Creative Commons May08

Creative Commons: Community by Contract? Stockholm, 8 May 2008 Mathias Klang [email protected]


Creative Commons and Copyright at Stockholm University 2008

Transcript of Creative Commons May08

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Creative Commons: Community by Contract?

Stockholm, 8 May 2008Mathias Klang

[email protected]

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One of the copyright problems today is…

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Swedish Copyright

Lag (1960) om upphovsrätt till litterära och konstnärliga verk


Ekonomisk rätt Ideell rätt

Exemplarframställning Tillgängliggörande




Rätt tillnamnangivelse

Skydd för kränkandeändring

Skydd för kränkandeanvändning

Överföring till allmänheten

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What is protected?

• The literary, artistic & ”spiritual creation”

• The creative form - but not motif/subject, facts or ideas

• Idea/expression dichotomy

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• Automatic… but…• The work is “new/innovative”

– Not too simple

• Creative Level– Verkshöjd

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Protection Length

• Creator - 70 years post mortem (year of death + 71)

• Anonymous works - 70 years after publication

• Photographers – 50 years after the picture was taken

• There are other lengths and exceptions…

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Idea/expression dichotomy…

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Donald Duck by Walt Disney Arne Anka by Charlie Christensen

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Mona Lisa - Leonardo da Vinci ca 1503

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Marcel Duchamp 1919

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David Teixidor Buenaventura 2001

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Mona Lisa Ascii

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Peter Blake Party with La Giaconda 1999

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Mujahidin Mona Lisa by Banksy

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Fountain - Duchamp (1917)

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“The creative act is not performed by the artist alone; the spectator brings the work in contact with the external world

by deciphering and interpreting its inner qualifications and thus adds his contribution to the creative act”

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Theoretical Foundations

• Culture is communication

• Intertextuality & Meaning: The meaning of the artifact lies in the observer (Barthes) and meaning is created through several texts (Kristeva).

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Whose copyright?

• Property owner• Mathias Klang• Shepard Fairey• Anonymous artist• Anonymous artists

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then we add technology…

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In the beginning there was technology…

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Life is organised around technology

and it always has been!

(this is not technological determinism)

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Copyright is the logical expression of the analog world. It was created as a

result of the printing press.

(Victor Hugo & Berne)

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Disruptive Technology

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The disruption occurs when the technology, which is

introduced effects the social arrangements around which

we build our lives

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Impulse: Control

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What’s wrong with Command and Control?

It relies to heavily upon coercion and cooperation.

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Popular move from passive culture consumers to cultural


Whatever would Duchamp say?

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Remix conflict

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I've been around so long, I knew Doris Day before she

was a virgin.

Graucho Marx

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Creative Commons

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Licensing system

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Choose license

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More info

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What is created?

• License Deed - Human readable• The License - Lawyer readable• Metatext - Machine readable

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<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a><br /><span xmlns:dc="" href="" property="dc:title" rel="dc:type">klang i duschen</span> by <a xmlns:cc="" href="" property="cc:attributionName" rel="cc:attributionURL">Klang</a> is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Erkännande-Ickekommersiell-Dela Lika 2.5 Sverige License</a>.

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SearchGoogle - advanced

Yahoo - advanced

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Flickr 7/5:

• 19 293 116 bilder– (+ 605 972 sedan

17/4-08)– Ca 30 000 per dag

• 107 894 Stockholm • 94 949 University• 34 Stockholm

UniversityUniversity Reflecting Pool - 917press

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Foto: 917press & Klang

Day in the park

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• A Briefer History of Time - Eric Schulman• The Wealth of Networks - Yochai Benkler• Capitalism 3.0 - Peter Barnes• Community Created Content - Heitanen et al• Code version 2 - Lawrence Lessig• No Lobbyists as Such - Florian Muller• Peers, Pirates and Persuasion - John Logie• Trigger Happy - Steven Poole• Yttrandefrihet på Nätet - Anders R. Olsson

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• Political criticism - CC has not ensured ideological control (no copyleft)

• • Common Sense - Not needed - too complicated

• Pro-copyright position - CC is not a useful alernative and undermines copyright

• Confusion - Too many licenses confuses the situation

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Alison Chiang

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Thank you!

Mathias [email protected]