Customizationbmc Analytics for Business Services Magement Universe

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  • 7/23/2019 Customizationbmc Analytics for Business Services Magement Universe


    Best Practices Document

    Customization of the BMC Analytics

    for Business Service Management


    March 2011

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    Introduction ................................................................................................................... 6

    BMC Analytics for BSM components.......................................................................... 6

    Requirements analysis and customization .................................................................. 8

    Business need .............................................................................................................. 8

    Requirements analysis ................................................................................................. 8

    Logical modeling ........................................................................................................ 9

    New database table/view ......................................................................................... 9

    New derived table ................................................................................................. 10

    New alias table ...................................................................................................... 10

    New join ................................................................................................................ 11

    Business modeling .................................................................................................... 11

    New object ............................................................................................................ 12

    New condition ....................................................................................................... 12

    New hierarchy ....................................................................................................... 13

    Report creation .......................................................................................................... 13

    ITSM universe customization ..................................................................................... 14

    Universe linking ........................................................................................................ 14

    Universe linking considerations and limitations ................................................... 15

    Universe customization procedures........................................................................... 16

    Creating a new universe ........................................................................................ 18

    Linking the new universe to the ITSM universe ................................................... 19

    Updating the linked universe to include a new field ............................................. 21

    Updating the linked universe to include a new form ............................................ 23

    Enabling time-based trending on a new field added to the linked universe .......... 30

    Creating a new condition on an existing object in the linked universe ................. 32

    Creating a new hierarchy using the objects from the ITSM universe and the linked

    universe ................................................................................................................. 34

    Upgrading the ITSM universe ................................................................................... 36

    Backing up the linked universe and reports .......................................................... 36

    Upgrading the BMC Analytics for BSM product ................................................. 37

    Reestablishing the universe link and validating the upgrade ................................ 38

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    Page 6BMC Software, Inc., Confidential

    White paper

    BMC Analytics for BSM universe customization

    Note:This document was updated on March 8, 2011 to include additional steps for

    upgrading the linked universe.


    BMC Remedy IT Service Management applications are designed to meet the business

    needs of the customer and are therefore customizable. The interface-driven design

    facilitates the addition and modification of fields and forms.

    So that the BMC Analytics for Business Service Management (BMC Analytics for BSM)

    application can report on the new and modified fields and forms added to the underlying

    BMC Remedy IT Service Management applications, you should modify the ITSM

    universe that is installed by the BMC Analytics for BSM product. This document is

    intended to describe typical customization scenarios and provide step-by-step instructions

    to customize the BMC Analytics for BSM universe.

    The intended audience of this document is customers who want to customize the ITSM

    universe as well as software partners and other field support personnel that assist

    customers in the implementation of BMC Analytics for BSM.

    For more information about the BMC Analytics for BSM product, see the user

    documentation that is available with the product.

    BMC Analytics for BSM components

    BMC Analytics for BSM consists of a universe and predefined reports that allow you to

    analyze your BMC Remedy IT Service Management application data.

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    The universe and the reports can both be customized. The universe is a semantic layer

    for accessing the data that is displayed in the reports, and it consists of a logical modeland a user model, shown in the following illustration.

    The logical model represents the tables and joins that are mapped to the physical views

    and tables in the BMC Remedy AR System database. The user model contains

    definitions for dimensions, measures, and conditions that are used for end-user reporting






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    Requirements analysis and customization

    The customization of BMC Analytics for BSM includes requirements analysis, universe

    customization, and report creation. The stages are identified in the following figure and

    discussed in this section.

    Business need

    The business has a reporting requirement that is not currently supported by the

    preconfigured BMC Analytics for BSM reports.

    Requirements analysis

    A detailed analysis of the reporting requirement should be performed, and the detailsshould be captured in a format similar to the following.

    The columns in the sample format above are defined in the table below.

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    Value definition

    S No Serial numberidentifies the table row.


    Descriptive term for the new reporting requirement.

