CT1 Unit 1

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  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-1




    The aims of this unit are:

    1. To explain the fundamental concepts of electricity, electric charge,

    electric current, electromotive force, potential difference (voltage),

    and resistance.

    2. To demonstrate how to calculate DC voltages, currents and power

    dissipation in simple DC resistor networks.

    3. To introduce the concept of electric fields.

    4. To introduce capacitance and capacitors.

    5. To demonstrate how to calculate voltage, charge and energy in a


    6. To introduce the main types of capacitor and higlight some of

    their applications.



    After studying this sub-unit, you should be able to:

    1. Define or explain the meaning of the following terms:

    . ampere

    . conductor

    . conventional current

    . coulomb

    . electricity

    . electric charge

    . electric current

    . electromotive force (emf)

    . free electronsdrift velocity

    . ion

    . insulator

    . positive and negative charge

    . potential difference (PD)

    . schematic diagram

    . volt

    . voltage

    2. Understand how positive and negative electric charges interact.

    3. Explain electrical phenomena in terms of the atomic theory of


    4. Perform calculations involving the units of coulombs and amperes.


  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    1-2 Communication Technology 1

    What is electricity? Where does it come from? How can it be produced?

    Is there more than one type of electricity? How do positive and negative

    electric charges interact? These are the sorts of questions that we will

    shortly try to answer.

    It was through rubbing certain materials together that mankind first

    produced and investigated the mysteries of electricity. The first recordedexperiments took place around 600 BC, in the era of Pythagoras,

    Confucius and Buddha. The pioneering physicist was Thales, who lived

    in Miletus, a Greek-run territory located in the south-eastern corner of

    what is now modern Turkey. Thales demonstrated that if amber ( a

    yellowish substance used for ornamental purposes ) was rubbed with

    animal fur, the amber would attract to it pieces of dry straw or feathers.

    In England in 1600, William Gilbert, personal physician to Queen

    Elizabeth 1, published a study which listed many other substances

    capable of producing the same effect after rubbing. Gilbert called these

    substances electrics, after elektron, the Greek word for amber. It was

    French scientist Charles Dufay who produced the next step forward. Inthe 1730s he found that there was not just one type of electricity - but two.

    Furthermore, Dufay found that like types of electricity repelled while

    opposite types attracted. We can illustrate this point with the following


    Take a piece of amber and a piece of glass, two substances which can be

    electrified by rubbing with fur and silk respectively. Electrify the amber

    and glass, and suspend each by a thread so that it is free to move. Now

    bring them close together. Result: the amber and the glass attract one

    another. However, if two pieces of amber are brought close, they repel

    one another. Similarly, two pieces of glass repel if they are suspended in

    close proximity.

    After numerous experiments with many substances, no type of electric

    was ever discovered which was not attracted either to the amber or the

    glass. In other words, there were two types of electricity and only two:

    the amber-type and the glass-type.

    In 1747 the American inventor and statesman Benjamin Franklin

    introduced the terms positive charge and negative charge into the

    language of electricity. Franklin described substances which act like

    electrified amber as having a negative charge and those which act like

    electrified glass as having a positive charge. We continue to use

    Franklins terms today and we can now state Dufays discovery, which

    is a fundamental law of electricity, in these terms:

    Unlike charges attract one another, while like charges repel.

    It is important to note that the words positive and negative are purely

    arbitrary terms; positive electricity is not in any way better than

    negative electricity.

    We can summarise as follows the basic facts about electricity, all

    verifiable from simple experiments:

    . An object can be made electrified by friction. Some materials

    are easier to electrify than others.

    . There are two types of electric charge - positive and negative.


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    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-3

    . Like charges repel; opposite ones attract.

    . The strength of the attractive or repulsive electric force decreases

    with distance.

    . The electric force is far more powerful than gravity. And like

    gravity, the electric force can act through empty space.

    . The electric force which an object is capable of exerting is

    independent of its mechanical properties - its shape, size, density,





    Benjamin Franklins terms of positive and negative charge were rooted

    in his idea that electricity was some form of subtle fluid, of which

    electrified materials had either too much (when positively charged) or

    too little (when negatively charged). A material which was not charged

    he called electrically neutral, as it contained its proper amount of this

    mysterious fluid.

    Franklin believed that all charged bodies sought to become electrically

    neutral - to discharge their surplus or deficiency of electric charge. This

    explained why oppositely charged bodies attract one another: the positive

    and negative charges attempt to cancel one another out, as the body with

    positive charge tries to surrender its excess of charge to the negative

    body with a deficiency of charge. This theory also explained why bodies

    with a similar charge repel one another. A positive body could not

    discharge to another positive one; a negatively charged body could not

    satisfy its deficiency of charge through another body with a similar


    Franklin furthermore suggested that if the charge on two oppositely

    charged bodies was large enough, the excess on one would leap or sparkacross to the other without the two bodies needing to be in physical

    contact. It was from this theory that he developed the idea that lightning

    in the atmosphere was simply the discharge of electricity from clouds to

    the earth, and for lightning to take place, the clouds had to carry a large

    electric charge opposite in sign to that of the area of earth beneath them.

    It was known at the time that spark discharges were best attracted by

    metal rods with sharp points. Franklin recommended placing such rods

    (now called lightning conductors) on top of tall buildings, and connecting

    each one by a length of wire to another metal rod, driven into the ground.

    In this way, the electricity in the clouds would be discharged safely to the

    earth. The lighting conductor provides a low-resistance path to earth forthe electricty, therebydiverting the electricity away from the fabric of

    the building in the event of a lightning strike.

    But what is the subtle fluid of which Franklin reckoned electricity was

    composed? In the 1830s, English physicist Michael Faraday suggested

    that there was within all matter two particular types of tiny particles, one

    carrying a basic amount of positive charge and the other a basic amount

    of negative charge. All observed charges were simply multiples of these

    basic charges. As the atomic theory of matter took root in the nineteenth

    century, scientists concluded that if matter was atomic, then so too was

    electric charge. It is from these beginnings that our present theories have


  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    1-4 Communication Technology 1

    All matter consists of large numbers of tiny, spherical particles called

    atoms, each with a radius of about 10-12 m. The structure of a typical

    atom is illustrated in Figure 1.1. It consists of a central nucleus (radius

    10-14 m), containing a number of sub-atomic particles called protons

    and neutrons. Around the nucleus even smaller particles, the electrons,

    orbit like planets around the sun. Each of the over 100 naturally-

    occurring or artificially-produced elements is characterised by a uniquecombination of protons, neutrons and electrons in its atoms.

    Electrons(negative charge)


    Neutron(no charge) Proton

    (positive charge)




    + +

    + +

    Figure 1.1

    Illustration of atomic structure

    Neutrons, as their name suggests, carry no electric charge. Protons carry

    a positive charge. Electrons carry a negative charge, equal in magnitude

    but opposite in sign to the positive charge of the protons.

    It is the charge on the protons and electrons in every atom of matter that

    accounts for the phenomenon of electricity.

    The atom is held together by the force of attraction between the protons

    and the electrons. Normally, an atom contains the same number of each

    and is therefore electrically neutral; that is, its net charge is zero. If an

    atom gains or loses one or more electrons, it becomes negatively or

    positively charged respectively. (An electrically charged atom is called

    an ion.) In either situation, the atom is unstable and tries to return to the

    neutral state, by repelling the gained electron into orbit around an

    adjacent atom or by attracting an electron from an adjacent atom to make

    up its deficiency of negative charge. We will return to this subject in

    more detail in Unit 3.




    According to the principle of charge conservation, the charge of an

    isolated system cannot change. If an additional positively charged

    particle appears within a system, a particle with a negative charge of the

    same magnitude will be created at the same time; thus, the principle of

    conservation of charge is maintained.The unit of electric charge is called

    the coulomb (C). The smallest sub-division of the amount of charge that

    a particle can have is the charge of one proton, +1.602 10-19 coulomb.

    The electron has a charge of the same magnitude but opposite sign, ie -

    1.602 10-19 coulomb.

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    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-5

    In Italy in 1800 Alessandro Volta invented the electric battery, which for

    the first time enabled scientists to experiment with a steady flow of

    electric charge through a circuit. Previously, the only form of electric

    charge movement which could be produced and investigated was the

    sparking discharge that leapt from one electrified body to another. Such

    was the fame brought to Volta by his invention that Emperor Napolean

    called him to France in 1801 for a command performance of hisexperiments. Voltas battery truly revolutionized the study and application

    of electricity; his invention was an essential component in the early

    telegram and telephone communication systems which appeared in the

    second half of the nineteenth century.

