CUSTOMER CENTRICITY - Novabase · 2018-09-21 · Customer centricity why it matters? 01 What does...

Customer centricity why it matters? CUSTOMER CENTRICITY WHY IT MATTERS? WHITE PAPER NOVABASE 2017 © Strictly Confidential Information. All Rights Reserved.

Transcript of CUSTOMER CENTRICITY - Novabase · 2018-09-21 · Customer centricity why it matters? 01 What does...

  • Customer centricity why it matters?



    NOVABASE 2017 ©Strictly Confidential Information.All Rights Reserved.

  • Customer centricity why it matters?


    • Why it is so important to design business strategiesaround customers

    • Understand the main obstacles for customer centric relationships

    • What are the options to become customer centric




    • CIOs

    • CTOs

    • CEO

    • Heads of digital transformation

    • IT Architects



  • Customer centricity why it matters?

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  • Customer centricity why it matters?

    01 What does “customer centric” mean? 05

    02 Obstacles 072.1 The way organisations are structured 07

    2.2. Business strategy 08

    2.3. IT Legacy systems and architecture 10

    03 How to get there 123.1. Design principles 12

    3.2. Architecture 15



  • Customer centricity why it matters?


    Being “customer centric” will mean

    different things to different organisations.

    For some, it will be enough having a

    consolidated dashboard with customer

    information, others will focus everything

    they do around customers, placing

    ultimate value on customer experience.

    If we take the customer’s perspective and

    focus “customer centric” around the

    customer’s expectations, we have:

    Aspects of customer experience







    • Customers expect to be consistently

    treated in every interaction with your

    services & products. Consistency is much

    more than knowing the customer’s name

    and having the same information available

    on all channels (although this helps a lot). It

    is fundamental that you design the

    experience you would like your customers

    to have, whenever and however he/she

    contacts you or uses your services.

    • People expect their bank to know a lot

    about them – banks are handling their

    money after all - they have a perception

    of their value to their bank, and expect to

    be treated accordingly. Additionally, they

    expect banks to offer them products and

    services that are tailored for them, based on

    the information available about them, from

    every possible source (including social).


  • Customer centricity why it matters?

    Banking should become a lifestyle

    choice and be present when needed,

    not some place where you keep your


    • In the age of internet everything needs

    to happen NOW. The timing for an

    offer is as important as the offer itself –

    sometimes more. Thus, customer

    experience is strongly connected on

    your ability to propose to customers

    what they need when they need it AND

    immediately making it available to them.

    • Customers also expect a reliable

    experience. They expect zero system

    outages, 24/7 service, every time,

    everywhere. It is very difficult to

    achieve this with the legacy IT

    infrastructure since when it was

    designed, 40+ years ago, there were no

    such challenges.

    • Wow! is intimately related with

    insightful. People want to have positive

    surprises and if you can consistently

    provide customers with new features,

    capabilities and insightful offers this will

    go a long way in building brand loyalty.

    This is a very strong point for most


    • Finally, customers want to have an

    engaging experience. They expect their

    mobile app to be easy to use, that you

    don’t ask for information that you

    already have, that the design keeps

    them interested in using the app, that

    their relationship manager, call-center

    operator or bank’s partner are also part

    of this engaging experience. This is

    again related with the design of the

    customer experience.

    Banks need to decide what “customer

    centric” means to them, and design a

    strategy to get there. In fact, the

    aforementioned “customer centric”

    requirements are very much aligned with

    the “digital transformation” requirements.

    There is no point in doing a digital

    transformation if, in the end, you are not

    providing your customers a better



  • Customer centricity why it matters?


    One of the most challenging aspects of

    creating software to support customer

    experience and digital transformation, is to

    know who you should be talking to within

    an organisation. Is it the CTO, the COO,

    the head of digital transformation, the

    head of marketing, the CIO, maybe all of


    Most banks are structured around

    business units – departments for credit,

    cards, collections, collateral, risk, etc. For a

    bank, it makes sense to organize it this

    way since:

    • These are almost self-contained units

    that handle specific businesses within

    your business.

    • There is specialized business knowledge

    required for the operation of these


    • There are specialized IT systems

    required to operate these units. These

    systems are built on top of the

    prevalent organisation and therefore are

    both a cause and effect of the

    underlying business structure.