    Functional Area IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) functional area. The sample value

    IM stands for Incident Management.



    Application form name

    Form fields Fields on the form specified above

    Multi-tenancy Whether the application is implemented in a multitenancy


    Relationship The relationship to the view or table.

    Fiscal Calendar


    The input parameters for the ANA_FISCAL_CALENDAR form;

    the start month, year, and number of years.

    Module The module in the universe where the new objects should go, for

    example, AM (Asset Management), IM (Incident Management)

    Class Universe module class name where the new objects should go.

    Logical modeling

    Analyze the BMC Remedy IT Service Management application to identify the forms

    where this new information is hosted. Identify the relationships between the new forms or

    fields in the BMC Remedy IT Service Management application and the existing forms in

    the ITSM universe. Capture the complete logical model design (look ups, derived tables,

    multi-tenancy queries, fiscal calendar aliases) in a format similar to the following where

    each different section would be included in a separate tab in an Excel file.

    New database table/view

    The columns in the sample format above are defined in the table below.

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    Value definition

    S No Serial numberidentifies the table row.

    Name Name of the new database table or view to be added to the universe.

    Description Description of the new database table or view

    New derived table

    The columns in the sample format above are defined in the table below.



    Value definition

    S No Serial numberidentifies the table row.

    Name Name of the new database table or view to be added to the universe.

    Derived Table Name of the new derived table to be added to the universe.

    Type Whether multi-tenancy is required or not

    New alias table

    The columns in the sample format above are defined in the table below.



    Value definition

    S No Serial numberidentifies the table row.

    Alias Table


    Name of the new alias table to be added to the universe.

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    Original Table


    Name of the existing table in the universe.

    New join

    The columns in the sample format above are defined in the table below.



    Value definition

    S No Serial numberidentifies the table row.

    First Table Right table in the join

    Second Table Left table in the join

    Join Expression The expression for the complex join or simple join

    Shortcut Indicates whether the join is a shortcut joinTRUE or FALSE.

    Cardinality Indicates whether a cardinality check is required, and if so, the type

    of cardinality.

    Outer Join If the join is an outer join, the type of outer joinOuterRight orOuterLeft

    Business modeling

    In this stage, the class and object structure organization of the new area needs to be

    defined and new objects, conditions, and hierarchies need to be identified and

    documented. Capture this using the format below where each different section is included

    in a separate tab in an Excel file.

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    New object

    The columns in the sample format above are defined in the table below.



    Value definition

    Class Name Universe class name to which the new object is to be added.

    Object Name Name of the new object to be added to the universe

    Type Field type of the new object to be added to the universe

    Description Description of the new object to be added to the universe

    Select The object name, included in the select statement

    Table Name Name of the table in which the new object is contained.

    Qualification The type of object to be added to the universe, dimension or


    New condition

    The columns in the sample format above are defined in the table below.


    Value definition

    Class Name Universe class name to which the new condition is to be added.

    Condition Name Name of the new condition to be added to the universe

    Description Description of the new condition to be added to the universe

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    Where Select statement

    Table Name Name of table on which the condition is based

    Show Whether to display the condition or not to the userTRUE or


    New hierarchy

    The columns in the sample format above are defined in the table below.



    Value definition

    Hierarchy Name Name of the new hierarchy to be added to the universe.

    Object Name The name of the object on which the new hierarchy is built

    Type Character

    Description Descriptive term for the new hierarchy

    Once the requirements are identified and the new objects are documented, you can

    proceed to customize the universe. See the following section for more information.

    Report creation

    Once the universe customizations are completed and the universe is validated and

    finalized, the report creation process begins, which will involve capturing requirements

    from the business and creating the reports. Creation or customization of reports is not inthe context of this document. Procedures for creating new reports are included in the

    BMC Analytics for BSM product documentation.

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    ITSM universe customization

    This document contains step-by-step procedures for customizing the universe. The

    following procedures are included:

    Creating a new universe

    Linking the new universe to the ITSM universe

    Updating the linked universe to include either a new field added to an existing ITSM

    application form or an existing field that was not previously included in the universe.

