CURS2 - Formatting Workspace

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Transcript of CURS2 - Formatting Workspace

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    Formatting Workspace Feature

    In Excel worksheet there is two different formattingtypes, as follows:

    1. Visual formatting that includes the classical

    formatting features (fonts, colors and patterns, fontstyles, borders, aligning sorts etc.);

    2. Numeric data formatting that points out the

    manner in which Excel stores, displays andcalculates the numeric data contained from the


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    Formatting Workspace.Formatting number characters

    Formatting Toolbar

    Format menuCells commandNumber tab

    Currency numberformat


    Euro currencyformat

    Digit groupingsymbol




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    FormatCells Number





    Number ofdecimal places


    Add or remove thethousands

    separator in anumber

    (greater than 999)

    Descriptionof selected


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    Worksheet Formatting Techniques.Format categories

    The General Format is the default number format. For the most part,

    numbers formatted with the General format are displayed just the waywe entered them. However, if the cell is not wide enough to show the

    entire number, the General format rounds numbers with decimals or

    uses scientific notation for large numbers.

    The Number Format category contains options for:

    displaying numbers in integer;

    displaying decimal numbers(select between 1 and 30 decimals by

    typing or scrolling to the value in the Decimal Places box);

    displaying negative numbers(select an option from the Negative

    Numbers list to display negative numbers preceded by a minus sign,

    numbers in red, or both in red and with a minus sign;

    selecting thousand separatorsoption to add points between

    hundreds and thousands, between thousands and millions and so on.

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    Worksheet Formatting Techniques.Format categories

    The Currency Format is similar to the Number format, except that

    instead of selecting the thousands separator (which accompanies allcurrency formats by default), we can select which currency symbol

    precedes or trails the number.

    We can choose from thedrop-down list of more

    than 250 worldwide

    currency symbols

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    Worksheet Formatting Techniques.Format categories

    The Scientific Format is usually used to display the numbers inexponential notation, actually, to display either the very large

    numbers, or, on the contrary, the very small ones.

    The number in scientific formatcontains the symbol E

    representing the exponent

    code in a section

    The number thatwe enter into the

    current cell

    This expression consists inmultiply the number 9,42 by 10

    to the ninth power(10 times itself 9 times)

    We can also use the Scientific format to display the very smallnumbers, in this case, using a minus sign after the symbol E.

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    Worksheet Formatting Techniques.Format categories

    Applying the Text Format to a cell indicates that the entry into thecell will be treat as usual text, even if it is a number. For all practical

    purposes, a numeric constant formatted as text is still considered a

    number, because Excel is capable of recognizing its numeric value.

    However, if we apply the Text format to a cell that contains a formula,that formula will be considered a text and will be displayed as such in

    the current cell.

    The numeric value is normally rightaligned in the current cell, but

    when we apply the Text format tothe cell containing a number, the

    value will be left aligned, even if is

    a numeric entry

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    Creating Custom FormatsTo create a custom number format using the special formatting

    codes, we must choose the Custom category from the FormatCells dialog box (Number tab). From the Typelist we select the

    built-in format that most closely resembles the custom format

    we want to create.

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    Custom Format Codes

    Symbol Meaning

    0 This symbol allows to display the leading zeros (extra zeros) on each side ofthe decimal point.

    # This symbol works like 0, except that leading zeros do not appear if thenumber has fewer digits on either side of the decimal point than number of

    symbols specified in the format.

    () $ - + /

    spaceThese symbols allows to type these characters directly into the custom format.

    . This symbol is used like a thousands separator. If the format contains anumber greater than 999, Excel uses points to separate hundreds from

    thousands, thousands from millions, and so on.

    text In any custom format, a textwill be always specified between two quotation-


    * Repeats the next character in the format enough times to fill the column


    @ If the cell contains text, this symbol inserts that text in the format where thesymbol appears.

    [color] This format code allows to change the color of an entry, by typing the nameof the new color in the brackets.

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    Custom formatted number





    Custom Format Codes. Examples

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    Creating Four-Part Formats





    In Excel worksheet we can create a general expression for the

    custom formats, specifying the completely different formats forthe positive number, negative number, null value and text

    value, separating these portions by semicolons.The General Custom Format

    is entered on the Typebox

    Note: to hide values in a worksheet, assign a null format to them.To create a null format, enter only the semicolon separator for that

    portion of the format. For example:

    #.##0,00;; hides negative and zero values

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    FormatCells Date



    The numeric value is normally

    right aligned in the current cell,

    but if we apply the Text format tothe cell, the value will be left

    aligned, even if is a text entry

    The Location list box allowsto select from more than

    120 different locations with

    unique special formats

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    FormatCells Date

    Note: In European format (the default format in this instance),entering a date using an American format, will certainly

    generate a text data (a non-numeric information), that will be

    automatically aligned at left within current cell.

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    Codes for creating the CUSTOM DATE

    We create a custom date format by typing the

    appropriate codes in the Typebox

    Date Custom





    Regarding the last two-digit of year number from the date format,

    there is an agreement: if the last two-digit of year number arecomprised between 0 and 29 (including 29), then the year belong

    the 21th century, otherwise, if that two number are greater or equal

    than 30, in this case, the year will belong the 20th century (for

    example, the abbreviation 27 means 2027, while 45 means 1945).

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    Advanced Formatting and Editing TechniquesApplying Conditional Format

    The conditional formatting feature represents a format that Excelautomatically applies to cells, if a specified condition is true.

    To apply conditional formatting to cells, follow these steps:

    1. Select the cell or range of cells you want to format

    2. Choose the Conditional Formatting Command from the Format

    menu (the Conditional Formatting dialog box will be displayed

    on the screen)

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    Advanced Formatting and Editing TechniquesApplying Conditional Format

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    FormatConditional Formatting

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    Format Conditional Formatting

    To remove one or more conditions, we have topress the Delete button, and then from a dialog

    box, well select the check box for the conditionswe want to delete.

