Cultivating the Landscape of Innovation in Computational … · 2012-05-04 · CUNY Graduate School...

CUNY Graduate School of Journalism Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism Cultivating the Landscape of Innovation in Computational Journalism By Nicholas Diakopoulos, Ph.D. April 2012

Transcript of Cultivating the Landscape of Innovation in Computational … · 2012-05-04 · CUNY Graduate School...

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CUNY Graduate School of Journalism

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Cultivating the Landscape of Innovation in Computational Journalism By Nicholas Diakopoulos, Ph.D.

April  2012  

08  Fall  

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1. Introduction Technology  is  rapidly  shifting  the  ways  in  which  news  information  is  gathered,  produced,  and  disseminated.  Some  of  the  core  areas  of  computing,  like  databases  and  information  retrieval,  are  already   hard   at   work   driving  many   of   these   changes   as   news   organizations   re-­‐‑adjust   to   the  digital   era.  Yet   the   transfer   and  use   of   computing   technology   in  news   and   journalism   can  be  accelerated.  This  paper  takes  as  its  premise  that  there  may  be  opportunities  for  computational  innovation   in   journalism   that  have  been  overlooked   or   are  underexplored.  What   are   some  of   the  other  technologies,  beyond  databases  and  information  retrieval,  that  can  be  used  to  help  fulfill  news  consumers’  needs,  to  advance  the  goals  of   journalism,  or  to  enhance  the  production  and  dissemination  of  knowledge  for  the  public?    

We   begin   here   to   develop   a   process   to   systematically   analyze   and   explore   the   potential   for  technical   innovation   in   journalism,   both   to   provide   a   more   structured   way   to   think   about  innovation   in   journalism,   as   well   as   to   identify   potentially   overlooked   or   underexplored  opportunities  to  create  new  value  propositions  in  journalism.  Systematic  innovation  consists  of  the  organized  search  for  change  and  the  analysis  of  opportunities  such  change  might  offer  for  economic  or  social  innovation1.  Such  a  structured  process  needs  to,  at  a  minimum,  consider:  (1)  What   innovations   are   needed   either   to   solve   problems,   meet   user   needs   through   new  experiences,   or   increase   efficiencies   in   processes;   (2)   Whether   the   innovation   is   technically  feasible  and  how  to  make  it  work;  and  (3)  Whether  the  solution  fits  the  values  of  the  intended  users   and   is   likely   to  be   adopted.  The   crux  of   the  process   explicated  here   is  user-­‐‑centered   and  value-­‐‑sensitive   and   approaches   innovation   both   from   the   perspective   of   people   producing   the  news  (both  professionals  and  non-­‐‑professionals)  and  consuming  the  news.    

Placing  constellations  of  ideas  and  concepts  in  improbable  juxtapositions  is  often  the  source  of  new  ideas.  This  is  the  basic  supposition  behind  combinatorial  creativity  and  is  the  reason  why  product   innovation   often   comes   from   new   uses   or   combinations   of   existing   knowledge   or  technologies.   This   suggests   an   approach   for   systematic   innovation   that   involves   enumerating  and  then  combining  concrete  concepts  that  span  the  space  of  interest.      

Through   extensive   reading   into   the   literature  we   developed   four   such   conceptual   typologies  that  span  our  interest  space  and  correspond  to  the  three  considerations  proffered  above.  These  typologies  include  (1)  relevant  dimensions  of  computing  and  technology,  (2)  news  consumers’  needs,   (3)   journalistic  goals,  and  (4)  value-­‐‑added  information  processes.  These  four   typologies  are  geared  towards  helping  to  explore  the  space  of  product  and  process  innovation,  in  particular  by  means   of   new   computing   technology.   There   are   of   course   other   types   of   innovation   (e.g.  marketing  and  organizational)  that  are  not  systematically  considered  in  this  paper2.    

Using  the  four  typologies  as  a  basis  we  carried  out  a  review  of  relevant  computing  literature  in  order   to   assess   areas   of   the   conceptual   space   that   have   received  more   or   less   attention.   Each  relevant  piece  of  literature  was  labeled  with  the  concepts  that  it  addresses  and  these  labels  were  


1  Peter  F.  Drucker.  Innovation  and  Entrepreneurship.  Harpercollins.  1985.    2  Oslo  Manual:  Guidelines  for  Collecting  and  Interpreting  Innovation  Data.  3rd  Edition.  OECD.  2005.    

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then   used   to   produce   a   visualization   of   the   conceptual   space.   Section   3   presents   this  visualization   as   a   mechanism   to   identify   promising   areas   of   future   activity.   In   section   4   we  move   beyond  mapping  what  we   found   to   developing   a  method   to   instigate   the   generation   of  new  ideas  in  this  conceptual  space.  We  summarize  and  conclude  our  approach  in  section  5.    

2. Conceptual Typologies In   this   section   we   detail   the   four   conceptual   typologies   used   in   our   systematic   innovation  process.   Extensive   reading   and   research   in   the   fields   of   computing,   journalism,   and  communication  was  undertaken  in  order  to  identify  and  appropriately  describe  these  concepts  so  that  they  could  be  used  in  our  mapping  and  generative  processes.  The  typologies,  however,  are  not   exhaustive,   as   some  degree  of   relevance  assessment  was  needed  when  deciding  what  concepts  to  include  or  exclude.  Ultimately  we  strove  to  include  concepts  that  were  neither  too  abstract   nor   too   specific,   as   we   thought   such   extremes   could   be   detrimental   to   effective  literature  mapping  and  idea  generation.    

Dimensions of Computing

We   throw   the  word   around   sometimes   –   “computational   this”   or   “computational   that”   –   but  what  does  the  kernel  word,  computing,  really  mean?  Definitions  abound  online,  but  perhaps  the  most   canonical  of  definitions   comes   from  Peter  Denning,   a  professor  and  elder   in   the   field  of  Computer   Science   (CS).   In   his   words,   “Computing   is   the   systematic   study   of   algorithmic  processes   that   describe   and   transform   information.”3    Computing   runs   a   strong   parallel   to  journalism  in  that  it  is  fundamentally  concerned  with  information,  but  adds  another  focus  on  the  algorithmic.   Computing   is   about   information,   about   describing   and   transforming   it,   but   also  about   acquiring,   representing,   structuring,   storing,   accessing,   managing,   processing,  manipulating,   communicating,   and   presenting   it.   And   computing   is   about   algorithms:   their  theory,  feasibility,  analysis,  structure,  expression,  and  implementation.  A  fundamental  question  of  computing  concerns  what  information  processes  can  be  effectively  automated.    

