CTTT 2008 - Teaching translation: language and technology Braga, Portugal, June 23-27, 2008...

CTTT 2008 - Teaching translation: language and CTTT 2008 - Teaching translation: language and technology technology Braga, Portugal, June 23-27, 2008 Braga, Portugal, June 23-27, 2008 Terminology Management Terminology Management Assoc Prof Frank Austermühl Assoc Prof Frank Austermühl Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies Centre for Translation and Interpreting Studies The University of Auckland The University of Auckland [email protected] [email protected]
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Transcript of CTTT 2008 - Teaching translation: language and technology Braga, Portugal, June 23-27, 2008...

CTTT 2008 - Teaching translation: language and technology CTTT 2008 - Teaching translation: language and technology Braga, Portugal, June 23-27, 2008 Braga, Portugal, June 23-27, 2008

Terminology ManagementTerminology Management

Assoc Prof Frank AustermühlAssoc Prof Frank Austermühl

Centre for Translation and Interpreting StudiesCentre for Translation and Interpreting Studies

The University of AucklandThe University of Auckland

[email protected]@auckland.ac.nz


Before we Begin …Before we Begin …

Terminology Management = Knowledge Management• Empowerment, Quality, ROI

Searching & Evaluating

Integration• Teaching terminology (theory and management) as part of

LSP translation practice courses• Teaching terminology and LSP translation principles as part

of CAT/documentation courses• Teaching terminology and LSP translation principles as part

of contextual studies courses


Overview09.30 – 11:0009.30 – 11:00 I. Basic Principles of Terminology Management (Lecture)I. Basic Principles of Terminology Management (Lecture)

11:30 – 13:0011:30 – 13:00 II. Computer-based Terminology Management: Workflow, Concept II. Computer-based Terminology Management: Workflow, Concept

Systems, Termbase Creation (Workshop)Systems, Termbase Creation (Workshop)

14:00 – 15:45 and 16:15 – 17:0014:00 – 15:45 and 16:15 – 17:00 III. Computer-based Terminology Management: Developing, Filling, III. Computer-based Terminology Management: Developing, Filling,

and Manipulating Termbases in MultiTerm, Word, Workbench and Manipulating Termbases in MultiTerm, Word, Workbench (Workshop) (Workshop)

17:00 – 18:0017:00 – 18:00 IV. Tool Assessment, Quality Assurance, Standards (Lecture and IV. Tool Assessment, Quality Assurance, Standards (Lecture and



Part I: Basic Principles of Part I: Basic Principles of Terminology ManagementTerminology Management

• What is Terminology? Terminography?What is Terminology? Terminography?• GPL vs SPL )or LGP and LSP)GPL vs SPL )or LGP and LSP)• SPL/LSP and TranslationSPL/LSP and Translation• What is Terminology? Terminography?What is Terminology? Terminography?• What is it not?What is it not?• What is Phraseology?What is Phraseology?• Functions and Objectives of TerminologyFunctions and Objectives of Terminology• On Concepts, Designations, and TermsOn Concepts, Designations, and Terms


I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – The Terminology of TerminologyThe Terminology of Terminology

1) Terminology = Terminology Studies1) Terminology = Terminology StudiesThe “scholarly study of the concepts and terms found in The “scholarly study of the concepts and terms found in special languages” (Wright, Budin 1997:327).special languages” (Wright, Budin 1997:327).

2) Terminology = Nomenclature2) Terminology = NomenclatureA set of “standardized” terms of a specific domain (i.e. A set of “standardized” terms of a specific domain (i.e. a nomenclature)a nomenclature)

3) 3) Terminology = Specialized VocabularyTerminology = Specialized VocabularyA set of all terms (i.e. specialized words and word A set of all terms (i.e. specialized words and word combinations), standardized or not, belonging to a combinations), standardized or not, belonging to a specific domainspecific domain


I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – The Terminology of TerminologyThe Terminology of Terminology

