms C.C. Safe Routes in Communities Grant.

Applications are being invited from Community Councils and Schools in the County on schemes to improve walking and cycling access for parents and pupils as well as the wider community.

Schemes can include Footways, cycle paths, traffic calming, cycle racks, parent waiting shelters, Crossing Points and pavement upgrades.

Closing date 3rd October,2016 to include consultation and travel plan.

Resolved: That much work had been done in this area in respect of road safety improvement schemes however members were asked to consider the matter again and should they have suitable schemes that they bring it to the attention of the Council.

72.3 Carms CC. Extension of Prohibition of Waiting at any time at Y Glyn.

The County Council has received a request to extend the prohibition of waiting at any time at the above location.

The extension is required to keep the junction clear of parked vehicles.

The Community Council’s views are sought. Deadline for response 13th September,2016.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

72.4 Draft Local Government (Wales) Bill

There have been 187 responses received as a result of the consultation which have been summarised and are available to view online at: Welsh Government | Draft Local Government (Wales) Bill and Explanatory Memorandum.

No clear consensus on the way forward has emerged.

The Minister will make a further announcement on the matter in the Autumn.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

72.5 Carmarthenshire CC. Local Access Forum Annual Report 2015-16.

An electronic copy of the report for 2015-16 been forwarded by the Access Officer.

A copy of the report is available from the Clerk.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

72.6 Carmarthenshire CC. Code of Conduct for members. Personal Interest Revised Guidance.

The monitoring Officer has forwarded revised guidance for members in relation to ensuring that the proper procedures are followed when declaring an interest in a matter or for the member to seek dispensation from the County Council in relation to certain matters.

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Copies of the documentation has been provided electronically for members and by hard copy for those members who do not have access to the internet.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

72.7. Carmarthenshire 50+ Forum at National Botanic Garden Friday 16th September.

An invitation is extended for the Council to send a representative to the above event which will take place between 10.00 and 4.00 p.m.

There will be an opportunity to hear from the Older People’s Commissioner, learn about time credits to help your community and see the wares of some 40 stallholders.

Resolved: That the information be received and noted

72.8. Police and Crime Commissioner – Police and Crime Plan.

The Commissioner is seeking the input of partners into establishing the priorities for the Police and Crime Plan for the next four-year period.

Responses are required by the 30th September,2016.

Resolved: That a response be considered by the members of the Sub-Committee.

72.9. Access to the Baby Changing Facilities at Gorslas Park Toilets.

An enquiry was received from a park user with a young baby who had sought to use the changing facilities at the toilets but found them to be locked.

The user sought clarification on the Council’s policy relating to the locking of the facilities during the daytime.

It was indicated that it had been necessary to limit access to the facility following a period of continuous damage being caused to the baby changing equipment.

Following discussion, it was proposed that there was merit in exploring an option of working with the local shop owner to provide access to the facilities upon request.

Resolved: That discussions be held with the owner of the shop adjacent to the park to examine the possibility of a key to the facility being made available to users upon request.

72.10 Carmarthenshire Public Services Board – Stakeholder Event Carmarthenshire Wellbeing Plan - National Botanic Garden Friday 16th September,2016.

An invitation has been received for the Council to send a representative to the event.

Resolved: That as Cllr Aled Owen would be attending the event in another capacity that he would also act as the Community Council’s representative.

72.11 Welsh Government Diversity in Democracy Programme- Be a Councillor event Thursday 22nd September 4.30 to 7.30 at Pontypridd.

The course is intended to assist in increasing the diversity of candidates standing for Local Government Elections and attendees will be addressed by Cllr D Wilcox, the Leader of Newport Council,

The Course is open to women, anyone under 45(men or women), disabled people, BME, LGTB, Traveller and Gypsy.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

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72.12 Carms CC Proposed Naming of Development Land at Rhos Y Bonwen.

The Council’s views are sought in relation to a proposal by the developer that the official street name for the site be Rhos y Bryn.

The closing date for submitting comments is the 26th September,2016.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

72.13 Gwendraeth Group of Community Councils

A meeting of the above has been scheduled for 7.00 p.m. on Thursday 22nd September,2016, at Penygroes Hall.

A speaker from Carms CC will cover potential funding streams.

Resolved: That Cllrs B Kirby and C Green attend on behalf of the Council.

72.14 Carmarthenshire County Council Consultation on Implementation of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Closing Date Friday 4th November,2016.

A briefing note had been prepared by the Clerk, and distributed to members with the papers for the meeting, in relation to the prosed change.

