Creationism, Evolution, and Our Communication Gap

Creationism, Evolution, and Our Communication Gap


Creationism, Evolution, and Our Communication Gap. Scientific & Critical Thinking… Isn’t Natural. In many ways, those who actively engage in critical thinking (especially regarding deep personal beliefs – e.g. religion & politics) are the exception rather than the rule. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Creationism, Evolution, and Our Communication Gap

PowerPoint Presentation

Creationism, Evolution, and Our Communication Gap

In many ways, those who actively engage in critical thinking (especially regarding deep personal beliefs e.g. religion & politics) are the exception rather than the rule.Even many skeptics, myself included, all-too-easily slip into non-critical modes of thinking on a regular basis.So why do we expect our opponents (creationists and other pseudoscientists) to think in a critical and scientific manner?Scientific & Critical ThinkingIsnt Natural

Is There Hope??!!!

(Well, lets not get TOO carried away)How many times have you tried to talk science with a creationist, to no avail?We speak different languages, mostly because they are ignorant of science.Dont abandon science (or talking about science)!!!*Expand your language capabilities**, and get creative! (Which can sometimes get crazy)*I like my job and want to keep it.**Dare I say learn some philosophy & religion?How to Speak (with a) Creationist?

Geocentrists are Biblical literalists, and they are also Young-Earth Creationists (YECs)Not all YECs are Geocentrists (thank FSM!)

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How Far Down the Rabbit Hole?

Geocentric YECs vs. Heliocentric YECsClaims to Biblical Literalism = InterpretationWhy Do Heliocentric YECs Think the Geocentrists Are Wrong?Two Contradictory Literal Readings of the Bible?

If modern science can show that a Geocentrist interpretation of the Bible is wrong then science can trump the Bible!!!11!1

Be patient.Be willing to exit your own comfort zone and talk beyond science without abandoning it.Be patient.Dont belittle them, and try to put yourself in their shoes. Losing ones worldview is scary!Be patient no, seriously, be patient.Dont expect a miracle ;)Some AdviceShameless PlugThe Skeptical Teacher My personal musings on science, education, and skepticism in an age of woo