Cruelty to Animals is the Infliction of Suffering or Harm Upon Animals

"All beings are fond of themselves, they like pleasure, they hate pain, they shun destruction, they want life and want to live long. To all life is dear; hence their life should be protected." ~ Mahavira We have heard of an old saying 'Dogs a man's best friend'. Most of us must have read Black Beauty at least once. The lion is the king of the jungle, a fact even kids from kindergarten are aware of. There are many other instances where animals are thought of as our friends. Yet, we tend to inflict pain and torture on our friends. Animal cruelty is not an issue that is unheard of. Since time immemorial, man, the highest up in the food chain, has tortured those beneath him. Practically all animal species have been abused by man in some way or the other. Humans are thought to be the most clever of all species. Still, when we look at the animal abuse statistics, mankind is put to shame. We shall discuss a few animal abuse facts and statistics in the following article, and understand the levels of ignorance and insensitivity the human race can reach. Animal Abuse Laws There are many anti-cruelty laws as well as animal welfare programs existing in all states and territories of the United States. These animal abuse laws prohibit torturing, beating, mutilating and unnecessary killing of animals. These animal abuse laws also cover neglecting, abandoning or depriving pets or farm animals of food, water and shelter. There are many organizations set up who monitor animal abuse and take action against abusers. The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), animal rescue agencies, animal shelters , etc., investigate these animal abuse cases. If these agencies are not present, the police or the sheriff's department can take action. Once sufficient evidence is collected, charges are filed by the local district or state's attorney. Animal Abuse Facts Animal abuse is prevalent in all areas of the society. People in rural as well as urban areas are reported for animal cruelty cases. The animal abuse statistics show reported cases are just the tip of the ice berg. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of cases related to animal abuse that go unreported. People carry out violent and

Transcript of Cruelty to Animals is the Infliction of Suffering or Harm Upon Animals

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"All beings are fond of themselves, they like pleasure, they hate pain, they shun destruction, they want life and want to live long. To all life is dear; hence their life should be protected." ~ Mahavira

We have heard of an old saying 'Dogs a man's best friend'. Most of us must have read Black Beauty at least once. The lion is the king of the jungle, a fact even kids from kindergarten are aware of. There are many other instances where animals are thought of as our friends. Yet, we tend to inflict pain and torture on our friends. Animal cruelty is not an issue that is unheard of. Since time immemorial, man, the highest up in the food chain, has tortured those beneath him. Practically all animal species have been abused by man in some way or the other. Humans are thought to be the most clever of all species. Still, when we look at the animal abuse statistics, mankind is put to shame. We shall discuss a few animal abuse facts and statistics in the following article, and understand the levels of ignorance and insensitivity the human race can reach.

Animal Abuse LawsThere are many anti-cruelty laws as well as animal welfare programs existing in all states and territories of the United States. These animal abuse laws prohibit torturing, beating, mutilating and unnecessary killing of animals. These animal abuse laws also cover neglecting, abandoning or depriving pets or farm animals of food, water and shelter. There are many organizations set up who monitor animal abuse and take action against abusers. The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA), People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), animal rescue agencies, animal shelters, etc., investigate these animal abuse cases. If these agencies are not present, the police or the sheriff's department can take action. Once sufficient evidence is collected, charges are filed by the local district or state's attorney.

Animal Abuse FactsAnimal abuse is prevalent in all areas of the society. People in rural as well as urban areas are reported for animal cruelty cases. The animal abuse statistics show reported cases are just the tip of the ice berg. There are hundreds, maybe thousands of cases related to animal abuse that go unreported. People carry out violent and gruesome attacks on animals, both domestic as well as stray. The most common victims of animal abuse are:






Animals working in a circus are tortured all their lives. They are forced to perform on stage for an audience who is least bothered of their pain. Wild animals like tigers, lions, elephants, etc., are forced to perform shows and look fierce to keep the audience captured with awe. No one ever notices the tight collars, the whips lashing on their bodies, beatings and deprivation of food. Have you ever gone backstage and had a look at the living conditions that these animals are kept in? It is against their wild nature to jump around prancing like a kitten. And when an animal cannot take

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the torture anymore, he attacks the abusers. These animal abusers are then labeled victims and the poor animal is shot dead. The old, sick and weak animals who cannot perform anymore are sold off to people who too are looking for a fast buck. These animals are killed in the most gruesome way, one cannot even imagine. Their fur, body parts, bones are sold off illegally. Few are sold off illegally in pet trade to people who have no idea about their care. These poor animals are either abandoned or further abused by the ignorant pet owners.

Animal abuse facts also highlight that it's not just the circus animals who are abused. Pets animals like dogs, cats, birds, etc., too are abused. Abuse can take place in different ways. Kicking a dog because he is barking too much. A house cat is forced to live outdoors as it missed the litter box by a few inches. Horses are whipped continuously just so the jockey riding him can win a race. Bulls are made to fight against man, to prove who is mightier - man or beast. There are many cases where the so called civilized people put unwanted kittens in a bag and leave them out on a highway. There are many illegal as well as well known breeders, who keep dogs under poor conditions, just so that they keep producing puppies like a machine that can be sold off as pure bred dogs. You must have heard of cock fights, dogs fights, stallion fights, many other animal fights. People place bets on these poor animals to earn some fast cash. But have they ever given it a thought, a living creature is begin killed or maimed for life for their lust for money?

