Cresco plain dealer (Cresco, Howard County, Iowa). 1913-04 ......Frank Kyte Sunday. Will Howard and...

>«• inn«wi "* &/' 'ifir^ if V;i Wi-tvs- r*crvfi?c^*^wiWSSWWWW3*S w?iii'!« | i | €»ia i ! & k* fee, f . ( 8fr' **« s 1 f %• & 1 ' §£"" T I"'. <«' LIME SPRINGS. Mr, and Mrs. C J.Zook returned Friday morning fromi their {Chicago and Michigan visit. Mrs. H. Hewitt returned Friday •evening from a 'Visit with relatives at Austin and Brownsdale, Minn. * Mrs. E. E. Griffith was an Austin •caller, Friday; James Zook 'was . sick a few days last week. C. P. Nash Has 'traded his personal to R. E. Jones for Minnesota Mrs. I. W./ftoberts, Mrs. Ann Jones,' Mrs. Howlarid and Mrs. . Hugh Williams "went to Chester, Friday, to attend the funeral of Mrs. R. R. Roberts. W. J. Roberts visited at the homes of D. O. Jones and Dan Roberts, last week. Last Sunfdaya baby girl came to make her hoii^e with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hunter. . Wednesday, night the barn on the place where K- O. Stave' lives was struck by lightning and burned. Will Roberts went to Cresco, Friday, returning Saturday. Messrs. Metz, Capper and Hammond, of Chester, were in'town last week. Dr. Carpenter and son Lyman left Thursday for Cumberland, Wis., where Xyman expecta to start farming. Mrs E. E. Obriham and Margaret Jones are visiting friends in Spring Valley, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woods came from IDakota, Thursday night, for a visit nwith bis mother, Mrs. Alice Woods. Mr. L. Larson, of Decorah, spent Sunday with friend*. C. P. Nash returned to Minneapolis, Saturday morning. Prof. T. E. Jones came Friday morn- ing from Madison, Wis., for a visit 'with home folks. Frank Schacht was a business caller at Cresco, Saurday. 0. M. Truman returned Thursday night from his Canada trip. Willie Parchman returned to his ihome in Cresco, Saturday. Miss Logsden, who has been nursing JUrs. Tistleson, went home Saturday anight, on account of sickness. Mrs. R. J. Riley and Mrs- Sarah Stir- -waldt returned to Minneapolis, after a 'visit at the Cbas. Hall borne. MrsJ J. - L. Barnes is visiting in •Austin. Anna Meyers lias gone to ber home mear Cresco. S. ft. Cray went to Minneapolis, Fri- day morning. Mr.'ahd Mrs. Frank Burns went to Postville, Saturday, to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Luhman. Mrs. H. W. Schultz and mother, Mrs. Meyers, are visiting in Charles City. Lois Elwood went 10 Le Roy Friday, and from there to Austin, to spend Sunday. Mabel and Laura Plummer, who have been visiting at the home of Dr. Plum - oner, went to Cresco, Saturday. Either Williams went to Chester, ^Saturday to visit Dorothy Thomas. Blisabeth Jones came from Minne- apolis Saturday. dara Knudsen returned to her ascbool duties at Rose Creek, Saturday. Winnie Gibbons spent Saturday in -town, and in the evening her sister JfiMred returned to their Bonair home •with her. IF. T. flenningfield spent Sunday at the M. J. Gates boMe. 'Mabel Hall went to Rochester Sat- urday morning. Geo. Hall and Joe Williams were •over Sunday visitors in Charles City. Mrs. Roy Lusk and mother, Mrs. IVm, Ctark returned to Mankato Sat- re Satarda; were Mrs 8. tt.;*ftaii, Mrs.; W. Sanborn, Mrs. E. H. Jones and son Eldad, Misses Harriet Owens and Kathryn Sullivan. Those that came froth' Cresco Satur- day were Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Bowers, Augusta Parchman and Dina Jones. A. M. Kavanaugh returned from Spring Valley, and is visiting at the home of D J. Nage). \ Dr. Bissell spoke in the M. E. church Sunday evening. John Ruesink spent Sunday at home. Mrs. Frank Stevens, and Miss Mira Buck were Cresco callers, Monday. A. J. Cray was a Bonair caller Mon- day. Mrs. Helen Walston, who has been visiting at the home of T. F. Van- Leuven, returned Sunday - evening to her home at Sanborn, Iowa. W. F. Irvine and John Foulkes, were Cresco visit rs Tuesday. Augusta Parchman returned horns Sunday evening. 'Mildred Gibbons has quit working in the store of. W. C. Jones, and returned to her home at Bonair. J. C. Sanborti and Kathryn Roberts, went to Minneapolis, Sunday morning, and from there John expects to go to Montana, where he has a position. Rev Grooters, of Greenleafton, was in town Monday, and in the evening went to Chicago. Geo. Hughes returned to Park Rapids, Tuesday.. Mrs. Nellie Ambrose, who has been visiting al the Atwood and Stockdale homes, returned to her home in Rice- ville, Tuesday. Mrs. G. Morris went to Cresco Tues- day. Hilda Fruchte, after visiting at the Salisbury home, returned to Faribault, Minn.' Mrs. Obriham and Margaret Jones, returned from Spring Valley, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L.\ P Sanborn are vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Griffith. . Emmett McWilliams was a Lime Springs caller Tuesday. Rev. and Mrs. Jones returned from •their vacation Tuesday morning. Lennie Webster, of Lisbon, N. D., is visiting at the D. J. Nagel home. Mr. .and Mrs. A. M. Kayanaugh re- turned! to their home at Rochester, Monday. T. E. Jones returned to Madison, Sunday evening, his brother, R. E. Jones accompanied him. John Mensink, who has been in Pra- rie du Chien, taking treatments, re- turned home Tuesday. and the 8Ks.. ftagnhikl Olson spent Sunday in Chester. Earl O'Conner went to his home in XaWler, to spent Sunday. Jerry Williams spent Sunday in •Cresco, also H. L. Perry. George Hughes came Saturday from Park Rapids, Minn., for a visit at home. Mrs. Oscar Taraldson has returned from Chicago where ehe has been to purchase goods. ORLEANS. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Culbert little daughter spent Sunday at John Cunningham home. Florence Eddy and Katie Walton spent Sunday with Anna and Sophia Nibauer. . Mrs. Bert Perry visited relatives in Cresco Sunday. Grace and Roy Burr and Vera and Charly Burgess visited at the Cum- ming's home Sunday. Mrs. Walton and Mrs. Arthur Gard- ner visited Mrs. R. H. Burr Sunday. JM Steinmetz hauled hogs to Cres- co Tuesday. Frank Ahern helped his brother-in- law, Emmet Carroll clip horses a coup- le of days last week. Mr*. Guy Humphrey called on Mrs. Frank Kyte Sunday. Will Howard and son Ray and Elmo, visited at Will Eddy's Sunday. For Boras, Braises and Sores. The quickest and surest cure for burns, bruises, boils, sores, inflsmma- tion and all skin diseases is Bucklen's AratafeSabre., In four days it cured L. H.Haflin, of Iredell, Tex., of a sore on bis ankle which pained him so he could hardly walk. Should be in every house. Only 25c. Recommended by P. A. Clemmer. A Great Pain Killer. Meritol White Liniment reduces in- flamation and soreness wherever found in about one-third the time required by the usual treatment. It has no equal as a general