As advised in the briefing paper the key features charge will be that: -

1) the charge will be levied on new buildings, 2) be based on a fixed charge per meter of floor space. 3) The money raised being spent on infrastructure for an area. 4) Relief from paying the charge would apply in certain specified circumstances. 5) The LDP policy (policy GP3) and the Caeau Mynydd Mawr Planning Guidance

relating to the mitigation for potential harm to the designated area of special area conservation will be reflected in the regulations.

6) In accordance with the CIL regulations, a neighbourhood portion of the CIL receipts will be given to each Town and Community Council. This will be 15%, up to a maximum of £100 per existing council tax dwelling per year, of the CIL received through development within that Town or Community Council area. This must be spent on supporting the development of the area, rather than on the more restrictive ‘infrastructure’.

7) The Council proposes using 5% of the CIL revenue to fund the administrative costs of the Levy, in accordance with the regulations.

8) Site specific infrastructure and affordable housing can continue to be secured through Section 106 planning obligations. Affordable housing is specifically excluded from the CIL regulations’ definition of infrastructure.

A questionnaire seeking views on specific issues is included with the document and was included with the documentation for the meeting. Closing date 4th November,2016.

Resolved: That the sub-committee be delegated powers to respond on behalf of the Council.

72.15 Canolfan Carwyn

The Clerk indicated that concerns had been received from a group who had used the facility for some 30 years but who had noticed recently a decline in the maintenance and care of the facility.

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They advised that, on two occasions, they were unable to participate in activities due to condensation as a result of windows having been broken.

There was concern that the facility was due to close and that facilities for keeping fit and healthy for people of all ages would be lost.

Cllr T Davies advised that he had contacted Mr Ian Jones Head of Leisure Services for Carmarthenshire who had advised that maintenance work was scheduled to take place at the facility shortly and that, whilst consultation, was ongoing regarding its future, the future of the facility was assured until the 31st December,2016.

Resolved: That the information be received and noted and that members be asked to consider and come up with a vision which they would like to see for the future use of the facility and which could be put forward as part of the consultation process.

73.0 Item 11 One Voice Wales

73.1 Training Courses – Autumn 2016 – Sessions From 6. 30p.m to 9.00p.m approx

Details of the following courses had been received from One Voice Wales.

Date Subject Location

22/09/16 Chairing Skills St Johns Ambulance, Margret St, Ammanford

29/09/16 Council as an Employer Llanerch Hall, Nant Y Felin, Llanerch

06/10/16 Community Engagement St Peters Hall, Carmarthen

18/10/16 Chair Skills Llanerch Hall, Nant Y Felin, Llanerch

27/10/16 LG Finance- Advanced St Johns Ambulance, Margret St, Ammanford

24/11/16 Grant Applications St Johns Ambulance, Margret St, Ammanford

01/12/16 Information Management St Peters Hall, Carmarthen

06/12/16 Code of Conduct St Johns Ambulance, Margret St, Ammanford

Resolved: That members wishing to attend the courses make their wishes known to the Clerk as soon as possible.

73.2 Consultation Welsh Government Planning Policy Division.

The views of the Council are sought in relation to new planning advice for the historic environment contained in draft Technical Advice Note ( TAN) 24.

The consultation document may be viewed using the following link


The closing date for the receipt of views is the 3rd October,2016.

Resolved: That members respond individually to the consultation document.

73.3 Survey Welsh Government on Land Transaction Tax.

In summary the consultation relates to:-

(i) Higher rates of Stamp Duty Land Tax have been introduced as from 1st April,2016. (ii) This existing UK Government tax is being reviewed in Wales as part of the Land

Transaction Tax legislation being introduced in September 2016. (iii) Views are sought in relation to the above with a deadline for responding of 31st


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Resolved. To receive and note the information provided.

73.4 Carmarthenshire. C.C. Community and Town Councils Liaison Forum

Notification of the event on the 6th September,2016, had been provided over the summer period to the Council’s representative on the forum Cllr W Edwards.

An invitation was also extended for a representative to attend an engagement event hosted by the Carmarthenshire Public Service Board on the 16th September, 2016, relating to the forthcoming assessment of Wellbeing for Carmarthenshire.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

73.5 Law Commission: Planning Law In Wales.

The Commission published a scoping paper on Planning Law in Wales on the 30th June,2016, a copy of which is available online at<

The aim is to make clearer, simpler and more accessible law.

The consultation period ends on the 30th September,2016, and anyone wishing to make a submission may do so by e mailing [email protected].

