CS U P LYORPS The Oakleaf N F OU ND AT I O P S The newsletter of the U.S. Navy Supply Corps...

F O U N D A T I O N N A V Y S U P P L Y C O R P S The newsletter of the U.S. Navy Supply Corps Foundation Oakleaf The Navy Supply Corps Foundation P.O. Box 6228 Athens, Georgia 30604 www.usnscf.com Inside … June 2013 6 11 Supply Corps School dedicates library to first African-American SC Admiral Chapter Profile Groton/New London Chapter provides mentoring Washington, D.C., Newport chapters win Spirit Award One of the highlights of the April Navy Supply Corps Foundation Board of Directors meeting was the announcement of the Spirit Award winners. In October 2012, the board approved the award to recognize the Chapters who added the most new members to the USNSCF master mailing list during the six month period from November 2012 through April 2013. Foundation Chairman CAPT(Ret.) John Kizer was pleased to recognize the Washington, D.C. Chapter as the winner in the Large category and the Newport Chapter in the All Other category. CAPT (Ret.) John Kizer (2nd from left) and RADM (Ret.) Linda Bird (2nd from right) congratulate Newport Chapter outgoing President CAPT Dana Weiner, right, and incoming President CAPT Mark Pimpo, on their chapter’s achievement in winning the Spirit Award in the All Other Chapters category. The Washington Chapter will receive $2,500 and Newport $1,500 to host an event of their choosing within the Community Values and Traditions guidelines. In addition the Board voted to recognize the tremendous efforts of three other chapters, Tampa Bay, Great Salt Lake, and Sigonella, by awarding them $500 each for a similar event of their choosing. This overall effort added almost 600 names to the master mailing list. While this is a significant step in the right direc- tion, there is still more work to be done to identify and include all active, reserve, retired and former Supply Corps officers on the Foundation’s master mailing list. Congratulations to the Chapter winners and a special thank you to each Chapter president and all the members who sup- ported this effort. By RADM Linda Bird, SC, USN (Ret.) From left, CDR Doug MacKenzie, CAPT Jim Liberko, LCDR Jason Adams, LT Stephanie Titus, CAPT Pete Eltringham (Ret), CAPT Bert Brunson, CDR Chuck Dwy and LCDR Mike Krisman of the Washington D.C. Chapter celebrate their Spirit Award win in the Large Chapters category.

Transcript of CS U P LYORPS The Oakleaf N F OU ND AT I O P S The newsletter of the U.S. Navy Supply Corps...




The newsletter of the U.S. Navy Supply Corps Foundation


Navy Supply Corps Foundation P.O. Box 6228

Athens, Georgia 30604


Inside …

June 2013

6 11Supply Corps School dedicates library to firstAfrican-American SC Admiral

Chapter ProfileGroton/New London Chapter provides mentoring

Washington, D.C., Newport chapters win Spirit Award

One of the highlights of the April Navy Supply Corps Foundation Board of Directors meeting was the announcement of the Spirit Award winners. In October 2012, the board approved the award to recognize the Chapters who added the most new members to the USNSCF master mailing list during the six month period from November 2012 through April 2013. Foundation Chairman CAPT(Ret.) John Kizer was pleased to recognize the Washington, D.C. Chapter as the winner in the Large category and the Newport Chapter in the All Other category.

CAPT (Ret.) John Kizer (2nd from left) and RADM (Ret.) Linda Bird (2nd from right) congratulate Newport Chapter outgoing President CAPT Dana Weiner, right, and incoming President CAPT Mark Pimpo, on their chapter’s achievement in winning the Spirit Award in the All Other Chapters category.

The Washington Chapter will receive $2,500 and Newport $1,500 to host an event of their choosing within the Community Values and Traditions guidelines. In addition the Board voted to recognize the tremendous efforts of three other chapters, Tampa Bay, Great Salt Lake, and Sigonella, by awarding them $500 each for a similar event of their choosing. This overall effort added almost 600 names to the master mailing list. While this is a significant step in the right direc-tion, there is still more work to be done to identify and include all active, reserve, retired and former Supply Corps officers on the Foundation’s master mailing list. Congratulations to the Chapter winners and a special thank you to each Chapter president and all the members who sup-ported this effort.

By RADM Linda Bird, SC, USN (Ret.)

From left, CDR Doug MacKenzie, CAPT Jim Liberko, LCDR Jason Adams, LT Stephanie Titus, CAPT Pete Eltringham (Ret), CAPT Bert Brunson, CDR Chuck Dwy and LCDR Mike Krisman of the Washington D.C. Chapter celebrate their Spirit Award win in the Large Chapters category.

June 2013 • p. 2

The Oakleaf


The Newsletter of the Navy Supply Corps Foundation

P.O. Box 6228, Athens Georgia 30604 (706) 354-4111

e-mail: [email protected] website: www.usnscf.com

About the FoundationAnyone who has ever worn the Oakleaf of the

U. S. Navy Supply Corps is automatically a member of the Navy Supply Corps Foundation, an organization whose mission is to perpetuate the values, traditions, history and camaraderie

of the Supply Corps throughout the lives of its members.

Board of Directors

Chairman CAPT John L. Kizer, SC, USN (Ret.)

Vice Chairman CAPT Len Sapera, SC, USN (Ret.)

Treasurer CAPT Charles Parker, SC, USN

Secretary LCDR Scott Long, SC, USN

ChiefStaffOfficer CDR Jack Evans, SC, USN (Ret.)

Directors RADM Mark Heinrich, SC, USN RADM Linda Bird, SC, USN (Ret.) RADM Donald G. St. Angelo, SC, USN (Ret.) RADM Thomas Hill, SC, USN (Ret.) RDML Valerie Huegel, SC, USN CAPT Tom Billings, SC, USN (Ret.) CAPT Peter Eltringham, SC, USN (Ret.) CAPT Dan Pionk, SC, USN CAPT Albert J. Schiff, SC, USN (Ret.) CAPT Tiffany Shad, SC, USN CDR Danny King, SC, USN CDR Tommy Neville, SC, USN CDR Dennis Collins, SC, USN Mr. Victor Trione Mr. Michael McCleary

Ad Hoc CMDCM Sidney Dawson, USN Mrs. Judy Heinrich

The Oakleaf Staff

Writer / Editor Liz Van Wye [email protected]

Graphic Layout Linda Hall

The Oakleaf is published quarterly. The publication schedule and content deadlines are:

August 15, 2013 for the October 2013 issue January 15, 2014 for the March 2014 issue

Submit news and ideas to: [email protected]

Greetings from the ChairmanHow to win a scholarship

CAPT John Kizer, SC, USN (Ret.)

The next Board and Presidents meeting will be held Sept. 27 in Chicago.

This is my favorite issue of The Oakleaf because we get to honor the children, grandchildren and spouses who have worked so hard and qualified for one of our scholarships. To all who applied, you can be proud of your accomplishments and each of you is a winner! If not selected, do not give up...keep working hard and apply next year. This year, we will award $250,500 in scholarships. Every year many of our scholarship applicants wait until the last minute to submit their application and as a result they may not be eligible. This year was no different...we received 203 applications, but only 171 were acceptable. Missing es-says and transcripts were the most common problem. Also, we continue to receive requests to accept late applications. As Jack Evans stated in his article in the last Oakleaf, we will not accept late submittals...it isn’t fair to those who comply with the requirements. Parents, grandparents, guardians...encourage your children and grandchildren to complete this important application on time and completely... it can have a lifelong positive impact if they are successful! The Board of Directors reviewed our budget for this year and the next four at our meeting in Newport in April. Thanks to those who have continued to donate faithfully throughout the years...and a special thanks to our volunteer Investment Advisory Committee for being such great stewards of our portfolio. As of May 9, 2013, it was worth over $5.92M, a 14.84% increase in the last year!

