Creating Racism

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  • 8/9/2019 Creating Racism


  • 8/9/2019 Creating Racism


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    This publication is designed to raise awarenessamong individuals about this harmful influence.Not only can racism be defeated, but it must be,if man is to live in true harmony.


    Jan Eastgate

    President, Citizens Commissionon Human Rights International

    I N T R O D U C T I O NT h e C r e a t i o n o f R a c i s m


    unsuspected groups are actively and deceptivelyfostering racism throughout the world. Thelegacy of these groups includes such large-scaletragedies as the Nazi Holocaust, South Africasapartheid and today, the widespread disablingof millions of schoolchildren with harmful,addictive drugs. These groups are psychiatryand psychology.

    In 1983, a World Health Organization reportstated, in no other medical field in SouthAfrica is the contempt of the person, cultivated by racism, more concisely portrayed than inpsychiatry.4

    Professor of Community Psychiatry, Dr. S.P.Sashidharan, stated, Psychiatry comes closestto the police in pursuing practices and pro-cedures that discriminate against minorityethnic groups in the United Kingdom.5

    Dr. Karen Wren and Professor Paul Boyleof the University of St. Andrews, Scotland,concluded that the role of scientific racism in

    psychiatry throughout Europe is well establishedhistorically and continues today.6

    Since 1969, CCHR has worked in the fieldof human rights and mental health reform,and has investigated the racist influence ofthe mental health professions on the NaziHolocaust, apartheid, the cultural assault ofthe Australian Aboriginal people, New ZealandMaoris and Native American Indians, and thecurrent discrimination against Blacks acrossthe world.

    Psychiatry and psychologys racist ideolo-

    gies continue to light the fires of racism locallyand internationally to this day.

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    For over 200 years racist theoriessuch as those promoted by psychiatrist

    Benjamin Rush and psychologist FrancisGalton (top right) have been used

    to justify discrimination.





    For centuries, psychiatry and

    psychology have provided the

    scientific justification for racism.

    The emergence of racism was

    certain to happen considering thebasic philosophies that govern the

    psychiatric and psychological

    professions. The first is the

    survival of the fittest principle,

    which underlies the psychiatric

    eugenics (racial improvement)

    movement; the other is the

    psychiatric idea that man is merely

    an animal. Together they form a

    mentality that breeds anti-social

    theories and attitudes, including

    racist ones.

    In 1883, British psychologist

    Francis Galton created the term

    eugenics, from the Greek word

    eugenes, meaning good stock,

    and defined certain racial groups

    as inferior.

    Through their history of invented

    racial diseases, psychiatry and

    psychology have not only

    legitimized modern racism, but

    also provided the justificationfor outright genocide.

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    The History ofScientific Racism


    hipping the devil out of them,was the recommended treat-ment for a mental disordercalled drapetomania [fromdrapetes, a runaway slave and

    mania, meaning crazy], which meant a slave hadthe unnatural urge to run away. It was discov-ered in Louisiana in 1851.

    The statements in this chapter are shocking, but they illustrate the development of an out-rageous theory that isnow taken as fact.

    For centuries, psy-chiatry and psychol-ogy have providedthe scientific justifi-cation for racism andthe resultant abuse,assault and genocideof targeted races andgroups.

    In 1883, FrancisGalton, an Englishpsychologist, inventedthe term eugenics(eugenes, meaning good stock). He encour-aged using better human stock from whichto breed, and discouraged what he consideredless desirable stock from having children, evi-dently considering himself part of the betterstock and thereby capable of judging the futurefor all humanity.

    Galton considered Africans inferior. After

    spending two years in Africa, he wrote a bookentitled Tropical South Africa, stating: These

    savages court [ask for] slavery. They have noindependence about them, generally speaking,

    but follow a master as a spaniel would. He leftno doubt about his beliefs when he said, Theaverage intellectual standard of the Negro issome two grades below our own.7

    Humans, Galton determined, were decid-edly unequal. Ideas that men were of equal

    value, he said, were simply undeniably wrongand cannot last. Any charity to the poor and

    ill, he wrote, should be conditional upontheir agreeing toabstain from produc-ing offspring.8

    Galtons well-known half-cousinCharles Darwin, alsoa psychologist, pro-moted this too: Noone who has attend-

    ed the breeding ofdomestic animals willdoubt that this must

    be highly injurious tothe race of man hardly anyone is so ignorantas to allow his worst animals to breed.9

    Nazi psychiatrists and Americas mentalhealth movement would later adopt these ideas

    just as readily, but they were initially used to justifyslavery and then to control immigration. In accor-dance with eugenics theory, Immigrants fromItaly, Greece, Hungary, and other southeastern

    countries were seen as not making the grade, because they carried a germ that made them

    C H A P T E R O N ET h e H i s t o r y o f S c i e n t i f i c R a c i s m



    Benjamin Rush, the father of

    American psychiatry, declared

    that the color of Blacks was caused

    by a rare, inherited disease called

    negritude, which derived from

    leprosy. He said the only evidence

    of a cure was when the skincolor turned white.

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    Charles Darwin

    Wilhelm Wundt

    Bad ScienceCreates aPrejudiced Society

    False racial theories

    that equated man with

    animals, promoted in the19th century by the likes

    of psychologist Wilhelm Wundt

    and British psychologist Charles

    Darwin, laid in

    the foundation for the false sci-

    ence of eugenics and the

    suppression of minorities

    for generations to come

    including Blacks freed

    following the Civil War

    and subsequently relegated

    to slums as second-classcitizens (right).

    power of the white man, by making the sloth-ful [idle] Negro take active exercise vitalizesblood to the brain to give liberty to the mind.[Emphasis added]16

    In 1879, German psychologist WilhelmWundt of Leipzig University provided the ulti-mate proof for eugenics and racism, by arro-gantly declaring that as mans soul could not bemeasured with scientific instruments, it did notexist. With this, man suddenly became merelyanother animal. In other words, stripped of hissoul by Wundt, man could be manipulated aseasily as a dog could be trained to salivate at thesound of a bell.

    In 1895, Alfred Ploetz, a Swiss-Germaneugenicist, published his race inferiority theo-ries in the book The Fitness of Our Race and the

    Protection of the Weak. Calling his philosophyRassenhygiene [racial hygiene], Ploetz openlydiscouraged medical care for the weak.17 Inlater years, Hitler and his Nazi regime would usethis to decide exactly who the weak were and

    what to do about them. Ploetz and his colleagueswould be credited with providing the founda-tions of the Nazi racial state.18

    But Ploetz helped create much more than the

    Nazi regime and the Holocaust. His work laidthe foundation for eugenics and racial suppres-sion in countries around the world, includingAustralia, Canada, England, South Africa and theUnited States. The following is a small sample ofthe disastrous effects of his work psychologicaland psychiatric statements from the late 1800s toearly 1900s:

    z From the eugenic standpoint, suchintermarriages [between White and Black] arenot to be commended. The colored race has notthe energy nor the persistence of the white.19

    z The Negro child is intellectually preco-

    cious [developing too early] up to puberty whena radical change takes place: his developmentstops suddenly or even slightly retrogresses education does not reach the deepest layer ofhis soul.20

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    Margaret Sanger

    C H A P T E R O N ET h e H i s t o r y o f S c i e n t i f i c R a c i s m


    z In 1918, American eugenics advocate PaulPopenoe claimed that the IQ of Blacks was deter-mined by the amount of white blood in them: thelighter skinned the Black the higher their IQ, and

    the blacker he was, the lower the IQ.21

    zJ.T. Dunston, a British psychiatrist and SouthAfricas Commissionerof Mental Hygiene, in1923, claimed, Thereare, however groundswhich suggest that thenative, even of the besttribes, possibly belongsto a race which is men-tally inferior to ours.His proof? Natives areoriented in time in the

    vaguest way, and gen-erally have little ideaof how old they are, orof the passage oftime. Even their danc-ing, of which they arevery fond, presents nodelicate motions animportant psychologi-cal point which should

    be carefully studied.22

    In Australia, geno-cide was practiced alittle differently. Mixedrace children (usuallyof an aboriginal motherand a white father) weretaken from their mothers,placed on governmentreserves in the care ofWhites, and denied education about their ancestryand culture. The 1921 Report of the AboriginesState Board stated, The continuation of this policymust eventually solve the Aboriginal problem.23 Itwas racial genocide, an attempt to breed out the

    Aboriginal race.The segregation and abuse of the Aborigine

    people was justified because they were as yetincapable of self-control, innocent of the know-ledge of good and evil, therefore requiringprotection.24 Just as runaway slaves were cured

    in America, Aborigines were treated like naughtychildren, by whipping them.In an Australian

    inquiry into the effectsof this program, onevictim testified: Wewere told that ourmother was an alco-holic and that she wasa prostitute and shedidnt care about us.They used to warn usthat when we got older

    wed have to watch itbecause wed turn intosluts and alcoholics, sowe had to be very care-ful. If you were whiteyou didnt have thatdirtiness in you Itwas in our breed, in usto be like that.25

    Native peoples inAmerica and Canada,the New ZealandMaori, and other non-white populations weretreated as similarly infe-rior. Francis Pal Pruchawrote in The GreatFather, Indian childrenwere taken from homes

    judged unsuitable orharmful to them by the Bureau of Indian Affairs orstate social workers and placed in foster or adop-tive homes, usually non-Indian ... eventually [it]was perceived more accurately as a force destruc-tive of Indian families and Indian children.

