CSC 102 Lecture Slides(1) computer science

z Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science


A computer is basically defined as a tool or machine used for processing data to give required information. It is capable of: a. taking input data through the keyboard (input unit) b. storing the input data in a diskette, hard disk or other medium c. processing it at the central processing unit (CPU) and d. giving out the result (output) on the screen or the Visual Display Unit (VDU).

Transcript of CSC 102 Lecture Slides(1) computer science

  • z

    Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science

  • General Overview of Computer

  • A computer is basically defined as a tool or machine used for processing data to give required information. It is capable of: a. taking input data through the keyboard (input unit) b. storing the input data in a diskette, hard disk or other medium c. processing it at the central processing unit (CPU) and d. giving out the result (output) on the screen or the Visual Display Unit (VDU). Data: The term data is referred to facts about a person, object or place e.g. name, age, complexion, school, class, height etc. Information: Is referred to as processed data or a meaningful statement e.g. Net pay of workers, examination results of students, list of successful candidates in an examination or interview etc.

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  • Computer is fast becoming the universal machine of the 21st century. Early computers were large in size and too expensive to be owned by individuals. Thus they were confined to the laboratories and few research institutes. They could only be programmed by computer engineers. The basic applications were confined to undertaking complex calculations in science and engineering. Today, computer is no longer confined the laboratory. Computers and indeed, computing have become embedded in almost every item we use. Computing is fast becoming ubiquitous. Its application transcends science, engineering, communication, space science, aviation, financial institutions, social sciences, humanities, the military, transportation, manufacturing, extractive industries to mention but a few. This unit presents the background information about computers.

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    KAYODE AWETypewriterfound every where

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  • Characteristics of Computer

    Speed: The computer can manipulate large data at incredible speed and response time can be very fast. Accuracy: Its accuracy is very high and its consistency can be relied upon. Errors committed in computing are mostly due to human rather than technological weakness. There are in-built error detecting schemes in the computer. Storage: It has both internal and external storage facilities for holding data and instructions. This capacity varies from one machine to the other. Memories are built up in K(Kilo) modules where K = 1024 memory locations. Automatic: Once a program is in the computers memory, it can run automatically each time it is opened. The individual has little or no instruction to give again. Reliability: Being a machine, a computer does not suffer human traits of tiredness and lack of concentration. It will perform the last job with the same speed and accuracy as the first job every time even if ten million jobs are involved. Flexibility: It can perform any type of task once it can be reduced to logical steps. Modern computers can be used to perform a variety of functions like on-line processing, multi-programming, real time processing etc.


    First Generation Electronic Computers (1937 1953) Three machines have been promoted at various times as the first electronic computers. These machines used electronic switches, in form of vacuum tubes, instead of electromechanical relays. In principle the electronic switches were more reliable, since they would have no moving parts that would wear out, but technology was still new at that time and the tubes were comparable to relays in reliability. Electronic components had one major benefit, however: they could open and close about 1,000 times faster than mechanical switches. The first general purpose programmable electronic computer was the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), built by J. Presper Eckert and John V. Mauchly at the University of Pennysylvania. Work began in 1943, funded by the Army Ordinance Department, which needed a way to compute ballistics during World War II. The machine wasnt completed until 1945, but then it was used extensively for calculations during the design of the hydrogen bomb. By the time it was decommissioned in 1955 it had been used for research on the design of wind tunnels, random number generators, and weather prediction


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  • First Generation Computers

    Eckert, Mauchly, and John Von Neumann, a consultant to the ENIAC project, began work on a new machine before ENIAC was finished. The main contribution of EDVAC, their new project, was the notion of a stored program. ENIAC was controlled by a set of external switches and dials; to change the program required physically altering the settings on these controls. These controls also limited the speed of the internal electronic operations. Through the use of a memory that was large enough to hold both instructions and data, and using the program stored in memory to control the order of arithmetic operations, EDVAC was able to run orders of magnitude faster than ENIAC. By storing instructions in the same medium as data, designers could concentrate on improving the internal structure of the machine without worrying about matching it to the speed of an external control.

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  • Second Generation Computers

    Second Generation (1954 1962)

    The second generation saw several important developments at all levels of computer system design, from the technology used to build the basic circuits to the programming languages used to write scientific applications. Electronic switches in this era were based on discrete diode and transistor technology with a switching time of approximately 0.3 microseconds. The first machines to be built with this technology include TRADIC at Bell Laboratories in 1954 and TX-0 at MITs Lincoln Laboratory. Memory technology was based on magnetic cores which could be accessed in random order, as opposed to mercury delay lines, in which data was stored as an acoustic wave that passed sequentially through the medium and could be accessed only when the data moved by the I/O interface.

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    KAYODE AWETypewritertransistorized airborne digital computer

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  • Second Generation of Computers

    Important innovations in computer architecture included index registers for controlling loops and floating point units for calculations based on real numbers. Prior to this accessing successive elements in an array was quite tedious and often involved writing self-modifying code (programs which modified themselves as they ran; at the time viewed as a powerful application of the principle that programs and data were fundamentally the same, this practice is now frowned upon as extremely hard to debug and is impossible in most high level languages). Floating point operations were performed by libraries of software routines in early computers, but were done in hardware in second generation machines. During this second generation many high level programming languages were introduced, including FORTRAN (1956), ALGOL (1958), and COBOL (1959). Important commercial machines of this era include the IBM 704 and 7094. The latter introduced I/O processors for better throughput between I/O devices and main memory.

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  • Second Generation of Computers

    The second generation also saw the first two supercomputers designed specifically for numeric processing in scientific applications. The term supercomputer is generally reserved for a machine that is an order of magnitude more powerful than other machines of its era. Two machines of the 1950s deserve this title. The Livermore Atomic Research Computer (LARC) and the IBM 7030 (aka Stretch) were early examples of machines that overlapped memory operations with processor operations and had primitive forms of parallel processing.

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  • Third Generation Computers

    Third Generation (1963 1972) The third generation brought huge gains in computational power. Innovations in this era include the use of integrated circuits, or ICs (semiconductor devices with several transistors built into one physical component), semiconductor memories starting to be used instead of magnetic cores, microprogramming as a technique for efficiently designing complex processors, the coming of age of pipelining and other forms of parallel processing , and the introduction of operating systems and time-sharing. The first ICs were based on small-scale integration (SSI) circuits, which had around 10 devices per circuit (or chip), and evolved to the use of medium-scale integrated (MSI) circuits, which had up to 100 devices per chip. Multilayered printed circuits were developed and core memory was replaced by faster, solid state memories. Computer designers began to take advantage of parallelism by using multiple functional units, overlapping CPU and I/O operations, and pipelining (internal parallelism) in both the instruction stream and the data stream. In 1964, Seymour Cray developed the CDC 6600, which was the first architecture to use functional parallelism

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  • Third Generation Computers

    Examples of Third Generation Computers are: CDC 6600 IBM 360/91 IBM 360-195 The SOLOMON computer ILLIAC IV

    Programming Languages of Third Generation Computers Cambridge and the University of London cooperated in the development of CPL (Combined Programming Language, 1963). CPL was, according to its authors, an attempt to capture only the important features of the complicated and sophisticated ALGOL. However, the ALGOL, CPL was large with many features that were hard to learn. In an attempt at further simplification, Martin Richards of Cambridge developed a subset of CPL called BCPL (Basic Computer Programming Language, 1967).

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  • Third Generation Computers

    Two important events marked the early part of the third generation: the development of the C programming language and the UNIX operating system, both at Bell Labs. In 1972, Dennis Ritchie, seeking to meet the design goals of CPL and generalize Thompsons B, developed the C language. Thompson and Ritchie then used C to write a version of UNIX for the DEC PDP-11. This C-based UNIX was soon ported to many different computers, relieving users from having to learn a new operating system each time they change computer hardware. UNIX or a derivative of UNIX is now a de facto standard on virtually every computer system.