    Updating the linked universe to include a new form added to a BMC Remedy IT

    Service Management application.

    Enabling time-based trending on a new field added to the linked universe.

    Adding a new condition to an object in the linked universe

    New hierarchy added to the linked universe

    Upgrading a customized universe

    Each procedure is included in the section Universe customization procedures. Unless

    otherwise specified, procedures are performed in the SAP BusinessObjects Designer. The

    steps in this document assume that no customizations have been made to the installed

    ITSM universe. The steps also assume that you are familiar with the SAP

    BusinessObjects Designer interface.

    BMC Software recommends that you create a new universe, link it to the ITSM universe,

    then customize the new universe rather than customizing the ITSM universe that is

    installed with the BMC Analytics for BSM product. Therefore, when a new version of the

    ITSM universe is available, you upgrade the installed ITSM universe and run a

    verification procedure to ensure that there are no issues between the updated ITSM

    universe and the customized, linked universe.

    The following sections present an overview of the universe linking feature and some

    considerations for using this feature.

    Universe linking

    SAP BusinessObjects provides a way to integrate data managed by different universes

    while still keeping the universes separate. The linking of universes universes is achieved

    using multiple options, but this document focuses on the option that BMC Software has

    identified to be the best practice. The following illustration demonstrates a linked


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    The process for creating a linked universe is specified below. The customization

    procedures in this document integrate many the steps in the list below.

    1. Create a new, empty universe.

    2. Create a logical link from the new universe to the original (master) universe.

    3. Update the new, linked universe so that it contains custom forms (or views) andclasses (or objects) and conditions.

    4. Validate the linked universe.

    5. Create new reports using the objects created in the linked universe and in themaster universe. (Not included in this document.)

    6. When a new version of the master universe becomes available, upgrade themaster universe and validate the reports that were created from the linked


    Universe linking considerations and limitations

    Before you can use the universe linking feature, ensure that your environment meets thefollowing requirements:













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    The master universe and the linked universe must use the same user name,

    password, and database server name (Microsoft SQL Server ) or SID (Oracle)

    and database connection.

    The master universe and the linked universe must be stored in the same


    The master universe must be exported and re-imported at least once. The linked

    universe does not have to be exported before creating a link.

    All classes and objects in the master universe and the linked universe must be

    unique. Conflicts will occur if they are not unique.

    The two universes must allow joins to be created between the tables. For

    example, Master_Table1 in the master universe should be able to be joined to

    Linked_Table1 in the linked universe. If not, Cartesian products can result when

    a query is run using objects from both universes.

    Using the procedures in this document, only the table schema, classes, andobjects of the master universe are available in the new linked universe. Contexts

    must be re-detected in the new linked universe.

    The link between the linked universe and the master universe can be removed

    only if the new universe does not contain objects based on components in the

    master universe or joins to the master universe components.

    If you update the location of the master universe, you must relink the universe

    (using Edit > Link) to specify the new location.

    Not all universe components are linked, as indicated in the following table.

    Universe Component Linked Not Linked

    Universe parameters

    Classes and Objects Customized list of values (LOV)



    Aggregate Navigation

    Custom Hierarchies

    Universe customization procedures

    BMC Software recommends the following best practices as you perform the procedures

    in this document:

    When adding new objects, tables, conditions in the linked universe, prefix the

    names with an identifier. The identifier used in the procedures is the acronym of

    a fictional company: UNXG.

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    When adding new tables to the linked universe, create an alias with an identifier

    for each of the custom structures. The identifier used in the procedures is the

    acronym of a fictional company: UNXG.

    Add the classes and objects into the appropriate location in the linked universe.

    This may mean that new classes and objects are interspersed throughout the

    existing objects and classes.

    Refresh the linked universe structure periodically by selecting the universe and

    using View > Refresh Structure to ensure that the universe recognizes new

    columns, new tables, and other database updates.