    Native American Indian Sandy White Hawkspoke of her ordeal after being taken from herbirth

    Supposedly to protect Americans

    blood from being tainted with racial

    inferiority, eugenicist MargaretSanger, founder of Planned Parenthood,

    wanted to exterminate the Negro

    population through sterilization.

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    ntelligence testing in the hands of psy-

    chiatrists and psychologists became another

    means to forward racist views of man.

    z Eugenicist Paul Popenoe and psychologistLewis Terman used biased IQ tests to belittle

    non-white races. Popenoe claimed, The IQ of

    Blacks is determined by the amount of white

    blood in them and Terman asserted non-

    whites could never be educated.

    z In Australia, removing children

    from Aborigine mothers and other abuses

    were justified because Aborigine people were

    incapable of self-control, innocent of the

    knowledge of good and evil.

    Lewis Terman

    Paul Popenoe

    parents 30 years previously: I was told thatwhat I came from was horrible, savage, paganand that I was so lucky to be taken away fromall of that. When I became a teenager and went

    through normal teenage difficulties, my mothertold me, Dont grow up to be a good-for-noth-ing Indian.26

    Intelligence tests were another means topromote and preserve racist theories.

    In the 1950s, psychologist Lewis Terman, anexpert in IQ testing, claimed that poor chil-dren could never be educated, and that Mexicans,Indians and Blacks should never be allowed tohave children. Such tests were used to stop Italians,Poles, Mexicans and others from moving to theUnited States and tainting American blood.27

    Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned

    Parenthood of America and a eugenicist, contribut-ed an equally repulsive plan. Her cure for racialinferiority was sterilization. Sanger planned toexterminate the Negro population by inducingseveral black ministers with engaging personali-ties, to preach that sterilization was a solution topoverty. She stated that reaching Blacks througha religious appeal, would be the most successfuleducational approach.28

    Charles Murray and Richard Herrnsteinsbook, The Bell Curve, arrogantly claims thatAfrican-Americans and Hispanics that do worsethan Whites in intelligence tests, are geneticallydisabled and therefore cannot cope with thedemands of modern society.29

    In an argument similar to those made by earlyadvocates of racial purity, Herrnstein, a psy-chologist, claimed that Americans were becomingmore stupid with each generation, and advocatedselective breeding to prevent human residuefrom coming into existence.30

    Through their history of invented racial dis-eases, arbitrary judgments on better stock and

    bogus scientific claims like lower IQ and racialinferiority, psychiatry and psychology have not

    only legitimized racism, but also provided thereason for outright genocide.

    Racist Testing andOther Lies

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    Theories of psychiatristsErnst Rdin, Alfred Ploetz and Alfred

    Hoche inspired Adolf Hitler, who basedhis racist plans on their teachings

    as detailed in his autobiographyMein Kampf(My Struggle).





    In 1895, Swiss-German

    eugenicist Alfred Ploetz

    published his theories abouteugenics and race inferiority,

    coining the word Rassenhygiene

    (racial hygiene) and providing

    the biological foundations for

    the Holocaust.

    In 1920, German psychiatrist

    Alfred Hoche published a

    book, Permission to Destroy

    Life Unworthy of Life,

    wherein he demanded eutha-

    nasia be conducted

    on mental defectives.

    The eugenics movement

    fueled the Ku Klux Klans

    resurrection in the early

    1900s in the U.S.

    South African psychiatrists

    and psychologists offered the

    government a scientific

    means by which to deny black

    South Africans employment and

    education and to tear apart

    their families.

    Tens of thousands of

    black South Africans were

    incarcerated in psychiatric

    camps during the apartheid

    era, used for slave labor and

    allowed to die from untreated

    medical conditions.

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    Only through the

    Fhrer did our dream of over

    thirty years, that of applying

    racial hygiene to society,

    become a reality.

    Ernst Rdin, professor of psychiatry,commissioner, German Society for

    Racial Hygiene

    C H A P T E R T W OT h e R o o t s o f M o d e r n G e n o c i d e


    The Roots of ModernGenocide


    ong before World War II, German psy-chiatrists had devised the scientific

    justification for euthanasia (mercy kill-ing) based on racial inferiority.

    Following the 1895 publi-cation of his theories on eugenics, which hepreferred to call racial hygiene, eugenicistAlfred Ploetz, together with psychiatrist Ernst

    Rdin, founded the German Society for RacialHygiene in 1905. They promoted the idea thatdestroying the unworthy was purely ahealing treatment.

    In 1911 22 years before the Nazi partycame to power Rdin had already preachedthat All nations have to haul around with theman extraordinarily large number of inferiors,weaklings, sickly and cripples. Through a wiselegislation [sterilization] along this line ... wewould also be able to pursue rationally the bestavenues for breeding.31

    In 1920, eugenicist Alfred Hoche and KarlBinding, a lawyer who became Chief Justice ofthe Nazi Reich, published the book, Permissionto Destroy Life Unworthy of Life, in which theydemanded euthanasia be conducted on mentaldefectives and stated, Their death will not be missed in the least except maybe in thehearts of their mother or guardian. Hoche alsoclaimed killing a dying individual with amedical drug was not murder but a pureact of healing.32

    German psychiatrist Eugen Fischer, co-authorof The Principles of Human Heredity and Racial

    Hygiene (1921), also urged the annihilation ofNegro children, theorizing that Blacks were

    devoid of value and useless for employmentother than for manual crafts.

    Fischer wrote, He [the Negro] is not particu-larly intelligent in the proper sense of the term,and above all he is devoid of the power of mentalcreation, is poor in imagination, so that he has notdeveloped any original art and has no elaboratefolk sagas or folk myths. He is, however, clever

    with his hands so that he can easily be trainedin the manual crafts.33

    In 1939, Fischer lectured students saying, I do not characterize every Jew as inferior, asNegroes are.34

    Rdin was the primary supporter of Ger-manys Sterilization Act of 1933, which includedthe sterilization of all Jews and colored chil-dren.35 The law led to more than 350,000 unfitGermans being sterilized.

    The first psychiatric killing test (gassingexperiment) was conducted at Brandenburginstitution in 1940 18 patients were murderedwhile psychiatrists and staff watched. Followingthe experiments success, the euthanasia pro-gram began.

    Some 300,000 mental defective per-sons 94% of all Germanys mentally ill mettheir deaths at the hands of psychiatrists. Whatfollowed was the Holocaust. Rdin stated, Onlythrough the Fhrer did our dream of over thirtyyears, that of applying racial hygiene to society,

    become a reality.36Even though Rdin was the architect of

    the plan that made legalized mass murder a

    reality, incredibly today, the U.S. NationalAlliance for Research on Schizophrenia and


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    Racist psychologist Hendrik

    Verwoerd, who became

    Prime Minister of South Africa

    in 1958, issued that countrys

    first segregation policy in the

    1930s, laying the ground-

    work for apartheid and withit, secret psychiatric slave

    labor camps where tens of

    thousands of Blacks were

    imprisoned and forced to

    work in appalling conditions.

    PsychiatricSlave Camps

    policies allowed the African to improve his skill,draw better wages and provide a better marketwithin white South Africa.