Board Chairman CAPT (Ret.) John Kizer thanks outgoing Board Secretary CDR Jose Feliz for his service.

Chairman thanks departing Board member

June 2013 • p. 3

The OakleafUSS Hornet Museum has Supply Corps captain at the helm If you were Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and you wanted to host a party for all your employees after Facebook went public, where would you go? With a world of places to choose from, you would go aboard the USS Hornet Mu-seum in San Francisco Bay. With its spectacular views of the San Francisco skyline and the Bay Bridge, the USS Hornet (CVS-12) has been called “the San Francisco Bay Area’s most unique and unforgettable event venue,” and at the helm is Supply Corps CAPT Randall Ramian. Commissioned in 1943, USS Hornet (CV-12) is one of the most decorated ships of World War II, having earned nine battle stars for action in the Pacific. Her career culminated with the flawless recoveries of the Apollo 11 and 12 lunar missions in the Pacific in 1969. Since 1998 this historic ship has served as a floating museum at the former Alameda Naval Air Station, 20 minutes from San Francisco. Ramian has served as CEO of the USS Hornet Museum since 2009, although his involvement in the museum extends back to its founding, when he became an early plankowner. Today he heads a staff of 35 and oversees more than 300 volunteers at the museum. “We couldn’t do it without our volunteers,” he says. Ramian is also CO of the reserve unit that supports Fleet Logistics Center HQ, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Located in San Francisco Bay, USS Hornet is uniquely posi-tioned to welcome daily visitors (750,000 have visited since its founding) and to serve as a venue for events for up to 3,000 people at a time. USS Hornet has restored and opened for the public all the important “carrier operations” spaces, including the flight deck, engine room, bridge, navigational center and more. There are over a dozen aircraft on display including a WWII Grumman TBM Avenger Torpedo - Bomber and a Grumman F-14 Tomcat Jet. Numerous educational programs teach naval history, sci-ence, and technology. And the museum is home to the largest collection of Apollo mission artifacts on the West Coast. One of Ramian’s challenges is increasing the number of people who visit the museum. While they currently host 70,000 visitors a year, he knows there is much room to grow. Because of their ship’s out of the way location on Pier 3, “people don’t know we are here,” he says, adding that “our number one job is outreach,” which they do with a wide variety of program-ming options aboard the ship.

Ramian is not the only Supply Corps officer involved in supporting the USS Hornet. Three other Supply Corps captains have played significant roles since the creation of the museum, including retired CAPT Jerry Lutz, who was the first CEO of the Hornet museum and was “instrumental in saving the ship,” according to Ramian. In addition, retired CAPT Kurt Libby, who was CO of Fleet and Industrial Supply Center Oakland in 1998, and retired Supply Corps CAPT Glenn Gabel, former head of the NSC Oakland Headquarter reserve detachment, currently serve on the USS Hornet Board. The USS Hornet Museum is located at 707 W. Hornet Ave., Pier 3 in Alameda. For more information go to www.uss-hornet.org.

Supply Corps CAPT Randall Ramian serves as Chief Executive Officer of the USS Hornet Museum.

Book cornerBicentennial of 1812 celebrated in history LCDR Stephen D. Murphy, SC, USN (Ret) sent along the following reading suggestions for members. “If you haven’t noticed, we’re continuing to celebrate the bicentennial of the War of 1812, which lasted until 1815. Ask any American - including many Naval officers - and they’ll be hard-pressed to tell you what this war was even about, let alone any of the specifics. Historian George C. Daughan has penned a masterpiece with 1812: The Navy’s War, which brings so many aspects of American and world history to light in a manner that is as engaging as any great novel. The scope of the book like the events themselves is far-reaching and includes accounts of sea battles with astonishing detail, political wrangling in Washington,

and the almost forgotten (by Americans!) invasion of Canada. Another and more focused work is Walter Lord’s vener-able The Dawn’s Early Light (first published in 1972) which deals with the events leading up to and immediately follow-ing the 1814 British Naval invasion and sacking of Wash-ington, D.C., and subsequent defeat at Baltimore. For those who have lived or served in the D.C. area this book will be especially engaging as it deals with places (and even build-ings and forts) that many of us are already familiar with, or will want to visit. A slightly “lighter” read than Daughan’s book but solid history nonetheless, by the famous author of A Night to Remember and other magnificent works.”

June 2013 • p. 4

The Oakleaf

“Please raise your right hand and repeat after me: I, (state your name), ... do solemnly swear that I will sup-port and defend the Constitution of the United States....” I was administering the oath of office last December 15 to Army ROTC Cadet Heather Bill, granddaugh-ter of the late CDR (Ret.) Rick Foley, SC, USN. Heather, a 2008-2009 Foundation scholarship winner, had completed her studies at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Va., and was being com-missioned as a second lieutenant in the Army Nurse Corps. Rick and I had served together three times during the first nine years of our active service – first as officer students at the Navy Supply Corps School in Athens; second, after sea duty, as instructors back at Athens, where we lived nearby in base quarters and where our respective first children were born; and then, after foreign shore duty, as students in Boston, where we earned our Harvard MBA degrees and

By CAPT Rod Zumbro, SC, USN (Ret.)

In the Supply Corps FamilyA commissioning story: taking care of our own

CAPT (Ret.) Rod Zumbro administered the oath of office to Army ROTC Cadet Heather Bill, granddaughter of the late Supply Corps officer CDR (Ret.) Rick Foley, Zumbro’s for-mer shipmate.

where our respective second children were born at Chelsea Naval Hospital. Rick and I never again served together but did see each other at times. I always read “In Memoriam” in The Oakleaf and was saddened to learn about Rick’s passing in the November 2012 is-sue. I immediately looked up his obituary on the Foundation’s website ... and was disappointed to see that his funeral had been held at Arlington a few days before. Fortunately, the obit listed an e-mail ad-dress for Rick’s daughter, Christa, so I sent her my condolences. Christa quickly responded and also put me in touch with her mother, Jackie Foley (who remained good friends with Rick after their 1989 divorce). Then Christa sur-prised me by asking if I would commission her daughter, Heather, soon to graduate from JMU. Despite being in poor health, Rick had planned to be there in uniform to commission Heather (although he no longer had a uniform, he had arranged

with Naval Academy contacts to borrow one of the right size). Christa told me that the timing of my contact with her was perfect since they had wanted the com-missioning to be performed by someone “special” who had known and served with her father, but they had about given up. Naturally, I agreed to do it.

Scholarship ProfileGrace Goeks looks for challenge in academic and extra curricular activities Grace Goeks loves the outdoors. Recently she was one of a group of six women to spend 45 days alternately paddling and portaging their canoes more than 700 miles on the Kazan River through the Canadian wilderness. The trip was sponsored by her local YMCA

camp and Goeks says, “It was the most challenging and the most rewarding - I loved it!” It took discipline, planning and leadership, qualities that continue to serve this Navy Supply Corps Scholar-ship winner in good stead as she moves on to navigate her way through college. Goeks, the daughter of retired CAPT Greg and Debra Goeks, grew up in Wis-consin, graduating last year from Cedar-burg High School with a 4.1 average and a score of 800 on her verbal SAT. When it

came time to decide on a college, she had a pretty good idea of what she wanted. “I was searching for a small liberal arts school in an outdoorsy location, with lots of academic and extra curricular opportunities, a strong study abroad program and a diverse student body.” Goeks found what she was looking for in Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon, where she is now a freshman. In addition to her love of expedi-tionary wilderness tripping, Goeks is an accomplished swimmer who swam varsity in high school, specializing in long distance freestyle. She was also active in the drama club, where she worked her way up backstage to a position of student technical director. Attending a private university meant that financial assistance was essential and she is grateful for the Foundation’s support. “My dad suggested that I apply for a Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship and I was really thrilled when I learned that I got it,” she says. “Without this scholarship it would be a lot more challenging.” Goeks, who hopes

“I’m really proud of what my dad’s done. He’s

pretty awesome!”Grace Goeks

Grace Goeks

to combine several of her interests with teaching, is also proud of her father’s service in the Navy. “I’m really proud of what my dad’s done,” she says. “He’s pretty awesome!”