    The flow of electric charge generated by Voltas battery was called an

    electric current. Like their modern-day counterparts, the original

    batteries had two terminals, one of which possessed a negative charge

    and the other a positive one.

    Which way does the electric current flow - from the positive end of the

    battery or from the negative? Clearly, it must be one or the other. Theearly experimenters with electricity knew nothing of electrons, so they

    had to choose one terminal or the other; in effect, they had to make an

    even-money guess. And as it happened, they got it wrong. They decided

    that current originates at the positive terminal of the battery and terminates

    on the negative one. This convention, that current flows from positive

    to negative, is still retained today, even though we now know that current

    is carried by electrons and that electrons move from negative to positive.

    In short:

    Conventional current flow is from positive to negative; the actual

    movement of electrons is in the opposite direction, from negative to


    For practical purposes, it does not really matter in which direction we

    believe the current to flow - as long as we are consistent in any particular


    Different materials exhibit different abilities to conduct electricity. For

    example, copper conducts electricity very well and is therefore a good

    conductor; plastic hardly conducts electricity at all and is accordingly

    a good insulator.

    This wide range of electrical conductivity shown by different materials

    can be explained in terms of their atomic structure. Metals and other

    good conductors have electrons in their outer orbital paths which are notstrongly attracted by the protons in the nucleus. These electrons are

    called free electrons and normally drift randomly from atom to atom

    throughout the conductor. However, when a battery or other electrical

    source is applied across both ends of the conductor, these free electrons

    all move in the same direction towards the positive terminal of the

    source, so giving rise to an electric current. In insulators, all the electrons

    are tightly bound to the nucleus, so that it is difficult to remove them from

    their orbital paths. There are therefore no, or very few, electrons free for


    Consider a movement of electrons along a length of conducting metal

    wire, similar to the flow of water through a pipe. See Figure 1.2.


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    Figure 1.2

    Electron flow



    Direction of Conventional Current

    Area A

    If the electrons move at a uniform rate and a total charge, denoted by the

    letter Q, passes through a cross-section of the wire in a time of t seconds,

    then this is equivalent to an electric current, I, where:

    electric current =amount of moving charge

    time taken



    As indicated previously, the units of electric charge are coulombs (C).

    Current is measured in amperes (A). A current of 1A flows when 1C of

    charge passes a point every second.

    How many electrons are involved in carrying a current of 1A; that is, in

    moving 1C of charge per second?

    As previously indicated, the magnitude of the charge on each electron

    has been measured to be 1.6 x 10 -19 C. Current is the rate of flow of

    charge, ie the amount of charge passing a given point in a conductor

    every second. Therefore for a current of 1A, we can say that the rate of

    flow is 1 coulomb every second. Thereore the number of electronsrequired to make 1 coulomb of charge is

    N =1

    charge on each electron=



    1 6 106 25 10



    As you can see, quite a large number of electrons is involved!

    Another question is, how fast do the electons move?

    In order to answer this question, imagine a length of conducting wire

    with cross-sectional area A carrying a currentI, as shown in Figure 1.3,

    and suppose there are n free electrons per unit volume of the wire, each

    carrying the basic unit of negative charge, e, and moving at an average

    velocity v. In a time of t seconds the electrons will travel a distance

    l v t=

    Thus in tseconds all those electrons Nin a volumeAl=Avtwill pass

    through a plane P of the wire. Thus

    N = nAvt

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    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-7

    and the total charge Q in motion is

    Q Ne neAvt = =

    Therefore, the electric current is given by the expression:






    tneAv= = = =

    Electron Area A

    electron flow

    conventional current



    Figure 1.3

    Calculation of drift velocity in

    a conductor

    In order to estimate the drift velocity v of the electrons, supposeI=1.6

    A,A=1 mm2 = 10-6 m2, e = 1.6 10-19 C, and n =1028 electrons / m3. Then

    from the equation above


    nAem s mm s= =

    = =

    1 6

    10 10 1 6 1010 1

    28 6 19


    ./ /

    This is a surprisingly slow drift speed compared with the average

    thermal speeds of the electrons which can be of the order of several

    hundred metres per second. It should be noted therefore that theelectrons which leave the negative terminal of the electrical energy

    source are not necessarily the same ones which enter the positive

    terminal. Individual electrons progress only very slowly along a

    conducting wire. As calculated above, their typical speed is about 1mm/

    s or, in other words, in the above case, it takes nearly 17minutes for the

    electrons to travel along one metre of conducting wire. The current,

    however, travels at a speed close to that of the speed of light (3 108 m/

    s). The situation may be compared to that of having a long tube filled

    with marbles; push one marble at one end of the tube, and another marble

    pops out at the other end. Each marble may be likened to a packet of

    electrons carrying an amount of charge. While the marbles may pop out

    quite slowly, the amount of charge emerging each second can be quite

    high. The rate of flow of charge in coulombs per second gives the current

    in amperes (A).


    An electric circuit is formed when electrical energy is applied, via an

    uninterrupted conducting path, to one or more devices. Consider the

    simple circuit shown in Figure 1.4, which consists of a battery, a length

    of wire and a bulb.

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    1-8 Communication Technology 1

    Figure 1.4

    Battery and bulb circuit





    Light andHeat

    + -

    The bulb lights (and heats up) due to the flow of electricity from one

    terminal of the battery to the other, along the wire and through the bulb

    itself. The source of electrical energy for a circuit may take many forms:

    battery, dynamo, alternator, mains supply, etc. The device to which the

    electrical energy is transferred may be a bulb, water-heater, television

    set, washing machine, computer system or whatever. It must be stressed

    that for a current to flow in any circuit, there must be a continuousconducting path from one terminal of the source, through the device, and

    back to the other terminal of the source. Most circuits contain a switch;

    if open, the switch interrupts the conducting path and so no current can

    flow; if in the closed position, the switch enables the current to flow.

    To simplify the drawing of electric circuits, a standard set of symbols is

    used, each one representing a typical circuit component. Figure 1.5

    shows the schematic diagram of the battery and bulb arrangement

    illustrated in Figure 1.4 and includes a switch. Additional circuit

    component symbols will be introduced as we encounter them.





    Voltas battery and its modern-day counterparts are examples of asource of electromotive force (emf). An emf source provides the

    electrical energy which is necessary for an electric current to flow.

    The concepts of electromotive force and potential difference (PD) may

    be more readily understood by considering the simple analogy shown in

    Figure 1.6, in which a pump continuously circulates water around a

    closed-pipe system.



    Battery Symbol



    Bulb Symbol Bulb



    + -

    Figure 1.5

    Schematic diagram of a battery

    and bulb circuit

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    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-9

    Figure 1.6

    The water-system analogy

    At this point water

    (current) can take one

    of two different routes





    pump = emf

    water flow

    = current

    To keep the water flowing in the system, the pump must be in continuous

    operation. Similarly, in an electric circuit the continuous output from an

    electrical energy source (a battery, generator or whatever) is required tokeep the electric current flowing in the circuit. The driving force

    provided by the electrical energy source is called the electromotive force

    or emf.

    In the water system, water flows between any two points only when there

    is a pressure difference between them. Similarly, in an electric circuit,

    current can only flow between any two points when there is a potential

    difference between them.

    The unit of potential difference is called the volt, after Alessandro Volta.

    The volt is defined as the energy in joules required to carry one coulomb

    of charge from one point to another.

    Thus, the emf of a source is the potential difference (PD) across its

    terminals, expressed in volts.

    SAQ 1For an electric current to flow between any two points in a

    conductor, state which of the following conditions are true and

    which are false:

    a. A potential difference must exist between the points.

    b. The same potential must exist at each of the points.

    c. There must be a movement of electrons between the


    d. The conductor must be free of electrons.

    e. A source of emf must be present.

    f. The circuit may have a break in it.

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    1-10 Communication Technology 1

    SAQ 2A torch battery is capable of delivering a current of 300mA

    continuously for a period of 5 hours before running flat.

    Calculate the initial charge stored in the battery.


    1. An atom is a particle of matter consisting of a central nucleus of

    protons and neutrons, around which electrons orbit.

    2. Protonscarry apositive charge;electronsanegativeone.Neutrons

    carry no charge and are electrically neutral.

    3. Forces exist between electrically charged particles and bodies, such

    that like charges repel and opposite ones attract.

    4. Electric charge, denoted by the symbol Q, is measured in units of

    coulombs (C).

    5. An electric current, symbol I, is a flow of negative charge, carried

    by electrons.



    Electric current is measured in amperes (A), where 1A represents

    1C of charge flowing past a point for one second.

    6. Good conductors have many free electrons. Good insulators have

    none or very few.