    This structure is just fine when looking

    inwards into your organisation. However,

    it becomes a severe obstacle when looking

    outwards. If these aspects of your

    organisation are perceived from the

    outside (your customers) the results are:


    There are three main obstacle areas on the way of becoming a customer centric


    1. The way your organisation is structured

    2. Business strategy

    3. IT Legacy systems and architecture


  • Customer centricity why it matters?

    • Lack of consistency: each business unit

    can, and will, have different rules,

    requirements, compliance, timelines and

    communication skills resulting in differ-

    ent experiences for your customers

    depending on the product, offer, or

    service being sought.

    • Lack of insight: each business unit “sees”

    a slice of the customer and no one

    “knows” the person that is dealing with

    the bank. This is also a reason why the

    Wow! factor will be very difficult to


    • It will be difficult and expensive to build

    engaging, well designed, customer

    experiences since multiple parties, with

    sometimes conflicting requirements, will

    have to work together and agree on the

    digital experience that the bank wants

    customers to perceive, for complex

    (multiple business units) business


    You may argue that it is up to the

    relationship manager, your home banking or

    your mobile app to know, and assemble one

    reality for your customers. This is however

    much more difficult than it seems:

    • Relationship managers are not for

    everyone and, as part of your cost

    cutting strategy, you want to close

    branches and have less of them. Not


    • The training and know-how required to

    understand and operate with all the

    different areas within a bank are

    significant (and costly) making it difficult

    to replace, outsource or acquire new


    • Mobile apps and home banking systems

    are built on top of your legacy systems.

    Legacy systems are themselves built in

    silos, and therefore you won’t be able to

    easily build fluid, well designed, customer

    focused experiences on top of legacy.

    2.2 BUSINESS STRATEGYBusiness strategy can be summarized by

    the answers an organisation can provide

    to these questions:

    Where are you placing customer

    experience within your business strategy?

    Is it core, or an afterthought?

    Have you considered how your business

    would look like if you closed 90% of your

    branches within 10 years? Would it be the

    same business? Can you do it without

    losing your valuable customers and



  • Customer centricity why it matters?

    What is the purpose of a branch? Is it a

    place where customers go for

    “transactions” or where you do “sales”.

    Are you planning to change the way your

    organisation is structured for digital


    Do you have a “Customer experience” or

    “Digital Transformation” officer that is

    empowered to lead and has a corre-

    sponding budget?

    These, and other similar questions,

    determine if you have a business strategy

    that focuses on customer experience and

    digital transformation, or if your

    organisation is in business-as-usual mode

    with an afterthought on digital transfor-

    mation and customer experience.



    Banking IT is usually the target of “choice”

    when looking for a department to blame

    for lack of progress on digital

    transformation and customer experience.

    It is easy to blame legacy systems, their

    poorly documented complexity or the cost

    and risk of massive IT transformation for

    lack of progress in these areas. Banking, is

    by nature risk averse, especially if the

    venture ahead has huge risk of ending

    badly, and is unlikely to provide the

    promised returns.

    In fact, most banks have been doing a very

    decent job in providing access to their 40+

    years, COBOL based systems thru multiple

    channels, with decent reliability, security

    and performance levels. What they cannot

    do, is change the nature of the business

    these systems were designed to perform,

    when dealing with complex, multichannel,

    customer journeys. The following diagram

    depicts this scenario:


  • Customer centricity why it matters?

    This diagram depicts a reality that most

    banks will be able to recognize:

    1. Multiple channels consuming simple

    transactions (query customer, query

    balance, transfer from A to B, …)

    provided by a corporate Enterprise

    Service Bus.

    2. Some simple transactions are widely

    re-used, while others are tailored to

    specific channels resulting in multiple

    versions of the same SOA service for

    different clients.

    3. Legacy application screens are used

    directly by end-users, forcing them to

    use multiple applications for complex

    tasks (i.e. mortgage, ...). This also

    creates an obstacle for sharing with

    customers since these systems are not

    ready for sharing.

    4. Social is an afterthought. There may be

    a department within marketing looking

    at people’s opinions about the bank,

    but social is not considered a “proper”

    banking channel.

    5. There are multiple channel systems

    (internal and external), developed in

    different technologies and platforms

    that (may) share design and re-use

    some of the existing services. These

    channels will have duplicated parts of

    the business logic and product rules to

    allow for faster response times, but

    create a huge maintenance bottleneck.