Animal abuse facts point out most of the time people who batter women as well as abuse children, also abuse animals. 71% women who have been battered or suffered from domestic violence have reported that their batterer had killed, maimed or abused family pets. This animal abuse was a way to torture, revenge and psychologically control the victims. The oil spills in the oceans trap many penguins, sea gulls, walruses, turtles, fishes and many other marine animals. The oil forms a thick layer over their bodies. This sticks to their fur or feathers and destroys the natural insulation as well as waterproofing properties on the fur and feathers. They develop hypothermia due to this and die. Birds are not able to flip their feathers and cannot escape predators. These birds and animals are drowned in the water, as oil makes their bodies heavier. They can no longer swim and their buoyancy is reduced. Baby seal pups are abandoned by their mothers. This is because the oil sticking to their body masks the scent that helps mothers recognize their babies. Humans have polluted land, air and water. We have cut down forests and taken away land from the wild animals. If this was not enough, accidental oil spills is a new kind of abuse that man has come up to torture those living in water.

Apart from these animals, animal statistics show 15 million warm blooded animals worldwide, are tortured daily in laboratories. These animals are used for research purposes and kept in the most inhumane conditions. They are left to die and suffer, while their researchers are busy finding a cure to free mankind of its troubles. Can't the only species on earth with cerebral power find a few other alternatives to animal testing? Hollywood movies that we love to watch too have many instances of animal abuse. 'Apocalypse Now' and 'Southern Comfort' are full of scenes which depict animal abuse as well as killings. The fur coat women are so fond of and are ready to pay through their noses for the real ones. But, give it a thought before you indulge in such barbaric luxuries. According to animal abuse statistics, there are over 18 foxes killed to make 1 single fur coat. Over 55 minks give up their lives to provide the soft fur for your mink coat.

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Animal Abuse StatisticsThe animal abuse statistics mentioned are based on the media reports related to animal cruelty cases. In the year 2007, there were around 1,880 animal abuse cases reported. Of these 1, 212 dogs were reported with some sort of animal cruelty cases. 337 cats suffered at the hands of mindless humans and over 470 other animal species were reported to have suffered from some sort of cruelty.

Over 25 to 100 million vertebrate animals of which a few are the closest relatives to man were reported to be used for animal testing in US. Chimpanzees, monkeys, beagles, dogs, cats, rabbits, rats, birds, farm animals, etc., were used for animal experimentation. The invertebrate number is still high as over 100 million of them are estimated to have been used for lab testing.

In the year 2000, it had been reported that over 7,600 greyhound puppies and 11, 400 old greyhound dogs were killed. Reason? They were deemed not fast enough for the insane dog races enjoyed by humans. In 2006, over 350, 000 baby seals were killed by clubbing during the annual Canadian seal hunt. A study conducted in 2001 reported that over 42% seals were skinned while they were alive and conscious! And we call our human race the most advanced and evolved of all in the animal kingdom.

Over 2 million dogs and cats are killed for their fur to produce fake fur coats. These animals suffer from unspeakable horrors before they are finally relieved by death. There have been many video documented evidence that shows the gruesome torture of these poor creatures at the hands of man. Every year over 3, 000 gorillas, 4, 000 chimpanzees and hundreds of bonobos are killed. They are killed for their meat by people in Africa. There are over 100 million ray fishes, sharks and other aquatic animals that are caught unintentionally by fishing trolleys. They are thrown back in the water badly injured. Whales, dolphins, porpoises, turtles, etc. who have been pushed to the brink of extinction.

Stop Animal AbuseIt is very important to stop animal abuse. We live in civilized societies where every one of us is aware of our basic human right. This basic human right is live and let live. We have no right to torture the weaker creatures who inhabit the planet earth. Animals too feel the pain and are injured by the torture melted out on them. They do not need your sympathies. They need you to act and stop animal abuse. If you see anyone beating or tethering their animal for no reason, report them to authorities. They say charity begins at home. If you have pets at home, teach your children to love and respect them. Never ever hit or push or punish a pet in front of kids. You are indirectly showing the child it is alright to hit an animal. School teachers, parents, guardians should all speak about respecting wild and domestic animals as well as discuss a few animal cruelty facts.

There are hundreds of animals that die each year by thoughtless acts by man. A person who hits, tortures, abuses an animal in any sort of way is in no way entitled to be called a human. Animals do not have a voice or an opposable thumb. But they have feelings, they can feel the pain. Do not be so insensitive to their pain. Put yourself in their shoes. How would you feel if you were beaten up, burnt by caustic substances, drowned or smothered to death? What would go through your

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mind, if some one pulled out the skin off your body while you were alive and conscious?

Why do people abuse animals? Mother nature has created all creatures to live on the planet in peace. Do not let power corrupt you that you overlook the right to live of animals. If these animal abuse statistics have stirred your conscious even slightly, learn to do your bit to stop these mindless acts. Animals are innocent creatures and a few morons think they can take their advantage. Animals, no matter what species they are, will prove to be man's best friend. They will always be there with you, no matter what. It is time to decide whether you belong to the moron category of so-called humans or will you be a part of the smart humans who do not hurt animals and reports those who abuse them.

