CV Mikael Weissmann (MAY 2013)

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  • 8/13/2019 CV Mikael Weissmann (MAY 2013)


    Curriculum Vitae, Weissmann (APR 2013) 1 (4)

    Mikael WEISSMANN, Ph.D.

    Curriculum VitaeApril 2013

    Personal data:

    Nationality: Swedish citizen

    Date of birth: 2 Aug, 1977

    The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI)Box 27035, SE-102 51 Stockholm, SwedenVisitng address: Drottning Kristinas vg 37, Stockholm, SwedenTel: +46-8-511 768 34; [email protected]


    2009 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)in Peace and Development Research, University of Gothenburg,


    2003 Peace and Conflict Studies, Uppsala University, Sweden.

    2000 International Relations and Economics (also fulfilling the requirements for a doublemajor in government), University of Queensland, Australia.

    Present positions

    Since Apr 10 Research Fellow, The Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm,Sweden.

    Since Jan 11 Research Associate, East Asian Peace programme, Department of Peace andConflict Research, Uppsala University

    Previous positions

    Oct 11Dec 11 Associate Professor (part time), Sdertrn University, Stockholm,Sweden

    Oct 11Dec 11 Vice Acting Head of Research, Associate Professor (part time, 20%), TheSwedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, Sweden.

    Jan 10Mar 10 Researcher,Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (NIAS), Copenhagen, Denmark

    Jan 05-Dec 09 Doctoral Candidate in Peace and Development Studies, School of GlobalStudies, Peace- and Development Research (PADRIGU), University ofGothenburg, Sweden

    Jan 05-Dec 09 PhD Fellow, Swedish School of Advanced Asia-Pacific Studies (SSAAPS)

    Jan 05-Jun 07 Researcher & Lecturer, Central Asia -Caucasus Institute and Silk Road StudiesProgram, the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies of JohnsHopkins University and the Department of Eurasian Studies of Uppsala University(Uppsala Office)

    May 04-Dec 08 Associated Researcher, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    May 03-Dec 04 Program Coordinator, Silk Road Studies Program, Uppsala University, Sweden

    May 03-Dec 04 Project Coordinator, Conflict Management in Northeast Asia project, Silk RoadStudies Program & the Department of Peace- and Conflict Research, Uppsala

    University, Sweden

    Aug 03-Aug 04 Coordinator, the Uppsala-Tartu Exchange Program, Department of Peace- andConflict Research, Uppsala University, Sweden

    Jan 03-May 03 Research Assistant, Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI),Sweden

    Longer academic visits

    Aug 08-Dec 08 Visiting Fellow, School of International Studies (SIS), Peking University, Beijing,China

    Oct 07-Jun 08 GARNET Junior Mobility Fellow, the Centre for the Study of Globalisation andRegionalisation (CSGR), University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

    Jul 06-Jun 07 Visiting Guest Researcher and Lecturer, School of International Studies (SIS),Peking University, Beijing, China

    Jul 06-Jul 07 Guest Researcher and Lecturer, School of International Studies, RenminUniversity of China, Beijing, China

    Mar 06 Visiting Researcher,Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen, Denmark

    Nov 04-Jan 05 Visiting Fellow and Lecturer,Renmin University, Beijing

    Nov 04-Jan05 Visiting Researcher and Lecturer, China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing

    Research interest

    - Peace and security in East Asia, with focus on China and its role in East Asia- The conflicts in the Korean Peninsula, the Taiwan strait, and the South China Sea- Soft Power in China-ASEAN relations- EU-Asia relations- Maritime security in Asia- Conflict management, conflict transformation and peace building- International relations & International political economy. Special interest in the intersection

    between the economic, political and strategic spheres.- Track-two diplomacy and elite networks



    1. A European Strategy towards East Asia: moving from good intentions to action, UI OccationalPaper No. 19, Stockholm: The Swedish Institute of International Affairs, 2013.

    2. The East Asian Peace: Conflict Prevention and Informal Peacebuilding, Houndmills, Basingstoke:Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.

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    Curriculum Vitae, Weissmann (APR 2013) 3 (4)

    3. Understanding the East Asian Peace Informal and formal conflict prevention and peacebuildingin the Taiwan Strait, the Korean Peninsula, and the South China Sea 1990-2008, PhD thesis inPeace and Development Research, University of Gothenburg, School of Global Studies, 2009.

    4. The Missing Linkbridging between social movement theory and conflict resolution, GARNETWorking Paper, No. 60/08, October 2008.