Continued on page 6

June 2013 • p. 5

The Oakleaf

Chapter Presidents

When new officers are installed, be sure to send president’s name and e-mail address to [email protected].

Bay Area CAPT Kurt Libby, SC, USN (Ret.) [email protected] Rockies LCDR William Barich, SC, USN [email protected] LCDR Akil King, SC, USN [email protected] Lakes CDR Katie Boyce, SC, USN [email protected] Salt Lake CAPT Rich Guernsey, SC, USN (Ret.) [email protected] Boston CAPT Alan Rieper, SC, USN (Ret.) [email protected] Cleveland CAPT Roland Wadge, SC, USN [email protected]/New London CDR Gregory Booth, SC, USN [email protected] Roads CAPT Don Hughes, SC, USN [email protected] CAPT Paul Verrastro, SC, USN [email protected] Area LCDR Jonathan Thurston, SC, USN [email protected] CAPT Kevin Head, SC, USN [email protected] CDR Mark Sheffield, SC, USN [email protected]

Mechanicsburg CAPT David Meyers, SC, USN [email protected] CAPT John T. Palmer, SC, USN [email protected] Peninsula LCDR Christopher O’Connor, SC, USN [email protected] CAPT Mark Pimpo, SC, USN [email protected] Georgia Mike McCleary (prior service) [email protected] CAPT Bill Power, SC, USN [email protected] River CAPT Mark Goodrich, SC, USN [email protected] Area CDR Kerri Yarbrough, SC, USN [email protected] Diego CAPT Peter Stamatopoulos, SC, USN [email protected] CDR Brett Stevens, SC, USN [email protected] CDR Christopher Waldron, SC, USN [email protected] Asia CDR Michael Reiners, SC, USN [email protected]. Louis CAPT Aaron Stanley, SC, USN [email protected] Bay CAPT Brian Goodwin, SC, USN [email protected] Area CAPT Robert Brunson SC, USN [email protected]

Lifetime Achievement awarded to Board Chair CAPT (Ret.) John Kizer Foundation Board Chairman CAPT John L. Kizer, SC, USN (Ret.) was recently awarded the Navy Supply Corps Lifetime Achievement Award at the Washington, D.C. Chapter Birthday Ball. Established in 2004, the Lifetime Achievement Award recog-nizes a special category of Supply Corps officers whose contribu-tions have made a lasting impact on a wide cross-section of the Supply Corps for a sustained period of time. CAPT Kizer reported to Officer Candidate School, Newport, R.I., in 1964 and after graduating from Navy Supply Corps School, Athens, Ga., he reported to COMSERVFORSIXTHFLT, home ported in Naples, Italy. When he retired he was serving as Vice Commander, Navy Accounting and Finance Center/Deputy Assistant Comptroller of the Navy for Financial Systems. Kizer was active in many volunteer activities prior to his 1988 retirement and continues to serve in numerous organizations in San Diego in addition to his work with the Foundation. In announcing the award, RADM Mark Heinrich, Chief of Sup-ply Corps, called Kizer’s work with the Foundation “extraordinary,

as he has helped double the corpus since his involvement. His support of the Supply Corps is boundless.”

RADM Mark Heinrich, Chief of Supply Corps, presents CAPT John L. Kizer, SC, USN (Ret.) with the Lifetime Achievement Award.

June 2013 • p. 6

The Oakleaf

The commissioning ceremony was short but moving – the first I was involved in since my commissioning more than 50 years ago. In his remarks, the Army ROTC bat-talion commander praised Heather’s outstanding cadet and college performance. Each of the four cadets was commissioned separately. As Heather’s family—includ-ing her grandmother, Jackie—watched from the audience, I administered the oath of office to Heather. Then her mother, Christa, and sister, Melissa, came up and pinned on her officer rank insignia, after which she received her first salute from her uncle, Michael, formerly in the Army. A proud occasion for all! I was deeply honored to be given the opportunity to com-mission Rick’s granddaughter on his behalf and to welcome such a dedicated, motivated, exceptional young lady into active military service.

A commissioning story(Continued)

Chapter ProfileNew chapter spans Connecticut, western Massachusetts The number of Foundation Chapters continues to grow and a recent welcome addition was the group in Groton/New London, Conn. CDR Greg Booth was instrumental in pulling the chapter to-gether in September 2012, and he cur-rently serves as Chapter President. The Chapter covers the entire state of Connecticut and into western Massa-chusetts. With a handful of reservists and retirees, the 36 members of the chapter are largely junior officers stationed aboard one of the 17 submarines homeported there or ashore at the Defense Contract-ing Management Agency Hartford or Sub Base New London. Although all their members are currently men, Booth knows that will change as graduates of the first two sub classes to include women supply officers take their places on the boats. Booth recalls his early tours as a submarine supply officer and those memories inform how he approaches his assignment now. “I can remember being overwhelmed with sub duty,” he recalls, “and I want these officers to real-ize there is life outside the submarine.” He adds, “we want them to know they are not alone. Yes, they may be the only Suppo in their wardroom, but there is a whole network of their peers outside to help.” Booth calls these relationships “a lifeline,” encouraging junior officers to “not be afraid to use it.” The Chapter has sponsored a num-ber of events, including hosting a recent

VIP luncheon with the Chief of Supply Corps, RADM Mark Heinrich. The group also holds after work gatherings to help members network, especially the supply officers going through Submarine School before they get to their boats. They make the most of their geographic location by piggybacking with the Newport Chapter to support the Supply Corps ball and other fundraising activities. The biggest challenge they face, Booth says, is the jam packed schedule of most members, who are often either underway or at

Officers gathered for a commemorative photo include CDR Greg Booth (NAVSUP FLC New London), LCDR Brett Sandman (DLA Distribution New London), LTJG Ken Kerr (SUBASE New London FSO), ENS Mike Rieker (NSSC), ENS Blaine Allgood, ENS Ryan Cram, ENS Daniel Cripe, ENS Ryan Dombroski, ENS David Laughlin, ENS Luis Luy, ENS John McMahon and ENS Andrew Stillerman (all Submarine School students).

training, making it difficult to get ev-eryone together. Booth has been involved in Chapters wherever he has been stationed, and he finds them to be “a great networking opportunity, a chance for professional, social and educational development.” In addition to Booth, chapter officers include Vice President LCDR Brett Sand-man, Treasurer LCDR Rick Rodriguez and Secretary ENS Mike Rieker. For more information contact CDR Greg Booth at [email protected].

Ready for Sea caps available from Ship’s Store

Baseball caps in navy with Ready for Sea emblem embroi-dered on cap with adjustable strap. These caps come with plain brims as well as with single and double rows of scrambled eggs. Check them out at www.usnscf.com.