P.S: Before I sign off, I would like to mention another animal abuse fact. According to the animal abuse statistics, no man, woman or child has ever begin killed or harmed while trying to protect animal rights and save an animal from abuse.

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Cruelty to animals is the infliction of suffering or harm upon animals, other than humans, for purposes other than self-defense. More narrowly, it can be harm for specific gain, such as killing animals for food or for their fur. Diverging viewpoints are held by jurisdictions throughout the world.

Broadly speaking, there are two approaches to the issue. The animal welfare position holds that there is nothing inherently wrong with using animals for human purposes, such as food, clothing, entertainment, and research, but that it should be done in a humane way that minimizes unnecessary pain and suffering. Animal rights theorists criticize this position, arguing that the words "unnecessary" and "humane" are subject to widely differing interpretations, and that the only way to ensure protection for animals is to end their status as property, and to ensure that they are never used as commodities. Laws concerning animal cruelty are designed to prevent needless cruelty to animals, rather than killing for other aims such as food, or they concern species not eaten as food in the country involved, such as those regarded as pets.

In law

Many jurisdictions around the world have enacted statutes which forbid cruelty to some animals but these vary by country and in some cases by the use or practice.


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In Australia, many states have enacted legislation outlawing cruelty to animals, however, it is argued that welfare laws do not adequately extend to production animals.[1] Whilst police maintain an overall jurisdiction in prosecution of criminal matters, in many states officers of the RSPCA and other animal welfare charities are accorded authority to investigate and prosecute animal cruelty offenses.


As of 2006 there were no laws in China governing acts of cruelty to animals. [2] In certain jurisdictions such as Fuzhou, dog control officers may kill any unaccompanied dogs on sight. However, the People's Republic of China is currently in the process of making changes to its stray-dog population laws in the capital city, Beijing. Mr. Zheng Gang who is the director of the Internal and Judicial Committee which comes under the Beijing Municipal People's Congress (BMPC), supports the new draft of the Beijing Municipal Regulation on Dogs from the local government. This new law is due to replace the current Beijing Municipal Regulation on Dog Ownership, introduced in 1889. The current regulation talks of "strictly" limiting dog ownership and controlling the number of dogs in the city. The new draft focuses instead on "strict management and combining restrictions with management."[3] There are no government supported charitable organizations like the RSPCA, which monitors the cases on animal cruelty, so that all kinds of animal abuses, such as to fish, tigers, and bears, are to be reported for law enforcement and animal welfare.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10]

In September 2009, legislation was drafted to address deliberate cruelty to animals in China. If passed, the legislation would offer some protection to pets, captive wildlife and animals used in laboratories, as well as regulating how farm animals are raised, transported and slaughtered. [11]

Hong Kong

Hong Kong has a law titled "Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations", with a maximum 3 year imprisonment and fines of HKD$200,000.[citation needed]


Animal experiments are regulated by the 2000 Law for the Humane Treatment and Management of Animals, which was amended in 2006.[12] This law requires those using animals to follow the principles outlined in the 3Rs and use as few animals as possible, and cause minimal distress and suffering. Regulation is at a local level based on national guidelines, but there are no governmental inspections of institutions and no reporting requirement for the numbers of animals used. [13]


Egyptian law states that anyone who inhumanely beats or intentionally kills any domesticated animal may be jailed or fined,[14] however, these laws are rarely enforced. The Egyptian Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was established by the British over a hundred years ago, and is currently administered by the Egyptians. The SPCA was instrumental in promoting a 1997 ban on bullfighting in Egypt.[15]

In the ancient Egyptian law, the killers of cats or dogs were executed. [16][17]

Saudi Arabia

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Despite passages in the Qur'an advocating positive treatment of animals, veterinarian Lana Dunn and several Saudi nationals report that there are no laws to protect animals from cruelty since the term is not well-defined within the Saudi legal system. They point to a lack of a governing body to supervise conditions for animals, particularly in pet stores and in the exotic animal trade with East Africa.[18]


The Taiwanese Animal Protection Law was passed in 1998, imposing fines for cruelty. Criminal penalties for animal cruelty were enacted in 2007, including a maximum of 1 year imprisonment. [19]

[citation needed]


Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, and Austria have all banned battery cages for egg-laying hens. The entire European Union is phasing out battery cages by 2012.[20] It is also illegal in many parts of Europe to declaw a cat.[21]


In Germany, killing animals or causing significant pain (or prolonged or repeated pain) to them is punishable by imprisonment of up to three years or a financial penalty. [22] If the animal is of foreign origin, the act may also be punishable as criminal damage.[23]


Acts of cruelty against animals can be punished with imprisonment, for a minimum of three months up to a maximum of three years, and with a fine ranging from a minimum of 3000 Euros to a maximum of 160,000 Euros, as for the law n°189/2004[citation needed]. The law was passed mainly to crush the phenomenon of dog fighting, which in Italy is a clandestine blood sport fully controlled by organized crime.[24]

United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom, cruelty to animals is a criminal offence for which one may be jailed for up to 51 weeks and may be fined up to £20,000.[25]

On August 18, 1911, the House of Commons introduced the Protection of Animals Act 1911 (c.27) following lobbying by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA). The maximum punishment was 6 months of "hard labour" with a fine of 25 pounds. [26]


The Swiss animal protection laws are among the strictest in the world, comprehensively regulating the treatment of animals including the size of rabbit cages, and the amount of exercise that must be provided to dogs.[27]