    5. Conflict, Conflict Prevention and Conflict Management and beyond: a conceptual exploration(with Niklas L.P. Swanstrm), Uppsala & Washington: Central Asia-Caucasus Institute and SilkRoad Studies Program, 2005.

    6. Conflict Prevention and Conflict Management in Northeast Asia - Conference Report (withNiklas L.P. Swanstrm, Emma Bjrnehed and Liu Yue), Conference proceedings from theProgram for Contemporary Silk Road Studies Conference on Conflict prevention and ConflictManagement in Northeast Asia, Beijing 26-28 November, 2004, Uppsala & Washington: CentralAsia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program, 2005.

    7. Early Warning Indicators for Preventive Policya new approach to Early Warning Research(with Gerd Hagmeyer-Gaverus), SIPRI Working Paper, March 2003.

    Journal articles

    8. The South China Sea Conflict and Sino-ASEAN Relations: A Study in Conflict Preventionand Peace Building,Asian Perspective, 34: 3, 2010.

    9. "Understanding the East Asian peace: some findings on the role of informal processes",AsiaInsights2/2009, 2009.

    10.Can China Untie theGordian Knot in North Korea?, (with Niklas L.P. Swanstrm),KoreanJournal of International Studies, 31:1, 2004.

    11."The Chinese Impact on the DPRK Negotiations" (with Niklas L. P. Swanstrm),Peace Review,16:2, 2004.

    Book chapters

    12."Why is there a relative peace in the South China Sea?" in Pavin Chachavalpongpun,EnteringUncharterd Waters? ASEAN and The South China Sea Dispute, Singapore: Institute of SoutheastAsian Studies, 2013, forthcoming.

    13.Peacebuildingin East Asia: The Role of Track II Diplomacy, Informal Networks, and Economic,Social and Cultural Regionalisation, Conflict Management, Security and Intervention in EastAsia: Third-Party Mediation and Intervention between China and Taiwan, London: Routledge,2008.

    14.[Linking Regionalisation and Conflict Provention: the case ofChina in East Asia] in Zhongqi Pan (ed),

    [International Responsibility and Strategy of Great Powers], Shanghai: Shanghai PeoplesPublishing House, 2008: pp. 127-146.

    15."Introduction" (with Niklas Swanstrm and Emma Bjrnehed), in Niklas L.P. Swanstrm (Ed),Conflict Prevention and Conflict Management in Northeast Asia, Uppsala & Washington: CentralAsia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program, 2005.

    16."Informal Networks as a Conflict Preventive Mechanism", in Niklas L.P. Swanstrm (Ed),Conflict Prevention and Conflict Management in Northeast Asia, Uppsala & Washington: Central

    Asia-Caucasus Institute and Silk Road Studies Program, 2005.

    Op-eds etc

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    17.Hot och isolering fel strategi i konflikten med Nordkorea(with Linus Hagstrm and UlvHanssen), Dn Debatt, 14 April, 2013; available at

    18. En plats fr nsta krig? Spnningarna kar i Sydkinesiska sjn,Internationella Studier,No 1,2013: pp. 38-39.

    19.Kinas mjuka makt Finns den? Vad betyder den?,Kinarapport4/2012, 2012: pp. 28-31.20.Kan Nordkorea avvpnas?,Internationella Studier, August 2011.21.Nordkorea mste hanteras varsamt (North Koreamust be handled cautiously)(with Linus Hagstrm), op-ed, Gteborgs-Posten, 26 May, p. 43;

    available at .

    22.The (new) North Korean Crisis: what can be expected and what should be done as aresponse to the sinking of the Cheonan corvette (with Linus Hagstrm),InFocus blog,theNordic Institure of Asian Studies, 25 May 2010 (

    Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, etc.

    - I have been participating in more than 20 different academic and track two conferences in China,Japan, Taiwan and Europe. I co-organised four of these conferences.


    Expert commentator on North Korea for the Swedish Public Radio, the Swedish Public Television,and major newspapers in Sweden and Finland.

    Positions of trust and memberships

    - Member of the board, The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (May 2011-May2012,substitute member since June 2012)

    - Member of the board, ST-union, The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (Since May 2011)- Reviewer of book manuscript for Routledge (2011).- Reviewer, Asian Politics & Policy (2009)- Deputy member, Forskningsutbildningsnmnden (FUN) [the board for research education],

    Department of Peace and Development Research (PADRIGU), University of Gothenburg (Jan

    2005Dec 2005).- Alumni of the the Deutsche Gesellshaft fur Auswartige Politiks (DGAP) International Forum on

    Strategic Thinking (since 2005).- Member of the International Studies Association (ISA), the RAD Network and the European

    Association for South East Asian Studies (EuroSEAS).