Creativity in Problem Solving : A matter of Context in Problem Solving : A matter of Context Charles...

pages 1 to n Creativity in Problem Solving : A matter of Context Charles Tijus* --- Patrick Brézillon** * Cognition & Usages, University Paris 8 2 rue de la Liberté, 93526 St Denis, France ** LIP6, Case 169, University Paris 6 8, rue du Capitaine Scott, 75015 Paris, France Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT. Aid for Innovative decision-making is one of the techniques Decision Support Systems should provide to the user. Contrary to modeling analogy, we propose an approach based on problem solving through the finding of substitutes with contextual categorizations that could help having insight solution and through the use of contextual graphs to evaluate how much a substitute is of help. KEYWORDS: DSS, Context, contextual categorization, contextual graph, decision making

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Page 1: Creativity in Problem Solving : A matter of Context in Problem Solving : A matter of Context Charles Tijus* --- Patrick Br zillon** * Cognition & Usages, University Paris 8 2 rue de

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Creativity in Problem Solving : A matter ofContext

Charles Tijus* --- Patrick Brézillon**

* Cognition & Usages, University Paris 8

2 rue de la Liberté, 93526 St Denis, France

** LIP6, Case 169, University Paris 6

8, rue du Capitaine Scott, 75015 Paris, France

Email: [email protected]

ABSTRACT. Aid for Innovative decision-making is one of the techniques Decision Support

Systems should provide to the user. Contrary to modeling analogy, we propose an approach

based on problem solving through the finding of substitutes with contextual categorizations

that could help having insight solution and through the use of contextual graphs to evaluate

how much a substitute is of help.

KEYWORDS: DSS, Context, contextual categorization, contextual graph, decision making

Page 2: Creativity in Problem Solving : A matter of Context in Problem Solving : A matter of Context Charles Tijus* --- Patrick Br zillon** * Cognition & Usages, University Paris 8 2 rue de

1. Introduction

Archimedes had a problem. King Hiero of Athens purchased a new crown for the

statue of God and asked Archimedes to find out, without perturbing the wreath in

any way, if the crown was really made out of pure gold, or if it was contaminated

with cheap silver. Archimedes could not come up with a solution. After a long day

of worrying, he decided to relax with a warm bath. When he entered the tub, he

noticed the water level rising. This was something he knew, but now he suddenly

realized the water displacement was proportional to the volume of the immersed part

of his body. He puts a weight of gold equal to the crown in a bowl filled with water.

Then, the gold is removed and replaced by the crown. A difference of lighter silver

would increase the bulk of the crown and cause the bowl to overflow. He found a

way to determine the volume of the crown, and thereby discovered the solution to

his problem!

Being a true story or being a fake, we get here the description of a problem

solving that is based on the analogy between Archimedes body and the crown from

the viewpoint of a procedure use and its results. Such an insight would be

appreciated from a DSS as long as the problem at hand does not require a simple

solution. We discuss here how to improve DSS with some innovative data analysis

that should improve problem solving and creativity in decision-making.

First, the use of DSS is to make a more rational decision, the kind of decision, at

a first look, far from what Archimedes did. King Hiero should have surely dismissed

Archimedes telling the story “I got the solution: I took a bath!” Second,

Archimedes’ decision is made of few data, when developed theory made use of large

amount of data processing (graphs, statistics), of relations processing (dimensional

modeling, data mining, etc.), processing generally made on line with regards to data

quality. Thus, our proposal is not an alternative to usual DSS approach, but some

way to get an additional look on the data, which would be often biased, either for

fun (frequently), or for insight (rarely).

Analogy making is one of the human performances that computer scientists have

tried to model and simulate. We first present the limits of analogy and the contextual

categorization approach. Second, we define what is the problem of finding

innovative solution. Then, we present Contextual Graphs (CxG) as a tool that could

be useful for testing innovative decision-making.

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2. Creativity as Contextual categorization

Wayne Zachary (1986) has listed six classes of DSS techniques that are:

- Process models, which assist in projecting the future course of complex


- Choice models, which support integration of decision criteria across aspects

and/or alternatives;

- Information control techniques, which help in storage, retrieval, organization,

and integration of data and knowledge;

- Analysis and reasoning techniques, which support application of problem-

specific expert reasoning procedures;

- Representation aids, which assist in expression and manipulation of a specific

representation of a decision problem; and

- Judgment amplification/refinement techniques, which help in quantification and

debiasing of heuristic judgments.