    Refresh tables periodically by selecting the table and selecting View > Refresh

    Structure so that the table recognizes the changes. A confirmation dialog notifies

    you when the table structure is successfully refreshed.

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    Creating a new universe

    Use the following steps to create a new universe by copying and renaming the installed

    ITSM universe. The new universe will serve as the linked universe in the subsequent


    1. Import the ITSM universe.2. Delete all the tables, views, derived tables, joins, contexts, classes, objects,

    and conditions. Do not delete the database connection.3. Test the database connection, and verify that the database server is

    responding.4. Rename the universe to ITSM-UnxGlobal.

    5. Save the ITSM-UNXGlobal universe. Do not select the option Save forall users. Since the universe is a secured connection, this option is not


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    Linking the new universe to the ITSM universe

    Use the steps below to create a link between the new ITSM-UnxGlobal universe and theITSM universe.

    1. Import the ITSM-UnxGlobal universe.

    2. Select Edit > Links.

    3. In the Links tab of the Universe Parameters dialog, click Add Link.

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    4. In the Universe to Link dialog, select ITSM.unvand click Open. This

    adds a link to the master ITSM universe and adds the ITSM universestructure into the ITSM-UnxGlobal Universe as shown below.

    Note:The master ITSM universe cannot be modified from within the linked

    ITSM-UnxGlobal universe as it is just a logical representation.

    5. Export the ITSM-UnxGlobal universe.

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    Updating the linked universe to include a new field

    Use the procedure in this section to update the linked universe to include either a

    new field added to an existing BMC Remedy IT Service Management application

    form or an existing field that was not previously included in the universe.

    This procedure addresses a scenario where a new field has been added to anexisting form in the BMC Remedy Service Desk application. The following figureshows a new Incident_Type field which has been added to the existing HPD:Help

    Desk form. The field contains a drop-down list that can be used for selecting

    values. The values in the drop-down list are referred to as enumerated values.

    When the new field is added, the database table HPD_Help_Desk is altered with a

    new column named Incident_Type.

    Use the steps in the procedure below to add the new Incident_Type field to the

    universe so that it can be reported on. Since the Incident_Type field hasenumerated values, we must also add a derived table to the universe to retrieve the


    1. Import the ITSM-UnxGlobal Universe.

    2. Add a new derived table to the universe named UNXG_HPD_IncidentType.

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    3. Define a join between UNXG_HPD_IncidentType and

    HPD_HELP_DESK.IncidentType, as shown in the following dialog.

    4. Add the UNXG Incident Type at the appropriate location in the object list, as shownin the following dialog.

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    5. Create new conditions for the new object in the appropriate location, as shown in the

    following illustration.

    Note:All the tables, classes, objects, and conditions from the linked ITSM

    universe appear in gray, and they are disabled. The new tables, classes, objects,and conditions appear in black, and they can be edited.

    Updating the linked universe to include a new form

    Use the procedures in this section to update the linked universe to include either a

    new form added to an underlying BMC Remedy IT Service Managementapplication or an existing form that was not previously included in the universe.

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    The first procedure in this section details how to update the universe to include

    the additional form added to the HPD_Help_Desk table, and the second proceduredetails how to include the auditing details in the universe for the HPD_Help_Desk


    To add a new form to the linked universe

    This procedure addresses a scenario where a new TaskGroup tab with fields TaskGroup Name and Primary Contact have been added to the Incident Request

    Information page.

    Since the new form was added into HPD:Help Desk, HPD_Help_Desk table willbe altered with new database columns for Task Group Name and Primary contact

    as shown below.

    1. Import the ITSM-UnxGlobal Universe.

    2. Add the new Task Group Name text field as an object in the appropriate location.

    3. Add a new derived table for the new Primary contact field so that the enumerated

    values can be retrieved.