    As a result, proper education was also denied

    Blacks. To reinforce this, psychologist M.L. Fickinvented an intelligence test to prove the inferi-ority of color castes and how their educationalabilities were limited.40

    With millions of people facing substandardeducation, unemployment and poverty and, conse-quently, low morale, it is no wonder that psychiat-ric institutions were established or that the justifi-able and normal reactions to the resultant oppres-sion were falsely labeled as mental disorders.

    For more than 30 years, these specialpsychiatric institutions were run by secretagreement between the government and the pri-

    vate Smith, Mitchell & Co. (now called Lifecare),

    to keep and treat black patients. The apart-heid government guaranteed a 90% occupancyrate. Tens of thousands of Blacks were incarcer-ated against their will, drugged and subjected to

    electroshock without anesthetic, because anesthet-ics were too expensive to use on Blacks. Theywere hired out to companies to perform unpaidlabor, making coat hangers, brushes, sheets andother items under the guise of industrial therapy.

    Members of the Church of Scientology and theCitizens Commission on Human Rights exposedall of this in 1974, resulting in psychiatrists con-vincing the apartheid government to revise theMental Health Act to make it a criminal offense toreport on conditions in any psychiatric hospital orto take any photographs of them. So CCHR wentoutside of South Africa, reporting its evidence to

    the World Health Organization (WHO). In 1997,

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    C H A P T E R T W OT h e R o o t s o f M o d e r n G e n o c i d e


    the WHO respondedwith an investigation ofthe psychiatric camps.In 1983, a report on its

    findings condemnedthe use of patients forunpaid labor, stating,This situation has noparallel in the historyand present state of psy-chiatric care; it certainlydoes have a parallelin the ownership andtrading of slaves.41

    It also referencedanother inquiry whichhad substantiated

    CCHRs allegations ofunexplained patientdeaths: The mostshocking finding ofour investigation wasthe high number ofneedless deaths among

    black patients in SmithMitchell facilities. Atnone of the facilitiesdid we find evidence ofadequate medical care during the patients final ill-nesses we saw charts of black patients in their 40sand 50s who were apparently allowed to die.

    When apartheid ended in 1994, CCHR helpedinitiate a Health Ministry inquiry into malpracticeand racism in psychiatric hospitals. The inquiryfound gross patient abuse, falsified death certifi-cates and general mistreatment of patients.42 Thecamps were reformed.

    In 1997, CCHR presented testimony to theSouth African Truth and Reconciliation Com-mission about the apartheid crimes of psychia-trists and psychologists. The Psychological Societyof South Africa finally admitted that psychological

    studies had been deliberately aimed at discredit-ing Blacks as intellectually inferior.43

    Still, the effects ofapartheid will take along time to rectify,especially because of

    the obstruction by thepsychiatric industry.CCHR Com missionerLawrence Anthonyaddressed the WorldPsychiatric Associ-ation on behalf of theSouth African govern-ment, reporting that theSociety of Psychiatristsof South Africa hasfailed to admit anyguilt or responsibility

    for its role in apart-heid atrocities. Instead,psychiatrists are usingthe post-apartheid erato garner more busi-ness, diagnosing theresponse of Blacksto apartheid oppres-sion as a persecutioncomplex.44

    Psychiatrys DestructiveExperiments in the U.S.

    Psychiatric treatment of minoritieshas also included some of the most barbaricexperiments ever carried out in the name ofscientific research.

    In the 1950s in New Orleans, black prisonershad experimental electrodes implanted into theirbrains by psychiatrists Robert Heath from TulaneUniversity and Harry Bailey from Australia. Baileylater boasted in a lecture to nurses that they had cho-sen the test subjects on the basis that it was cheaperto use Niggers than cats because they were every-where and cheap experimental animals.45

    Heath also conducted secret tests funded bythe Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), using LSD

    Psychiatrist Frederick Goodwin,

    director of the U.S. National

    Institute of Mental Health in theearly 1990s, compared black

    youth living in inner cities to

    hyperaggressive and hypersexual

    monkeys in a jungle to justify

    putting them on psychiatric drugs.

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    HARMFUL PHILOSOPHYPsychiatrys Racist Impact in the U.S.

    Professor Barry Mehler, Ph.D. of Ferris State

    University tells us: There is a clear and

    long and intimate connection between the

    eugenics movement and the Ku Klux Klan. Harry

    Laughlin, who was the Carnegie Institutions

    Director of Eugenics, wrote a glowing review

    of the KKK book, White America. Thomas Dixon,

    who glorified the exploits of the KKK, had

    studied the works of British psychologist Herbert

    Spencer who coined the phrase, the survival

    of the fittest. Dixon subsequently authored

    three racist books. The first, The Leopards

    Spots, concluded that peace could only

    be achieved through the separation of the

    races. He claimed, [T]he beginning of Negro

    equality is the beginning of the end of this nations

    life. The eugenics movement helped to fuel the

    KKKs purpose, with Hiram Wesley Evans, Grand

    Wizard of the KKK in 1923, referencing eugenics

    leaders in his speech given on Klan Day.

    The resurrection

    of the Ku Klux Klanin 1915 coincided

    with the rise of


    racism in America.

    and a drug called bulbocapnine, which in certaindoses produces severe stupor. He experimentedon prisoners at the Louisiana State Penitentiaryto see if the drug would cause loss of speech,

    loss of sensitivity to pain, loss of memory, [and]loss of will power46

    At the U.S. National Institute of MentalHealth (NIMH) Addiction Research Center inKentucky, drug-addicted African-Americanswere given LSD, which kept many halluci-nating for 77 consecutive days. At this same

    center in the 1960s, healthy African-Americanmen were used as test subjects for the experi-mental chemical warfare drug, BZ, whichwas 100 times more powerful than LSD.

    In the 1970s, the NIMH supported one of themost covert and evil experiments ever aimed at Blacksand Hispanics. Following the 1960s riots in Watts(an African-American section of Los Angeles), Louis

    Jolyon West of UCLAs (University of CaliforniaLos Angeles) Neuropsychiatric Institute created thetheory that the events were tied to genetic and racial

    C H A P T E R T W OT h e R o o t s o f M o d e r n G e n o c i d e


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    Robert Heath

    In the 1950s in New Orleans, black

    prisoners were used for psychosurgery

    experiments. Robert Heath from Tulane

    University and Australian psychiatrist

    Harry Bailey conducted the experiments.

    Bailey boasted that they had used Blacks

    as it was cheaper to use Niggers than cats

    because they were everywhere and

    cheap experimental animals.

    Harry Bailey

    factors and those prone to such violence were mostlyyoung black urban males. He proposed a ViolenceInitiative that would see to it that offenders betreated with psychosurgery and chemical castra-tion. Wests idea was to test his treatment plan intwo high schools one Black, the other Hispanic.(Protests led by CCHR and others concernedcaused the governments funds for this researchproject to be cut.)

    Ernst Rodin, head of the neurology depart-ment of the Lafayette Clinic in Detroit, Michigan,claimed that children of limited intelligence oftenturned to violence if treated as equals. Rodincalled for dumb young males who riot to becastrated in much the same way as oxen.47

    Negative typecasting and comparisons betweenBlacks and animals continued at the NIMH. In the

    1990s, psychiatrist Frederick Goodwin, director ofthe NIMH, compared black youth living in innercities to hyperaggressive and hypersexual

    monkeys in a jungle.48The NIMHs second Violence Initiative

    targeted children as young as five. Their scientific justification was to conduct research to see ifAfrican-Americans and Hispanics had a violentgene that could be controlled by psychiatricdrugs. Drugs known to cause violent behaviorwere to be given to the children.

    Dr. Seth Farber, director of the NetworkAgainst Coercive Psychiatry, stated, Just likethe Nazis ... what [psychiatrists] want to do isscapegoat black youth, put them on drugs and

    take away the rights of their parents. It is anoutrageous, racist and oppressive plan.

    C H A P T E R T W OT h e R o o t s o f M o d e r n G e n o c i d e


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    ABUSE REPORTRacism in the United Kingdom

    David Rocky Bennett, a 38-year-

    old African-Caribbean living in

    England, had an argument with

    a white patient over the use of

    a phone in a psychiatric facility.

    Staff picked Bennett to be segregated from the

    rest of the patients. He became more upset.

    The staff then pinned him face down on the

    floor for 25 minutes. He screamed, Get off me,

    get off me, I cant breathe. Get off my throat.

