Crucifer March, 2012

Calvary Episcopal Church 1337 Winchester Ave. P.O. Box 109 Ashland, KY 41105-0109 + Calvary Church + MARCH 2012 The Crucifer


Crucifer March, 2012

Transcript of Crucifer March, 2012

Calvary Episcopal Church

1337 Winchester Ave.

P.O. Box 109

Ashland, KY 41105-0109

+ Calvary Church +

MARCH 2012

The Crucifer

2 Moments in the life of Calvary 11

Prep for Worship & Christian Ed.

Third Sunday in Lent

First Lesson: Exodus 20:1-17

Epistle: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25

Gospel: John 2:13-22

Psalm 19

Fourth Sunday in Lent

First Lessons: Numbers 21:4-9

Epistle: Ephesians 2:1-10

Gospel: John 3:14-21

Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22

Fifth Sunday in Lent

First Lessons: Jeremiah 31:31-34

Epistle: Hebrews 5:5-10

Gospel: John 12:20-33

Psalm 119:9-16

Palm Sunday

First Lessons: Isaiah 50:4-9a

Epistles: Philippians 2:5-11

Gospel: Mark 14:1-15:47

Mark 15:1-39 [40-47]

Psalm 31:9-16


First Lessons: Acts 10:34-43

Epistle: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11

Gospel: Mark 16:1-8

Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24

Prayers Are Requested for… Judy Ford, Libby Adams, Jeanne Martin,

Jacque Hunt, Becki, Larry Craycraft, Mar-

tha Dodson, Martha Ross, Jane Hale

For Relatives and Friends of

Calvary Members...

Cindy, John, Garnet Fitzgerald, Jerry Dan-

iels, Bob Andre, Katie Hoffman, Christina

Bentley, Bryan Cooke Jr., Lee Ann McKen-

zie Webster, Earl Lavender, Charles Med-

dings, Joe Birchwale, Ruthie, Oliver and

Genieve Smith, Lyn and Cathy, Clara, Bill,

Clint, Charlene Justice, Leslie

Shut-in/Convalescing... Marie Kephart, Phyllis McKenzie, William

and Betty Brown, Martha Compton


Community Prayer Breakfast

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

7:30 a.m.

First United Methodist Church

The Rev. John Street, Pastor

1811 Carter Avenue, Ashland

An offering will be accepted for the

Community Kitchen or local charity.

We look forward to sharing this time

with you. Please bring a friend.

Odds and Ends

10 Notices and Reminders

Birthdays in Our Parish Family in


03 Sean Farrington, 04 Francie Martin, 05 Mary Riley, 06 Clay Russell, Tina Mussetter, David Zwick, 11 Jerry Ford, Wick Sewell, 12 Chris Pullem, 17 Ken Fosson, 18 Steven Harris, 23 Meg Alexander, 26 Carlyle Clark, 29 Pat Jones Bishop’s Visit - Our Interim Bishop, the Rt.

Rev. Chilton R. Knudsen will be with us for

the Good Friday services on April 6 at noon

and 7:00 p.m.


will continue on Thursdays at 12:10 p.m.

Vestry Meeting

Monday, March 26

6:00 p.m.

Check out Calvary’s website at


The annual parish meeting has been

rescheduled for April 29, directly after wor-


Toys for the No Kill Animal Shelter - The EYC is still collecting toys for the no kill animal

shelter. The collection box is in the ambulatory outside the doors of the sanctuary until March


Magazine Ministry - Please don’t forget to keep bringing in your magazines for the nursing

homes. While Pam is away, the EYC will be taking care of things. Please see Lyndi Lowman if

you have any questions.

Thanks - for your donations for the memorial tree for Sudie’s son, Robby Mahan. We received

enough donations for two trees in honor of his life. Suzanne

Lenten Wednesdays Evenings at Calvary – Throughout the Lenten season, please join us for

Evening Prayer at 6:00 p.m., Supper at 6:30 p.m., and Program at 7:00 p.m. Debbie Braun is

leading the children and youth program, Journey Through Lent 2012, and Fr. Ron Pogue is lead-

ing the adult program, The Discovery Series: A Christian Journey.

Holy Week Services - Calvary will be hosting the 2012 Holy Week services Monday, April 2 -

Friday, April 6 at noon followed by lunch. Good Friday Services - Noon and 7:00 p.m.

Remember Daylight Saving Time This Saturday Night - Turn your clocks forward one hour.

Possible Change in Sunday Morning Schedule - The Interim Rector and Vestry are exploring

possible changes in the Sunday morning sched-

ule. A survey form will be distributed soon.