In   modern   CS   there   is   an   extensive   body   of   knowledge   that   stems   from   this   core   notion   of  computing.   For   instance,   the  Computer   Science   Curriculum  defined   in   2008   indicates   14  different   areas   of   knowledge4.   These   areas   are   often   instantiated   differently   at   different  institutions.  One  institution  with  a  useful  distinction  is  the  Georgia  Tech  College  of  Computing,  which  delineates   some   areas   as   belonging   to  core   computer   science,   and   others   belonging  to  interactive   computing.   Roughly,   core   computer   science   deals   with   the   conceptual   (i.e.  mathematical),  and  operational  (i.e.  nuts  and  bolts  of  how  a  modern  computer  works)  aspects  of  computing.   Interactive   computing,   on   the   other   hand,   mostly   deals   with   information   input,  modeling,  and  output.  There  are  aspects  of  professional  practice,  engineering,  and  design  that  apply  in  both.  Some  of  the  sub-­‐‑areas  of  core  and  interactive  computing  are  shown  in  Table  1.    


3  Peter  J.  Denning.  Is  Computer  Science  Science?  CACM  48  (4)  2005.    4  Computer  Science  Curriculum  2008.  

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Of   the  many  sub-­‐‑areas  of  computing   it’s   the   interactive  computing  body  of  knowledge  that   is  most  interesting  in  terms  of  its  potential  application  to  journalism.  The  way  that  information  is  moved   around   inside   a   computer   is   less   important   for   journalists   to   understand   than   the  interactive   capabilities   of   information   input,   modeling,   and   output   afforded   by  computing.    How  does  computing  interface  and  interact  with  the  rest  of  the  world?  Of  course,  many   of   the   capabilities   of   computers   studied   in   interactive   computing   rest   on   solid  foundations  of  core  computer  science.  You  couldn’t  be  a  very  productive  data  journalist  without  an  operating  system  to  schedule  processes  and  manage  files.    

We   developed   a   catalog   of   twenty-­‐‑seven   computing   concepts   and   technologies,   mostly  stemming   from   the   three   interactive   computing   disciplines   of   Human   Computer   Interaction  (HCI),   Visual   Computing,   and   Intelligent   Systems,   but   also   drawing   on   some   other   relevant  areas   (e.g.   information   management,   modeling   and   computational   science)   as   we   thought  necessary.  The  full  list  of  computing  concepts  and  technologies  is  given  in  Appendix  A.  These  concepts  form  the  bedrock  for  thinking  about  how  computing  and  technology  can  combine  with  the  concepts  discussed  in  later  sections  to  generate  new  product  and  process  innovations.    

News Consumer Needs

What  is  it  exactly  that  drives  people  to  consume  news  information?  By  focusing  on  the  user  and  really   understanding   the   underlying   needs,   motivations,   or   habits   influencing   news  consumption   we   can   unlock   new   opportunities   for   creating   new   media   products   or   for  optimizing  existing  ones  using  computing  and   technology.  What’s  needed   is  a  user  model   that  describes  the  core  facets  or  concepts  of  news  consumption  behavior.    

It’s   important   to   first   make   the   distinction   between   how   users   consume   news   and  why   they  consume  it.  How  news  is  consumed  is  largely  attributable  to  the  medium  of  presentation  (e.g.  paper,   radio,   TV,   tablet,   internet).   Certainly   online   social   networks   such   as   Twitter   and  Facebook   have   changed   how   people   are   exposed   to   and   consume   news.  Different  media   bias  news   consumption   in   different   ways,   as   their   own   unique   affordances   differentially   enable,  place   constraints   on,   and   influence   behavior.   The  why   of   news   consumption   is   perhaps  more  fundamental  though,  as  the  underlying  needs  and  motivations  for  consuming  news  will  simply  be  expressed  differently  across  media  in  terms  of  exactly  how  those  needs  are  met.    

There   are   a   variety   of   demographic   and   contextual   factors   that   can   influence   why   people  consume  news  or  media.  For  instance,  different  studies  have  shown  that  younger  people  tend  to  

Table  1.  Sub-­‐‑areas  of  core  and  interactive  computing.  

Core  Computer  Science   Discrete   Structures,   Programming   Fundamentals,   Software  Engineering,   Algorithms   and   Complexity,   Architecture   and  Organization,   Operating   Systems,   Programming   Languages,   Net  Centric  Computing,  Information  Management,  Computational  Science  

Interactive  Computing   Human   Computer   Interaction,   Graphics   and   Visual   Computing,  Intelligent  Systems  


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consume   news   for   the   sake   of   escapism   or   passing   time5,  women   on   average   tend   to   be   less  interested   in   news   on   some   topics   such   as   science   and   technology6,   social   co-­‐‑viewing   can  influence   people   to   watch   television   news   for   longer 7 ,   and   personality   traits   such   as  extraversion  and  openness  are  linked  to  exposure  to  news  in  politics  and  public  affairs8.  Taken  together  this  research  seems  to  indicate  that  there  is  a  lot  of  potential  for  marketing  innovations  that  formulate  and  design  media  to  appeal  to  different  tastes  and  individual  differences.  But  for  our  purposes  here,  for  driving  new  ideas  in  product  and  process  innovation,  these  differences  are  at  the  wrong  level  of  granularity.  What  we  really  need  are  slightly  more  abstract  dimensions  that   describe   news   consumers’   needs   in   a   way   that   cuts   across   demographic   and   contextual  factors.    

The  uses  and  gratifications  (U&G)  theory  describes  such  a  set  of  underlying  dimensions.    Since  the  1940s  communication  and  journalism  scholars  have  been  studying  why  people  seek  out  and  consume  media,  and  eventually  this  work  evolved  into  what  we  call  U&G  theory  today.  What  are   the  gratifications   that  people  receive   from  various  kinds  of  media  or   types  of  content  that  help   to   satisfy   their   underlying   social   and   psychological   needs?   Some   of   the   earliest   studies  looked   at   why   people   consumed   radio   news,   and   some   of   the   more   recent   look   at   internet  technologies  such  as  commenting  systems,  but  the  dimensions  described  by  U&G  have  proven  to   be   remarkably   stable   over   time   and   across   media.   The   Uses   and   Gratifications   theory  attempts  to  explain  how  and  why  people  select  their  media,  as  well  as  how  concentrated  their  attention   is9.   For   instance,   casually   attending   to   a   report   for   entertainment   or   to   pass   time   is  different  than  goal-­‐‑oriented  information  seeking.  Uses  and  Gratifications  suggests  that  there  are  four   main   categories   of   motives   for   why   people   consume   media:   (1)   surveillance/staying  informed,   such  as   finding  out  about   relevant  events  and  conditions   in  your   surroundings,   (2)  personal   identity,   including   finding   reinforcement   for   personal   values   and   finding  models   of  behavior,   (3)   integration   and   social   interaction,   including   social   empathy,   finding   a   sense   of  belonging,  or  a  basis  for  social  conversation,  and  (4)  entertainment/diversion,  such  as  relaxing  or  filling  time.  Appendix  B  describes  these  concepts  in  more  detail.    