June 2013 • p. 7

The OakleafEstate Planning: using 529 plans can reduce federal estate taxesBy RADM (Ret.) Tom Hill, Foundation Development Chair 529 plans provide an interesting, valuable, yet under utilized method of dramatically reducing the federal estate tax for high net worth clients. Current law (2013) allows the gifting of up to $14,000 per year ($28,000 for married couples making a proper election) into a 529 plan, and no gift tax will be imposed for that year. Donors can “front load” their gifting over a five year period. For example, for a married couple filing jointly, this works out to $140,000 removed from their taxable estate. The assets are still owned by and therefore controlled by the donor; but by filing form 709, the gift is considered to be complete, even though the beneficiary (usually a grandchild) does not yet have the money. I have not done an exhaustive search of which financial institutions offer this compelling solution to clients seeking to take advantage of this tax law with something as secure as a CD. I do know the College Savings Bank out of Princeton, N.J., is one financial institution that does. CDs currently are not paying that much, but many clients want something that normally does not lose principle. The College Savings Bank in Princeton is a member of FDIC, so all deposits are guar-anteed up to $250,000 under the current law. This article is in no way an endorsement or solicitation of this bank. Neither I and to my knowledge no member of your Foundation has any affiliation with the College Savings Bank. This is merely an estate planning idea for you to consider further if it meets your estate objectives. Please note there are many states that offer attractive 529 plans that you may want to consider along with this idea. My state of Indiana, for example, offers a 20% tax credit for 529 contributions in any given year up to $5,000. Consider these points: Many potential donors with estate tax issues are also grandparents. They often desire to help their grandchildren

with college costs, but are unwilling to take any principle risk with their money. Often they love CDs. College Savings Bank CDs are FDIC insured (for accounts held in the same right and capacity). When the assets are still in the name of a grandparent, they are not included in the FAFSA calculation (not the case with parents gifting).

This is an elegant method of lega-cy planning since three generations may be helped with one action. The grandparents can potentially save a lot of money in estate tax, the parents have the burden of paying for college reduced enormously, and the grand-

children get to attend college and avoid borrowing to do so. Grandparents can also ask their CPA about the Generation Skipping Gift Exclusion that may entice them to move money to 529s for their grandchildren. Grandparents and parents should be able to support the Navy Supply Corps Foundation or their other favorite chari-ties in a more robust manner due to actions like this.RADM Thomas J. Hill, SC, USN, (Ret.) retired from the Naval Reserve in 2002 and has been a Financial Advisor for over 20 years. He can be reached on his personal e-mail at [email protected] should you have any questions about this article. He can also direct you on how you can make a contribution to the Foundation.Neither the developer of this article, nor the Navy Supply Corps Foundation, is providing legal or tax advice as to the matters dis-cussed herein. The discussion herein is general in nature and is provided for informational purposes only. There is no guarantee as to its accuracy or completeness. It is not intended as legal advice and individuals may not rely upon it (including for purposes of avoiding tax penalties imposed by the IRS or state or local tax authorities). Individuals should consult their own legal and tax counsel as to matters discussed herein and before entering into any estate planning trust, investment, retirement, or insurance arrangement.

Donors can “front load” gifting over a five year period possibly

resulting in significant loweringof their taxable estate.

Helen Campbell (nee Nelson), received a NAVSUP Coin from CAPT Jim Dolan for her service during WWII. Campbell was a WAVE Supply Corps officer, graduating from Supply Corps School when it was located at Harvard University. She was subsequently stationed at the Charleston Naval Shipyard from 1943 - 1946. After the war, she quietly went back to her hometown of Jamestown, N.Y.; managed a family business; got married, and had two daughters. In making the presen-tation CAPT Dolan noted “in keeping with March’s theme of Women’s History Month, Helen is a great American and was truly a pioneering woman!” Pictured at right are Helen’s daughter Carol, Helen, and CAPT Jim Dolan.

WWII Supply Corps WAVE receives NAVSUP coin

June 2013 • p. 8

The Oakleaf

The Oakleaf is aware of the following members of the Sup-ply Corps community who passed away recently. A complete list of names is on www.usnscf.com along with available obituaries. Please let us know of those who have passed away for this column and on the website by forwarding information to [email protected].

In Memoriam

Passing of two Distinguished Alumni

2013 April 26 CAPT Edward C. Oldfield Jr., SC, USN (Ret.)April 13 CAPT Carl J. Stringer Jr., SC, USN (Ret.)March 21 CAPT Frederick E. Perrill, SC, USN (Ret.)February 27 CAPT Dennis J. Fish, SC, USN (Ret.)February 16 RADM Douglas H. Lyness, SC, USN (Ret.)February 6 LCDR Roy L. Johnson, SC, USN (Ret.)January 29 CAPT Harlan E. Murray Jr., SC, USN (Ret.) CAPT Lawrence E. Krukin, SC, USN (Ret.)January 24 CAPT Ken Kittock, SC, USN (Ret.)January 18 CAPT Theodore S. Stern, SC, USN (Ret.)January 8 CAPT Thomas P. Condon, SC, USN (Ret.)January CAPT Ken Wheaton, SC, USN (Ret.)

2012December 30 CDR Geoffrey G. Strange, SC, USN (Ret.)December 13 CDR James M. Bogart, SC, USN (Ret.)December CDR James A. Brett, SC, USN (Ret.)November 26 CDR Robert F. Hitchcock, SC, USN (Ret.)November 19 CAPT Robert A. Wells, SC, USN (Ret.)November 14 CDR Ernest Dardis, SC, USN (Ret.)November 11 CDR Jardine C. Bloom, SC, USN (Ret.)October 30 Paul Wythes (prior service)October 19 LT John McCormack, SC, USN (Ret.)July 26 CDR Milton Klebenoff, SC, USN (Ret.)May 30 Richard “Dick” Glickman (prior service)May 25 CDR Richard Tinney, SC, USN (Ret.)February 15 CAPT Thomas G. Craft, SC, USN (Ret.)

2011November 21 CAPT Robert Fishel, SC, USN (Ret.)November 9 LCDR Donald D. Conquest, SC, USN (Ret.)August 9 LCDR Stephen D. Mitchell, SC, USN (Ret.)July 3 LCDR John S. Urban, SC, USN (Ret.)

2009September 9 LTJG William G. Snyder, SC, USN

CAPT Theodore S. Stern, SC, USN (Ret,) passed away on January 18, 2013, at the age of 100. Stern, a Navy Supply Corps school Distinguished Alumnus, graduated in 1934 from Johns Hopkins University, where he swam on the 1932 U.S. Olympic team. He entered the Naval Reserve in 1940 as an apprentice seaman and was commissioned in July 1941. Stern served in the Pacific theater during World War II and transferred to the regular Navy and the Supply Corps in 1947. Following his retirement in 1968, he began a second career as the President of the College of Charleston, where he was credited with transforming the college from a small private school into a nationally recognized institution of higher learn-ing. Stern also served as the first president of the board for the Spoleto Festival USA, guiding Spoleto through its early years to become one of the nation’s premier arts festivals. Mr. Paul M. Wythes, a Distinguished Alumnus of the Navy Supply Corps School and Gold Level member of the Foundation’s 21st Century Club, passed away October 30, 2012. Wythes was chairman and founder of one of Silicon Valley’s first venture capital firms, Sutter Hill Ventures, which provided equity capital to young technology companies throughout the United States. A 1955 graduate of Princeton University, Wythes at-tended Navy Supply Corps School in Athens, Ga., and

served as a Supply Officer, primarily in support of the Navy’s nuclear weapons program. In 1959, after leaving the Navy, he earned a Master of Business Administration degree from Stanford University.