In the canton of Zurich an animal lawyer, Antoine Goetschel, is employed by the canton government to represent the interests of animals in animal cruelty cases. [28]

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In Mexico, there are little to no animal cruelty laws, however, it has been suggested that animal cruelty laws are slowly being implemented. The country's current policy usually condemns physical harm to animals as property damage to the owners of the abused animal. The Law of Animal Protection of the Federal District is wide-ranging, based on banning 'unnecessary suffering'. Similar laws now exist in most states. However, this is disregarded by much of the public and authorities. [29]

United States

The primary federal law relating to animal care and conditions in the US is the Animal Welfare Act of 1966, amended in 1970, 1976, 1985, 1990, 2002 and 2007. It is the only Federal law in the United States that regulates the treatment of animals in research, exhibition, transport, and by dealers. Other laws, policies, and guidelines may include additional species coverage or specifications for animal care and use, but all refer to the Animal Welfare Act as the minimum acceptable standard. [30]

The AWA has been criticized by animal rights groups for excluding birds, rats and mice bred for research, as well as animals intended to be used for food or fiber; as well as all cold-blooded animals.[31]

The Animal Legal Defense Fund releases an annual report ranking the animal protection laws of every state based on their relative strength and general comprehensiveness. In 2008's report, the top five states for their strong anti-cruelty laws were California, Illinois, Maine, Michigan, and Oregon. The five states with the weakest animal cruelty laws were Arkansas, Idaho, Kentucky, Mississippi, and North Dakota.[32]

In Massachusetts and New York, agents of humane societies and associations may be appointed as special officers to enforce statutes outlawing animal cruelty. [33]

In 2004, a Florida legislator proposed a ban on "cruelty to bovines," stating: "A person who, for the purpose of practice, entertainment, or sport, intentionally fells, trips, or otherwise causes a cow to fall or lose its balance by means of roping, lassoing, dragging, or otherwise touching the tail of the cow commits a misdemeanor of the first degree."[34] The proposal did not become law.[34]

In the United States, ear cropping, tail docking, the Geier Hitch, rodeo sports, and other acts are sometimes condoned. Penalties for cruelty can be minimal, if pursued. Currently, 46 of the 50 states have enacted felony penalties for certain forms of animal abuse.[35] However, in most jurisdictions, animal cruelty is most commonly charged as a misdemeanor offense. In one recent California case, a felony conviction for animal cruelty could theoretically net a 25 year to life sentence due to their three-strikes law, which increases sentences based on prior felony convictions.[36]

In 2003, West Hollywood, California passed an ordinance banning declawing of house cats.[37] In 2007, Norfolk, Virginia passed legislation only allowing the procedure for medical reasons. [38] However, most jurisdictions allow the procedure.

Welfare laws

Several states have enacted or considered laws in support of humane farming.

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On November 5, 2002, Florida voters passed Amendment 10 by a margin of 55% for, amending the Florida Constitution to ban the confinement of pregnant pigs in gestation crates.[39]

On January 14, 2004, the bill AB-732 died in the California Assembly's Agriculture Committee.[40] The bill would have banned gestation and veal crates, eventually being amended to include only veal crates.[41] On May 9, 2007, the bill AB-594 was withdrawn from the California State Assembly. The bill had been effectively killed in the Assembly Agriculture Committee, by replacing the contents of the bill with language concerning tobacco cessation coverage under Medi-Cal.[42] AB-594 was very similar to the current language of Proposition 2.[43]

On November 7, 2006, Arizona voters passed Proposition 204 with 62% support. The measure prohibits the confinement of calves in veal crates and breeding sows in gestation crates.[citation needed]

On June 28, 2007, Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski signed a measure into law prohibiting the confinement of pigs in gestation crates (SB 694, 74th Leg. Assembly, Regular Session). [44]

In January 2008, Nebraska State Senate bill LB 1148, to ban the use of gestation crates for pig farmers, was withdrawn within 5 days amidst controversy.[45]

On May 14, 2008, Colorado Governor Bill Ritter signed into law a bill, SB 201, that phases out gestation crates and veal crates.[46][47]


The Animal Legal Defense Fund releases an annual report ranking the animal protection laws of every province and territory based on their relative strength and general comprehensiveness. In 2009's report, the top four, for their strong anti-cruelty laws, were British Columbia, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and Ontario. The worst four were New Brunswick, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Quebec.[48]

In theory and practice

There are many reasons why individuals abuse animals. Animal cruelty covers a wide range of actions (or lack of action). Learning about animal abuse has revealed patterns of behavior employed by abusers.[49]

Animal cruelty is often broken down into two main categories: active and passive, also referred to as commission and omission, respectively.

Passive cruelty is typified by cases of neglect, in which the cruelty is a lack of action rather than the action itself. Examples of neglect are starvation, dehydration, parasite infestations, allowing a collar to grow into an animal’s skin, inadequate shelter in extreme weather conditions, and failure to seek veterinary care when necessary.

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In many cases of neglect in which an investigator believes that the cruelty occurred out of ignorance, the investigator may attempt to educate the pet owner, then revisit the situation. In more severe cases, exigent circumstances may require that the animal be removed for veterinary care.

