Curs Engleza

English for Economic Sciences 1

Transcript of Curs Engleza

English for Economic Sciences

Communication is essential to life and imperative if business is to prosper and survive in a competitive environment. It can be: Verbal the written word 1

Oral - the spoken word Visual the illustration Numerical the written and interpreted number Electronic using a computer Communication should be received and understood so we must ask ourselves not what we want but what the audience wants. The term communication skills covers a number of defferent areas, including: -speaking clearly, fluently, convincigly. -understanding and responding to non verbal communication(body language). -Producing effective written communications, including briefs and presentations. In business life it s important not only to be efficient and do your job but also to look and sound friendly, confident, sincere and helpful. Poor communication is the cause of all breakdowns in business relationships. When they try to communicate people go through different stages and the lack of care at any of them lead to confusion and wasted time and energy. 1.The need or desire to communicate with someone else- aiming. 2.The translation of internal thoughts and feelings into an external means of transmitting them as a coherent message- encoding. 3.The transmission of the message(spoken, pictorial, written, body language, tone of voice, timing)- transmitting. 4.The reception of the message(how and why people listen)-receiving 5.The translation of the message to internal thoughts and feelings on the part of the receiver-decoding. 6.The need or desire to respond to the message that has been sent(thinking, feeling, planning internally, setting objectives)-responding. A successful communication is meant to beware that the meaning of the message is the responsibility of the sender first. Having decided what it is that you need to communicate and whom you are going to communicate with, you then need to consider the impact the information will have- will it alarm people, will it make them more efficient, irritable, more comfortable, resentful, dafer, happier, bored, more productive, better informed, more motivated, more loyal? The impact that your communication will have on the productivity of your organization has to be a primary concern mostly if you are the bearer of bad news or your message is concerned with a change that will affect the working life of others. Think about the questions people will need answers to, ask yourself what you would feel if you were to hear this for the first time, decide just what you want your audience to do after you have communicated with them, think about the actions and changes that your communication will cause. Then, you have to make your message of interest to the receiver. The more you can personalise your communication to fit with the needs and interests of your audience, the better that information will be received and acted upon. We have to list the information that is to be sent and then prioritize the points into categories such as: must know, important to know, helps understanding, gives examples, nice to know, interesting but not important; this is important when communication is verbal since it is linear and it moves the whole time; the listener is required to take part in and remember all that was said. After organizing our thoughts we put them into words and images.They are based on our internal dictionaries, assumptions, experiences, education, mood. Clarifying the meaning comes next as sometimes words alone are not enough to get the meaning when we deal with complicated concepts or spatial information. 2

We think at least three times faster than we speak. It is easy to mishear, ignore or miss a great deal of information. So, written communication is easier to focus on because we can return again to parts that we need to consider carefully. What impression do you try to give to the people you deal with in business? pleasant, sincere, efficient, confident, calm, honest, skilful, intelligent, nice , polite. Unfriendly, shy, aggressive, sleepy, unclear, lazy, dishonest, clumsy, stupid, inefficient, nasty, unhelpful, off hand, rude. Asking questions is something people have to do a lot in business. Decide what the questions are that led to each of these answers : 1.Yes, thanks I had a very good flight. 2.Id like to see Mr. Barry if hes in the office. 3.On my last visit I spoke to Mrs. Helen. 4.It was Mr. Weber who recommended this hotel to me. 5.I think Id like to see round the factory after lunch. 6.No, my husband is traveling with me. Im meeting him later 7.Well probably be staying till Friday morning. 8.No, this is his first visit; he has never been here before. a.Did you have a good flight? b.Who would you like to see? c.Who did you speak to last time you came? d.Who recommended this particular hotel to you? e.When would you like to see round the factory? f.Are you traveling alone? g.How long are you planning to stay? h.Has he been here before? Imagine youre having dinner with Mr. Johnson who is visiting your country for the first time. Write down ten questions beginning like this: Are?/Is? Do?/Does?/ Did? Have?/Has? Who..?/When?/Where? What?/ Why? How many...?/How much?/How long?

What do you consider difficult and/or enjoyable about talking to: Someone youve never met before? A superior or someone who could influence your future career? Someone who is considerably older than you? A foreigner? A member of the public? What experience did you have with a public person?


What does the meaning of a message depend on? How do you respond to change?

Principal Comunication Media Written Oral/Aural Internal External Memoranda Notices Bulletins Agendas Minutes Reports House-journals Contracts Handbooks Letters Circulars Invitations Estimates Quotations Advertisements Orders Invoices Statements Export documents Promotion literature Press releases Articles Reports Information Booklets Face to face-encounters Interviews Briefing sessions Seminars Workshop Meetings Conferences Telephone Teleconferencing Intercom Public address system Radio

The Principal Communication Media Visual/Physical Technological 4 Telecommunication/

Charts Diagrams Graphs Photographs Slides Films Television Video Overhead projector Models Conveyer belts Messenger/ Courier services Telex Tele text Facsimile transmission Electronic mail Voice mail Videoconferencing View data Wide area networks Cellular radio/ Telephone Cable television Satellite transmission MY EVERYDAY ACTIVITIES I start work at the same time every day. I wake up only when the alarm clock strikes. I go to work by car/ underground/ I walk I work overtime and have very short breaks. I am never late at work. I am always in time. I do not complain about my work. I like my job and my boss. I hate cigarettes and coffee. I share my office with a smoker who ismy husband. I get a lot of important calls. I attend meetings and I talk with people. I ask questions and I give answers. I take decisions, I negotiate. I reach agreements, I create a climate of co-operation or expectation. I work with money. I know that it bewitches people. People fret for it, swear for it, devise most ingenious ways to get it and to get rid of it. I work in the banking system/accountancy/management/trade/ I operate with consumer/ market/ current/ overhead/ top/ bottom/ ceiling(maximal) flat(unic)/floor(minimal)/closing(la inchiderea bursei de valori)/fair(convenabil)/ force account rate(de regie)/knock out(derizoriu)/ upset(initial, de pornire))/ price 5

I operate in a Stock Exchange with securities: marketable(usor realizabile/quoted/unquoted I operate with : bearer bond-(obligatiune la purtator)/irredeemable bond (neamortizabila)./registered bond-(nominativa)/junk bond-(riscanta, cu evaluare de credit scazut). I operate with shares: preference/ ordinary/deferred/forteited/ in trust. I do market research and I check the mercurial(fluctuanta)/ sluggish(activa)/ sagging(in scadere)/steady(stabila)market. I direct the sales for future delivery(vanzare la termen) I talk about costs: flat(uniform)overheads(indirect)sunk(investit)capital(de investitie). I chair meetings and take the floor. I order a cake as I like to eat sweets. I go home late in the evening, very tired. I have supper and I eat some fruit. I listen to the news on TV. I go to bed and I have nice dreams. I relax on weekends: I go shopping, I watch TV, I go to picnic, I breathe fresh air, I chat with my friends, I rest in the countryside, I get away from the noisy and dusty town, I listen to music, I cook, I read the latest books, I meet my friends, I drive my car.

Are you in control of your life?I am keen on my job, enthusiastic, bursting with energy, confident with myself. I love new challenges, I analyze problems methodically, I am an objective thinker, I am friendly, highly trained, well informed, generous, easy going, polite, Sometimes I am boastful, uncertain, embarrassed, moody, annoyed, bored, lacking confidence, reluctant, incomprehensible I often feel that I am at the mercy of outside forces beyond my control. I often feel that life is passing me by. When people praise my work I believe that usually they really mean it. I have at least one habit that I cant break. I think its a waste of time planning ahead because something always turns up which makes me change my plans. I often dream about work problems. I have at least three important leisure interests or hobbies that have nothing to do with my work. I often refuse my friends invitations because I have too much work to do. When I read newspapers my mind keeps wandering back to work problems. I enjoy meeting new people. I like to be successful in my job I want to know as much as possible about customers. I never believe only in luck. I dont like outdated and inefficient things. I admire smart people I enjoy discussions and to hear other peoples opinions. I find it easy to choose rich colour combinations in clothes, furniture,(yellowhappiness, fulfillment, positive thoughts, creativity, orange-positive energy, well being, blue-infinite power, balance, wisdom, red-courage, determination, energy, .. I make important decisions based on what looks best to me, on my feeling and intuition. I think of myself as someone who dresses sensibly, neatly, tidily. 6