household remedy. Sold by Fred Lowry. Pi Si* % Jb £* *• \ i' %tT ;t ; W '> V 5/ I < i xr-. ' , ,• . . •»I v K ' } * r > ' t- x $ - The Simplest CREAM SEPARATOR Ever Built DE LAVAL EXCELS ALL OTHERS not only in thoroughness of separation, sanitary cleanliness, ease of ' running and durability, but as well in its great simplicity. THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT THE OPERATION, CLEANING, adjustment or repair of a modern De Laval Cream Separator which requires expert knowledge or special tools. NOR ARB THERE ANY PARTS WHICH REQUIRE FREQUENT adjustment in order to maintain good running or to conform to varying conditions in the every-day use of a cream separator. LOCJRDES. Mike Conly departed for Dakota Wednesday last. Pat Waldron and family called on Delie Conly Friday evening. Mamie Stanly visited at Rinns Sunday We are glad to hear that Jack Nor- ton is able to be up and around again. J. J. Urban returned from Dakota where he spent a few weeks with rel atives and friends, and was accompa- nied by his cousin, Frank Dozark, who intends to spend the summer in Iowa, J. W. and E. D Nibaur and W. J. Beaumaster were pleasant callers at the Valvoda Bros, nome Friday evening J. Marshek and wife visited at the Walker borne Sunday afternoon. John Vokarty called at the J. Val- voda home Sunday afternoon. Ed Nibaur called at the Hoshek home Sunday evening. ' Frank Dozark and J. J. Urban called on Lon Urban Monday. Toney Chihak called at the J. Wal- ker home Sunday evening. Russel Shilley visited with Johnie Marshek Sunday afterhoon. Johnnie Guyette is busy building his new house these days. Joseph Kubik called at the Franklin home Sunday evening, Joseph Nibaur Jr., was an Elma shopper Monday. Verona Conry called at the Pat Nor- ton home Sunday. We are all sorry to say Ralph Buck- ley is not any better at this writing. Frank, Pete and Mary Milota were seen in Lourdes Sunday. | Martin Birmingham and family vis- ited at the Valvoda home Sunday. Died—Mrs. Harnack died at her home near Lourdes, Saturday morning and was buried at the Saratoga ceme- tery Monday. Many relatives and friends attended the funeral. Margart and Susan Urban visited with their sister, Mrs. shimek last week. ft Mr. Burmingham is on the sick list. Peter Kovarak, Margarete and Susie Urban and Elizabeth Nibaur visited at the John Viebrock home Monday. Julius Frank was at Elma Monday. John Hawk and wife called at Frank Nibaur's Sunday. Frank Valvoda called at the Vincent Kubick home Tuesday. Frank and Jim Lipa were seen at Lourdes Sunday. . Mrs. Frank Valvoda called at ..t^Q W. Urban home Sunday afternoon. Willie Conry, after a few years of absence, returned to his home Satur- day for a few weeks visit with his par- ents. Joseph Kubik was an Elma caller Monday. Elizabeth Flaherty visited at the Joe Nibaur home Tuesday afternoon. Sadie Noonan was seen at Lourdes Sunday. Mrs. Vincent Kubik and daughter, Mrs. Frank Nibaur went to Elma Tuesday Mrs Thomas Noonan was a New Hampton caller one day last week. Katie Falada visited her sister, Mrs Lon Urban Monday. OTTER CREEK CLIPPING. Our roads are drying nicely, and should be dragged to make the travel on tbem comfortable. The ladies of the F. W. M. S. of the German M. E. church were hospitably entertained by IMrs. John Reinhart last Thursday afternoon. They decid- ed to hold their next meeting with Mrs. Henry Albers the first Thursday in May. Hattie Kratz returned last week from Golden Ridge, Howard county, where she had been a number of days, visit- ing ber sister, Mrs. Louis Walter. While sawing wood last week, Frank got too near the saw, and the result was that three fingers on one hand were cut to the bone, which caus- ed him considerable pain and discom- fort. In response to a telegram from Mil- waukee last week, announcing the death of of Mrs. Mike Kratz's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Kratz at once left oh the passinger to be present at. the fnneral. They were gone a number of days, returning home Tuesday of this week. J. G. Kirshmajn returned home from Cedar Rapids last week Friday, where he had been summoned BS a juror in the Federal court that was held there. Walter Kuntz was doing chores for his uncle Frank a number of dtys last week. ' Winnifield Kratz bought a horse at the Tom Moe sale last week. Walter Kuntz was s noon passenger for Cresco the forepart of the week. Theo. Kratz and family entertained Aegertei's folks last Sunday. Tom Moe did business between trains at Cresco the fore part of the week. Revs. L. M. Day and E. F. Kertz of the Evangelical church returned home from attending conference at Ackley, the fore part of the week Rev. Day will remain with us for at least anoth- er year, while Rev. Kertz was assign- ed to a charge atCreston, la.,for which place he expects to leave in about a week. MAPLE LEAF. 01 LAVAL Cwabiaatioa Wrench, furaiihed with each De Laval machlat, vfclck la the oaly tool i«|aired hi aettlng up, taking 4cm* or •MM Uia Laval, the aiupleat cream aepantor mr Mil. THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT THE MACHINE THAT CANNOT be taken apart, removed or replaced by any one who can use a smooch or acmw driver. In fact, the only tool which is needed in die use or the operation of a De Laval Cream Separator is the combination wrench and screw driver illustrated above, which is tarnished free with every machine. Drop in some dav soon and let us show you an up-to-date De Laval, You can see for yourself (feat It is built to give the best service. Grandpa Drtina is staying at the John Drtina home. Mrs. Mike Bronner and son visited at the Fishbsch home Sunday last. Adolph Kskac left for Phillips, Wis., last Friday to look up some lands. Agnes snd Frank Kubichek visited at the home of t e Ranc folks Thurs- day evening. Phillip Andera was a business visitor at Cresco Tuesday last. A. Kakac and Chas. Bachman were Saratoga callers Monday. Harry Herplinck visited at the home of A. Kakac Friday evening. V Albert Frana was a business caller at the J. Kubichek, Sr. home Monday. Mamie and Clara Ranc called on Agnes Kubicek Tuesday last. John Bronner was a Cresco shopper Monday. Mike Haskovec drove to A. Kakac's Tuesday Isst. Charley Bachman n of Milwaukee came out Tuesday to stay with Mr and Mrs. A. Kakac during the summer. Frank Horjesi called on W. Jarosh Sunday last. We understand that Mr. and Mrs Lon Zoubeck are the proud parents of a baby girl born to the recently. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Zozar spent Sun- day at the Horejsi home. Mr. and Mrs Tom Shimek visited at at the Albert Fri na home Sunday. Adolph Kakac returned home from Wis. Monday last. , John Graf "called at the Herplinck home Sunday afternoon. Joe Wacha called at Maple Leaf Monday. Ernest Bartles was a business caller at the Albert Frana home Sunday. Fred Marshall was an Acme shopper one day last week. Willie Kubichek called on his sister, Mrs. A. Kakac, Monday. CHESTER. An accident occurred on last Sunday in the Detra family living on the Dun- bar farm. A little girl of twelve years picked up a shot gun and pointed it at her brother aged seven. It was dis- charged, filling his face and hands with shot. Dr. Warren was called to dress the wounds. E. L. Dariey, of Osage, lows, was in Chester on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Courtney are guests at the C. T. McWilliams home. Harry Spencer went to Austin for a few days' visit. E. D. McWilliams was in Le Roy, Friday, transacting business. Magnes Leslie went to Austin where he is taking treatment for rheumatism. John Lonigan is loading a car. He has purchased a farm near Madison, Wis., wbich will be his future home. Mrs. Will Breedlove went to Crebco to consult Dr Kessel. Mrs. Ed. Roper returned to Chester' Saturday evening, after an extended visit near Minneapolis. couuty, was in Chester Monday.] PROTIVIN Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Bouska re- turned Saturday from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Grandma Hovorka moved last week to the home of her son Albert, north- west of town* Mr. and Mrs. James Kaderabek moved last week into Joseph Mrachek's new residence. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Kovarik, of Lawler, visited the latter's parents here, Sunday Padline Chipera departed for her home in Breckenridge, Minn., after a visit here with relatives. Abbie Kodelka, of New Hampton, spent a few days under the parental roof. Frank H. Chyle came up from Cedar Rapids, Saturday, for & tew days' visit at home Leonard and Charles Snopek return- ed to New Hampton to resume their studies. Dr. J. M. Smittle, of Waucoma, was a professional caller here, Sunday. The approaching marriage of Mary Milota and Mike Haskovec was an- nounced at the Holy Trinity church, Sunday. Nellie Mikesh and Lewis Bader were at Cresco, Monday. The dance in Beseda hall, Monday evening, was well attended. Richard and Leona Bouska were at Cresco, Saturday. Their brother Bennie accompanied them home. Edward Lukes left Monday on a trip to Oelwein and other cities. Joseph Soukup, of Ridgeway, assist- ed the P. B. B. orchestra for the dance, Monday evening. John A. Fencl was at Lawler, Monday. WEST VERNON Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Peters and family, spent Sondsy with|Cresco rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. Eldrldge and daughters Hazel and Madge, spent Sunday at tha Joe Lickteig home. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bouska spent Sun- day at the Leslie Sebastsin home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burnickel and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mrs. Ohmacht, of Cresco. Mrs. Frank Miller left Saturday for Riceville and Elma for a few days' visit. Sorry to say Charles Reis is suffering from an attack of appendicitis. His brother Dan and mother are assisting with work during his illness. Mr. ard Mrs. Fred Fish spent Sun- day with Cresco relatives. Roy Woods entertained a number of his friends Sunday, it being his birth- day. Sorry to say Frank Fleck was taken sick Sunday, but is better at our writ- ing. Peter Lickteig was a caller at the Joe Lickteig home Tuesday. Dell Strawn was a caller at the Elton Eldridge, and Wm. Coughlin homes Monday. Len Sebastain assisted Peter Hanson haul bogs to Cresco Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reinhart and family spent Sunday with Cresco rels- tives. . Frank Miller spent Saturday night with Cresco friends. p''.- Fred Fish and son Charles were busi- ness callers at the Wm. Woods home Tuesday. ALBION. Theodore Halweg spent a part of the week at the home of bis son, Otto. The Albion High school pupils return- ed to their school work Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Shea visited in Cresco Sunday. A. L. Wallace spent Sunday night and Monday in Cresco, having been called there by the serious illness of his daugher, Mrs. M. Olsen. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nichols spent Sunday at the James home in Orleans. Mrs. Peter DeGraves and son Chss. spent Monday with Cresco relatives. Albert Weinkauf had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse after a linger- ing illness. NORTH ALBION •Christine Plank was a pleasant caller at the R. Krueger and Milbrath homes, Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bigalk and Leona Bigalk and Mrs. Albert Bigalk visited at W. Bigalk's, Sunday. a Esther Bigalk underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital in Cresco, Saturday. George and David Velkman visited at Wm. Wolfe's, Sunday. Herbert Milbrath was a Cresco caller, Saturday. Amanda Miller, who has been work- ing for Mrs. Wm. Bigalk for a few weeks, returned tti her home, Sunday morning. Elsie and Sterling Hunttington and Malinda DeGreye attended church at Granger, Sunday. Clara Blatter visited Mrs. A. H. Keune, Saturday evening. Roger Clark and A. A. Bigalk visited Esther Bigalk at Cresco, Sunday. Statement. Statement of the ownership, manage- ment, etc., of the CRESCO PLAIN DEAL- ER, published weekly at Cresco, Iowa, required by Act of August 24, 1912: Editor—F. D. Mead, Cresco, Iowa. Business Managers—F. J. & F. D. Mead, Cresco, Iowa. Publishers—F. J. & F. D. Mead, Cres- ro, Iowa. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders, holding 1 per cent, or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: None. F. D. MEAD. Sworn and subscribed before me this 1st day of April, 1913. F. C. Blandin, [SEAL.] Clerk of the District Court. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A ORIGINAL NOTICE. In District Court, Howard County, 5 A . -A*.-', - Al ' * :: : l M NOTICE TO BIDDERS. The City Council of the City of Cresco, Iowa, will receive bids for the construction of cement sidewalks and crossings as per specifications on file in the City Clerks office. Each bid to be accompanied by a certified check of Twenty-five dollars. All bids must be filed with the City Clerk on or before 8 p. m. May 5, 1913. E. L. DAVENPORT, Mayor. Attest* A.