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  • Fourth Generation (1972 1984) The next generation of computer systems saw the use of large scale integration (LSI 1000 devices per chip) and very large scale integration (VLSI 100,000 devices per chip) in the construction of computing elements. At this scale entire processors will fit onto a single chip, and for simple systems the entire computer (processor, main memory, and I/O controllers) can fit on one chip. Gate delays dropped to about Ins per gate. Semiconductor memories replaced core memories as the main memory in most systems; until this time the use of semiconductor memory in most systems was limited to registers and cache. During this period, high speed vector processors, such as the CRAY 1, CRAY X-MP and CYBER 205 dominated the high performance computing scene. Computers with large main memory, such as the CRAY 2, began to emerge. A variety of parallel architectures began to appear; however, during this period the parallel computing efforts were of a mostly experimental nature and most computational science was carried out on vector processors. Microcomputers and workstations were introduced and saw wide use as alternatives to time-shared mainframe computers.

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  • Developments in software include very high level languages such as FP (functional programming) and Prolog (programming in logic). These languages tend to use a declarative programming style as opposed to the imperative style of Pascal, C. FORTRAN, et al. In a declarative style, a programmer gives a mathematical specification of what should be computed, leaving many details of how it should be computed to the compiler and/or runtime system. These languages are not yet in wide use, but are very promising as notations for programs that will run on massively parallel computers (systems with over 1,000 processors). Compilers for established languages started to use sophisticated optimization techniques to improve code, and compilers for vector processors were able to vectorize simple loops (turn loops into single instructions that would initiate an operation over an entire vector).

  • An important event in the development of computational science was the publication of the Lax report. In 1982, the US Department of Defense (DOD) and National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored a panel on Large Scale Computing in Science and Engineering, chaired by Peter D. Lax. The Lax Report stated that aggressive and focused foreign initiatives in high performance computing, especially in Japan, were in sharp contrast to the absence of coordinated national attention in the United States. The report noted that university researchers had inadequate access to high performance computers. One of the first and most visible of the responses to the Lax report was the establishment of the NSF supercomputing centers. Phase I on this NSF program was designed to encourage the use of high performance computing at American universities by making cycles and training on three (and later six) existing supercomputers immediately available. Following this Phase I stage, in 1984 1985 NSF provided funding for the establishment of five Phase II supercomputing centers.

  • General Overview of Computer

  • Fifth Generation (1984 1990) The development of the next generation of computer systems is characterized mainly by the acceptance of parallel processing. Until this time, parallelism was limited to pipelining and vector processing, or at most to a few processors sharing jobs. The fifth generation saw the introduction of machines with hundreds of processors that could all be working on different parts of a single program. The scale of integration in semiconductors continued at an incredible pace, by 1990 it was possible to build chips with a million components and semiconductor memories became standard on all computers. Other new developments were the widespread use of computer networks and the increasing use of single-user workstations. Prior to 1985, large scale parallel processing was viewed as a research goal, but two systems introduced around this time are typical of the first commercial products to be based on parallel processing. The Sequent Balance 8000 connected up to 20 processors to a single shared memory module (but each processor had its own local cache).

  • The Intel iPSC -1, nicknamed the hypercube, took a different approach.

    Instead of using one memory module, Intel connected each processor to its own memory and used a network interface to connect processors. This distributed memory architecture meant memory was no longer a bottleneck and large systems (using more processors) could be built. The largest iPSC-1 had 128 processors. Toward the end of this period, a third type of parallel processor was introduced to the market. In this style of machine, known as a data-parallel or SIMD, there are several thousand very simple processors. All processors work under the direction of a single control unit; i.e. if the control unit says add a to b then all processors find their local copy of a and add it to their local copy of b. Machines in this class include the Connection Machine from Thinking Machines, Inc., and the MP-1 from MasPar, Inc.

  • Scientific computing in this period was still dominated by vector processing. Most manufacturers of vector processors introduced parallel models, but there were very few (two to eight) processors in these parallel machines. In the area of computer networking, both wide area network (WAN) and local area network (LAN) technology developed at a rapid pace, stimulating a transition from the traditional mainframe computing environment towards a distributed computing environment in which each user has their own workstation for relatively simple tasks (editing and compiling programs, reading mail) but sharing large, expensive resources such as file servers and supercomputers. RISC technology (a style of internal organization of the CPU) and plummeting costs for RAM brought tremendous gains in computational power of relatively low cost workstations and servers. This period also saw a marked increase in both the quality and quantity of scientific visualization.

  • Sixth Generation (1990 to date ) This generation is beginning with many gains in parallel computing, both in the hardware area and in improved understanding of how to develop algorithms to exploit diverse, massively parallel architectures. Parallel systems now compete with vector processors in terms of total computing power and most especially parallel systems to dominate the future. Combinations of parallel/vector architectures are well established, and one corporation (Fujitsu) has announced plans to build a system with over 200 of its high and vector processors. Workstation technology has continued to improve, with processor designs now using a combination of RISC, pipelining, and parallel processing. As a result it is now possible to procure a desktop workstation that has the same overall computing power (100 megaflops) as fourth generation supercomputers. This development has sparked an interest in heterogeneous computing: a program started on one workstation can find idle workstations elsewhere in the local network to run parallel subtasks.

  • One of the most dramatic changes in the sixth generation is the explosive growth of wide area networking. Network bandwidth has expanded tremendously in the last few years and will continue to improve for the next several years. T1 transmission rates are now standard for regional networks, and the national backbone that interconnects regional networks uses T3. networking technology is becoming more widespread than its original strong base in universities and government laboratories as it is rapidly finding application in K-12 education, community networks and private industry. A little over a decade after the warning voiced in the Lax report, the future of a strong computational science infrastructure is bright.

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  • Computers can be classified based on three key parameters;

    1. Signal Types

    2. Purpose

    3. Capacity

  • Signal Types

    Digital Computer

    Represent its variable in the form of digits. It counts the data it deals with, whether representing numbers, letters or other symbols, are converted into binary form on input to the computer. The data undergoes a processing after which the binary digits are converted back to alpha numeric form for output for human use. Because of the fact that business applications like inventory control, invoicing and payroll deal with discrete values, they are beset processed with digital computers. As a result of this, digital computers are mostly used in commercial and business places today. Analog Computer It measures rather than counts. This type of computer sets up a model of a system. Common type represents it variables in terms of electrical voltage and sets up circuit analog to the equation connecting the variables. The answer can be either by using a voltmeter to read the value of the variable required, or by feeding the voltage into a plotting device. They hold data in the form of physical variables rather than numerical quantities.

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  • Signal Types

    Hybrid Computer In some cases, the user may wish to obtain the output from an analog computer as processed by a digital computer or vice versa. To achieve this, he set up a hybrid machine where the two are connected and the analog computer may be regarded as a peripheral of the digital computer. In such a situation, a hybrid system attempts to gain the advantage of both the digital and the analog elements in the same machine. This kind of machine is usually a special-purpose device which is built for a specific task. It needs a conversion element which accepts analog inputs, and output digital value. Such converters are called digitizers. There is need for a converter from analog to digital also. It has the advantage of giving real-time response on a continuous basis. Complex calculations can be dealt with by the digital elements, thereby requiring a large memory, and giving accurate results after programming. They are mainly used in aerospace and process control applications.

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    KAYODE AWETypewriterit is a conversion element that accepts analog inputs and output digital value

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  • Classification By Purpose Special Purpose Computers A special purpose computer is one that is designed to solve a restricted class of problems. Such computers may even be designed and built to handle only one job. In such machines, the steps or operations that the computer follows may be built into the hardware. Most of the computers used for military purposes fall into this class. Other example of special purpose computers include: Computers designed specifically to solve navigational problems. Computers designed for tracking airplane or missiles. Computers used for process control applications in industries such as oil refinery, chemical manufacture, steel processing and power generation. General Attributes of Special Purpose Computers Special purpose computer are usually very efficient for the tasks for which they are specially designed. They are very much less complex than the General-Purpose Computers. The simplicity of the circuiting stems from the fact that provision is made only for limited facilities. They are very much cheaper than the General-Purpose type since they involve less components and are less complex.