    7. An electromotive force (emf) is a source of electrical energy

    required to produce an electric current. Current flows between any

    two points in a circuit between which there is a potential difference


    8. The unit of both PD and emf is the volt (V).

    9. For an electric current to flow in a circuit, there must be a continuous,

    uninterrupted path between the positive and negative terminals of

    the source.

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    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-11


    a. True.

    b. False.

    c. True.

    d. False.

    e. True.

    f. False.

    SAQ 2

    charge = current time:

    Q = It => Q = 300 10-3 60 60 5 = 5400 C

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    1-12 Communication Technology 1



    After studying this sub-unit, you should be able to:

    1. Define or explain the meaning of the following terms:

    . direct current (DC)

    . electric power dissipation

    . Kirchoffs laws

    . Ohms law

    . resistance

    . internal resistance

    . resistivity

    . superposition theorem

    2 Calculate the resistance of a conductor given resistivity and the

    appropriate data.

    3. Perform simple circuit calculations involving Ohms and Kirchoffs


    4. Calculate the equivalent resistance of series, parallel and series-

    parallel resistor networks.

    5. Calculate the voltage, current and power dissipation in series,

    parallel and series-parallel resistor networks.

    INTRODUCTIONWe begin our analysis of electric circuits by considering a particular typeof circuit, called a direct current or DC circuit. In a DC circuit, current

    always flows in the same direction through the circuit. For such circuits,

    the voltage output of the source of emf stays constant with time as shown

    in Figure 1.7.




    Time t

    Figure 1.7

    Voltage output of a DC source

    The other main source of electricity is the AC (alternating current)

    type. As its name implies, the direction of the current in AC electricity

    is constantly changing. The most common example of an AC source of

    emf is the mains electricity supply. Many of the principles of DC circuits

    can also be applied to AC ones. We will be studying AC electricity in

    the next unit.

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    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-13



    So far in our study of electric circuits we have learnt of potential

    difference and current, and that the first produces the second. We have

    also learnt that some materials are better at carrying a flow of current

    than others; or, to put it the other way around, some materials offer less

    of a resistance to current flow than others.

    Are these three quantities - potential difference, current and resistance- related in some simple way? It was this task of finding such a

    relationship that the German physicist George Ohm set himself in the

    years immediately following Voltas invention of the battery.

    In 1827, Ohm showed that the flow of current in a conductor (at constant

    temperature) is directly proportional to the potential difference across

    the conductor and inversely proportional to the resistance of the material

    carrying the current. Today, this statement is known as Ohms law.

    Letting V represent potential difference (voltage), I for current and R for

    resistance, we can write Ohms law mathematically as follows:

    I VR

    V RI R VI

    = ; = ; =

    Ohm was a humble school teacher at the time of his discovery. Instead

    of bringing him fame and fortune, however, Ohms law embroiled him

    in controversy with other scientists of the day, as a result of which he lost

    his school teaching position and spent the next six years in poverty and

    bitter disappointment. Eventually, recognition came. Five years before

    his death at the age of 52, Ohm was made Professor at the University of

    Munich. When he died in 1854, a statue was raised to him and a Munich

    street named in honour of the man who discovered that V = RI.

    Today, the unit of resistance is the Ohm, represented by the Greeksymbol omega (). A material has a resistance of 1 if a current of 1A

    flows through it when an emf of 1V is applied across it.

    SAQ 3a. A PD of 20V is applied between the ends of a conductor

    and a current of 2A flows. Calculate the resistance of the


    b. What PD must be connected across a 100 resistor to

    obtain a current of 10mA flowing in it?

    c. A car light bulb has a resistance of 6. Calculate the

    current, which flows through it when it is connected

    across the cars 12V battery.

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    1-14 Communication Technology 1


    The resistance of a conductor depends on both its size and shape, and on

    the material from which it is made. The resistance, R, of a regularly

    shaped piece of material is proportional to its length, L, and inversely

    proportional to its cross-sectional area, A. Mathematically, we may




    Where is a constant of the material called the resistivity. The unit of

    resistivity is the Ohm-metre (m).

    SAQ 4Calculate the resistance of a cylindrical piece of copper wire

    of length 80cm and diameter 1mm. The resistivity of copper

    is 1.72 10-8m.

    So far, we have considered resistance as being the property of a single

    conductor to resist current flow. In addition, electronic components are

    manufactured with specific resistive properties: these are calledresistors.

    A typical resistor is shown in Figure 1.8, together with its circuit symbol.

    A wide range of resistors are manufactured, with the resistance value

    indicated in coded form by coloured band markings.


    Colour Code


    Tolerance Band

    Figure 1.8Illustration of a resistor



    When two or more resistors are connected end-to-end, as shown in

    Figure 1.8, they are said to be connected in series. If an emf is applied

    across the ends of the network, a current I will flow. Since there is only

    one path for current to travel, it must be the same in all parts of the circuit.

    That is:

    I = I1 = I2 = I3 (1)

    Figure 1.9

    Resistors in series across a


    R1 R2 R3

    + - + - + -

    I1 I2 I3

    V1 V2 V3



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    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-15

    For the current I to flow through the resistors, there must be a potential

    difference (voltage) across each. These are labelled V1, V2 and V3respectively in Figure 1.9, with the plus sign (+) indicating the point of

    highest potential and the minus sign (-) indicating the point of lowest

    potential. The sum of the voltages V1, V2 and V3 must equal the supply

    voltage, V. That is:

    V = V1 + V2 + V3 (2)

    Using Ohms law for each resistor, we can say that:

    V1 = I1R1 ; V2 = I2R2; V3 = I3R3

    If Rs represents the equivalent resistance of R1, R2 and R3, then we can


    V = V1 + V2 + V3IRs = IR1 + IR2 + IR3Rs = R1 + R2 + R3 (3)

    Thus, for resistors connected in series, the equivalent resistance is

    equal to the sum of the individual resistances. This rule holds for any

    number of resistances connected in series.

    EXAMPLE A 30V DC power supply unit (PSU) is applied across 3 resistors of value10, 20 and 30 connected in series. Calculate the current supplied

    by the power supply and the voltage across each resistor.

    SOLUTION The circuit is illustrated in Figure 1.10.

    Let I denote the current flowing in the circuit, and let V1, V2 and V3represent the potential differences (PDs) across the three resistors.

    Total resistance, Rs = R1 + R2 + R3= 10 + 20 + 30

    = 60

    By Ohms law, I = V/R

    = 30/60

    = 0.5A

    Therefore, the current supplied by the PSU is 0.5A. Now let us find thevoltages, V1, V2 and V3, across each resistor.

    V1 = IR1= 0.5 10

    = 5V

    V2 = IR2= 0.5 20

    = 10V

    V3 = IR3

    = 0.5 30= 15V

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    1-16 Communication Technology 1

    As a check, let us see if these three voltages add up to the supply voltage,

    V = 30V.

    V = V1 + V2 + V3= 5 + 10 + 15

    = 30V

    Figure 1.10

    Series resistor network

    SAQ 5a. A DC electric motor, with a resistance of 3, is operated

    from a 24V supply. What value of resistor must be

    connected in series with the motor if the current through

    it is to be limited to 500mA?

    b. When 3 identical resistors are connected in series across

    a 15V DC supply, a current of 10mA flows. Find the

    potential difference across each resistor and its resistance

    value in Ohms.



    When two or more resistors are connected side-by-side, as shown in

    Figure 1.11, they are said to be connected in parallel. When a source of

    emf is applied across a parallel connection of resistors, there is more than

    one path through which current can flow.

    Figure 1.11

    Resistors connected in parallel

    across a battery

    R1 = 10

    + _ + _ + _

    V1 V2 V3



    R2 = 20 R3 = 30

    + _


    DC Power

    Supply Unit






    + _






    + _






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    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-17

    In addition, as each individual resistor is connected across the supply, the

    PD across each resistor is equal to that of the supply voltage. That is:

    V = V1 = V2 = V3

    The total current, I, flowing into the parallel circuit divides amongst the

    various branches in inverse proportion to the individual resistance ineach branch. The sum of the individual branch currents must equal the

    current flowing into the parallel circuit. That is:

    I = I1 + I2 + I3 (4)

    Let Rp denote the equivalent resistance of the parallel connection. Then,

    using Ohms law and equation (4), we can write








    Rp= + +







    But V = V1 = V2 = V3. Therefore:








    Rp= + +

    1 2 3

    1 1 1 1

    1 2 3R R R Rp= + + (5)

    Therefore, for a network of resistors connected in parallel, the reciprocal

    of the equivalent resistance is equal to the sum of the reciprocals of each

    of the individual resistances.