Active cruelty implies malicious intent, as when a person has deliberately and intentionally caused harm to an animal, and is sometimes referred to as NAI (Non-Accidental Injury). Acts of intentional animal cruelty may be indicators of serious psychological problems.[50] There is an intrinsic link between battered pets and battered women and children. The likelihood that women's shelter personnel will encounter women and children who have been threatened by batterers using animal abuse as a weapon is high. This is because more families in America have pets than have children. Secondly, the majority of pet owners are themselves parents with children. Thirdly, 64.1% of households with children under age 6, and 74.8% of households with children over age 6, also have pets. Lastly, as many as 71% of pet-owning women seeking shelter at safe houses have reported that their partner had threatened and/or actually hurt or killed one or more of their pets; 32% of these women reported that one or more of their children had also hurt or killed pets. Battered women report that they are prevented from leaving their abusers because they fear what will happen to the animals in their absence. Animal abuse sometimes is used as a form of intimidation in domestic disputes.[51]


Animal testing, Traditional medicine

Psychological disorders

One of the known warning signs of certain psychopathologies, including anti-social personality disorder, also known as psychopathic personality disorder, is a history of torturing pets and small animals, a behavior known as zoosadism. According to the New York Times, "[t]he FBI has found that a history of cruelty to animals is one of the traits that regularly appears in its computer records of serial rapists and murderers, and the standard diagnostic and treatment manual for psychiatric and emotional disorders lists cruelty to animals a diagnostic criterion for conduct disorders.[52] "A survey of psychiatric patients who had repeatedly tortured dogs and cats found all of them had high levels of aggression toward people as well, including one patient who had murdered a young boy." [52] Robert K. Ressler, an agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation's behavioral sciences unit, studied serial killers and noted,"Murderers like this (Jeffrey Dahmer) very often start out by killing and torturing animals as kids."[53]

Cruelty to animals is one of the three components of the Macdonald triad, indicators of violent antisocial behavior in children and adolescents. According to the studies used to form this model, cruelty to animals is a common (but not with every case) behavior in children and adolescents who grow up to become serial killers and other violent criminals.

It has also been found that children who are cruel to animals have often witnessed or been victims of abuse themselves.[54] In two separate studies cited by the Humane Society of the United States roughly one-third of families suffering from domestic abuse indicated that at least one child had hurt or killed a pet.[55]

TV & film making

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Animal cruelty has long been an issue with the art form of filmmaking, with even some big-budget Hollywood films receiving criticism for allegedly harmful—and sometimes lethal—treatment of animals during production. One of the most infamous examples of animal cruelty in film was Michael Cimino's legendary flop Heaven's Gate, in which numerous animals were brutalized and even killed during production. Cimino allegedly killed chickens and bled horses from the neck to gather samples of their blood to smear on actors for Heaven's Gate, and also allegedly had a horse blown up with dynamite while shooting a battle sequence, the shot of which made it into the film. After the release of the film Reds, the star and director of the picture, Warren Beatty apologized for his Spanish film crew's use of tripwires on horses while filming a battle scene, when Beatty wasn't present. Tripwires were used against horses when Rambo III and The Thirteenth Warrior were being filmed. An ox was sliced nearly in half during production of Apocalypse Now, while a donkey was bled to death for dramatic effect for the film Manderlay, in a scene later cut from the film.

Cruelty in film exists in movies outside the United States. There is a case of cruelty to animals in the South Korean film The Isle, according to its director Kim Ki-Duk.[56] In the film, a real frog is skinned alive while fish are mutilated. Several animals were killed for the camera in the controversial Italian film Cannibal Holocaust.[57] The images in the film include the slow and graphic beheading and ripping apart of a turtle, a monkey being beheaded and its brains being consumed by natives and a spider being chopped apart. In fact, Cannibal Holocaust was only one film in a collective of similarly themed movies (cannibal films) that featured unstaged animal cruelty. Their influences were rooted in the films of Mondo filmmakers, which sometimes contained similar content. In several countries, such as the UK, Cannibal Holocaust was only allowed for release with most of the animal cruelty edited out.

More recently, the video sharing site YouTube has been criticized for hosting thousands of videos of real life animal cruelty, especially the feeding of one animal to another for the purposes of entertainment and spectacle. Although some of these videos have been flagged as inappropriate by users, YouTube has generally declined to remove them, unlike videos which include copyright infringement.[58][59]

The Screen Actors Guild (SAG) has contracted with the American Humane Association (AHA) for monitoring of animal use during filming or while on the set.[60] Compliance with this arrangement is voluntary and only applies to films made in the United States. Films monitored by the American Humane Association may bear one of their end-credit messages. Many productions, including those made in the US, do not advise AHA or SAG of animal use in films, so there is no oversight. [61]

Simulations of animal cruelty exist on television, too. On the September 23, 1999 edition of WWE Smackdown!, a plot line had professional wrestler Big Boss Man trick fellow wrestler Al Snow into appearing to eat his pet chihuahua Pepper.[62][63]


The use of animals in the circus has been controversial since animal welfare groups have documented instances of animal cruelty during the training of performing animals. The Humane Society of the United States has documented multiple cases of abuse and neglect,[64] and cite several reasons for opposing the use of animals in circuses, including confining enclosures, lack of regular veterinary care, abusive training methods and lack of oversight by regulating bodies. [65] Animal