Journalistic Goals

Value   sensitive   design   attempts   to   account   for   human   values   in   a   comprehensive   manner  throughout  the  design  process  by  identifying  stakeholders,  benefits,  values,  and  value  conflicts  


5    Diddi,   A.   and   LaRose,   R.   Getting   hooked   on   news:   Uses   and   Gratifications   and   the   formation   of   news   habits  among  college  students  in  an  internet  environment.  Journal  of  Broadcasting  &  Electronic  Media  50(2).  2006.  

6    Hamilton,   J.   All   the   News   that’s   Fit   to   Sell:   How   the   Market   Transforms   Information   into   News.   Princeton  University  Press.  2006.  

7    Wonneberger,  A.,  Schoenbach,  K.  and  van  Meurs,  L.  Interest  in  News  and  Politics  –  or  Situational  Determinants?  Why  People  Watch  the  News.  Journal  of  Broadcasting  &  Electronic  Media.  55  (3).  2011.  

8    Gerber,  A.,  Huber,  G.,  Doherty,  D.  Dowling,  C.  Personality  Traits  and  the  Consumption  of  Political   Information.  American  Politics  Research.  39  (1).  2011.  

9    Ruggiero,  T.  Uses  and  Grats  theory  in  the  21st  century.  Mass  Communication  &  Society.  2000,  3  (1).  

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to  help  designers  prioritize  features  and  capabilities10.  This  is  an  essential  and  important  point  for  innovating  new  computational  products  and  services  since  it  helps  to  ensure  the  adoption  of  these  innovations  by  the  intended  users.  “Value”  can  be  defined  as  “what  a  person  or  group  of  people   consider   important   in   life”.   Values   include   things   like   privacy,   property   rights,  autonomy,   and   accountability   among   other   things.  What   does   journalism   value   and   how   do  these  values  drive  the  goals  of  the  practice?  Answering  this  will  allow  for  the  design  of  tools  for  professionals  that  are  more  easily  adopted,  and  for  the  design  of  tools  that  more  easily  facilitate  acts   of   journalism   by   non-­‐‑professionals,   since   they   can   integrate   better  with   the   ethos   of   the  process.    

Normative   descriptions   of   journalism   from   both   sociological11,12  and   practical13,14  sources  were  consulted   in   order   to   identify   core   values   and   goals   for   our   conceptual   typology.   These   are  shown   in   Table   2   according   to   whether   they   are   primary   or   reinforcing   factors.   The   three  overarching  primary  values/goals  are   (1)  striving  for   truth,   (2)  acting   in   the  public   interest,  and  (3)  generally  providing   information   about   contemporary  affairs  of  public   interest.  These   can   in-­‐‑turn  be  conceived  of  as  being  reinforced  by  other  values,  goals,  or  activities.  Truth  is  supported  by  values  such  as   independence,  which  maintains  a  freedom  from  potentially  biasing  influence,  and   impartiality,  which   attempts   to   even-­‐‑handedly   cover   noteworthy   opinions   or   to   manage  personal   or   organizational   biases.   The   core   value   of   public   interest   leads   to   other   valued  activities  such  as  watchdogging  and  forum  organizing.  For  instance  watchdogging  is  a  special  type  of  public   interest   in  that   it   involves  holding  public   (or  other)   institutions  accountable  for   their  actions;  it  also  contributes  to  supporting  the  primary  goal  of  truth.  Forum  organizing,  which  is  about   orchestrating   a  public   conversation   and   identifying   and   consolidating   community,   also  works  in  the  public  interest  by  facilitating  public  information  exchange.  The  last  primary  goal  is  informing  and  is  supported  by  activities  such  as  aggregating,  sensemaking,  and  storytelling  which  all  serve   to  add  value   to   information,   in  different  ways,  before   it   is  passed  on  to   the  public  at  large.  Many   of   these   values   and   valued   activities   can   be   seen   as   contributing   to   a   notion   of  information   quality   –   the   degree   of   excellence   in   communicating   knowledge.   Appendix   C  


10  Friedman,  B.,  Kahn,  P.  H.,  Jr.,  and  Borning,  A.  Value  Sensitive  Design  and  information  systems.  In  P.  Zhang  and  D.  Galletta  (eds.),  Human-­‐‑computer  interaction  in  management  information  systems:  Foundations,  348-­‐‑372.  2006.  

11  Schudson,  M.  The  Sociology  of  News.  2nd  Edition.  W.W.  Norton  and  Co.  2011.  12  Kovach,  B.  and  Rosenstiel,  T.  The  Elements  of  Journalism.  2nd  Edition.  Three  Rivers  Press.  2007  13  APME  Statement  of  Ethical  Principles.  14  ASNE  Statement  of  Principles.  

Table  2.  Journalism  values  and  goals  and  their  relationships  

Primary   Reinforcing  

Truth   Independence,  Impartiality,  Watchdogging  

Public  Interest   Watchdogging,  Forum  Organizing,  Informing  

Informing   Aggregating,  Sensemaking,  Storytelling  


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describes  all  of  these  concepts  in  more  detail.    

There   is   considerable   potential   for   technology   to   re-­‐‑invent   and   re-­‐‑imagine   the   activities   of  informing,   truth-­‐‑seeking,   and   acting   in   the   public   interest:   to   make   them   more   effective,  efficient,   satisfying,   productive,   and   usable.   Being   aware   of   these   core   values   also   helps  designers  understand  what  would  not  be  acceptable  to  design  for  professionals  (e.g.  a  platform  to  facilitate  the  acquisition  of  paid  sources  would  probably  not  be  adopted  in  U.S.  journalism).  It’s   important   to   emphasize   that   it’s   the   function   served   by   the   above   valued   activities   that’s  significant   more   so   than   any   institutionalized   practices   or   processes   already   in   use   to  accomplish   these   goals.   In   some   cases   it   may   be   entirely   appropriate   for   some   institutional  practices   to   be   substantially   re-­‐‑made   in   the   face   of   new   technologies.   Value-­‐‑sensitive   design  offers  a  sensible  way  forward  to  ensure   that  products  and  services  embed  the  kinds  of  values  that  will  make  them  trustworthy,  impactful,  and  resonate  with  journalists  and  the  public.    