  • Classification By Purpose General-Purpose Computers General-Purpose computers are computers designed to handle wide range of problems. Theoretically, a general-purpose computer can be adequate by means of some easily alterable instructions to handle any problems that can be solved by computation. In practice however, there are limitations imposed by memory size, speed and the type of input/output devices. Examples of areas where the general purpose are employed include the following: Payroll, Banking, Billing, Sales analysis, Cost accounting ,Manufacturing scheduling Inventory control General Attributes of General-Purpose Computers General-Purpose computers are more flexible than special purpose computers. They can handle a wide spectrum of problems. They are less efficient than the special-purpose computers due to such problems as; Inadequate storage; Low operating speed; Coordination of the various tasks and subsection may take time. General Purpose Computers are more complex than the special purpose ones.

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  • Classification by Capacity The volume of work that a given computer handles is closely tied to the cost and to the memory size of computer. Therefore, most authorities today accept the price of rental price as the standard for ranking computers. Here, both memory size and cost shall be used to rank (classify) computer into three main categories as follows: (i)Microcomputers (ii)Medium/Mini/Small Computers (iii)Large Computer/Main Frames. (i)Micro Computers Microcomputers, also known as single board computers, are the cheapest class of computers. In the microcomputer, we do not have a Central Processing Unit (CPU) as we have in the larger computers rather we have a microprocessor chip as the main data processing unit. They are the cheapest smallest and can operate under normal office condition. Examples are IBM, APPLE, COMPAQ, Hewlett Packard (HP), Dell Toshiba.

  • Different Types of Personal Computers (Micro Computers)

    Laptop Computers

    Notebook Computer

    Palmtop Computer

  • (ii) Mini Computers

    The Mini Computers have memory capacity in the range 128K bytes to 256 Kbytes

    and are also not expensive but reliable and smaller in size compare to mainframe.

    It was first introduced in 1965; when DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation) built

    the PDP 8. Other Mini Computer includes WANG VS.

    (iii) Mainframe

    The Main Frame Computers often called number crunches have memory capacity

    of the order of 4 Kbytes and they are very expensive. They can execute up to

    100MIPS (Meanwhile Instructions Per Second). They have large systems and are

    used by many people for a variety of purpose.

  • C o m p u t e r H a r d w a r e S u b s y s t e m

  • The computer hardware comprises the input unit, the processing unit and the output unit. The input unit comprises those media through which data is fed into the computer. Examples include the keyboard, mouse, joystick, trackball, scanner etc. The processing unit is made up of the Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU), the control unit and the main memory. The main memory also known as the primary memory is made up of the Read Only Memory (ROM) and the Random Access Memory (RAM). The output unit is made up of those media through which data, instructions for processing the data (program), and the result of the processing operation are displayed for the user to see. Examples of output unit are the monitor (Visual Display Unit) and the printer.

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  • An Example of a Computer System

  • Schematic Diagram of Computer Hardware Subsystem

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  • The System Unit The system unit is the main unit of a PC. It is the Computer itself while other units attached to it are regarded as peripherals. It could be viewed as the master conductor orchestrating your PCs operation. It is made up of several components like the Motherboard, Processor, Buses, memory, power supply unit, etc. This unit (system unit) has been confused over the years by novices as the CPU. This is not true. The CPU (Central Processing Unit) or simply processor is a component within the system unit and it is not the only thing that makes up the system unit. Hence, it will be wrong to equate the system unit with the CPU. Example of a Computer System unit is shown in the next slide

  • An Example of a Computer System Unit

  • Front of the System Unit Consist of the following: Key Lock Turbo button Lights Reset Button Power On/Off CD ROM slot

  • Back side of the System Unit Consist of the following: Fan Housing Serial Port Sound Jacks

    Keyboard Port Network Adapter

    Monitor Port

  • Figure showing the back side of a Computer System

  • Inside of a System Unit Consist of the following; Battery Disk Drive Controller Card Display Adapter Card Expansion Slots ROM Chips RAM Chips Empty Ram Chip Slots Central Processing Unit CPU support Chips Math Coprocessor Slot CPU Fan Power Supply Unit Hard Disk Drive Mother Board Assignment: Identify the comprehensive function of each of the above listed components.

  • Figure showing the inside of a computer system unit

  • The Computer Motherboard

    All the electronic components in a PC are mounted on a piece of fiberglass called the motherboard. Fiberglass cannot conduct electricity, so each component is insulated from all the others. Thin lines of metal on the surface of the fiberglass connect pins from one component to another, forming the computers electrical circuits.

    An Example of a Computer Motherboard

  • The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

    It is a processor, because it processes (moves and calculates) data.

    It is central, because it is the center of PC data processing.

    i It is a unit, because it is a chip, which contains millions of transistors.

    The speed of a CPU is measured in megahertz (MHz). A computer has central clock that keeps all the components in time with each other; one hertz is similar to a clock tick and megahertz is equal to one million ticks per second. If your PC runs at 333 or 400MHz, the central clock ticks 333 or 400 million times every second. As you might imagine, the faster the clock ticks, the faster the computer runs. Without the CPU, there would be no PC. Like all other hardware components, the CPUs are continually undergoing further development. You can see the explosive technological development in data processing most clearly in the development of newer and faster CPUs. The CPUs have for years doubled their performance about every 18 months and there are no indications that this trend will stop.

  • The Central Processing Unit (CPU)

  • COMPUTER PERIPHERAL DEVICES (Input and Output Devices) Examples Input devices includes; Keyboard Joystick Mouse Light Pen Scanner

    Examples Output devices includes; Monitor Printers Speakers

  • C o m p u t e r S o f t w a r e S u b s y s t e m s

  • The physical components of the computer are called the hardware while all the other resources or parts of the computer that are not hardware, are referred to as the Software. Software are the set of programs that makes the computer system active. In essence, the software are the programs that run on the computer. what is a program? A Program is a series of coded instructions showing the logical steps the computer follows to solve a given problem. Classification of Computer Software The computer software could be divided into two major groups namely System Software (Programs) and Application Software (Programs). System Software This is refers to the suits of programs that facilitates the optimal use of the hardware systems and/or provide a suitable environment for the writing, editing, debugging, testing and running of User Programs. Usually, every computer system comes with collection of these suits of programs, which are provided by the Hardware Manufacturer.

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  • Computer System Software can be divided into three groups which are;

    Operating System

    Language Translator

    Utility Software

    OPERATING SYSTEMS An operating system is a program that acts as an interface between a user of a computer and the computer hardware. The purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which a user may execute programs. Systems programs are programs written for direct execution on computer hardware in order to make the power of the computer fully and efficiently accessible to applications programmers and other computer users. Systems programming is different from application programming because the requires an intimate knowledge of the computer hardware as well as the end users needs. Moreover, systems programs are often large and more complex than application programs, although that is not always the case. Since systems programs provide the foundation upon which application programs are built, it is most important that systems programs are reliable, efficient and correct.

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  • OPERATING SYSTEMS In a computer system the hardware provides the basic computing resources. The applications programs define the way in which these resources are used to solve the computing problems of the users. The operating system controls and coordinates the use of the hardware among the various systems programs and application programs for the various users The basic resources of a computer system are provided by its hardware, software and data. The operating system provides the means for the proper use of these resources in the operation of the computer system. It simply provides an environment within which other programs can do useful work. We can view an operating system as a resource allocator. A computer system has many resources ( hardware and software) that may be required to solve a problem: CPU time, memory space, file storage space, input/output devices etc. The operating system acts as the manager of these resources and allocates them to specific programs and users as necessary for their tasks. Since there may be many, possibly conflicting, requests for resources, the operating system must decide which requests are allocated resources to operate the computer system fairly and efficiently. An operating system is a control program.