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trainers have argued that some criticism is not based in fact, including beliefs that animals are 'hurt' by being shouted at, that caging is cruel and common, and the harm caused by the use of whips, chains or training implements.[66]

In 2009, Bolivia passed legislation banning the use of any animals, wild or domestic, in circuses. The law states that circuses "constitute an act of cruelty." Circus operators had one year from the bill's passage on July 1, 2009 to comply.[67]

In 2010, Lebanese animal rights groups became enraged when it was learned that wild performing animals belonging to the Monte Carlo Circus were transported from Egypt to Lebanon without being provided with food and water.[68]


Following the campaign, new regulations were enacted that prohibit the use of animals in circuses in Israel. Finland and Singapore have restricted the use of animals in entertainment. The UK and Scottish Parliaments have committed to ban certain wild animals in travelling circuses and approximately 200 local authorities in the UK have banned all animal acts on council land. [citation needed] Animal acts are still very popular throughout much of Europe, the Americas and Asia. In the United States animal welfare standards are overseen by the United States Department of Agriculture under provisions of the Animal Welfare Act. Efforts to ban circus animals in cities like Denver, Colorado have been rejected by voters. Some circuses now present animal-free acts.[69]

Crush films

Main article: Crush film

The examples and perspective in this article may not represent a worldwide view of the subject. Please improve this article and discuss the issue on the talk page. (March 2010)

Animal snuff films, known as crush films can be found on the Internet. These films depict instances of animal cruelty, and/or pornographic acts with animals, usually involving the crushing death of an animal, including insects, mice, rats, guinea pigs, hamsters, monkeys, birds, cats, and dogs. In 1999, the U.S. government banned the depiction of animal cruelty, however the law was overturned by the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals which ruled that the category "depiction of animal cruelty" contained in the law was not an exception to First Amendment protections. [70] In an 8–1 decision handed down in April 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed with the lower court's ruling, but on the grounds that the law was unconstitutionally broad. The case itself did not involve crush films, but rather, a video that in part depicted dogfighting.[71]


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A horse with a gas mask during World War I

Military animals are creatures that have been employed by humankind for use in warfare. They are a specific application of working animals. Examples include horses, dogs and dolphins. Only recently has the involvement of animals in war been questioned, and practices such as using animals for fighting, as living bombs (as in the use of exploding donkeys) or for military testing purposes (such as during the Bikini atomic experiments) may now be criticised for being cruel.[72][73] Princess Royal, the patron of the British Animals in War Memorial, stated that animals adapt to what humans want them to do, but that they will not do things that they don't want to, despite training. [74] Animal participation in human conflict was commemorated in the United Kingdom in 2004 with the erection of the Animals in War Memorial in Hyde Park, London.[75]

In 2008 a video of a US Marine throwing a puppy over a cliff during the Iraq conflict was popularised as an internet phenomenon and attracted widespread criticism of the soldier's actions for being an act of cruelty.[76]

Species' extinction threat grows

The Kihansi spray toad is now considered to be extinct in the wild

More than a third of species assessed in a major international biodiversity study are threatened with extinction, scientists

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have warned. Out of the 47,677 species in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, 17,291 were deemed to be at serious risk. These included 21% of all known mammals, 30% of amphibians, 70% of plants and 35% of invertebrates. Conservationists warned that not enough was being done to tackle the main threats, such as habitat loss. "The scientific evidence of a serious extinction crisis is mounting," warned Jane Smart, director of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature's (IUCN) Biodiversity Conservation Group."The latest analysis... shows that the 2010 target to reduce biodiversity loss will not be met," she added. "It's time for governments to start getting serious about saving species and make sure it's high on their agendas for next year, as we are rapidly running out of time." The Red List, regarded as the most authoritative assessment of the state of the planet's species, draws on the work of thousands of scientists around the globe. The latest update lists amphibians as the most seriously affected group of organisms on the planet, with 1,895 of the 6,285 known species listed as threatened. Of these, it lists 39 species as either "extinct" or "extinct in the wild". A further 484 are deemed "critically endangered", 754 "endangered" and 657 "vulnerable".

At what point will society truly

respond to this growing crisis?

Professor Jonathan Baillie,

Zoological Society of London

In pictures: Threatened species

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The Kihansi Spray Toad (Nectophyrnoides asperginis) is one species that has seen its status change from critically endangered to extinct in the wild. It was only found in the Kihamsi Falls area of Tanzania, but its population had crashed in recent years from a high of an estimated 17,000 individuals. Conservationists suggest that the rapid decline was primarily the result of of a dam being constructed upstream from the toads' habitat, which resulted in a 90% reduction in the flow of water. "In our lifetime, we have gone from having to worry about a relatively small number of highly threatened species to the collapse of entire ecosystems," observed Professor Jonathan Baillie, director of conservation programmes at the Zoological Society of London (ZSL). "At what point will society truly respond to this growing crisis?" The updated data from the 2009 Red List is being made publicly available on the IUCN website on Tuesday.

As humankind has progressed, there has been an increase in governance and rules and regulations of everyday life. These governance and rules rise from general disgust over happenings and concepts all over the world. One such rapidly growing concept is animal cruelty.

Animal cruelty simply means cruel unwarranted treatment of animals. Such treatment generally has a single point program - to subject animals and sometimes pets to unnecessary harm and pain. One major type of animal cruelty is torture.