I like to share attitudes and values with my partner. I like to meet the highest demands and standards. I consider signs important in life:nr.1.-creative power, unity, nr.2-balance,nr.3the Trinity,nr.4-order, nr.5-the figure of man, nr. 6- universal harmony, nr.7-cosmic order, nr.8-the initiated one,nr.9- eternity What are your weaknesses ? I am inexperienced, too enthusiastic. Not very confident in using the computers, shy, not a very good communicator. Sometimes I have no direction in life, I feel like getting lost. Do you agree or disagree? 1. whatever reason people have for living together, it is a private matter. 2. couples need support of other families, of society. 3. young passions die and interests change. 4. rooms reflect our personalities and colours too. 5. man is confronted with possibilities or alternatives on the basis of which he can project his life. 6. we are left with the freedom of choice as long as we consider experience never limited and never complete. 7. we will always search for temporary solutions, we will always move away from the values and authority of the older generations. 8. relationships will always remain incomplete even if with wonderful moments. 9. we create versions of reality out of our desires and when they clash with the external world they disappoint us. 10. we become complete when we assume the responsibility for our own lives. 11. if we fail to look into ourselves we remain fragments, unsatisfied, incomplete, empty. 12. never look into the past in order to find out how to live in the present but always make the effort to find a new direction in life. 13. some of us fill the gap in our life by the help of traditional values and yearn for the stability and security of marriage, others respond only emotionally being prisoners of impulses, following a logic of the soul. 14. if given a solution, we face reality and act6 creatively in terms of our own powers and we answer the most important questions in life. 15. sometimes we live out an illusion all our life and realize that the workings of fate are enigmatic. We get strength when we cooperate with it as we live in an universe of oppositions where the vertical has to return to the horizontal. 16. sometimes human suffering is far from remedy and we find the ordering of existence meaningless so that we come to doubt our own doubts. 17. sometimes we are too intellectualized and the intellect threatens and stifles the life of feelings and emotions. 18. the awareness of our divided nature has constantly unsettled us. Despite such a divided nature, we still manage to preserve our balance. 19. our attempts range from the ridiculous to the sublime to cross even if only in dreams, the boundaries of existence. 20. even if our illusions are swept away, we prefer lifes restlessness. 7

The InterviewFashions seem to change quite rapidly in interview techniques and the only rules that applicants should be aware of may be expect the unexpected and be yourself. In different countries, different trades and different grades, the salary that goes with a job may be only part of the package: perks like a company car or cheap housing loans, bonuses paid, company pension schemes, generous holidays, flexible working hours may contribute to the attractiveness of a job. Everybody has to go through interviews to be offered a position. Recruiting a new member of your staff is likely to be the most expensive decision you will make as a manager. If you do it right you can make a fortune for your company. Most managers inherit a team of workers who know what they are supposed to do, who know something about your company, about the way your team works, about your customers, about the business processes within the department. What happens when you bring an outsider in to this situation? Some of the possible outcomes if you do it wrong are: -you and your staff spend ages helping the new team member to get started. -Your team norms are threatened and possibly changed. -You discover that the perfect qualifications on the new employees C.V are no more than hype. - You discover that the new employee is not fit for what you want. So, the recruitment process has to take into consideration the following: a) job advertisement b) C.V c) The interview Both parties the interviewer and the interviewee have to communicate effectively: open questions, right answers, positive opinions. A job appraisal interview is one of the major tasks of the leader of a team of people. It enables to: plan the future, look at individual performance, discuss and plan training and development needs, contribute to company career planning, salary planning and job progression, evaluate the efficiency of past targets and goals, establish priorities, identify, assess, solve problems, look at resourceful needs. Job appraisal needs to be systematic if it is to be of any use. All effective managers have day to day or week to week contact with their team, they will also be running up dating sessions where they inform the team of corporate, market or local changes in working, policy or law and any changes that affect the workings of their teams. These are day to day tasks of management. The job appraisal interview is an opportunity for the team member and their manager to think about the future months in an organized manner. Before an appraisal they both have the opportunity to think in depth about what they have been doing and where this will lead in the future, where the success and shortfalls are, and what objectives they will set each other in the future. Applying good communication practices to the appraisal process will ensure that career progression has the best chance of success from the point of view of both parties. Interviews really arent out to trap people. They evaluate people, they know how to assess your qualities. Characteristics to have a successful interview : 8

Be neat and well groomed. Be natural, friendly, relaxed but not sloppy or overly casual. Be interested in the work involved in the job. Have definite vocational goals. Articulate the goals you have in mind.

Attention to: 1.What to wear! Inappropriate clothing or being late can cost you the job. 2.What to bring to the interview! Select those items from your background that demonstrate what employers look for. 3.How to act. Sit straight, dont mumble, look at people when you talk, dont smoke. Parts of an Interview I. The Opening (2-5) The interviewers will set you at ease. They will open with easy questions about your major interests or by telling you about the job of the company. II. The Body (10- 20) You should expect questions that give you the opportunity to show your strong points and of course to raise questions. III. The Close (2- 5) The interviewer will tell you what happens next. Possible Interview Questions: 1.Tell me something about yourself. 2.Why do you want to work for us? -state your qualification -state things that separate you from other applicants 3.Did you have any accomplishments? -pick up one or two which you are proud of. 4.What is your class rank? What University did you graduate? 5.Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 6.What would you see as the ideal job for you? 7.What do you know about our company? 8.What are your interests outside work? 9.What are your strengths and weaknesses/ shortcomings ? 10.When did you last lose your temper? 11.What is the best idea you have had lately? 12.What is your worst fault and what is your best quality? 13.How long do you think you would stay with us if you were appointed? 14.What makes you think youd enjoy working for us? 15.Why are people unlucky or unsuccessful in getting jobs? 16.If you were me what other questions would you ask? Attention: -Dont focus on salary. -Draw the attention that youll work hard with loyalty. 9

Why are people unlucky or unsuccessful in getting jobs? Imagine that a friend of yours is about to attend an interview. Write at least ten pieces of advice that you would give him. You have as suggestions: 1. Wear smart, formal clothes 2. Dont smoke 3. Sit up straight 4. Arrive on time Find out about your partners career. Ask about: -present job -work experience -education and training -ambitions and prospects for the future -its rewards and frustrations Discuss how the impression you may give especially to a foreign can be affected by: a) Your expression ( smiling, blinking, frowning, looking down, looking straight in someones eyes) b) The noises you make ( sighs, yawns, knocking loudly or softly at a door, clicking a ballpoint pen. ) c) Body contact ( shaking hands, touching) d) Body language ( crossing your arms, sitting up straight ) e) Clothes and appearance ( hair, make up, suit, tie ) f) What you talk about ( politics, business, sport, family ) g) Your tone of voice (sounding cool, friendly, familiar, serious ) Find out about your partners career. Ask about: 1. Present its rewards and frustrations 2. Work experience 3. Education and training 4. Ambitions and prospects for the future Employees are often given a progress interview some months into a new job, so that they get feedback on their performance so far. Participants on training courses often take part in similar midcourse interviews too. Make a list of ten questions that might be asked at such an interview in your firm. Here are some examples: What have been your most valuable experiences with us so far? Which parts of the course have been least valuable to you? What particular difficulties have you had? How will do you get on with the other members of the staff? Try this quiz with a partner. 1.Which is the best definition of good conversationalist? a.Someone who always has plenty to say. b.Someone who has plenty of amusing stories to tell. c.Someone who will listen carefully to what you have to say. d.None of them ( give your own definition. ) 2. If someone just says what? after youve carefully explained something, do you a.Go through the explanation again using different words? 10

b.Feel that you have been wasting your time? c.Feel that you have not been believed? d.None of these. 3. If someone always looks you straight in the eye this means that he is: a.Honest b.Rude c.Friendly d.Trying to frighten you 4. If someone shakes your hand very hard and long, it means: a.He is very pleased to see you. b.He is trying to show you that he is sincere. c.He is waiting for you to say something d.He is reliable and friendly. 5. If a man wearing jeans and no tie comes into your office, do you think he: a.Isnt correctly dressed? b.Cant be important? c.Is quite normal? d.Is someone who has come to fix the electricity or something? 6. If you are meeting an Arab client it is polite to: a.Get straight down to business. b.Wait until he raises the topic of business. c.Stick to small talk for the first few minutes. d.Ask him to close the door of his office to prevent interruptions. 7. If someone smiles while youre explaining something, this means he is: a.Not sincere. b.Happy. c.Not listening. d.Crazy. Managing our Time Are you a busy person? Are you crowded by events? Do you make your life manageable? Well, time may be infinite, but each of us has a finite allocation: time is something you cant increase or decrease. As far as, no matter how clever you are, how wealthy, how industrious, you still get 24 hours every day. What you need to do is to carefully manage the time you have got putting it to the best use possible. Before you can save time you have to spend some. You have to understand time management and make a little effort to do things like: plan, organize, review, rearrange, sort, think. Can you invest time in time management? Well, most of the words commonly used about time are money orientated: buying, losing, saving, spending, wasting time. Time becomes important because you can use it to make money butno amount of money can buy you one extra second of time; time becomes more valuable the less of it we have: it is like most commodities. Good time management can: 11