  • OPERATING SYSTEMS This program controls the execution of user programs to prevent errors and improper use of the computer. Operating systems exist because they are a reasonable way to solve the problem of creating a usable computing system. The fundamental goal of a computer system is to execute user programs and solve user problems. The primary goal of an operating system is a convenience for the user. Operating systems exit because they are supposed to make it easier to compute with an operating system than without an operating system. This is particularly clear when you look at operating system for small personal computers. A secondary goal is the efficient operation of an computer system. This goal is particularly important for large, shared multi-user systems. Operating systems can solve this goal. It is known that sometimes these two goals, convenience and efficiency, are contradictory.

  • OPERATING SYSTEMS A computers operating system ( OS ) is a group of programs designed to serve two basic purposes:

    To control the allocation and use of the computing systems resources among the various users and tasks, and. To provide an interface between the computer hardware and the programmer that simplifies and makes feasible the creation, coding, debugging, and maintenance of application programs.

    Specifically, we can imagine that an effective operating system should accomplish all of the following:

    Facilitate creation and modification of program and data files through an editor program, Provide access to compilers to translate programs from high-level languages to machine language, Provide a loader program to move the complied program code to the computers memory for execution, Provide routines that handle the intricate details of I/O programming, Assure that when there are several active processes in the computer, each will get fair and non interfering access to the central processing unit for execution, Take care of storage and device allocation,


    Batch processing operating system

    Time sharing operating system

    Real time operating system

    Multiprogramming operating system

    Distributed operating system

    Network operating systems

    Assignment: Discuss in details the operations of each of the above listed operating


  • Components of an Operating System

    Process Management

    Memory Management

    Secondary Storage Management

    I/O System

    File Management

    Protection System


    Command Interpreter System

  • Language Translator A programming language is a set of notations in which were express our instructions to the computer. At the initial stage of computer development, programs were written in machine language conducting the binary system i.e. 0 and 1. Such programs were hard to write, read, debug and maintain. In an attempt to solve these problems, other computer languages were developed. However, computers can run programs written only in machine language. There is therefore the need to translate programs written in these other languages to machine language. The suites of languages that translate other languages to machine language are called Language Translator. The initial program written in a language different from machine language is called the source program and its equivalent in machine language is called object program.

    Source program Language Translator

    Machine Language

    KAYODE AWETypewriterwhat is a language Translator?----

    KAYODE AWETypewriterit is the suite of language that translates other languages to machine language

    KAYODE AWETypewriter

    KAYODE AWETypewriter(object program)

  • Language Translator Three examples of classes of language translators are Assemblers, Interpreters and Compilers. Assemblers: An Assembler is a computer program that accepts a source program in assembly language program reads and translates the entire program into an equivalent program in machine language called the object program or object code. Each machine has its own assembly language, meaning that the assembly language of one machine cannot run on another machine. Interpreter: An Interpreter is a program that accepts program fin a source language, reads, translates and executes it, line by lone into machine language. Compilers: A Compiler is a computer program that accepts a source program in one high-level language, reads and translates the entire users program into an equivalent program in machine language, called the object program or object code. The stages in compilation include: Lexical analysis Syntax analysis Semantic analysis Code generation

  • Utility Software

    This is a set of commonly used programs in data processing departments also called

    service or general-purpose programs.

    They perform the following operations.

    File Conversion: This covers data transfer from any medium to another, making an exact

    copy or simultaneously editing and validating. For example, copying from a hard disk to a


    File Copy: It makes an exact copy of a file from one medium to another or from an area of

    a medium to another area of the same medium.

    Housekeeping Operations: These include programs to clear areas of storage, writing file

    labels and updating common data.

    They are not involved in solving the problem at hand. They are operations that must be

    performed before and after actual processing.

  • Application software

    Application software is a set of programs designed to solve problems of a specific nature.

    It could either be supplied by the computer manufacturer or in some cases, the users

    produce their own application program called USER PROGRAMS. Hence, an application

    software could be subdivided into two classes, namely; Generalized and User-defined


    Under the Generalized software, we have as examples: Word Processing Programs e.g.

    Word Perfect, Word Star, Microsoft word. Also, Desktop Publishing e.g. Ventura,

    PageMaker, CorelDraw likewise the Spreadsheet program e.g. LOTUS 1,2,3, Excel, Super-Q

    while under the User-defined, we could have some User-defined packages for a particular

    company or organization, for accounting, payroll or some other specialized purposes.

  • Examples Of Generalized Applicationsoftware Word Processor: A Word Processor is used to create, edit, save and print reports. It affords the opportunity to make amendments before printing is done. E.g Microsoft Word. Spreadsheet: Is an application mainly designed for numerical figures and reports. Examples are: LOTUS 123, Supercalc, MS Multiplan, MS-excel, VP Planner etc. Integrated Packages: They are programs or packages that perform a variety of different processing operations using data that is compatible with whatever operation is being carried out. They perform a number of operations like Word Processing, Data-base Management and Spread sheeting. Examples are: Office writer, Logistic Symphony, Framework, Enable, Ability, Smart ware II, Microsoft Work V2. Graphic Packages: These are packages that enable you to bring out images, diagrams and pictures. Examples are PM, PM Plus, Graphic Writer, Photoshop. Database Packages: It is software for designing, setting up and subsequently managing a database. (A database is an organized collection of data that allows for modification taking care of different users view). Examples are Dbase II, III, IV, FoxBASE, Rbase Data Perfect, Paradox III, Revelation Advanced and MS-Access.

  • Examples Of Generalized Application Software Statistical Packages: These are packages that can be used to solve statistical problems, e.g. Stat graphical, SPSS (Statistical Packages for Social Scientists). Desktop Publishing: These are packages that can be used to produce books and documents in standard form. Examples are PageMaker, Ventura, Publishers, Paints Brush, Xerox Form Base, News Master II, Dbase Publisher. Game Packages: These are packages that contain a lot of games for children and adults. Examples are Chess, Scrabble, Monopoly, Tune Trivia, Star Trek 2, California Game, Soccer Game, War Game, Spy Catcher Dracula in London. Communication Packages: Examples are Carbon Plus, Data talk V3.3, Cross talk, SAGE Chit Chat, Data Soft.

    User Programs This is a suit of programs written by programmers for computer users. They are required for the operation of their individual business or tasks. Example is a payroll package developed for salary operation of a particular company.

  • C o m p u t e r P r o g r a m m i n g L a n g u a g e s

  • Overview of Computer Programming Language Basically, human beings cannot speak or write in computer language, and since computers cannot speak or write in human language, an intermediate language had to be devised to allow people to communicate with the computers. These intermediate languages, known as programming languages, allow a computer programmer to direct the activities of the computer. These languages are structured around unique set of rules that dictate exactly how a programmer should direct the computer to perform a specific task. With the powers of reasoning and logic of human beings, there is the capability to accept an instruction and understand it in many different forms. Since a computer must be programmed to respond to specific instructions, instructions cannot be given in just any form.

  • Overview of Computer Programming Language The rules of a particular language tell the programmer how the individual instructions must be structured and what sequence of words and symbols must be used to form an instruction. The operation code tells the computer what to do such as add, subtract, multiply and divide. The operands tell the computer the data items involved in the operations. The operands in an instruction may consist of the actual data that the computer may use to perform an operation, or the storage address of data.

    Example A = B+ 2 The operation codes are = and + The operands are A, B and 2 A and B are storage devices while 2 is the actual data.