Among these classes, we discuss of analysis and reasoning techniques, more

precisely “in modeling the ill-structured, early stages of the strategic decision

making process” (Spangler, 1991) that includes analogical reasoning.

In the realm of DSS researchers and developers, we often use analogies to

explain our ideas about DSS (e.g. Pereira, 1995), or for providing explanation (Roth-

Berghofer, 2004). As a DSS technique, could the use of analogy processes provide

the kind of heuristics expressed in the Archimedes story?

Case-based or analogy-based systems try to find on large amounts of data

analogous cases, or analogous decision-making situations. According to Gentner and

Toupin (1986), the finding of possible sources for analogy is as follows. First, the

goal being defined (the crown and the problem of finding if the crown is only made

of pure gold), a matching process starts by carrying out a large number of

comparisons between the components (objects, objects attributes and relations) of

the sources and of the goal. Second, source and structure are mapped for "global"

identifications. Ripoll and Eynard (2002) discussed the order of the successive

phases (encode target, find sources with local matches, match structure) in human

analogical processes and there is the problem of how components are selected for

mapping (Kwon, Im and Van de Walle, 2002). However, since analogy is based on

similarity with already encoded data, there is not really innovation in the results.

There is no difference between case-based reasoning, that is intra-domain, and

analogical reasoning, that is inter-domains, in purveying insight: since the creative

process is new : Archimedes had never used water displacement for computing the

volume of a possible source.

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In our introductory example, Archimedes did not solve the problem with his

body in the past as required by case-base reasoning or by analogy-based systems.

Archimedes got the target problem, solved the source problem, and at the same time,

was solving the target problem.

Thus, our first proposal is that Archimedes’ cognitive processes are based on

recognizing and identifying the crown as the same kind of things than his body from

the viewpoint of the water-level rising. Thus, this is categorization problem. We

follow Tijus, Poitrenaud and Chêne (2005) and argue that categorization is not

guided by similarity, but, conversely, similarity is guided by categorization.

Our second proposal is that creativity, - as a process of discovery -, is generally

related to problem solving, even for artistic creativity (Tijus, 1988). Problem solving

means a goal to reach (finding a solution). For Archimedes (or someone else without

the solution), the goal could have been that “the crown and the same weight of pure

gold should have the same volume. Thus how to find the volume of the chased

crown without destroying the crown?” What we do know from problem solving is,

when in impasse, people that are asked to solve a difficult problem, either make a lot

of trials with errors, or stop and start thinking about why the goal cannot be reached

and what could be a good position for reaching it, and the conditions to be satisfied

to be in that position (Zanga et al., 2004). Consider the chess game. For example, “If

the Queen was here, I would win! Where is my Queen? Is it possible to have a series

of moves leading the Queen there? “ And with counterfactuals: “what a pity, it

would be so simple if I still get my Queen!” Why having these kinds of assumptions,

hypotheses and counterfactuals? Second proposal is that making counterfactuals is

the key of innovative problem solving.

Our third proposal is that counterfactuals based insight is related on the selection

of candidate objects by contextual categorization. Archimedes (or someone else

without the solution) could think that the problem would be simpler “if kings had a

gold cube on their head instead of chased crown!” Why “cube of Gold”? “Cube of

gold” is a counterfactual that would be inferred while searching how the problem

could be solved. This is realized by searching the objects that would be a solution of

the problem, and then by computing differences: How much the solution object

differs from the actual object? How to reduce their difference? For example,

Archimedes could have found that he cannot transform the crown in a cube, but it

could mould it. Having the idea of something that envelops the object, while taking

a bath, Archimedes could have then noticed that the water was enveloping his body

and could have seen the water displacement.

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Figure 1. A simple insight problem: finding the surface of the black part of the


These three assumptions are modelled through contextual categorization: objects

belong to contextual and goal-based categories. Consider the problem presented in

Figure 1. The problem is to find the measure of the black surface given x, y and z.

An insight would be as follows “the problem would be easier if we had to measure

the white surface instead of the black surface!” Since the solution is found for the

white surface as a smaller rectangle, the insight solution for the black surface is

obtained as the difference between the large rectangle and the small white rectangle.

We have seen that the solution requires (1) a “substitute” object (the Archimedes

body, the small rectangle in Figure 1) and (2) a procedure (or practice) to be applied

to the substitute object. According to Gombrich (1963), using substitutes is one of

the main processes of imaginary.