*W. GILLETT, City Clerk. ORIGINAL NOTICE. In the District Court for Howard County Iowa. May Term, 1913. Cresco Union Savings Bank, Plaintiff. vs. Helena Giibertson, N'els Giibertson, "Mrs. Nels Giibertson and Peder Nelson, Defendants. To the Defendants Above Xamed: You are hereby notified that there is now on file In the office of the Clerk of the Dis- trict Court in and for the County of Howard, State of Iowa, a petition of the Plaintiff above named, claiming of you the gum of Two Hundred Twenty and Thirty Hun- dredth Dollars ($220.30) as justly due It on a certain promissory note for $250.00, daied February 23, 1899, and executed and deliver- ed by Peter Giibertson to Plaintiff, and claiming against all of you the foreclosure of a certain mortgage of even date with said note and securing the same on lot four (4) on the Bast half (%> of the Northwest quarter ( l A) and on the North half (%) of lot one (1) on the V est half (k) of the North- east quarter (^), all In Section Twenty (30) Township Ninety-Nine (99) North, Kange Thirteen (13) West of the 5th P. M., Howard County, Iowa, no personal judgment is asked against any of the defendants. And tnat unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of aald Court appointed to be held at the Court House in aald county com- mencing on the 19tta day or May, litis, your default will be entered and a judgment rendered against you thereon, in accordance with the prayer of said petition. W. L. BARKER, Attorney (or Plaintiff. Notica In Probate. To Whom It May Concern: You and each of you are hereby notified to appear at the Court House In Creaco, Howard county, Io^a, on the 19tb day of May A.l D. 1913, at % o'clock p. m. to attend the probate of an instrument purporting to be tne last Will and Testament of iCharles Byrnes, late of Howard County, Iowa, deceased, at which time and place you will appearand show cause, if any, why said Will should not be admitted to probate. In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereunto subscribed ray name and aiflxed the seal of the District Court this Sth day of April 1913. F. C. BLANDIN, [SEAL.] Cleric of District Court. Iowa. ' Stephen Kubicek, Plaintiff, vs Fred W. Gregory, Grant, Gregory, Kittie Hoiaington, Maggie Gregory, Mary Yates, Caroline Peterson, Mary Webb, Helen Gregory, Develo Root, Charles H. Gregory, the heirs of Charles H. Gregory, and their un- known grantees, mortgagees, as- signees, and if deceased, their un- known heirs-at-law, devisees and lega- tees, and the unknown claimants of the Northeast quarter of the North- west quarter .and the North half of the Northeast quarter, all in section one, township ninety-eight, North Range thirteen, West of the 5th P. M., de- fendants. You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that there is now on file in the office of the clerk of the District Court of Howard County, Iowa, the plain- tiff's petition in above entitled cause claiming and alleging that he is the absolute owner in fee simple of the North half (J) of the Northeast quar- ter (i), and the Northeast quarter (i) of the Northwest quarter (\) all in section one (1), town- ship ninety-eight (98) North, Range F thirteen (13) West of the Sth P. M., ;p : Howard County, Iowa, and praying ^ ! that the title to the above described -01 premises be quieted and confirmed in him against the adverse claims of any and all of the above named defendants, . : including the unknown defendants or unknown claimants, and alleging that ^ you have or claim to have some right, title or interest In ssid premises ad- verse to plaintiff, that the unknown defendants or unknown claimants de- rive, or claim to derive, their title or interest in said premises by, through or under the defendants Charles H. Gregory or the heirs of Charles H. Gregory, or by reason of having been the wife or husband of some of them, or by deed, devise or decent through '> some of them, or through some other 1 person unknown to plaint ff, the exact A method or mode of devolution by ^ which the unknown defendants or i claimants claim to derive an interest / in said premises being unknown to S laintiff, and alleging that Charles H. regpry obtained a deed to said land,' dated August 6, 1856, and recorded in deed record A at page 580, that said , Charles H. Gregory died intestate in ' 1866 a resident of the State of Michi- gan, that his will provided that his es- tate ahould be divided equally among -' his seven children after payment of -• charitable bequests, that before this real estate was sold to plaintiff's. grantors three ot said children died, ^ each leaving from four to six heirs, , and that some of these heirs failed to . sign the deeds conveying said land to plaintiff's grantors but alleging that>f plaintiff and his graintors have been in actual, exclusive, open and notorious possession of said real estate for more' than, twenty years last past under-: coior of title and that defendant's rights or interests in said real estate; are now barred. That in the affidavit recorded in deed record 2 at page 563~ and 564 giving the names of the heirs of Charles H. Gregory the name of Develo S. Root, is given as Develo' Root, Mary E. Webb or Mary G Webb as Maty Webb, Helen B. Gregory as ; Helen Gregory, Caroline G. Peterson as Caroline Peterson, Mary G. Yatea as Mary Yates, and Kitty Hoisini as Kittie Hoisington, but plainti leges that they are each one and .the same persons, respectively. That the names and residences of the unknown defendants or unknown claimants are unknown to plaintiff although be has sought diligently to learn same, for further particulars you are referred to the petition now on file. That unless you appear and defend before noon of the second day of the May 1913 Term of said Court which will commence on the 19th of May, 191% at the Court House in Cresco, Iowa, default will be entered against you and judgment and decree rendered The foregoing notice fir hereby ap- g roved and ofdered published in the resco Plain Dealer, a weekly news- paper published at Cresco, Iowa, for four consecutive weeks, the last of wbich shall not be less Ithan 10 days prior to the May, 1913 Term of said Court. Dated April 8, 1913. W. J. SPRINGER, Judge of the 13th Judicial District of Iowa. \&i A miW'. lington itiff al- rtcHUGH & LUSSON CRESCO Ckiokerliin'i u mar «•*• Ufe i * Another Sensation A short time ago we introduced the Edison Disc Phonograph to the music lovers of this vicinity,, with the result that everyone who heard it acknow- ledged it as a wonderful instrument. Now we offer the New Cable-Nelson Player Piano, a sensation in its line- wonderful in its tone quality, wonder- ful in construction, ana, as to durabil- ity, ask any of the hundreds of Cable- Nelson owners ' in this vicinity. Like the Edison Co., the Cable-Nelson Co. has a master mind at the head, resulting in new improvements, which are ahead of all others. * We will play the Edison and Cable- Nelson instruments every afternoon this week and next. Every lover of good music is invited to our store to near these instruments. Come and bring your friends and enjoy your- selves. GEO. H. KELLOGG & SON «• ,..p. -• t-•-•'•Vi. » ,•*- •' A 'i . . : 1