  • Overview of Computer Programming Language Some computers use many types of operation codes in their instruction format and may provide several methods for doing the same thing. Other computers use fewer operation codes, but have the capacity to perform more than one operation with a single instruction. There are four basic types of instructions namely: input-output instructions; arithmetic instructions; branching instructions; logic instructions. An input instruction directs the computer to accept data from a specific input device and store it in a specific location in the store. An output instruction tells the computer to move a piece of data from a computer storage location and record it on the output medium. All of the basic arithmetic operations can be performed by the computer. Since arithmetic operations involve at least two numbers, an arithmetic operation must include at least two operands.

  • Overview of Computer Programming Language Branch instructions cause the computer to alter the sequence of execution of instruction within the program. There are two basic types of branch instructions; namely unconditional branch instruction and conditional branch instruction. An unconditional branch instruction or statement will cause the computer to branch to a statement regardless of the existing conditions. A conditional branch statement will cause the computer to branch to a statement only when certain conditions exist. Logic instructions allow the computer to change the sequence of execution of instruction, depending on conditions built into the program by the programmer. Typical logic operations include: shift, compare and test.

  • Types Programming Language

    The primary means of human-computer communication, have evolved from early stages

    where programmers entered instructions into the computer in a language similar to that

    used in the application. Computer programming languages can be classified into the

    following categories:

    Machine language

    Assembly language

    High level symbolic language

    Very high level symbolic language.

  • Machine Language The earliest forms of computer programming were carried out by using languages that were structured according to the computer stored data, that is, in a binary number system. Programmers had to construct programs that used instructions written in binary notation 1 and 0. Writing programs in this fashion is tedious, time-consuming and susceptible to errors. A machine language program allows the programmer to take advantage of all the features and capabilities of the computer system for which it was designed. It is also capable of producing the most efficient program as far as storage requirements and operating speeds are concerned. Few programmers today write applications programs in machine language. A machine language is computer dependent. Thus, an IBM machine language will not run on NCR machine, DEC machine or ICL machine. A machine language is the First Generation (computer) Language (IGL).

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  • Assembly (Low Level) Language Since machine language programming proved to be a difficult and tedious task, a symbolic way of expressing machine language instructions is devised. In assembly language, the operation code is expressed as a combination of letters rather than binary numbers, sometimes called mnemonics. This allows the programmer to remember the operations codes easily than when expressed strictly as binary numbers. The storage address or location of the operands is expressed as a symbol rather than the actual numeric address. After the computer has read the program, operations software are used to establish the actual locations for each piece of data used by the program. The most popular assembly language is the IBM Assembly Language. Because the computer understands and executes only machine language programs, the assembly language program must be translated into a machine language. This is accomplished by using a system software program called an assembler. The assembler accepts an assembly language program and produces a machine language program that the computer can actually execute. The schematic diagram of the translation process of the assembly language into the machine language is shown in the below diagram. Although, assembly language programming offers an improvement over machine language programming, it is still an arduous task, requiring the programmer to write programs based on particular computer operation codes.

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  • High Level Language The difficulty of programming and the time required to program computers in assembly languages and machine languages led to the development of high-level languages. The symbolic languages, sometimes referred to as problem oriented languages reflect the type of problem being solved rather than the computer being used to solve it. Machine and assembly language programming is machine dependent but high level languages are machine independent, that is, a high-level language program can be run on a variety of computer. While the flexibility of high level languages is grater than that of the machine and assembly languages, there are close restrictions in exactly how instructions are to be formulated and written. Only a specific set of numbers, letters, and special characters may be used to write a high level program and special rules must be observed for punctuation. High level language instructions do resemble English language statements and the mathematical symbols used in ordinary mathematics. Among the existing and popular high level programming languages are Fortran, Basic, Cobol, Pascal, Algol, Ada and P1/1. The schematic diagram of the translation process of a high level language into the machine language is shown in the diagram below. The high level languages are, generally, described as Third Generation (computer) Language (3GL).

  • Very High Level Language The very high level language generally described as the Fourth Generation (computer) Language (4GL), is an ill-defined term that refers to software intended to help computer users or computer programmers to develop their own application programs more quickly and cheaply. A 4GL, by using a menu system for example, allows users to specify what they require, rather than describe the procedures by which these requirements are met. The detail procedure by which the requirements are met is done by the 4GL software which is transparent to the users. A 4GL offers the user an English-like set of commands and simple control structures in which to specify general data processing or numerical operations. A program is translated into a conventional high-level language such as Cobol, which is passed to a compiler. A 4GL is, therefore, a non-procedural language. The program flows are not designed by the programmer but by the fourth generation software itself. Each user request is for a result rather than a procedure to obtain the result. The conceptual diagram of the translation process of very high level language to machine language is given in the diagram below.

  • Basic Principles of Computer Programming

  • Principles of good Programming It is generally accepted that a good Computer program should have the characteristics shown below: Accuracy: The Program must do what it is supposed to do correctly and must meet the criteria laid down in its specification. Reliability: The Program must always do what it is supposed to do, and never crash. Efficiency: Optimal utilization of resources is essential. The program must use the available storage space and other resources in such as way that the system speed is not wasted. Robustness: The Program should cope with invalid data and not stop without an indication of the cause of the source of error. Usability: The Program must be easy enough to use and be well documented. Maintainability: The Program must be easy to amend having good structuring and documentation. Readability: The Code of a program must be well laid out and explained with comments.

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  • Stages of Programming The preparation of a computer program involves a set of procedure. These steps can be classified into eight major stages, viz

    Problem Definition

    Devising the method of solution

    Developing the method using suitable aids, e.g. pseudo code or flowchart.

    Writing the instructions in a programming language

    Transcribing the instructions into machine sensible form

    Debugging the program

    Testing the program

    Documenting all the work involved in producing the program.

  • Problem definition The first stage requires a good understand of the problem. The programmer (i.e. the person writing the program) needs to thoroughly understand what is required of a problem. A complete and precise unambiguous statement of the problem to be solved must be stated. This will entail the detailed specification which lays down the input, processes and output-required. Devising the method of solution The second stage involved is spelling out the detailed algorithm. The use of a computer to solve problems (be it scientific or business data processing problems) requires that a procedure or an algorithm be developed for the computer to follow in solving the problem. Developing the method of solution There are several methods for representing or developing methods used in solving a problem. Examples of such methods are: algorithms, flowcharts, pseudo code, and decision tables.

  • Writing the instructions in a programming language After outlining the method of solving the problem, a proper understanding of the syntax of the programming language to be used is necessary in order to write the series of instructions required to get the problem solved. Transcribing the instructions into machine sensible form After the program is coded, it is converted into machine sensible form or machine language. There are some manufacturers written programs that translate users program (source program) into machine language (object code). These are called translators and instructions that machines can execute at a go, while interpreters accept a program and executes it line-by-line. During translation, the translator carries out syntax check on the source program to detect errors that may arise from wrong use of the programming language. Program debugging A program seldom executes successfully the first time. It normally contains a few errors (bugs). Debugging is the process of locating and correcting errors.

    Identify and explain various types of computer program errors.

  • Program testing The purpose of testing is to determine whether a program consistently produces correct or expected results. A program is normally tested by executing it with a given set of input data (called test data), for which correct results are known. Program documentation: Documentation of the program should be developed at every stage of the programming cycle

    The following are documentations that should be done for each program: Problem Definition Step Planning the Solution Step Program source coding sheet Users manual to aid persons who are not familiar with the program. Operators manual to assist the computer operator.

    Highlight and discuss into details the content of a good program documentation and its advantages.

  • Flowcharts

    A Flowchart is a graphical representation of the major steps of work in process. It

    displays in separate boxes the essential steps of the program and shows by

    means of arrows the directions of information flow. The boxes most often

    referred to as illustrative symbols may represent documents, machines or actions

    taken during the process. The area of concentration is on where or who does

    what, rather than on how it is done. A flowchart can also be said to be a

    graphical representation of an algorithm, that is, it is visual picture which gives

    the steps of an algorithm and also the flow of control between the various steps.