If you haven’t established an account on the Foun-dation website, please do so soon. Just go to the website at www.usnscf.com and click on “New User” in the lower left Membership Login box. Be sure to select the Chapter nearest you in the contact information section of the New Member Signup page. If you think you have an account but have lost track of your user name and/or password, send an e-mail to [email protected]. Include your name and mailing address and your account will be confirmed via return e-mail. If you haven’t signed on to your ac-count recently, you may want to check to make sure you have selected the Chapter nearest you.

Create a user account at www.usnscf.com to stay in touch

June 2013 • p. 9

The Oakleaf

The President has nominated RADM William A. Brown for appoint-ment to the grade of Vice Admiral and assignment as Deputy Commander, U.S. Transportation Command (US-TRANSCOM), Scott Air Force Base, Ill. He is currently serving as Director, Strategy, Policy, Programs, and Logis-tics, at USTRANSCOM. RADM Jon Yuen has been selected to become the 47th Chief of Supply Corps, succeeding RADM Mark Hein-rich at a change of command ceremony tentatively scheduled for later this year. RADM Yuen recently served in Bagh-dad as Deputy Commander/Chief of Staff of the Joint Contracting Command - Iraq/Afghanistan. In other flag news, active duty of-ficers CAPT John P. Polowczyk and CAPT Paul J. Verrastro, and CAPT James R. McNeal, reserve Supply Corps officer, have been nominated for promotion to the rank of Rear Admiral

(Lower Half). CDR (Ret.) Joseph Yudiski and currently a supply systems analyst at the Naval Education and Training Com-mand (NETC) in Pensacola, Fla., was one of two Government Purchase Card coordinators selected Navy-wide for recognition. Yudiski handles Purchase Card duties for both NETC and the Bureau of Naval Personnel, accounts which process nearly $100 million in purchase card and convenience checks per fiscal year. Both accounts had zero discrepancies for more than three years. RADM (Ret.) Don St. Angelo and his family recently participated in the premiere of the documentary film “Thomas St. Angelo: An Uncon-ventional Scholar.” The 90 minute film features the life story of St. Angelo’s fa-ther, Thomas, starting with the family’s immigration from Italy to Cumberland, Wisconsin, up to the expansion of the library that now bears his name, also

Member News Brown receives third star; new Chief of Supply Corps named

RADM Jon Yuen, SC, USN has been selected to be the 47th Chief of Supply Corps.

in Cumberland. For more information go to www.cumberlandpl.org.

Board meeting includes visit to the new Supply Corps School in Newport

Board members attending the spring meeting in Newport, R.I., include from left, RADM (Ret.) Tom Hill, CAPT (Ret.) Len Sapera, CDR Dennis Collins, CAPT (Ret.) Albert “Bud” Schiff, Michael McCleary, CAPT (Ret.) John Kizer, LCDR Scott Long, CDR Jose Feliz, Mrs. Judy Heinrich, CDR (Ret.) Jack Evans, CDR Danny King, RADM (Ret.) Linda Bird, CAPT (Ret.) Tom Billings, and CMDCM Sidney Dawson.

June 2013 • p. 10

The Oakleaf

is an active port visited by several USN ships each year; BQC students have toured USS Fort McHenry (LSD 43), USS San Jacinto (CG 56), and USS Spruance (DDG 111) during such vis-its. Likewise, students are visiting submarines down the road at Naval Submarine Base Groton, Conn. Newport and the New England region allow unprecedented access to

Navy Supply Corps SchoolNSCS students find opportunities for networking in NewportBy LT Reid Morrow, SC, USN, Navy Supply Corps School Public Affairs Officer

ENS W.B. Ellis the Bulldawg, located in Royar Square, was donated to the city of Athens by NSCS Newport in celebration of 57 years of support.

For many Supply Corps officers, the Navy Supply Corps School’s (NSCS) move from Athens, Ga., to Newport, R.I., was bittersweet – the sadness of leaving our home of 57 years contrasted with the promise of a state of the art home rife with networking opportunities. Nestled among the Navy’s finest training commands, NSCS Newport shares an island with U.S. Naval War College, Surface Warfare Officers School,

Naval Justice School, Officer Training Command, Senior Enlisted Academy, Naval Academy Preparatory School, and Command Leadership School. Our facilities at NSCS are as technologically advanced as our Fleet’s newest ships, and our mission is to ‘Provide Students with the Personal and Professional Foun-dations for Success’. The vast majority of officers commis-sioned into the Supply Corps, 74 percent, come through Officer Candidate School, Newport, where they and their families are welcomed to the Supply Corps fam-

ily by NSCS Commanding Officer CAPT Mark Pimpo at graduation. Our staff and students are attending lectures and networking events at the U.S. Naval War College (NWC), includ-ing their semiannual Ethics Conference, ‘Eight Bells’, Naval Heritage, and Eve-ning lecture series. We’ve partnered with NWC’s Senior Enlisted Academy(SEA), where senior enlisted leaders refine their leadership, management, and communi-cation skills, to conduct “Meet the Chief” where NSCS students discuss leadership with Chiefs, Senior Chiefs, and Master Chiefs from all ratings. Basic Qualification Course (BQC) students are meeting their COs and XOs earlier than ever, as Prospective Commanding Officers and Prospective Executive Officers training at Command Leadership School receive Food Service and Sanitation Inspection training in our Mock-up of the USS Duarte’s Galley. Net-working opportunities are maximized as supply officers attending the Supply Of-ficer Department Head Course (SODHC) and Senior SODHC (for O-5s headed to CVNs, LHAs, and LHDs), have the op-portunity to interact with their future Division Officers in the BQC. Although Naval Station Newport is not homeport for Navy vessels, it

Facilities at NSCS [Newport]are as technologically advanced as

our Fleet’s newest ships

Continued on page 11

Foundation builds Supply Corps community worldwideBy Captain Tom Billings, SC, USN (Ret.)

The number of active chapters of the Navy Supply Corps Foundation reached 28 in April with the establishment of its newest chapter in Sasebo, Japan. CAPT Kizer and I visited Sasebo last year, and met with many of the local SC officers and their now President CDR Brett Stevens, Supply Officer of USS Bonhomme Richard. Their newly elected Vice President, Dave Couchman writes “We look forward to maximizing the camaraderie, spirit, and activism that USNSCF brings to the Sasebo area.” Five more chapters are currently in the works to come aboard in the near future including one that is somewhat of a surprise. Their story (below) is an example of the expand-ing interest and enthusiasm of our Supply Corps community around the world.

A Supply Corps Captain, from our Reserve Component, took the initiative on his own to invite eight of his fellow Sup-ply Corps Officers in the Detroit area to his home to explore establishing a Navy Supply Corps Foundation – Detroit Chapter. In his email he expressed the precepts, mission, goals and objectives of our Foundation as clearly as any of us on the Board of Directors might have done. He concluded by saying “For more than 40 years … the Navy Supply Corps Founda-tion (has served) the best interests of all Supply Corps Officers. Perhaps we can contribute as well. /s/ CAPT Petersen Decker, SC, USN.” Remember to send me any questions, comments, requests for help, advice, etc. You may call me at (760)295-3381 or e-mail me at [email protected].

June 2013 • p. 11

The OakleafSupply Corps School names library after retired Rear Admiral Powell Jr.By LT Reid Morrow, SC, USN Navy Supply Corps School Public Affairs Officer

A traditional cake cutting was held to celebrate the dedication of the RADM William E. Powell Jr. Library at the Supply Corps School in Newport, R.I. Pictured, from right, are Captain Mark Pimpo, Montel Williams, Clint Powell, Rear Admiral Mark Heinrich, Mrs. Loretta Powell, Max Powell, David Powell, and Cameron Powell.