Animal cruelty is a ambiguous term and the terminology depends from region to region, state to state and country to country. The definition of animal cruelty may be anything between comprehensive and non-existent. While animal cruelty amongst individuals may either be existent

in a lesser manner or go largely unnoticed and unnoticed informed, it is various institutes like companies and involved in factory farming, fur farming and animal testing who are accused of animal cruelty either majorly due to neglect. Other than these, other institutes where animal cruelty is thought to be rampant is the entertainment industry, especially the circus and film industry. The circus industry is said to have rampant cruelty towards animals. This general concept has now given birth to the thought of a 'animal-free' circuses. Countries like Sweden, Costa Rica, Austria, Finland, India, and Singapore have come forward and banned or restricted the use of animals in circuses.

In a recent report, People For Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have come out with embarrassing facts about the circus lives of animals. According to their reports, various prominent circuses do not practice what they preach and indulge in animal cruelty on a routine basis. No institute or individual looks after the training sessions of the circuses. Tight collars, whips, beatings and torture are the order of the day for the animals of the circus.

PETA also says that the behavior of the animals during the circus shows is not at all natural, in the sense that tigers don't hop around and then lay down in unison, elephants don't walk trunk to tail and female elephants don't mount each other. All this is possible only by extreme training, which may translate into extreme torture.

The animals in circuses are also routinely and dangerously exposed to various diseases. In some cases, they were not provided with basic medical first aid. Tuberculosis is seen as a major disease for the elephants in circuses. Some instances

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show that the elephants were not treated medically for wounds inflicted during beatings and other natural causes. Circuses have known to keep a large amount of topsoil ready, to camouflage the wounds and the blood on the elephants.

Some elephants have also suffered from lameness, arthritis and food abscesses. Elephant deaths in circuses are commonly caused due to osteoporosis. Elephants suffer from Osteoporosis simply because they do not have wide spaces to move around. Due to the inhumane treatments, it has been proved that circus animals are dying at a higher rate than they are breeding.

Possibly, the worst case of animal cruelty in film is the movie, 'Cannibal Holocaust'. Though the movie waded in troubled waters ever since it was released, it was proven than at least six animals, a muskrat, a pig, a monkey, a snake, a turtle and a large spider were killed for the sake of the film. It has been said that the scene depicting the monkey had to shot twice, and therefore, two monkeys were sacrificed for movie realism.

By Roy D'Silva

Dog may have been a man’s best friend since time immemorial but that hasn’t really stopped people from subjecting dogs and

other assortment of pets and animals to abuse. Animal cruelty intentional or otherwise is a strong indicator of behavioral

problems in human beings. With increased exposure to this issue more and more individuals and institutions are coming

forward to protest against animal cruelty and to take some strong steps to stop this disturbing activity.

Animal cruelty basically refers to any act of violence, brutality or even neglect directed towards any animals. It includes abuse,

use of animals in sports such as animal fights and also where animals are denied the basic necessities of food, water and

shelter. This denial of basic requirements is called neglect and it also includes denial of basic care facilities such as veterinary

care. This neglect may be because of ignorance on the part of the owner. Intentional animal cruelty occurs when an individual

intentionally inflicts physical harm or injury on an animal. PETA, ASPCA are some of the organizations involved in raising

awareness against animal cruelty. Individuals who perpetrate animal abuse and their mistreatment can be arrested and held

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accountable. However the prosecution of individuals indulging in animal cruelty is not always possible. In spite of many

organizations actively working against animal cruelty this continues to be a big problem and following animal cruelty facts can

only reiterate the importance of the issue:

Animal cruelty is not seen only in certain areas or in certain economic backgrounds. In general animal cruelty cases

can be seen equally in urban as well as rural areas and across all socioeconomic backgrounds.

Even though the awareness has allowed more cases of cruelty against animals to be highlighted, it could be only a

fraction of the total number. This is because many cases simply go unreported.

Among all the victimized animals, dogs are most subjected to cruelty followed by cats and pit bulls are the most

victimized among dogs.

A large number of households in America own horses. Following the closure of horse slaughter plants in US,

reports indicate that horse abuse and neglect cases have not risen. However a large number of horses have been

transported to Mexico and Canada for slaughter purposes.

Animal abuse is rampant in farms and many times the area where the animals are kept in confinement is so small

that the animals can barely move.

Many of the individuals prosecuted for heinous crimes such as murder, atrocities against women and children have

had a history of inflicting abuse on animals during their childhood or at some point during their life.

Many domestic violence cases also indicate that at times the abuser has also indulged in animal cruelty towards the

household pets or other animals.

The most horrific cases of animal cruelty can perhaps be seen in circuses. Many times animals in a circus are

trained using physically abusive training methods and other practices of intimidation. Trainers rampantly use

whips, chains and sharp objects to beat and poke the animals into submission. The animals are kept chained in

unhygienic conditions for long periods of time and do not get medical aid when they are injured. Many countries

such as India, Singapore, Sweden and Austria among others have come forward to ban or restrict use of animals

and to create and promote animal free circuses. It will take some time to totally eradicate animal cruelty from


Estimates indicate that as many as 15 million animals that are warm blooded are used in research laboratories.

Scientists believe that around 100 species become extinct every day.