1) Terminology = Terminology Studies1) Terminology = Terminology StudiesTerminology science is the subject field that investigates the Terminology science is the subject field that investigates the structure, formation, development, usage and management of the structure, formation, development, usage and management of the terminologies in various subject fields, and that prepares the terminologies in various subject fields, and that prepares the methodological foundation for many applications. (UNESCO 3). methodological foundation for many applications. (UNESCO 3). … … the study and the field of activity concerned with the collection, the study and the field of activity concerned with the collection, description, processing and presentation of terms. (Sager (1990:2)description, processing and presentation of terms. (Sager (1990:2)… … the scholarly study of the concepts and terms found in special the scholarly study of the concepts and terms found in special languages” (Wright, Budin 1997:327)languages” (Wright, Budin 1997:327)

2) Terminology = Nomenclature2) Terminology = NomenclatureSet of “standardized” terms of a specific domainSet of “standardized” terms of a specific domainSystem of terms which is elaborated according to pre-established System of terms which is elaborated according to pre-established naming rules. (ISO 1087:1990)naming rules. (ISO 1087:1990)


I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – The Terminology of TerminologyThe Terminology of Terminology

Terminology = Specialized VocabularyTerminology = Specialized Vocabulary

Set of all Set of all termsterms (i.e. specialized words and word (i.e. specialized words and word combinations), standardized or not, belonging to a combinations), standardized or not, belonging to a specific domainspecific domain

Terminology: “set of Terminology: “set of designationsdesignations belonging to one belonging to one special language” (ISO 1087-1:2000)special language” (ISO 1087-1:2000)

Designation: “representation of a Designation: “representation of a conceptconcept by a sign by a sign which denotes it.which denotes it.


I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – The Terminology of TerminologyThe Terminology of Terminology

Terminology Scholarly study of the concepts and terms found in

special languages

Terminography Acquisition, compilation and management of terms”

(L’Homme 2004:15) The recording, processing and presentation of

terminological data acquired by terminological research“ (Wright, Budin 1997:327)


I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – The Terminology of TerminologyThe Terminology of Terminology

Lexicology Wissenschaft vom Wortschatz (DIN 2342) The study of words, the relations between words (i.e.

semantical relations), and the whole lexicon (Wikipedia))

Lexicography The act of writing dictionaries (Wordnet Princeton) Die geordnete Darstellung von Wortschatz auf der

Grundlage der in der Lexikologie gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sowie die Lehre von der Darstellung des Wortschatzes. (DIN 2342)


I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – The Terminology of TerminologyThe Terminology of Terminology

Phraseology Set of fixed (or nearly fixed) phrases (i.e. a

combination of at least to LSP elements) of a discipline (see Arntz, Picht, Meyer 2004:34)


I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – Terminology and TranslationTerminology and Translation

LSP and LPG Terminology and LPS General functions of terminology Translation-specific functions and objectives of



I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – Terminology and TranslationTerminology and Translation

LSP and LGPLSP and LGP Language for Special Purposes (LSP), or Special purpose

language (SPL) or Specialized Language means the language used by expert communities with a greater or smaller share of terminology and domain-specific linguistic conventions.

LSP used in specialized communication, implemented in texts (oral and written)

Horizontal vs. vertical organization of specialized communication• Internal, interdisciplinary, external

Terminology as „compressed specialized texts“ (Schmitt 2006:303)


I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – Terminology and TranslationTerminology and Translation

LSP and TerminologyLSP and Terminology Terminology crucial wherever and whenever domain-Terminology crucial wherever and whenever domain-

specific information and knowledge is:specific information and knowledge is:

- generated (e.g. in research and development);generated (e.g. in research and development);

- used (e.g. in specialized texts);used (e.g. in specialized texts);

- recorded and processed (e.g. in databases);recorded and processed (e.g. in databases);

- passed on (via training and teaching);passed on (via training and teaching);

- implemented (e.g. in technology and knowledge implemented (e.g. in technology and knowledge transfer); transfer);

- translated and interpreted. (UNESCO 2)translated and interpreted. (UNESCO 2)


I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – Terminology and TranslationTerminology and Translation

General Functions of Terminology Basic elements carrying meaning in domain

communication Ordering of scientific-technical knowledge at the level

of concepts Access to other representations of specialized

information and knowledge (Infoterm “Standing”)


I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – Terminology and TranslationTerminology and Translation

Translation-specific Functions of Terminology Provide: CKU

• Context, Knowledge, Usage Ensure CCU:

• Correct, Consistent, Unambiguous Allow XS:

• Access to Specialized Information, to Specialized Communities


I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – The Terminology of TerminologyThe Terminology of Terminology

Concepts and DesignationsConcepts and Designations

In specialized communication—whether written or In specialized communication—whether written or spoken—concepts constitute the smallest units spoken—concepts constitute the smallest units used to communicate specialized knowledge and used to communicate specialized knowledge and information. (Galinski and Picht 1997:42)information. (Galinski and Picht 1997:42)

The units can be represented by verbal terms, The units can be represented by verbal terms, nonverbal signs, alphanumeric characters or nonverbal signs, alphanumeric characters or character strings, and a variety of hybrid forms. character strings, and a variety of hybrid forms. (ibid.)(ibid.)