The first African American Supply Corps Admiral was honored at the dedication ceremony for Rear Admiral William E. Powell Jr. Library at Navy Supply Corps School (NSCS). The ceremony held on 18 April 2013 was attended by the Powell family; Rear Admiral Mark Heinrich - 46th Chief of Supply Corps, the Navy Supply Corps Founda-tion; local dignitaries; and NSCS staff and students. Fellow Naval Academy Preparatory School and USNA Alumni Mr. Montel Williams and retired Vice Admiral Frank Donovan served as guest speakers on behalf of RADM Powell, and Powell’s grandson, Cameron Powell, delivered a touching reflection on his grandfather’s accomplishments. RADM Powell graduated from the Naval Academy in 1959, and became one of the first 15 African Americans to become supply officers and the first to achieve Flag rank. Beginning at NSCS Athens with selection for a distin-guished Independent Billet aboard USS Nicholas (DDE 449), he sought the toughest billets and excelled in them. His pinnacle achievement came in 1985 with selection for Rear Admiral and assignment as Commanding Officer, Naval Supply Center, Norfolk, where he modernized one of the most productive Navy stock points with an automated pro-curement process and other innovative programs. RADM Powell retired after 29 years of distinguished service in November 1988. After thanking the many members of the Powell family, distinguished Supply Corps alumni, and the USNA Class of 59’ for coming together to celebrate RADM Powell’s legacy, RADM Heinrich spoke of Powell’s mentorship, “he shaped me as a young man… into the Naval Officer that I am today. I owe him so much.” Admiral Heinrich continued, “RADM Powell spoke about his strong belief that this country was moving toward

a time when men and women would be judged on their character and contribution… That vision he shared, is more of a reality now than it has ever been.” Thanking RADM Powell for “his perseverance and loyal service from the rank of Seaman to Rear Admiral,” Mr. Montel Williams explained the context and importance of RADM Powell’s service, concluding, “his monumental contributions opened doors for all of us, I wouldn’t be standing here today if not for the path he laid before me.”

A few cabins are left...join your Supply Corps friends on a Southern

France River Cruise. Starting at Lyon, France, cruise the Rhone River from July 5-12, 2014. Read full details on the tour

and how to make reservations at www.usnscf.com. Pre-cruise Paris and a post cruise celebration of Bastille Day in Nice, France options are also available.

Check it out at www.usnscf.com.

Cruise Southern FranceNaval History and Heritage. Students have toured USS Massachusetts (BB 59), USS Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. (DD 850), and USS Lionfish (SS 298) at Battleship Cove; participated in War of 1812 Commemorative events; volunteered at the Newport Tall Ship Parade and historic Fort Adams; and walked the Freedom Trail in Boston which ends with a tour of the world’s oldest commissioned vessel afloat, USS Constitution. As we enter our next 57 years at Navy Supply Corps School, we cherish our memories of Athens, and embrace our future in Newport. To all of our dear NSCS Athens Alumni, we look forward to welcoming you to our new home where we continue the tradition of developing strong Supply Corps officers “Ready for Sea.”

NSCS Newport students(Continued)

June 2013 • p. 12

The Oakleaf

Seventy-four students, including children and grandchil-dren of Supply Corps officers and Supply enlisted personnel, were awarded Navy Supply Corps Foundation scholarships for the 2013-2014 academic year. The board was comprised of:

President: CAPT Bob Bird, SC, USN (Ret.) (Retired chair)Members: CDR Jose Feliz, SC, USN (Active Duty chair)

CDR Janet Thompson, SC, USN (Reserve chair)CMDCM Sid Dawson USN (Sr. Enlisted chair)Mrs. Judy Heinrich (Spouse’s Club chair)

Recorder: CDR Jack Evans, SC, USN (Ret.) (NSCF Chief Staff Officer)

This year the scholarship applications were uploaded to a secure website making them available for each board member to review and grade from home. The selection board convened virtually and then met as a group on 23 April in Atlanta. The 171 applicants were ranked on scholastic ability, character, leadership, and financial need. The names of the applicants were blacked-out on the application in order to remove any bias in the selection process. The board awarded 74 scholarships worth $163,000. This is in addition to 21 scholarships valued at $87,500 that were awarded previously as multiyear awards. Total scholarship awards for this year total $250,500. Of the total scholarships awarded, 14 were multi-year scholarships while 60 were single-year scholarships. Of the 74 recipients selected this year, 31 are currently attending college and 43 will be entering college or university for the first time. There were 49 females and 25 males selected with 92 percent being from the officer community, and eight percent selected from the enlisted community. The Foundation will also fund ten one-year $2,500 me-morial scholarships for the children of Supply Corps officers who died while on active duty. Since 1971, the Foundation has awarded 2,101 scholarships valued in excess of $4,416,500.Next year’s applications will be available on the Foundation website at www.usnscf.com after December 20, 2013. Editor’s Note: Scholarship recipients, the name of their scholarship, school they will attend, their sponsor, and hometown are listed below. As we go to press some students have not notified us of their chosen schools. Watch the website at www.usnscf.com for the complete listing.

Scholarships exceed $250,000 for 2013-2014 school yearBy CDR Jack Evans, SC, USN (Ret.), Chief Staff Officer

2013-2014 Scholarship WinnersMiss Megan G. Bichard

Commander Norman G. Sterner College ScholarshipShippensburg University

CAPT Raymond WardDillsburg, Pa.

Mr. Jacob T. BinghamCDR Joseph J. Jordan, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship

CAPT Jerry D. BinghamColumbus, Ga.

Miss Sarah M. BinghamCAPT Norman & Patricia Foy Scholarship

University of GeorgiaCAPT Jerry D. Bingham

Columbus, Ga.Miss Erin S. Bohmiller

Harvard World War II Mid-Off Group ScholarshipMuhlenberg College

CDR Kevin D. BohmillerBoxborough, Mass.

Mr. Robert O. BradleyJon Katzenbach Distinguished Alumni Scholarship

Colby CollegeLT Charlette Carollo

Slidell, La.Miss Katherine D. Brock

Joseph F. Phelan Memorial ScholarshipFlagler College

AK1 William D. BrockPace, Fla.

Mr. Steven P. BrumanRADM Linda & CAPT Robert Bird, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship

ENS Gerald P. BrumanMillville, N.J.

Mrs. Stacie L. ChambersCAPT Walter Douglas, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship

Weber State UniversityCAPT Reid Chambers

Ogden, UtahMiss Kelly R. Chapman

CDR Thomas M. Francis, SC, USN (Ret.) ScholarshipChamberlin College of Nursing

LT Virgil B. ChapmanFort Meade, Md.

Mr. Christopher D. ClevengerCAPT & Mrs. Jerry E. Fruin, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship

Duke UniversityLCDR Robert J. Bogorowski

Medford, N.J.Mr. Matthew R. Coleman

Dr. Howard J. Burnett, Distinguished Alumni ScholarshipCDR Ronald R. Coleman

Chalfont, Pa.Mr. Nolan M. Cooney

CDR Jesse J. Armentor, SC, USN (Ret.) ScholarshipUniversity of California, Berkeley

CAPT Leo B. CooneyBakersfield, Calif.

Mr. Daniel E. CorneyCAPT T. B. Hagen, SC, USN (Ret.) Distinguished Alumni Scholarship

Massachusettes Institute of TechnologyLSC Daniel J. Corney

Warrington, Pa.Mr. Christopher J. Curtis

CAPT John & Kapi Kizer, SC, USN (Ret.) ScholarshipHarvard College

CAPT Joseph BartelSan Diego, Calif.

Miss Heather A. DavisVADM Keith W. Lippert, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship

CDR Jeffery P. DavisSuffolk, Va.