Another pointing reminder of animal cruelty is that around 18 foxes are killed to make a fur coat and for a mink coat

around 55 minks are slaughtered.

Movies have always had instances of extreme animal cruelty and abuse of animals. The cases of animal cruelty in

movies include "Apocalypse now" and "Southern comfort" which were replete with numerous animal abuse and

killing scenes.

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Here are several types of animal cruelty that exist and are tolerated in our society:

€ Puppy mills - lives of misery

€ Bludgeoning of baby seals for their pelts

€ Dog fighting, cock fighting

€ Horrendous farm practices - animals trapped in lifelong misery

€ Abandonment of dogs, cats, puppies, kittens, rabbits etc.

€ Slaughter house practices - terror and pain

€ Leg hold traps

€ Hunting of confined animals for sport; Internet hunting

€ Circus practices

€ Shelters still using inhumane methods of killing

€ The treatment of downed animals

€ The inhumane treatment in the fur industry of fur bearing animals

€ Owners of pets who are unfit, neglectful, abusive including those who tie a dog outside for their lifetime.

€ Laboratory experimentation on animals

Remedies:There are several constant cases of animal cruelty in our society and yet there are diminutive and huge actions that each of us

can take in our daily lives to change things.

So the question is that how do we make a difference? What can be done about avoidance of animal brutality? How can each

one of us lend a hand in this condition? Mentioned below are a few doable things which might make a small difference but a

huge impact.

Lead the Way - Begin with the transformation within yourself. If you have an animal, lead the way for others by

always giving your pet with the appropriate love and care that it is required. Always give it fresh water, food and

shelter. Be accountable and have your pets sterilized. When your pet is ill or is in requirement of medical aid, take

him to a vet. It is imperative that you do not ignore or ill-treat your pets.

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Motivate Others To Join You - Have others support you. Or else, no one will take you sincerely. There are

numerous ways to expand supporters. You can either horde rallies or write an appeal. You can also campaign

online and collect signatures for an appeal through the Internet.

Oppose Animal Testing - Animal testing is a form of animal brutality. Do not purchase products that have been

tested on animals. Purchase or craft batches that evidently affirm your antagonism against animal testing and

distribute it to others as well.

Back up Groups Against Animal Cruelty - There are various societies, groups and organizations against animal

brutality. These groups are devoted to abolishing animal violence and ignorance. In addition, they release and

cure animals that have been past victims of animal brutality. You can express your support by being an active part

of these groups and lending donations that will lend a hand in healing thousands of ill-treated animals.

Word of Mouth - There are lots of people who are uninformed about animal abuse and disregard inspite of the fact

that this crime is committed on an ongoing basis. It is very crucial for you to spread the word. You can do this by

distributing leaflets which provide information to people about animal cruelty and abuse and what they can do to

stop it.

Make a Contribution - Donations will assist to lessen the uncalled for terror, pain and anguish in animals' lives.

Many groups support these donations and make use it effectively for animal welfare. If you feel you do not wish to

or can't donate to a group or and organization, donating to an animal shelter is also a good option. Donation

doesn't confine to just money. Many shelters receive donations of pet food, cat litter, dog toys, towels and other

such things which can be used by animals.

Helper at a Shelter - You can volunteer to help at any shelter. You can easily contribute in-kind by gifting your time

or any other help the shelter may require.

Adopt Animals - If you have adequate space and the time, fostering animals is a wonderful and kind way to help

animals. You may get in touch with your local animal shelter or a local animal help group to determine how you

can contribute.

Report a Misdeed - Your participation is very significant. If you notice an animal being ill-treated or abandoned, do

something about it now! Inform to your local humane society, animal shelter, or animal control group


Most people hardly ever think about animal cruelty; rarely notice case of it. But a few sympathize with the anguish of animals

and work hard to bring it to an end. If you have compassion for animals, the right time to start raising awarness about animal

cruelty is NOW!

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Using Animal Fur Is A Fashion Crime

From the history, it can be seen that animal fur was one of the clothes material for our old ancestors. Nowadays, technology has been developed very well that we do not have to use genuine animal fur anymore. We can use fake fur or fake weather to protect us from the weather. The fact is, some people still use genuine animal fur for their clothes although they don’t have to. The using of animal fur for clothes is considered as a fashion crime for reasons.The most significant reason why using animal fur for clothes is a fashion crime is because fashion does not hurt living creatures. Killing animals in order to skin their fur is absolutely hurting living creature. Just because those animals can not communicate their feeling to human clearly, does not mean that it is not hurt to be shot, killed or hunted by human who wanted to skin them. This fashion rule seems trivial since animal never go on strike, but it must be hurt. It is not ethical to hurt other living creatures just to get everything we want.Another reason why it is wrong to use animal fur is that it ruins the ecology balance in our nature. Our nature has its own balance, but human ruin it by destroy the food chain. Human decreases the amount of the animals which have beautiful fur too much that unexpectedly increase the amount of the other animals. Human killed too many bears, wolves, tigers and deer which make our ecology imbalanced. This imbalanced situation is not only dangerous for animals, but also human. It can cause climate change, disease, natural disaster and famine.

In general, it is wrong to use animal fur for our jackets, hats, or bags. It hurts living creature, and it destroys the ecology balance. If we are still using animal fur fr our clothes, means that we have destroyed our nature indirectly.