Value-Added Information Processes

As  we  saw  in  the  last  section,  one  of  the  core  activities  of  journalism  is  in  providing  information  to   the   public   –   of   producing   knowledge   –   in   a   way   that   strives   for   truth.   It’s   presented   in  various   guises:   articles,   maps,   graphics,   interviews,   and   more   recently   even   things   like  newsgames,  but   it   all   essentially   entails   the   same  basic   components  of   information  gathering,  organizing,   synthesizing,   and  publishing  new   (sometimes   just  new   to  you)  knowledge.  To  be  sure,   the  particular  flavor  of  knowledge  produced   is  colored  by   the  cultural  milieu,  ethics,  and  temporal  constraints  through  which  journalism  extrudes  information  into  knowledge.    

Much  of  what  journalists  are  engaged  with  on  a  day-­‐‑to-­‐‑day  basis  is  in  adding  value  to  information,  which   includes   things   like  making  sense  of   it,  making   it  more  accessible  and  memorable,  and  putting   it   in   context.   Raw   data   and   information   is   harvested   from   the   world,   and   as   the  journalist  gathers  it  and  makes  sense  of  it,  puts  it  in  context,  increases  its  quality,  and  frames  it  for  decision  making,  it  gets  more  and  more  valuable  to  the  end-­‐‑user.  And  by  “value”  we  don’t  necessarily  mean  economic,  but  rather  usefulness  in  meeting  a  user  need.  This  point  is  important  because   it   implies   that   the  value  of   information   is  perceived  and  driven  by  user-­‐‑needs  in  context.  Sometimes   this   process   is   described   as   a   flow   from   data   to   information   to   knowledge   (see  Figure   1).   Data   are   numerical   entities   or   veridical   facts.   Information   is   about   adding  

 Figure   1.   The   three   stages   of   value   adding:   data,   information,   and   knowledge.   Note   the   recursive   nature   of  knowledge  production  indicated  by  the  “interpret”  step,  which  creates  a  new  atom.    

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relationships  between  these  elements  of  data,  or  creating  groupings  and  categorizations  of  data.  Knowledge  emerges  when  humans   interpret,  analyze,  and   judge   information  as  a  mechanism  for  driving  decision-­‐‑making.  The  process  is  cyclical  or  recursive,  with  the  output  from  someone  else,  be  it  an  article,  tweet,  or  comment  potentially  feeding  into  the  process  for  the  next  output.    

Stemming  from  his  study  of  library  information  systems,  Robert  S.  Taylor  developed  a  model  of  value-­‐‑added  processes  in  information  systems15.  His  model  offers  us  a  more  structured  way  to  think  about  how   journalists  and  other  knowledge  producers  add  value   to   information.   It  also  provides   conceptual   fodder   for   thinking   about   how   technical   innovation   can   be   employed   to  enhance  efficiency  or  effectiveness  in  these  processes.  Taylor  organized  the  processes  into  four  broad  categories:  ease  of  use,  noise  reduction,  adaptability,  and  quality.      

Ease   of   use   corresponds   to   aspects   of   information   design   (i.e.   how   to   format   and   present  information),  browseability  (i.e.  non  goal-­‐‑driven  information  access),  and  ordering  (i.e.  ranking  objects  along  some  dimension  of  interest).    Activities  that  journalists  engage  in  to  improve  ease  of   use   include   transforming   tables   of   numbers   into   compelling  maps   or   graphics,   or  writing  engaging  and  compelling  articles  that  make  it  easier  to  understand  and  remember  key  aspects  of  a  story.  Another  dimension  of  ease  of  use  is  physical  accessibility,  which  can  reflect  the  type  and  characteristics  of  the  hardware  used  to  deliver  information.    

Noise   reduction   involves   the   processes   of   inclusion   and   exclusion   (i.e.   filtering)   with   an  understanding  of  relevance  that  may  be  informed  by  context  or  end-­‐‑user  needs.  Journalists  are  constantly  engaging  as  noise  reducers  as  they  assemble  a  story  and  decide  what   is  relevant  to  include  and  what   is  not,  and  even  by  their  very   judgment  of  what   is  considered  newsworthy.  Another   dimension   of   noise   reduction   involves  summarization,   which   serves   to   condense   or  simplify   information  while  making   sure   it   can   still   be  validly   interpreted.   Finally,   associating  information,   either   though   explicit   links   or   through   statistics,   can   reduce   noise   by   making  relevant  and  related  information  more  accessible.    

Adaptability   is   a  mechanism   that   adds   value   by   ensuring   that   information   is   relevant   to   the  specific  needs  or  interests  of  a  person  with  a  particular  information  need  or  problem.  If  you’re  thinking  about  your  audience,  then  you’re  probably  already  adapting  to  them  in  some  way  or  another.   In   technology   terms,   personalization   and   recommender   systems   are   geared   towards  adapting  information  environments  to  suit  individual  users.    

Finally,  Taylor’s  model  includes  five  dimensions  of  information  quality:  accuracy  (i.e.  freedom  from   error),   comprehensiveness   (i.e.   completeness   of   coverage),   currency,   reliability   (i.e.  consistent  and  dependable),  and  validity  (i.e.  well-­‐‑grounded,   justifiable,  and  logically  correct).  Issues   of   information   quality   as   value-­‐‑adds   are   of   paramount   importance   to   us   here   since  striving  for  truth  is  a  central  value  of  journalism.  Appendix  D  describes  all  of  the  value-­‐‑added  information  processing  concepts  in  more  detail.  

In   summary,   one   of   journalism’s   primary   raisons   d’être   is   in   gathering,   producing,   and  disseminating  information  and  knowledge.  The  processes  used  to  produce  this  information  and  


15  Robert  S.  Taylor.  Value-­‐‑Added  Processes  in  Information  Systems.  Praeger.  1986.  

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knowledge   can   be   studied   in   conceptual   terms   such   as   those   outlined   above.   But   what   is  perhaps  most  interesting  about  these  processes  is  that  they  can,  in  theory,  all  be  executed  either  by   people,   or   by   computers.   It’s   unlikely   in   the   near-­‐‑term   that   automated   systems  will   fully  replace  people,  but  there  are  many  opportunities  for  using  technology  to  enhance  the  efficiency  and  effectiveness  of  these  processes  as  they  are  guided  by  people.      