Please complete and return it by March 19. We

will have a congregational meeting in the parish

hall after worship on March 25 to discuss the

possibilities before any changes are made.

Watch for further announcements.

3 From Our Interim Rector

Gay and I are grateful for the warm and generous welcome we have received during our

first week at Calvary. There is an inviting vitality and authenticity among you and we

are very happy to be here.

In addition to routine pastoral duties, there are three main objectives that I need to ac-

complish during the time I am with you and prior to the call of your next settled rector.

To help you establish patterns of parish life with a full time rector. During the Ho-

ly Conversations last fall, the membership of the parish resoundingly expressed the

desire to call a full time rector. The vestry and the nominating committee are well

into the process of doing just that. As that process moves forward, you’ll have op-

portunities to practice on me as your full time rector in the interim!

To help you with necessary organizational and administrative adjustments prior to

the arrival of your full time rector. Those who are interviewing for the position will

want to know how things get done at Calvary and who is responsible. There will

also be questions about how the communications system works and what equipment

is used to support the ongoing life of the parish in its mission. I’m working with the

vestry and parish leadership to address the most important of these organizational

and administrative adjustments.

To help you strengthen your commitment to faithful stewardship and generous giv-

ing. God is providing all the resources to provide for Calvary’s mission. You want

to be operating “in the black” and have a balanced budget by the time your new rec-

tor arrives. The key to both of those realities lies in the heart of the giver.

Each one of you has a role to play in this final stage of transition as you prepare to call a

rector. Following the example of ONE Episcopalian, here’s what you can do:

Worship ONE additional Sunday per month. If you are attending once a month,

make it twice. If you are attending twice a month, make it three times. And so


Step up ONE step toward the tithe. The Episcopal Church teaches that the tithe –

giving one tenth of our household income – as the minimum biblical standard. If

you are now giving one percent, step up to two. If you are now giving two percent,

step up to three. And so forth…


There are many other ways in which you can and do make a difference at Calvary. Don’t

Move up ONE pew when you come to worship. The pews in the front of the nave are

almost empty. Newcomers will be more at home at first on the back pews, which are

now almost full. (Ten of the sixty-six worshippers last Sunday were visitors).

Participate in ONE Calvary service activity. Whether it is outreach to those

in need, visiting the sick, preparing a meal, singing in the choir, taking care of

the altar, or helping out in the parish office, each ONE of you needs to be ac-

tively engaged in service to Christ and this church.

Spend ONE hour in prayer each day. Does that sound like a lot? Pick up

your Book of Common Prayer. If you spend fifteen minutes each day saying

Morning Prayer and fifteen minutes each day saying Evening Prayer, you are

half way there! Add five minutes at noon and ten minutes at bedtime and

you’ve spent forty-five minutes in prayer. That leaves only fifteen minutes,

which can be easily accomplished during your daily routines as you remem-

ber people or concerns that need your prayers. If you are homebound, this

can be your special ministry to your Calvary family because you have more

time than others who are working and raising families. Remember what Jesus

said to his disciples that evening in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Could ye not

watch with me one hour” (Mt. 26:40)? I’m not asking more than Jesus asked.

There are many other ways in which you can and do make a difference at Calvary.

Don’t stop! But these five things are contributions every member of the parish can

make and when that happens the results will be phenomenal. You, as ONE member of

Calvary Church, do make a difference.

I’ll see you in Church!

The Reverend Ronald D. Pogue

Interim Rector

9 stop! But these five things are contributions every member of the parish can make and when that

When are there no altar flowers and why do we cover or remove most artwork and statu-

ary during Lent?

The lenten season is an unadorned season. Symbolically we try, in our worship space, our hymns

and lessons, even in our sermons, to recreate a sense of our Lord’s 40 days in the wilderness. We

set aside everything that might distract us as we journey with Christ to Calvary. By sharing in his

passion we are more able to share in the glorious resurrection liturgy of Easter morning.

When I count from Ash Wednesday to Easter I get more than 40 days. Why?

Sundays are always feast days – even in Lent – because they commemorate the Resurrection.

Subtracting those leaves 40 days. While you may technically not observe your Lenten Rule on

Sundays (and the feast of the Annunciation) it is good Lenten practice to maintain the discipline

throughout the season.

What about Weddings and Baptisms during Lent?