give you more time to do what you want improve your availability improve your decision making improve your health improve your productivity, efficiency, effectiveness make you easier to live with make you easier to work with make you feel more relaxed minimize the risks you take reduce stress Good time management is about setting limits for: *availability (how willing you are to be disturbed, to make yourself available) *duration (how long you spend doing things) *importance (how you prioritize things) *involvement (how much you do yourself as opposed to delegate to others) *standards (how well you do things) *urgency (how quickly you do things) Why are interruptions urgent?( when the phone rings or on there is someone at the door) Do you treat all work for a particular person as important? Do you check how important something is when you receive work? Do you limit your involvement in things? If we arent perfectionists what standards do we set? Is it important to give priority to things that are non urgent? Do you agree with the following statement? : you need to spend your time on actually doing things, not being busy. ! So, you can spend time doing the right things, doing what you like doing, doing what youre good at, achieving things not just being busy. ! Then, setting goals is something that we must do because they increase our motivation, raise our self confidence, help us achieve more, improves our performance, increase our satisfaction, improve our concentration. Which would you choose? creative (decorate your house, landscape your garden, write a book.) career ( become a manager, gain a pay rise, work part time) educational (gain an extra qualification, learn a language, read more..) family (get married, spend more time with the family, visit your relatives more often) financial (save at least 100$ every month, reduce mortgage payments, repay debts and credit cards) mental (accept your faults, be more sociable, control your temper more, stop criticizing..) physical (cut down on junk food, lose weight, reduce tea and coffee, stop smoking social ( have friends round once a month, read more, start a hobby, take a long weekend twice a year and go away..) Discussion points: 1. Consider your personal goals and make a list of these. Do any of them conflict with your work goals? If so, which is the most important to you? 12

2. Are you aware of your own limits? Which are they? 3. Do you set unnecessary high standards, do you aim for perfection? 4. Where do you belong to: the optimist, the perfectionist, the rebel, the socialite(important persons) , the worrier? Do you agree with the following: being too optimistic is being unrealistic optimists are good starters of work but poor finishers. perfectionists often take so long to do something that its value is reduced; they set impossibly high standards and then set about achieving them. rebels set their own deadlines with no reference to others; relish(enjoy) crises and problems as they can overcome these to show how much in control they really are; they are good finishers but poor starters of work. socialites like to be involved with people; they like to talk, to gather information. the worriers never seem to develop confidence in their own ability; they may avoid certain types of work as they worry of not being able to do it. The world would be a very simple place indeed if it were an easy matter to analyze what sort of person someone was, and to handle them accordingly. It would even be simpler if there were definite types of persons. But they arent. In time management terms two types of people cause the majority of problems and they are at the two extremes: perfectionists and procrastinators. Both tend to achieve less in a longer time. Perfectionism can be a good thing: society has long valued accuracy, attention to detail, low error rates. But it can actually interfere with your progress and work, to the overall detriment of your work. Trying to be perfect can stop you feeling satisfied and motivated. Recognizing perfectionism: all or nothing thinking or black and white thinking. There is always one right answer if only you can find it. being afraid of disapproval being afraid to make mistakes being over sensitive to criticism and the opinions of others constantly looking for a mistake or slip up difficult personal relationships difficult keeping things in perspective equating failure with being worthless expecting too much of others feeling that what you achieve is never enough living life with a set of rules: a life full of shoulds and mustnts never feeling satisfied with anything you have done putting off completing work to improve it or get it just right valuing yourself based on what others think of you Working with perfectionists: ask them to help you set your goals so they can see how others motivate themselves and think be approachable, so they encouraged to admit mistakes and not cover them up be careful of rewarding over achievement check that they are progressing in the right direction; stop them focusing on quality at the expense of getting the job done discuss your own mistakes openly and constructively 13


encourage them to set goals based on past performance not their best

help them set goals and make sure they are realistic let them know what standard is required never laugh at them for lack of success or making mistakes openly discuss priorities Procrastination (postponement) is like perfectionism- its faulty thinking and feelings; you are being dishonest to yourself when you say lies such as Ill do it after this cup of coffee and you know that you wont. Recognizing procrastination: accepting low standards being easily distracted dawdling getting side tracked ignoring things in the hope they will go away just one minute syndrome low priority tasks get in the way of high priority ones putting things off until later underestimating the effort or time needed to achieve a task waiting until you are in the mood Working with procrastinators: compliment and encourage them when they do make progress dont let them get distracted dont laugh at their putting things off help them break down large tasks into phases or sub tasks monitor their progress and let them know they are being monitored reward them for progress set deadlines Discussion points: 1. Can we understand the causes of perfectionism?/ procrastination? 2. Do you impose your high standards on others? 3. Do perfectionists lose track of the deadlines? 4. Look carefully through the signs of perfectionism. How many can you see in yourself? How can you work on this situation? What about procrastination? 5. What is the impact of fearing success, failure, the unknown? Can it become a cause of procrastination? 6. What do lack of information, of motivation entail? 7. How can you work on your weaknesses? Little perfectionism can work wonders. But it isnt normal thinking; it is faulty thinking. Beliefs and feelings are inaccurate; appropriate working is far more valuable than perfectionism to any company.

The Job I LikePeople have always worked. So they have had different occupations along centuries. All professions require much training, learning and responsibility. 14

To get a job its not enough to be good, but you must convince others that you are good. You have to manage your own work easily, to be flexible in any situations, to come up with new ideas to inspire confidence, to have well established priorities, to be a good team player. More and more people have part time jobs such as: babysitter, waiter/ waitress, shop assistant, paper boy, taxi driver .Among the advantages of part time jobs there might be: -the sense of financial independence -self reliance -getting to know other people -stronger links to real life There are jobs in all the fields of human activity: Industry : o Worker o Foreman o Technician o Engineer o Economist o Mechanic o Computer operator Services Carpenter Potter House painter Blacksmith Glazier Locksmith Chimney sweeper Cooper Plumber Electrician Dustman Watchmaker Dressmaker / tailor Shoemaker Cobbler Hatter Receptionist Milliner Furrier Seamstress Barber Hairdresser Dyer Dry cleaner Waiter/ waitress Cook Typewriter Accountant Clerk 15

Designer Law Judge Prosecutor Lawyer/ solicitor Notary Clerk of the court Education and culture Writer Printer Publisher Bookseller Bookbinder Journalist Producer Playwright Stage manager Actor/ actress Painter Librarian Singer Dancer Musician Composer Conductor Sculptor Teacher Philosopher Linguist Critic Priest Cameraman

Commerce Shop assistant Butcher Baker Greengrocer Salesman Grocer Confectioner/ pastry cook Transport and telecommunication Driver Sailor Railway man Airman Postman Phone operator Telegraph operator Air hostess 16

Construction Architect Planer Bricklayer House painter Agriculture and forestry

o o o o o o

Farmer Forester Agronomist Woodcutter Winegrower Fisherman Health Physician Surgeon Oculist Dentist Chemist Nurse Other jobs Policeman Fireman Officer Soldier Custom officer

I. Answer the following questions: 1. Who are those making and repairing things? 2. Advantages and disadvantages of the teaching profession? 3. What does the medical profession require? 4. What do computer operators do? 5. Whom does the profession of arms include? 6. What could the ideal job be? 7. What qualities would somebody need for the following careers: police officer, politician, journalist? 8. Explain what a part time job means? 9. What are the qualities that business people look for when they want to employ someone? 10. What will you look for in your future career? II. Find out the correct definition for: a. Accountant b. Civil engineer c. Computer operator d. Babysitter 17

e. f.