3. Surveying Opportunities for Innovation An  extensive  literature  review  was  conducted  with  the  goal  of  characterizing  the  landscape  of  what’s   already   been   investigated   within   the   conceptual   typologies   we   have   defined.   The  literature  review  proceeded  by  examining  two  of  the  primary  sources  of  computing  literature,  the   ACM   digital   library,   and   the   IEEE   digital   library.   Both   of   these   libraries,   which   house  technical  and  computing  literature,  were  searched  using  the  keyword  “journalism”  to  identify  any   research   that   identified   itself   as   concerned   with   journalism.   Additional   targeted   topical  searches   on   the   ACM   library   included   “’information   quality’   news   media”,   “summarization  news   media”,   “storytelling   news   media”,   “factcheck”,   “watchdogging”,   “aggregation   news  media”,  “curate  news  media”  and  “sensemaking  news  media”.    

A   total   of   3,181   results   from  ACM  and   159   results   from   IEEE  were   triaged   by   reading  paper  titles  and  abstracts  to  select  the  most  relevant  ones.  Relevance  was  determined  by  considering  if  the  work  addressed  news  information  or  journalism  in  terms  of  a  novel  system,  application,  or  process.  This   resulted   in   a   set   of   101  papers.  These  papers  were   further   assessed  by   carefully  reading  their  abstracts  and  scanning  the  papers  themselves.  Each  paper  was  coded  according  to  any  concepts  in  our  framework  that  were  addressed  by  the  work.    

It’s  important  to  understand  the  limitations  of  this  sample  before  moving  on.  This  sample  does  not  include  literature  published  in  communications  or  journalism  venues  that  might  also  touch  on   technical   issues.   Due   to   the   nature   of   the   concept   space,  we   focus   solely   on   product   and  process   innovation  –  we  do  not   include   instances  of  what  might  be  considered  organizational  innovation   (i.e.   relating   to   the   organization   of   work   processes   of   people),   or   marketing  innovation   (i.e.   relating   to   the   non-­‐‑functional   aspects   of   design).   Our   relevance   criteria   also  excludes   some   research   that   might   be   more   distantly   or   loosely   related,   or   that   produced  knowledge  that  wasn’t  directly  related  to  a  product  or  process  (e.g.  user  studies).    Furthermore,  we   exclude   computationally   innovative   products   and   services   in   the   marketplace   due   to  sampling   issues   and   since   the   information   necessary   to   evaluate   such   innovations   is   not  publicly   available.   In   the   future,   crowdsourcing   may   be   a   workable   approach   to   surveying  marketplace  innovations.  Despite  the  above  limitations  we  would  still  argue  that  our  review  is  based  on  substantial  enough  of  a  sample  to  begin  to  see  some  interesting  patterns  of  activity.    

We  developed  a  heatmap  visualization  in  order  to  better  understand  how  the  literature  covers  our  conceptual  space.  The  matrix  in  Figure  2  (and  rotated  and  blown  up  in  Appendix  E)  shows  the   computing   concepts   along   the   vertical   axis,   and   the   user   needs,   journalism   goals,   and  information  processes  along  the  horizontal  axis.  Each  cell  of  the  matrix  indicates  the  number  of  research   papers   coded  with   both   of   those   concepts,  with   darker   red   indicating   “more”.     The  rows   of   the  matrix   have   been   sorted   such   that   computing   concepts   that  were   observed  more  

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frequently   in   the   literature  are   towards   the   top.  The   relative  prevalence  of   concepts   is   further  shown   in   Figure   3   by   ranking   (a)   the   computing   concepts   and   (b)   all   other   concepts   by   the  number  of  exemplars  found  for  each  concept.      

We  can  make  several  observations  by  inspecting  the  matrix  and  graphs.  For  instance,  concepts  such   as   natural   language   processing,   data   mining,   social   computing,   and   information  visualization  have  garnered  the  most  amount  of  attention  in  terms  of  their  application  to  news  and   journalism.   Topics   such   as   machine   learning,   knowledge   representation,   information  retrieval,   and   computer   vision   have   also   gotten   some   attention.   But   more   sporadic,   or   no  attention,   has   been   paid   to  many   of   the   other   concepts.   For   instance,   very   little   research   has  looked   at   how  machine   translation,   tangible   user   interfaces,   agents,   or   virtual   reality   can   be  applied  to  news  information  or  journalism.  But  the  dearth  of  existing  work  in  these  areas  can  be  seen  as  an  opportunity:  one  could   imagine  many   inventive,   innovate,  and  robust  applications  

 Figure  2.  A  matrix  visualization  of  literature  as  it  falls  into  various  categories  of  our  typology.  The  darkest  red  corresponds  to  12  papers  and  the  lightest  to  1  paper.  Computing  concepts  are  ranked  from  top  to  bottom  according  to  the  number  of  papers  in  which  they  were  identified.  


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incorporating   these   concepts.   For   instance,   if   we   were   to   consider   combining   tangible   user  interfaces  with  physical   accessibility  we  might   imagine   a   kiosk-­‐‑based   tangible   news   interface  that   increases   the   physical   accessibility   of   news   in   public   spaces   like   parks.   Another   class   of  technologies  that  hasn’t  been  applied  extensively  to  news  and  journalism  includes  areas  such  as  robotics,   augmented   reality,   wearable   computing,   and   activity   recognition.   These   are  technologies  that  you  might  consider  “less  mature”  since  they  may  not  support  robust  end-­‐‑user  experiences  unless  used  in  somewhat  constrained  scenarios.  But  as  these  technologies  improve,  future  research  and  applications  would  be  wise  to  explore  here.    

From  the  matrix  and  graphs  we  can  also  see  which  user  needs  or   journalism  goals  have  been  underexplored   with   respect   to   computing   and   technology.   For   instance,   the   user   need   of  developing  personal   identity   (not   to  be  confused  with  personalization)  does  not  appear   to  get  any   attention,   at   least   in   the   literature   reviewed.   But   one   could   readily   imagine   developing  technologies   or   media   experiences   geared   towards   helping   users   find   reinforcement   for  personal   values   or   find   models   of   behavior.   Another   possible   explanation   for   the   apparent  

 Figure  3.  Bar  graphs  of  the  number  of  research  papers  found  related  to  each  concept  for  (a)  computing  concepts  and  (b)  all  other  concepts.    