  • Flowcharts Symbols Flowcharts are drawn with the help of symbols. The following are the most commonly used flowchart symbols and their functions:

    Used to show the START or STOP point.

    Used for arithmetic calculations of process.

    Used for decision making

    Used for Input and Output instructions

    Used for one or more named operations or program steps specified in a subroutine or another set of flowchart.

  • Flowcharts Symbols

    Used for entry to or exit from another part of flowchart. A small circle identifies a junction point of the program

    Used for entry to or exit from a page

    Used to show the direction of travel. They are used in linking symbols. These show operations sequence and data flow directions

  • Guidelines for drawing flowcharts Each symbol denotes a type of operation Input, Output, Processing, Decision, Transfer or branch or Terminal. A note is written inside each symbol to indicate the specific function to be performed. Flowcharts are read from top to bottom. A sequence of operations is performed until a terminal symbol designates the end of the run or branch connector transfers control. Flowcharting the Problem The digital computer does not do any thinking and cannot make unplanned decisions. Every step of the problem has to be taken care of by the program. A problem which can be solved by a digital computer need not be described by an exact mathematical equation, but it does need a certain set of rules that the computer can follow. If a problem needs intuition or guessing, or is so badly defined that it is hard to put into words, the computer cannot solve it. You have to define the problem and set it up for the computer in such a way that every possible alternative is taken care of. A typical flowchart consists of special boxes, in which are written the activities or operations for the solution of the problem. The boxes linked by means of arrows which show the sequence of operations. The flowchart acts as an aid to the Programmer who follows the flowchart design to write his programs.

  • Algorithms Definition: An algorithm, named after the ninth century scholar Abu Jafar Muhammad Ibn Musu Al-Khowarizmi , is defined as follows: Roughly speaking: An algorithm is a set of rules for carrying out calculation either by hand or a machine. An algorithm is a finite step-by-step procedure to achieve a required result. An algorithm is a sequence of computational steps that transform the input into the output. An algorithm is a sequence of operations performed on data that have to be organized in data structures. An algorithm is an abstraction of a program to be executed on a physical machine (model of computation) An algorithm therefore can be characterized by the following: A finite set or sequence of actions This sequence of actions has a unique initial action Each action in the sequence has unique successor The sequence terminates with either a solution or a statement that the problem is unresolved. An algorithm can therefore be seen as a step-by-step method of solving a problem.

  • Algorithms Examples Write an algorithm to read values for three variables. U, V, and W and find a value for RESULT from the formula: RESULT = U + V2/W. Draw the flowchart. Solution: Algorithm Input values for U, V, and W Computer value for result Print value of result Stop

  • Pseudocode Pseudocode is a program design aid that serves the function of a flowchart in expressing the detailed logic of a program. Sometimes a program flowchart might be inadequate for expressing the control flow and logic of a program. By using Pseudocode, program algorithm can be expressed as English-language statements. These statements can be used both as a guide when coding the program in specific language and as documentation for review by others. Because there is no rigid rule for constructing pseudocodes, the logic of the program can be expressed in a manner without confronting to any particular programming language. A series of structured words is used to express the major program functions. These structured words are the basis for writing programs

    using a technical term called structure programming. Example: Construct Pseudocode for the problem in the example above. BEGIN STORE 0 TO SUM STORE 1 TO COUNT DO WHILE COUNT not greater than 10 ADD COUNT to SUM INCREMENT COUNT by 1 ENDWILE END

  • Decision Tables Decision tables are used to analyze a problem. The conditions applying in the problem are set out and the actions to be taken, as a result of any combination of the conditions arising are shown. They are prepared in conjunction with or in place of flowcharts. Decision tables are a simple yet powerful and unambiguous way of showing the actions to be taken when a given set of conditions occur. Moreover, they can be used to verify that all conditions have been properly catered for. In this way they can reduce the possibility that rare or unforeseen combinations of conditions will result in confusion about the actions to be taken. Decision tables have standardized format and comprise of four sections. Conditions Stub: This section contains a list of all possible conditions which could apply in a particular problem. Condition Entry: This section contains the different combination of the conditions each combination being given a number termed a Rule: Action Stub: This section contains a list of the possible actions which could apply for ay given combinations of conditions. Action Entry: This section shows the actions to be taken for each combination of conditions.

  • BASIC Programming Language


    BASIC?....the basis?..or sound like one of these languages?!


    CODE. High level programming languages ,user-friendly and general-purpose language. Developed by Professor John G. Kenemy and Thomas Kurtz of Dartmouth University in the early sixties. There various version/dialects of BASIC, some of these dialects are: QBASIC, QUICK BASIC, GWBASIC, TURBO BASIC, TRUE BASIC, etc


    To uniquely identify a line containing a BASIC statement, line number/label may be used at the beginning of the line containing the statement. Two or more BASIC statements cannot have the same line number. Correct syntax must be used, otherwise the program will not be executed, let alone generate result.


    Alphabets A to Z (both in lower case and upper case), Digits 0 to 9 (both signed and unsigned), and Certain special characters such as: + ,-, *, /, (, ), ^, #, , =, $ etc.



  • VARIABLES A name given to an object. It can be subject to change during program execution. Basically, variable can be grouped into two. These are Numeric Variable String variable. NUMBERS: In Basic, Numbers can either be Integer - all positive and negative whole numbers),e.g. 567, 34, -45, -988 etc. Real -all positive and negative numbers with fractional part, e.g. 56.980, 3.0,-6.789,-324.566 etc. STRINGS: Alphabets, digits, and other special characters enclosed in quotation mark. Blank spaces inclusive. Strings are used to represent non-numeric information such as names, address, telephone number, and other textual messages.

  • DEFINING VARIABLE NAMES First character must be an alphabet.

    A NUMERIC variable is defined by an alphabet or sequence of alphabets or combination of alphabet(s) with digit(s). Examples of valid numeric variables. A , SUM ,NUM1 , A12 ,KOUNT etc. A STRING variable must end with a dollar sign ($). This is a way of differentiating between a string variable and a numeric variable. Examples of valid string variable. A$ , SUM$, NAME$, N22$ , REG$ etc. NOTE: Arithmetic operations can only be performed on numeric variable(s). String variable(s) can not be used. If condition warrants it to be used, it must undergo conversion from string to numeric, using the BASIC key word VAL.


    This is defined as a quantity that remains fixed (unchanged) throughout the execution of the program (i.e. it is not subject to change. Constant can be classified into two --numeric constant (known as numbers) --string constant. Constant is assigned to variable. -- a numeric constant must be assigned to a numeric variable, and string constant must be assigned to a string variable. --a string constant must be in quote. Examples of valid numeric constants (numbers): 10 , 15 , 23.45 ,-6 , -17 ,-34.11 etc NOTE:A number can be preceded with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign. The number is understood to be positive if no sign precedes it. Number can be up to eight or nine significant figure. The magnitude of a number can be as large as 1038 and as small as 10-38 (this depends on the version of BASIC you are using). Comma cannot appear anywhere in a number. No other special character is allowed to be used with number, except dot (.) Examples below are invalid numeric constants: 12,526, N1000, 035-1234566 etc

  • OPERATORS An operator defines the action to be performed on the operand(s) to obtain the result. An operand simply means item in an operation from which the result is obtained by means of defined action(s). Operand consists constants and variables. There are basically three types of operators in BASIC programming. These are: Arithmetic operators Relational operators Logical operators


    As the name suggests, arithmetic operators are used for arithmetic operations. The various types of operators are their corresponding functions are given below OPERATOR FUNCTION EXAMPLE RESULT ^ Exponentiation 2^3 8 - or + Unary operation -(2) -2 * Multiplication 2*2 4 / Division 12/4 3 \ Integer division 14\3 4 MOD Integer remainder 14 MOD 3 2 + Addition 5+2 7 - Subtraction 10-4 6

  • RELATIONAL OPERATORS Relational operators are used for comparison operations. Mostly, they are used to compare two strings or two numeric expressions so as to obtained specific result. The result returns either a true or false. OPERATOR FUNCTION EXAMPLE = Equality A = B < > Not equal to A < > b < Less than A < B > Greater than A > B < = Less than or Equal to A < = B > = Greater than or Equal to A > = B Note: When arithmetic and relational operators are combined in one expression, the arithmetic operators are always done first, followed by relational operators.