Stevedore Economist

1. An engineer involved in construction 2.An expert in economics 3.A person qualified to keep a company accounts 4.A person who works in the docks loading and unloading goods 5.A person who translates information into a form computers can understand 6.A person paid to look after a baby III. What careers are the following qualities needed for? Determination Curiosity Skill Patience Shrewdness Tenacity Inventiveness Ability Courage Faith Tolerance Perceptiveness Self-denial Physical appearance Modesty IV. Match the following columns containing interest jobs 1. scientific a. plumber 2. artistic b. nurse 3. practical c. accountant 4. welfare d. academician 5. computational e. novelist V. What are the things you should do or shouldnt do if you want to get a job? 2) Find out as much as you can about your future job. 3) Sit down immediately when you enter the room. 4) Be careful about the clothes you wear. 5) Make sure where the interview is since you should always be on time. 6) Stress poor aspects of yourself. 7) Have a light meal before you go to the interview. 8) Have a drink; so you will pluck up courage. 9) Bring your school certificates or letters of introduction. 10) Smoke if you like. 11) Criticize your last boss. VI. Describe your ideal boss: Strong/ weak personality Very ambitious Easily adapting Good organizer Modest Funny Well informed Efficient What do you think of the following situations? 1. You dont like your boss. 18

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

You think your boss is rubbish. The boss is picking on you personally. Your boss is prejudiced against you. Your boss seems to think youre permanently on call. Your boss is having a tough time and is taking it out on you. Your boss takes credit for your ideas. Your boss blames you for their mistakes.

VII. How important are each of the following to you in providing you with job satisfaction? Challenge Meeting people through work Security The respect of colleagues Working conditions Status in your organization Learning something new Personal freedom Exercising power Helping other people Being promoted Making money VIII. Advertisements for jobs vary considerably in style. There are advantages and disadvantages in using the dynamic style. Imagine that you are interested in applying for a job. And you have come across the following advertisement. Read the advert and write two more. Sdk International Has an immediate career opportunity in your city: SALESMAN Candidates should have excellent verbal communication; skills in both English and Romanian, strong personality and creativity and age should be under 30. Please respond in English with your CV and Letter of Application to Sdk International Romania CP 129 OP 16 Bucharest Read the advert and write two more. IX. Write a Letter of Application having the following as model: Dear Sir, With reference to your advertisement in the Adevrul of October 23 Id like to apply for the job I m 26 years old and I have graduated a course in Economics and Law. Last summer I acquired some professional experience working in the accountancy department of an office automation equipment company. I am fluent in English, German and French. I am not married and I can work on weekends too. I enclose a CV and hoping that I will suit your requirements I look foreword to hearing from you. Sincerely Adrian Voicu 19

X. A CV is essential if you are applying for a new job or for promotion; it usually accompanies a letter of application. Name Address Telephone Date of Birth Age Nationality Status Education: School College University Results obtained Post school qualifications Post graduate qualifications Languages Experience/ achievements Interests Published works References

How Can you Manage Difficult People?At work and in our leisure time we are often confronted by difficult people and awkward situations and they seem to come at us from every angle. How can we cope? People do not change easily. 20

What is a difficult person? In general they are people who demonstrate bad behavior, who dont care how their behavior affects others and who even use it to their advantage. Being difficult is effective because it works but in the short term. Long term relationships need a greater complexity of behavior. Difficult people hope that due to their behavior we will either start to give priority to their wishes or that you will leave them alone. Difficult people are not restricted to the workplace. Working relationships have few emotional ties and are more detached whereas within the home environment lurks a complex web of history and emotions. When you deal with difficult people effective listening is very important; you must be able to tune in to what he/she is trying to tell you. A good listening means: to hear the message- genuinely listen to what is being said; to interpret the message- to take in all aspects of body language, tone of voice and interpret their significance; to evaluate the message; to respond to it. It is not always the people that are difficult but sometimes it is the situation. Working relationships and environments bring together a whole host of situations for which you cannot always prepare. At some point in your career you will have to deal with difficult situations. They come up at the workplace. Difficult colleagues create added pressure. Then, conflict can hardly be avoided. You also have to cope with difficult managers and with difficult staffs. Difficult people and awkward situations are everywhere; therefore, running away is not really an option unless you want to live a hermit for the remainder of your days. So, a far better strategy is to learn to deal with such situations; this does not mean being weak or let everyone take advantage of you; it means having some firm strategies for dealing with people and situations. Advantages: -the ability to work with all people -being known as a person who can get things done -being seen as flexible and someone who can deliver whether that be projects or products. Disadvantages: being restricted as to whom you can work with being seen as weak and ineffectual and being given a wide berth(mostly in times of promotion) being thought difficult yourself owing to your inability to work effectively with others.

Answer the following: 1. Where do you encounter difficult people most? 2. How can you achieve a responsible and effective working relationship? 3. Are difficult people at work fixed in your life? 21

4. Do you find that life will become easier each time you deal with a difficult situation? 5. Who are the people at the top? 6. Is it still possible to bully people into doing what they want? 7. What kind of people are the negativists? 8. How important is body language? 9. Do teams need to celebrate success? 10. How can you win peoples respect and your own peace of mind? 11. How important is the environment when you deal with difficult people? 12. How important is timing in tackling a situation? Action Points 1. Think of three things that you could do now to make you feel more confident about your ability to tackle the next difficult person or situation which comes along. 2. Make a list of all the people you have difficult working relationships with, then write one thing you like about them beside each name. Try at some point in future to complement them on that one thing- it will build bridges for the future. 3. Reflect on the last time you were criticized by a colleague. How would you handle that if the same thing happens again tomorrow? Are there lessons you have learnt? 4. Think of three people who have displayed difficult behavior in the last month. What did their difficult behavior have in common? 5. Have you ever seen anyone or been involved yourself in a bullying situation at work? What could you have done to help or done differently?

The MediaIt is impossible to imagine a modern society functioning without the media which remains a powerful means of spreading news and information. We want to get informed and the T.V., the press, the radio have turned out to be great transformers of minds or society. Answer the following questions. I. Which of the media provides most of your: a.) International information. b.) National information. c.) Local information d.) Entertainment II. If you had to rely on only one of the media, which would you choose ? Why? III. Youve heard about a local radio program in which ordinary people are interviewed about their lives and opinions. Each week there is a different theme e.g.. Fear my most frightening experience Achievements the proudest moment of my life Disasters the worst holiday of my life Leisure my hobby is so important to me Add possible themes for the next programs. Do you classify the news when you listen to or watch it? Do you prefer listening or watching the news? IV. List the negative effects of T.V. 22


Mention some of your favourite T.V programs on T.V You may refer to: -documentaries -soap operas -bulletins -topics -broadcast -commercials Answer the following questions: 1. Is T.V. a great transformer of minds or society? 2. Do you remember much from a T.V. documentary? 3. Can you name some ideal subjects? 4. Do you think that a nights viewing is wonderfully forgettable? 5. Is T.V. harmful to children? 6. What effect does quantity of viewing have on people? 7. What is the most interesting documentary you have seen? 8. What do soap operas have all in common? 9. Are the news always interesting? 10. What topics do you prefer? 11. What happens when you watch a boring film? 12. Can you name some commercials that you liked most? 13. Do you watch politics? 14. Are you better informed after watching T.V.? 15. Do you consider that some subjects are out of place/

The PressThe newspaper remains a powerful means of spreading news and information. The purpose of the press is to publish news and give information on politics, finance, economics, arts, theatre, science. Apart from the ideological difference, there is also one in the way they are designed. We read newspapers, magazines, revues, journals. There are daily newspapers, weekly, monthly newspapers quality and popular newspapers. The newspaper: -instructs -informs -reports -caters -entertains. A newspaper article is based on: 1. a discussion 2. a description 3. a narrative or a combination of more than one of these. The backbone of an article is: a) headline/ heading opening b) paragraphing c) quoting 23

d) ending Journalists aim at covering five Ws and an H( who, what,when,where, why,how) about the event. Newspaper columns express opinions. Writers contributing to them are famous and influential and they adopt their own style. They say that a column can be appreciated after reading it in order to understand the attitudes of its author. Popular headlines frequently use slang and punning references to an articles content while quality newspapers tend to provide more information in their headlines. Both types of newspaper use common jargon words to save space. Look at the headlines and chose the correct answer: Day the jailbirds came out in sympathy 1. prisoners a) were extremely co-operative b) planned an escape from jail c) supported a strike d) were released from jail Lazy doc gets a rap 2. The doctor has been a) Criticized b) Sued c) Fined d) Dismissed Shoplift slur on Doris, 72 3. An accusation of shoplifting has: a) Made an elderly woman furious b) Made an elderly woman confused c) Damaged her reputation d) Damaged her health Answer the following questions: -Are you a great reader of periodical press? -What sort of articles can a newspaper carry? -What kind of newspapers do you know? Supply the suitable words: A person -who sends news, articles, reports to a newspaper - who looks through the manuscript of an article, corrects it, suggests, changes and prepares it for printing. -sets up type for printing -who buys a newspaper, a magazine regularly -who is engaged in publishing, editing or working for a newspaper. But: Whatever the T.V./ video industry might now say, television will never have the impact on civilization that the written word has had. The book this little hinged thing is cheap, portable, unbreakable, can be stored indefinitely, can be written and manufactured by relatively unprivileged individuals or groups, dozens of different ones can be going at the same time, in the same room without a sound.