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    4. Create a new join between the HPD_Primarycontact form and the

    HPD_HELP_DESK form as shown in the diagram below:

    5. Add a new UNXG Incident Task Group sub class under the Incident class and

    include the new UNXG Primary Contact and UNXG Task Group objects in this

    sub class.

    6. Save the universe.

    To include the auditing details in the universe for the HPD_Help_Desk


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    A log-style audit records data from the mainform into a logform. The log form is

    a regular form that serves as the destination for data audited in the main form. Ifthe log form does not exist, it is created by the BMC Remedy AR System server.

    The log form resides on the same server as the main form. When you configure a

    main form for a log-style audit, you specify a name for the log form. When a main

    form is audited, BMC Remedy AR System copies values from the main form to atext field in the log form.

    The following dialog illustrates how the auditing feature is enabled for theIncident form. When the auditing feature is enabled, a log form name is

    generated. The log form name will be used in the procedure to update the

    universe, so you should make note of this name.

    The following procedure provides instructions for modifying the universe toinclude the details on the auditing for the HPD_Help_Desk form.

    To modify the linked universe to include the form auditing details

    1. Import the ITSM-UnxGlobal Universe.

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    2. Launch the table browser by selecting Insert > Tables, and locate the audit form

    table HPD_HelpDesk_AuditLogSystem in the list. Select the table and click

    Insertto add it to the logical model of the universe.

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    3. Create a derived table named UNXG_HelpDesk_AuditLogReport that contains

    the SQL expression provided below the following dialog.

    Sel ect di st i nct ' St at us' as Fi el dChanged,subst r i ng( l og1, 8, char i ndex(char ( 10) , l og1, 1) - 7) as l ogchanged, r equest _i d, submi t t er , creat e_dat e, assi gned_t o, modi f i ed_dat e,or i gi nal _request _i d, audi t _dat e, user _x, st at usf rom( sel ect substr i ng( l og, chari ndex( ' St at us: ' , l og, 1) ,

    l en( conver t ( var char ( 3000) , l og) ) ) l og1, r equest _i d, submi t t er , creat e_dat e, assi gned_t o, modi f i ed_dat e,or i gi nal _request _i d, audi t _dat e, user _x, st at usf r omhpd_hel pdesk_audi t l ogsystemwhere l og l i ke ' %St atus%' ) a

    uni on

    sel ect di st i nct ' Resol ut i on' as Fi el dChanged,subst r i ng( l og1, 12, chari ndex( char( 10) , l og1, 1) - 11) as l ogchanged, r equest _i d, submi t t er , creat e_dat e, assi gned_t o, modi f i ed_dat e,or i gi nal _request _i d, audi t _dat e, user _x, st at usf rom( sel ect substr i ng( l og, chari ndex( ' Resol ut i on: ' , l og, 1) ,l en( conver t ( var char ( 3000) , l og) ) ) l og1, r equest _i d, submi t t er , creat e_dat e, assi gned_t o, modi f i ed_dat e,or i gi nal _request _i d, audi t _dat e, user _x, st at us

    f r omhpd_hel pdesk_audi t l ogsystemwhere l og l i ke ' %Resol ut i on%' ) a

    uni on

    sel ect di sti nct ' Pr i or i t y' as Fi el dChanged,subst r i ng( l og1, 10, chari ndex( char( 10) , l og1, 1) - 9) as l ogchanged, r equest _i d, submi t t er , creat e_dat e, assi gned_t o, modi f i ed_dat e,or i gi nal _request _i d, audi t _dat e, user _x, st at usf rom(sel ect substr i ng( l og, char i ndex( ' Pr i or i t y: ' , l og, 1) ,l en( conver t ( var char ( 3000) , l og) ) ) l og1