I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – The Terminology of TerminologyThe Terminology of Terminology

ConceptConcept• Mental image, abstraction of one “thing,” i.e. one object Mental image, abstraction of one “thing,” i.e. one object

(individual concept)(individual concept)• Mental grouping of a number of different objects based Mental grouping of a number of different objects based

on shared properties (general concept)on shared properties (general concept)• Concepts are “pre-language”Concepts are “pre-language”

DesignationDesignation• Representation of a concept through image, sign, Representation of a concept through image, sign,

formula, number, code, term …formula, number, code, term …• Attributed to a concept by the members of a special Attributed to a concept by the members of a special

language communitylanguage community


I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – The Terminology of TerminologyThe Terminology of Terminology

TermTerm Verbal designation of a conceptVerbal designation of a concept Sometimes: term = concept + designationSometimes: term = concept + designation Terminological Unit (see next slide)Terminological Unit (see next slide)

DefinitionDefinition Verbal description of a conceptVerbal description of a concept


I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – The Terminology of TerminologyThe Terminology of Terminology

• Terminological UnitsTerminological Units• Single-word termsSingle-word terms• Compound or Multiword termsCompound or Multiword terms

• Nominal multiword term (Noun Phrases)Nominal multiword term (Noun Phrases)

• Set phrasesSet phrases• Collocations (“run a queryCollocations (“run a query• Standard Texts (Boilerplate Texts)Standard Texts (Boilerplate Texts)• Abbreviated FormsAbbreviated Forms• Canonical Forms Canonical Forms

• (no capitalization, singular form, unless)(no capitalization, singular form, unless)• no articles, gender as attribute, verb as Infinitive (no “to”)no articles, gender as attribute, verb as Infinitive (no “to”)• Spoken form (electronic), inverted, permuted (print)Spoken form (electronic), inverted, permuted (print)


I. Basic Principles I. Basic Principles – The Terminology of TerminologyThe Terminology of Terminology

Descriptive TerminographyDescriptive Terminography• Document all terms send to designate the Document all terms send to designate the

concepts treated in a single discipline”concepts treated in a single discipline”• It is not the purpose of this kind of terminology It is not the purpose of this kind of terminology

management to prescribe usage, but rather to management to prescribe usage, but rather to document all the terms that occur or are document all the terms that occur or are suggested for a concept” (Wright 1997:18)suggested for a concept” (Wright 1997:18)

Systematic vs Ad-hocSystematic vs Ad-hoc• Teaching vs. practiceTeaching vs. practice


I. Basic Principles – I. Basic Principles – Concept SystemsConcept Systems

Types of Concept RelationsTypes of Concept Relations

• HierarchicalHierarchical• GenericGeneric• Partitive (meronymic)Partitive (meronymic)

• Non-hierarchical Non-hierarchical • SequentialSequential• FunctionalFunctional• AssociativeAssociative


I. Basic Principles – I. Basic Principles – Concept SystemsConcept Systems

Generic Concept System (Tree Diagram)Generic Concept System (Tree Diagram)


ink-jet printer Laser printermatrix printer

color laser printer

black and white laser printer



I. Basic Principles – I. Basic Principles – Concept SystemsConcept Systems

Partitive Concept System (Bracket Diagram)Partitive Concept System (Bracket Diagram)

laser printer








I. Basic Principles – I. Basic Principles – Concept SystemsConcept Systems

• Sequential/Functional Concept System Sequential/Functional Concept System (Flow Chart)(Flow Chart)