    They are going to kill me. His screams

    were ignored. Then they stopped David was


    A May 2001 coroners inquest determined

    Accidental Death Aggravated by Neglect.

    David Bennetts family requested and obtained

    a government inquiry into his death. This resulted

    in a February 2004 report that painted a bleak

    picture of institutional racism in the countrys

    mental health system. Sir John Blofeld, a retired

    High Court judge, stated: Black and minority eth-

    nic communities have a fear of the NHS [National

    Health Service]: that if they engage with the mental

    health services they will be locked up for a very

    long time, if not for life, and treated with medica-

    tion which may eventually kill them.

    z Desmond McLean was raped at the age of

    14. He would not speak about his ordeal, which

    worried his family. After an argument at home,

    he was admitted to an adult psychiatric ward in

    England: Whenever I showed any resentment to

    what was happening to me, four or five adults

    would jump me and pull my trousers down and

    put a needle in my buttocks. Having that needle

    gives them a lot of control over your emotions.

    Whenever black people show any signs of psychi-

    atric problems they are labeled paranoid schizo-

    phrenic or psychotic. Its because they dont

    understand where black people are coming from

    and how we express our frustrations.

    Today, in the United States, psychiatristsand psychologists boldly demand moreresearch funds because African-Americans,Native American Indians and Hispanics

    are over-represented in the ranks ofthe mentally ill. Whipping the devilout of them has been replaced withpsychosurgery, electroshock and psychiatricdrugs. The results are obvious, especially inthe inner cities. Racial minorities have beenintroduced to a whole new level of mind-altering, legally permissible drugs. This hasushered in a new wave of drug addiction,

    followed by escalating crime, illiteracy andunemployment. Today, single-parent familiesare common. Too many Black and Hispanicmen are imprisoned compared to the rest of

    the population. Evidence of racial profilingabounds, yet the NIMH pours millions andmillions into researching at risk minoritypopulations and their aggressive behavior.

    Former clinical psychologist and CCHRCommissioner William Tutman warns, Tooppress a race, and then label its reaction asa mental illness, is not only morally wrong,it is criminal and fraudulent.

    Whenever black people show

    any signs of psychiatric problems

    they are labeled paranoidschizophrenic or psychotic.

    Desmond McLean

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    n March 2003 the United States GoldwaterInstitutes Policy Report on Race andDisability: Racial Bias in Arizona SpecialEducation reported that, Of both low-income and African-American fourth

    graders tested, 60% scored below basic on thelatest National Assessment of EducationalProgress Examination.49

    According to the Goldwater Institute, Thesheer number of studentsmislabeled is staggering.Even worse, in predomi-nantly white school dis-tricts, minority studentsare classified as learningdisabled at significantlyhigher rates.50

    Black students arethree times more likelythan white students to belabeled mentally retard-ed. While black studentsaccount for only 16% ofthe U.S. student popula-tion, they represent near-ly 32% of all students inprograms for mild mental retardation.

    A 1993 U.S. News and World Reportrevealed thatAfrican-Americans were over-represented in specialeducation programs in 39 states.

    A decade later, the U.S. Presidents Commissionon Excellence in Education revealed that 40% ofchildren in Special Education were being labeled

    with learning disorders simply because they werenttaught to read.

    Gary Orfield, co-director of HarvardUniversity's Civil Rights Project, wrote: The dis-proportionate placement of black males into specialeducation classes has created a ghetto within aghetto. For a lot of these kids, this is a direct pathto jail. This is taking a bad problem and puttingit inside another even worse problem. Its justunconscionable.51

    According to Asa Hilliard, professor of urbaneducation at Georgia StateUniversity, If you call akid retarded who is not,or say that he is learningdisabled and he is not,and you separate himout for special instruc-tion, which isnt special,that just compounds theproblems.52

    For minorities, Spe-cial Education meanscontinued, yet covert,psychiatric racism. It is ameans for hooking mil-lions of children ontomind-altering psychiat-

    ric drugs by labeling them with learning disabili-ties at a cost of $30 billion a year to the taxpayersof the United States.

    Psychiatrists and psychologists use theAmerican Psychiatric Associations Diag-nostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-IV) and the mental disorders section of the

    International Classification of Diseases tojustify these abuses.

    C H A P T E R T H R E EE n s l a v i n g C h i l d r e n w i t h D r u g s


    Enslaving Childrenwith Drugs


    IBlack students are

    three times more likely than

    white students to be labeled

    mentally retarded. While Black

    students account for only 16% of

    the U.S. student population,

    they represent nearly 32% of

    all students in programs for

    mild mental retardation.

  • 8/9/2019 Creating Racism


    Numerous books show that health and

    educational problems alone can cause attention and

    behavioral problems, thereby discrediting the

    ADHD learning disorder monopoly.

    C H A P T E R T H R E EE n s l a v i n g C h i l d r e n w i t h D r u g s


    The DSM, accordingto professor HerbKutchins, co-authorof Making Us Crazy,is an unreliableclassification system.Defenders of slavery,proponents of racialsegregation haveconsistently attemptedto justify oppression byinventing new mental illnesses and by reportinghigher rates of abnormality among African-Americansor other minorities.53

    Psychiatrists literally vote on whether or not agroup of symptoms should be considered a mentaldisorder for inclusion in the DSM.

    Using the manual, psychiatrists can fraudulentlydiagnose any child as suffering Attention DeficitHyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The symptomsinclude has difficulty playing quietly, often talks

    excessively, often loses things, fails to completeschoolwork, chores, or other duties... and often

    fidgets with hands orfeet or squirms in seat.In other words, psy-chiatrists define andlabel normal childhood

    behavior as a mentaldisorder. The prescrip-tion is always for apsychiatric drug withharmful, mind-alteringcharacteristics.

    Psychiatrists have dreamt up further theories,such as chemical imbalances in the brain, to justifychild drugging. There is no such thing as a chemicalimbalance. Dr. Mary Ann Block, author of No More

    ADHD, points out, The psychiatrist does not do anytesting. The psychiatrist listens to the history andthen prescribes a drug.

    There are numerous side effects and risks withthe drugs prescribed for so-called ADHD.

    A short list of these follows:z

    Ritalin, the main drug prescribed, is more potentthan cocaine and classified by drug oversight agencies

    Defenders of slavery, proponents ofracial segregation ... have consistently

    attempted to justify oppression byinventing new mental illnesses and byreporting higher rates of abnormality

    among African-Americans orother minorities.

    Professor Herb Kutchins,

    co-author ofMaking Us Crazy

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  • 8/9/2019 Creating Racism


    THE DEADLY RISKPsychological Programs in Schools

    C H A P T E R T H R E EE n s l a v i n g C h i l d r e n w i t h D r u g s


    F or many years, schools have employeddestructive psychological programs. Angermanagement is claimed to teach individu-als to control their aggression and anger; conflict

    resolution is supposed to help a person to resolve

    a conflict without resorting to violence. Yet in one

    anger management class, a boy beat up a class-

    mate so badly that six days later the victim was still

    in the hospital.59

    Another psychological experiment, death educa-

    tion, has been used in many countries since the 1970s.

    It requires children to dis-cuss death, suicide and to

    write their own wills and


    z One U.S. death

    e d u c a t i o n c l a s s

    involved taking students

    to a deserted river shore-

    line, to observe a mock

    crime scene complete

    with a dismembered

    mannequin in the car

    trunk, a severed arm in

    a grocery bag and a bloody hacksaw.60

    z In Kyoto, Japan, in a bizarre attempt to edu-

    cate children about violence, a teacher disguised in a

    cap and sunglasses, and brandishing a 20-inch

    metal rod, burst into a class of 11-year-olds

    sending them stumbling over desks and chairs

    trying to escape.61

    z Joey, an 8-year-old African-American, attend-

    ed a problem solving class in his school. He was

    shown a film that depicted a young boy trying to

    kill himself by tying a rope around his neck. In the

    film, the boy talks about not being liked at school,

    being teased and worrying about growing up. Joeys mother did not know about the program

    as the school curriculum merely stated that it was

    social sciences. Two days after her son watched

    this video, she walked into his room and found him

    dead, hanging by a rope from his bunk bed.

    z Columbine High School shooters, Eric Harris

    and Dylan Klebold are prime examples of the failure

    of anger management and death education.