There is no absolute prohibition against either during Lent, but centuries of tradition discourage

festive commemorations unless there is a special pastoral consideration or an emergency. Many

service members, for example, have been granted exceptions to marry in Lent, if they are sched-

uled to deploy into harm’s way. Easter or the Easter Vigil, once the only times persons were

Baptized during the year, are the most appropriate times for public Baptism, along with the Day

of Pentecost, All Saints Day or the Sunday thereafter, and the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord –

The First Sunday After the Epiphany. (BCP, p.312).

Copyright Saint George's Episcopal Church of Savannah. All rights reserved.


Actual YDT Budget YDT Variance

Total Income 17,102.00 19,052.50 (1,950.48)

Total Expenses 18,735.35 23,746.65 (5,011.30)

Net Ordinary Income (1,633.33) (4,694.15) 3,060.82

8 Lenten season

Here are some "Frequently Asked Questions" about the season of Lent.

Why do we commemorate Lent anyway?

Since about the end of the fourth century The Church has seen fit to set aside forty days for self-

examination, repentance, reconciliation and restoration. In the early Church, Baptismal candi-

dates (known as Catechumens) who were completing a three year preparation to be baptized used

the forty days for their intense, final preparation for Baptism at the great Easter Vigil. “Notorious

sinners” used the same period of time, through acts of penitence and self-denial, to prepare to be

restored to the Church.

In modern times the season of Lent is designed to help us enter into the mystery of the Resurrec-

tion through our own period of penitence, fasting, reconciliation and restoration.

Has it always been 40 days?

No. Early Christians set aside several days of fasting (three to seven depending on where they

lived) to prepare for Easter. For about two centuries most Christians observed only Holy Week.

About 600 years ago three weeks of “pre-Lent” were added to the forty days with names like

Septuagesima and the like. These were dropped from our Calendar in 1979.

I’ve seen Churches use Purple and something that looked like burlap with Red and Black

stripes. Which color is the “real” Lenten liturgical color?

The simple answer is both. Purple is generally associated with penitence and mourning, and has

been used in the Church for hundreds of years. The “burlap” with red and black markings is

called Lenten Array. It hearkens back to the early Church’s use of sack cloth, or unbleached cot-

ton or wool, to signify extreme acts of penitence and mourning. The Church, in turn, borrowed

the color from our Jewish forbearers, as described in the Old Testament (see Job). Either color is


Why do we have our foreheads marked with ashes on Ash Wednesday?

We do this as a reminder of our mortality. The priest marks each person with the sign of the

cross, while reciting, “Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.” Having been

reminded of our fleeting existence on this earth, we begin to focus on turning that life around by

confessing and renouncing our sins, forgiving and seeking forgiveness, so that we may be in har-

mony with God and our neighbor.

Where do the ashes come from?

From the palm branches used in the previous year’s Palm Sunday Liturgy. Parishioners are asked

to bring them to the church just before Lent begins. They are burned and the ashes are used in the

Ash Wednesday liturgy.


Easter Flower Fund

You are invited to make a contribution to the Flower Fund for Easter Sunday

which is April 8. Through your contribution, you may wish to honor or memorialize a

loved one or friend, or offer thanksgiving for God’s many blessings. You may request

Easter flowers or an altar arrangement.

Please make your check payable to Calvary Church, marked for The Easter

Flower Fund, and attach it to the order form.

Please complete the form and mail it to the church office by Friday,

March 30, or place it in the offering plate by Sunday, April 1. Suggested cost:

$20.00 for Easter flowers and $40.00 for an altar arrangement.


Your name (as you would like it printed in the service bulletin).


In Honor of:




In Memory of:




In Thanksgiving for:




Easter Flowers________________ Altar Arrangement_______________


The Staff Head of the Church.................................................................................................Jesus the C hrist

Interim Bishop of Lexington...........................................................The Rt. Rev. Chilton Knudsen

Interim Rector…………………………………………………………The Rev. Ronald D. Pogue

Music Coordinator................................................................................................Dr. Carol Greene

Parish Secretary....................................................................................................Melissa S . Owens

Sexton....................................................................................................................... .......….Sam Hall

The Vestry Senior Warden.................................................................................................……... Dicky Martin

Junior Warden.............................................................................................…………Richard Ford

Clerk.................................................................................................................……..Pat sy Cochran

Treasurer...............................................................................................................…. ..Don Maxwell

2012 2013 2014

Patsy Cochran Richard Ford Jerry Ford

David Mussetter Dicky Martin Suzanne Gilmore

Sudie Davis Lisa Pullem Trish Pitt

David G. Stewart Martha-Lindsey Cooke Richard Reames


Interim Rector…………………………………The Rev. Ronald D. Pogue………………………………..832-576-9019

Senior Warden/Acolyte Guild................................Dicky Martin..........................................………. …………571-9292 Junior Warden…………………………………….Richard Ford……………………………………325-3796/924-9161