    A special situation arises when there are just two resistances, R1 and R2,

    connected in parallel, as shown in Figure 1.12.


    is equivalent to




    R1+ R2Rp=

    Figure 1.12

    Special case of two resistors

    in parallel

    Using equation (5) to obtain the equivalent resistance gives:

    1 1 1

    1 2

    1 2

    1 2R R R

    R R

    R Rp= + =


    RR R

    R Rp =


    1 2

    1 2

    product of resistances

    sum of resistances

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    1-18 Communication Technology 1

    The expression provides a useful short-cut to finding the equivalent

    resistance of two resistors connected in parallel. It is important to

    remember, however, that it does not hold true for more than two


    EXAMPLE Three resistors with resistance 5, 10 and 30 are connected inparallel across a 30V battery. Calculate:

    a. The current flowing in each resistor.

    b. The total current supplied by the battery.

    c. The equivalent resistance of the network.

    SOLUTION The circuit diagram is given in Figure 1.13

    a. Using Ohms law, I1 = V/R1= 30/5

    = 6A

    I2 = V/R2= 30/10

    = 3A

    I3 = V/R3= 30/30

    = 1A

    b. Total current, I = I1 + I2 + I3= 6 + 3 + 1

    = 10A

    c. Let Rp be the equivalent resistance. Then:

    1/Rp = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3= 1/5 + 1/10 + 1/30

    = 6/30 + 3/30 + 1/30

    = 10/30

    Rp = 30/10

    = 3

    As a check, the total current supplied by the battery can be calculated

    using the expression:

    I = V/R

    = 30/3

    = 10A

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-19




    + _30V



    R1 = 5




    R2 = 10

    R3 = 30_



    Figure 1.13

    Parallel resistor network

    SAQ 6Three resistors of 10, 15 and 30 are connected in parallel

    across a supply of V volts. The total current drawn from the

    supply is 2A. Calculate the supply voltage V and the current

    through each resistor.

    SAQ 7What value of resistor must be connected in parallel with a

    47k resistor to obtain an equivalent resistance of 42k?

    Very often resistor networks contain both series and parallel circuits.Such networks can be analysed by dealing with each series section and

    each parallel section separately. This procedure is demonstrated in the

    following example.

    EXAMPLE For the circuit shown in Figure 1.14, calculate:

    a. The total current supplied by the battery.

    b. The PD across each resistor.

    c. The current flowing in each resistor.

    Figure 1.14

    Network of series and parallel




    + +


    _ _


    V1 V2 V3

    R1 = 4 R2 = 6

    R3 = 40

    R4 = 10

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    1-20 Communication Technology 1

    a. To calculate the total current supplied by the battery, we need to

    calculate the total equivalent resistance of the circuit. Consider

    firstly the equivalent resistance, Rp, of R3 and R4 in parallel.

    Rp = R3R4/(R3 + R4)

    = 40 10/(40 + 10)

    = 400/50= 8

    Thus, the circuit can now be redrawn as in Figure 1.15.

    Total resistance, R = 4 + 6 + 8

    = 18

    From Ohms law, I = V/R

    = 18/18

    = 1A

    Therefore, the current supplied by the battery is 1A.

    b. Let V1, V2 and V3 denote the PDs across R1, R2 and Rprespectively.

    Again from Ohms law, V1 = IR1= 1 4

    = 4V

    V2 = IR2= 1 6

    = 6V

    V3 = IRp

    = 1 8

    = 8V

    Since Rp represents the effective resistance of R3 and R4 in parallel,

    we can also say that the voltage V3 = 8V is the voltage across R3 and

    R4 in Figure 1.15.

    c. The current flowing in R1 and R2 is the battery current, I = 1A.

    Let I1 and I2 denote the currents flowing through R3 and R4


    From Ohms law, I1 = V3/R3= 8/40

    = 0.2A

    I2 = V3 /R4= 8/10

    = 0.8A

    As a check, determine if I = I1 + I2 = 1A

    I = I1

    + I2= 0.2 + 0.8

    = 1A


  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-21

    Figure 1.15

    Equivalent circuit

    SAQ 8For the circuit shown in Figure 1.16, determine the current

    through the 20 resistor.


    R1 = 9




    R3 = 6

    Figure 1.16

    Circuit for SAQ 8


    So far we have analysed electric circuits by simplifying them, step-by-

    step, into a form to which we can apply Ohms law. For relatively simple

    circuits this procedure is quite adequate. However, it is not always easy

    to reduce more complex circuits to a form in which Ohms law can be

    directly applied. In such situations, Kirchoffs two laws for electric

    networks are extremely useful.

    First, let us define two terms. Ajunction is a point in a circuit at which

    three or more conducting paths are joined. A loop is any closed

    conducting path in an electric circuit.

    We can now state the two laws of Gustav Kirchoff (1824-1887), the

    eminent German physicist, developed by him when he was only twenty

    years old.

    Kirchoffs first law (the current law) states that:

    The total current flowing into any junction equals the total current

    flowing out of it.

    If we adopt the convention that current flowing into a junction is positive

    and that current flowing out is negative, we can re-state Kirchoffs

    current law as follows:

    The algebraic sum of the currents at any junction in a network is zero.



    + + +_ _ _

    V1 V2 V3

    R1 = 4 R2 = 6 Rp = 8

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    1-22 Communication Technology 1

    Consider Figure 1.17.







    I1 + I4 = I2 + I3 + I5Figure 1.17

    Illustration of Kirchoffs

    current law

    The current entering junction = current leaving junction

    I1 + I4 = I2 + I3 + I5Or,

    I1 - I2 - I3 + I4 - I5 = 0

    Kirchoffs second law (the voltage law) states that:

    In any closed loop in a network, the algebraic sum of the voltage drops

    (PDs) around the loop is equal to the emf acting in that loop.

    Consider Figure 1.18.

    Figure 1.18

    Illustration of Kirchoffs

    voltage law

    In this case, there is only one loop.

    emf = sum of voltage drops

    = V1 + V2 + V3= IR1 + IR2 + IR3

    In applying Kirchoffs voltage law, we must carefully assign the correct

    polarity (positive or negative value) to the voltage drops. The general

    convention used is as follows. When progressing around a loop, a PD

    going from high to low in the direction of progress is taken as positive;

    conversely, a PD going from low to high is taken as negative. Therefore,

    if we progress around a loop and the current is in the same direction as

    our progress, the PD is taken as positive. If the current direction is

    opposite to our direction of progress, the PD is taken as negative.









    E = V1 + V2 + V3


  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-23

    EXAMPLE As an example of the application of Ohms and Kirchoffs lawsconsider the circuit shown in Figure 1.19. Given the information

    indicated on the diagram, calculate the values of I1

    and R2


    SOLUTION From Ohms law - : V3 = I3R3 = 3 4 =12V, which is also equal to

    V2 since the resistors R2 and R3 are in parallel.

    From Kirchoffs Voltage law - : V1+V

    2=36V. Therefore V

    1= 36 -


    = 36 - 12 = 24V .

    From Ohms law - : I1

    = V1/ R

    1= 24 / 6 = 4A.

    From Kirchoffs current law - : I1

    = I2

    + I3. Therfore I

    2= I

    1- I

    3= 4 -

    3 = 1A.

    From Ohms law - : R2

    = V2

    / I2

    = 12 / 1 = 12.

    Figure 1.19

    Illustration of Ohms and

    Kirchoffs Laws

    SAQ 9Given the information indicated on the diagram in Figure

    1.20, calculate the values of I1

    , I2

    , I3

    , V2

    and V3.

    Figure 1.20

    Circuit for SAQ 9



    + -


    R = 6 + -V



    R3 = 4


    I3= 3A

    + -V3





    R3 = 2R1 = 2

    R2 = 6

    + -






    V210V 4V

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    1-24 Communication Technology 1



    So far the voltage sources in our circuits have been ideal in that they have

    had zero internal resistance. Practical voltage sources, including power

    supplies and batteries possess some internal resistance. When a

    voltage source delivers current to a circuit a potential difference is

    developed across this internal resistance and so not all of the e.m.f of the

    source is produced at its terminals; some potential (voltage) is lost across

    the internal resistance of the source. Practically, the internal resistanceof a source can be represented as a resistance, r, in series with the e.m.f.

    as shown in Figure 1.21 (a). Now consider this source connected to an

    external resistance R as shown in Figure 1.21(b). This circuit is just a

    source of e.m.f which causes a current to flow in a resistive circuit

    consisting of two resistances, r and R, connected in series, which is a

    simple circuit and can be analysed using the methods we have been

    studying. The main point is that because there is a voltage drop across

    the internal reistance r, the voltage developed across the external

    resistance R is less than the e.m.f. value E. Thus in circuit analysis

    problems where it is required to take into account the internal resistance

    of the source, the technique is to place the internal resistance value in

    series with the source of e.m.f and then treat it like any other resistivecomponent.