    6. There is an Enterprise Service Bus (and

    maybe a BPM), that is used to build

    SOA services over the legacy systems,

    a gateway to the core, a

    security/authentication framework,

    and a few more core components that

    allow transactions to be exposed to

    channels. There may be the occasional

    “composite” service that accesses

    information in more than one legacy

    system, or even rarer, a service that

    updates more than one system in real-

    time. For complex processes with,

    sometimes one of the core systems is

    primed to be the master for this

    transaction and point-to-point

    interfaces are created between legacy


    7. Core legacy systems are built using

    technology from the 70s/80s,

    sometimes with specific gateways and

    modules allowing their integration in

    the current context. Business logic is all

    over the place, mixing business

    validations, product validations and

    rules, with compliance, product pricing

    and data input controls. They are

    seriously difficult and expensive to

    change, maintain and upgrade and

    there is a large set of customisations

    built around them to compensate for

    this. 24/7 availability for customer use

    or real-time capabilities are non-

    existent or have stringent limitations.


  • Customer centricity why it matters?

    In this architecture, there is little room for

    “customer centric” or complex customer

    journeys designed to meet customer’s

    expectations. This is an architecture built

    for data processing, with nightly jobs and

    off-line periods related with branch

    working hours:

    • There is no end-to-end representation

    of a customer entity. Customers can

    have a score, but their information is

    scattered between different systems

    and different accounts, depending on

    their product portfolio.

    • There is no end-to-end representation

    of a customer journey with all

    associated data. Once the customer

    uses one channel, information about

    what he has done there is not

    automatically available in all channels.

    You cannot pickup from where you left,

    you lose all input data.

    • Your internal branch systems are a

    window to the legacy systems. Branch

    systems are not considered part of the

    customer experience, and relationship

    managers are unaware of what

    customers are doing with the bank for

    the 99% of the time they are using the

    on-line channels.

    • There is little or no re-use of business

    logic and validations across channels.

    • There is no concept of public “Open

    APIs” required for PSD2, and later on

    for possible extensions, including

    scenarios where Banking and customer

    ownership are decoupled. In this

    scenario Fintech’s “own” the customer

    and shop around different entities for

    the best banking products in each area

    (deposits, cards, loans, …) fully

    deconstructing the banking business. In

    some financial services areas, this trend

    has already started.


  • Customer centricity why it matters?


    There is no single path that leads to

    customer centricity. Different combinations

    of business and IT strategy leading to

    different results.

    Additionally, not many Banks will drastically

    change their current strategy to become

    overnight digital banks. This is doable but

    not for the faint-hearted. It is however,

    fundamental that Banks define a medium

    and preferably long-term strategy with

    committed funds and staffing, or risk being

    caught off-guard by Fintech’s, their current

    competitors with better plans, or even

    something new that no one anticipated.

    Novabase’s top-down-transformation paper

    presents possible roadmap options for

    digital transformation that can be focused

    around customer centricity requirements

    and strategy.

    Additionally, it is fundamental to consider

    the limitations imposed by the current IT

    Legacy systems and architecture, and find

    ways to, without going through a major big-

    bang transformation project, create the

    required end-to-end customer journeys,



  • Customer centricity why it matters?

    Going back to the “Customer Centric”

    diagram (above), let’s look at the

    requirements from two different

    perspectives, the customer’s and the

    bank’s internal organisation:







    Consistent “Looking Out”

    • Consistent means that all channels

    (non-assisted and assisted) share

    customer information, customer

    journeys, business logic and

    products. Today’s “standard”

    banking architecture is not able to

    seamlessly provide these capa-

    bilities. This implies that a new

    transversal architecture layer is

    required, that is dedicated to

    providing the best customer

    experience, and allows for

    consistent behaviour and infor-

    mation, journey start/stop, API

    openness, shared business logic,

    ability to support swift changes

    and quickly deploy them live, AND

    is able to integrate with and

    abstract as much as possible the

    underlying complexity of the

    legacy architecture.

    reusable business logic, open APIs, and

    transversal customer representation that

    will, with time, allow the organisation to

    focus on individual customer value,

    tailored offers, openness, interoperability,

    and seamless journeys that are tailored for

    each individual customer.


  • Customer centricity why it matters?

