Creating an Environment Conducive to Progress in Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks

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  • 8/22/2019 Creating an Environment Conducive to Progress in Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks


    1 Center or American Progress | Creating an Environment Conductive to Progress in Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks

    Creating an Environment

    Conducive to Progress inIsraeli-Palestinian Peace TalksBy Matthew Duss August 2, 2013

    Te opening o alks beween Palesinians and Israelis las Monday marks a small bu

    imporan sep oward resuming he hard work o a long-held U.S. policy goal: wosaes or wo peoples, Palesine and Israel.1 Since becoming secreary o sae, John

    Kerry has held muliple meeings wih Israeli Prime Miniser Benjamin Neanyahu and

    Palesinian Auhoriy Presiden Mahmoud Abbas in he eor o bring he wo sides

    back o he negoiaing able. While much work sill lies ahead, Secreary Kerrys eors

    underscore he imporance o he wo-sae goal or U.S. ineress in he region, as well

    as he urgency o he momenjus geting he wo sides o agree o alk o one anoher

    presens an opporuniy ha mus no be squandered.

    Te challenges o achieving an agreemen are well known. Te Palesinians are divided,

    boh geographically and poliically, beween he Faah-dominaed Wes Bank andHamas-ruled Gaza Srip. While he Palesine Liberaion Organizaion, or PLO, remains

    he inernaionally recognized represenaive o he Palesinian people, he Palesinian

    Auhoriy has no held elecions since 2006.2 Te Israeli occupaion and he coninued

    growh o he Israeli setlemens ha i aciliaes, as well as he ongoing blockade o

    Gaza, considerably inhibi Palesinian economic growh.

    Prominen members o Faah have said ha he wo-sae soluion is no longer viable

    and have begun speaking in avor o he creaion o one democraic binaional sae

    or Arabs and Jews in all o Israel-Palesine.3 Tere is also a growing movemen among

    Palesinians in he Wes Bank, Gaza, and inernaionally o boycot, dives, and sanc-

    ion Israel. Tis movemen opposes any engagemen wih Israel as long as he occupa-

    ion coninues.4

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    On he Israeli side, while polls show ha he Israeli public coninues o suppor

    he creaion o a Palesinian sae, memories are sill very much alive o he violen

    Second Iniada Palesinian uprising ha resuled in he deahs o many Israelis and

    Palesinians.5 Israelis are undersandably wary o wihdrawals ha could lead o a reurn

    o errorism in Israeli ciies or more rocke atacks, such as he ones hey periodically

    experience rom Gaza. Te Israeli governmen is inernally divided on he quesion o

    a wo-sae soluion, wih he setler movemen ever-more enrenched in key posiionso power6 and members o Prime Miniser Neanyahus governing coaliion7even his

    own Likud Parynow openly opposing he goal o wo saes.8

    Amid ongoing regional upheavals, some have suggesed ha he uncerainies surround-

    ing he Arab awakenings hroughou he Middle Eas and Norh Arica make his a par-

    icularly inopporune momen or peacemaking. Bu he opposie is rue. As Secreary

    Kerry said in a recen speech o he American Jewish Commitee, Te dawn o a new

    era in he region is exacly he kind o ime o recas Israels relaionships, o change he

    narraive wih a new generaion ha is saring o make is voice heard.9

    Ohers have asked why, given he various ongoing crises in he region, Secreary Kerry

    is ocusing so much on resolving a conic ha has rusraed previous adminisraions.

    Te answer is ha he Israeli-Palesinian conic is one in which he Unied Saes sill

    has considerable leverage wih boh paries. As saed in various ways by ocials rom

    muliple adminisraions, he irresoluion o he conic undermines U.S. inuence and

    inhibis he Unied Saes abiliy o achieve is goals in he region.10 Speaking recenly,

    ormer U.S. Cenral Command, or CENCOM, Chie Gen. James Matis described he

    impac he lack o a soluion has had on his work and why i underscores he imporance

    o Kerrys eors:

    I paid a miliary securiy price every day as a commander of CENTCOM because he

    Americans were seen as biased in suppor of Israel. Moderae Arabs who wan o be

    wih us can come ou publicly in suppor of people who don wan o show respec for

    he Arab Palesinians. So [Kerry] is righ on arge wih wha hes doing. 11

    Given he exen o which he Israeli-Palesinian conic coninues o eed resen-

    men across he region, he payo or he Unied Saes o successully brokering a jus

    oucome could be remendous.12 In a period o radical uncerainy in he Middle Eas,

    he conic is one in which he Unied Saes reains he abiliy and he responsibiliy o

    help shape a posiive and susainable oucome.