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dearth  of  activity  on  some  of  these  needs  and  goals  is  that  they  may  be  more  often  or  better  met  through   organizational   or  marketing   innovations,  which   are   not   included   in   our   sample.   For  instance,   for  personal   identity  again,   this  need   is  probably  more  often  met   through  marketing  innovations  that  frame  content  to  appeal  to  different  personalities.  Besides  user  needs,  there  are  also   journalism  goals,   such   as   independence   or  public   interest,   that   have  gained   little,   if   any,  attention   in   the   computing   research   literature.   But   there   are   surely   opportunities   here.   If   we  were   to   combine   the   concepts   of   information   visualization   with   independence   and   public  interest  we  might  imagine  a  visualization  that  could  help  reflect  the  independence  of  journalists  or  their  sources  in  a  way  that  makes  it  clear  to  the  public  what  connections  or  influences  are  at  play.   Other   journalism   goals   such   as  watchdogging   or   forum   organizing   have   also   garnered  little  attention   in   terms  of   technical  product  or  process   innovation  and  are  ripe   for   innovative  applications  of  technology.  For  instance,  organizing  a  user-­‐‑generated  photo  forum  related  to  the  news  (such  as  that  found  on  CNN’s  iReport)  could  be  facilitated  by  computer  vision  technology  to  help  sort  and  order  photos  in  useful  ways.    

Finally,   there   are   a   number   of   opportunities   for   applying   technology   to   value-­‐‑adding  information   processes.   In   particular   it   seems   there   may   be   many   opportunities   to   apply  technologies  to  aspects  of   information  quality   including  accuracy,  comprehensiveness,  currency,  and   validity.   Quality   in   information   processes   coincides   with   the   core   journalistic   goal   of  getting  at   the  truth,  but   is  nonetheless  a  tricky  issue  for  news  organizations.  Using  automated  processes   that   expose  weaknesses   in   quality   after  publication   could   be   seen   as   detrimental   to  public   credibility.   Technology   for   considering   quality   processes   thus   needs   to   be   integrated  tightly   into   the   overall   processes   (gathering,   sensemaking,   storytelling,   and  dissemination)   of  news  production.  For   instance,  we  could   imagine  a  wearable  computer   (a  bracelet?  earrings?)  used   for   reporting   interviews   that   could   automatically   link   excerpted   quotes   to   the   original  audio   via   speech   recognition.   When   published   this   would   provide   more   reliability   (and  transparency)  for  quoted  materials.    

4. Generating Opportunities for Innovation The   concept   typologies   described   above   include   fifty-­‐‑five   distinct   concepts:   twenty-­‐‑seven  computing  and  technology  concepts,   four  primary  classes  of  user  needs,   ten   journalism  goals,  and   fourteen   information   processes   (see   Appendices   A-­‐‑D).   But   we   want   to   move   beyond  description  and  survey,  and   in   this   section  we  address   the  question  of  “What   could   be   in   this  space?”   by   formulating   these   concepts   into   a   generative   activity   that   can   aid   people   in  brainstorming  new  ideas  that  intersect  concepts  in  interesting  ways.    

In  order  to  jump-­‐‑start  the  creative  process  of  understanding  how  intersections  of  these  concepts  could  lead  to  innovations  we  developed  a  brainstorming  card  “game”.  Each  concept  is  given  a  card  and  color-­‐‑coded  based  on  its  main  category:  red  for  computing,  purple  for  user  needs,  blue  for  journalism  goals,  and  orange  for  information  processes  (see  Figure  4).    

The  brainstorming  activity  we  developed  proceeds  with  groups  of  three  people.  The  cards  are  split  into  two  decks,  one  containing  the  computing  cards  and  the  other  containing  the  rest  of  the  cards.  The  decks  are  placed  face  down  on  a  table.  Each  person  in  the  group  then  picks  a  card  at  

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random:  one  person  picks  from  the  computing  deck  and  two  pick  from  the  other  deck.  This  is  to  ensure  that  there  is  at  least  one  computing  concept  in  play.  Combining  the  concepts  shown  on  the  drawn  cards,  the  group  is  instructed  to  “generate  as  many  different  ideas  as  possible  in  five  minutes”.  Brainstorming  can  happen  in  many  different  ways,  though  we  stress  quantity  of  ideas  since   research   has   shown   that   stressing   quantity   over   quality   tends   to   ultimately   yield  more  high-­‐‑quality   ideas16.   A   recorder   in   the   group   is   identified   and   is   tasked   with   recording   the  concept   cards   drawn   and   all   the   ideas   that   the   group   generates.   A   sequence   of   several   five-­‐‑minute  rounds  can  be  played  to  let  everyone  have  a  chance  at  seeing  and  combining  different  concepts.   After   several   rounds   of   brainstorming   each   group   then   selects   one   or   two   ideas   to  share  and  discuss  with  the  group.    

Initial Experiences

To  better  understand  if  and  how  the  activity  was  working  and  how  to  improve  it,  we  presented  the  concepts  and  the  activity  to  a  class  of  fifteen  entrepreneurial   journalism  students  at  CUNY  Graduate   School   of   Journalism.   In   a   series   of   three   5-­‐‑minute   rounds   of   brainstorming,   five  groups  generated  54  ideas  in  total,  for  an  average  of  3.6  ideas  per  group  per  round.  In  a  follow-­‐‑up  session  we  also  ran  the  activity  with  eleven  media-­‐‑industry  professionals   including  people  with  backgrounds   in   technology  or   journalism,  or  both.   In  a  series  of   five  5-­‐‑minute  rounds  of  brainstorming   the   three   groups   of   industry   professionals   produced   53   ideas.   Students   and  professionals  thus  produced  comparable  numbers  of  ideas.  There  was  some  variability  between  groups,   but   the   overall   reaction   from   students   and   professionals   was   positive,   with   several  interesting   ideas   produced.   The   discussion   phase,  with   the   smaller   groups   presenting   one   or  


16  Paulus,  P.  B.,  Kohn,  N.  W.  and  Arditti,  L.  E.  (2011),  Effects  of  Quantity  and  Quality  Instructions  on  Brainstorming.  The  Journal  of  Creative  Behavior,  45:  38–46.  

 Figure  4.  Brainstorming  cards.  

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two  ideas  back  to  the  larger  groups  was  quite  useful,  both  as  a  mechanism  to  congeal  ideas  as  well  as  to  provoke  a  dialogue  as  the  idea  ricocheted  among  a  larger  group.  