Advertising is the greatest art form of the 20th century. It may be described as a science of arresting human intelligence long enough to get money from it. It stimulates debate and sometimes controversy. It has a powerful effect on the human consciousness as it is around us on television, radio, cinemas, newspapers and magazines. The way we dress, talk and behave sends a message to other people. It is about manipulating public opinion and getting a message across to an audience so that they will behave in a particular way. The advertising industry has been in existence since the end of the 17th century when newssheets carried printed advertisements for products and information. Merchants returning from voyages overseas needed to generate markets for the products they imported and so they had to advertise. By the end of the 19th century, advertising was big business. Advertisements dominated the newspapers, posters were commonplace and spawned a whole art form. But the new communication technology gave the industry its biggest boost. Modern advertising exploits every medium of communication. We tend to think of advertisements in terms of the mainstream media but we also have posters, billboards, point of sale displays, direct selling and cold calling by phone and fax, the internet which taps into worldwide audiences. If you work in advertising , you will for sure be part of an influential band of people who can change public attitudes and behaviour. The heart of this industry lies in the advertising agencies. The large ones are multinationals with in such far flung places as Beijing and Buenos Aires. If you work in a small agency, you may be expected to do everything, including account management, client liaison, concept development, creative work. In a larger one, job roles will be more structured. You will have a specific role and a greater chance of more formal career development. Advertising agencies vary in the services they offer. The most familiar names are full service agencies but there are also other companies that specialize in media services or focus on particular areas of advertising, such as recruitment or business to business advertising. Business need to advertise so that we should learn of the existence of different products. Advertising is aimed at conveying information to potential customers and clients. Advertising is used to persuade the public to buy. At the lowest level people need food, shelter, warmth and sex. Then, people begin to think about personal possessions and finally we move on to egocentricity. The ultimate need is for fulfillment. This would come when we have all that the advertisers say we so desperately need. For most of us it seems that that day will never come! Sometimes advertisements are misleading. Advertisers shouldnt make untrue statements about their products but they so often do it. They create a demand which would not otherwise exist. Advertising goes far beyond T.V. and hoardings, newspapers and magazines, they enrich our lives.

Answer the following questions: What are the arguments for and against modern advertising methods? Are there any controls which you think should be imposed on advertisers? 25

Glamour and humour are two of the appeals which ads try to make for us. What other appeals do they make? In what other ways, apart from advertising are we persuaded to buy one product rather than another? How do national newspapers benefit from advertising? How can window dressing be seen as forms of advertising? Arguments for advertising It tells consumers about the products that are available, allowing them to make a wider choice. It encourages competition between firms. By creating a wider market for products it makes large scale production and sales possible. Media would be more expensive without it. Arguments against It is expensive. It can be wasteful, sometimes involving the same firm advertising virtually identical products against each other. (eg. washing powder ) It can be misleading. It can exert control over media. It can put pressure upon people to buy products that they dont really need or cant afford. Advertising media National newspapers Regional newspapers Consumer magazines Business and Professional Directories Press production costs Poster and Transport Cinema T.V, Radio * Banners on Internet sites Television commercials The most effective medium for reaching large numbers of people. They have to be brief. But: They cannot be very informative and display images rather than information. They are selective it is hard to reach a particular group of people except for certain programs. Radio -advertising is cheap and can be effective in reaching certain types of people: old people and housewives. National press it is expensive too but if has a large geographical selectivity and allows detailed information to be given. Magazines and trade press It is a way of reaching a specialized group of customers. There are magazines for almost any interest and for any type of product. Posters and hoardings 26

-Effective if good locations can be found. Sales promotions -They include free gifts, competitions, give away samples, special offers. Sponsorship -Of the arts, public works, sport can be very effective in putting a product or company name before the public. Packaging and display -In shops; they maintain existing sales but also encourage first time buyers. Here are some advertisements. a. when you cant say good bye! b. from here to eternity c. you know the name. Its the face you may not recognize Enlarge on them. Make an advertisement for: a. a shampoo b. a drink c. a book d. a restaurant e. a sofa Write some adverts that promise: youll feel happier youll enjoy life more youll have a nice holiday youll be rich youll be famous Make an advert as the one below: Friendly, humourous boy 20, not very good looking but funny, seeks nice girl to go swimming, dancing, walking. Complete the following sentences using your own words: Advertising can help a business to A good advertising agency will Although newspapers and magazines One of the weaknesses of human beings is that It is essential that the packing of a product should be This is the information about a job advertisement:

Asian Monetary Institute Computer Programmer in the Statistics Division The successful candidate will have A University degree in economics or statistics Work experience in banking and financial accounts Fluent English and Mandarin Applicants should send a C.V., a recent photo and references from previous employers to the Asian Monetary Institute P.O. Box 6707


Answer the following 1. What is Hello: a magazine or a newspaper? 2. Which country in the world spends the most on advertising: U.S.A or Japan? 3. Why is William Caxton famous: he produced the first printed advertisement in England or in U.S.A. ? 4. How did the earliest advertising take place? 5. Who invented paper? 6. How do we promote ourselves? 7. When did TV advertising come to Britain? 8. What is advertising industry entitled to do? 9. What is the difference between small and large advertising agencies? 10. What does modern advertising exploit? 11. What do advertising campaigns bring? 12. What is business to business advertising? 13. What does concept development refer to? 14. How important is timing in advertising? 15. Which are the advantages and disadvantages of advertisements on the internet? Make an advertisement for: 1. Your Town and the Surroundings. 2. A Museum 3. A Car. 4. A Hypermarket 5. A Magazine Enlarge upon the following: More than a watch. A dream that has come true! It is not just a broken vase. It is the silence you feel when your shoppings are being protected with the credit card. They are the snapshots of a challenge, they are always with us!

MeetingsManagers spend a lot of time in meetings. In fact they would argue too much time a meeting = the gathering of a group of people for a controlled discussion with a specific purpose. 1. People should call a meeting a) When decisions require judging rather than calculation or expertise. b) When pooling ideas improves the chances of good decisions. c) If acceptance of the decision is an important consideration for members. d) To discuss multi-faced problems requiring different skills or specialists. 2. Essential elements of a meeting: a) A purpose - problem solving - idea gathering - training b) An agenda 28

Members -the chairman presides the meeting. -the secretary -the other participants d) A result (most resolutions are voted by a mere show of hands. For important decisions, the so called constitutional majority is necessary, amounting to two- thirds of the assembly. e) A report, the minutes Every meeting has an agenda. Whoever controls the agenda controls the meeting. If the agenda is not made public, the meeting may be hijacked by private agendas: the result will be confusion, frustration and failure. A written agenda allows everyone to focus on what they are to do: before, during and after the meeting. It acts as a plan of the meeting to aid preparation, an objective control of the meetings progress, a measure of the meetings success. The responsibility for setting the agenda is the Chairs. The agenda should follow a natural shape: the most difficult items will be placed in the middle third of the meeting, when the groups physical and mental alertness are at their peak. The easiest items can be put at the end. The agenda should also reflect the thinking process that we wish to follow as problem solving, evaluation of information and conflict resolution will need different approaches. An agenda contains the following: - title of meeting, date, time, venue, apologies for absence, minutes of previous meetings, matters arising from the previous meeting, other items to be discussed and decided, reports from subcommittees, contributions from guest speakers, any other business, date, time and venue of next meeting. Minutes are considered: a reminder of what happened at the meeting, a basis for discussion of matters arising at the next meeting, a guide for non attendees, a permanent record. Taking minutes involves two skills: listening and note taking. In a society that communicates through visual images, listening has become a highly complex skill. Most people will be thinking and speaking at the same time and sometimes they will all be talking at once. Only a small proportion of the words we use carries the information we wish to communicate. Most people surround their thoughts with words which express feelings, attitudes to the listeners or their relationship to the group. You cannot listen and take notes at the same time; your primary task is to understand what is going on: most of your time in a meeting should be spent listening. You should take notes only intermittently. The trick is to be able to note down only keywords but you have to be attentive to record information properly. The minutes have to be written as soon as possible after the meeting and they should follow the agenda exactly.