    Consistent “Looking In”

    • Consistent means that your

    organisation is able to cooperate in the

    design of customer centric journeys,

    allows for the progressive

    implementation of a business focused

    digital transformation and enables low

    maintenance and development costs.

    Insightful “Looking Out”

    • Insightful means that you are able to

    tailor customer experience, products

    and offers using customer insights from

    Big Data, Analytics and Artificial

    Intelligence to understand, tailor and

    deliver personalized products, offers

    and journeys. The mechanisms required

    for consistency and Insightfulness are

    also fundamental for timeliness. If you

    know your customer and have

    processes to handle his/her requests

    you can also design those processes to

    have the right timing to deliver an

    insightful customer experience.

    Insightful “Looking In”

    • Data gathered from customer journeys,

    machine learning, social networks and

    analytics can be used to drive business

    and investment decisions. “Let the data

    guide you” is the motto. Additionally,

    the new data generated by the end-to-

    end customer perspective can be used

    to improve the way the organisation

    reacts to customers and markets,

    resulting in a more agile and versatile



    • There are two main sources for lack of

    reliability: inadequate design & bad

    operation. Expecting a system to be

    consistently reliable (as measured by

    the availability expected by your

    customers) outside its design window

    by tweaking a design done 40+ years

    ago with completely different

    objectives, will often result in

    compromised reliability or availability.

    The introduction of a new architecture

    layer abstracting many of the customer

    facing roles, will enable new

    perspectives on how to design and

    operate focusing on today’s customer

    reliability and availability needs.

    Wow! and Engaging

    • If we combine the ability to design the

    customer experience with insightfulness

    about the customer’s lifestyle and

    expectations, and the ability to change

    this experience at will with a creative

    marketing team and a customer focused

    business strategy we have all the

    ingredients required to surprise and

    engage customers.

    14Customer centricity why it matters?

  • Customer centricity why it matters?



    The focus of the proposed architecture is to

    decouple customer experience from data

    processing. A new architecture “layer” is

    introduced that abstracts existing

    integrations and data, and combines them

    with workflow capabilities and rules engines

    to create a new set of business focused

    APIs that are then made available to ALL

    channels (regardless of being internal or


    From this, a new incremental architecture

    paradigm is created with the following main


    • Decoupling of the customer experience

    from legacy systems, allowing for better

    flow, and new capabilities.

    • Decoupling the customer experience

    from front-end channels, allowing for

    design-once deploy-everywhere, enhanc-

    ing reusability and end-to-end customer

    experience design.

    • Smart, integrated data caching allows for

    better performance and response times.

    Changing, upgrading or enhancing the

    customer experience can be done by

    changing customer journey definitions.

    • End-to-end customer experience design

    becomes a common language for

    business and IT to interact and

    cooperate. By exposing APIs and not

    channels, re-use, consistency, security

    and performance are easier to control

    AND the organisation is not forced into a

    major redesign of the existing channels.

    • Can be progressively introduced one

    business process at a time, creating new

    avenues for the Bank’s digital transfor-

    mation strategy.

    • Since customer experience is now

    controlled from a single place, it easier to

    visualize, control, analyse and enhance.

    • Removes complexity from legacy systems

    by avoiding the need for the introduction

    of customisations to cater for channel


  • Customer centricity why it matters?

    ABOUT NOVABASEWith almost 30 years of experience,

    supporting business transformation and

    implementing complex projects around the

    world, Novabase’s team has been assisting

    the Financial Services sector and

    delivering results with specialized finance


    Novabase has become Portugal´s leader in

    IT. It is listed on Euronext Lisbon stock

    exchange since 2000 and is part of the PSI

    20 and Euronext Tech 40 indices.

    Novabase Services and Products cover

    Financial Services, Telecommunications,

    Government, Transport & Energy

    industries. With three business lines,

    namely Business Solutions, Neotalent and

    Venture Capital, we cover 40 countries in

    4 continents.

    [email protected]

    04 CONCLUSIONThis paper justifies the need for banks to

    focus on customer centricity and digital

    transformation, providing an overview of

    the different perspectives on why this is

    so important for their future. It also

    highlights obstacle areas and provides the

    overview of the principles and solution

    design to enable customer experience to

    become a central part of a Bank’s day-to-

    day business without incurring in the huge

    risk and cost of a full big-bang digital


    16Customer centricity why it matters?