    They are used to perform tests on multiple relations. Besides, they are used to build compound and complex statements. Each of these operators returns either true or false. There are many logical operators, but we are going to discuss only three (3) out of them. OPERATOR FUNCTION EXAMPLE i. NOT Logical Complement NOT P ii. AND Conjunction (A=10) AND (B=15) iii. OR Disjunction (A=10) OR (B=15)

    Note: When arithmetic, relational, and logical operators are combined in one expression, the arithmetic operators are always done first, followed by relational operators, and then logical operators. PRECEDENCE/HIERACHY OF OPERATORS (ORDER OF EXECUTION) OPERATOR DEFINITION PRECEDENCE LEVEL ^ Exponentiation 1 - or + Unary operator 2 * and / Multiplication and Division 3 + and - Addition and Subtraction 4 = and < > Equal to and Not equal to 5 < and > Less than and greater than 5 > = Greater than or equal to 5 < = Less than or equal to 5 NOT Logical complement 6 AND Conjunction 7 OR Disjunction 7 BASIC performs operators with lower precedence first and performs operators with equal precedence sequentially from left to right. THE USE OF PARENTHESIS: Parenthesis is used to alter the normal hierarchy of operation. The expressions in parenthesis are performed first before putting the normal precedence level into operation.

  • SUMMARY Developed by Professor John G. Kenemy and Thomas Kurtz of Dartmouth University in the early sixties. To uniquely identify a line containing a BASIC statement, line number/label may be used at the beginning of the line containing the statement. Two or more BASIC statements cannot have the same line number. Correct syntax must be used, otherwise the program will not be executed, let alone generate result. BASIC CHARACTER SET Alphabets A to Z (both in lower case and upper case), Digits 0 to 9 (both signed and unsigned), and Certain special characters such as: + ,-, *, /, (, ), ^, #, , =, $ etc.


  • SUMMARY OPERATORS Arithmetic operators Relational operators Logical operators


  • BASIC Programming Language

  • EXPRESSIONs An expression simply means collection or combination of operands (constants, variable etc) with operators to form an algebraic term.

    In forming an expression, two operators must not follow each other. However, parenthesis must be used to separate two successive operators.

    Example: SUM = ( R + 10 ) / ( J 3 ) In the example above SUM, R, J, 10, and 3 are operands, while =, +, /, and are operators.

  • Basic Keywords



    REM STATEMENT: This statement allows explanatory remarks (comments) to be inserted into a program. Apostrophe ( ) performs the same function as REM. E.g. REM Program to find the area of a triangle OR Program to find the area of a triangle The only slight different between the two is that apostrophe ( ) can be placed at the front of a BASIC statement so as to introduce remark which explains the function of the expression CLS: This is simply used to clear the screen during program execution

  • Basic Keywords Contd.

    LET STATEMENT This is otherwise known as the Assignment Statement. It is used to assign value (constant) to a variable. It can also be used to assign a variable to another variable provided the variable to be assigned has been declared/defined. It can also be used to assign an expression to a variable. NOTE: A string value (constant) or variable, or expression is to be assigned to a string variable. Likewise a numeric value (constant) or variable, or expression is to be assigned to a numeric variable. Most versions of BASIC allow this keyword to be omitted when assigning a value or a variable or an expression to a variable. Example includes LET A = 10 LET N$=KAYODE OLUFEMI JOY LET ANS = ( A + B ) ^ 2 LET NAME$= N (NOTE: N must be a variable in this context not a String) LET A = B

  • Basic Keywords Contd.


    READ STATEMENT This is used to read value(s) from the DATA statement to variable(s) within the program segment during program execution. NOTE:READ statement is used with DATA statement, this is because, the READ statement cannot be used within a program segment without a DATA statement. READ statement is advisable to be used only when the values to be assigned to variables are of permanent type. Let use quickly look at DATA statement before giving an example. DATA STATEMENT This store numeric or string or combination of numeric and string value used by READ statement. Unlike the READ statement, DATA statement can be included in a program segment without the READ statement.

  • Basic Keywords Contd.


    Example: READ A,B,C DATA 2 , 3 , 5 SUM = A + B + C From the example above 2 will be assigned to A, 3 will be assigned to B, and 5 will be assigned to C. Finally these values will be added/summed together and the result will be assigned variable SUM.

  • Basic Keywords Contd.


    This statement allows values to be read to set of variables from the keyboard during program execution. INPUT statement causes the program to pause and wait for values to be read from the keyboard during program execution.

    NOTE: the data to be read must correspond in number and in type to the variables within the program code. String values may not to be surrounded by quotation marks. Exception is only when value(s) to be assigned to string(s) contain(s) comma(s). Syntax: INPUT [Prompting string] [; or ,] variable list If semicolon is used after the prompting string , question mark will be displayed on the screen before accepting the values to be read. While no question mark is displayed when comma is used.

  • Basic Keywords Contd.


    Example: INPUT A, B , C SUM = A + B + C INPUT Enter a numeric value for A: , A INPUT Enter a numeric value for B: , B INPUT Enter a numeric value for C: , C SUM = A + B + C NOTE: The values of A,B, and C will only be determined during program execution. Unlike the READ statement in which the values of A,B,C are already determined from the DATA statement within the program segment.

  • Basic Keywords Contd.

    LINE INPUT STATEMENT This statement is used to assign entire line of string value to a string variable during program execution. This statement is peculiar to a string variable. The value needs not to be in quotation marks. Prompting string can also be added when using the LINE INPUT statement. Example LINE INPUT Enter the Customers Address:, AD$

  • Basic Keywords Contd.


    This is used to output/display data within the program to the screen during program execution. Syntax: PRINT [Prompting String] [; or ,] variable list Example PRINT A,B,C OR PRINT A;B;C PRINT THE AREA OF TRIANGLE = ; A NOTE: If data items (for example numeric data) are separated by commas, then each line of output will be divided into five zones of equal length. If semicolons are used the data items will be displayed closely to one another.

  • Basic Keywords Contd.


    This is used to print strings or numbers using a specified format. Syntax PRINT USING format-string ; expression list The followings are some of characters used to format a numeric expression # specifies digit position . Decimal point position , this is used to print comma after every third digit position $ precede number to be printed with dollar sign etc.

    The followings are some of characters used to format a string expression & this will cause the computer to print entire string ! this will cause the computer to print only the first character of the string

  • Basic Keywords Contd.

    EXAMPLES OF PRINT USING STATEMENT Examples: RESULT PRINT USING ##.##; 56.789 56.79 PRINT USING ##.##; 56.784 56.78 PRINT USING =N=##.##; 56.789 =N=56.79 PRINT USING $##.##; 56.789 $56.79 PRINT USING #,####; 56789 56,789 PRINT USING !; KAYODE K PRINT USING &; KAYODE KAYODE

  • Basic Keywords Contd.

    LOCATE STATEMENT This statement moves the cursor to a particular position on the screen. Syntax: LOCATE(row,column) where row and column are positive integer number. Note, the maximum number of row is 25 while column is 80. Example: CLS LOCATE 5,10: INPUT Enter your Name :;N$ LOCATE 7,10: PRINT N$ ; I love you so much.Can we be friend ?

