Cyber Safety Jeapordy

Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

Transcript of Cyber Safety Jeapordy

Choose a category. You will be given the answer.

You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

Click here for Final Jeopardy

Trustworthy & Loyal

Helpful & Friendly

Obedient & Cheerful

Thrifty& Brave

Clean & Reverent

10 Point

20 Points

30 Points

40 Points

50 Points

10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point

20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points

30 Points

40 Points

50 Points

30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points

40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points

50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points

Courteous & Kind

It’s ok to share information about

your friends online.

No. Share information only

if you have permission.

If I find a picture of my friend I can add silly text to it?

Do the right thing when sharing other people’s

words or pictures.

I’m playing a game with my friend and we promised not to ask others for help but I really want to


Uphold agreements you

make with friends when you play

games with them.

It’s ok to pretend to be someone else online – that keeps

me safe.

Be safe, but also be truthful with others online.

It’s ok to pretend to be your friend because he said it

was ok.

No. Never pretend to be someone else. Always be truthful about who you are.

I have a friend who is being teased online. What should I do?

Be helpful and friendly.

It’s ok to say mean things in a chat when playing a

game, it’s part of the game, right?

No always be friendly and kind.

There is someone mean to me at

school. I can post what I think of him

if it’s true?

No. Always be friendly, courteous,

and kind.

There is a site all my friends use and I think it is unsafe. It asks for lots of

personal information.

Tell a parent, teacher, or trusted adult. Be helpful.

One of my friends is being teased and

bullied. He’s upset. What should I do?

Be helpful and friendly. Encourage

him to report it.

I found a great article online. Can I copy and paste it

to use in my homework?

Always ask permission and give credit to

people who created the work.

I don’t have to be nice in a game. I don’t even know the other players.

False. Always be courteous and kind. How would you feel if the other player was mean to you?

I should never block someone online or

from sending texts? It’s not courteous or


False. You need to protect yourself. It’s ok to block


There is someone in my game that I

don’t like. What should I do?

You don’t have to like everyone. Keep critical comments to yourself. Don’t talk bad about him to


There are no laws against being mean

to others online?

Laws vary but there are definitely consequences.

You can lose your account, get in trouble

at school, have to talk to the police.

My parents set a rule to be offline by

8pm but I have 5 minutes left in my game and it’s not a

school night.

You should follow your parents rules. When in doubt ask.

My parents said to never give out my

personal information but I made a new

friend and want to tell him about my school.

You should follow your parents rules.

You can tell him about your school without sharing


I really want a Facebook account but I can’t create one because

I’m not 13. I can just change my birthday on

the form?

You should follow the rules you agree

on with your parents.

I accidentally gave out some personal information to a

website. I’m scared to tell my parents.

You should tell your parents or a trusted

adult so they can help you evaluate the


At home I’m allowed to play games online. At school I’m not. If I’m at school can I play online games?

While at school you need to follow the

school’s rules about games. Wait until you

get home or talk to your teacher.

I just got a cell phone. I’m going

to send 1,000 texts this month!

Better check with your parents on how many texts

you are allowed to send!

My phone is basically free. I can

download all the games I want.

Nothing is free! There are fees for

data and some apps must be purchased.

I downloaded a free game but I

need coins to play. Isn’t is free?

No. Many games and apps have “in app purchases” that

require you to pay after you download

the game

I need a phone. All my friends have


Some of your friends may have phones. But discuss want versus need with your parents. A Scout is thrifty.

My friends are all making fun of this

kid in our class. They are asking me why I won’t

join in.

A Scout is brave. Stand up for what is

right. Do not participate in teasing

or bullying even if your friends are.

I can trash talk in a game since it is not


No. Use clean language at all


What is a pop-up ad?

An ad that pops up on the screen

automatically when visiting a


What should I do if I see a pop-up ad

that makes me uncomfortable?

Click the X in the upper right corner. Tell your parents or a trusted adult.

Everything on the Internet is true

and real?

No. Anyone can say and post

anything. Not everyone follows the Scout Law.

Is it ok to use the same password for

every website?

No. If one site gets “hacked” then the password can be

used on other sites.

Make your wager

Is it always wrong to share personal


No. Some sites have games and activities.

But always check with your parents before giving out personal