Opening a meeting Good morning ladies and gentlemen If we are all here 29

-shall we start -make a start -lets start -I think we should start First of all Id like to introduce let me introduce two colleagues from our Munich office Would you like to say a few words about yourselves? Right, thank you. Have you all got a copy of the agenda? If everyone has got a copy of the agenda, let me first explain the purpose of the meeting. The purpose / aim / target of the meeting is to Now; lets look at the agenda in detail. As you can there are 5 main points / items. I suggested that we take them in the following order. As we have a lot to get through this morning, can we agree on ground rules? I suggest the following Moving to the first point Handing over to another person Bringing people in ( encouraging hesitant speakers ) would you like to add anything? Stopping people talking One at a time please! We cant speak at once. John first, then Mary. Would you mind addressing your remarks to the chair? Could we have some other opinions? I think thats clear now. Weve all got the point. Shall we move on? If you didnt hear you can say: Im sorry. Would you mind repeating? If you didnt understand you can say: Im sorry. I dont quite follow you. Could you go over that again? If you feel the speaker is being vague or imprecise you can say: What exactly do you mean by? Preventing irrelevance Im afraid thats outside the scope of this meeting. We lose sight of the main point. Keep to the point. I think wed better leave that subject for another meeting. Keeping on eye on the time Were running short of time. Theres not much time left Could you please be brief? Moving to the next point Lets move on to the next point! Would like to introduce the next point? Well, I think that covers everything on that point. Lets move on!. Controlling decision-making Id like to propose that 30

Id like to propose the following amendment. Can we take a vote on that proposal? All those in favour. Right? All those against. Right? Well then we agree / with some reservations. Well then we agree / unanimously. Well it seems that we are broadly in agreement that Indicating follow up tasks. Do you think you could? How about preparing some figures for the next meetings? Closing Id like to thank Mr. X & Y for coming over from Paris

Participating in a Meeting1.Getting the chairs attention. Id like to comment on that. May I have the floor for a moment? 2. Asking for and giving opinions. Im convinced that / sure / positive. I strongly believe that I have absolutely no doubt. I definitely think that . I really do think that To my mind As I see it From my point of view Am I right in thinking that Would I be right Dont you think that Are you absolutely sure / convinced / that Sample sentences In my opinion we shouldnt rush into a long term agreement before considering the implications. I tend to think that the loss of key personnel has damaged their confidence. Do you think that national advertising is the right way to launch our products? 3. Agreeing and disagreeing I totally / agree with you / accept fully. Im in total agreement. Im in favour of that. Up to a point. To a certain extend. You may / could / be right but That may be so, but I cant / agree / accept. I dont /agree / accept. I cant go along with 31

Sample sentences: I have talked to the foremen and they completely agree with the idea to set up a quality circle. We are in agreement over the payment terms. I agree with Peter to a certain extend but I still feel that we are exposing ourselves to unnecessary risks. Im afraid we cant agree to the terms in your latest offer. Please reconsider them and get back to us. A productivity bonus for the workers? I totally disagree with that type of incentive. 4. Advising and suggesting Shall we get started? Why dont we move to the next point? Lets postpone this till... I suggest we close the meeting. We should meet again next Why dont you present it at the next meeting? How about I would recommend Its advisable to He suggested that we analyze the threats and opportunities. Sample sentences I dont think weve got enough for all the points in the agreements. Why dont we discuss point 4 at the next meeting? First you should do an audit of your present operations! The consultant suggested that we should focus on the threats to our business. 5. Requesting information and action. Can / could you tell me Will / would Id like to Do you happen to know I wonder if you could tell me 16. Write a complete report having the following as a model. Report Meeting held on 15 October 2000. Location: Danavian Insurance Company, Stockholm Present: Ulf Edberg (Treasurer, Denavian) self Agenda: Letter of Credit Facility. Client is not yet sure about company requirements for 2000. Expressed worry, however, over the increase in our commissions and estimates that this will cost Denavian three times as much as before. Client pointed out that the counter value of SEK 800 million is deposited with us. Currently pays 0.24% for outstanding volume of standby letters of credit but changes will mean paying 0.75% flat on this amount. Requested that we look into the possibility of setting up a trust found with Denavians securities. Volume of letters of credit likely to fall quite heavily because of increased charges. I promised to investigate the possibilities of setting up a trust fund and to contact the client early next month with our outline proposals. What do you think about the following: 32

1. Training and experience go hand in hand if we want to reach a high level of responsibility in our career. 2. Managers spend too much of their time in meetings and they may be sometimes too confident. 3. Dont learn from books but from practice and make things happen! 4. Team work and the know how offers you stability. 5. Everybody has to be aware that competition makes us tougher and more resourceful.

MarketOriginally it was a physical place where buyers and sellers gathered to exchange goods and services. To an economist, a market describes all the buyers and sellers who transact over some goods or services. A market is: -the set of all actual and potential buyers of a product -the set of buyers and an industry in the set of sellers. 1) Potential market the set of consumers who profess some level of interest in a particular product or service. 2) Available market the set of customers who have interest, income and access to a particular product or service. 3) Served market the part of the qualified available market the company decide to pursue. The company may decide to concentrate its marketing and distribution efforts on Central and Eastern Europe. 4) Penetrated market the set of consumers who have already bought the goods. If a company is not satisfied with current sales it can consider a number of actions. It can try to attract a larger percentage of buyers from its served market. It can expand to other available markets. It can lower its price to expand the size of the available market. It can try to expand the potential market by increasing its advertising. Marketing It is a creative management function which promotes business and employment by assessing needs of the end user of products or services, initiates research and development and produces products or services which can be profitably provided to service market requirements. It coordinates the resources of production and distribution of goods and services, determines and directs the nature and scale of the total effort required to sell profitably the maximum production to the ultimate user. This is the process of: -identifying -maximizing -satisfying consumer demand for a companys products. Marketing a product involves: -anticipating changes in demand -promotion of the product 33

-ensuring that its quality, availability and price meet the needs of the market -providing after sales service. Marketing can be split into four components: 1.research 2.strategy. 3.planning. 4.implementation. Marketing and selling influence and control almost every part of a companys activities. Marketing is customer rather than product focused. That means understanding how everything about your product or service impinges on the customer. It is not just the product itself that counts, but the way in which it is presented, delivered, repaired, replaced. Marketing touches on many areas of product management; the marketing department will be involved from the very beginning of a products life in determining its image, deciding when, where and how it should be launched and monitoring its success in the marketplace. Market research is based on the idea that if you find the customers needs and wants and then use the information to provide a package that meets these, then you will be no doubt successful. There are two main types of research: desk (local library) and field research (phone research, written questionnaires, street interviewing, face to face interview, product tests, consumer panels, focus groups). Marketing offers a range of career opportunities at different levels for people who are interested in making things sell. In a large organization, the marketing function will work in tandem with other functions, such as buying, logistics, distribution, retailing. If this is the chosen field, then you will be working at the heart of your company and will gain valuable experience. Marketing staff may work on re-branding a product if it starts to loose popularity or launching the product into new markets overseas. All kinds of products and services are actively marketed these days, even public services and monopolies. Think of eight products ( goods and services ) that are produced or provided in your city or region and answer the following questions: What competition does each product face? What is the image of each product? What is the image of the company that produces it? Fill in the gaps using the words from the list: profitable,. price, promotion, need, image, design, place, product, creative process, satisfy. 1. What is marketing? Marketing is the .satisfying customer needs 2.What is the marketing mix? It consist of the four Ps: providing the customer with the right P . at the right P . presented in the most attractive way ( P..) and available in the easiest way ( P). 3. What is a product? It is something customers buy to a .. they feel they have. The . and the of the product are as important as its specification. How strongly or weakly is each of the products marketed? Where is each product advertised? e.g. a. A brand of beer or soft drink. b. A grocery product. c. An industrial product. 34

d. A service e. A place of entertainment f. A public service g. An educational service h. A financial service What sort of questions are most useful in a sales meeting? What answer is each of these questions likely to provide/ Which of the questions are likely to give more useful information? Give your own examples. #In marketing a product we should: analyze statistics conduct market research devise a questionnaire carry out a market survey consider the strengths and weaknesses devise a marketing strategy draft an advertisement Comment on the advertisements Iceland as nature intended Sweden refreshing Malawi the warm heart of Africa # Make a list of five or more regions or countries that are in competition with yours. Design a questionnaire to find out about peoples attitudes to your region and to its competitors. The people you ask should rate each destination for its qualities on a scale 1 to 10: Good value for money Good entertainment Friendliness Culture Easy to get to Health and sport Hospitality Beautiful scenery Peace and quiet Uniqueness Ask them to describe each place in one sentence like this: When I think of Sweden I think of cold winds and a flat landscape #The promotion of a product involves considering it as a total product; its brand name, presentation, labeling, packaging, instructions, reliability, after sales service. Promoting a product involves developing a Unique Selling Proposition ( USP ): the features and benefits which make it unlike any of the competing products. There are 4 stages in promoting a product (AIDA): a) Attract the Attention of potential customers. b) Arouse Interest in the product. c) Create a Desire for its benefits. d) Encourage customers to take good Action. # Did you know that: 1) The worlds largest advertising agency is British Saatchi& Saatchi. 35

