Criterion A–Compare and Contrast

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My Compare and Contrast for Art.

Transcript of Criterion A–Compare and Contrast

Maneesh Tekwani 9BYear 9B Orange House 21/11/13

Criterion A Compare and Contrast Weeping Woman:

Weeping Nude:

DESCRIBE: Attending to and naming what you see:The first section should include a list in paragraph form describing the elements and objects in the work of art. Describe objects, shapes, colors, lines, textures, etc., as though you were helping a blind person see the piece. Include all items and all details.

ANALYZE: Describe the relationships among the things you see:The second section should include the main principles of design. Look at how things are put together. Squint your eyes and look at the piece. Where do you see the lightest areas? Darkest areas? What kind of space is used? Deep space like you can see for miles? Or, shallow space, in which you cant see very far? What is the focal point of the piece? What is the first thing you see when you look at the artwork?

INTERPRET: Giving meaning to works of art:In the third section we look for the meaning, or, what you think the artist is trying to say or communicate through this piece. Go back and re-read how you DESCRIBED the elements in the artwork and how those facts are put together. These are the clues to the meaning and purpose of the art piece. Also this section deals with your opinion so consider what message does the art convey to you from your personal experiences?

EVALUATE: Deciding about the value, merit or effectiveness of an art object: And the fourth and final section is how you judge the artwork. On a scale of 1-10 how do you rank it and why? Decide whether the work or painting is excellent, good, or bad, and why do you think this is so. Do you like or dislike the artwork? The Weeping Woman is a Cubist oil canvas that had been painted by Pablo Picasso in France during the Spanish Civil War (1937). This Canvas is painted by Pablo Picasso of Dora Maar, which was Picasso's mistress from 1936 until 1944. In this painting you can see there are several different Elements of Art Used in the Painting being used such as, Line, Shape, Color, Value, Form, Texture and Space. Firstly lets take a look at the colors being used in this Painting, which are, Yellow, Orange, Turquoise, Light Blue, Brown, Green and Dark Green. If you notice the background of this art piece is pretty dull and uninteresting, as the artist has used dull hues in the background. This Gives the Illusion to make the Viewer of this painting to focus on the face as it has bright colors and is using vivid hues. I feel that this great technique that Picasso has used to make The Weeping Woman stand out in this painting. It can also be seen that the palette is harsh and angry as the use of the strong colors (red, blue, yellow, orange) jarring on the sense and evoking pain and frenzy. Another Element that can been seen in The Weeping Woman is the usage of geometric shapes in The Weeping Woman. If you look at the face of the woman in this painting you can see that there are several pieces and parts put together to make the face of the woman, which is somewhat similar to a jigsaw puzzle. In the painting you can see that the pieces and bits of the face have been carelessly placed in their areas and it looks like the pieces have not been put in the way that they are needed to be in. It can be seen that Picasso has done a great job express the pain the woman is going to everything is troubling her and it's easy to tell that this woman is suffering. She's broken in several pieces. Her face is disfigured from crying. She isn't actually physically broken, but she feels broken inside. She is horribly unhappy and what you see in the painting is what she feels: everything has gone wrong, nothing helps, and not even her handkerchief can wipe away her tears. Bold painted lines mark all areas of the painting, from the parallel curves of the woman's hair to the hat with its flower decoration. But the most noticeable outlines are seen in the face. It is filled with sharp zigzag lines, like shock waves that explode in all directions. The white handkerchief pressed against the face with fumbling fingers has the effect of taking all the color out of her cheeks and yet it doesn't hide anything of the distraught face underneath and the mouth twisted by crying. Even the tears are outlined in black, so they become part of the design. What is perhaps surprising are the blunt shapes of the fingers, which look as though they belong to a man rather than a woman.This painting of a weeping woman, is quite different from his other work on the same theme done during this period. In particular, the colours are unusually bright and bold for Picasso especially in a picture devoted to grief and unhappiness. People are more likely to think of colours that are dull for subjects like this one and that is true of Picasso's other paintings and drawings of weeping women. But not this one. The result is a kind of contradiction that adds shock to the painting. The brilliant colors make us think that the woman was happy and confident until the moment she received some tragic news and I feel that I would 10/10 because he conveyed the story of the situation really well.

The Weeping Nude is piece of art work that had been drawn somewhere in the 1913th or 1914th by Edward Munch. The art form of this piece of art is painting on canvas and was completed in Lten, Hedmark. Norway. In this piece of art you can see that the contrast of the colours in this art piece art very dull, this has been done by using dark colour such as dark red, purple and turquoise. This shows that the story behind this art it dreadful or very sad. In this art piece you can also see that the artist uses fewer lines in his art piece, this is because the time period of when the artist had drawn the piece of art wasnt Cubism meaning that the art piece doesnt need much line and shapes. In the piece of art you can also see that there isnt much value this is because the colours are dull. You can see movement, as the colours are a little wavy-ish in the background. You can also interpret that the mood or feeling of this art piece if sad, disappointed and unsatisfied through the art piece because the woman in the picture has her head down making herself look unpleased with what she has done. I think that the artist has done well in representing what he was trying to by using contrast, line, shape, texture, movement and value really well to make his piece of art look good and share the right message. For accomplishing this, I would give Edward Munch a 10/10 because he has transferred the right message to us.

Few similarities and differences in the between the Weeping Woman and Weeping woman is a comparison between the contrast, line, shape, texture, movement and value of both of the paintings. The Two Paintings have some aspects that arent similar, which is firstly the contrast between the two paintings. The contrast colours between the two paintings differ because in the first painting (Weeping Woman) there is a contrast of bright and few dull colours but in the second painting (Weeping Nude) there is more dull colours, which makes the create a difference between the two pictures. There is also a difference between the line and shape of the two paintings because in the first painting they used a lot lines and shapes but in the other painting there are only a few shapes and lines. Few Similarities that I found in the two painting was that both painting represented a woman, a woman crying, movement and different shades of colour. In conclusion, I feel that both artists have done a great job at expressing a Woman Crying/Weeping and both deserved a 10/10.