In the following sections, we present how contextual categorisation can be used

to model insight solutions: for finding substitutes and contextual graphs to evaluate

the solution procedures. Contextual categorization allows creating a category

hierarchy that assembles sets of candidates for substitution. Contextual Graphs

formalism is a technique for describing solution paths to a goal, through the set of

possible procedures or practices. The whole approach being objective, reproducible

and verifiable.

3. Contextual Categorization

Contextual categorisation is about the building up of a network of categories to

catch relationships between objects that are currently processed. For instance, the

processing of objects in Figure 1 is to build up a network of categories (Figure 2) of

the three basic elements that are the whole black and white rectangle of length x and

y, the white surface and the black surface. The black surface has length z as side

property and its surface measure is to be found.

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a WhiteSurface BlackSurface BlackAndWhiteRectangle

partOfRectangle 1 1 1

black 1 1

white 1 1

lengtht-x 1

length-y 1

length-z 1

Figure 2. The contextual categorization of the objects of Figure 1.

Note that the problem to solve in figure 1 is about the Black surface, which is the

black part of the Black and white rectangle. The counterfactual “the problem would

easier if we had to measure the white surface” is derived from the opposite category:

the non-black surface that is the White part.

Contextual categorization model operates on Galois Lattices in the ProcOpe

formalism (Poitrenaud et al., 2005) to create a hierarchy of categories with

transitivity, asymmetry and non reflexivity. When given the On x Pm Boolean matrix

which indicates for each of the n objects, O, if it has, or if it has not, each of the m

properties, P. The maximum number of categories is either 2n-1

, or m if m < 2n-1

, in a

lattice whose complexity depends on the way properties are distributed over objects.

Contextual categorization operates also from sentences with the building up of

all of the implicit and explicit categories. For example if someone tells that “Peter

bought a car”, conveyed information is much more that just “Peter bought a car”.

What is said, in such a simple “X action Y” sentence, is: 1 - “there are entities”, and

among Entities 1.1-“there are people”, 1.2.-“there are things”, and 1.3.-“Entities

that are not people or things”, among people, 1.1.1 -” there is Peter”, 1.1.2 -“there

are other persons than Peter”, among things, 1.2.1- there are things that people can

buy” and 1.2.2- “things that people cannot buy”, among things that people can buy, “there are cars”, and – “there are other things than cars”, among

cars, “there is the car Peter bought” and“the other cars Peter

did not bought.” From such a “X action Y” sentence, we can disagree at different

levels: “such things, as X and Y, do not exist” (1), “X cannot action Y” (1.2.1), “the

Y that was acted by x, was not y” (, and so on. We can disagree if we think

that the category at a given level is not valid, and all the subordinate categories as

well. Thus, if A is not valid, the complementary category should be valid and is

provided by the network. We advocate that counterfactuals are provided the same


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Note that procedures for decision making operate on existing objects in

databases that are usually related to some kind of functions. For instance, there are

people that can be contacted by loan companies because they get high salary and

live in big cities or because they are farmers living in the countryside that need

funds for a while. Thus people living in big cities might be asked if they get high

salary while people living in the countryside might be asked if they get a farm. First

step for having insight is to generate counterfactuals that are “farmers in big cities”

and “people in the countryside having high salary”. Note that no one can say at this

stage if such persons exist in real. This is why counterfactuals are related to

creativity. Second step is questioning about what can be “a farmer in big cities” (for

instance people who renovate apartments to sell them) and what can be a person

with high salary in the countryside (for instance people that rent farms). Third step is

to evaluate how much the insight is an operational idea using contextual graphs.

4. Contextual graphs

A Contextual Graph (CxG) is a context-based representation of a procedure.

CxGs are oriented without circuits, with exactly one input and one output, and a

general structure of spindle. A path (from the input to the output of the graph)

represents a practice (or a procedure), a type of execution of the task with the

application of selected methods. There are as many paths as practices Different

solutions can be associated with the unique output, like in the following example

chosen in information retrieval: abandon, copy, or save a page before to close the

window, but all of them lead to the same conclusion: end of the exploration of the

page. A CxG is an acyclic graph because user's tasks are generally in ordered

sequences. For example, the activity "Make the train empty of travelers" is always

considered at the beginning of an incident solving on a subway line, never at the end

of the incident solving. A more drastic divergence in the type of output (e.g. the

execution of the task is stopped like "Error 104" in information retrieval) must be

considered at a upper level in which the CxG at hand is a branch of an alternative (a

contextual element such as “Are the conditions required for the task execution

present? If yes go to the CxG otherwise does not consider this contextual graph).