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    , r equest _i d, submi t t er , creat e_dat e, assi gned_t o, modi f i ed_dat e,or i gi nal _request _i d, audi t _dat e, user _x, st at usf r omhpd_hel pdesk_audi t l ogsystemwher e l og l i ke ' %Pr i or i t y%' ) a

    uni on

    sel ect di st i nct ' Assi gnee' as Fi el dChanged,

    subst r i ng( l og1, 10, chari ndex( char( 10) , l og1, 1) - 9) as l ogchanged, r equest _i d, submi t t er , creat e_dat e, assi gned_t o, modi f i ed_dat e,or i gi nal _request _i d, audi t _dat e, user _x, st at usf rom( sel ect substr i ng( l og, chari ndex( ' Assi gnee: ' , l og, 1) ,l en( conver t ( var char ( 3000) , l og) ) ) l og1, r equest _i d, submi t t er , creat e_dat e, assi gned_t o, modi f i ed_dat e,or i gi nal _request _i d, audi t _dat e, user _x, st at usf r omhpd_hel pdesk_audi t l ogsystemwhere l og l i ke ' %Assi gnee%' ) a

    4. Create a join between the Original Request Id from the

    UNXG_HelpDesk_AuditLogReport and the Incident number in

    HPD_HELP_DESK, as shown below.

    5. Create a new subclass called UNXG Incident Auditlogsystem under the IncidentManagement class.

    6. Create all of the objects and conditions related to the

    UNXG_HelpDesk_AuditLogReport table and include them in the new UNXG

    Incident Auditlogsystem subclass.

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    7. Save and export the universe.

    Enabling time-based trending on a new field added to thelinked universe

    The procedure in this section addresses a scenario where a new date field has been

    added to the BMC Remedy Incident Management application, and so it must beadded to the linked universe as well. So that time-based trending can be reported

    on this field, you must also add an alias to it. Customer has a requirement to add a

    new alias to an existing table in the universe for the purpose of reporting.

    In the following dialog, the new date field Cancelled Date has been added to the

    BMC Remedy Incident Management application.

    1. Import the ITSM-UnxGlobal Universe.

    2. In the logical model (right pane), select the ANA_FISCAL_CALENDAR table

    and click Insert > Alias.

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    3. In the Alias dialog, enter a table name of


    4. Create a complex join between the Request_ID field of the alias


    Entry_ID field of the HPD_HELP_DESK table, and the join expression provided

    below the following dialog.

    i snul l ( ( HPD_HELP_DESK. Cancel l ed_Dat e + datedi f f ( ss, get ut cdate( ) ,getdate()))- ( HPD_HELP_DESK. Cancel l ed_Date +datedi f f ( ss, get utcdat e( ) , get date( ) ) ) %86400, 99) =UNXG_I NCI DENT_CANCELLED_DATE_DI MENSI ONS. Dat e_Val ue

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    Page 32BMC Software, Inc., Confidential

    5. Create a subclass under the Incident LifeCycle Dates class and name it UNXG

    Incident Cancelled Date Dimensions.

    6. Create all the date-related objects that are related to the


    them in the UNXG Incident Cancelled Date Dimensions subclass.

    7. Export the universe.

    Creating a new condition on an existing object in the linked


    The procedure in this section provides instructions for creating a new condition on

    an existing object in the linked universe. The procedure addresses a scenariowhere you are adding the conditions of Open and In Progress Incidents on the

    Status object in the Incident class.

    1. Import the ITSM-UnxGlobal universe.

    2. Click the Condition radio button at the bottom of the user model, as show below.

    3. Select the Incident class, right-click, and select Conditionfrom the context menu.

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    4. In the Edit Properties dialog, create a new condition named UNXG Open and

    InProgress Incidents.

    5. Click the button >> next to the Where box and define the condition as shown below.

    In this scenario, we are creating a condition on the existing Status (of Incident).

    6. Click Parse, and ensure that parsing is successful.

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    7. The new condition is added to the universe with the following definition.

    Creating a new hierarchy using the objects from the ITSM

    universe and the linked universe

    Use the procedure in this section to create a new hierarchy that includes objectsfrom the master universe and the linked universe. The procedure address ascenario where a new UNXG Incident Impacted Areas hierarchy is created that

    includes objects from the ITSM universe and the ITSM-UnxGlobal universe.