Source: http://computer.howstuffworks.com/laser-printer1.htm


I. Basic Principles – I. Basic Principles – Concept SystemsConcept Systems

• Associative Concept System (Mind Map)Associative Concept System (Mind Map)


color drum





I. Basic Principles – I. Basic Principles – Concept SystemsConcept Systems

Superordinate ConceptSuperordinate Concept• printerprinter

TermTerm• ink-jet printerink-jet printer

Subordinate ConceptsSubordinate Concepts• bubble-jet printerbubble-jet printer

Coordinate ConceptCoordinate Concept• laser printerlaser printer• matrix printermatrix printer• full-color documentfull-color document


Part II - Workshop


II. Terminology Management – II. Terminology Management – Forms and PhasesForms and Phases

Main Phases of Terminography:Main Phases of Terminography:1.1. Planning (Concept Systems)Planning (Concept Systems)2.2. Database Creation Database Creation

Creating Databases, Defining Entry StructuresCreating Databases, Defining Entry Structures

3.3. Searching and EvaluatingSearching and EvaluatingDIY CorpusDIY Corpus

4.4. ManagingManagingEntering Data, Retrieving Data, Modifying Data …Entering Data, Retrieving Data, Modifying Data …

5.5. PublicationPublication


II. Terminology Management – II. Terminology Management – Terminology ProjectTerminology Project

(1)(1) Identification of discipline / sub-disciplineIdentification of discipline / sub-discipline(2)(2) Creation of concept system, identification of sub-concept system Creation of concept system, identification of sub-concept system

(abstraction system, content system, chronological approach, etc.)(abstraction system, content system, chronological approach, etc.)(3)(3) Creation of folder structure for sub-discipline, texts and graphicsCreation of folder structure for sub-discipline, texts and graphics(4)(4) Retrieving of parallel texts (DIY corpus)Retrieving of parallel texts (DIY corpus)(5)(5) Solving specific terminological problems (using online, offline Solving specific terminological problems (using online, offline

sources, and DIY corpus)sources, and DIY corpus)(6)(6) Create Termbase with MultiTermCreate Termbase with MultiTerm(7)(7) Enter data (-> Termbase)Enter data (-> Termbase)(8)(8) Combine terms, and sub-concept systemsCombine terms, and sub-concept systems(9)(9) Publish glossaries (print, online)Publish glossaries (print, online)(10)(10) Use termbase (Word, Workbench)Use termbase (Word, Workbench)


Phase 1Phase 1

• Terminology PlanningTerminology Planning

• Create a concept system (“Computer System”)Create a concept system (“Computer System”)


applicationapplication cameracamera cachecache CD-WORMCD-WORM compact disccompact disc computercomputer CPUCPU DRAMDRAM DVDDVD floppyfloppy global-area networkglobal-area network hard diskhard disk hardwarehardware ink-jet printerink-jet printer inputinput InternetInternet keyboardkeyboard laser printerlaser printer LCD screenLCD screen local-area networklocal-area network speakerspeaker

matrix printermatrix printer microphonemicrophone monitormonitor mousemouse networknetwork operating systemoperating system outputoutput plotterplotter printerprinter processingprocessing QwertyQwerty RAMRAM ROMROM scannerscanner softwaresoftware storagestorage systems softwaresystems software transfertransfer USB stickUSB stick WLANWLAN WordWord


Concepts Systems with Concepts Systems with MindManagerMindManager


Phase 1Phase 1

• Computer-based Terminology ManagementComputer-based Terminology Management

• Create a MultiTerm databaseCreate a MultiTerm database


Types of Terminology ManagementTypes of Terminology Management

• File cards• Lists in word processors (e.g. WinWord or Word

Perfect)• Spreadsheets (e.g. Excel or 1,2,3)• Database management systems (e.g. MS

Access)• Terminology management systems

• Integrated (e.g. crossTerm, Déjà Vu)

• Hybrid (Integrated or Stand-alone): MultiTerm

• Stand-alone: Look Up


Phase 2Phase 2

• Database CreationDatabase Creation

• What data is to be stored in the database?What data is to be stored in the database?

• How should the information be displayed?How should the information be displayed?


The Terminological Data Entry – The Terminological Data Entry – Basic CategoriesBasic Categories

• Linguistic (designation-specific)Linguistic (designation-specific)• Encyclopedic (concept-specific)Encyclopedic (concept-specific)• TranslationalTranslational• AdministrativeAdministrative


The Importance of Terminology The Importance of Terminology ManagementManagement




Translational Data

Administrative Data


A Terminological Entry – Contents?A Terminological Entry – Contents?