Secretary………………………………………….Melissa Owens………………………………….739-9476/547-1275

Sexton…………………………………………….Sam Hall…………………………………………………...324-1097 Music Coordinator..........................................….. Dr. Carol Greene.................................................................. 324-1809

Christian Education Superintendent...............……Debbie Braun (S.S. Youth).................................................. 327-8807

Episcopal Church Men.......................................…Don Maxwell...................................................................... 831-9035 Hospitality Committee...........................................Suzanne Smith/Judy Ford................................... 329-2204/831-6667

Lay Eucharistic Ministers/Homebound…….. .. ...Trish Pitt………........................................................…… 325-3478

Layreaders.........................................................… David Stewart.......................................................................324-1517 St. Elizabeth Guild.................................................Alice Gail Smith………………………………………… 836-8035

St. Mary's Altar Guild......................................…..Liz Alexander..................................……………………… 928-3945

Tape Ministry…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Ushers/Newcomer Greeters……...........................Louise Taylor/Christy Ford............................…..324-5600/831-2747

Service Commission……………………………..Richard Ford………………………………… ……………325-3796 Adult Education………………………………….David Stewart…………………………… ……………….324-1517

Youth Education………………………………… Lisa Pullem……………….…………………… …………465-7863

Evangelism……………………………………….Sudie Davis ……………………………….………… …...325-2307 Pastoral Care……………………………………. ......…………………………………………………………………...

Stewardship………………………………………Jerry Ford/Trish Pitt/Richard Reames…………………….324-9689

Communications…………………………………Suzanne Gilmore…………………………………… …….324-4927



WEDNESDAYS, 2/29 - 4/4


6:30 SOUP


RIES *Children’s program also provided

Good Friday Services - April 6 at noon and 7:00 p.m.

POSSIBLE SERVICE TIMES - Many of you have been wondering if ser-

vice times will be changing. It has been discussed, and here are

some possibilities for consideration:

8:00 - 8:45 Holy Eucharist, Rite I (no music)

9:00 - 10:00 Christian Formation

10:15 - 11:30 Holy Eucharist, Rite II (music)


8:00—8:45 Holy Eucharist, Rite I (no music)

9:00—10:15 Holy Eucharist, RiteII (music)

10:30—11:30 Christian Formation


8:00 –8:45 Holy Eucharist, Rite I (no music)

8:45 - 9:15 Breakfast

9:30 - 10:30 Christian Formation

10:45 - 12:00 Holy Eucharist, Rite II (music)

Women’s Ministry Kick Off - Friday, 4/13/12 & Saturday, 4/14/12. Women of Faith in Cincin-

nati, Taft Conference Center. Leave church at 5 p.m. on Friday. Return to church at 9 p.m. on

Saturday. Cost of conference $59.00. Cost of hotel $50.00 double occupancy. Call Stephanie

Disney at 325-2928 for more details.

Website - Lyndi and Melissa are currently updating our website and are in need of high resolu-

tion and great quality photos. Please contact them if you are interested in submitting electronic

photos. Current articles are also needed for the different ministries in the parish.

Good Friday Services - April 6 at noon and 7:00 p.m.

POSSIBLE SERVICE TIMES - Many of you have been wondering if ser-

vice times will be changing. It has been discussed, and here are

some possibilities for consideration:

8:00 - 8:45 Holy Eucharist, Rite I (no music)

9:00 - 10:00 Christian Formation

10:15 - 11:30 Holy Eucharist, Rite II (music)


8:00—8:45 Holy Eucharist, Rite I (no music)

9:00—10:15 Holy Eucharist, RiteII (music)

10:30—11:30 Christian Formation


8:00 –8:45 Holy Eucharist, Rite I (no music)

8:45 - 9:15 Breakfast

9:30 - 10:30 Christian Formation

10:45 - 12:00 Holy Eucharist, Rite II (music)

Women’s Ministry Kick Off - Friday, 4/13/12 & Saturday, 4/14/12. Women of Faith in Cincin-

nati, Taft Conference Center. Leave church at 5 p.m. on Friday. Return to church at 9 p.m. on

Saturday. Cost of conference $59.00. Cost of hotel $50.00 double occupancy. Call Stephanie

Disney at 325-2928 for more details.

Website - Lyndi and Melissa are currently updating our website and are in need of high resolu-

tion and great quality photos. Please contact them if you are interested in submitting electronic

photos. Current articles are also needed for the different ministries in the parish.