Elements of a Contextual Graph are actions, contextual elements, sub-graphs,

activities and parallel action groupings (Brézillon, 2005). The action is the

elementary task. A contextual element is a pair of nodes, namely a contextual node

(1, N) and a recombination node (N, 1) where N is the number of instances of the

contextual element considered on different practices. A sub-graph is itself a CxG,

and the activity is a particular type of sub-graph identified by human actors as a

recurrent structure in CxGs. The parallel action grouping expresses the fact that

several groups of actions must be accomplished but that the order in which action

groups must be considered is not important, or even could be done in parallel, but all

actions must be accomplished before to continue. This is a kind of complex

contextual element; such as an activity is a complex action.

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4.1 An example

Figure 3 gives the representation in CxG of the well-known example of the

coffee preparation, at least the part concerning the water to pour. Square boxes

represent actions; circles represent contextual elements (large circles for contextual

nodes and black circles for recombination nodes). A path is followed from the left to

the right and corresponds to the crossing of a series of elements.

The structure size of a CxG is easily controlled. The addition of a new practice

adds few elements (e.g. a contextual element and an action), when the size in a tree

representation ca n lead to the double of the size of the tree for very few changes. A

CxG represents a problem solving, i.e. a specific procedure and all its variants (the

practices) at a given level of representation. The number of practices is not infinite

and thus the size of the CxG is controlled easily because we consider changes only

at the same level of representation of the problem solving. Moreover, a new practice

is generally introduce in a CxG as a variant of an existing practice differing from the

previous one by a contextual element that was not initially taken into account

because its instantiation did matter any more, and by an action or an activity. The

representation of practices instead of procedures only leads graphs to be a kind of

corporate memory for the task execution.

Take thewater jug

Pour hot water in the jug

Fill the tank ofthe coffee machine

Pour water in the jug

In a hurry?



Running water

Take thewater jug

Pour hot water in the jug

Fill the tank ofthe coffee machine

Pour water in the jug

In a hurry?



Take the bottle of mineral water

Type ofwater?

Mineral water

Figure 3 a, b and c. Three steps of the coffee preparation in a CxG representation.

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First step (Figure 3a)

The general rule is to take the jug, to put water in the jug and go to coffee

machine to fill the coffee machine. One thus supposes implicitly that one drinks

generally running water because one lives in a city where the quality of the water is

controlled, even if the taste of the water is fine for me.

Second step (Figure 3b)

One day, I get up later than usual and I’m late. In order to reduce the time delay,

I use contextual knowledge I have:

- Coffee machines transform normal water in hot water before the water crosses


- The process of heating the initial running water will speed up coffee preparation,

- I can intervene on the part of the process by putting hot water in the water jug,

There is implicit knowledge that I use in my decision making: (a) I generally use

running water for coffee preparation as well as for drinking; (b) On my sink, there is

cold water (indeed, water at ambient temperature) and hot water; and (c) I suppose

(or know by experience) that if I put hot water in the coffee machine, hot water will

go directly on the coffee. Thus, I will have speed up the process and I will be not so


Third step (Figure 3c).

Looking at the contextual graph, another person will say that it is not applicable

to him because he uses mineral water only at home, and it would be stupid to put

initially mineral water in the micro-wave first to have hot water. (However, this

could be discussed if you have to prepare coffee for several persons simultaneously.)

Thus, the contextual graph is enriched by a new practice (Type of water? If mineral

water then take the bottle of mineral water).

Note that the first contextual element (type of water) on the path of the

contextual graph is introduced after the second one (In a hurry?). This means that an

explanation of “Type of water?” relies on knowledge belonging to a part of the

practice not yet processed. A classical explanation would be developed from left to

right will say that the type of water is to consider first, when this is needed only for

distinguish the option pour hot water in the coffee machine.

This example shows that a decision integrates in the process of thedecision making highly personal contextual elements and experience.Generally there is no optimal solution, but several context-dependentsolutions (like context-based optimal solutions). Thus, creativity in decisionmaking is a kind of “personal touch”, something that satisfies first thedecision maker.

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5. What is context?

Context plays an important role since a long time in domains where reasoning,

such as understanding, interpretation, anticipation, diagnosis, and decision-making

etc., intervenes. This cognitive activity relies heavily on a background or experience

that is generally not explicit because made of the specific contextual dimensions of

knowledge and activity. In this paper, we present Contextual Categorization and

Contextual Graphs (CxGs) [Brézillon, 2003; Brézillon and Pomerol, 1999] that are

used in several domains such as medicine, ergonomics, psychology, army,

information retrieval, computer security, road safety, etc. The common factor in all

these domains is that reasoning is established through procedures that are adapted by

actors that take into account the context to create practices as contextualizations of

the procedures. The example of the coffee preparation in the previous section shows

this point.

