Creating Databases for Web Applications cookie examples lab time: favorites cookies & Sessions class...

Creating Databases for Web Applications cookie examples lab time: favorites cookies & Sessions class time for group work/questions on projects Next class: presentations

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Page 1: Creating Databases for Web Applications cookie examples lab time: favorites cookies & Sessions class time for group work/questions on projects Next class:

Creating Databases for Web Applications

cookie examples

lab time: favorites

cookies & Sessions

class time for group work/questions on projects

Next class: presentations

Page 2: Creating Databases for Web Applications cookie examples lab time: favorites cookies & Sessions class time for group work/questions on projects Next class:

cookies• are entries into a file called cookies.txt on the client

computer– can be placed there by client-side or server-side code.

Server side code uses the HTTP header to set the cookie.

• used for things such as IDs and preferences. Used to compensate for HTTP being 'stateless'

• alternatives are storing information in– databases – so-called session variables held on the server (one per

client)– the URL call (like method=get form data)

Page 3: Creating Databases for Web Applications cookie examples lab time: favorites cookies & Sessions class time for group work/questions on projects Next class:


• php: set cookie, no expiration. This means cookie goes away when the browser is closed.

• php: set cookie, 5 minute expiration

• asp/JavaScript: set cookie, no expiration.

• asp/JavaScript: set cookie, 5 minute expiration

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Question: does the cookie know if it is asp or php?

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<?php if (@($submitted)) {

setcookie("ccname",$cname);setcookie("ctype",$type);?><html><head><title>Use cookie </title></head><body><h1> Welcome<?print ("$cname! </h1>\n");print ("<br>You like $type cookies.");

?></body></html><? }

before anything else sent to browser

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else { ?><html><head><title>Form for cookies </title></head>

<body><form action="cookies.php" method=post>Your name <input type=text name='cname' value='<? print (@$ccname); ?> '><br>Your favorite cookie <input type=text name='type' value='<? print (@$ctype); ?> '><br><input type=hidden name='submitted' value=TRUE>

<input type=submit value='send info'> <input type=reset value='reset'>

</form></body></html><? } ?>

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<?php if (@($submitted)) {

setcookie("ccname",$cname,time()+5*60);setcookie("ctype",$type, time()+5*60);

?><html><head><title>Use cookie </title></head><body><h1> Welcome<?print ("$cname! </h1>\n");print ("<br>You like $type cookies.");

print("<br>The time in seconds is "); print(time()); ?>

</body></html><? }

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else { ?><html><head><title>Form for cookies </title></head>

<body><form action="cookies5min.php" method=post>Your name <input type=text name='cname' value='<? print (@$ccname); ?> '><br>

Your favorite cookie <input type=text name='type' value='<? print (@$ctype); ?> '><br><input type=hidden name='submitted' value=TRUE><input type=submit value='send info'>

<input type=reset value='reset'></form></body></html><? } ?>

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<%@ Language=JavaScript %><% var submitted=String(Request.Form("submitted")); if (submitted !="undefined") { sname=String(Request("cname")); stype=String(Request("type"));

Response.Cookies("ccname") = sname;Response.Cookies("ctype") = stype; %><html><head><title>Use cookie </title></head><body><h1> Welcome

<% Response.Write (sname + "</h1>\n"); Response.Write ("<br>You like "+ stype +" cookies.");

%></body> </html><% }

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else { %><html><head><title>Form for cookies </title></head>

<body><form action="cookies.asp" method=post>Your name <input type=text name='cname' value='<% fromcookiename=Request.Cookies("ccname");

Response.Write(fromcookiename);%> '><br>

Your favorite cookie <input type=text name='type' value='<% fromcookietype=Request.Cookies("ctype");

Response.Write(fromcookietype); %> '> <br><input type=hidden name='submitted' value=TRUE><input type=submit value='send info'>

<input type=reset value='reset'></form> </body> </html><% } %>

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The time expiration needs to be an asp datatype called variant.