2) The worlds greatest consumers of coffee are the Swedes. (8 kg per person per year). 3) The worlds largest employer is Indian National Railways with 2 million employees. 4) 99% of all business is Japan and Switzerland employ an average of 15 people. 5) The worlds biggest manufactures of motor vehicles is Japan. 6) Over $1 billion a year is spent on advertising in the USA and the rest of the world is over $1.5 billion. 7) The worlds largest airport is Jeddah (by area) or Chicago (by number of passengers) 8) Most Japanese companies pay professional trouble- makers not to cause trouble at their shareholders meetings otherwise the meeting is sure to be disrupted. 9) The airport that handles the second largest number of international passengers in the world is Gatwick. Number one is Heathrow. 10) The average person over 15 smokes, 1,750 cigarettes annually. 11) The worlds number one exporting country is Germany. 12) The worlds biggest restaurant chain McDonalds serves about 15 million hamburgers a day at its 9000 restaurants. 13) The worlds largest food company is Nestle. 14) The worlds greatest and busiest port is Rotterdam. 15) The worlds greatest beer drinkers are the Germans. # how would you deal with Mr. Call. as he keeps raising objections to your products: he say they are too expensive, that hes worried about your after sales service, that your new technology may not be reliable, that your design may not appeal to his customers. # What would you do if you worked in marketing for Dentallo. Dentallo is a medium size firm marketing toothpaste and toothbrushes. Your Dazzle toothpaste and Protect toothbrushes are market leaders in the domestic market, but due to heavy competition from multinational companies with big advertising budgets you are no longer able to reach your export sales targets. Market research shows that a large proportion of consumers aboard find your product image is old fashioned and dull though your prices are lower than the competition.

TravellingPeople travel abroad on business or for pleasure by road, by air and by sea. They travel at their own expense or at the firms expense, they arrange accommodation, they make travel arrangements, they even find out the romance of travel. Travel is a solitary enterprise: to see, to examine, to assess. Travelling on your own can be very lonely so even if we crave for a little risk, some danger, an experience we should have companions. What are the advantages / disadvantages / of travelling: -alone -with a companion -in a group with a guide? Can travel broaden the mind? How? Advantages and disadvantages of travelling on business. Speak about your experiences and feelings about: -staying in a hotel 36

-driving a car abroad -traveling by train -visiting new places -leaving out of a suitcase -eating in restaurants abroad -weekends away from home -waiting for a delayed flight Which are enjoyable, exciting? Which are stressful, annoying, depressing? What difference does it make if youre on holiday and not traveling on business. Do you agree or disagree? -take hand luggage not large suitcases. -its essential to organize everything before you travel. -you should take a walkman and plenty of reading matter. -learn as much as you can about the customs of the people. -its important to arrive a day earlier to give yourself time to adjust and acclimatize. -be careful about local food and drink. -dont get involved in a political discussion. -treat everyone you meet with respect. -never forget that youre a foreigner Add some more pieces of advice. How many of these tips for travelers are worth following? -never get to the airport too early in case the plane is late. -always take a good long book to read on a journey. -always try to get some sleep on the plane. -never take more than one suitcase on a journey. -always try to do some work on the plane. -never drink alcohol on a plane. -you can avoid losing any important document by keeping it in your hand luggage. -you can save money on a hotel accommodation by getting rooms at a discount through your travel agent. -you can avoid delays by taking carry on luggage onto a plane. -always have some water with you. You may depend on a travel agent or your firms travel department to make your travel arrangements but there may be times when you want to change an itinerary for a visitor or yourself. Some phrases you might need to use: I want to fly to Miami on the 10 of the next month, returning on the 20. Id like to reserve a seat on Flight number Id like to change my reservation on Flight no.. I need to get to the airport / railway station / as quickly as possible. One coach class / round trip / one way to Huston. One first class / club class / tourist class return / single. Is it too late to check in for flight nr. E009? Which platform / track / gate does the 13: 40 to London leave from? Can you tell me what time flight nr. is due to arrive / depart/ ? Who would you speak to in each case to get the information you require? What would you say? -You have heard that flight BZ 431 is delayed. 37

-You want a rail ticket to Manchester. -You want a plane ticket to Paris. -You are in hurry to get to the airport. -You have arrived at the airport three hours before your flight. -You have three minutes before your train leaves. -You want to make sure of a hotel room in Madrid before your flight departs. Do you know: -where a visitor could go on a free day or at the weekend? -when the museums are open? -how a visitor can get tickets for a show? -which restaurant to go? -where a visitor can buy local specialities to take home? Imagine youll welcome two people from the other side of the world who havent left their own country before. Theyre coming to work with you for a few months. Make a list of customs and habits that will seem strange to them and which will be different from their country. What will you explain them about: -eating -public transport -shopping -work -entertainments -sports Accommodation Where can you find accommodation: -in comfortable chalets/villas/? -private houses / bungalows /? -motels/ -holiday camps? What kind of hotel do you prefer to stay in on a business trip? What facilities do you know? Chose those you are interested in: -buffet style breakfast -fitness centre /gym/ -jacuzzi &sauna -secretarial service -video movies /T.V. / -restaurant serving local specialities -cocktail lounge -free car parking -photocopying -self service cafeteria -24 hour coffee shop -room service -swimming pool -lifeguard -golf course -beach Travel and hotels have always been closely related. We place hotels in four groups: Commercial hotels providing services mainly for transients. Most of them traveling on business. 38

Resort hotels located in vacation areas providing recreational facilities of their own. Conventions hotels which service conventions meetings usually held yearly of business or professional groups. Resident hotels where people can rent accommodations on a seasonal basis or even permanently. Each hotel has got: -a large lounge furnished with settees and chairs. -a lobby with the reception desk. -a service bureau. -information desk. -foreign exchange desk. -waiting room with new stands. -post office desk. -souvenirs shop. -lifts. -restaurants -bars. -modern convenience. The hotel staff include: -manager -assistant manager -night auditor -cashier -desk clerk -reception clerk -bellboy -porter -doorkeeper -chambermaid -houseman -cook -waiter /waitress -storekeeper -wine steward -bartender What sort of rooms can you book in a hotel. -single -double -suites -rooms with bath /shower -room looking out to What modern convenience can you have in a hotel? -central heating -laundry service -air conditioning -disco Name some of the dos and donts of the hotels. Start with: -when going out you should not forget to leave the keys at the desk. -you must pay the bill before leaving the hotel. -rooms must be vacant by 12 am on the day of departure. 39

-you are requested not to disturb other peoples rest. -complaints should be made to Reception or to the manager. Describe a hotel that you liked most. Travelling by Train Railways today still carry the bulk of passenger and goods traffic. It is one of the cheapest ways of transporting freight over long distances. The railway station is provided with: A waiting room An inquire office Parcels office (heavy luggage is registered and labeled) Left luggage office Book stalls Post office Telephone booth Booking office Catering facilities ( restaurant, snack bar, coffee room, tea room..) Time table Shop The passengers hurry along the platforms getting on or off the train; the porters carry the luggage to the train or push it on their trucks to the luggage van. The luggage van is placed behind the engine, then the mail van and the passenger carriages with smoking and non smoking compartments, a dining car. The passengers compartments have numbered seats. At intervals a guard or a special inspector checks the travelers tickets. The train arrivals and departures are posted up in time, the passengers being invited to the trains by loudspeaker. What kind of trains can passengers get on? Express trains Fast trains Slow trains Through trains Commuting trains What luggage do you usually have about you? Light luggage Heavy luggage A suit case A truck Hand luggage Under what circumstances do you book? A single, one way ticket A return, round trip ticket A platform ticket A season ticket I wonder whether you have watched the rush in a railway station. People looking up members in the Telephone Directory. People consulting the time table. People booking in advance. People getting on and off the trains. 40