Miss Kychelle L. Del RosarioGilbert & Jacki Cisneros Foundation Scholarship

University of VirginiaCSCS Lord B. Del Rosario

Virginia Beach, Va.Miss Angela M. Dewey

CDR Lowell & Mary Reade, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial ScholarshipVillanova University

LCDR James C. DeweyLittle Egg Harbor, N.J.Miss Linda E. Dowell

Carol Ann Walker Memorial ScholarshipOklahoma City University

CDR Robert C. DowellLorton, Va.

June 2013 • p. 13

The OakleafMr. Curtis R. Earl

CAPT Brian L. McDonnell, SC, USN (Ret.) Distinguished Alumni ScholarshipFlorida Institute of Technology

LCDR Michael G. EarlLeonardtown, Md.Mr. Daltyn J. Earl

CDR Ronald Roskowski, SC, USN (Ret.) ScholarshipFlorida Institute of Technology

LCDR Michael G. EarlLeonardtown, Md.

Miss Dana M. EdwardsRADM Steven W. Maas, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship

University of FloridaCDR Jerry Edwards

Tallahassee, Fla.Miss Elizabeth K. Ehmcke

Navy Supply Corps Foundation - Newport Chapter ScholarshipCAPT Lance D. Ehmcke

Sioux City, IowaMiss Sarah K. Endress

RADM Ray Sareeram, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial ScholarshipOhio State University

LCDR Jason W. EndressPickerington, Ohio

Miss Caroline P. FrostCAPT Richard E. Bradley, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship

Virginia TechRADM S. D. FrostChesapeake, Va.

Miss Aubrey E. GillilandRADM James E. Miller, SC, UNS (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship

Louisianna State University CDR David E. Gilliland

Mandeville, La.Miss Sydney L. Glover

Commander Norman Grant Sterner College ScholarshipYale University

LCDR David A. GloverSuffolk, Va.

Miss Grace D. GoeksRADM & Mrs. Donald G. St. Angelo, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship

Lewis & Clark CollegeCAPT Greg J. Goeks

Cedarburg, Wis.Miss Olivia M. Graves

Navy Supply Corps Foundation - San Diego Chapter ScholarshipCAPT Keith E. Nyenhuis

Redding, Calif.Miss Kelsie E. Griffes

Gerald K. Petry Distinguished Alumni ScholarshipEastern Nazarene CollegeCDR Jonathan D. Griffes

Dover, N.H.Mr. Jack C. Hawkins

CAPT Walter Douglas, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial ScholarshipLT Cary W. Hawkins

Yorktown, Va.Miss Kyra A. Herning

Navy Supply Corps Foundation - Monterey Chapter ScholarshipMacalester College

LCDR George F. HerningVirginia Beach, Va.

Miss Rebecca S. HessNavy Supply Corps Foundation - Mechanicsburg Chapter Scholarship

CAPT Rod ZumbroCherry Hill, N.J.

Miss Karli N. HimmelreichRADM Steven W. Maas, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship

LT Alan K. HimmelreichJacksonville, Fla.

Miss Keegan C. HolleRADM Frank J. & Barbara Allston Memorial Scholarship

Indiana University-BloomingtonCDR Karlton Holle

Fort Wayne, Ind.Miss Aubrey M. Illig

RADM & Mrs. Donald G. St. Angelo, SC, USN (Ret.) ScholarshipKansas State UniversityCDR James C. Pickering

Overland Park, Kan.Miss Lilli S. Jenkins

Navy Supply Corps Foundation - Jacksonville Chapter ScholarshipFlorida State UniversityLCDR Douglas Jenkins

Bartlett, Tenn.Miss Shelby A. Keating

CAPT Joseph E. Williamson, S.C., USN ScholarshipClemson UniversityCDR Robert KeatingVirginia Beach, Va.

Miss Ashley N. MacDonaldJon R. Katzenbach Distinguished Alumni Scholarship

Anderson UniversityCDR Paul C. MacDonald

Mt. Pleasant, S.C.Miss Alyssa-Marie L. Malloy

Navy Supply Corps Foundation ScholarshipEdmonds Community College

LCDR Joseph M. MalloyMarysville, Wash.

Mr. Alden David G. MartinezGilbert & Jacki Cisneros Foundation Scholarship

University of West FloridaCSC Alfredo D. Martinez Jr.

Cantonment, Fla.Miss Jessica L. Maynor

LTJG Ratish Prasad, SC, USN Memorial ScholarshipPennsylvania State University

CAPT Pamela A. CorwinState College, Pa.

Mr. William N. McCarthyOld Philadelphia Area Retired Porkchops Scholarship

Trinity CollegeCAPT William McCarthy

Winchester, Mass.Mr. Daniel C. McGrath

Navy Supply Corps Foundation - Italy Chapter ScholarshipWest Chester University of Pennsylvania

CAPT Thomas McGrathForked River, N.J.

Miss Courtney MorganCAPT Kenneth W. Epps, SC, USN Scholarship

CDR Timothy MorganVirginia Beach, Va.

Mr. Austin J. NissenCAPT Eugene Auerbach, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship

LCDR Peter L. NissenCumming, Ga.

Mr. Benjamin T. NobleAdmiral Kurt L. Kunkle, SC, USN Memorial Scholarship

George Mason UniversityCAPT Joseph D. Noble

Burke, Va. Miss Leila B. Noll

RADM David P. Keller, SC, USN (Ret.) ScholarshipCAPT Daniel NollChesapeake, Va.

Mr. Ryan J. O’ConnorNavy Supply Corps Foundation - Jacksonville Chapter Scholarship

CAPT Patrick J. O’ConnorVirginia Beach, Va.

June 2013 • p. 14

The OakleafMiss Kjerstie N. Olson

Victor S. Trione Distinguished Alumni ScholarshipBrigham Young University

CAPT Cecil E. OlsonLos Altos, Calif.

Mr. Jacob P. PhillipsRADM Gerald C. Sullivan, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship

Pennsylvania State UniversityCAPT Timothy L. Phillips

Stafford, Va.Miss Elizabeth L. Polowczyk

NIB/NISH ScholarshipHigh Point University

CAPT John P. PolowczykVirginia Beach, Va.

Mr. Mason D. PrescottNavy Supply Corps Foundation - Great Lakes Chapter Scholarship

CDR Robert L. RobinsonWaverly, Iowa

Mr. Sean M. RothenbergerCDR William O. Hagerty, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship

Pennsylvania State UniversitySKCM Dan B. Rothenberger

Pennsburg, Pa. Mr. Anders I. Rotto

Sanford R. Robertson Distinguished Alumni ScholarshipWheaton College

CAPT John P. CarringtonCarmel, Ind.

Miss Maria SavannahCharlene M. Schoggen Memorial Scholarship

CDR Michael SavannahButler, Pa.

Miss Rachael L. SeilerNavy Supply Corps Foundation - Hampton Roads Chapter Scholarship

CDR William H. NewmanMidlothian, Va.

Miss Stephanie C. ShealyCDR Jack & Annette Evans, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship

University of South CarolinaCAPT David A. Shealy

Coronado, Calif.Mr. Justin T. Sikes

Philadelphia Area Spouses Club ScholarshipLCDR Aaron B. Sikes

Chesapeake, Va.Miss Kennethia K. Smith

CAPT John E. Sandrock, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial ScholarshipCDR Charles R. Neu

Lithia, Fla.Miss Kaitlyn E. Spiro

CDR Hugh & Sandy Smith ScholarshipGardner-Webb University

RADM Robert SpiroSylva, N.C.

