CSDNVN 1975-1986

1 1975-1986


vietnam foreign policy 1975-1986

Transcript of CSDNVN 1975-1986

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1. International and regional settings 1975-1978.2. Vietnamese foreign policy 1975-19863. Vietnam’s relations with: United States , ASEAN

countries, Soviet Union, China.4. The “Kampuchean Issue” The Vietnamese – Cambodian war “The Kampuchean Issue” and Vietnam’s foreign



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Period of ‘peaceful co-existence’ – ‘détente’ in the Cold War◦ US’ international role weakened (VN,

Southeast Asia, SEATO, CENTO) ◦ Soviet increasing nuclear power &

influence◦ Costly competition◦ Domestic problems

Two sides’ internal problems◦ Socialist economic and political problems

(Poland, Czeckoslovak, Rumani, Albania)◦ Western and Japanese economies◦ West German’s Ostpolitik

Stronger role of Third World countries◦ Vietnam war◦ 1973 Oil crisis◦ Non-aligned Movement

Changes in the international economy◦ Internationalisation◦ Depth rather than

width - restructuring◦ Science and tech, new



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Feb 1972: US-China summit May 1972: US-USSR Summit 1975: Helsinki Accords -

Conference on Security and Co-operation - stabilising situation in Europe

Economic co-opereation between US-Soviet Union

Nuclear control: SALT I (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks ) - ABM Treaty (Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty)


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CHINA Domestic:

◦ Internal stabilisation◦ Economic reform, modernisation,

opening of economy Relations with the West:

◦ Early 1970s: Rapproachment with US

◦ Late 1970s: increasing relations with US and the West

Relations with SU Relations with Southeast Asia

and other Third World countries

SOUTHEAST ASIA◦ With US and the West◦ With socialist countries◦ With Indochinese countries

◦ ZOPFAN 1971, TAC 1976


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What was the rationale for Sino-US reapproachment in 1972?


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What were the implications of Sino-US reapproachment in 1972?


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Country reunified


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Resolution of Fourth Party National Congress 12/1976

Resolution of Fifth Party National Congress 3/1982


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With the United States With ASEAN countries With the Soviet Union With the People’s Republic of China


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US policy toward Vietnam after the Vietnam war Carter administration and the plan for

normalization: Information about MIA/POW America welcome Vietnamese membership to

UN and set up full diplomatic and economic relations

America contribute to Vietnamese war recovery through trade, providing technologies and in other forms

US changed its policy toward Vietnam in early 1978


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Why did the American-Vietnamese relations normalisation process fail in late 1970s?


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ASEAN’s view toward Vietnam after the Vietnam war

Afraid of Vietnam’s revenge for their involvement in the war

Facing left movement in their own countries. Vietnamese military was very strong Vietnam’s viewpoint on ASEAN

Dependent/lackeys of US Of a SEATO kind


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1. Respect for each other’s independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity; nonaggression and noninterference; equality, mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence

2. Denial to any country of the use of one’s territory as a base for direct or indirect aggression

3. Establishment of good-neighbourly relations, economic cooperation and cultural exchange and settlement of disputes through negotiations;

4. Development of cooperation among the countries of the region for the prosperity of each and for the sake of genuine independence, peace and neutrality in Southeast Asia


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Normalize relations with Thailand and the Philippines in July and August 1976 respectively. (with Indonesia 1964, Malaysia and Singapore 1973).

Vice prime minister Nguyen Duy Trinh toured ASEAN late 1977/ Prime Minister Pham Van Dong toured 9/1978.

Relations deteriorated since 1978 after Vietnam sent force to Kampuchea


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Why did Vietnam-ASEAN relations deteriorate in late 1970s?


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ECONOMIC 1976, 1977 Agreements: Coordination of

economic plans, International Investment Bank, International Bank for Economic Cooperation, Soviet assistance for Vietnam’s five year plan

SEV (COMECON) Trade relationsPOLITICAL Soviet’s scheme of Collective Security for Asia Nov 1978 Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation


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Why did Vietnam increase its relations with Soviet Union after the war?


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Problems before 1975: Geneva 1954, American war, territorial issues

The issue of ethnic Chinese: The social/economic/political characteristics of ethnic

Chinese community in Vietnam Pressures from Vietnamese-Chinese conflict:

Vietnam’s policy, China’s policy Troubles surrounding Chinese exodus from Vietnam

Chinese links with Khmer Rouge China’s competition with Soviet Union


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Events Reasons Consequences


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Why did Sino-Vietnamese relations deteriorate after the Vietnam war?


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Why did China invade Vietnam in Feruary 1979?


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◦ The Vietnamese–Cambodian war◦ “The Kampuchea Issue” and Vietnam’s

foreign relations


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The Khmer Rouge regime; Early Khmer Rouge attacks and escalation of the conflict

Vietnam’s reaction and policy Efforts for negotiation Change in Vietnam’s reaction The Chinese factor

The overthrow of the Democratic Kampuchea regime and founding of People’s Republic of Kampuchea; Vietnam forces in Cambodia


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“The Kampuchean Issue” Relations with China With ASEAN With Western countries With Soviet Union


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What was position of China toward Kampuchean issue?


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What was position of ASEAN countries toward Kampuchean issue?


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Why did Vietnam stay in Cambodia long after the war?


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