Cuda Guide to Deflasking

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  • 8/22/2019 Cuda Guide to Deflasking


    Cuda's Deflasking... UPDATE WK #1Ok got 3 more flasks today they were surprise flasks from someonein Florida. I couldnt really figure out the writing good enough on thetops so Im posting pics of those to if anyone can ready um pleaselet me know what each one is by number.. Thanks!!Now everyone has there own way of working while deflasking, this iswhat I do, I get all my supplies out I need and fill bowls with rainwater room temp, I empty and wash 1 flask of babies at a time, firstinto one bowl, then drain and put into another bowl, then I dump thefirst bowl and wash it out with soap water and then fill with morerain water and put the babies in there and wash a 3rd time, thenonto newspaper to air dry for 10 mins and then one washed set ofbabies at a time goes into a rain water vita mix to soak for 15 mins,then onto paper again where I am sitting at the table to work, next Itake and trim and clean any dead leafs, roots, damaged roots andanything roots I feel the plant dont need at this time, with me I feelalot of roots is a GREAT thing but a lot of roots and hardly anyleaf/plant growth is not, we want good roots and GOOD plant/leaf

    growth to happen, so I trim any overload of roots as you will see inthe pics. Next after thats done they get put back into my rain watermix to soak for 5 mins, then its on to potting up, you will also see inthe pics the way I place the babies in the pot, some roots touch andover lap, but babies feel and grow better when crammed together inthe pot for the first 4 to 6 weeks.You will also see in the pics my finger to size comparison for the pindot babies. Then in the pots in the neo grow chamber and neochamber closed with pots in. They then get placed under lights.In one of the flasks the root growth was crazy but there was veryvery little plant/leaf growth so they got trimmed ALOT and we will

    see how those few babies do over the next 4 weeks.I have not changed anything I did when I got my very first flask andgrew those that I had posted pics of in another thread I started herein the propagation section. We will see how well these do if I get thesame results as I did with the first flask well I guess I am doing

    something right..

    ENJOY!!!the flasks

  • 8/22/2019 Cuda Guide to Deflasking


    work area


    First air drying before rain water vita soak

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    First presoak mix

    trimmed and cleaned befour second presoak

    second presoak befour air drying then potting up.

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    then placement and potting up

    to much root and not enough plant/leaf growth for me in my bookper say..

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    now trimmed and clean for a better start and growth

    my version of pin dot babies

    potted up and bagged, there was another pot with pin dot babiesplaced in the bag to but that was after this pic was taken.

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    the rest are now potted up and in the neo grow chamber

    and the neo grow chamber.

  • 8/22/2019 Cuda Guide to Deflasking


    after the first 10 days I open the air holes more and after that each4 days I open more as the days go by till all air holes are uncovered,most were covered with clear tape, but theres plenty of open onesfor air and also the humidity stays up high while the babies adjustand recoup from there ordeal.

    Day 1 babies Deflasked!!


    Ok heres WK #1 update outa flask babies..I was a little worried about them at first when they came in we wereat zero temps and the heat packs in the box had expired so theywere very cold when I took the flasks out of the box, I figured Iwould lose some or have a lot of leaf root damage. But im happy toreport only 3 to 4 had leaf tip damage and or whole leaf damage,none the less they all are doing great no losses. WOOT.. Theregetting real good color from being under the lights.

    Week #1 outa flask.These are my medium to large babies

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  • 8/22/2019 Cuda Guide to Deflasking


    And the pin dot babies.

    There doing very well and growing great will update again in

    another week or 2..

  • 8/22/2019 Cuda Guide to Deflasking


    Now 2 wks outa flask. Just got done watering them. Put my handdown there for size reference, you can tell there getting strong light.

    and heres the pin dot babies, growing quickly.

  • 8/22/2019 Cuda Guide to Deflasking



    Just wanted to show you the growth and repotting I did of somebaby Catt's 4 wks outa the flask, they got moved out of the neogrow chamber to larger grow chamber. Needed to make room formore flasks coming in. These babies have done very well since Ideflasked 4 wks ago, some of the roots have bark and pea gravelstuck to them I dont dare try to peel it off, as you can see in a fewpics the tons of new larger fat root growth compared to the thinsmall flask agar root growth on the very bottom, some random pics

    of my classification, larger babies, medium babies in hand and thenpin dot babies on paper towel the ones some folks dont dare tryingto grow out they were sooooooooo tiny in the flask, now putting ongood size and new roots. Not all the flask babies are in these pics as

    my cam batteries took a dump on me.. But ya get the idea onhow well there all doing. Also a pic of the potting mix I make up anduse and then pics of some in one of the larger grow chambers wherethey will stay for the next 6 wks before moving to open grow rack..

    I had 130 babies right from flask and culled 8 pin dot babies andthen few others that I just didnt like the way there leafs/whole plant

    was growing, so now im at 111 babies. I have had NO LOSES sincedeflasking, I just have a habit of culling what I think will not growright. Now comes the real test if they continue to grow like this anddo well with no loses from this repotting and moving for the next6wks, well I guess I did something right.. LOL!! Couldnt get all thepics in will reply with more pics..

    Thanks everyone..The potting mix I make up and use I dont measure out or anythingas I always seem to know how much of this and that to add to getthe total mix..I use standard orchid bark mix with the charcoal, pumice, differenttypes bark chunks, I toss it into a old blender I use just for thispurpose and run it just for a sec to make everything a little smaller,then I add some topsoil, perlite, peat, handful of pea gravel andsome Zoo Med Repti Bark which is a nice clean fur bark, mix all this

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    together and moisten lightly and pop it into the nuke for 8 mins onhigh, it kills all bugs and bacteria, then pour into a larger BIG plasticbowl and keep doing the same thing till I have the bowl filled, whichI make a lot up before hand of the nuking, and then let cool downbefore using. What I dont use right away I zip lock baggie the rest,when I need it later I pull it out and renuke/cool down again beforefilling pots.. It keeps moisture long enough to nourish the roots, butalso is light airy and drains fast plus dries quickly. Apparently theylove this mix from just looking at the size and health of the rootsand the plant there getting some nutrients from the mix. Im not abig on of fertilizing I would rather find a way for the plant to getmore nutrients and what it needs from the potting mix its in... Ihave 3 flasks coming in tomorrow and those babies are going rightinto the same mix I start these babies out in right out of the flask.. Iwill post pics of those and also their growth process..

    Update.. 6 wks outa flask, I just got done watering them.. Sincethere in a grow chamber they only get watered once a wk.

    first pic my hand is by them for size ref..

    And these pin dot babies arent pin dots no more, they are quicklycatching up in size..