    Te eor o resar direc alks is only one o several areas o ocus or Secreary Kerry.

    Recognizing ha alks are no an end in hemselves, he has been moving on several

    rons o creae a conex ha is more conducive o producive negoiaions and o ee

    up eors o quickly capialize on any progress ha is made. Tis issue brie examines

    he key componens o Secreary Kerry s eors.

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    Getting both sides to the talks

    Since negoiaions broke down in 2010,13 PLO Chairman and Palesinian Auhoriy

    Presiden Abbas had consisenly declined o rejoin alks unless Israel me is 2002 Road

    Map commimen o reeze setlemens.14 In a recen inerview, Ambassador Maen

    Areika, he Palesine Liberaion Organizaions represenaive in he Unied Saes, also

    said ha he Palesinians would no begin negoiaions wihou claried erms o reer-ence based on he 1967 lines15 as a saring poinas ariculaed in Presiden Barack

    Obamas May 2011 speech on his issue16and ha he release o Palesinian prisoners

    would also be necessary.17

    On he Israeli side, Prime Miniser Neanyahu has repeaedly insised ha he is ready o

    begin alks wihou pre-condiions, bu also sressed ha Israeli securiy concerns and

    he recogniion o Israel as a Jewish sae mus ake prominence in discussions.18

    Repors ollowing he announcemen o alks las week indicae ha Secreary Kerry

    had oered assurances o he Palesinians ha alks would be ramed on he basis ohe 1967 lines.19 Te Israeli governmen also announced ha i would release a number

    o Palesinian prisoners as a good-will gesure:20 On July 28, 2013, he Israeli cabine

    approved a reques o release 104 Palesinian prisoners. In a saemen, Prime Miniser

    Neanyahu recognized how dicul his decision was or many Israelis o accep, bu

    ha his was a momen in which ough decisions mus be made or he good o he


    For heir par, he Palesinians agreed o hold o on urher eors o build upon heir

    successul bid o upgrade Palesines saus rom non-member observer eniy o

    non-member observer sae a he Unied Naions in 201222

    and achieve recogniionin oher inernaional bodies or he duraion o he negoiaions.23 Palesinian ocials

    seem o undersand ha he U.N. bid ulimaely produced more coss han benes, par-

    icularly in regard o he wihholding o U.S. aid.24 Bu while he Palesinians have agreed

    o hold o on hese eors or he ime being, here is a srong likelihood ha i alks do

    no produce angible goods or he Palesinian people, hese eors will coninue as a

    mater o poliical survival or he Palesinian Auhoriy leadership.

    Te European Union has been supporive o Secreary Kerrys eors and is aiding he

    Palesinians monearily in key areas. Te European Union, or example, has given 10

    million o Palesinian communiies o address housing and povery concerns.25 Te

    European Union has also helped make up he Palesinian Auhoriys salary shoralls,

    puting 19.2 million oward he paymen o he May salaries and pensions o nearly

    75,000 Palesinian civil servans and pensioners in he Wes Bank and he Gaza Srip.26

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    Te European Union has also begun o ake is own seps, however, paricularly in regard

    o he setlemen issue. In 2010 EU oreign policy head Caherine Ashon said ha he

    European Union migh use is rade ies wih Israel as leverage o pressure Israel ino

    renewing peace alks wih he Palesinians.27 On June 30, 2013, he European Union

    adoped new guidelines, saing ha uure agreemens beween he European Union

    and Israel mus exclude setlemens in he occupied Wes Bank. Te direcive covers

    all areas o cooperaion beween he European Union and Israel, including economics,science, culure, spors, and academia.28 A U.S. ocial old Israels Haarez newspaper

    ha i alks did no begin soon, urher EU measures could ollow. Te Europeans are

    giving us he ime and allowing us o ry and ge he alks going, he ocial said. Bu i

    we don succeed, hey would wan o go in oher direcions and ake seps. Te Israelis

    know i very well.29

    Conradicing criics who suggesed ha he European guidelines would undermine

    Secreary Kerry s eors, boh U.S. and Israeli ocials old Haarez shorly afer he

    resumpion o alks was announced ha he EU measures had he opposie eec.