Alternatively, the Commission is keen to speak to consultees and a meeting may be arranged by contacting the Commission.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

73.6 One Voice Wales Advice Paper Working with Young People

The Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 allowed Community Councils to appoint up to two individuals to act as Community Youth Representatives.

Following requests from members One Voice Wales has produced a paper to guide and advise Councils on how to undertake such an engagement.

An electronic copy is available from the Clerk.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

73.7 One Voice Wales Notice of Motions for 2016 AGM.

A copy of the notice of motions to the AGM have been provided. They include the following: -

(i) A proposal that the assets and business of the association transfer to Un Llais Cymru- One Voice Wales Ltd and that the association be therefore disbanded.

(ii) That the UK Government ensures that sufficient funds are available nationally to replace any loss as a result of the UK voting to leaving the European Union.

(iii) That Welsh Government be asked to amend legislation to allow Community and Town Council’s to trade to respond to local need, support wellbeing and sustainability.

(iv) That Welsh Government to impose a levy on fast food outlets to cover the cost of removing packaging from the highway.

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(v) To repeal section 8 of the Local Government Act 1894 which prevents Community and Town Councils from contributing financially towards the upkeep of buildings or property held for an ecclesiastical charity.

(vi) Membership fees to be uplifted by 3% for 2016/17. Amendment by Barry Town Council that the fees should not be raised by more than inflation based on the CPI figure (0.3% in June,2016).

Copies of the Articles of Association and Transfer Agreement are available electronically from the Clerk or Association.

Resolved: That, as the Chair and Vice Chair represent the Council at meetings of the association that they be authorised to vote on these matters on behalf of Community Council at the meeting.

73.8 One Voice Wales- Seminar New Pensions Legislation.

One Voice Wales and Auto Enrolment Support Ltd have arranged a seminar with The Pensions Regulator on Tuesday, 27th September, 2016, in Swansea.

The conference covers compliance and employer responsibilities at a cost of £15 per delegate.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

73.9 Ombudsman Casebook

The latest edition of the above is available to view online on the Local Government Ombudsman website providing details relating to Education, Planning, Housing, Environmental Health, Social Services and Finance.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

73.10 Future Generations Commissioner

Copies have been forwarded of links relating to the following: -

1) A letter to the Rt Hon Carwyn Jones AM, First Minister, regarding the development of the Welsh Government’s programme (2) A letter to Ken Skates AM, Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Infrastructure regarding the M4 Relief Road (3) A recent press release from the office of the Future Generations Commissioner on the long term plans within Welsh Government essential to improve lives in Wales.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

73.11 Older Generations Commissioner

A link has been provided for members to the Summer 2016 newsletter by the Commissioner has been provided

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided

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73.12 Consultation on Wales Audit Consultation on Fees for 2017/18.

Consultation on the fees which the Commission propose to apply for undertaking work are included in the report which is available on the Commissions website to be submitted by the 23rd September,2016.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided

73.13 Planning Policy Wales Questionnaire

Welsh Government is restructuring planning policy Wales so it fully considers and promotes the goals of the Well Being of Future Generations Act (Wales) 2015, and are seeking the views of users on its appearance, structure and presentation.

An online survey is available via the link

Responses are required by Friday 30th September,2016.

Resolved: That the information provided be received and noted and that individual members could use the online facility to submit their own views on the matter.

73.14 Consultation on Establishment of new Flood and Coastal Erosion Committee

The Environment Act 2016 grants Welsh Ministers the power to abolish the current Flood Risk Management Wales Committee and establish a new Flood and Coastal Erosion Committee.

The committee will advise on all flood and coastal risk management and views are sought on the appropriate governance, representation and links with other organisations to help it achieve this.

Further details are available via

Closing date 3rd November,2016.

Resolved: That the information provided be received and noted and that individual members could use the online facility to submit their own views on the matter.

73.15 Police and Crime Commissioner Breakfast Consultation 8th September,2016.

Details of the event had been circulated by the Clerk over the summer period whereby the Commissioner extended an invitation to the Council to send a representative to the event which will seek to engage with stakeholders in setting the objectives for the Police and Crime Plan for the next four years.