Transcript of Cresco plain dealer (Cresco, Howard County, Iowa). 1913-04 ......Frank Kyte Sunday. Will Howard and...

Page 1: Cresco plain dealer (Cresco, Howard County, Iowa). 1913-04 ......Frank Kyte Sunday. Will Howard and son Ray Elmo, visited at Will Eddy's Sunday. For Boras, Braises and Sores. The quickest

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LIME SPRINGS. Mr, and Mrs. C J.Zook returned

Friday morning fromi their {Chicago and Michigan visit.

Mrs. H. Hewitt returned Friday •evening from a 'Visit with relatives at Austin and Brownsdale, Minn.

* Mrs. E. E. Griffith was an Austin •caller, Friday;

James Zook 'was . sick a few days last week.

C. P. Nash Has 'traded his personal to R. E. Jones for Minnesota

Mrs. I. W./ftoberts, Mrs. Ann Jones,' Mrs. Howlarid and Mrs. . Hugh Williams

"went to Chester, Friday, to attend the funeral of Mrs. R. R. Roberts.

W. J. Roberts visited at the homes of D. O. Jones and Dan Roberts, last week.

Last Sunfdaya baby girl came to make her hoii^e with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Hunter. .

Wednesday, night the barn on the place where K- O. Stave' lives was struck by lightning and burned.

Will Roberts went to Cresco, Friday, returning Saturday.

Messrs. Metz, Capper and Hammond, of Chester, were in'town last week.

Dr. Carpenter and son Lyman left Thursday for Cumberland, Wis., where Xyman expecta to start farming.

Mrs E. E. Obriham and Margaret Jones are visiting friends in Spring Valley, Minn.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woods came from IDakota, Thursday night, for a visit nwith bis mother, Mrs. Alice Woods.

Mr. L. Larson, of Decorah, spent Sunday with friend*.

C. P. Nash returned to Minneapolis, Saturday morning.

Prof. T. E. Jones came Friday morn­ing from Madison, Wis., for a visit 'with home folks.

Frank Schacht was a business caller at Cresco, Saurday.

0. M. Truman returned Thursday night from his Canada trip.

Willie Parchman returned to his ihome in Cresco, Saturday.

Miss Logsden, who has been nursing JUrs. Tistleson, went home Saturday anight, on account of sickness.

Mrs. R. J. Riley and Mrs- Sarah Stir--waldt returned to Minneapolis, after a 'visit at the Cbas. Hall borne.

MrsJ J. - L. Barnes is visiting in •Austin.

Anna Meyers lias gone to ber home mear Cresco.

S. ft. Cray went to Minneapolis, Fri­day morning.

Mr.'ahd Mrs. Frank Burns went to Postville, Saturday, to spend Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Luhman.

Mrs. H. W. Schultz and mother, Mrs. Meyers, are visiting in Charles City.

Lois Elwood went 10 Le Roy Friday, and from there to Austin, to spend

Sunday. Mabel and Laura Plummer, who have

been visiting at the home of Dr. Plum -oner, went to Cresco, Saturday.

Either Williams went to Chester, ^Saturday to visit Dorothy Thomas.

Blisabeth Jones came from Minne­apolis Saturday.

dara Knudsen returned to her ascbool duties at Rose Creek, Saturday.

Winnie Gibbons spent Saturday in -town, and in the evening her sister JfiMred returned to their Bonair home •with her. IF. T. flenningfield spent Sunday at the M. J. Gates boMe.

'Mabel Hall went to Rochester Sat­urday morning.

Geo. Hall and Joe Williams were •over Sunday visitors in Charles City.

Mrs. Roy Lusk and mother, Mrs. IVm, Ctark returned to Mankato Sat-

re Satarda; were Mrs 8. tt.;*ftaii, Mrs.; W. Sanborn, Mrs. E. H. Jones and son Eldad, Misses Harriet Owens and Kathryn Sullivan.

Those that came froth' Cresco Satur­day were Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Bowers, Augusta Parchman and Dina Jones.

A. M. Kavanaugh returned from Spring Valley, and is visiting at the home of D J. Nage). \

Dr. Bissell spoke in the M. E. church Sunday evening.

John Ruesink spent Sunday at home. Mrs. Frank Stevens, and Miss Mira

Buck were Cresco callers, Monday. A. J. Cray was a Bonair caller Mon­

day. Mrs. Helen Walston, who has been

visiting at the home of T. F. Van-Leuven, returned Sunday - evening to her home at Sanborn, Iowa.

W. F. Irvine and John Foulkes, were Cresco visit rs Tuesday.

Augusta Parchman returned horns Sunday evening.

'Mildred Gibbons has quit working in the store of. W. C. Jones, and returned to her home at Bonair.

J. C. Sanborti and Kathryn Roberts, went to Minneapolis, Sunday morning, and from there John expects to go to Montana, where he has a position.

Rev Grooters, of Greenleafton, was in town Monday, and in the evening went to Chicago.

Geo. Hughes returned to Park Rapids, Tuesday..

Mrs. Nellie Ambrose, who has been visiting al the Atwood and Stockdale homes, returned to her home in Rice-ville, Tuesday.

Mrs. G. Morris went to Cresco Tues-day.

Hilda Fruchte, after visiting at the Salisbury home, returned to Faribault, Minn.'

Mrs. Obriham and Margaret Jones, returned from Spring Valley, Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. L.\ P Sanborn are vis­iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Griffith.

. Emmett McWilliams was a Lime Springs caller Tuesday.

Rev. and Mrs. Jones returned from •their vacation Tuesday morning.

Lennie Webster, of Lisbon, N. D., is visiting at the D. J. Nagel home.

Mr. .and Mrs. A. M. Kayanaugh re­turned! to their home at Rochester, Monday.

T. E. Jones returned to Madison, Sunday evening, his brother, R. E. Jones accompanied him.

John Mensink, who has been in Pra-rie du Chien, taking treatments, re­turned home Tuesday.

and the

8Ks . .

ftagnhikl Olson spent Sunday in Chester.

Earl O'Conner went to his home in XaWler, to spent Sunday.

Jerry Williams spent Sunday in •Cresco, also H. L. Perry.

George Hughes came Saturday from Park Rapids, Minn., for a visit at home.

Mrs. Oscar Taraldson has returned from Chicago where ehe has been to purchase goods.

ORLEANS. Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Culbert

little daughter spent Sunday at John Cunningham home.

Florence Eddy and Katie Walton spent Sunday with Anna and Sophia Nibauer. . Mrs. Bert Perry visited relatives in Cresco Sunday.

Grace and Roy Burr and Vera and Charly Burgess visited at the Cum-ming's home Sunday.

Mrs. Walton and Mrs. Arthur Gard­ner visited Mrs. R. H. Burr Sunday.

JM Steinmetz hauled hogs to Cres­co Tuesday.

Frank Ahern helped his brother-in-law, Emmet Carroll clip horses a coup­le of days last week.

