CTEC Performing Arts Handbook 2016 - 2018and student have read this handbook and understand the...

HAYESFIELD SIXTH FORM Name …………………………………………………………………………..

Transcript of CTEC Performing Arts Handbook 2016 - 2018and student have read this handbook and understand the...

Page 2: CTEC Performing Arts Handbook 2016 - 2018and student have read this handbook and understand the procedures and rules, and will abide by them. So please read each page of the handbook

CTEC Performing Arts Course. Hayesfield Girls’ School, Bath. Course Teacher: Mr Cottle

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Dear Student and Parent/Guardian I would like to take this time to welcome you to the CTEC Technical Performing Arts Course at Hayesfield Sixth Form. I am excited about this course and look forward to working with each of you. The course isn’t just about gaining a qualification; it’s about being able to work safety in a theatre and finishing the course with a strong foundation of skills and contacts. Only your selfdrive and extra commitment to outside events will provide this. There is an expectation that all the students, taking this course, work on various outside productions and events each year. Just turning up to class will not be sufficient and students will also be expected to complete coursework, reading and research outside of lessons and meet the deadlines set by the teacher. I will be publishing a list of productions and events that I’m either involved in or know of others involved in on google calendar, where students can sign up and help in the various areas required for their assignments. Throughout the year the Technical Performing Arts students will be expected to support and run the technical aspects of the various productions and events the school puts on in the Roper Theatre, and this is an ideal way of building up skills in a more familiar environment. The last page of this booklet is the individual student contract, which must be returned to me, signed by both the parent, and student. This gives me a written confirmation that both the parent and student have read this handbook and understand the procedures and rules, and will abide by them. So please read each page of the handbook carefully before signing the contract. Once again let me welcome you to the exciting world of Technical Theatre, it’s going to be an exciting year! Adrian Cottle Technical Performing Arts

Page 3: CTEC Performing Arts Handbook 2016 - 2018and student have read this handbook and understand the procedures and rules, and will abide by them. So please read each page of the handbook

CTEC Performing Arts Course. Hayesfield Girls’ School, Bath. Course Teacher: Mr Cottle

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Objective: Students focus on developing the basic tools and procedures for creating elements of technical theatre as listed below. Technical knowledge of safety procedures and demonstrated safe operation of theatre equipment are central to success in this course. Students will be required to attend or participate in technical work, rehearsals, and/or performances beyond the school day to support, extend, and assess learning in the classroom. Course Description: Technical Theatre class will introduce the first year technician to the areas of stagecraft and theatrical production. You will climb ladders and other access equipment, lift scenery and technical equipment, build, paint, work online, research, and handle very expensive equipment in and outside of the class. The theatre elements to which you will be introduced will include, but are not limited to:

Stage elements Stage properties (props) Crews/Assignments Theatre appreciation Costumes/Makeup Sound Engineering/Recording Lights and Lighting Design Fly System/Safety Box Office/Ticket Sales Stage Management Scene Design Publicity


Be Prepared

Be polite and helpful

Be committed

Be punctual and smart

Be Safe

Be Clean Requirements:

• Class Participation (Classwork can be hands‐on, design work or written)

• After School productions and other theatre events

• Purchase and maintain a ring binder with 5‐tab dividers and bring it to your lessons each week.

Containing: A print out of the handbook and other course information. Tab 1: Your personal calendar and diary of events you have worked on. Tab 2: Skills audit. Including photos and detailed notes as evidence. Tab 3: Classroom notes and handouts. Tab 4: Assignments. Tab 5: Anything else you need to keep notes on.

Page 4: CTEC Performing Arts Handbook 2016 - 2018and student have read this handbook and understand the procedures and rules, and will abide by them. So please read each page of the handbook

CTEC Performing Arts Course. Hayesfield Girls’ School, Bath. Course Teacher: Mr Cottle

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During all lessons:

You must have a pair of closed‐toe shoes available at all times! Ladies – it is not wise to wear skirts in the theatre.