    1. Import the ITSM-UnxGlobal universe.

    2. Select Tools > Hierarchies.

    3. In the Hierarchy Editor, create a new hierarchy that can be used to include the objects

    from the master universe. Click New, and name the hierarchy UNXG Incident

    Impacted Areas. The new hierarchy appears at the bottom of the Custom Hierarchies


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    4. In the Default Hierarchies list, navigate to the Incident Impacted Areas class, select

    the objects, and click Add to move them to the new UNXG Incident Impacted Areas

    hierarchy. Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons to move the objects in the

    custom hierarchy.

    5. Create a new hierarchy from the default hierarchy of the liked universe and master

    universe by clicking New and naming the hierarchy UNXG Incident Task. Select

    objects from the default hierarchy of Master Universe (Incident Management Task)

    from left hand side and click Add>>.

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    You can use the Move Up or Move Down button to move the objects up or down in the

    custom hierarchy.

    Upgrading the ITSM universe

    When new versions and patches are available, there should be a clear and seamless

    process to upgrade the universe that is in your environment. Using the linked universe

    feature allows customers to upgrade their universe and reports seamlessly.

    This section describes the steps that need to be performed when a new version of the

    ITSM universe becomes available. The process involves three parts: backing up the

    universe, upgrading the product, then validating the universe.

    Backing up the linked universe and reports

    The procedure in this section presents the high-level steps for creating a backup of

    the ITSM-UnxGlobal universe and reports using the Import Wizard. Detailedinstructions for this task are provided in the BMC Analytics for BSM installation


    1. Launch the SAP BusinessObjects Import Wizard.

    2. Using the panels in the Import Wizard, perform the following steps.

    a. Select the ITSM-UnxGlobal universe.b. Select the language.

    c. Select the source environment.

    d. Select the target BIAR location and file name.

    e. Select the repository objects to back up / import.

    f. Select the application folders and objects.

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    g. Specify the import options for universes and connections.

    3. At the conclusion of the backup (import), a Detail Log dialog is displayed toreport the status. If you see the message Export successful, the backup was

    completed successfully. Click OKto close the dialog.

    Upgrading the BMC Analytics for BSM product

    The procedure in this section includes high-level steps for upgrading the product.

    SeeBMC Analytics for BSM Installation and Administration Guidefor more

    detailed instructions.

    1. Download the version of the BMC Analytics for BSM product to the computer wherethe upgrade will be performed.

    2. Uninstall the previous version of the BMC Analytics for BSM product, and removethe universe, connection, and reports. Remove the ANA_Fiscal_Calendar form if you

    are connected to BMC Remedy AR System.

    3. If you integrated BMC Analytics for BSM 7.6.01 with BMC Atrium SSO, disable theTomcat service and delete the BMC Atrium SSO web agent from the BMC Atrium

    SSO server.

    4. Install the new version of the BMC Analytics for BSM product .

    5. Load the ANA_FISCAL_CALENDAR table.

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    Reestablishing the universe link and validating the upgrade

    The procedure in this section includes steps for reestablishing the universe link

    and validating the upgrade.

    1. Using the Universe Designer tool, import the ITSM-UnxGlobal universe.

    2. Select Edit > Links.

    3. In the Links tab of the Universe Parameters dialog, click Add Link.

    4. In the Universe to Link dialog, select ITSM.unvand click Open.

    5. Export the ITSM-UnxGlobal universe.

    6. Validate the order of the objects in the linked universe and reorder the objects within

    the class if necessary.

    When moving existing objects, do not change the class to which they belong as this

    will invalidate the reports that are using these objects.

    7. If there are conflicts in the names of classes, objects, conditions, or tables, update the

    names as appropriate so that the universe is in a valid state. For example, you may

    have to rename objects that have been named as object_name(1).

    8. Refresh all of the preconfigured and custom reports which use objects from the

    master and linked universe to make sure they are all valid and returning the right


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