Mr*. Guy Humphrey called on Mrs. Frank Kyte Sunday.

Will Howard and son Ray and Elmo, visited at Will Eddy's Sunday.

For Boras, Braises and Sores. The quickest and surest cure for

burns, bruises, boils, sores, inflsmma-tion and all skin diseases is Bucklen's AratafeSabre., In four days it cured L. H.Haflin, of Iredell, Tex., of a sore on bis ankle which pained him so he could hardly walk. Should be in every house. Only 25c. Recommended by P. A. Clemmer.

A Great Pain Killer. Meritol White Liniment reduces in-

flamation and soreness wherever found in about one-third the time required by the usual treatment. It has no equal as a general household remedy. Sold by Fred Lowry.

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The Simplest CREAM SEPARATOR Ever Built —

DE LAVAL EXCELS ALL OTHERS not only in thoroughness

of separation, sanitary cleanliness, ease of ' running and durability, but as well in its great simplicity.

THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT THE OPERATION, CLEANING, adjustment or repair of a modern De Laval Cream Separator which requires expert knowledge or special tools.

NOR ARB THERE ANY PARTS WHICH REQUIRE FREQUENT adjustment in order to maintain good running or to conform to varying conditions in the every-day use of a cream separator.

LOCJRDES. Mike Conly departed for Dakota

Wednesday last. Pat Waldron and family called on

Delie Conly Friday evening. Mamie Stanly visited at Rinns Sunday We are glad to hear that Jack Nor­

ton is able to be up and around again. J. J. Urban returned from Dakota

where he spent a few weeks with rel atives and friends, and was accompa­nied by his cousin, Frank Dozark, who intends to spend the summer in Iowa,

J. W. and E. D Nibaur and W. J. Beaumaster were pleasant callers at the Valvoda Bros, nome Friday evening

J. Marshek and wife visited at the Walker borne Sunday afternoon.

John Vokarty called at the J. Val­voda home Sunday afternoon.

Ed Nibaur called at the Hoshek home Sunday evening. ' Frank Dozark and J. J. Urban called on Lon Urban Monday.

Toney Chihak called at the J. Wal­ker home Sunday evening.

Russel Shilley visited with Johnie Marshek Sunday afterhoon.

Johnnie Guyette is busy building his new house these days.

Joseph Kubik called at the Franklin home Sunday evening,

Joseph Nibaur Jr., was an Elma shopper Monday.

Verona Conry called at the Pat Nor­ton home Sunday.

We are all sorry to say Ralph Buck­ley is not any better at this writing.

Frank, Pete and Mary Milota were seen in Lourdes Sunday. |

Martin Birmingham and family vis­ited at the Valvoda home Sunday.

Died—Mrs. Harnack died at her home near Lourdes, Saturday morning and was buried at the Saratoga ceme­tery Monday. Many relatives and friends attended the funeral.

Margart and Susan Urban visited with their sister, Mrs. shimek last week. ft Mr. Burmingham is on the sick list. Peter Kovarak, Margarete and Susie

Urban and Elizabeth Nibaur visited at the John Viebrock home Monday.

Julius Frank was at Elma Monday. John Hawk and wife called at Frank

Nibaur's Sunday. Frank Valvoda called at the Vincent

Kubick home Tuesday. Frank and Jim Lipa were seen at

Lourdes Sunday. . Mrs. Frank Valvoda called at ..t^Q

W. Urban home Sunday afternoon. Willie Conry, after a few years of

absence, returned to his home Satur­day for a few weeks visit with his par­ents.

Joseph Kubik was an Elma caller Monday.

Elizabeth Flaherty visited at the Joe Nibaur home Tuesday afternoon.

Sadie Noonan was seen at Lourdes Sunday.

Mrs. Vincent Kubik and daughter, Mrs. Frank Nibaur went to Elma Tuesday

Mrs Thomas Noonan was a New Hampton caller one day last week.

Katie Falada visited her sister, Mrs Lon Urban Monday.

OTTER CREEK CLIPPING. Our roads are drying nicely, and

should be dragged to make the travel on tbem comfortable.

The ladies of the F. W. M. S. of the German M. E. church were hospitably entertained by IMrs. John Reinhart last Thursday afternoon. They decid­ed to hold their next meeting with Mrs. Henry Albers the first Thursday in May. Hattie Kratz returned last week from

Golden Ridge, Howard county, where she had been a number of days, visit­ing ber sister, Mrs. Louis Walter.

While sawing wood last week, Frank got too near the saw, and the result was that three fingers on one hand were cut to the bone, which caus­ed him considerable pain and discom­fort.

In response to a telegram from Mil­waukee last week, announcing the death of of Mrs. Mike Kratz's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Kratz at once left oh the passinger to be present at. the fnneral. They were gone a number of days, returning home Tuesday of this week.

J. G. Kirshmajn returned home from Cedar Rapids last week Friday, where he had been summoned BS a juror in the Federal court that was held there.

Walter Kuntz was doing chores for his uncle Frank a number of dtys last week. '

Winnifield Kratz bought a horse at the Tom Moe sale last week.

Walter Kuntz was s noon passenger for Cresco the forepart of the week.

Theo. Kratz and family entertained Aegertei's folks last Sunday.

Tom Moe did business between trains at Cresco the fore part of the week.

Revs. L. M. Day and E. F. Kertz of the Evangelical church returned home from attending conference at Ackley, the fore part of the week Rev. Day will remain with us for at least anoth­er year, while Rev. Kertz was assign­ed to a charge atCreston, la.,for which place he expects to leave in about a week.



Cwabiaatioa Wrench, furaiihed with each De Laval machlat, vfclck la the oaly tool i«|aired hi aettlng up, taking 4cm* or •MM Uia D« Laval, the aiupleat cream aepantor mr Mil.

THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT THE MACHINE THAT CANNOT be taken apart, removed or replaced by any one who can use a smooch or acmw driver. In fact, the only tool which is needed in die use or the operation of a De Laval Cream Separator is the combination wrench and screw driver illustrated above, which is tarnished free with every machine. Drop in some dav soon and let us show you an up-to-date De Laval, You can see for yourself (feat It is built to give the best service.

Grandpa Drtina is staying at the John Drtina home.

Mrs. Mike Bronner and son visited at the Fishbsch home Sunday last.

Adolph Kskac left for Phillips, Wis., last Friday to look up some lands.

Agnes snd Frank Kubichek visited at the home of t e Ranc folks Thurs­day evening.

Phillip Andera was a business visitor at Cresco Tuesday last.

A. Kakac and Chas. Bachman were Saratoga callers Monday.

Harry Herplinck visited at the home of A. Kakac Friday evening. V

Albert Frana was a business caller at the J. Kubichek, Sr. home Monday.