A Terminological Entry - ExampleA Terminological Entry - Example


English (Source)English (Source)Definition (Source)Definition (Source)SeeSee

Portuguese (Source)Portuguese (Source)



File card box Object type Database/File

File card Object Data set / record

Line Object attribute Data field

Basis Database ElementsBasis Database Elements


Database Design Questions Database Design Questions

• What objects are to be described?• Terms

• How can these objects be described?• English designation, image, gender, pronunciation, …

• Definition of data fields• English, Portuguese, Definition, Image, Collocation, ….

• Definition of data field type• Text, Media, Attribute, …

• Definition of field attributes• Gender -> m., n., f.

• Subject Area: Law, Medicine, Telecom, …


MS Access – Basic ElementsMS Access – Basic Elements

• Table – Central 'data collection structure'Table – Central 'data collection structure'

• Form – Input and display of dataForm – Input and display of data

• Query – Retrieve data, create glossariesQuery – Retrieve data, create glossaries

• Report – Print dataReport – Print data

• Macros/Modules – Automate routine proceduresMacros/Modules – Automate routine procedures


(1) Create a new (empty) database (with our without Wizard)

(2) Chose file name

(3) Create new table in design view

(4) Enter field names

(5) Define data field types

(6) Define field attributes

(7) Describe fields

(8) Define primary key

(9) Save design

(10) Create form (AutoForm)

Steps in Creating a Database Steps in Creating a Database with MS Accesswith MS Access


MS Access – Advanced FeaturesMS Access – Advanced Features

• Queries (data selection, filtering)Queries (data selection, filtering)- DesignDesign

- RunRun

• Reports (printing glossaries)Reports (printing glossaries)

• Access / Word cooperationAccess / Word cooperation

• HTML outputHTML output

• Importing data (e.g. from Excel)Importing data (e.g. from Excel)



• Database CreationDatabase Creation

• Create a MultiTerm DatabaseCreate a MultiTerm Database


… … but first …but first …

See Sample Termbase(-> macro and micro structure of MT iX)


Creating a Database with MultiTerm – Creating a Database with MultiTerm – Termbase Definition 1/2Termbase Definition 1/2

• Termbase / Create Termbase• Select Folder (TDB)• Start Termbase Wizard• Select Option 1 “Create a new termbase definition

from scratch”• Enter Termbase Name• Add/Remove Working Languages/Index Fields

(“Portuguese,” “Spanish”)• Add Descriptive Fields: Author, Project, Subject,

Source, Definition, Link, Image


Creating a Database with MultiTerm – Creating a Database with MultiTerm – Termbase Definition 2/2Termbase Definition 2/2

• Modify Properties for “Source” (Picklist) Modify Properties for “Source” (Picklist)

• Add “Hardware” and “Software” to PicklistAdd “Hardware” and “Software” to Picklist• Modify Properties for “Image” (Multimedia File)Modify Properties for “Image” (Multimedia File)• Create Entry StructureCreate Entry Structure

• Entry Level: Author, Project, Subject, ImageEntry Level: Author, Project, Subject, Image

• Index Level: DefinitionIndex Level: Definition

• Term Level: LinkTerm Level: Link

All That for Nothing ???All That for Nothing ???


Creating a Database with MultiTerm Creating a Database with MultiTerm – Creating an Input Model 1/2– Creating an Input Model 1/2

• Entry / Input Models …Entry / Input Models …• Create …Create …• Start Input Model WizardStart Input Model Wizard• Enter Input Model NameEnter Input Model Name• Right-click on “Entry level”Right-click on “Entry level”

• Add Entry Level Fields: Author, Project, Subject, Add Entry Level Fields: Author, Project, Subject, English, Portuguese, ImageEnglish, Portuguese, Image

• Right-click on “English”Right-click on “English”

• Add Fields: DefinitionAdd Fields: Definition• Right-click on “Term” (for English)Right-click on “Term” (for English)

• Add Fields: Source. LinkAdd Fields: Source. Link• Repeat Last 2 steps for PortugueseRepeat Last 2 steps for Portuguese


Creating a Database with MultiTerm Creating a Database with MultiTerm – Creating an Input Model 2/2– Creating an Input Model 2/2

• Enter “Default Content” for “Author” and “Project”Enter “Default Content” for “Author” and “Project”• Select Default Value for “Subject”Select Default Value for “Subject”• Click “Preview”Click “Preview”• (Modify Input Model if Needed)(Modify Input Model if Needed)• Click “Next” and “Finish”Click “Next” and “Finish”• Select New Input Model and Click “OK”Select New Input Model and Click “OK”

Still nothing !!!Still nothing !!!

