CUHK Learning-Based Power Management for Multi-Core Processors YE Rong Nov 15, 2011.

CUHK Learning-Based Power Management for Multi-Core Processors YE Rong Nov 15, 2011

Transcript of CUHK Learning-Based Power Management for Multi-Core Processors YE Rong Nov 15, 2011.


Learning-Based Power Management for Multi-Core Processors

YE Rong

Nov 15, 2011



Dynamic Power Management (DPM) Power consumption has become a major issue in system design DPM is defined as the selective shutdown of inactive system components

Different power modes• Different power consumption• Different transition cost to wake up (deeper sleep, more transition cost)

StrongARM SA1100



Dynamic Power Management (DPM) The key point in DPM is how to utilize the idle periods of system

components• Difficult to choose the opportune moment to turn off inactive components• Difficult to select proper sleep mode

Sleep mode

Running mode

idle mode

running mode

The idle period is unknown in general-purpose processors.


Related Work

Existing DPM policies Heuristic policies

• Timeout Policy

Predict the length of idle period (e.g., regression)• Input: past idle periods• Output: current idle period

Stochastic policies• Markov decision process• Semi-Markov decision process



System and environment conditions are varying Learning technique can adjust system DPM policy to adapt to this changing

New feature to utilize We are provided a choice to re-allocate task to a certain core

Learning-based DPM for Multi-Core Processors Model this problem as stochastic decision process Employ Q-learning algorithm to find out better policy







Basic idea of Q-learning Three components

• A discrete set of environment state, • A discrete set of agent actions, • A reward function,

Map system states to actions to maximize the expected reward in the future

:R S A R A {a }t

S {s }t


Reward Function

Proposed reward function Weighted sum of power consumption and response time

R: reward; P: average power dissipation; RT: average response time

β: coefficient for the tradeoff between power and performance

( , , ) ( , ) ( , )t t t t t tR s a P s a RT s a


Neural Network

Neural network to tackle new problem in multi-core case System state and action numbers are increased exponentially

• System state number• Action number• Solution space: the composition of system state space and action space

For example,• Core with 3 power modes: running, idle, and sleep mode• Queue with 2 queue states: 0 for no task, otherwise 1• A multi-core processor with 8 cores• Then, the space size is

Use neural network to approximate Q-value, instead of Q table in standard Q-learning

( ) ( )n ncn qn m n

( )nm n( )ncn qn

8 8(3 2) (3 8) 88,159,684,608


Neural Network

Input layer: Hidden layer: Output layer: Parameters update

Parameters are updated in a gradient way with the help of the back-propagation algorithm


( , )h

t t j ji

Q s a H u

( , )t ts a

1 1

( )

1/ (1 )

n m

i ij i iji i

s w a w

jH e


Experimental Setup

Our experiments are based on synthetic workloads Homogeneous multi-core processors with 4 cores or 8 cores Processor parameters

• Exactly the same with StrongARM SA1100

A set of tasks• Task number: 10,000• Task service time: hyper exponential distribution• Task arrival time: exponential distribution

DPM techniques for comparison Timeout policy with T = (TVLSI, 1996) Reinforcement learning-based policy

(ICCAD, 2009)







Response Time



In this work, We extend DPM problem to multi-core case

• Present a novel DPM model to utilize the distinctive features of multi-core processors, to obtain global power benefits;

We develop a learning-based algorithm• Use neural network to solve the huge solution space problem that is different

from single-core case• Employ ε-greedy to avoid local maximum of power optimization

The experimental results show that • Our proposed methodology can greatly reduce power dissipation with

reasonable performance penalty or even obtain benefits in both power and performance

Power is a critical issue Related to temperature, lifetime reliability, etc.

This framework can be utilized to optimize reliability issues


Thanks for Your Attention!

YE Rong

Nov 15, 2011