The event will start at 8.00 a.m. and finish by 10.00 a.m.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

73.16 Cymru’n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914-1918

Details of key dates for First World War Centenary Commemoration in Wales are provided via the following links:

(i) Cynhadledd Cymru / Iwerddon 1916: (dyddiad y digwyddiad 14 Medi) /

Wales / Ireland 1916 conference: (event date 14 September)

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(ii) Galwad am ddigwyddiadau ar gyfer Rhaglen 2017 Cymru'n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914 - 1918: (dyddiad cau 1 Rhagfyr) /

Cymru'n Cofio Wales Remembers 1914 - 1918 Programme 2017 Call for Events: (deadline 1 December) #CymrunCofioRhaglen2017 #WalesRemembersProgramme2017

(iii) Pabïau: Weeping Window yng Nghastell Caernarfon / Poppies : Weeping Window in Caernarfon Castle:

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

73.17 Welsh Government – Newsletter August 2016 Natural Resources Wales.

The August edition of the above newsletter may be accessed via the Welsh Governments website or an electronic copy is available from the Clerk.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

74.0 Item 12 Planning Applications

74.1. Declaration of Interest:

Cllr T Davies, as a member of the County Council Planning Sub-Committee, declared an interest in consideration of individual planning applications.

Cllr Darren Price declared a personal interest in application no W34138 due to the proximity of the application to his home.

Neither member took part in discussions or decisions relating to the relevant applications.

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74.2 Applications for Full Planning

No /Ref Description Location Applicant

W/34182 Construction of detached dwelling and garage.

Plot adjacent to 85

Heol Cwmmawr,

Drefach. SA14 7AF.

Mr Sauro, Ffynnon Fach,

Bancffosfelen, SA15 5DW.

Agent: Sauro Architectural

Design, Peter Sauro, 9 Elliston

Terrace, Carmarthen

W/34183 Detached Dwelling


Land part of Pantbach,

Heol Treventy,

Cefneithin SA14 6TE

E Diren, Pantbach, Heol

Treventy, Cefneithin,


Agent: JCR Planning Ltd,

Richard Banks, Unit 2,Cross

Hands Business Workshop,

Heol Parc Mawr, Cross Hands.

W/34194 Provision of MUGA Cefneithin Recreational


Gorslas Community Council

W/34195 Provision of MUGA Gorslas Recreational


Gorslas Community Council

W/34252 Rural Enterprise


Land at Tir Bont Farm,

Foelgastell, SA14 7HL

Phil Rees Welding Ltd/M4

Trailers- Mr P Rees.

W/34265 Provision of 1 single

mobile unit for

educational purposes.

Gorslas C.P. School Director of Education


Agent: H Harries, Carms CC

Property Design.

W/34326 Change of Use

dwelling house to two


residential flats

41 Church Road,

Gorslas, SA14 7NF

Mr & Mrs B+V Bhogal.

W/34376 Proposed two storey

extension on the side

and a single storey

extension at rear.

6, Heol Y Dre,


Miss Julie Evans.

W/34388 Proposed first floor

rear extension and

internal alterations

Neuadd Wen, Black

Lion Road, Gorslas.

Miss Angharad Rees.

Resolved: To receive and note the information.

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74.3 Other Applications.

(i) W/34348 Application Type; Discharge of Planning Application Detail: Discharge of condition 8 of W/19768 (Completion of soakaway serving the Smiths Arms Inn. Location: Land to the South East of the Smiths Inn, Heol Y Foel, Foelgastell, SA14 7ER. Applicant: Mr Colin Jay, Slieve Ynys, Garnswllt Road, Pontardulais, SA4 8QH. Agent: Davies Richards Design Ltd, Mr Christian Willimas, 42 Rhosmaen St, Llandeilo,

(ii) W/34389

Application Type: Reserved Matters. Detail: Proposed Residential Development of a Pair of semi-detached houses.

Location: Plot adjacent to 32 Heol Yr Ysgol, Cefneithin, SA14 7EA.

Applicant: Nigel Ward.

(iii) W/34370

Application Type: Non Material Amendment. Detail: Non Material Amendment to W/31587.

Location: 33 Heol Y Dre, Cefneithin.

Applicant: Mr and Mrs Lynn and Amanda Rees.

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided in respect of each of the applications scheduled.