    E VAB = E









    E VAB = .E









    R R




    Figure 1.21

    Internal Resistance of a Voltage




    The Superposition Theorem states that:

    In any (linear) circuit,the voltage or current in any part of the network

    is the sum of the voltages or currents caused by each generator acting

    separately, with the other generators replaced by their internalresistances.

    To use the Superposition Theorem, one of the sources of e.m.f. is

    selected and the circuit is re-drawn with only this source of e.m.f.

    present, and all other sources of e.m.f. are replaced with their internal

    resistances only. The voltages or currents at the required parts of the

    circuit are then determined using Ohms law and the relationships for

    resistors in series and in parallel. This is then repeated in turn for each

    of the other sources of e.m.f., and finally all of the voltage or current

    values are summed. The sum is the actual voltage or current due to alll

    of the sources of e.m.f. in the circuit acting together.

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    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-25


    Suppose we have a current I flowing through a resistance R, as illustrated

    in Figure 1.22, where the PD across the resistance is V.

    Figure 1.22

    Illustration of power

    dissipation in a resistor

    If the current, I, flows for a time t seconds, then a charge of Q coulombs

    will be transferred from B to A, where Q = It. It may be shown that, the

    work done, W, in transferring this charge Q from B to A, against a

    potential V, is given by:

    W = QV = VIt joules

    This work done by the voltage source is expended in the form of thermalenergy (heat). The energy dissipated per second in the resistor is defined

    as the power dissipation in the resistor. It is measured in watts. Hence:

    P = W/t

    = VI t/t

    = VI watts

    From Ohms law:

    V = RI or I = V/R

    P = VI

    = (IR)I= I2 R


    P = VI

    = V(V/R)

    = V2/R

    Therefore, there are three, equivalent expressions for electric power

    dissipation in a resistance. These are:

    P = VI; P = I2R; P = V2/R

    EXAMPLE For the circuit shown in Figure 1.23, calculate:

    a. The power delivered by the battery.

    b. The power dissipated in each resistor.

    c. Verify that the total power dissipation is equal to the power

    delivered by the battery.


    R = 31 R = 22

    Figure 1.23Two resistor circuit


    A B



    I+ _

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    1-26 Communication Technology 1

    SOLUTION a. I = 10/(3 + 2)= 2A

    The power, P, delivered by the battery is:

    P = VI

    = 10 2= 20W

    b. Let P1 and P2 denote the power dissipation in R1 and R2 respectively:

    P = I2R1= (2)2 3

    = 12W

    P = I2R2= (2)2 2

    = 8W

    c. Total power dissipation = P1 + P2= 12 + 8

    = 20W

    This equals the total power delivered by the battery, as calculated in part

    a. of this example.

    SAQ 10a. A car light bulb is rated at 24W, 12V. What current flows

    in the bulb when it is switched on and what is its resistance?

    b. An electric soldering iron has an element of resistance

    100 and carries a steady current of 0.5A for 1 hour. How

    much electrical energy is converted into heat energy

    during this period? What is the power rating of the iron?


    1. A DC source of emf is one whose voltage output remains constant

    with time.

    2. The resistance R of a conductor of length L and cross-sectional

    area A is given by:

    R = L/A where is a constant of the material known as theresistivity.

    3. Ohms law states that resistance, voltage and current are all inter-

    related as follows:

    R = V/I; V = RI; I = V/R

    4. In a series resistor circuit:

    Rs = R1 + R2 + R3 + ........ + RnI = I1 = I2 = I3 = ............. = In

    V = V1 + V2 + V3 + ........ + Vn

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-27

    5. In a parallel resistor circuit:

    1/Rp = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + ...... + 1/RnI = I1 + I2 + I3 + ................... + InV = V1 = V2 = V3 = ............. = Vn

    In the special case of two parallel resistors:

    Rp = R1R2/(R1 + R2) (= product/sum)

    6. For series-parallel resistor networks, each series and parallel section

    has to be treated separately and their equivalent resistances calculated.

    These are progressively substituted in the combined circuit until the

    original circuit is reduced to a simple series or parallel circuit.

    7. Kirchoffs first law (the current law) states:

    The algebraic sum of the currents flowing towards a junction in an

    electric circuit is zero. That is, the current flowing into the junction

    is equal to the current flowing out of it.

    8. Kirchoffs second law (the voltage law) states:

    In any closed loop in an electric circuit, the algebraic sum of the

    voltage drops (PDs) around the loop is equal to the emf acting in

    that loop.

    9. The Superposition Theorem states:

    In any (linear) circuit,the voltage or current in any part of the

    network is the sum of the voltages or currents caused by each

    generator acting separately, with the other generators replaced by

    their internal resistances.

    10. Electric circuits can be analysed to obtain the currents and voltages

    in each part of the circuit using a combination of Ohms law,

    Kirchoffs laws and the Superposition Theorem.

    11. When an electric current flows in a resistance R, electrical energy

    from the source of emf is converted into heat. The power dissipation,

    P, in watts, which defines the rate at which energy is converted, is

    given by the three equivalent expressions:

    P = VI; P = I2R; P = V2/R.

    12. The power, P, produced by a source of emf, V, which delivers a

    current, I, to a circuit is given by:

    P = VI.

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    1-28 Communication Technology 1


    From Ohms Law: R = V/I; V = IR; I = V/R

    a. R = V/I

    = 20/2= 10

    b. V = IR

    = 10 10-3 100

    = 1V

    c. I = V/R

    = 12/6

    = 2A

    SAQ 4

    The cross-sectional area, A, of the wire is given by the


    A = r2

    = (0.0005)2 m2

    = 7.85 10-7 m2

    The resistance of the wire is given by the expression:

    R = L/A


    = 1.72 10- 8 Ohm-metres

    L = 0.8m

    A = 7.85 10-7 m2


    R = (1.72 10-8 0.8)/(7.85 10-7)

    = 0.0175

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-29

    SAQ 5

    a. The circuit is illustrated in Figure 1.24

    Let R = the resistance of series resistor

    Rm = resistance of motor

    I = V/(R + Rm)

    0.5 = 24/(R + 3)

    0.5(R + 3) = 24

    0.5R + 1.5 = 24

    0.5R = 22.5

    R = 45

    b. The circuit is illustrated in Figure 1.25

    Let R represent the resistance of each resistor. The total

    resistance, RT, is therefore:

    RT = R + R + R = 3R

    RT = V/I

    3R = 15/(10 10-3)

    = 1500

    R = 1500/3

    = 500

    V1 = V2 = V3 = IR

    = 10 10-3 500

    = 5V




    I = 500mA

    = 0.5A



    R = 3

    Figure 1.24Circuit for SAQ 5a

    Figure 1.25

    Circuit for SAQ 5b

    I = 10mA

    V = 15V


    R R

    + _ V2+_ V3+


  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    1-30 Communication Technology 1

    SAQ 6

    The circuit is illustrated in Figure 1.26

    Let Rp represent the equivalent resistance of R1 , R2 and R3

    in parallel.

    1/Rp = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3= 1/10 + 1/15 + 1/30

    = 3/30 + 2/30 + 1/30

    Rp = 30/6

    = 5

    V = IRp= 2 5

    = 10V

    Let I1, I2 and I3 denote the currents through R1, R2 and R3respectively.

    I1 = V/R1= 10/10

    = 1A

    I2 = V/R2= 10/15

    = 0.67A

    I1 = V/R3= 10/30= 0.33A


    I1 I2 I3

    I = 2A




    Figure 1.26

    Circuit for SAQ 6

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-31

    SAQ 7

    For two resistors R1 and R2 in parallel, their equivalent

    resistance Rp is given by the expression:

    Rp = R1 R2 /(R1 + R2)

    In the case, Rp = 42k and R1 = 47k

    The problem is to calculate R2 :

    47 R2 /(47 + R2) = 42

    47R2 = 42(47 + R2)

    47R2 = 1974 + 42R25R2 = 1974

    R2 = 394.8k

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    1-32 Communication Technology 1

    SAQ 8

    To find the current through the 20 resistor R4, we need to

    know the voltage across it. Since R2, R4 and R5 are in

    parallel, it is possible to reduce these to a single series circuit,

    as shown in Figure 1.27. It is now easy to find the voltageacross Rp and hence R2 .