  • Basic Keywords Contd.

    TAB STATEMENT This statement is used in conjunction with PRINT or LPRINT statement. It moves the cursor to specific column on the screen. Example PRINT TAB(50); GOOD LPRINT & LPRINT USING STATEMENTS These statements function in the same way as the PRINT and LPRINT statements except that the output goes to the line printer. These statements should be used independently, not in combined form. That is use LPRINT separately AND LPRINT USING separately.

  • Basic Keywords Contd.


    This is used to re-read certain values from the DATA statement to variables using READ statement.

    Example CLS READ A,B,C DATA 2,3,5 RESTORE READ D,E,F PRINT A =; A, B =; B, C = ; C, D =; D, E =;E, F =;F After the execution of the program the output will be: A = 2 B = 3 C = 5 D = 2 E = 3 F = 5

  • Basic Keywords Contd.


    This is used to terminate the execution of a program temporarily. Pressing F5 allows the computer to continue execution from where it stops. It can be used anywhere in the program. END STATEMENT This is used to terminate the execution of a program, procedure, or a block permanently. Great care should be taken when using this statement

  • Control Statements

    TRANSFER OF CONTROL Normally, a BASIC program is executed in a sequential order as the statements follow one another. However, sometimes, it is necessary to jump to some lines of the program. Thus, altering the normal sequence of execution.

    Two types of transfer of control. These are: --Unconditional transfer --Conditional transfer

  • Control Statements Contd.

    UNCONDITIONAL TRANSFER: This type of transfer of control causes the computer to branch to specific line without testing for any condition. The BASIC keyword for achieving this operation is GOTO statement.

    CONDITIONAL TRANSFER: This allows the computer to branch to specific portion of the program or execute certain statement(s) based on testing for set of condition(s). Some BASIC keywords for achieving this operation are IF THEN statement, ON GOTO statement, etc.

  • Control Statements Contd.

    GOTO STATEMENT: As it has been mentioned above, this statement allows computer to transfer control to a specific line during program execution without testing for any condition. Syntax: GOTO Line Number Example GOTO 10 this causes the computer to transfer control to statement with line number 10 during program execution.

    ONGOTO STATEMENT: This statement causes the computer to branch to several specified lines depending on the value of a numeric expression. Syntax: ON expression GOTO line-number list INPUT A ON A GOTO 10,20,30,40

  • Control Statements Contd.

    IFTHEN / IF..THEN..ELSE... STATEMENT: This statement is used to carryout conditional branching or execution, based on the evaluation of an expression which must either be true or false. This statement is used in conjunction with relational operator as well as logical operator depending on the nature of the condition to be tested. Example 2a INPUT A IF A > 10 THEN PRINT THEN NUMBER YOU ENTERED IS GREATER THAN 10 ELSE PRINT THE NUMBER YOU ENTERED IS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 10 END IF

  • Control Statements Contd.

    Example 2b INPUT A , B IF A > B THEN PRINT The value of A is greater than B : END IF B > A THEN PRINT The value of B is greater than A : END IF A = B THEN PRINT The value of A is equal to B : END NOTE: ELSEIF statement could be included within IFTHEN block. Example 2c INPUT A , B IF A > B THEN PRINT The value of A is greater than B ELSEIF B > A THEN PRINT The value of B is greater than A ELSE PRINT The value of A is equal to B END IF

  • Loop Statements


    This is another operation that is often required in programming. This involves repeating certain portion of the program for specific number of times or until particular condition(s) is/are satisfied. Loop is basically divided into two --Unconditional loop --Conditional loop UNCONDITIONAL LOOP: this is the act of repeating certain portion of the program for a specified number of times without testing for any condition. FORNEXT statement is used to carryout this kind of loop. CONDITIONAL LOOP: This is the act of repeating certain portion of the program as long as the condition(s) tested come(s) true or as long as the condition(s) tested is/are Satisfied Example of BASIC keywords for implementing this loop are DO...LOOP and WHILEWEND statements

  • Loop Statements Contd

    FOR..NEXT STATEMENT: As it has been mentioned above, this keyword makes certain portion of the program to be executed for a specified number of times. Syntax FOR Counter = Start TO End [STEP Increment] [Statement block] NEXT Counter Where Counter is a numeric variable and it is regarded as the running variable, Start is the initial value of the running variable, End is the final value of the running variable. The STEP statement allows you to specify the increment value of the running variable for each loop. Therefore, Increment specifies the amount the counter (i.e the running variable) is incremented each time through the loop.

  • Loop Statements Contd

    RULES FOR USING THE RUNNING VARIABLE: The running variable can appear in a statement inside the loop but is value cannot be altered. If the initial and final values of the running variable are equal and the step is non-zero, then the loop will executed once. If the initial and final values of the running variable are equal and the step is zero, then the loop will continue indefinitely If the initial value of the running variable is less than the final value of the running variable and the step size is negative, then the loop will not be executed at all. If the final value of the running variable is less than the initial value of the running variable and the step size is positive, then the loop will not be executed at all. Transfer of control out of the loop is possible, but control cannot be transfer into the loop. LOOP UNTIL K > 4

  • Loop Statements Contd

    Example of FOR...NEXT statement Program to print all the even numbers between 2 and 20 FOR K = 2 TO 20 STEP 2 PRINT K NEXT K

    WHILE ... WEND STATEMENT: This is used to implement conditional loop. It allows the execution of series of statements in a loop as long as a given condition is true. Syntax: WHILE condition [statements] WEND Example: K=2 WHILE K 4




  • BASIC Programming Language

  • Loop Statements Contd

    DO...LOOP STATEMENT: This is also used to implement conditional loop. It allows the execution of series of statements in a loop as long as a given condition is true. It is used in conjunction with BASIC key words WHILE and UNTIL.

    Syntax1: DO WHILE condition DO [statement] OR [statement] LOOP LOOP WHILE condition The only difference between the two syntax above is that, in the first loop the condition is tested and if the condition is true, then the loop is executed. The second one will execute the statement within the loop for the first time before testing for the condition.

  • Loop Statements Contd

    The examples below explain the two better. K=5 K=5 DO WHILE K< = 4 DO PRINT The condition is satisfied PRINT The condition is satisfied PRINT K PRINT K K=K+1 K=K+1 LOOP LOOP WHILE K< = 4 Syntax2: DO UNTIL condition DO [statement] OR [statement] LOOP LOOP UNTIL condition The only difference between the two examples above is that, in the first loop the condition is tested and if the condition is true, then the loop is executed. The second one will execute the statement within the loop for the first time before testing for the condition. The example below explains the two better.

  • Loop Statements Contd

    EXAMPLE K=5 K=5 DO UNTIL K > 4 DO PRINT The condition is satisfied PRINT The condition is satisfied PRINT K PRINT K K=K+1 K=K+1 LOOP LOOP UNTIL K > 4

  • Arrays and Matrix


    An array simply means collection of data items(elements) arranged in a specific order each identified by a key or subscript. A matrix, the data items are arranged in rows and columns. A matrix with one row or one column is regarded as a LIST. A variable valued by an expression in parenthesis is called a SUBSCRIPTED VARIABLE. A subscripted variable is used to designate and individual storage space in the matrix.

    Example of subscripted variable includes K(5) that is location 5 of array variable K B(X+1) that is location X+1 of array variable B etc. NOTE: It is possible to deal with matrices with more than one row and one column. For example X(2,3) is a matrix of two rows and three columns, X(3,2) is a matrix of three rows and two columns etc.

  • Arrays and Matrix

    DIM STATEMENT is used in dealing with array/matrix. This allows you to declare one or more variables as well as allocate storage spaces for them on the disk.

    Example: DIM A(10) declares a numeric variable A, and then allocates ten spaces to it, DIM NAME$(5) declares a string variable NAME$, and then