Mamie and Clara Ranc called on Agnes Kubicek Tuesday last.

John Bronner was a Cresco shopper Monday.

Mike Haskovec drove to A. Kakac's Tuesday Isst.

Charley Bachman n of Milwaukee came out Tuesday to stay with Mr and Mrs. A. Kakac during the summer.

Frank Horjesi called on W. Jarosh Sunday last.

We understand that Mr. and Mrs Lon Zoubeck are the proud parents of a baby girl born to the recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas Zozar spent Sun­day at the Horejsi home.

Mr. and Mrs Tom Shimek visited at at the Albert Fri na home Sunday.

Adolph Kakac returned home from Wis. Monday last. ,

John Graf "called at the Herplinck home Sunday afternoon.

Joe Wacha called at Maple Leaf Monday.

Ernest Bartles was a business caller at the Albert Frana home Sunday.

Fred Marshall was an Acme shopper one day last week.

Willie Kubichek called on his sister, Mrs. A. Kakac, Monday.

CHESTER. An accident occurred on last Sunday

in the Detra family living on the Dun­bar farm. A little girl of twelve years picked up a shot gun and pointed it at her brother aged seven. It was dis-charged, filling his face and hands with shot. Dr. Warren was called to dress the wounds.

E. L. Dariey, of Osage, lows, was in Chester on Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Courtney are guests at the C. T. McWilliams home.

Harry Spencer went to Austin for a few days' visit.

E. D. McWilliams was in Le Roy, Friday, transacting business.

Magnes Leslie went to Austin where he is taking treatment for rheumatism.

John Lonigan is loading a car. He has purchased a farm near Madison, Wis., wbich will be his future home.

Mrs. Will Breedlove went to Crebco to consult Dr Kessel.

Mrs. Ed. Roper returned to Chester' Saturday evening, after an extended visit near Minneapolis.

couuty, was in Chester Monday.]

PROTIVIN Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Bouska re­

turned Saturday from Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Grandma Hovorka moved last week to the home of her son Albert, north­west of town*

Mr. and Mrs. James Kaderabek moved last week into Joseph Mrachek's new residence.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Kovarik, of Lawler, visited the latter's parents here, Sunday

Padline Chipera departed for her home in Breckenridge, Minn., after a visit here with relatives.

Abbie Kodelka, of New Hampton, spent a few days under the parental roof.

Frank H. Chyle came up from Cedar Rapids, Saturday, for & tew days' visit at home

Leonard and Charles Snopek return­ed to New Hampton to resume their studies.

Dr. J. M. Smittle, of Waucoma, was a professional caller here, Sunday.

The approaching marriage of Mary Milota and Mike Haskovec was an­nounced at the Holy Trinity church, Sunday.

Nellie Mikesh and Lewis Bader were at Cresco, Monday.

The dance in Beseda hall, Monday evening, was well attended.

Richard and Leona Bouska were at Cresco, Saturday. Their brother Bennie accompanied them home.

Edward Lukes left Monday on a trip to Oelwein and other cities.

Joseph Soukup, of Ridgeway, assist­ed the P. B. B. orchestra for the dance, Monday evening.

John A. Fencl was at Lawler, Monday.

WEST VERNON Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Peters and

family, spent Sondsy with|Cresco rela­tives.

Mr. and Mrs. Eldrldge and daughters Hazel and Madge, spent Sunday at tha Joe Lickteig home.

Mr. and Mrs. F. Bouska spent Sun­day at the Leslie Sebastsin home.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burnickel and fam­ily spent Sunday with Mrs. Ohmacht, of Cresco.

Mrs. Frank Miller left Saturday for Riceville and Elma for a few days' visit.

Sorry to say Charles Reis is suffering from an attack of appendicitis. His brother Dan and mother are assisting with work during his illness.

Mr. ard Mrs. Fred Fish spent Sun­day with Cresco relatives.

Roy Woods entertained a number of his friends Sunday, it being his birth­day.

Sorry to say Frank Fleck was taken sick Sunday, but is better at our writ­ing.

Peter Lickteig was a caller at the Joe Lickteig home Tuesday.

Dell Strawn was a caller at the Elton Eldridge, and Wm. Coughlin homes Monday.

Len Sebastain assisted Peter Hanson haul bogs to Cresco Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reinhart and family spent Sunday with Cresco rels-tives. .

Frank Miller spent Saturday night with Cresco friends. p''.-

Fred Fish and son Charles were busi­ness callers at the Wm. Woods home Tuesday.

ALBION. Theodore Halweg spent a part of the

week at the home of bis son, Otto. The Albion High school pupils return­

ed to their school work Sunday and Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Shea visited in Cresco Sunday.

A. L. Wallace spent Sunday night and Monday in Cresco, having been called there by the serious illness of his daugher, Mrs. M. Olsen.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nichols spent Sunday at the James home in Orleans.

Mrs. Peter DeGraves and son Chss. spent Monday with Cresco relatives.

Albert Weinkauf had the misfortune to lose a valuable horse after a linger­ing illness.

NORTH ALBION •Christine Plank was a pleasant caller at the R. Krueger and Milbrath homes, Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bigalk and Leona Bigalk and Mrs. Albert Bigalk visited at W. Bigalk's, Sunday.

a Esther Bigalk underwent an opera­tion for appendicitis at St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital in Cresco, Saturday.

George and David Velkman visited at Wm. Wolfe's, Sunday.

Herbert Milbrath was a Cresco caller, Saturday.

Amanda Miller, who has been work­ing for Mrs. Wm. Bigalk for a few weeks, returned tti her home, Sunday morning.

Elsie and Sterling Hunttington and Malinda DeGreye attended church at Granger, Sunday.

Clara Blatter visited Mrs. A. H. Keune, Saturday evening.

Roger Clark and A. A. Bigalk visited Esther Bigalk at Cresco, Sunday.

Statement. Statement of the ownership, manage­

ment, etc., of the CRESCO PLAIN DEAL­ER, published weekly at Cresco, Iowa, required by Act of August 24, 1912:

Editor—F. D. Mead, Cresco, Iowa. Business Managers—F. J. & F. D.

Mead, Cresco, Iowa. Publishers—F. J. & F. D. Mead, Cres-

ro, Iowa. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and

other security holders, holding 1 per cent, or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: None.

F. D. MEAD. Sworn and subscribed before me this

1st day of April, 1913. F. C. Blandin,

[SEAL.] Clerk of the District Court.



ORIGINAL NOTICE. In District Court, Howard County,

5 A

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NOTICE TO BIDDERS. The City Council of the City of

Cresco, Iowa, will receive bids for the construction of cement sidewalks and crossings as per specifications on file in the City Clerks office. Each bid to be accompanied by a certified check of Twenty-five dollars. All bids must be filed with the City Clerk on or before 8 p. m. May 5, 1913.

