CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San...

CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco
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Page 1: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming

Spring 2004

Professor Allan B. Cruse

University of San Francisco

Page 2: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

Course Synopsis

• We study the IA32 processor architecture

• It’s implemented in our Pentium 4 CPUs

• Also implemented in some earlier CPUs

• Not only Intel, but also AMD, Cyrix, clones

• Even present as ‘legacy mode’ in AMD64

• For study purposes we can pretend we’re studying a ‘bare machine’ (i.e., no OS)

Page 3: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.


• For study purposes we can pretend we’re studying a ‘bare machine’ (i.e., it just has standard PC hardware for doing I/O, and ROM-BIOS firmware supplied by vendor, but lacks any operating system software.

• So we get to ‘build our own’ miniature OS

• Doing this will bring us face-to-face with the CPU’s most fundamental capabilities

Page 4: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.


• Our interactive computer classroom lets us take a ‘hands on’ approach to our studies (i.e., we combine ‘theory’ with ‘practice’)

• Typically we’ll devote first part each class to a ‘lecture’ about aspects of IA32 theory

• Then we’ll take time in the second part of class for ‘laboratory exercises’ that put the newly learned ideas into program code

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• Experience with C / C++ programming

• Familiarity with use of Linux / UNIX OS

• Acquaintance with x86 assembly language– Knowledge of the x86 general registers– Awareness of the x86’s instruction-set

• Understand the CPU’s fetch-execute cycle

• Recall the ways memory is addressed

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Review of System Diagram








system bus

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Review of the x86 API









General Registers (32-bits)







Segment Registers (16-bits)



Program Control and Status Registers (32 bits)

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Review of Instruction-Set

• Data-transfer instructions (mov, xchg, …)

• Control-transfer instructions (jmp, call, …)

• Arithmetic/Logic instructions (add, or, …)

• Shift/Rotate instructions (shr, rol, …)

• String-manipulation instructions (movs, …)

• Processor-control instructions (cli, hlt, …)

• Floating-point instructions (fldpi, fmul, …)

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Review “Fetch-Execute” Cycle






main memory

central processor


the system bus

Page 10: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

Review of memory addressing

• Implicit addressing (e.g. push eax, scasb, xlat, …)

• Direct addressing(e.g., inc salary, mov counter,#0, …)

• Indirect addressing(e.g., add [ebx],cl , pop word [bx+si]

Page 11: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

Course Textbook

• Tom Shanley, Protected Mode Software Architecture, Addison-Wesley (1996)

Initial reading assignment:

Week 1: Read Part One (Chapters 1-3)

Week 2: Read Part Two (Chapters 4-5)

Page 12: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

Instructor Contact Information

• Office: Harney Science Center – 212

• Hours: Mon-Wed 2:30pm-4:00pm

• Phone: (415) 422-6562

• Email: [email protected]

• Webpage: nexus.cs.usfca.edu/~cruse

Page 13: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

CPU Execution Modes








Page 14: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

Early Intel Processors

• 1971: 4004 (first 4-bit processor)

• 1972: 8008 (first 8-bit processor)

• 1974: 8080 (widely used by CP/M)

• 1978: 8086/8088 (first 16-bit processor)

• 1982: 80286: (introduced protected mode)

• 1985: 80386: (first 32-bit processor)

• 1989: 80486: (integrated floating-point)

Page 15: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

Recent Intel Processors

• 1993: Pentium processor (dual CPUs)• 1995: Pentium Pro (for high-end servers)• 1996: Pentium II (single-edge connector)• 1998: Pentium II Xeon (multiple CPUs)• 1999: Celeron (stripped down Pentium II)• 1999: Pentium III (1GHz, 512K L2 cache) • 1999: Pentium III Xeon (high-end servers)• 2000: Pentium 4 (new SIMD instructions)

Page 16: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

Backward Compatibility

• From its first commercial success onward, “backward compatibility” (i.e., support for the software legacy) has been viewed by Intel as an engineering design imperative

• So the first 16-bit processors (8086/8088), used in IBM-PCs, were designed in a way that would let them run the vast number of CP/M programs written for 8-bit 8080 CPU

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Real Mode

• 8086/8088 had only one execution mode

• It used “segmented” memory-addressing

• Physical memory on 8086 was subdivided into overlapping “segments” of fixed-size

• The length of any “segment” was 64KB, to match the size of an 8080s address-space

• This scheme supported CP/M applications

• (Our Pentium CPUs continue this support)

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64KB Memory-Segments

• Fixed-size segments partially overlap

• Segments start on paragraph boundaries

• Segment-registers serve as “selectors”







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Real-Mode Address-Translation

0x1234 0x6789Logical address:

16-bit segment-address 16-bit offset-address

x 16 +


20-bit bus-address

Physical address:

0x12340+ 0x06789

---------------- 0x18AC9

Page 20: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

Protected Mode

• Any Pentium CPU starts up in ‘Real Mode’ • While in real mode, its behavior is like an 8086

(i.e., any program can do anything it wants, as the CPU’s protection mechanisms are disabled)

• But software can enter ‘protected mode’ (on a 80286 or higher) using a special instruction to modify a bit within a processor control-register

• Once in protected mode, the segment-sizes can be adjusted, accesses to physical memory (or to peripheral devices) can be restricted, and tasks can be isolated from interfering with one another

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Enabling Protection







15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

80286 Machine Status Word

PE (Protection Enable) 0=no, 1=yes


Code-fragment that enables protection

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Protected-Mode Segments

• Segments can have varying lengths

• Segments may or may not overlap

• Segments are assigned ‘access-attributes’




operating system





Page 23: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

Our ‘bare machine’

• If we want to do a “hands on” study of our CPU, without any operating system getting in our way, we have to begin by exploring ‘Real Mode’ (it’s the CPU’s startup state)

• We will need to devise a mechanism by which our programs can get loaded into memory (since we won’t have an OS)

• This means we must write a ‘boot loader’

Page 24: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

What’s a ‘boot loader’

• A ‘boot loader’ is a small program that is resident in the starting sector of a disk (or tape or other non-volatile storage medium)

• After testing and initializing the machine’s essential hardware devices, the startup program in the ROM-BIOS firmware will read the ‘boot loader’ into memory, at an assigned location, and then jump there

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0x00007E00512 bytes




8086 memory-map


Vendor’s Firmware

Video Display MemoryNo installed memory

Volatile Program Memory 1-MB

Page 26: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

Some Requirements

• A ‘boot loader’ has to be 512 bytes in size (because it has to fit within a disk sector)

• Must begin with executable machine-code• Must end with a special ‘boot signature’• Depending on the type of storage medium,

it may need to share its limited space with certain other data-structures (such as the ‘partition table’ on a hard disk, or the Bios Parameter Block’ on a MS-DOS diskette)

Page 27: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

Writing a ‘boot loader’

• Not practical to use a high-level language

• We need to use 8086 assembly language (our classroom system provides ‘as86’)

• This assembler’s syntax is similar to the standard set by Intel and Microsoft, but it differs from the AT&T-style syntax that is used with the Linux ‘as’ assembler

• Syntax is documented online: $ man as86

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Using ROM-BIOS functions

• Our system firmware provides many basic service-functions that real mode programs can invoke (this includes boot-loaders):– Video display functions– Keyboard input functions– Disk access functions – System query functions– A machine ‘re-boot’ function

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Example: Write_String function

• Setup parameters in designated registers– AH = function ID-number (e.g. 0x13)– AL = cursor handling method (e.g. 0x01)– BH = display page-number (e.g., 0x00)– BL = color attributes (e.g., 0x0A) – CX = length of the character-string – DH, DL = row-number, column-number– ES:BP = string’s starting-address (seg:off)

• Call BIOS via software interrupt (int-0x10)

Page 30: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

Compiling and Installing

• Compiling our ‘boot loader’ using as86 is a one-step operation:

$ as86 bootload.s –b bootload.b

• Installing our bootloader into the starting sector of a floppy diskette is also simple:

$ dd if=bootload.b of=/dev/fd0

Page 31: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

Executing a ‘boot-loader’

• Perform a system reset (CTRL-ALT-DEL)

• Our classroom machines will load GRUB (the Linux GRand Unified Boot-loader)

• GRUB will display a menu of Boot Options

• You can choose to boot from floppy disk

• Another option: boot from a diskette-image

Page 32: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

In-Class Exercises

• Go to our class website:http://nexus.cs.usfca.edu/~cruse/cs630

• Download, assemble, and install our demo‘bootmsw.s’

• Reboot machine and use GRUB’s menu to boot our demo from the floppy diskette

• Modify our demo so it will ‘reboot’ (instead of freeze) when a user presses any key

Page 33: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

Programming Details

• It’s easy to include ‘await keypress’:mov ah,# 0 ; function-IDint 0x16 ; BIOS keyboard


• It’s easy to include ‘reboot system’:int 0x19 ; BIOS reboot service

Page 34: CS 630: Advanced Microcomputer Programming Spring 2004 Professor Allan B. Cruse University of San Francisco.

A valuable Online Reference

• Professor Ralf Brown’s Interrupt List(see webpage link under


• It tells how to make BIOS system-calls, to perform numerous low-level services from within Real-Mode 8086 applications (such as ‘boot loader’ programs)