    1/Rp = 1/R2 + 1/R5 + 1/R4= 1/12 + 1/15 + 1/20

    = 5/60 + 4/60 + 3/60

    = 12/60

    Rp = 60/12

    = 5

    Total resistance, R = R1 + Rp + R3

    = 9 + 5 + 6= 20

    Current, I = V/R

    = 40/20

    = 2A

    Voltage across Rp = IRp= 2 5

    = 10V

    Current through R4 = I4I4 = 10/20

    = 0.5A

    V 40V

    IR1= 9

    R3= 6


    Figure 1.27

    Circuit for SAQ 8

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-33

    SAQ 9

    Using Ohms law - : I1

    = V1

    / R1

    =4 /2 = 2A.

    Using Kirchoffs voltage law- : V2

    = 10 - 4 = 6V.

    Using Ohms law - : I2

    = V2

    / R2

    = 6 / 6 = 1A.

    Using Kirchoffs current law - : I1 + I3 = I2 .Therefore I

    3= I

    2- I

    1= 1 - 2 = -1A.

    The minus sign above indicates that the current is in fact

    opposite in direction to that indicated, ie a value of 1A in the

    left to right direction through R3.

    From Ohms law - : V3

    = I3R

    3= -12 = - 2V

    Note again that the negative sign indicates that the polarity of

    the voltage across R3is opposite to that originaaly marked on

    Figure 1.20, ie the left side of R3

    is at a potential which is 2V

    higher than the right side.

    This shows that current directions and voltage polarities must

    be borne in mind when dealing with circuits of this type.

    SAQ 10

    a. Power = voltage current

    P = VI

    24 = 12I

    I = 2A

    Resistance, R = V/I

    = 12/2

    = 6

    b. Electrical energy transferred = power time

    = (VI) t

    = (I2R) t

    In the case:

    I = 0.5AR = 100

    t = 1 hour = 60 60 seconds = 3600 seconds

    Energy converted to heat = (0.5)2 100 3600

    = 90,000 joules

    = 90kJ

    Power, P = I2R

    Power rating of soldering-iron = (0.5)2 100

    = 25W

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    1-34 Communication Technology 1



    After studying this sub-unit, you should be able to:

    1. Define or explain the meaning of the following terms:

    electric field

    electric field strength

    equipotential lines

    lines of electric force


    2. Calculate the force on electric charges situated in an electric field,

    given the appropriate data.

    3. Calculate the work done in moving a charge in an electric field.




    We have already seen that charged bodies in close proximity exert forces

    upon one another. For like charges, the forces are repulsive; for opposite

    charges, the forces are attractive. We will now try to explain how these

    forces arise. One of the first people to try and do this was the English

    physicist Michael Farady, who, in the 1830s, suggested that the space

    around charged objects was filled with something he called an electric

    field. This field served as the medium for transmitting the electrical

    forces, just as water transmits waves or air carries sound through it.

    Consider two parallel plates a small distance d apart, having a potential

    difference of V volts between them as shown in Figure 1.28. Assume that

    this potential difference causes plate A to have a positive charge +Q andplate B to have a negative charge -Q. An electric field exists in the area

    between the two plates. If the distance between the plates is very small

    compared to their area, virtually all of the field will be confined to the

    region between them. There will be a slight fringing effect, ie the

    electric field also exists in a small region outside that exactly between the

    two plates. (See Figure 1.28.)

    As an aid to visualising this electric field, Faraday developed a pictorial

    scheme called lines of force. These imaginary lines represent electrical

    force in the following way:

    . The direction of the force at any point in space is along the lines.

    . The strength of the force is greatest where the lines are closely


    . The direction of the lines is that in which a positively charged body

    would move if it were placed in the field.

    . The lines always repel and never cross one another.

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    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-35

    Figure 1.28

    Field between two parallel


    If a small positive charge is inserted anywhere in the field between the

    two plates, it will experience the same net force. Although the force of

    attraction towards plate B and the force of repulsion from plate A varies

    with the distance of the charge from the plates, the resultant of the forces

    is always constant. Since the force on a given charge is the same at all

    points, the strength of the electric field must be the same at all points: the

    field is said to be uniform.

    Another useful device in visualising the electric field is the idea of

    equipotential lines. These lines are drawn at right angles to the lines of

    force and link points in an electric field which are at the same potential.

    If the potential on the plates is V1 and V2 respectively, and the field

    between them is uniform, the potential of points in the field must

    progress linearly from V1 at plate A to V2 at plate B. This means thatlines of equipotential can be drawn through the field parallel to the plates

    as shown in Figure 1.29(a). There exists a potential gradient which

    varies linearly with distance between the plates as shown in Figure




    (a) Equipotential


    (b) Potential








    vFigure 1.29

    Equipotential lines and

    potential gradient



    V1 V2

    V1 - V2


    V1 > V2


    E =

    +Q -Q


    + - V = V1 - V2v

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    1-36 Communication Technology 1

    The potential difference between these lines compared to the distance

    between them is a measure of the electric field strength E:

    E =


    dvolts per metre

    The direction of field strength is positive in the direction of lower

    potential, which is also the direction of the force on a positive charge

    placed between the two points.

    Electric field strength is sometimes called voltage gradient.

    SAQ 11(a) A potential of 200V is applied between two parallel plates

    spaced 2mm apart. Calculate the field strength between

    the plates.

    (b) Two parallel plates are situated 1mm apart. What potentialmust be applied between the plates to produce a field

    strength of 5000V/m?

    An alternative definition of electric field strength is as follows:

    The electric field strength at any point in a field is defined as the force

    which would be exerted on one unit of positive charge if it were placed

    at that point.

    Thus if a charge Q is placed in an electric field E, it experiences a force

    F given by:

    F = QE

    SAQ 12A charge of 10C is situated in an electric field of strength

    2000V/m. Determine the force acting on the charge.

    The work done, W, in moving a charge, Q, a distance, d, in an electric

    field of strength, E, is equal to the product of the force on the charge and

    the distance moved in the direction of the force. That is:

    W = Fd

    = QEd

    But E = V/d. So:

    W = Q(V/d)d

    = QV

    Or, V = W/Q

    This expression leads to a formal definition of potential difference:

    The potential difference between two points in an electric field is the

    work done in moving a unit of positive charge between the two points.

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    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-37


    1. Electric fields can be represented graphically by lines of force.

    Lines of force are directed from positive to negative charge (potential)

    and never cross one another. Their closeness represents field strength.

    2 . The electric field strength, E, is defined in magnitude and direction

    as the force exerted by the field on a unit of positive charge. For two

    conductors a distance d apart having a potential difference Vbetween them, the electric field strength, E, is given by:

    E = V/d

    3. An equipotential line links points in an electric field which are at

    the same potential. Their direction is always at right-angles to the

    lines of force.

    4. A charge, Q, placed in an electric field of strength, E, experiences

    a force F given by the expression:

    F = QE

    5. The potential difference between two points in an electric field is the

    work done in moving a unit of positive charge between the two


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    (a) Electric field strength = voltage between plates/distance

    between plates

    E = V/d= 200/0.002

    = 100 000V/m

    = 105 V/m


    E = V/d

    5000 = V/0.001

    V = 5000 0.001

    = 5V

    SAQ 12

    Force = charge electric field strength

    F = Q E

    = 10 10-6 2000

    = 0.02N

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    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-39




    After studying this sub-unit, you should be able to:

    1. Define or explain the meaning of the following terms:

    . capacitance

    . capacitor

    . dielectric

    . dielectric field strength

    . equivalent capacitance

    . Farad

    . maximum working voltage

    . parallel-plate capacitor

    . relative permittivity

    . time-constant

    . parasitic capacitance

    2. Calculate the amount of charge stored on a capacitor, given the

    appropriate data.

    3. Calculate the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor, given the

    appropriate data.

    4. Calculate the electric field strength in the dielectric of a capacitor,

    given the appropriate data.

    5. Calculate the energy stored in a capacitor, given the appropriate data.

    6. Calculate the time-constant of simple resistor-capacitor networks.

    7. List the main types and applications of capacitors.


    One of the most important circuit components of our electronic age is the

    capacitor.A capacitor is a device for storing charge. They are used to

    minimise voltage variations in power supplies, to increase the efficiency

    of electric power transmission, to measure time, and to detect and

    generate radio waves.

    We can illustrate the operation of a capacitor by considering the circuit

    shown in Figure 1.30. The two terminals of a battery are each connectedto a length of conducting wire. Each length of wire goes to a small, flat

    plate, also made of conducting material. The two plates are separated

    from each other by a small air gap. What happens in such a circuit?

    The emf of the battery causes current to flow until the plate connected

    to the positive battery terminal receives a charge Q and achieves the

    same positive potential as the battery terminal itself. Similarly, the plate

    connected to the negative terminal of the battery receives a negative

    charge, - Q. In other words, the flow of current stops when the potential

    difference across the capacitor equals the potential difference across the

    battery. Note that the charges on the two plates are equal in magnitude

    but opposite in sign.