Some  of   the   ideas  generated  were   for  general  products  or   services,  but   some  were  also  about  how  technologies  could  enable  new  kinds  of  stories  to  be  told  (i.e.  editorial  creativity).  One  idea  for   a   general   platform  was   to   produce   3D   virtual   recreations   of   traffic   intersections   prone   to  accidents  in  order  to  help  viewers  get  a  better  experience  of  why  that  spot  could  be  dangerous.  Another  interesting  idea  involving  the  concepts  of  computer  vision  and  summarization  was  to  assess   audience   reactions   to   events   by   analyzing   facial   expressions   of   photos   or   videos   of   a  crowd.  This   could  be  valuable  not   just   for   reporting  on  events,  but  perhaps  also   for  audience  testing  other  forms  of  media.  A  creative  idea  involving  robotics  was  to  present  sports  patterns  or   “plays”   using   robots   to   act   out   the   dynamics.   Could   this   be   a   new   form   of   entertaining  “replay”?  In  terms  of  editorial  creativity  some  ideas  included  using  motion  capture  technology  to  recreate  crime  scenes  or  analyses,  or  to  illustrate  workplace  injuries  from  repetitive  stress.    

Not  all  of  the  ideas  produced  were  totally  original,  nor  would  they  all  make  viable  businesses  or  generate   millions   of   clicks   for   publishers.   But   that’s   okay   since   our   main   goal   here   was   to  generate   lots   of   fodder   for   the   downstream   process   of   winnowing   by   business   or   market  criteria.   In   the   future  we’re   interested   in   looking   into  ways  of  codifying  evaluative  criteria   for  what  makes  a  good   idea   so   that   these   can  be   further   integrated   into   the  overall  brainstorming  process.  We   are   also   interested   to   continue   running   the   brainstorming   activity  with   different  types  of  participants,  and  with  minor  adjustments  to  instructions  or  duration  of  the  activity.    

5. Summary The   purpose   of   this   paper   has   been   to   describe   and   articulate   a   systematic   method   for  identifying  and  generating  opportunities  for  innovation,  particularly  for  products  or  processes,  in   computational   journalism.   The   method   is   grounded   in   ideas   of   user-­‐‑centered   and   value-­‐‑sensitive  design,  which  drive  a  need  to  understand  news  producers  as  well  as  consumers  as  we  consider  the  application  of  computing  and  technology.  By  drawing  on  a  wide  range  of  literature  we  contribute  an  articulation  of  a  set  of  fifty-­‐‑five  concepts  spanning  user  needs,  computing,  and  information   processes.   Using   this   concept   space   our   visualization   of   computing   research  activity   helps   to   identify   underexplored   areas   such   as   tangible   interfaces,   agents,   wearable  computing,  and  activity  recognition,  among  others.  And  finally,  our  brainstorming  activity  has  been  shown  to  be  an  effective  and  engaging  method  for  students  and  industry  professionals  to  generate  novel  ideas.    



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Appendix A – Computing Concepts and Technologies Twenty-­‐‑seven  dimensions  of  computing  drawn  from  the  interactive  and  core  computing  bodies  of  knowledge.    

Social  Computing  The   intersection   of   social   behavior   and   computing   including   collaboration   (i.e.   synchronous   or   asynchronous  coordination   between   people),   online   communities   and   social   networks,   and   social   information   processing   (e.g.  collaborative  filtering,  tagging,  commenting).    

Natural  User  Interfaces  Interfaces  that  mimic  aspects  of  intuitive  everyday  human  behavior  and  seem  “invisible”  and  natural  to  the  user  (e.g.  gesture,  touch/haptics,  speech,  brain).  

Tangible  User  Interfaces  Interfaces  that  use  physical  artifacts  as  representations  and  controls  for  digital  information.    

Mobile  and  Ubiquitous  Computing  The  integration  of  computing  (e.g.  sensing,  information  gathering,  output)  into  everyday  objects  in  the  environment,  and  into  portable  devices.      

Wearable  Computing  The   integration  of   computing   into   the  personal   space  of   the  user   in   an  unobtrusive  and   constantly   accessible  way  (e.g.  a  computational  “prosthetic”)        

Information  Visualization  The  use  of  interactive  visual  representations  of  abstract  data  to  amplify  cognition  or  to  communicate.  

Media  Synthesis  The  creation  or  editing  together  of  new  media  including  visual  images  or  multimedia.  

Non-­‐‑photorealistic  Rendering  The  creation  of  non-­‐‑realistic  images  (e.g.  artistic,  non-­‐‑physically  based).  

Animation  The  creation  of  a  series  of  images  that  impart  motion  to  the  objects  depicted.    

Motion  Capture  The  capture  and  storage  of  geometric  motion  information  from  real  objects.    

Virtual  Reality  The  realistic  3D  simulation  of  an  immersive  environment.  

Augmented  Reality  The   creation  of   a  view  of   the  physical  world   that   is   overlaid  with  digital  media   (e.g.   3D  models,   images,   or  other  data).    

Computer  Vision  Techniques   for   producing   information   from   images   that   can   be   used   to   drive   decisions   and   processes   (e.g.  navigation,  interaction,  organization,  detection).    

Game  Engines  Platforms  that  allow  for  rapid  development  of  modeled  and  simulated  environments.  

Computational  Photography  Image  capture  which  utilizes  computing  (e.g.  stitching,  multiple  exposure,  tone  mapping)  or  specialized  optics  that  require  computer  processing  before  display  (e.g.  lightfields).    



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Agents  Autonomous  or  semi-­‐‑autonomous  entities  that  observe  and  act  on  the  environment  and  direct  their  activity  towards  achieving  goals.    

Robotics  Mechanical  agents  that  perform  tasks  and  can  be  autonomously,  semi-­‐‑autonomously,  or  remotely  controlled.    

Machine  Learning  Algorithms   that   allow   for   the   recognition   of   generalizable   patterns   or   categories   from   data   which   may   facilitate  intelligent  decisions  based  on  such  data.      

Natural  Language  Processing  Algorithms  that  allow  for  the  parsing  and  understanding  of  human  language.    

Machine  Translation  Algorithms  that  allow  for  the  automatic  translation  between  human  languages.    

Speech  Recognition  Algorithms  that  allow  for  the  recognition  and  understanding  of  spoken  language.  

Activity  Recognition  Algorithms  that  allow  for   the  understanding  of  behaviors   in  the  environment  based  on  sensors  (e.g.  sound,   image,  GPS).  

Knowledge  Representation  The  modeling  of  knowledge  to  facilitate  automatic  reasoning  and  inferencing,  such  as  through  semantic  networks  or  classification  scheme.  