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    FormatConditional Formatting

    Formatting fonts

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    Formatting fonts.Format menuCells commandFont tab

    Font Type

    Font Size


    Italic Underline

    Font Color

    To apply some font format attributes for any Excel data (like

    typeface, point size, color), we have two possibilities: either

    using the appropriate buttons and boxes from the Formattingtoolbar, or using the formatting attributes from the FormatCells dialog box(Font tab) to apply other attributes that dont

    appear on the toolbar.

    On the Font tab we can assign typefaces, character styles,

    sizes (from 8 up to 72 points), colors, underline styles and somewriting effects.

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    By default, all the worksheet data have a standard font and also

    a standard size (Arial font and 10 points). If we want to apply any

    other attributes we must choose the options command from theTools menu, and then we must click the General tab.

    Note: We must restart Microsoft Excel to begin using the newfont and font size. These attributes are used only in the new

    workbooks we create after we restart Microsoft Excel, while the

    existing workbooks are not affected at all.

    S l ti Ali t i F tti t lb

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    Selecting Alignment using Formatting toolbar orAlignment tab in the Format Cells dialog box

    Merge and Center

    Align Right


    Align Left

    Rotating Text using theDegrees spinner

    Merging Cells into one

    Wrapping Textusing the

    Multiline Feature

    Shrinking Text to Fitin Cell

    Aligning Text Horizontallyand Vertically

    Indenting Cell Contents

    Controlling Text


    We can select Align Left, Center, Align Right or Merge and

    Center by simply clicking the corresponding buttons on the

    Formatting toolbar.

    Customizing Borders and Applying

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    Borders and Patterns can be devices for defining areas in

    the workspace or for drawing attention to important cells.We can apply many combinations of border formats using

    the Borders button on the Formatting toolbar and, also, wecan use the Fill Color button to display a palette from which

    we can select the wished color.If we need more border settings we must choose the Cells

    command from the Format menu, and then click the Bordertab in the Format Cells dialog box.

    Customizing Borders and Applying

    Colors and Patterns

    L ki d Hidi k h t ll

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    Locking and Hiding worksheet cells

    Initially, Excel locks (protects) all the worksheet cells, but that protection is actuallydisabled until we proceed to activate the global protection (by selecting the Protect sheet

    command from Tools menu). Locking cells and, also, hiding formulas has not effect at allunless the current worksheet is protected. Before we protect a worksheet:

    select the cells you want to keep unlocked (usually, we need to protect especially thecells containing the formulas or Excel functions, but also we want to leave particular

    cells unlocked so that necessary data can be entered without unlocking the entire sheet)

    choose Format menu, Cells command and click the Protection tab

    clear the Locked check box

    Protecting/Unprotecting Worksheet

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    Protecting/Unprotecting WorksheetTo activate the worksheet global protection, we must choose

    from the drop-down Tools menu the Protection submenu,

    followed by the Protect Sheetcommand.

    When we choose the Protect

    Sheet command, optional we canassign a password that must beused to disable anytime the global

    protection .

    The protection status we specify applies to the current

    worksheet only. After protection is enabled, we cannot

    change a locked item. Still if we try to do this, Excel willautomatically display an error message into a dialog box.

    In fact, after we assign a password, there is no way to

    unprotect the worksheet without it and, in addition, we must

    also remember the capitalization matter (the password arecase-sensitive, so it makes difference between using the

    uppercase or the lowercase characters.

    Unprotecting Worksheet: Tools menu, Protection

    submenu,UnProtect Sheetcommand.

    S l ti P t ti

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    Selective Protection

    If we need to make a selective protection in the current worksheet,

    we must apply an another worksheet protection feature: Allowinga Password Access to specific the Cell Ranges, a featurethatconsists in using different passwords to provide a selective access

    to specific areas of a protected worksheet.

    This Excel feature involves the following steps: Select the range of cells for which we want to apply a password

    access for editing data

    Make the settings for selective protection from the Allow Usersto Edit Ranges dialog box (that is displayed by choosing the

    Allow Users to Edit Rangescommand from the Protection

    submenu, Toolsmenu.

    All i P d A t ifi

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    Allowing a Password Access to specific

    the Cell Ranges

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    Selective protection

    The access restrictions take effect

    only after we proceed to protectthe current worksheet

    Hidi W k h t F l

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    Hiding Worksheet Formulas

    select the range of cells that contain formulas or Excel functions

    Format menuCells commandProtection tabHidden

    check box

    activate the worksheet global protection, by choosing theProtect Sheet command from Tools menu.

    The formula remains hidden in the Formula bareven when we select the cell B36

    the formula remains still functional

    the formula is hidden only from view

    the result of this formula is still visible in the current cell

    Protecting Workbooks

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    Protecting WorkbooksToolsProtectionProtect Workbook

    Choosing the Protect Workbook command we can:

    1. To prevent any alteration of a workbooks structure (we canprevent users from adding, inserting, renaming, moving,

    copying or deleting worksheets, or displaying the hidden

    worksheets) by selecting the Structure check box.

    2. To lock in both the size and the position of the workbookwindow itself by selecting the Window check box.

    Use the Protect Workbook dialogbox to set the protection status for

    the entire workbook

    P t ti W kb k fil f i i d diti

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    Protecting a Workbook file from viewing and editing

    File Save AsWe can help restrict who can open and use the data in a

    workbook file by requiring a password to view or save changes tothe file. So, we can set two separate passwords, one that users

    must enterto open and view the file, and another that users must

    enter before they can edit and save changes to the file.