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    1-40 Communication Technology 1

    Figure 1.30

    Operation of a capacitor

    Suppose we remove the battery. What happens? Answer: The positive

    and negative charges remain on the two plates. Hence, this arrangement

    of two flat plates separated by an air gap has the ability to store an electric


    The capacity of a device to store electric charge, called its capacitance,

    is defined as the ratio of charge on either plate to the potential difference

    between the two plates. If Q (in coulombs) is the charge on either plate

    and V (in volts) represents the potential difference between the plates,

    then C (the capacitance) is equal to:

    Capacitance = Charge on either plate/Potential difference

    C = Q/V coulombs/volts

    Rather than measure capacitance in coulomb/volts, physicists have

    given it a special unit of its own: the farad (F), named after MichaelFaraday. A device has a capacitance of one farad if it holds a charge of

    one coulomb when a potential of one volt is applied across it.

    In practice, the farad is an extremely large unit. For example, a capacitor

    of 1 farad capacity, with two parallel plates 1mm apart in air, would

    require each plate to have an area of over 40 square miles!

    Practical capacitors typically have values in microfarads (F) nanofarads

    (nF) and picofarads (pF):

    1 microfarad (F) = 10-6 F

    1 nanofarad (nF) = 10-9 F

    1 picofarad (pF) = 10-12 F

    We may summarise the properties of a capacitor thus:

    . A capacitor is not like a resistor: it does not allow DC current to pass

    through it.

    . A capacitor is not like a battery or other emf generator: it must be

    charged before it can supply a current. It can also be charged to many

    different voltages.

    . A capacitor stores electric charge.



    Plates V


    Charging current flows

    into capacitor





    Air-gap V

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    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-41



    Any configuration of conductors separated by an insulating material is

    capable of storing charge and, consequently, of possessing capacitance.

    For example, the earth and the ionosphere, a layer of charged particles

    surrounding our planet at a height of roughly 100km, may be together

    considered as a huge capacitor.

    The simplest form of capacitor is the type considered above - two flat,metal plates, separated by a thin layer of insulating material (air). (Figure

    1.31). This is termed a parallel-plate capacitor. Assuming the

    potential of the battery or other emf source is constant, how can we vary

    the capacitance of our parallel-plate device?

    Because the two plates are oppositely charged, there must be an electric

    field between them; if the plates are close together, we can assume that

    the electric field lines are straight and parallel. In the area within the

    plates, the electric field (E) is simply the potential difference (V) divided

    by the distance (d) between them.

    electric field = potential difference/distance apart

    E = V/d

    One value which cannot change in this equation is V, the potential

    difference across the plates; as V is generated by the constant emf source,

    V remains fixed in magnitude.

    If we reduce the distance (d) between the two plates, the electric field (E)

    must increase, as the potential difference (V) cannot change. As E

    increases, then so too must the charge (Q) on each plate. This in turn

    increases the capacitance. Hence, the capacitance is inversely proportional

    to the distance separating the two plates. Mathematically:

    C 1/d

    Another option is to increase the area (A) of the two plates. Suppose two

    larger plates are held the same distance apart and the same potential

    applied across them. The charge per unit area must remain the same,

    since the electric field is the same as before. As the area is greater, so too

    must be the amount of charge stored. Hence, the capacitance is directly

    proportional to the area of the plates:

    C A

    Combining this with the previous equation gives us:

    C A/d

    In summary, the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor (Figure 1.31)

    is directly proportional to the area of its plates and inversely proportional

    to their distance apart.

    For any given insulating material between the plates, it is found that:

    C = A/d

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    1-42 Communication Technology 1

    where is a constant known as the permittivity of the insulator. By

    permittivity we mean the degree to which the insulator permits the

    storage of charge on the two plates; the greater the permittivity, the

    greater the charge stored and the greater the capacitance. The units of

    permittivity are farads per metre (F/m).


    Spacing d

    Area AFigure 1.31

    Parallel-plate capacitor

    Usually, the permittivity is not expressed directly, but in relation to the

    permittivity of free space (a vacuum), where 0= 8.854 x 10-12 F/m. The

    relative permittivity of an insulator, denoted by the symbol r, is its

    own, unique permittivity divided by the permittivity of free space.

    Relative permittivity has no units.

    relative permittivity = permittivity of insulator/permittivity of free space

    r = /0

    Insulators used to separate the two plates of a capacitor are calleddielectrics. r is therefore termed the relative permittivity of a dielectric.

    In conclusion, we can now answer the question with which we began this

    section: for a constant emf source, how can capacitance be varied?

    . by moving the plates closer together or further apart

    . by increasing or decreasing the area of the plates

    . by using a dielectric with a greater or lesser permittivity.

    These three factors are related to capacitance by the following equation:

    C = r0A/d

    EXAMPLE A parallel-plate capacitor consists of two plates of dimension 10cm 5cm, separated by 1mm layer of mica which has a relative permittivity

    of 5. Calculate the capacitance of the device and the charge stored when

    the PD between the plates is 100V.

    (0 = 8.85 10-12 F/m)

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    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-43

    SOLUTION area of plates = 10 5cm= 50cm2

    = 0.005m2

    capacitance C = 0r A/d

    = (8.85 10-12

    5 0.005)/10-3

    = 0.22 10-9 F

    = 220pF

    charge stored = capacitance voltage

    Q = CV

    = 0.22 10-9 100

    = 0.22 10-7 C

    = 0.022C

    SAQ 13List three possible ways of changing the capacitance of a

    parallel-plate capacitor.

    SAQ 14Calculate the amount of charge stored in a 0.1F capacitor

    which is charged to 25V; that is, with a potential difference

    of 25V across it.

    SAQ 15 A 2700pF capacitor is to be constructed using a paper dielectricof thickness 0.5mm. If the relative permittivity of paper is 2.5,

    calculate the required area of the plates.

    (0= 8.854 10-12 F/m)

    An important quantity in capacitor design is dielectric field strength.

    This is the magnitude of the applied electric field which the material of

    the dielectric is capable of withstanding without breaking down. Because

    of the very close proximity of the plates in a parallel-plate capacitor, the

    electric field in the dielectric can be very large. (E = V/d; E is large if d

    is small). If high enough, the electric field can cause the dielectric tobreak down and conduct current. This happens when the force of the

    electrons on the atoms of the dielectric (normally an insulator) is so great

    that these electrons become detached from their nuclei and cause

    conduction, often damaging the dielectric.

    The maximum amount of field strength which a given dielectric can

    withstand is called the dielectric field strength of that dielectric. As the

    distance d between the plates is fixed during manufacture, an upper limit

    must be set on the voltage that can be applied across the capacitor. Since:

    dielectric strength, E = V/d

    Vmax = dE

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    1-44 Communication Technology 1

    In practice, a maximum working voltage, which is less than the value

    capable of causing dielectric breakdown, is quoted for the capacitor, so

    that the dielectric strength limit is never reached in normal use.

    SAQ 16

    A capacitor uses a dielectric of thickness 0.1mm and operatesat a voltage of 50V. Calculate the amount of dielectric field

    strength across the dielectric.




    Like resistors, capacitors may be connected together into series or

    parallel networks, or in some combination of each. In every case, these

    networks may be represented by a single, equivalent capacitance.

    Figure 1.32Parallel Capacitor Network

    Figure 1.32 shows three capacitors connected in parallel. Note here the

    standard, circuit symbol for a capacitor: two parallel lines, separated by

    a small space. It may easily be shown that the equivalent capacitance Cp

    of this parallel connection is


    = C1 + C2 + C3

    Thus, for any number of capacitances connected in parallel, the equivalent

    capacitance is equal to the sum of the individual capacitances.

    Figure 1.33 shows three capacitors connected in a series network. It

    maybe shown that the equivalent capacitance Csfor this series connection

    is given by

    Figure 1.33

    Series Capacitor Network

    1/Cs = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3

    Thus, for any number of capacitors in series, the reciprocal of the

    equivalent capacitance is equal to the sum of the reciprocals of the

    individual capacitances.

    You will notice that the above cases are exactly opposite to those for

    resistors in series and parallel.

    VC1 C2 C3

    Q1 Q2 Q3




    Current I

    C1 C2 C3

    Q1 Q2 Q3

    + _ ++V1 V2 V3


    _ _

  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-45

    A capacitor, a powerhouse of stored charge, is also a powerhouse of

    stored electrical energy. When a capacitor receives charge from an emf

    source, energy is transferred from the source to the capacitor and stored

    in the form of an electric field between the plates. The capacitor will

    continue to hold this energy even when the supply is removed; it

    therefore becomes a small energy source in its own right. The energy

    stored in a capacitor can be regained by allowing the capacitor todischarge through a resistor or other circuit component, for example an

    electronic flash for a camera.