Data  Mining  The  automatic  or  semi-­‐‑automatic  analysis  of  data  to  extract  clusters,  anomalies,  or  other  relationships.  

Hypermedia  The   connection   of   information   or  media   (e.g.   graphics,   audio,   video,   text)   in   such   a  way   as   to   create   a   non-­‐‑linear  medium.    

Information  Retrieval  The   search   for   relevant   documents,   information,   or   data   often   with   respect   to   some   human   information   need  expressed  as  a  query.      

Modeling  and  Simulation  The  construction  and  manipulation  of  abstract   (i.e.  mathematical  or  statistical)  and  often  simplified  representations  and  behaviors  of  real  phenomena.    



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Appendix B – News Consumers’ Needs Four   dimensions   drawn   from   the   uses   and   gratifications   theory   that   help   explain   how   and  why   people   consume  media.    

Staying  Informed  Finding  out  about  relevant  events  and  conditions  in  immediate  surrounding,  society,  and  the  world;  seeking  advice  on   practical   matters,   or   opinion   and   decision   choices;   satisfying   curiosity   and   general   interest;   learning,   self-­‐‑education.  

Personal  Identity  Finding  reinforcement  for  personal  values;  finding  models  of  behavior;  identifying  with  media  actors;  gaining  insight  into  one’s  self.  

Integration  and  Social  Interaction  Insight   into   circumstances   of   others   including   social   empathy;   identifying   with   others   and   gaining   a   sense   of  belonging;  finding  a  basis  for  conversation  and  social  interaction;  enabling  connection  with  family,  friends,  society.  

Entertainment  Escaping,  relaxing,  cultural  or  aesthetic  enjoyment,  filling  time,  emotional  release,  sexual  arousal.  



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Appendix C – Journalistic Goals Ten  journalistic  values,  goals,  and  activities  drawn  from  normative  descriptions  of  journalism  practice  and  ethics.    

Truth  Striving  for  accuracy,  transparency,  and  context  including  assessing  the  truth-­‐‑value  of  others’  claims.    

Independence  Free  from  influence  by  those  covered  or  monitored  (e.g.  governments,  politicians,  organizations).    

Impartiality  An   attempt   to   even-­‐‑handedly   and   fairly   cover   noteworthy   opinions   on   an   issue,   to   manage   personal   or  organizational  biases,  and  to  mark  personal  opinion  clearly  (e.g.  editorial).    

Public  Interest  On  the  side  of  the  public  rather  than  for  other  actors  like  organizations  or  governments.  

Watchdogging  Making  sure  powerful  institutions  or  individuals  are  held  to  account  for  their  actions.  

Forum  Organizing  Orchestrating  a  public  conversation  and  identifying  and  consolidating  community.  

Informing  Gathering   and   reporting,   enriching,   and  disseminating   information   that  people  need  or  want   about   contemporary  affairs  of  public  interest.    

Storytelling  Striving  to  convey  information  in  an  engaging  yet  enlightening,  relevant,  and  meaningful  way.    

Aggregating  Collecting,  curating,  and  organizing  information.        

Sensemaking  Establishing  informational  relationships  and  context,  and  drawing  valid  interpretations.      



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Appendix D – Value-Added Information Processes Fourteen  attributes  or  processes  that  can  add  value  to  information  by  making  it  more  useful  for  a  user  need.    

Information  Design  Formatting  and  presenting  information  to  facilitate  ease  of  use  and  understanding.  

Browseability  Presenting  information  to  support  casual  rather  than  goal-­‐‑driven  consumption.  

Physical  Accessibility  Reducing  physical  barriers  to  use.  

Ordering  Ranking  or  otherwise  placing  information  in  a  logical  sequence.  

Filtering  Including   or   excluding   information   according   to   various   criteria   such   as   relevance,   categories,   or   other  discriminators.  

Enriching  Augmenting  information  with  metadata  such  as  tags  or  other  descriptors.  

Summarization  Condensing  and  simplifying  information  while  maintaining  valid  interpretability.  

Associating  Defining  relationships   in   information  using  hyperlinks,   statistics   (e.g.   correlation,   similarity,   clusters),  or   semantics  (e.g.  “A  likes  B”).  

Adaptability  Ensuring  that  information  is  relevant  to  the  specific  needs  or  interests  of  a  person  with  a  particular  problem,  such  as  through  personalization,  recommendation,  or  user-­‐‑centered  design.      

Accuracy  Ensuring  information  is  free  from  mistake  or  error  and  that  it  conforms  to  the  truth  insofar  as  the  truth  is  knowable  at  the  time.  

Comprehensiveness  Ensuring  information  is  thorough  and  complete.  

Currency  Ensuring  information  is  up-­‐‑to-­‐‑date.  

Reliability  Ensuring  information  and  information  sources  are  dependable,  trustworthy,  and  credible.  

Validity  Ensuring   information   is  well-­‐‑grounded,   justifiable,  and   logically  correct  as  well  as   that  assumptions  are  acceptable  and  factual  evidence  is  relevant.    


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Appendix E – Literature Survey Heatmap A  rotated  and  expanded  view  of  Figure  2  indicating  how  the  research  we  found  spans  the  concepts  in  our  typology.  The  darkest  red  corresponds  to  12  papers  and  the  lightest  to  1  paper.    



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This   work   has   benefitted   greatly   from   the   support   and   input   of   many   people   at   the   CUNY  Graduate   School   of   Journalism   and   Tow-­‐‑Knight   Center   for   Entrepreneurial   Journalism  including   Jeff   Jarvis,   Jeremy   Caplan,   Peter   Hauck,   Jennifer   McFadden,   and   all   of   the  entrepreneurial   journalism   students   and   industry   professionals   that   participated   in   our  brainstorming  sessions.      


About the Author

Nicholas  Diakopoulos  is  a  researcher  and  consultant  in  New  York  City,  specializing  in  human-­‐‑computer  interaction  for  computational  media  applications.  He  received  his  Ph.D.  in  Computer  Science  from  the  School  of  Interactive  Computing  at  the  Georgia  Institute  of  Technology,  where  he   helped   launch   the   program   in   Computational   Journalism.   He   was   also   a   Computing  Innovation  Fellow  at  Rutgers  University  School  of  Communication  and  Information  from  2009-­‐‑2011   where   he   researched   social   media   and   visual   analytics   as   they   relate   to   news   and  information.  Nick  can  be  contacted  via  email  at  [email protected],  and  is  online  at  @ndiakopoulos  and