All equipment and personnel are to be treated with respect. Negative and indifferent attitudes will not be allowed to touch ANYTHING in the theatre!!! Events and Productions You will need to be professional in all the events that you take part in which will also help you build up trust and contacts for future work. The last thing you need is a director worrying there their lighting person is! 1. Arrive at least 60 minutes before “showtime”, wearing appropriate clothing. 2. Introduce yourself to the person for whom you are working. 3. Finalize setup for the event. 4. Be helpful and courteous during the event. 5. Cleanup after the event. The Technical team can often be the first in and last out of the theatre and will have spent the most amount of hours during a show in the actual theatre. How to do well during lessons. Attend all lessons and on time and be willing to get involved. If you attend class but are habitually ill prepared to participate in the discussions or are lethargic and lazy towards your work, it will adversely affect your grade and your relationship with the rest of the class. This class is all about being a team and being a family. If you are missing (whether physically or mentally) your team cannot function properly.

Do well on any tests and attend the events and productions you sign up for. If you are having trouble, please talk with me. Theatre is a discipline that holds promptness as a virtue. Don’t be late with anything! Theatre talks so positive and negative feedback gets around and you are representing the school at all these events.

Show off. It’s not enough that the light goes on in your brain; you have to demonstrate your knowledge, skills, and ideas. Demand perfection from yourself and don’t settle for less. Personal Protective Equipment and Clothing. I would recommend black jeans or hardwearing trousers for theatre work, and these can then be worn on productions and events. There will also be an opportunity to purchase a black crew T-Shirt.

Page 5: CTEC Performing Arts Handbook 2016 - 2018and student have read this handbook and understand the procedures and rules, and will abide by them. So please read each page of the handbook

CTEC Performing Arts Course. Hayesfield Girls’ School, Bath. Course Teacher: Mr Cottle

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We will be using a range of software during the year which may be beneficial for you to you install on your own laptops. Please ensure that all equipment you use in the theatre is insured against breakages, theft etc. QLAB – Mac Basic version is free. Used to cue sound effects, music and backing

tracks for productions.

http://figure53.com/qlab/ CSC Show Control Basic version is free. Similar to QLAB but for windows. http://www.orbitalsound.com/sales-show-control-csc.asp Capture Atlas Free student licence available which is just limited to certain light and

other fixtures.


JANDS Vista V2.3 Software used with the Vista lighting desk. Free to download and programme and can be used in the theatre with a USB dongle.


Yamaha LS9 Studio Free and will allow programming and easier setting up of the digital

sound desk in the control room.

http://www.yamahaproaudio.com/global/en/downloads/ Yamaha LS9 Stagemix IPAD software which will allow control of the LS9 sound desk direct

from the sound desk via wifi.

Page 6: CTEC Performing Arts Handbook 2016 - 2018and student have read this handbook and understand the procedures and rules, and will abide by them. So please read each page of the handbook

CTEC Performing Arts Course. Hayesfield Girls’ School, Bath. Course Teacher: Mr Cottle

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Mini Assignments. Each of you will be required to produce a mini assignment, which will act as introductions to the main topics. These should all be about 500 words and should include photos, diagrams etc as well as written pieces. There could also demonstrate your personal understanding from previous productions combined with your own independent research. There are a few books available as reference books and of course lots of information on the internet. It’s important to demonstrate your own knowledge and learning so copying and pasting is not permitted. The deadline for the 2 mini assignments is October half term. Failure to meet this deadline may mean you are unable to continue on the course. You can choose which order to do these but your teacher will ask to see progress on these during the coming weeks. Mini Assignment 1 – The Role of the Stage Management team in theatre. The role of the Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manager and Deputy Stage Manager in productions. You should be comparing the different roles and responsibilities the various levels of Stage Manager do in a production. This is often different to what is seen in smaller amateur productions. Mini Assignment 2 – Lighting and basic rigging. You should include pictures and notes to cover at least the following: Lighting Desks – Manual, Programmable and Computer controlled. DMX and Dimmer Racks. The main types of lights – Par, Fresnel, Profile, Flood and LED lighting. You will have to record the skills you will learn in the first few weeks which will include some basic rigging, de-rigging and changing of lamps.

Page 7: CTEC Performing Arts Handbook 2016 - 2018and student have read this handbook and understand the procedures and rules, and will abide by them. So please read each page of the handbook

CTEC Performing Arts Course. Hayesfield Girls’ School, Bath. Course Teacher: Mr Cottle

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Main Assignments The course is made up of 6 assignments, 3 each year. Each assignment will have its own brief and paperwork. The 3 assignments you will be covering in year 12 are as follows: Assignment 1: Professional Practice in Performing Arts. DEADLINE: Christmas 2016

The task is for learners to produce and maintain a Professional Development Portfolio (PDP). This

portfolio will be structured around your chosen vocational area, responding to the specific needs,

demands and contexts of the area and will include a report using the following headings:

The UK Creative and Performing Arts Industries

Working Freelance in the Arts

Contracts and Conditions of Service.