• F3F3


Creating a Database with MultiTerm – Adding Entries et al.• Some Shortcuts …

• Entry / Add OR F3 • Add (1) CPU and Central Processing Unit, (2)Central Unit• Add Definition for (1)

• Save Field: Enter

• Save Entry: F10

• Cancel Editing: Shift+Esc• Some Goodies …

• Adding Pictures

• Adding Cross References

• Adding Hyperlinks• Made a Mistake?

• Termbase / Modify Termbase Definition

• Entry / Input Models / Edit



• Add your terms to database (see next slide for Add your terms to database (see next slide for term entry conventions)term entry conventions)


Part I: Terminology – Basic Concepts

• Terminological UnitsTerminological Units• Single-word termsSingle-word terms• Compound or Multiword termsCompound or Multiword terms

• Nominal multiword term (Noun Phrases)Nominal multiword term (Noun Phrases)• Set phrasesSet phrases• Collocations (“run a queryCollocations (“run a query• Standard Texts (Boilerplate Texts)Standard Texts (Boilerplate Texts)• Abbreviated FormsAbbreviated Forms• Canonical Forms Canonical Forms

• (Capitalization, Singular Form)(Capitalization, Singular Form)• Articles, Gender, Verb (Infinitive, no “to”)Articles, Gender, Verb (Infinitive, no “to”)• Spoken form (electronic), inverted, permuted (print)Spoken form (electronic), inverted, permuted (print)


Part III: WorkshopPart III: Workshop

• Searching and evaluating terminological data

• Adding data to termbase

• Exporting and importing data (exchanging)


Phase 3Phase 3

• Searching and Evaluating


Terminology Mining – Terminology Mining – Sources and Origins of Internet DocsSources and Origins of Internet Docs

• Private individualsPrivate individuals Everybody can (and will) publish!Everybody can (and will) publish!

• Government agenciesGovernment agencies E-Governing, general information (e.g. on environmental issues, E-Governing, general information (e.g. on environmental issues,

sources of official terminology)sources of official terminology)• Private companies Private companies

Company and industry info (white papers), product information, Company and industry info (white papers), product information, Advertisement, press releases, annual reports, glossariesAdvertisement, press releases, annual reports, glossaries

• MediaMedia News, reports, archives (free for 14 days -> pay-per-article)News, reports, archives (free for 14 days -> pay-per-article)

• International organizationsInternational organizations White papers, subject information, databases, multilingual sitesWhite papers, subject information, databases, multilingual sites

• Universities and research institutesUniversities and research institutes Scholarly publicationsScholarly publications

• Specialized databasesSpecialized databasesCosts!Costs!


Search Scenarios for Search Scenarios for Translators and InterpretersTranslators and Interpreters

• Background informationBackground informationGetting acquainted with a subject, acquiring basic Getting acquainted with a subject, acquiring basic

understanding, parallel acquiring of encyclopedic and understanding, parallel acquiring of encyclopedic and linguistic knowledge (language: A or B)linguistic knowledge (language: A or B)

Articles in encyclopedias, introduction to XXXArticles in encyclopedias, introduction to XXX• Parallel textParallel text

Acquiring of active linguistic expertiseAcquiring of active linguistic expertiseTypical, idiomatic, discipline-specific terminology and Typical, idiomatic, discipline-specific terminology and

phraseologyphraseology• GlossariesGlossaries

Terminological knowledgeTerminological knowledgeTerms and definitionsTerms and definitions

• Specific research questionsSpecific research questionsDefinition of YYYDefinition of YYYFrequency of usage (acceptance check)Frequency of usage (acceptance check)Text type conformityText type conformity


Internet Search Strategies I/IIInternet Search Strategies I/II

Institutional / Generic Search• Online Newspapers and Archives• Online Encyclopedias• International Organization• Companies

Thematic Search (Subject Trees)• Librarians' Internet Index (http://lii.org/)

Keyword Search (Search Engines)• Google

Use advanced search options !