75.0 Item 13 Finance.

75.1 Monthly Payments Update July and August 2016

(i) Payments Made to Creditors July

Paid To

Description Amount


Spencer Environmental Grounds Maintenance Contract – June 933.48

Spencer Environmental Grounds Maintenance – July 795.48

T.B.M. Litter Picking – June 400.00

Rodway Public Convenience Service Contract – July 201.67

Morgan and Morgan Copier Toner 49.28

T.B.M. Drefach Cefneithin Minor works and cutting

habitat area 245.00

Carms CC Copies Scale Maps for planning application

Cefneithin and Gorslas 43.00

One Voice Wales Delegate Fee AGM 80.00

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Carms CC Planning Fee MUGAS Cefneithin and Gorslas 380.00

Thomas Fattorini Supply Engraved Chair Bar 55.46

Bowen and Weaving Supply Toilet Rolls and Cleaning Fluid 33.84

Local World Advertisement Grass Tender 67.20

E Williams Refund Web Hosting Fee 43.75

(ii) Payments to Creditors August

Paid To

Description Amount


T.B.M. Litter Picking – June/ Repair Wayside Seats.

Sundry Maintenance 1,260.00

Rodway Public Convenience Service Contract –August 201.67

TBM Completion of March H+S Maintenance Schedule 2,300.00

Margaret Rees Website Development Support and Training 125.00

Menter Cwm Gwendraeth

Translation Charges November 2015 /January and April 2016 173.90

Menter Cwm Gwendraeth

Translation Charges May/June/July 239.00

Bowen and Weaving Stainless Steel Cleaner 4.85

Carms CC Knotweed spraying 3 parks 312.20

Aber Landscapes Weeding Flowerbeds/ Tree bark Pruning/ Cutting

back overhanging tree. 780.00

Carms C.C. Planning Fee Cefneithin – Marsh Butterfly 1,273.00

(iii) Income July and August,2016.

Received from

Description Amount


HMRC VAT Refund 7,578.25

Carms CC Precept 2nd Instalment 23,366.33

Resolved: To receive, note and approve the actions taken.

75.2 Audit of Annual Accounts 2015/16 Grant Thornton.

The Auditors confirmed that the audit of the 2015/16 financial year had been completed and found to be satisfactory. The appropriate notices have been placed in the public notice boards for the requisite period of 14 days.

The Auditors did provide one helpful suggestion which related to the inclusion of certain issues within the letter of acceptance to undertake the audit made by the Council’s Internal Auditor. The point has been noted and will be actioned

Resolved: To receive and note the information provided.

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76.0 Applications for Grant Assistance

76.1 Applications for Financial Assistance.

In accordance with the agreed practice of considering application for assistance twice a year scheduled below are applications for assistance received since the April meeting.

Organisation Supporting Information

Cross Hands and

District Bowls

To help offset the effects of the cuts made by the County


Dinefwr Indoor Bowls Help support the work of the club coaching up to 25

youngsters, becoming the centre of excellence for the

Gwendraeth Amman Blind Society and supporting the coaching

of local Stroke Association in bowls.

Blas ar Fyw/Life After


To help support the work of the group which includes

organising craft, art work and computer courses and the support

the group offers to victims.

Children’s Therapy

Centre Wales

To help the society provide specialist therapy for babies born

with cerebral palsy.

Cancer Information

and Support Services

South West Wales Charity that provides counselling and support

to cancer victims 365 days a year.

Macmillan Cancer


Supporting people in the county affected by cancer in terms of

medical, practical, emotional and financial support.

Carmarthenshire YFC To help support the network of clubs in Carmarthenshire which

provide opportunities for young people between the ages of 10 -

26 years of age.

Shelter Cymru To help the association hold some 4 surgeries a week and

support 1316 people including 474 children who are at risk of

losing their home.

St Johns Ambulance


Help provide training, patient transport and first aid supplies

and support divisions at Llandeilo, Ferryside, Llanelli and

Carmarthen. Provide training for 5,000 pupils in the County on

vital basic lifesaving.

Cwmaman Town


To contribute to or organise an event to raise funds to provide

an X Ray machine at Glanamman Hospital for the use of the

residents of the Aman/Gwendraeth areas.

Carmarthen and

District Youth Opera

Contribution towards the cost of staging the musical “Jesus

Christ Superstar” in February,2017 which will involve six

performances and give opportunities to young people across


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Teigrod Tywi Hockey


The Club provides opportunities for about 100 individuals in

the Llandeilo, and surrounding areas, to participate in activities.

The games have to be played on astro-turf surface and as no

funding is available from the Welsh Hockey Association the cost

is significant. The club is seeking assistance to meet these cost

and provide access to all.


(i) That donations of £ 100 each be made to Cross Hands and District Bowls Association and to the Glanamman Hospital Appeal.

(ii) That the Chair consider the remaining applications with any contributions to be funded from the Chairs Annual Allowance.

(iii) That recipients of grants be asked to provide the Council with details of how the money was spent.