    Harris was taking an antidepressant that often causes

    violent mania. Both Klebold and Harris were ordered

    by the court to undergo psychological counseling,

    including anger management. They also partici-

    pated in school-baseddeath education.

    As part of the

    death education

    class, students were

    asked to imagine their

    own death. Harris sub-

    sequently had a dream

    where he and Klebold

    went on a shooting

    rampage in a shopping

    center. After writing of

    his dream and handing

    it in to the teacher, Harris and Klebold acted out

    the dream by killing a teacher, 12 classmates and

    then themselves.62

    Influenced by psychiatrists, in 2003 the

    [U.S.] president's New Freedom Commission on

    Mental Health recommended the early detec-

    tion of mental health problems in children and

    adults through routine and comprehensive

    testing and screening in schools.63

    Students are screened or profiled by

    using questionnaires that inquire about their

    own and their parents attitudes and behaviors.

    Questions include, during the last 12 months, howmany times have you hit or beat up on someone

    Give the mental

    health industry a leave of

    absence from our nations

    homes and schools.

    Beverly Eakman,Educational Author

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    Dylan Klebold

    CREATEDKILLERS:Columbine High School

    students Eric Harris and

    Dylan Klebold killed a teacher,

    12 classmates and themselves

    in a murderous rampage that

    took place after both boys

    had undergone court-ordered

    psychological counseling and

    anger management. In

    addition, they had taken

    death education classes

    in their school where they

    were instructed to imagine

    their own deaths. At

    the time of the killings,

    Harris was also taking an

    antidepressant known tocause aggressive behavior.

    or stolen something from a store? Other questions

    ask how many times theyve used cocaine, had sexual

    intercourse, felt sad or depressed and how often their

    parents tell them they love them.64

    The TeenScreenTM

    program in the United Statesuses questions such as, Has there been a time when

    nothing was fun for you and you just werent interested

    in anything? Has there been a time when you felt you

    couldnt do anything well or that you werent as good-

    looking or as smart as other people?65 The psychiatrist

    who invented the test admits there is an 84% error rate

    in identifying at-risk children.

    With enough correct answers, the next ques-

    tionnaire, called the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for

    Children (DISC), claims to be able to check for 18 psy-

    chiatric disorders.66 The

    child is then referred to

    a psychologist or psy-chiatrist and, usually,

    prescribed drugs.

    Dr. Joseph Glenmullen, of Harvard Medical

    School, says the questionnaire of symptoms used

    to diagnose depression may look scientific,

    but when one examines the questions asked

    and the scales used, they are utterly subjectivemeasures .67

    Educational author Beverly Eakman warns,

    The term screening takes on new meaning as

    children, and by extension, their families, today

    are assessed for supposed markers of psychologi-

    cal disorders with the results of such analyses

    going into cross-referenced electronic [data] sys-

    tems. 68 Her advice? Give the mental health

    industry a leave of absence from our nations

    homes and schools.69

    Eric Harris

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    All psychiatric and

    psychological racist influence

    in our courts, police

    departments, prisons, schoolsand universities must be

    eradicated so that it can never

    again be used to oppress and

    degrade individuals.

    A proper, non-psychiatric,

    medical examination must be

    conducted to determine if an

    undiagnosed physical problem

    is causing any persons

    unwanted behavior.

    The psychiatric profession has

    a profit interest in ensuring

    that racist ideas continue to

    influence our society. The way

    to ensure freedom from their

    consequences is to continue to

    identify and limit the influence

    of the exact source of this

    social poison psychiatrists

    and psychologists.

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    Creating a BetterFuture


    C H A P T E R F O U RC r e a t i n g a B e t t e r F u t u r e


    South African President Nelson R.Mandela, in his autobiography LongWalk to Freedom, states, Out of theexperience of an extraordinary humandisaster that lasted too long, must be

    born a society of which all humanity will beproud. Never, never, and never again shallit be that this beautiful land will again experi-

    ence the oppression of one by another. Thesun shall never set onso glorious a humanachievement.

    To achieve thisdesired society, thepsychiatric sources ofapartheid and similarextraordinary humandisasters must beclearly identified.

    Isaac Hayes says:Children are the hope

    of our culture, whetherBlack, Hispanic, NativeAmerican, or any race.Do inner-city youth,antagonized by pover-ty, substandard inner-city education, unem-ployment and brokenfamilies, need labelsand drugs that will turn them violent? This

    battle is about mental slavery.In response to this mental slavery

    psychiatric labels and drugs the NationalAssociation for the Advancement of Colored

    People (NAACP) in the United States unan-imously passed a resolution supporting federallegislation that would protect children from

    being forced onto psychiatric drugs in schools.A proper examination must be performed todetermine if an undiagnosed physical problem iscausing any childs unwanted behavior.

    The numerous factors that fit the ADHD

    criteria, but which can be accurately diagnosedas allergic reactions orvitamin/nutritionaldeficiencies, include:

    z High levels oflead from the environ-ment, which can placechildren at risk of

    both school failure anddelinquent behavior.High mercury levelsin the body also maycause agitation.

    z Insect killingagents which can cre-ate nervousness, poorconcentration, irritabil-ity, memory problems,and depression.

    z Too much sugarcan make a person tooactive or hyper.

    Our modern-day fast food, which often lacksnutritional value, can dramatically affect apersons behavior.


    Bad food or poor nutrition can create anxi-ety and other behavioral or mental problems.

    Out of the experience of an

    extraordinary human disaster that

    lasted too long, must be born a

    society of which all humanity will

    be proud. Never, never, and never

    again shall it be that this beautiful

    land will again experience the

    oppression of one by another. The sun shall never set on so

    glorious a human achievement.

    President Nelson Mandela,Long Walk to Freedom

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    The psychiatric professionhas a financial interest in ensuring

    that racist ideas continue to

    plague our future leaders.

    C H A P T E R F O U RC r e a t i n g a B e t t e r F u t u r e


    Helping, Not Betraying, ChildrenMichael was 8 years old when he was diag-

    nosed with ADHD at school and prescribedpsychiatric drugs. His mother didnt like the

    idea, but was told by psychologists andpsychiatrists thatunless Michael tooktheir medication hewould not be allowedto stay in class. Aftertaking the prescribeddrugs, he became dis-ruptive, argued withhis parents and ranaway from home. Hismother, Patricia, real-

    ized that his behav-ior started with histaking the drugs. Shesought the help of amedical doctor whodidnt prescribe psy-chiatric drugs. Shediscovered Michaelsuffered severe aller-gies, the symptomsof which were iden-tical to those listed

    by psychiatrists asADHD. The doc-tor slowly took himoff the drugs andmade sure he didnteat foods to whichhe reacted badly. Healso received tutor-ing to catch up on the schooling he had missedwhile influenced by the drugs he had taken.He returned to his old self. Today, Michael isan outspoken teenager who can strip and puttogether a computer faster than his father and

    wants to become a film director.Fred Shaw tells this story: A black youth

    was brought to the home, diagnosed as ADD(Attention Deficit Disorder). The treating psy-chologist said that we wouldnt want to takehim. As he supposedly had ADD, I asked the boy

    some basic questions:Whats the longesttime youve ever talk-ed with a girl on thephone? Three to fivehours, he replied. Doyou remember whatshe said? He couldremember it all. Howlong can you play aNintendo [video]game? He told mehed played it eight

    hours straight. Whatabout books? Can youread? He said he read

    books from the begin-ning to end the oneshe liked reading. Hedalso played full gamesof basketball. So itappeared to me thathe could pay attentionto anything that hewas interested in.70

    The drugging of

    our children is onlyone aspect of psychia-trys assault on minor-ities or other racialtargets, and protectingour children requiresgreat vigilance from

    all parents. But the psychiatric profession hasa financial interest in ensuring that racist ideascontinue to plague our future leaders.

    The way to ensure freedom from their con-sequences is to continue to identify and limit

    the influence of the exact source of this socialpoison psychiatrists and psychologists.

  • 8/9/2019 Creating Racism


    The destructive influence of psychiatry has caused chaos throughout society,especially in the hospitals, courts, prisons and educational systems. Citizensgroups should unite and work together to first expose and then abolishpsychiatrys hidden manipulation of society.

    If you are aware of a psychiatrist or psychologist abusing a friend, familymember or neighbor, file a complaint with the police against any offending

    psychiatrist and his or her hospital, associations and teaching institutions.CCHR can assist you.