First, we state that context is always relative to something: context of the

reasoning, context of an action, context of an object, etc., something that we call

“focus.” Second, we cannot speak of context out of its context. Context surrounds its

focus and gives meaning to items related to this focus. The context guides the focus

of attention, i.e. the subset of common ground that is pertinent to the current task.

Indeed, context acts more on the relationships between items in the focus than on

items themselves, modifying their extension and surface.

As a consequence, the context makes the focus explicit and conversely, the focus

defines the relevant pieces in the context. On the one hand, the focus determines

what must be contextual knowledge and external knowledge at a given step. For

example, a focus on software development implies contextual knowledge such as the

programming language, the constitution of the designer team, etc., i.e. knowledge

that could eventually be used when the focus evolves. Some knowledge from the

designers’ individual context could also be considered such as a previous experience

with a given piece of software. On the other hand, the context constrains what must

be done in the current focus. This could correspond to the choice of a specific

method at a given step of a task of programming the software. A software

programmer will focus his/her programming activity in defining classes and

methods when in an object-oriented project, but modules and functions if the project

uses the functional paradigm. Indeed, some contextual elements are considered

explicitly, say for the selection of the method and thus can be considered as a part of

the way in which the problem is solved at the considered step.

For a given focus, Brézillon and Pomerol [1999] consider context as the sum of

three types of knowledge. First, there is the part of the context that is relevant at this

step of the decision-making, and the part that is not relevant. The latter part is called

external knowledge. External knowledge appears in different sources, such as the

knowledge known by the actor but let implicit with respect to the current focus, the

knowledge unknown to the actor (out of his competence), contextual knowledge of

other actors in a team, etc. The former part is called contextual knowledge, and

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obviously depends on the actor and on the decision at hand. Here, the focus acts as a

discriminating factor between the external and contextual knowledge. However, the

frontier between external and contextual knowledge is porous and evolves with the

progress of the focus.

Second, a subset of the contextual knowledge is proceduralized for addressing

the current focus. We call it the proceduralized context. The proceduralized context

(PC) is a part of the contextual knowledge that is invoked, assembled, organized,

structured and situated according to the given focus and is common to the various

people involved in decision making.

The triple aspect —context growth by integration of external knowledge in the

PC building, by integration of a new “chunk of knowledge” in the contextual

knowledge, and context change by the movement between the body of contextual

knowledge and proceduralized contexts— gives a dynamic dimension to context

[Brézillon, 2003]. This dynamic component is generally not considered in the

literature and explains why making context explicit in an application is a difficult

task, except if we restrict context at what can be obtained by sensors like in context-

aware applications.

6. Clarity and rationality for creativity

CxGs improves both clarity and rationality for task performance by providing a

uniform representation of elements of decision and contexts. For example, how

could a sentence be a scientific proposition if it is not written? Writing is a way for

increasing clarity and rationality. Consider people that are witnesses of a same

visual scene of objects moving or of persons acting. It seems difficult to improve

clarity and rationality about actions when they get different interpretations of what

happened. Observers of a given visual scene (say, a man running away from a dead

body) may not share the same understanding (“looking for help vs. fleeing after the

murder) and thus have a different ontological commitment (already knowing or not

who is the murderer) (Gruber, 1993; Zibetti and Tijus, 2005). Similarly, creativity is

of a different ontological commitment from previous thinking and much of

evaluation is how much new insight-based procedure could be compatible with

existing data and procedures. Success of integration of insight-based procedure into

existing CxGs is the evaluation test by modelling the insight-based procedure in two

steps: (1) Are the conditions required for the insight-based procedure present? If yes

include the CxG, otherwise does not consider this contextual graph and reject

Insight. (2) Compare CxGs with and without the insight-based procedure.

For sharing ontological commitments about insights, grammars are useful, but

limited, tools. A first, although general, limit is that clarity and rationality about

innovation depend on the chosen formalism. For example, an insight could be of a

continuous process that is hard to fully capture with binary variables (clarity) and

that have unseen superordinate goals that it is hard to describe and to talk about

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(rationality). Second, although understanding is context dependent, much of the

formalisms for representing and expressing actions do not take context into account.