Search Strategies and Search Strategies and Terminology SourcesTerminology Sources

Institutional SearchInstitutional Search

• Go to expert website (hp.com)Go to expert website (hp.com)

• Use site-internal search engine (glossary, Use site-internal search engine (glossary, printing)printing)

• Alt: Google Nesting (Alt: Google Nesting (glossar OR lexikon glossar OR lexikon site:bmw.de)site:bmw.de)


Search Engine Algebra - GeneralSearch Engine Algebra - General

• + = Inclusion (Boolean AND, all the words)+ = Inclusion (Boolean AND, all the words)• - = Exclusion (Boolean NOT) - = Exclusion (Boolean NOT) • " ... " = Phrase search (AS IS)" ... " = Phrase search (AS IS)• OR (any of the words)OR (any of the words)----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- • ~ Related Keywords~ Related Keywords• NEARNEAR• ADJ (adjacent)ADJ (adjacent)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Search combinations ('nesting')Search combinations ('nesting')

• e.g. printer AND (glossary OR dictionary)e.g. printer AND (glossary OR dictionary)


Search Engine Algebra – Google 1/2Search Engine Algebra – Google 1/2

+ = enforcer (sg. vs. pl; include common words; + = enforcer (sg. vs. pl; include common words; all vs all or or)all vs all or or)

- = Exclusion (Boolean NOT) - = Exclusion (Boolean NOT) " ... " = Phrase search (AS IS)" ... " = Phrase search (AS IS) OR (any of the words)OR (any of the words) ~ Related Keywords (~printer)~ Related Keywords (~printer) * Separated by one or more words (printer * * Separated by one or more words (printer *



Search Engine Algebra – Google 2/2Search Engine Algebra – Google 2/2

define: Lists definitions of term (e.g. from define: Lists definitions of term (e.g. from Wordnet, Wikipedia, etc.)Wordnet, Wikipedia, etc.)

allintitle: All keywords appear in title of webpage allintitle: All keywords appear in title of webpage (allintitle:glossary printing)(allintitle:glossary printing)

site: Search only on specified website (printer site: Search only on specified website (printer site:hp.com)site:hp.com)

Link: Find pages that link to specified webpage Link: Find pages that link to specified webpage (link:http://isg.urv.es/cttt/minho_2008/)(link:http://isg.urv.es/cttt/minho_2008/)


Search Strategies and Search Strategies and Terminology SourcesTerminology Sources

• Glossaries

• Definitions

• Images

• Parallel Texts

• Reference Works

• Online Databases• http://iate.europa.eu


Search Strategies and Search Strategies and Terminology SourcesTerminology Sources


• Google Advanced SearchGoogle Advanced Search• +glossar +site:hp.com +glossar +site:hp.com • See: Language settingSee: Language setting• See OR Search (glosario, diccionario, lexicon)See OR Search (glosario, diccionario, lexicon)


Search Strategies and Search Strategies and Terminology SourcesTerminology Sources


• GoogleGoogle• define:”ink-jet printer”define:”ink-jet printer”

• +"inkjet printer" +"what is“+"inkjet printer" +"what is“

• +"inkjet printer" +"how does * work"+"inkjet printer" +"how does * work"


Search Strategies and Search Strategies and Terminology SourcesTerminology Sources

• Images


Search Strategies and Search Strategies and Terminology SourcesTerminology Sources

Parallel Texts / Papers / Textbooks

• Via magazine/newspaper archivesVia magazine/newspaper archives

• guardian.co.uk

• pcworld.com

• Google Scholar Google Scholar

• Amazon‘s A9Amazon‘s A9

• The Invisible WebThe Invisible Web


Hot or Not? – Hot or Not? – Evaluating Internet DocumentsEvaluating Internet Documents

Author's credentialsAuthor's credentials Document preparation process and its Document preparation process and its

presentationpresentation Meta information and links to the documentMeta information and links to the document Accuracy and timeliness of the document’s Accuracy and timeliness of the document’s


3? - Up-to-date, Mother Tongue, Expert3? - Up-to-date, Mother Tongue, Expert Double-checking with trustworthy sourcesDouble-checking with trustworthy sources


Building Electronic CorporaBuilding Electronic Corpora

Downloading Internet filesDownloading Internet files File formatsFile formats

• HTML, PDF, DOCHTML, PDF, DOC Retrieval programsRetrieval programs

• Google Desktop, MS Desktop Search, SE RapidGoogle Desktop, MS Desktop Search, SE Rapid



Corpus CreationCorpus Creation• Folder Structure!Folder Structure!