    While CCHR does not provide legal advice, with the help of competent legalcounsel, you can prevent psychiatrists and psychologists from taking awayyour rights and forcing your children or a family member to be placed onpowerful psychiatric drugs. CCHR can also assist you with this.

    If you do have a problem, talk to someone you trust a parent, brother orsister, teacher, minister or a friend. Get real help, not psychiatricand psychological betrayal.

    If your child is having problems in school, speak with his or her teacherand ensure that the child fully understands the educational materials, hasbeen taught phonics and is able to use a simple dictionary in class to fullydefine and understand words. Insist upon a tutor not drugs toaddress educational problems.

    If anyone you know is exhibiting emotional problems, a competent andcaring non-psychiatric physician needs to be found who will conducta thorough physical exam to determine whether an untreated physicalcondition is the cause of the problem.


    C R E A T I N G R A C I S MR e c o m m e n d a t i o n s






  • 8/9/2019 Creating Racism


    he Citizens Commission on HumanRights (CCHR) was established in1969 by the Church of Scientologyto investigate and expose psychiatricviolations of human rights, and toclean up the field of mental heal-

    ing. Today, it has more than 250 chapters in over34 countries. Its board of advisors, calledCommissioners, includes doctors, lawyers, educa-tors, artists, business professionals, and civil andhuman rights representatives.

    While it doesnt provide medical orlegal advice, it works closely with and supportsmedical doctors and medical practice. A key CCHRfocus is psychiatrys fraudulent use of subjectivediagnoses that lack any scientific or medicalmerit, but which are used to reap financial ben-efits in the billions, mostly from the taxpayers orinsurance carriers. Based on these false diagno-ses, psychiatrists justify and prescribe life-dam-aging treatments, including mind-altering drugs,which mask a persons underlying difficulties and

    prevent his or her recovery.

    CCHRs work aligns with the UN UniversalDeclaration of Human Rights, in particular thefollowing precepts, which psychiatrists violateon a daily basis:

    Article 3: Everyone has the right to life,liberty and security of person.

    Article 5: No one shall be subjected to tor-ture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment

    or punishment.Article 7: All are equal before the law and

    are entitled without any discrimination to equalprotection of the law.

    Through psychiatrists false diagnoses, stig-matizing labels, easy-seizure commitment laws, brutal, depersonalizing treatments, thousandsof individuals are harmed and denied theirinherent human rights.

    CCHR has inspired and caused many hun-dreds of reforms by testifying before legislativehearings and conducting public hearings into psy-chiatric abuse, as well as working with media, law

    enforcement and public officials the world over.

    Citizens Commissionon Human Rights International

    C I T I Z E N S C O M M I S S I O No n H u m a n R i g h t s



  • 8/9/2019 Creating Racism



    For further information:CCHR International

    6616 Sunset Blvd.Los Angeles, CA, USA 90028


    investigates and exposes psychiatric violations of human rights. It worksshoulder-to-shoulder with like-minded groups and individuals who share a

    common purpose to clean up the field of mental health. We shall continue to

    do so until psychiatrys abusive and coercive practices cease

    and human rights and dignity are returned to all.

    Dr. Ben NgubaneMinister for Arts, Culture, Scienceand Technology, South Africa:

    I congratulate CCHR for having identi-fied the inhumanity inflicted on the mentallyill and their untiring campaign to bring this tothe worlds notice. As a country and govern-ment, we will work with organizations suchas CCHR seeking to protect all citizens fromthe type of terror and oppression experienced

    by the majority of the citizens of South Africaduring apartheid.

    The Hon. LeAnna WashingtonCommonwealth of Pennsylvania:

    Whereas, [CCHR] works to preservethe rights of individuals as defined by theUniversal Declaration of Human Rights andto protect individuals from cruel, inhumanor degrading treatment the House ofRepresentatives of Pennsylvania congratulates

    (CCHR International) ... its noble humanitar-ian endeavors will long be remembered anddeeply appreciated.

    Isaac HayesGrammy award-winning composer,musician and actor, internationaladvocate for literacy:

    African-Americans and black communi-ties all over the world have been the target of

    psychiatrys racial inferiority theories, whichled to substandard education being given tomany of them. CCHR is an important groupbecause if we allow psychiatrists to propagatethe lie that our people are victims, that theyare mentally ill when, in fact, they have beenoppressed by psychiatrys own racist ideolo-gies and tests, then it will be our fault. CCHRhas a commitment to improving conditions inthe mental health field and they are effectivelydoing something about it.

  • 8/9/2019 Creating Racism


    CCHRs Commissionersact in an officialcapacity to assist CCHRin its work to reform thefield of mental health

    and to secure rights forthe mentally ill.

    International President

    Jan EastgateCitizens Commissionon Human RightsInternational, Los Angeles

    National PresidentBruce WisemanCitizens Commission onHuman Rights United


    Citizens Commission on

    Human Rights BoardMember

    Isadore M. Chait



    Dr. Thomas Szasz,Professor of PsychiatryEmeritus at the StateUniversity of New YorkHealth Science Center



    Rohit Adi, M.D.Ivan Alfonso, M.D.Professor Garland AllenGiorgio Antonucci, M.D.Ann Auburn, D.O.Mark Barber, D.D.S.Lisa Bazler, B.A., M.A.Ryan Bazler, B.S., MBAMargarethe von Beck,

    DLitt et PhilShelley Beckmann, Ph.D.Lisa Benest, M.D.Peter BennetMary Ann Block, D.O.

    John Breeding, Ph.D.Lisa CainAnthony Castiglia, M.D.Roberto Cestari, M.D.

    James Chappell, D.C.N.D., Ph.D.

    Beth ClayBishop David Cooper

    Jesus CoronaAnn Y. Coxon, M.B., B.S.Moira Dolan, M.D.Mary Ann Durham, B.S.Dan L. Edmunds, ED.D.,

    M.A., B.C.S.A.

    David Egner, Ph.D.Seth Farber, Ph.D.Mark Filidei, D.O.Nicolas Franceshetti, M.D.Marta Garbos, Psy. D.

    Howard Glasser, M.A.Patti Guliano, D.C.Edward C. Hamlyn, M.D.Brett Hartman, Psy.D.Lawrence Hooper, M.D.Dr. Joseph IsaacGeorgia Janisch, R.D.Dr. Derek Johnson

    Jonathan Kalman, N.D.Dr. Peter Kervorkian, D.C.Professor Oleg KhilkevichKenichi Kozu, Ph.D.Eric Lambert, R. Ph.

    Anna C. Law, M.D.Richard Lippin, M.D.Otani LogiLloyd McPheeDr. Bari Maddock

    Joan Mathews-Larson,Ph.D.

    Conrad Maulfair, D.O.Colleen MaulfairClinton Ray MillerDr. Robert Morgan Ph.D.Craig NewnesGwen OlsenMary Jo Pagel, M.D.

    Vladimir Pshizov, M.D.Lawrence Retief, M.D.Franklin H. Ross, M.D.Megan Shields, M.D.Allan Sosin, M.D.David Tanton, Ph.D.William Tutman, Ph.D.Tony Urbanek, M.D.,

    D.D.S.Margaret von Beck, Ph.D.Wanda von Kleist, Ph.D.

    Julian Whitaker, M.D.Spice Williams-Crosby,

    BSc, MFS, CFTMichael WisnerSergej Zapuskalov, M.D.Norman Zucker, M.D.


    Rep. Russell AlbertLewis Bass, M.S., J.D.Timothy Bowles, Esq.Robert Butcher, LLBRobert E. Byron, LLCLars EngstrandGuillermo Guzmn de

    la Garza

    Sandra Gorcia RojasSteven Hayes, Esq.Gregory Hession, J.D.Sen. Karen JohnsonErik Langeland, Esq.

    Leonid Lemberick, Esq.Vladimir Leonov, M.P.Lev LevinsonDoug Linde, Esq.

    Jonathan W. Lubell, LL.B.Jeff LustmanKendrick MoxonRep. Curtis OdaCol. Stanislav PylovRep. Guadalupe RodriguezSandro Garcia RojasTimothy Rosen, Esq.Steven Russell, Esq.