Miss Kathryn M. SpykstraRADM John A. Scott, SC, USN (Ret.) Scholarship

Northern Arizona UniversityLSC Chad Deitrick

Santee, Calif.Miss Kelly M. Stout

CAPT William H. Port, SC, USN (Ret.) ScholarshipWright State UniversityLCDR Roger W. Stout

Cherry Hill, N.J.Miss Ali K. Talwar

CAPT Leonard J. Sapera, SC, USN (Ret.) ScholarshipTulane UniversityCAPT Paul TalwarJacksonville, Fla.

Mr. Brian M. TaylorCDR & Mrs. Roscoe Burns ScholarshipNew Jersey Institute of Technology

LCDR Brian M. TaylorBloomfield, N.J.

Miss Morgan E. TaylorNavy Supply Corps Foundation - Philadelphia Chapter Scholarship

LCDR Brian M. TaylorBloomfield, N.J.

Miss Jessica-Marie A. TisakThomas E. Holloran Distinguished Alumni Scholarship

Duquesne UniversityCAPT Francis Tisak

Arlington, Va.Miss Elizabeth M. Tracy

Navy Supply Corps Foundation - Washington DC Chapter ScholarshipElizabethtown CollegeCAPT Richard Tracy

Blandon, Pa.Miss Perry E. Tully

CAPT & Mrs. Tom Billings, SC, USN (Ret.) ScholarshipCAPT Paul A. Tully

Little Rock, Ark. Mr. Blake E. Van Patten

VADM Alan S. Thompson, SC, USN (Ret.) ScholarshipUniversity of Tulsa

LCDR Edward R. Van PattenCoppell, Texas

Miss Madison A. VitelliNavy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship

Pennsylvania State UniversityCAPT Joseph M. Vitelli

Warrington, Pa.Miss Stephanie C. Wade

Paul M. Wythes Distinguished Alumni Memorial ScholarshipCDR Timothy A. Wade

Gahanna, OhioMiss Laura K. Waggener

CAPT John S. Shaffer, SC, USN (Ret.) ScholarshipCDR Donald R. Kreutzinger

Cape Girardeau, Mo.Miss Rosemary F. Ward

CAPT William E. Redman, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial ScholarshipIthaca College

CDR Frederick F. WardWest Hartford, Conn.Mr. Jacob A. Weidner

Patricia Derby Memorial ScholarshipRensselaer Polytechnic Institute

CAPT Bruce J. WeidnerChula Vista, Calif.

Miss Sarah E. WilsonCAPT Albert J. “Bud” Schiff, SC, USN (Ret.)

Distinguished Alumni ScholarshipMiami University

LCDR Richard A. WilsonChardon, Ohio

Miss Shawn D. ZajicekNavy Supply Corps Foundation - Northwest Chapter Scholarship

University of Nebraska-LincolnCDR Roger Zajicek

Lincoln, Neb.

Recurring Scholarships

Miss Katherine M. ArcementLCDR Clyde E. Tudor, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship

College of William & MaryCAPT Larry H. Arcement, Jr.

Toano, Va.

June 2013 • p. 15

The OakleafMiss Samantha K. Bohn

USS Supply AOE-6 ScholarshipPenn sylvania State University

CAPT Michael B. BohnManassas, Va.

Mr. Samuel J. ClarkHenry F. Trione Distinguished Alumni Scholarship

University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeLT Larry G. Sibly

Almena, Wis. Mr. Jeffrey A. Copp

Navy Supply Corps Foundation ScholarshipEastern Michigan University

SKC Cheryl CoppGibraltar, Mich.

Mr. Christopher C. CoutureCDR Lowell & Mary Reade, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship

Florida State UniversityCAPT John F. Couture

Palm Harbor, Fla. Mr. Mark D. Hendricks

CAPT Norma M. Batchelder, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial ScholarshipUniversity of Illinois

LT Kelly W. HendricksMason, Ill.

Miss Ana M. HerbstCAPT Norma M. Batchelder, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship

Florida State UniversityCAPT Timothy O. Munson

Tampa, Fla.Miss Katherine C. Hill

LCDR Copely Burkett, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial ScholarshipHamilton College

CAPT Kenneth C. HillCazenovia, N.Y.

Mr. Grant H. IlligCAPT Walter Douglas, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship

University of KansasCDR James C. Pickering

Overland Park, Kan.Mr. John P. Kelleher

Navy Supply Corps Foundation - Patuxent River Chapter ScholarshipPurdue University

CAPT Theodore V. FekulaCranberry Township, Pa.

Mr. Colin M. KulsaRADM Bernard S. Browning, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship

Washington State UniversityCAPT William E. Redman

Bonney Lake, Wash.Mr. Noah M. Levine

Josephine Wenzel Memorial ScholarshipUniversity of Pennsylvania

CAPT Henry P. LevineMarietta, Ga.

Miss Julie V. LoganNavy Supply Corps Foundation - Hampton Roads Chapter Scholarship

University of VirginiaLCDR Scott D. Logan

Virginia Beach, Va.Mr. Joseph A. Malloy

VADM & Mrs. Kenneth R. Wheeler, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial ScholarshipWashington State University

LCDR Joseph M. MalloyBellingham, Wash.

Mr. Geronimo J. MiranoRADM Charles Mayfield, SC, USN (Ret.)

Memorial ScholarshipMassachusetts Institute of Technology

CDR Miguel D. MiranoSilverdale, Wash.

Miss Nicole P. NavascaNavy Supply Corps Foundation - Japan Chapter Scholarship

Virginia Tech UniversityLSCS Mario N. Navasca

Virginia Beach, Va.Miss Lauren M. Pruitt

CAPT Richard Harrison, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial ScholarshipUniversity of GeorgiaLCDR Larry J. Pruitt

Athens, Ga.Mr. Robert G. Ritchie

LCDR Arthur Briggs, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial ScholarshipUniversity of Pennsylvania

CAPT Robert J. RitchieKnoxville, Tenn.

Miss Kaylee M. SoellnerNavy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship - San Diego Chapter Scholarship

Ohio UniversityLCDR Thomas H. Evans

Kettering, OhioMiss Madison E. Surdyke

RADM Andrew A. Giordano, SC, USN (Ret.) ScholarshipUniversity of Florida

CDR Terry M. SurdykeFleming Island, Fla.

Miss Catherine M. TerryCDR Norman A. Maier, SC, USN (Ret.) Memorial Scholarship

University of California, San DiegoCAPT William J. Terry

Spring Valley, Calif.

2013-2014 Memorial Scholarships

Mr. Joseph AcevedoAnnandale, Va.

Navy Supply Corps Foundation ScholarshipIn Memory of CDR Joseph Acevedo

Virginia Tech UniversityMr. Stephan Acevedo

Annandale, Va.Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship

In Memory of CDR Joseph AcevedoVirginia Tech University

Miss Colleen DourBremerton, Wash.

Navy Supply Corps Foundation ScholarshipIn Memory of CDR Paul Dour

University of San DiegoMr. Vincent DourBremerton, Wash.

Navy Supply Corps Foundation ScholarshipIn Memory of CDR Paul DourUniversity of Notre Dame

Mr. Devin J. GlosterAthens, Ga.

Navy Supply Corps Foundation ScholarshipIn Memory of LCDR Dexter Gloster

University of South CarolinaMiss Kelsey Hiles

New Port Richey, Fla.Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship

In Memory of LT Dave HilesHigh Point UniversityMiss Emily S. Taylor

Orange, Calif.Navy Supply Corps Foundation Scholarship

In Memory of LCDR Keith E. TaylorUniversity of Redlands

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