As discussed previously, we have to consider jointly a new procedure and its

context. Thus, one way to share the same ontological commitment is to share the

same context. Context has a lot of cognitive effects: it helps memorizing, it helps

decision-making and, importantly, it helps understanding. For instance, two persons

may disagree about how to perform a task (i.e. the choice between the old and the

new method to accomplish the task) simply because they consider two different

contexts. Letting implicit the contexts they consider, the persons will have difficulty

for negotiating their respective position. CxGs make context explicit and allow to

present what is encapsulated in a given procedure. Thus, CxGs render explicit new

ideas and help also comparing new and old procedures and find where they differ

and why providing clarity and rationality.

Last but not least, if language is understood by generalization, action must be

understood by particularization. Let’s suppose someone tells us that “s/he is going

from X to Y using Z”. Even if we don’t know what X, Y and Z are, we understand

by generalization that “s/he is moving from place X to place Y with the mean of Z”.

Although such an understanding is often sufficient in our daily life, it is in no way

useful is we are asked “to go from X to Y using Z”. We precisely needs to know

what “X, Y and Z are”. Given that “X, Y and Z” are situated in the environment, we

need to know the context that makes the novel procedure possible to perform.

CxGs offer such clarity and rationally for understanding how to plan actions,

mainly in the design of Human-Machine Interaction

- by representing at the same level elements of reasoning and of contexts, this

improves explanation generation,

- by introducing activity such as "chunk of actions" in the representation,

- by context refinement when adding new contextual elements as a new practice

is learnt, and by introducing a new instantiation of an existing contextual element,

- by exhibiting the movement of contextual elements between the contextual

knowledge and the proceduralized context,

- by tracing how memory (i.e. the storage of contextual knowledge) is structured

by chunks of contextual knowledge, knowing the basic contextual elements and their


6 Conclusions

We propose Contextual Graphs for a uniform representation of elements of

reasoning and contextual elements at the same level. This is different from the view

of Campbell and Goodman (1988) for example (and Hendrix, 1975, for semantic

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networks) that consider context as a way to partition a graph. Context in our

formalism intervenes more at the levels of the links between actions than actions

themselves. Contextual elements being organized in CxGs in the spirit of “nest of

dolls”, we have not a hierarchy of contexts because a given contextual element is

itself contextualized and can appear encompassed in different other contextual

elements. Rather, a contextual element is a factor of knowledge activation.

We show that contextual issues cannot be addressed in a static framework only

and that eliciting and sharing contextual knowledge in a dynamic way is a key

process in addressing and understanding context problems, especially when

creativity and innovation arise from the possibility to take into account a new

contextual element in body of existing contextual elements.

The literature often distinguishes two types of context: (1) the "local" context

that is close of the focus of attention and highly detailed, and (2) the "distant"

context that is general (with less details). For example, van Dijk [1998] presents

such a position on understanding discourses with a local or micro context (called

situation), defined by a specific setting and specific participants, and a global or

macro context, informally defined in terms of higher level societal structures,

involving, e.g., groups, group relations (such as power and inequality),

organizations, institutions or even whole states and nations. van Dijk embeds this

view by representing context as a mental model. We present a different (but

compatible view) by considering that (1) there are different contexts, like the context

of the action, the context of the person, the context of the task, etc. that define a

heterogeneous population of contexts at one level, and different levels from the level

of a task, the context of the team members, the context of the enterprise where is

working the team. Creativity and innovation arises from the flux of contextual

elements between these contexts.

A contextual graph represents all the ways (i.e. the practices developed by

people) for a problem solving. This is a kind of corporate memory. Creativity and

innovation appear at two levels in CxGs according to the viewpoint of the contextual

graph: First, this occurs when a new practice is added; Second when the comparison

of different contextual graphs leads to identify some recurrent structures (called

activities in cognitive psychology). Such structures are sub-graphs and behave like

contextual graphs. We are exploring this second path of research.

In short, we think that CxGs formalism is an epistemic tool that provides more

clarity and rationality for creativity evaluation that we model as creation of

counterfactuals. For instance, CxGs allow actors to retrieve as much as possible

known intermediary situations in order to reuse known strategies, but also to

incorporate new procedures to old ones. A CxG is also a kind of corporate memory

and a return from experience. This could be in turn the basis for the building of a

more robust procedure based on both past and new experience: a pathway to clarity

and rationality for creativity.

Page 14: Creativity in Problem Solving : A matter of Context in Problem Solving : A matter of Context Charles Tijus* --- Patrick Br zillon** * Cognition & Usages, University Paris 8 2 rue de

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