    Rep. Aaron Tilton, (UT)Rep. Mark ThompsonRep. Michael ThompsonRep. Matt Throckmorton



    & MEDIA

    Kirstie AlleyAnne Archer

    Jennifer AspenCatherine BellDavid CampbellRaven Kane Campbell

    Nancy CartwrightKate CeberanoChick CoreaBodhi Elfman

    Jenna ElfmanCerise FukujiIsaac HayesDonna IshamMark Isham

    Jason LeeGeoff LevinGordon Lewis

    Juliette LewisJohn MappinJaime MaussanJim MeskimenTamra MeskimenMarisol Nichols

    John NovelloDavid PomeranzKelly PrestonTariz NasimKelly Patricia OMearaLeah ReminiLee RogersCarrina RiccoRaul Rubio

    Harriet SchockDennis SmithMichelle StaffordCass WarnerMiles Watkins

    Kelly Yaegermann


    Dr. Samuel BlumenfeldCassandra CaseyGleb Dubov, Ph.D.Beverly EakmanProfessor Antony Flew,

    Ph.D.Dr. Wendy Ghiora, Ph.D.Professor Hector HerreraWendy McCants-ThomasSonya Muhammad, M.S.

    James PaicopolosNickolai PavlovskyAnatoli ProkopenkoGayle Ruzicka

    Joel TurtelShelley UcinskiMicheal WalkerCharles Whittman, III


    Lawrence AnthonyMichael BaybakPhillip BrownLuis Colon

    Bob DugganJoyce GainesJames A. MackieCecilio RamirezSebastien SainsburyRoberto Santos


    Rev. Doctor Jim NichollsPastor Michael DavisBishop Samuel V.J.




    Paul BruhneJanice HillNedra Jones. Ph. D.Elvira MantheySheila MatthewsLynette Riley-MundineGhulam Abbas SajanWilliam TowerIshrat NasimPatricia WeathersAllan Wohrnitz, B.Sc.Lloyd Wyles

    CCHR INTERNATIONALBoard of Commissioners

  • 8/9/2019 Creating Racism


    CCHR AustraliaCitizens Commission onHuman Rights AustraliaP.O. Box 6402North SydneyNew South Wales 2059AustraliaPhone: 612-9964-9844

    CCHR AustriaCitizens Commission onHuman Rights Austria(Brgerkommission frMenschenrechte sterreich)Postfach 130A-1072 Wien, AustriaPhone: 43-1-877-02-23

    CCHR BelgiumCitizens Commission onHuman Rights Belgium(Belgisch comite voor de rechtenvan de mens)Postbus 3382800 Mechelen 3, Belgium

    CCHR CanadaCitizens Commission onHuman Rights Canada27 Carlton St., Suite 304Toronto, OntarioM5B 1L2 CanadaPhone: 1-416-971-8555E-mail:

    CCHR ColombiaCitizens Commission on HumanRights ColombiaP.O. Box 359339Bogota, ColombiaPhone: 57-1-251-0377

    CCHR Czech RepublicCitizens Commission on HumanRights Czech RepublicObcansk komise zalidsk prvaVclavsk nmest 17

    110 00 Praha 1, Czech RepublicPhone/Fax: 420-224-009-156

    CCHR DenmarkCitizens Commission onHuman Rights Denmark(Medborgernes Menneskerettig-hedskommissionMMK)Faksingevej 9A2700 Brnshj, DenmarkPhone: 45 39 62 90 39

    CCHR FinlandCitizens Commission onHuman Rights FinlandPost Box 14500511 Helsinki, FinlandPhone: 358-9-8594-869

    CCHR FranceCitizens Commission onHuman Rights France(Commission des Citoyens pourles Droits de lHommeCCDH)BP 1007675561 Paris Cedex 12 , FrancePhone: 33 1 40 01 09 70Fax: 33 1 40 01 05 20

    CCHR GermanyCitizens Commission onHuman Rights Germany(Kommission fr Versteder Psychiatrie gegenMenschenrechte e.V.KVPM)Amalienstrae 49a80799 Mnchen, GermanyPhone: 49 89 273 0354Fax: 49 89 28 98 6704

    CCHR GreeceCitizens Commission onHuman Rights GreeceP.O. Box 31268Athens 47, Postal Code 10-035Athens, GreecePhone: 210-3604895

    CCHR HollandCitizens Commission onHuman Rights HollandPostbus 360001020 MA, AmsterdamHollandPhone/Fax: 3120-4942510

    CCHR HungaryCitizens Commission onHuman Rights HungaryPf. 1821461 Budapest, HungaryPhone: 36 1 342 6355

    Fax: 36 1 344 4724

    CCHR IsraelCitizens Commissionon Human Rights IsraelP.O. Box 3702061369 Tel Aviv, IsraelPhone: 972 3 5660699Fax: 972 3 5663750

    CCHR ItalyCitizens Commissionon Human Rights Italy(Comitato dei Cittadini per iDiritti Umani ONLUS CCDU)Viale Monza 120125 Milano, Italy

    CCHR JapanCitizens Commission onHuman Rights Japan2-11-7-7F KitaotsukaToshima-ku Tokyo170-0004, JapanPhone/Fax: 81 3 3576 1741E-mail:

    CCHR LatviaCitizens Commission onHuman Rights LatviaDzelzavas 80-48Riga, Latvia 1082Phone: 371-758-3940

    CCHR MexicoCitizens Commissionon Human Rights Mexico(Comisin de Ciudadanos porlos Derechos HumanosCCDH)Cordobanes 47, San JoseInsurgentsMxico 03900 D.F.Phone: 55-8596-5030E-mail:

    CCHR NepalCitizens Commissionon Human Rights NepalP.O. Box 1679Kathmandu, NepalPhone: 977-1-448-6053

    CCHR New ZealandCitizens Commission onHuman Rights New ZealandP.O. Box 5257Wellesley StreetAuckland 1141, New Zealand

    Phone/Fax: 649 580 0060

    CCHR NorwayCitizens Commission onHuman Rights Norway(Medborgernesmenneskerettighets-kommisjon,MMK)Postboks 3084803 Arendal, NorwayPhone:47 40468626

    CCHR RussiaCitizens Commission onHuman Rights RussiaBorisa Galushkina #19A129301, MoscowRussia CISPhone: (495) 540-1599

    CCHR South AfricaCitizens Commission onHuman Rights South AfricaP.O. Box 710Johannesburg 2000Republic of South AfricaPhone:011 27 11 624 3538

    CCHR SpainCitizens Commission onHuman Rights Spain(Comisin de Ciudadanos por losDerechos HumanosCCDH)c/Maestro Arbos No 5 4Oficina 2928045 Madrid, SpainPhone: 34-91-527-35-08E-mail:

    CCHR SwedenCitizens Commission onHuman Rights Sweden(Kommittn fr MnskligaRttigheterKMR)Box 2124 21 Stockholm, SwedenPhone/Fax: 46 8 83 8518

    CCHR SwitzerlandCitizens Commissionon Human Rights Lausanne(Commission des Citoyens pourles droits de lHommeCCDH)Case postale 57731002 Lausanne, SwitzerlandPhone: 41 21 646 6226

    CCHR TaiwanCitizens Commission onHuman Rights Taiwan

    Taichung P.O. Box 36-127Taiwan, R.O.C.Phone: 42-471-2072E-mail:

    CCHR United KingdomCitizens Commission onHuman Rights United KingdomP.O. Box 188East Grinstead, West SussexRH19 4RB, United KingdomPhone: 44 1342 31 3926Fax: 44 1342 32 5559

    CCHR National Offices

  • 8/9/2019 Creating Racism


    1. Report on Race and Disability: Racial Bias in Arizona Special Education,The Goldwater Institute, Mar. 2003.

    2. Black Men Failed by Mental Health System, BBC News, 13 Oct. 1999.

    3. Mike George, Bad Medicine, Guardian Unlimited, 9 Aug. 2000.

    4. Apartheid and Health, Part II, World Health Organization (Geneva), 1983,p. 230.

    5. SP Sashidharan, Professor of Community Psychiatry & Errol Francis,Director, Frantz Fanon Centre for Mental Health, Racism in PsychiatryNecessitates Reappraisal in General Procedures and Eurocentric Theories,British Medical Journal, 24 July 1999.

    6. Dr. Karen Wren and Professor Paul Boyle, University of St. Andrews,Migration and Work-Related Health in Europe A Literature Review,Report No 1:2001, National Institute for Working Life, 2001, pp. 21 & 24.