Using Info RapidUsing Info Rapid

BackgroundBackground Selecting search foldersSelecting search folders Defining file typesDefining file types Simple searchesSimple searches Using Boolean operatorsUsing Boolean operators Opening original applications (F9)Opening original applications (F9)


Phase 5Phase 5


• Glossary (in MS Word)Glossary (in MS Word)

• Dictionary (RTF Export)Dictionary (RTF Export)


Co-operation with MS WordCo-operation with MS Word

From MultiTerm to WordFrom MultiTerm to Word

From Word to MultiTermFrom Word to MultiTerm


Co-operation with WorkbenchCo-operation with Workbench

From MultiTerm to WordFrom MultiTerm to Word

From Word to MultiTermFrom Word to MultiTerm


The Trados Environment –SetupThe Trados Environment –Setup

Opening necessary applications and filesOpening necessary applications and files Retrieving sentences (from Translator's Retrieving sentences (from Translator's

Workbench)Workbench) Looking up terminology (with MultiTerm and Looking up terminology (with MultiTerm and

Translator's Workbench)Translator's Workbench) Reviewing and finalizing your translationReviewing and finalizing your translation


The Trados Environment – Opening The Trados Environment – Opening Necessary Applications and FilesNecessary Applications and Files

MultiTerm: create/open TBMultiTerm: create/open TB Translator's Workbench: create/open TMTranslator's Workbench: create/open TM MS Word: Access Workbench functions and MS Word: Access Workbench functions and

MultiTerm database through the Trados toolbarsMultiTerm database through the Trados toolbars


Looking up Terminology I/IILooking up Terminology I/II

Activate automatic terminology recognition in Activate automatic terminology recognition in Workbench (Options menu) Workbench (Options menu)

Recognised terms in MultiTerm are highlighted Recognised terms in MultiTerm are highlighted in the Workbench window with a red line in the Workbench window with a red line

In TM window, click on the desired term to In TM window, click on the desired term to display equivalent in the right-hand side windowdisplay equivalent in the right-hand side window

Paste the equivalent directly into the target text Paste the equivalent directly into the target text by clicking the corresponding Term button by clicking the corresponding Term button (previous, current or next)(previous, current or next)


Looking up Terminology II/IILooking up Terminology II/II

Retrieving recognized terminology in TM Retrieving recognized terminology in TM through the concordance functionthrough the concordance function

Select the individual term or expression you Select the individual term or expression you want to check in Word and click the want to check in Word and click the Concordance buttonConcordance button

The Concordance Browser window opens: The Concordance Browser window opens: select term/expression, copy it to the select term/expression, copy it to the clipboard and paste it into Wordclipboard and paste it into Word


Part IV: Tool Assessment, QA, Part IV: Tool Assessment, QA, StandardizationStandardization


IV. Tool AssessmentIV. Tool Assessment

Criteria for Evaluating TDBMS• Technical

Platforms and operating systems, Networkable, Multimedia support

• Terminological Task suitability, Free vs defined entry structure

• User Interface Task suitability

• Organizational Multilingual, Term Interchange, Integration, Publication,


• Economic Software, Additional Tools, Support


Criteria for Selection of Terminology Management Systems

• Seamless input of data• Scalable data views• Fast, easy-to-use and extensive retrieval features• Quick-search mode• Easy import of existing data• Cooperation with word processing software (both

ways)• Various export and printing option• Multimedia capability• Price


IV. Quality ManagementIV. Quality Management

See checklist Wright (wright qa checklist.jpg)


IV. Quality ManagementIV. Quality Management


IV. Standards and StandardizationIV. Standards and Standardization

Standardizing Terminology

Standardizing Terminology Management• ISO TC 37

Standardizing Terminology Exchange • MARTIF• TBX

In lieu of bibliography: http://lipas.uwasa.fi/termino/library.html