Need to convert the JavaScript date object to that type:

var later=new Date(); //get now

later.setMinutes(later.getMinutes()+5 ); // add 5

Response.Cookies("ccname").expires =later.getVarDate();

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<%@ Language=JavaScript %><% var submitted=String(Request.Form("submitted")); if (submitted !="undefined") { sname=String(Request("cname")); stype=String(Request("type")); var later=new Date(); //get now later.setMinutes(later.getMinutes()+5 ); // add 5Response.Cookies("ccname") = sname;Response.Cookies("ccname").expires =later.getVarDate();

Response.Cookies("ctype") = stype; Response.Cookies("ctype").expires = later.getVarDate();%><html><head><title>Use cookie </title></head><body><h1> Welcome<% Response.Write (sname + "</h1>\n");Response.Write ("<br>You like "+ stype +" cookies.");Response.Write("<br> Later is " + later); %>

</body> </html><% }

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<html><head><title>Form for cookies </title></head> <body> <form action="cookies5min.asp" method=post>

Your name <input type=text name='cname' value='<%

fromcookiename=Request.Cookies("currentclientname"); Response.Write(fromcookiename);%> '>

<br>Your favorite cookie <input type=text name='type' value='<% fromcookietype=Request.Cookies("ctype");

Response.Write(fromcookietype); %> '><br><input type=hidden name='submitted' value=TRUE><input type=submit value='send info'><input type=reset

value='reset'></form> </body> </html><% } %>

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• do [one of the] cookies.php or cookies.asp• go to another site, and go back to this script.• exit the browser.• try cookies5min• exit the browser, but re-invoke browser and go the

script.• exit the browser and right 5 minutes and then re-

invoke the browser and go to the script.

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• Find the cookies.txt file on your lab computer and your home or office computer

• On my home computer, it was onc\Program Files\Netscape\users\jeanine

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in the cookies.txt file

• FALSE /FALSE 1004721406 ctype


• FALSE /FALSE 1004721406

currentclientname +Mommy

Page 17: Creating Databases for Web Applications cookie examples lab time: favorites cookies & Sessions class time for group work/questions on projects Next class:

Cookies• name & value

– can also be a collection (complex cookie): name, keys and values

• Optionally, set– domain ( would mean that,, etc. could use the cookie)– path (restriction to folders within domain)– secure: True or False (only set if browser using secure


• Limits: each cookie <= 4kB (Netscape), number of cookies also limited (oldest deleted to make room for newest): limit sent per domain (20) and limit overall (300)

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cookie parameters

• php– setcookie(string name, string value, int expire,

string path, string domain, int secure)

• asp– Response.Cookies(name).Domain =

domainstring– Response.Cookies(name).Path = pathString– Response.Cookies(name).Secure= True

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deleting cookies

• set same name cookie to no value setcookie("cclient","");– php: If you have specified a domain or path, you need

to mention those attributes again in the setcookie call.


• set same name cookie to have past expiration timesetcookie("cclient","", time()-60);


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• Cookies are browser dependent– Look at the Cookies folder in Windows for the

IE cookies

• Cookies are not dependent on asp or php: that is, – php reads cookies set by asp and – asp reads cookies set by php

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• A session is the time a client spends on a site. • A session id is stored (as a cookie) on the client

OR passed along via the URLs (using php only). The id is a key to session information stored on the server for each client.– Php sessions will work even if cookies have been

disabled by the person using the browser

• Session information is stored on the server.

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Sessions: php• session_start(); called at each script using the

session variables• $total = ….• $cart["pencils"] = $qty;• $cart[$productname] = $productqty;• session_register("total");• session_register("cart");• … in another script, can use $cart and $total.• $result = session_is_registered("total");• session_unregister("total");• session_destroy();

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Sessions: asp

Session(sessionvariablename)= ….;

= Session(sessionvariablename)

Session(“cust_name”) = custname;

Again, session variables can be scalar (simple) or complex, such as arrays or associative arrays (aka hashes or collections).

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Authentication (briefly)• Sessions• In forms, use method= post & <input type=password

…>– 'over the shoulder' security

• Re-direction: invoking another script• must be before anything else sent to browser• php: header("Location: otherpage.php"); exit;• asp: Response.Redirect("otherpage.asp");

• In re-direction and links, can add parameters: header("Location:page2.php?user=$username");

• php: crypt(), md5()• asp/JavaScript: use on-line sources. May need to code

your own or purchase plugin.

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• Keep working on enhancement projects– First presentation due class after break (3/23)

• Present requirements (yours and your 'system owner' and 'system user'

– Final presentation (of enhanced projects) due following week (3/30)

• Your proposal for your own original project due week after. (4/6)