    7. Robert Whitaker,Mad in America: Bad Science, Bad Medicine, and the EnduringMistreatment of the Mentally Ill (Perseus Publishing, Massachusetts, 2002), p. 47;Lenny Lapon,Mass Murderers in White Coats (Psychiatric Genocide ResearchInstitute, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1986), pp. 7576.

    8. Op. cit., Whitaker, pp. 4445.

    9. Charles Darwin, quoted in Bernhard Schreiber (Section 5 Books, 1983, SanFrancisco, California), pp. 1112.

    10. Op. cit., Whitaker, p. 47; Lapon,Mass Murderers in White Coats, pp.7576.

    11. Thomas Szasz, M.D., The Manufacture of Madness (Harper & Row, NewYork, 1970), p. 110.

    12. Op. cit., Whitaker, p. 171.


    14. Thomas Szasz,Insanity, The Idea and Its Consequences (John Wiley and Sons,Inc., New York, 1990), p. 306307.

    15. Samuel A. Cartwright, Report on the Diseases and Physical Peculiarities ofthe Negro Race,New Orleans Medical & Surgical Journal, 1851.


    17. Robert N. Proctor,Racial Hygiene, Medicine Under the Nazis (HarvardUniversity Press, 1988), p. 15.

    18.Ibid. p. 28.

    19. H.B. Fantham, Some Factors in Eugenics, The South African Journal ofScience, Vol. XXI, Nov. 1924, p. 409.

    20. A.L. Cureau, Savage Man in Africa; A Study of Primitive Races in theFrench Congo, translated by E. Andrews (Fisher Unwin, London, 1915) pp.7083.

    21. Paul Popenoe, M.D., Intelligence and Race A Review of the Results ofArmy Intelligence Tests II. The Negro,Journal of Heredity, Vol. XIII, No. 7,July 1922, pp. 29598.

    22. J.T. Dunston, Retarded and Defective Children: Native Mentality, MentalTesting, Presidential Address, 12 July 1923, p. 154.

    23. Peter Read, The Stolen Generations of Aboriginal Children in NSW, 18831869(Sydney Govt. Printer, 1982).

    24. Nigel Parbury, Survival A History of Aboriginal Life in NSW, Ministry ofAboriginal Affairs, 1986.

    25. Bringing Them Home: A Guide to the Findings and Recommendationsof the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres StraitIslander Children from Their Families, Australian Human Rights and EqualOpportunity Commission, 2002, p. 7.

    26. Kristen Kreisher, Coming Home: The Lingering Effects of the IndianAdoption Project, Childrens Voice Article, Mar. 2002, Child Welfare League ofAmerica website, Internet address:, accessed: 23 June 2004.

    27. Allan Chase, The Legacy of Malthus (Chicago: University of Illinois Press,

    1980), pp. 233235.28. Elasah Drogin,Margaret Sanger: Founder of Modern Society, unknown date.

    29. Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray, The Bell Curve: Intelligence andClass Structure in American Life (Free Press, New York, 1994).

    30. Geoffrey Cowley, A Confederacy of Dunces, a review of Herrnsteinsarticle in theAtlantic Monthly, Newsweek, 22 May 1989, p. 80.

    31. Prof. Max Von Gruber, Docent Dr. Ernst Rdin, Fortpflanzung, Vererbungund Rassenhygiene, Munich 1911, p. 163.

    32. Robert N. Proctor,Racial Hygiene, Medicine Under the Nazis (HarvardUniversity Press, 1988), p. 178.

    33.Ibid., p. 52.

    34. Translated by George R. Fraser in Mller-Hill, Murderous Science, p. 12.

    35. Op. cit., Robert N. Proctor, p. 96.

    36. Dr. Thomas Rder, Volker Kubillus, Toby Burwell,Psychiatrists: The MenBehind Hitler(Freedom Publishers, CA, 1995), p. 94, translated document of Dr.Ernst Rdin.

    37. The Genetics of Schizophrenia, NARSAD Research Newsletter (Winter,1990), pp. 36.

    38. Richard A. Lerner,Final Solutions: Biology, Prejudice and Genocide (ThePennsylvania State University Press, University Park, Pennsylvania, 1992).

    39. Ken Devey and Mark Mason, Guidance for Submission: Social Control andGuidance in Schools for Black Pupils in S.A., British Journal of Guidance and

    Counseling, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1984, pp. 1524.40. Shaun R. Whittaker,Knowledge and Power, 1991, Section: A CriticalPerspective on Psychology in Azania/South Africa.

    41. Apartheid and Health, World Health Organization Report, 1983, p. 230.

    42. Report on Human Rights Violations and Alleged Malpractices inPsychiatric Institutions, National Department of Health, South Africa, Feb.1996; Report Paints a Grim Picture of Abuse in SAs Psychiatric Institutions,Business Day, 21 Feb. 1996.

    43. Studies Claimed Blacks Were Inferior, Cape Times (South Africa), 19 June1997; Bobby Jordan, Apartheids Racist IQ Tests to be Scrapped, SundayTimes (South Africa), 24 May 1998.

    44. Lawrence Anthony, Psychiatry and Apartheid, Presentation to theXI Congress on Psychiatry, Hamburg, Germany, 11 Aug. 1999, citing JohnDommisse, The State of Psychiatry in South Africa Today, Social Science andMedicine, Vol. 24, No. 9 (Pergamon Journals Ltd., 1987), p. 750.

    45. Report of the NSW Royal Commission Into Deep Sleep Treatment, NewSouth Wales, Government Printing Service, Dec. 1990.

    46. Alan W. Scheflin and Edward M. Opton Jr., The Mind Manipulators (NewYork & London: Paddington Press Ltd., 1978), pp. 314315.

    47. Gerald Horne, Race Backwards: Genes, Violence, Race, and Genocide,Covert Action, Winter 199293, p. 29.

    48. Frederick Goodwin address to meeting of the National Mental HealthAdvisory Council, 11 Feb. 1992.

    49. Op. cit., The Goldwater Institute.


    51. Joel McNally, A Ghetto within a Ghetto,Rethinking Schools, Vol. 17, No. 3,Spring 2003, Internet address:


    53. Herb Kutchins & Stuart A. Kirk,Making Us Crazy: The Psychiatric Bible andthe Creation of Mental Disorders (The Free Press, New York, 1997), p. 200.

    54. Brian Vastig, Pay Attention: Ritalin Acts Much Like Cocaine,Journal of the

    American Medical Association, 2229 Aug. 2001, Vol. 286, No. 8, p. 905; DrugScheduling, Drug Enforcement Administration Online, Internet address:, accessed: 31 July 2003.

    55.Physicians Desk Reference, 1998 (Medical Economics Company, New Jersey,1998), pp. 18961897; Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders III(American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C., 1980), p. 150.

    56. Drugs For Depressed Children Banned, The Guardian, 10 Dec. 2003.

    57. Worsening Depression and Suicidality in Patients Being Treated withAntidepressant Medications, US Food and Drug Administration Public HealthAdvisory, 22 Mar. 2004.

    58. Sheila Aus, Letter to CCHR Int, 2004.

    59. Tamer Lewin, Class Time and Not Jail Times for Anger, But Does ItWork? The New York Times, 1 July 2001.

    60. The Reincarnation of Death Education, Education Reporter, #194, Mar.2002.

    61. Seventeen and Deadly, Japan, Violence and School Children, Keys to

    Safer, Vol. 33, 1999.62. Richard Restak, The Inner Child, the True Self and the Wacky Map ofEupsychia, The Washington Times, 18 Aug. 2002.

    63. The Presidents New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, report,Achieving the Promise: Transforming Mental Health Care in America, 22July 2003, p. 11.

    64. Profiles of Student Life, Education Reporter, Number 168, Jan. 2000.

    65. The Columbia TeenScreenTM State-One Health Survey, 11 Sept. 2001.

    66. DISC Predictive Scales,

    67. Joseph Glenmullen, M.D.,Prozac Backlash (Simon & Schuster, NY, 2000),p. 206.

    68. Op. cit., Beverley Eakman, p. vii.

    69. Beverley Eakman, Stop Legitimizing Disorders; Cut Mental HealthIndustry Out of Schools, The Washington Times, 10 May 2002.

    70. Evidence by Fred Shaw Jr., to CCHR Commission Hearing into PsychiatricLabeling and Drugging of Children, Los Angeles, Nov. 1997.


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