This will be supported by a presentation and Q&A to the rest of the class.

Assignment 2: Community Arts Project, DEADLINE: TBC but around February 2017.

Carry out a community arts project at the Roper Theatre involving a local primary school. You will

meet with the client as a team and discuss their requirements for their production. You will then

decide on roles and deliver the project covering all technical aspects of the show from lighting,

sound and backstage.

The project will cover:

1. Understanding community arts projects

2. Know how to develop a community arts project

3. Be able to take part in a community arts project

4. Evaluate a community arts project.

Page 8: CTEC Performing Arts Handbook 2016 - 2018and student have read this handbook and understand the procedures and rules, and will abide by them. So please read each page of the handbook

CTEC Performing Arts Course. Hayesfield Girls’ School, Bath. Course Teacher: Mr Cottle

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Assignment 3: Skills Audit. DEADLINE: July 1st

2017 You should use the skills audit below as a guide for this, adding to and keeping this up to date. assignments and will need to be updated on a termly or even weekly basis. You should be taking photos and documenting every new skill you learn in the theatre so this can form your skills audit portfolio, from wiring plugs, lighting, sound, set design etc. Skills Date Date Date Date Date Date

Coiling Rope and Cable

Changing Lamps

Maintenance of Fixtures


Programming Lighting Desks

Dimmer Racks, including Hot Power

Load Bearing on bars

Wattage / Power Calculations

Ladder and Telescope useage

Different lighting techniques

Using the sound desk

Setting up radio and other mics

Using QLAB

Professionalism in theatre

Using the Yamaha software

Intelligent fixtures

Rigging lighting

Measuring and modelling the Roper Theatre

Measuring and modelling the Drama Studio

Budgeting a production

Event Management

Plotting Lighting

First Aid

Calling a show

Setting up stage foldback

Page 9: CTEC Performing Arts Handbook 2016 - 2018and student have read this handbook and understand the procedures and rules, and will abide by them. So please read each page of the handbook

CTEC Performing Arts Course. Hayesfield Girls’ School, Bath. Course Teacher: Mr Cottle

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Theatre Key Words:

Above To move upstage

Amp Shortened version of Amplifier for sound

AMP Measure of current in electricity

ASM Assistant Stage Manager

Auditorium Where the audience sit in a theatre.

Backcloth A cloth flown behind scenery

Backlight Light which illuminates from behind

Backstage Part of the theatre which is behind the stage

Band Call Call for the orchestra or band

Bar Metal bar used for hanging lanterns or scenery

Barn Door Used to shutter light from a lantern

Below To move downstage

Blocking Recording or teaching of movement on stage

Build To increase light or sound levels

Cans Theatre communication devices

Control Room Where the lighting and sound is controlled from

Decibel dB the measurement of sound

Dimmer The device that normally receives DMX and controls the brightness of the


Downstage Area of the stage nearest the audience

DSM Deputy Stage Manager

Fader Means of controlling the level of sound or lighting.

Feedback Noise the sound system makes when the mic picks up its own signal from the


Fit up Installation of Scenery / lighting / sound etc

Flash up Means of testing the rig and lanterns.

Flies Area above stage where scenery is flown in

Floods Lanterns with no lens

Page 10: CTEC Performing Arts Handbook 2016 - 2018and student have read this handbook and understand the procedures and rules, and will abide by them. So please read each page of the handbook

CTEC Performing Arts Course. Hayesfield Girls’ School, Bath. Course Teacher: Mr Cottle

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Foldback The sound sent to the performer on stage