Porters seeing to the passengers luggage. The incoming and outgoing trains. Trains pulling out the station and picking up speed. Find the definition for each of the words: a. railway b. railroad c. railhead d. bulk e. station f. bulky 1. U.S. system using trains to carry 2. end of a railway line 3. B.E. system using trains to carry passengers & goods 4. large and awkward 5. large quantity of goods 6. place where trains stop Describe your last journey by train using the following vocabulary: First class sleeper Through train Booking office Luggage rack Smoking carriage Return ticket Entrance gate platform Ticket collector Breath talking landscape Unique landscapes To travel light To run on time To change times To delay To enjoy To put out / off the lights To have a change Travelling by Air It is most comfortable and speediest of all means of transport. Airlines are constantly improving their services. They are concerned about improving check in facilities hiring well trained deck-in personnel providing excellent in flight services such as: cabin services, seat comfort, in flight entertainment, good catering. It is advisable to book tickets in advance. You can book : A first class (P) seat A Business class (C) An Economy class (Y) Before boarding the plane the passengers must have their tickets and passports checked, their luggage inspected, weighed and tag attached to it. The passengers can avail themselves of the various services offered by the airport: 41

the exchange office the duty free shop the book stall the restaurants They will be waiting for the announcer calling the flight. The stewardess will take the passengers to the concrete runway where the plane is ready to take off. What sort of classes and tickets can you book on any flight? First class (P) Business (C) Economy (Y) Single one way Return round trip Direct point to point Open dated return Dated ticket Which are the airport formalities? Flying ticket checking Luggage weighing Customs control formalities Passport control Security check Why are these necessary when the plane takes off? Fasten your seat belt Stop smoking Listen to the instructions given by the air hostess What are these for? The information desk The currency exchange office The public address system Telephone booth Can you explain? Aircraft Aircrash To board a plane To book a ticket Check in facilities Catering To hit an air pocket Liable to duty Non stop flight Point to point flight Runway Find the definition for the words and expressions: 1) A direct flight 2) Catering 3) Load factor 4) Open dated ticket 5) Check in facilities 6) Break even point 7) Return ticket 8) Long haul 42

9) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i)

Yield a) a point where sales cover cost but do not make a profit one way flight round trip ticket amount of weighed factor long distance to book a ticket leaving the date of the return open. supplying food ready to eat profit places where passengers give in their tickets for a flight

You want to fly from Bucharest to New York. Book a flight. Write down a short dialogue. Why do people prefer to travel by air? What might a travel by plane depend on? What aspects are the airlines all over the world concerned about? The Customs System Customs clearance consists in the following operations of the means of conveyance to customs units and production of the accompanying documents. - customs inspection of the means of conveyance and of the merchandise carried. - the checking of customs declarations. The customs Tariffs are applied when clearing the goods through the customs then customs duties are being charged in conformity with the guide to the law of Import Customs Tariffs. The guide enters the goods under several columns: tariff heading and subheading description of the goods rate of duty Customs bodies should check whether the merchandise is in accordance with the customs declaration and transport documents. Customs duties are charged on the customs value of the goods. If the goods fall under customs restrictions they are liable to duties, if they dont exceed the free tax quota they are un dutiable. Natural persons may bring in the country personal effects which are duty free. The Customs Regulations prohibits the introduction into the country of: arms, narcotics, toxic substances, radio transmitters and receivers, documents and printed matter under law restriction. It is prohibited to take out of the country securities, goods that belong to the national cultural patrimony. Any traveler who has items coming under customs restrictions should declare them either orally or in writing on a special form. What should the officer do in case of contraventions? -fine you -confiscate your objects. -charge a penalty for dutiable goods, for deliberate concealment of prohibited goods. How can your passport be? -in order 43

-needs the entry / transit visa -needs no visa -has expired Chose the correct definitions: a. customs b. to go through the customs c. customs clearance d. customs formalities e. customs officers f. customs tariffs g. customs union 1. agreement between several countries that goods can travel between them paying duty. 2. the government department that organize the collection of taxes or imports. 3. to pass through the area of an airport (port where customs officials examine goods). 4. documents given by customs to show that customs duty has been paid and the goods can be moved. 5. declaration of goods and examination of them by the customs. 6. people working for the customs. 7. list of duties to be paid on imported goods. Make up a dialogue using the following vocabulary: I came from Ill spend a few days as a tourist Your passport is in regular order I have no cash Liable on duty Personal effects No charge on On condition Prohibited goods We are through with the customs Clearance Restrictions To register Visa

MoneyAll values in the economic system are measured in terms of money. Our goods and services are sold for money and money is in turn exchanged for other goods and services. Coins are adequate for small transactions, while paper notes are used for general business. We also have a wider sense of the word money covering anything which is used as a means of exchange. Originally, a valuable metal (gold, silver, cooper) served as a constant store of value; even today, the American dollar is backed by the store of gold which the US government maintains. 44

As gold has been universally regarded as a valuable metal, national currencies were many years judged in terms of gold standard Today national currencies are considered to be as strong as the national economies which support them. Valuable metal has been replaced by paper notes. They are issued by governments and authorized banks and are know as legal tender. Cheques and money orders perform the function of substitute money and are known as instruments of credit Credit is offered when creditors believe that they have a good chance of obtaining legal tender. If a mans assets are known to be considerable then his credit will be good. If his assets are in doubt then it may be difficult for him to obtain large sums of credit. The value of money is basically its value as a medium of exchange or its purchasing power which is dependent on supply and demand. The demand for money is reckonable as the quantity needed to effect business transactions. An increase in business requires an increase in the amount of money coming into general circulation. But the demand for money is related not only to the quantity of business but to the rapidity with which the business is done. The supply of money is the actual amount in notes and coins available for business purposes. If too much money is available, its value decreases and this condition is known as inflation. The unit of English coinage is the pound sterling which is worth 100 new pennies. The symbol is always placed before the figures. The abbreviation of p is written after the corresponding figures. The Bank of England issues banknotes for 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100. there are three bronze coins (half penny), the one and two new penny, two copper- nickel coins: the five and ten new penny. Then there is the 50p. coin. # The unit currency in U.S.A: dollar a paper bill or a silver coin. - banknotes of $ 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 - coins 1 5 (nickel), 10 (dime), 25 (quarter), 50 (half dollar) are made of silver. # How can you ask for a price? How much is it? How much does it come to? How much do I owe you? How much do you charge? Its very expensive Its rather cheap Im short of money, can I buy cheaper? # Say whether these statements are true (T) or false (F) The U.S. dollar is a constant store of value. Instruments of credit are accepted because they can be converted easily into substitute money. The purchasing power of money depends upon supply and demands. The demand for money is related to the rapidity with which business is done. You can earn interest on a current account. Banks lend money to depositors who need capital. The main profits of a bank come from lending money at a fixed rate of interest. 45

Money is described as liquid because it is compared to flowing water. Everyone borrows money. And when you do this you improve your lifestyle. It may be a risk but it also promises great rewards. Where do you borrow money from? Banks are considered to be profit making machines. They come in all shapes and sizes and they help you. Lending money becomes one of the main functions of a bank. It is the interest earned from banks that brings in most of the revenue to pay the expenses, including staff salaries of the bank and give a sufficient surplus to pay shareholders a dividend and retain funds in reserves accounts for the expansion of the bank. Before any loan is granted, the following questions must be answered by the customer: how much is required? the purpose of the loan length of time the advance is requested the source of repayment We have the following sources of funds for the Romanian banks: bank deposits(Short term, long term) borrowed funds own funds(own capital, supplementary capital) The funds that are put out on loans belong to customers. It is their money that is put at risk, so if a bank is making bad or unprofitable loans, this will be reflected in the deposits. Types of credit or loans: 1.Country loans.(in order to achieve national, political, social and economic goals) 2.Corporate lending.( such as loans for: - working capital and fixed assets - overdrafts - term loans - syndicated loans - revolving credit . Types of credits: We can have: 1. Revocable credits( may be cancelled or amended at any time without prior notice being given to the beneficiary) 2. Irrevocable credits(can be cancelled with the agreement of all parties) 3. Sight credits(allow for payment to be made as soon as documents are presented) 4. Deferred credits(it allows for payment at a future date without calling for a Bill of Exchange). 5. Transferable credit( it can be transferred by the original beneficiary to one or more second beneficiaries). 6. Red clause credits(incorporate a special concession to the beneficiary allowing the advising bank to advance a percentage of the total credit amount before presentation of the shipping documents). 7. Revolving credit(the amount can be renewed or reinstated without specific amendments to the credit being needed). 8. Stand by credits(acts as a guarantee by the