Credit repair

Not Just For Those With Bad Credit Credit Repair

Transcript of Credit repair

Page 1: Credit repair

Not Just For Those With Bad Credit

Credit Repair

Page 2: Credit repair

Content:◈ What is Credit Repair??

◈ Impact of bad credit

◈ When you need a credit repair?

◈ How to fix your credit report?

◈ how to remove errors from your credit report?

◈ What does a credit consultant do?

◈ Is it really worthy to pay a credit repair firm?

Page 3: Credit repair

Credit Repair means to fix errors in your credit report and rebuild it to a level where you are eligible for further loans or advances.

It takes time to fix and to remove negative data from your credit report but it is necessary to make it worthiness. So, that you can live a happy and tension free life.

What is Credit Repair

Page 4: Credit repair

There are so many lenders and financial institution which will judge you based on your FICO score.

If your FICO score is not good enough to prove it’s worthiness. In that case you’ll be in big trouble, it can make your life worse.

Because of your bad FICO score, creditors and lenders can charge you more interest rates, it might be a reason for the rejection of your loan & advances and this rejection can also lower your credit score.

Impact of bad credit

Page 5: Credit repair

FICO score ranges from 300 to 850. Generally, scores underneath 630 considered as poor and scores above 700 considered as good.

So, if your score is less than 700 or you noticed any error in your credit history then you must do something to fix your credit or you can take some financial advice from professionals. They will surely help you to come out of this situation.

When you need a credit repair?

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First of all you must issue full credit report from the 3-reporting agencies: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax.

Then, examine your credit report and make new financial plans accordingly.

Improve your payment history by paying your bills and other payments on time.

Know your credit utilization rate and try not to apply for new credit.

You can ask for help from consultant pros to better understand your credit and to remove errors from your credit history.

How to fix your credit report

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Either you can send letters to all 3-credit reporting bureau, explaining about the errors in your report or you can consult a professional who can do the job on your behalf.

These 3 bureau will investigate the fact and if any data in your report found to be incorrect then they will remove it from your credit history.

How to remove error from your credit report

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A credit consultant can help to remove the errors from your credit report as soon as possible. As they are professional, they have a diverse knowledge about these things.

They can give you better advice regarding your credit report and make you aware of credit report and credit score range that can affect your financial life.

By better understanding you can make better financial plans and make your credit quickly healed.

What does a credit consultant do

Page 9: Credit repair

Not all the firms are trustworthy. This doesn’t mean there is no such firm we can trust.

Also, in this busy life it’s not always possible to do all the task by own. Beside, we can seek a trusted and professional firm and take help from them to get your job done. So, that you can save your time and effort.

Is it really worthy to pay a credit repair firm

Page 10: Credit repair

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