    It may be shown that the amount energy E stored in a capacitor C charged

    to a voltage V may be quantified as

    E = CV2 /2

    The energy stored in a capacitor is therefore equal to half the product of

    the capacitance and the square of the voltage across the two plates.

    Since capacitors can store electrical energy, could they be used toreplace batteries, such as the standard car battery for example?

    The typical 12V car battery can transfer a total of about 3.6 10-4 C of

    charge. Using the equation C = Q/V, the capacitance of the battery is 3

    10-3 F. Assuming that capacitor plates are 1mm apart and the dielectric

    is free space, the area of the plates required is given by the equation:

    A = Cd/0

    which gives the result of 3.39 105 m2. This corresponds to a square of

    about 360 miles to a side! We can therefore conclude that, in this

    example at least, a capacitor cannot be used as a large source of electrical


    As energy storers, however, capacitors can perform functions that

    batteries cannot. For example, camera flash-bulbs are powered by a

    capacitor which is in turn charged by a battery. The advantage of using

    the capacitor is that it can provide a short duration flash as it is

    discharged. In addition, capacitors are not damaged by such sudden

    discharge of all their electrical energy; most types of battery would be.








    Consider the circuit of Figure 1.34(a) consisting of an initially uncharged

    capacitor C, a resistor R and a switch S that are connected in series to a

    dc power supply E. How will the voltage VC

    across the capacitor vary

    when the switch is instantaneously closed? Closing the switch suddenlyconnects the positive terminal of the supply to the resistor forming a

    complete circuit and current begins to flow. This current begins to charge

    the capacitor, so that a positive charge accumulates on the plate A of the

    capacitor ( and a negative charge accumulates on the other plate B). As

    a result, the potential (voltage) on plate A increases from zero to a

    positive value. As more charge accumulates on the capacitor, this

    positive potential continues to increase. As it does so, the value of the

    potential across the resistor is reduced; consequently, the current decreases

    with time, approaching the value of zero as the capacitor potential

    reaches its final maximum value of E volts.

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    1-46 Communication Technology 1

    Figure 1.34

    Charging a Capacitor from a

    Voltage Source through a


    Figure 1.34(b) graphs this voltage VC

    as a function of the time and Figure

    1.34 (c) shows how the current i varies with time. Theoretically full

    charging of the capacitor takes an infinite amount of time but in practice

    it becomes virtually fully charged after a finite amount of time. The

    quantity = RC is known as the time-constant of the circuit. After a time

    equal to one time-constant , the capacitor is charged to 63.2% of its fully

    charged value and after a time equal to 5 (5 x time-constant), the voltage

    has reached 99.3% of its fully charged value.

    The charge and discharge of a capacitor has many important applications

    in modern electronics, particularly in relation to timing circuits.




    There are many capacitor types and they are utilised in a wide variety of

    application areas across the broad spectrum of electronic engineering.

    For example they are used as the basic storage element in certain types

    of digital computer memories a charged capacitor represents the

    storage of a binary value of 1 and an uncharged capacitor represents

    the storage of a binary value of 0. They are used as part of a

    smoothing circuit in dc power supplies in which a time-varying

    alternating current (ac) input voltage is converted to a constant dc output

    voltage. As indicated above they are are utilised in timer circuits which

    operate on the time for the capacitor to be charged to a certain voltage.

    In conjunction with resistors and other electronic components they areused to design electronic filter circuits which are capable of passing

    signals in a certain frequency range and rejecting frequencies outside

    this range. This can be particularly useful in separting wanted signals

    which are contaminated by electronic noise. These are just some

    examples of the application of capacitors and throughout the remainder

    of this unit and the course in general you will study these and other

    applications of capacitors in more detail.

    Capacitors are classified according to the type of dielectric. Figure 1.35

    provides summary information on a variety of capacitors classified

    according to the type of dielectric. Table 1.1 summarises the main

    features of each capacitor type and also lists some broad application



    (a) Circuit

    (b) Variation of capacitor

    voltage with time












    Vc(t) = E(1 - e-t/RC)

    (c) Variation of charging

    current with time


    t t


    i(t) = e-t/RCE


  • 7/30/2019 CT1 Unit 1


    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-47

    Figure 1.35

    Classification of Capacitor















    Multi layered

    Single layered

    Multi layered

    Single layered

    Single layered


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    1-48 Communication Technology 1

    Type Feature Application circuit

    Multi-layered ceramic


    This type of capacitor has been developed to meet

    demands for high-density ceramic capacitors. Multi-

    layered ceramic capacitors incorporate multiple printedlayers of electrode plates made of 20 to 50-f thick

    ceramic sheets. These capacitors are more compact

    and have better temperature characteristics than single-

    layered ceramic capacitors. Multi-layered ceramic

    capacitors are, however, rather expensive because their

    electrode plates use precious metals. With the further

    development of materials for electrode plates, these

    capacitors are expected to take the lead in the main

    stream of ceramic capacitors. Like a single-layered

    ceramic capacitor, a multi-layered ceramic capacitor is

    either a product of high dielectric constant construction

    or a product that has excellent temperature

    characteristics ideal for temperature compensation.

    Circuits of general electronic


    Single-layered ceramic


    This type of capacitor that incorporates a ceramic

    dielectric is either a product ideal for temperature

    compensation, a product that has a high dielectric

    constant, or a product that is of a semiconductor type,

    which depends on the kind of ceramic dielectric. The

    single-layered ceramic capacitor for temperature

    compensation does not have a high electrostatic capacity

    but it covers a wide temperature characteristic range

    including temperatures below 0C. The capacitor of

    high dielectric constant construction is compact yet ithas a high electrostatic capacity. The semiconductor

    type capacitor is far more compact yet it has the highest

    electrostatic capacity of all single-layered ceramic


    Circuits that require excellent

    frequency characteristics, such

    as high-frequency circuits and

    digital circuits

    Film capacitor The high-frequency and temperature characteristics of

    film capacitors excel those of ceramic capacitors.

    Furthermore, high-capacity film capacitors are

    available, which are, however, more expensive and

    larger than ceramic capacitors that are the same in

    capacity. Polyester (Myler), polypropylene, orpolystyrene can be used for the film of this type of


    High-frequency circuits

    and analog circuits


    film capacitor

    This type of capacitor incorporates electrode plates

    made of film vacuum-evaporated with metal such as

    aluminum. Metal-glazed film capacitors can be more

    compact yet higher in electrostatic capacity than film

    capacitors. Polyester, polypropylene, or polycarbonate

    can be used for the film of this type of capacitors.

    High-frequency circuits,

    switching circuits, and analog


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    Unit 1: DC Electricity 1-49


    electrolytic capacitor

    This type of capacitor incorporates a metal oxide film

    dielectric produced from electrolysis and its anode is

    made of aluminum. That is the reason this type of

    capacitor is called aluminum electrolytic capacitor. It

    is possible to produce high-capacity aluminum

    electrolytic capacitors. Their frequency and temperature

    characteristics are, however, bad.

    Power supply circuits, audio

    circuits, timer circuits, and

    backup circuits

    Tantalum electrolytic


    This type of capacitor is similar to aluminum electrolytic

    capacitors, but its anode is made of tantalum instead of

    aluminum. Tantalum electrolytic capacitors are a little

    inferior in electrostatic capacity to aluminum

    electrolytic capacitors. The frequency and temperature

    characteristics of tantalum electrolytic capacitors,

    however, excel those of aluminum electrolytic


    Noise limiters, coupling circuits,

    and filter circuits

    Others Mica, glass, and paper are used for dielectric elements

    as well as the materials described above. Mica is the

    best dielectric but it is expensive. Glass ensures a

    stable temperature coefficient over a wide range. Paper

    is used for high-voltage capacitors.

    Precision equipment and high-

    voltage equipment

    Table 1.1

    Summary of CapacitorFeatures and General

    Application areas



    Unfortunately capacitance arises naturally in many situations in electronic

    circuits when it is unwanted since it can be detrimental to their

    performance. For example, two parallel copper tracks on a printed

    circuit board have a small capacitance between them. The copper tracks

    act as the parallel plates and the insulating material of the board substrate

    acts as a dielectric. This type of naturally occurring capacitance is

    known as parasitic capacitance and it can greatly reduce the speeed at

    which electronic signals can be transmitted on the printed board in thisexample. Because of the materials used and the way in which electronic

    components such as transistors, diodes, inductors, and even resistors are

    constructed, parasitic capacitance exists thro