CS 313 Introduction to Computer Networking & Telecommunication

Chi-Cheng Lin, Winona State University CS 313 Introduction to Computer Networking & Telecommunication (Teach Yourself) The TCP/IP Internet (in 60 minutes)


CS 313 Introduction to Computer Networking & Telecommunication. (Teach Yourself) The TCP/IP Internet (in 60 minutes). Topics. Introduction Internetwork Layer Transport Layer Application Layer How is a Message Delivered TAKE CS 413 IN FALL 2011. Introduction. The Internet - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of CS 313 Introduction to Computer Networking & Telecommunication

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Chi-Cheng Lin, Winona State University

CS 313 Introduction to Computer Networking &

Telecommunication(Teach Yourself)

The TCP/IP Internet(in 60 minutes)

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Topics Introduction Internetwork Layer Transport Layer Application Layer How is a Message Delivered

TAKE CS 413 IN FALL 2011

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Introduction The Internet

Internetworking using the TCP/IP protocol suite

internet = internetworking ARPANET, 1960

Packet-switchingPoint-to-pointExpanded to become the backbone of

the Internet

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The Internet is an interconnected collection of many networks.

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Internet Network Layer Design Principles

1.Make sure it works2.Keep it simple3.Make clear choices4.Exploit modularity5.Expect heterogeneity

. . .

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Internet Network Layer Design Principles

. . .6.Avoid static options and parameters7.Look for good design (not perfect)8.Strict sending, tolerant receiving9.Think about scalability10.Consider performance and cost

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Internetwork Layer Protocols ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) IP (Internet Protocol) ICMP (Internet Control Message

Protocol)For a router to report datagram problem

back to source IGMP (Internet Group Management


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ARP Physical address is needed to deliver a message to the

destination ARP: Given an IP address of a computer, find its physical

address Q: How does source ask destination without knowing

destination address? A: Broadcasting ARP request Q: How does destination answer? Broadcasting back? A:

_______ ARP only works on the same network

Q: How can a message be delivered to a destination on another network

A: Router answers ARP request! Q: How can ARP’s performance be improved (i.e., to

reduce the broadcasting traffic)? A: one of our favorite mechanisms in CS _________

Q: What if a host reconfigured? A: Gratuitous ARP

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Two switched Ethernet LANs joined by a router

Note that a router has more than one IP addresses!

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IP Transmission mechanism used by

the TCP/IP Unreliable, connectionless

datagram protocol Best-effort service Reliability?

Provided by upper layers (e.g., TCP or …)

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The IP Version 4 Protocol

The IPv4 (Internet Protocol) header.

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The IP Version 4 Protocol

Some of the IP options.

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IP Addresses

An IP prefix.

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Classful IP Addresses

IP address formats

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IP Addresses IP address is hierarchical, not flat

Two parts: network and host Theoretically

How many networks of a particular class is possible?

How many hosts are in a network of a particular class?

Class #Networks #Hosts/NetworkA 27 224 B 214 216 C 221 28

Actual numbers might be less, because of …

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IP Addresses

Special IP addresses

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IP Addresses Dotted decimal format

32 bits are grouped into 4 bytes Each byte is represented in decimal Two adjacent bytes are concatenated

using a dot Example:

10001010 00011000 00101000 00000001Dotted decimal format:Which class is it in?Network address:Host address: 17

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Internet Control Protocols

The principal ICMP message types.

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Transport Layer Two protocols

UDP (User Datagram Protocol)Connectionless

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)Reliable, connection-oriented stream protocol


TCP or UDPPort-to-port (application-to-application,


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UDP header

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The TCP Segment Header

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Application Layer Protocols Domain Name System (DNS)

Translate name to IP address Electronic mail

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol


And many more …

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(Not Too) Big Picture* Scenario: Request to download a

document from www.winona.edu IP address of the host address of the router on the network

that the host is on is address of the web site is address of the router on the network

that the web site is on is*Internet: The Big Picture (by Russ Haynal): http://navigators.com/internet_architecture.html

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Big Picture




IEEE 802.3CSMA/CD Ethernet

Protocol Stack Network Configuration


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Big Picture Steps

Name IP address by DNS (Domain Name System, an application layer protocol and a distributed database)

Port required to specify application: server: 80 for http ( obtain a port number

Destination network address used for routing (hierarchical routing)

A connection has to be set up first (TCP or UDP?)

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Big Picture Steps (cont’d)

ARP is used for to find the “physical address” of (What will be returned?)

Data: intermediate routers

When data received by, ARP is used to find the physical address of destination host