Floatmics Microphones put along the front of the stage

Focus Adjustment of lights, including position and sharpness

Follow Spot Manually operated light which is used to follow an actor

Fresnel Spotlight with a Fresnel lens

Gaffer Tape Strong tape used in the theatre

Gauze A type of cloth which can, with correct lighting, can be seen though

Gel Colour film used to put in front of lights

Get in Setting up and getting ready for a production

Get out Clearing away and uninstalling a production

Green Room Cast and Crew relaxation space

Gobo Metal or glass slide which is put inside a profile to project an image

Halogen The gas contained inside a lamp

House The audience

House lighting Lighting used to light the audience

Iron A metal curtain used in theatres as a fire break

In the round Where the audience are seating around the performance space

Lamp Bulb inside of a lantern

Lantern Stage light

Mask Hiding something form the audience, normally with a curtain

Masking Flats or cloths which are used to mask

Multicore Cable containing lots of smaller cables to normally run sound

Offstage Anything outside of the performance area

Overture Music played at the start of a show

PA system Public address system – The sound system

Pan Moving a lighting from one position to another

Par Can A type of lantern containing a fixed beam lamp

Preset Position of scenery ready for the start of a show

Page 11: CTEC Performing Arts Handbook 2016 - 2018and student have read this handbook and understand the procedures and rules, and will abide by them. So please read each page of the handbook

CTEC Performing Arts Course. Hayesfield Girls’ School, Bath. Course Teacher: Mr Cottle

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Profile Spot Lantern which can be focused to produce hard or sort light

Pyrotechnics Flashes, bangs and other effects

Radio Mic Personal wireless microphone

Rake Incline of the stage

Rigging Fixing lighting, sound and scenery

Run Number of performances in a production

Run Through A rehearsal which runs through the show

Shutter A device in a lantern used to shape the beam

SM Stage Manager

Spill Unwanted light on stage

Strike To remove scenery from the stage

Tabs Curtains

Tech Technical rehearsal

Throw The distance between a lantern and an object

Truck A platform with wheels

Truss Square section metal work used to build stage frames or hang scenery and

lanterns from

Upstage The area furthest from the audience

Page 12: CTEC Performing Arts Handbook 2016 - 2018and student have read this handbook and understand the procedures and rules, and will abide by them. So please read each page of the handbook

CTEC Performing Arts Course. Hayesfield Girls’ School, Bath. Course Teacher: Mr Cottle

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Abbreviations used in theatre with regard to H&S.

LEEA Lifting Equipment Engineers Association

BS British Standard

EEA European Ecconic Area

EFTA European Free Trade Association

WLL Working Load Limit

Appliances Anything used to lift something

Accessories Used with appliance but not actually doing the lifting.

HSAW Health and Safety at Work

LOLER Lifting Operation and Lifting Equipment Regulcations

SWL Safe Working Load

FOS Factor of Safety

MBL Minimum Breaking Load

PUWER Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations

ACOP Approved Code of Practice

Page 13: CTEC Performing Arts Handbook 2016 - 2018and student have read this handbook and understand the procedures and rules, and will abide by them. So please read each page of the handbook

CTEC Performing Arts Course. Hayesfield Girls’ School, Bath. Course Teacher: Mr Cottle

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TECHNICAL THEATRE CONTRACT 2016 Entry. STUDENT NAME: Dear Parent/Guardian: Because of the safety risks involved and the trust I will need to put in your son/daughter, I need you both to read the following contract carefully, sign it and return it to me by return. Your child’s safety is my NUMBER ONE concern. I hope that you will come and support the events that your child is involved in and you are welcome, by arrangement, to have a look backstage after the event. As a Hayesfield Sixth Form student on the CTEC Technical Performing Arts class, I agree to follow the rules as listed below.

1 Horseplay is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Any behavior that jeopardizes the safety or

well‐being of other students will result in a warning and phone call home.

2 Theft or intentional damage of any property will not be tolerated. Parents are responsible for paying the reasonable replacement value of such items including equipment.

3 Absolutely no food or gum is allowed in the Theatre.

4 I understand that I will have access to the control room and will not allow others access

without permission from a teacher. I will treat all the equipment in the control room with respect and ensure it is tidy after use.

5 All set work will be submitted to the teacher before any main or interim deadlines.

6 As the course in a non-exam course I will be expected in lessons during any study leave unless I am in exams.

Students will be given a variety of tasks UNDER ADULT SUPERVISION once they’ve proven proficiency in these tasks.

These are:

Climbing the ladder

Climbing the Telescope

Pulling tabs and ropes,

Hanging lights on a lighting bar

Setting up staging and scenery

Loading/unloading equipment This is the bulk of the curriculum for this class…by signing below, you are ALLOWING your

son/daughter to participate in the Technical Performing Arts classes. I have read and understood the above and know that I will become part of a skilled team responsible for maintaining the integrity and quality of the Hayesfield Performing Arts. Student Signature __________________________________Date ______________ Parent Signature ___________________________________Date ______________