77.0 Item 15 Sub Committee Reports and Urgent Local Matters.

77.1 Exclusion of Press and Public

The Clerk advised both the Council, and the member of the public who was in attendance, that as it had been resolved under agenda item 3 it was necessary to excluded the press and public from this part of the proceedings.

The Chair thanked the member of the public for their attendance and together with the translator they left the meeting prior to discussion on the relevant matters taking place.

77.2 Tenders Grass Cutting October, 2016 to September,2018.

In accordance with the Council’s decision the sub-committee met and approve the tender specification with the Clerk being instructed to proceed to tender.

Invitations were sent to current contractors as well as those who had previously expressed an interest.

A public advertisement inviting tenders in respect of the work was placed in the Carmarthen Journal for Wednesday 3rd August,2016, with a closing date of noon Wednesday 31st August,2016.

In total eight contractors received invitations to tender with three sealed bids being received by the closing date.

The tenders were summarised with the Sub Committee meeting on Thursday 1st September, to consider the bids received.

The bids were anonymised for evaluation purposes. The Clerk had checked compliance by the contractors with the tender requirements and advised accordingly.

The Sub Committee resolved, following consideration, to recommend to the Council that the contract be awarded to the lowest tenderer i.e. Spencer Environmental.

It was noted that the new tender would represent an increase in costs of £ 5,000 in a full financial year.

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The Sub-Committee felt that it would be useful for members to be provided with a brief summary of the works which the contractor would be expected to undertake which are detailed in the table below.

Park Option Area Requirement

Drefach D 01 Park/Habitat Cut Excluding Removal x 12

D 01 Cut Including Removal x 4

D 02 Fenced Play Area Cut Including Removal x 16

D 03 Verge Entrance Hall Cut Annually Remove Cuttings

D 04 3 Perimeter Hedges Trim Once a year

Cefneithin C 01 Park Area Cut Excluding Removal x 12

C 01 Cut Including Removal x 4

C 02 Fenced Play /Carwyn Cut and remove x 16

Gorslas G 01 General Park Areas Cut Excluding Removal x 12

G 01 Cut Including Removal x 4

G 02 Fenced Play Area Cut Including Removal x16

G 03 Triangular Church Road Cut Two weeks remove x 16

G 04 Tree Nursery One Cut p.a

G 05 Wooded Church Road Cut monthly excluding removal

G 06 Land Llandeilo/ Church Rd Cut and remove x 16

Resolved: To award the contract to Spencer Environmental.

77.3 Tenders Park Litter and Building Maintenance.

Due to the difficulty in preparing a suitable basis for tendering and the need to prioritise other areas of activity it was not possible to proceed to tender for this work.

The Council is asked therefore of extending the current arrangement for maintenance retain the option of using the current contractor TBM, until a suitable basis for tendering has been established.

Resolved: To receive the information and approve the recommendation.

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77.4 Contract of Employment – Clerk to the Community Council

Following the retirement of the previous Clerk to the Council the Council the post was filled with the position being temporary for a six-month period with the option of terminating or making the appointment permanent following a formal review of performance.

Accordingly, the review was undertaken by the Sub-Committee at a meeting with the current post holder on Friday 26th August,2016.

Cllr T Davies, on behalf of the Sub-Committee relayed the salient points of the discussion which covered the job requirements, the expectations of the Council and a review of performance to date.

Following the discussion, the Clerk was asked to leave whilst the Sub-Committee consider the matter of whether or not to recommend an extension of contract.

Having considered the matter, the Sub-Committee resolved: -

To recommend to the Council that the contract of employment be made permanent at the end of the six-month trial period.

Resolved: That the recommendation of the Sub-Committee be accepted and the contract be made permanent.

78.0 Urgent Local Matters.

Discussion took place in relation to the particular issue which had come to the attention of the Council.


(i) That a meeting be convened as soon as possible between the Council and the relevant agencies.

(ii) That in instances where the proposal would have a material effect on contracts or contractors that the Clerk advise them of the likely impact.

(iii) That the Council would not proceed with the MUGA development at Gorslas Park and the contractor be advised accordingly.

79.0. Item 16 Date and Location of Next Meeting.


(i) That, following consultation on the availability of relevant County Council Officers, the Clerk convene a meeting of the Community Council as soon as possible solely in order to consider the County Council’s proposal.

(ii) That consideration and discussion on other matters be deferred until the Community Council meeting at 7.00 p.m. Monday 10th October, 2016, at Drefach C.P. School.