E. L. DAVENPORT, Mayor. Attest*

A.*W. GILLETT, City Clerk.

ORIGINAL NOTICE. In the District Court for Howard County

Iowa. May Term, 1913.

Cresco Union Savings Bank, Plaintiff. vs.

Helena Giibertson, N'els Giibertson, "Mrs. Nels Giibertson and Peder Nelson,

Defendants. To the Defendants Above Xamed:

You are hereby notified that there is now on file In the office of the Clerk of the Dis­trict Court in and for the County of Howard, State of Iowa, a petition of the Plaintiff above named, claiming of you the gum of Two Hundred Twenty and Thirty Hun­dredth Dollars ($220.30) as justly due It on a certain promissory note for $250.00, daied February 23, 1899, and executed and deliver­ed by Peter Giibertson to Plaintiff, and claiming against all of you the foreclosure of a certain mortgage of even date with said note and securing the same on lot four (4) on the Bast half (%> of the Northwest quarter (lA) and on the North half (%) of lot one (1) on the V est half (k) of the North­east quarter (^), all In Section Twenty (30) Township Ninety-Nine (99) North, Kange Thirteen (13) West of the 5th P. M., Howard County, Iowa, no personal judgment is asked against any of the defendants.

And tnat unless you appear thereto and defend before noon of the second day of the next term of aald Court appointed to be held at the Court House in aald county com­mencing on the 19tta day or May, litis, your default will be entered and a judgment rendered against you thereon, in accordance with the prayer of said petition.

W. L. BARKER, Attorney (or Plaintiff.

Notica In Probate. To Whom It May Concern:

You and each of you are hereby notified to appear at the Court House In Creaco, Howard county, Io^a, on the 19tb day of May A.l D. 1913, at % o'clock p. m. to attend the probate of an instrument purporting to be tne last Will and Testament of iCharles Byrnes, late of Howard County, Iowa, deceased, at which time and place you will appearand show cause, if any, why said Will should not be admitted to probate.

In Testimony Whereof, 1 have hereunto subscribed ray name and aiflxed the seal of the District Court this Sth day of April 1913.

F. C. BLANDIN, [SEAL.] Cleric of District Court.

Iowa. ' Stephen Kubicek, Plaintiff,

vs Fred W. Gregory, Grant, Gregory,

Kittie Hoiaington, Maggie Gregory, Mary Yates, Caroline Peterson, Mary Webb, Helen Gregory, Develo Root, Charles H. Gregory, the heirs of Charles H. Gregory, and their un­known grantees, mortgagees, as­signees, and if deceased, their un­known heirs-at-law, devisees and lega­tees, and the unknown claimants of the Northeast quarter of the North­west quarter .and the North half of the Northeast quarter, all in section one, township ninety-eight, North Range thirteen, West of the 5th P. M., de­fendants.

You and each of you are hereby noti­fied that there is now on file in the office of the clerk of the District Court of Howard County, Iowa, the plain­tiff's petition in above entitled cause claiming and alleging that he is the absolute owner in fee simple of the North half (J) of the Northeast quar-ter (i), and the Northeast quarter (i) • of the Northwest quarter (\) all in section one (1), town-ship ninety-eight (98) North, Range F thirteen (13) West of the Sth P. M., ;p : Howard County, Iowa, and praying ^ ! that the title to the above described -01 premises be quieted and confirmed in him against the adverse claims of any and all of the above named defendants, .: including the unknown defendants or unknown claimants, and alleging that ^ you have or claim to have some right, title or interest In ssid premises ad­verse to plaintiff, that the unknown defendants or unknown claimants de­rive, or claim to derive, their title or interest in said premises by, through or under the defendants Charles H. Gregory or the heirs of Charles H. Gregory, or by reason of having been the wife or husband of some of them, or by deed, devise or decent through '> some of them, or through some other 1 person unknown to plaint ff, the exact A method or mode of devolution by ^ which the unknown defendants or i claimants claim to derive an interest / in said premises being unknown to

Slaintiff, and alleging that Charles H. regpry obtained a deed to said land,'

dated August 6, 1856, and recorded in deed record A at page 580, that said , Charles H. Gregory died intestate in ' 1866 a resident of the State of Michi­gan, that his will provided that his es­tate ahould be divided equally among -' his seven children after payment of -• charitable bequests, that before this real estate was sold to plaintiff's. grantors three ot said children died, ^ each leaving from four to six heirs, , and that some of these heirs failed to . sign the deeds conveying said land to plaintiff's grantors but alleging that>f plaintiff and his graintors have been in actual, exclusive, open and notorious possession of said real estate for more' than, twenty years last past under-: coior of title and that defendant's rights or interests in said real estate; are now barred. That in the affidavit recorded in deed record 2 at page 563~ and 564 giving the names of the heirs of Charles H. Gregory the name of Develo S. Root, is given as Develo' Root, Mary E. Webb or Mary G Webb as Maty Webb, Helen B. Gregory as ; Helen Gregory, Caroline G. Peterson as Caroline Peterson, Mary G. Yatea as Mary Yates, and Kitty Hoisini as Kittie Hoisington, but plainti leges that they are each one and .the same persons, respectively. That the names and residences of the unknown defendants or unknown claimants are unknown to plaintiff although be has sought diligently to learn same, for further particulars you are referred to the petition now on file.

That unless you appear and defend before noon of the second day of the May 1913 Term of said Court which will commence on the 19th of May, 191% at the Court House in Cresco, Iowa, default will be entered against you and judgment and decree rendered

The foregoing notice fir hereby ap-

groved and ofdered published in the resco Plain Dealer, a weekly news­

paper published at Cresco, Iowa, for four consecutive weeks, the last of wbich shall not be less Ithan 10 days prior to the May, 1913 Term of said Court. Dated April 8, 1913.

W. J. SPRINGER, Judge of the 13th Judicial District of Iowa.


• A miW'. lington itiff al-


Ckiokerliin'i u mar «•*• Ufe

i *

Another Sensation A short time ago we introduced the Edison Disc Phonograph to the music lovers of this vicinity,, with the result that everyone who heard it acknow­ledged it as a wonderful instrument. Now we offer the New Cable-Nelson Player Piano, a sensation in its line-wonderful in its tone quality, wonder­ful in construction, ana, as to durabil­ity, ask any of the hundreds of Cable-Nelson owners ' in this vicinity. Like the Edison Co., the Cable-Nelson Co. has a master mind at the head, resulting in new improvements, which are ahead of all others.

* We will play the Edison and Cable-Nelson instruments every afternoon this week and next. Every lover of good music is invited to our store to near these instruments. Come and bring your friends and enjoy your­selves.


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