    Presiden Abbas reporedly el ha he EU measures armed his posiion and madei possible or him o give up on his demand or a setlemen reeze, whereas Prime

    Miniser Neanyahu eared ha Israeli public would blame him personally or Israels

    isolaion.30 Boh sides were hus incenivized o re-ener alks.

    Reviving the Arab Peace Initiative

    Culivaing regional suppor has been a vial elemen o Secreary Kerry s eors. In lae

    March 2013, shorly beore Presiden Obamas Middle Eas visi, Israeli media repored

    ha Secreary Kerry would seek o revive he Arab Peace Iniiaive as a saring poin oruure alks.31 In early April i was repored ha he Obama adminisraion had inormed

    he Palesinian Auhoriy ha he new U.S. approach o peace negoiaions would be

    based on he Arab Peace Iniiaive (see ex box) and ha Presiden Obama had dis-

    cussed he mater wih he Palesinian leadership during his March visi o Ramallah.

    Palesinian sources laer said ha, in discussions wih Secreary Kerry, he presiden

    had proposed wo small changes o he iniiaive o make i more palaable o Israel: Te

    1967 lines could be modied hrough muual agreemen, along wih sronger securiy

    guaranees or Israel.

    Afer meeing in Washingon in lae April, he Arab League agreed o suppor limied,

    muually agreed-upon land swaps as par o a peace deal.32 Te Arab League delegaion

    arms ha agreemen should be based on he wo-sae soluion, on he basis o he

    4h o June 1967 line wih he possibiliy o a comparable and muual agreed minor

    swap o he land, said Qaars hen-Foreign Miniser Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim al-Tani,

    speaking on behal o he Arab League.33

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    Moreover, al-Tani old reporers ha he Arab League delegaion undersood ha

    peace beween he Palesinians and he Israelis is a sraegic choice or he Arab

    saes. Shorly hereafer, he Faah Cenral Commitee acceped he Arab Leagues pro-

    posal on land swaps and welcomed U.S. eors o revive peace negoiaions wih Israel.34

    Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas leader in Gaza, rejeced he move, saying he Arab League was

    no auhorized o make such concessions on behal o Palesinians. Te so-called newArab iniiaive is rejeced by our people, by our naion and no one can accep i, Prime

    Miniser Haniyeh said. Te iniiaive conains numerous dangers o our people in he

    occupied land o 1967, 1948 and o our people in exile.35

    Israeli leaders reaced cauiously o he iniiaive when i was rs inroduced in 2002,

    claiming ha i pu he onus or peace enirely on Israel. Ten-Foreign Miniser Shimon

    Peres recognized he Arab Peace Iniiaive as an imporan sep bu one liable o

    ounder i errorism is no sopped.36 Oher Israeli leaders rejeced wha hey saw as he

    non-negoiable naure o he proposal. I he Arab iniiaive is ake i or leave i, ha will

    be a recipe or sagnaion, Foreign Minisry Spokesman Mark Regev said in response ohe iniiaives readopion in 2007.37

    Te Israeli response o he amended iniiaive in March was mixed.38 Prime Miniser

    Neanyahu insised ha he conic is no abou land bu insead abou he Palesinians

    reusal o accep Israels righ o exis. Former Israeli Prime Miniser Ehud Olmer, on

    he oher hand, criicized he Israeli governmens ailure o embrace he Arab Peace

    Iniiaive. We are speaking o an opporuniy ha mus be seized o renew he diplo-

    maic process. Is a very imporan developmen, he said, urging Israeli leaders o

    sop making excuses. Israeli Labor Pary leader Shelly Yachimovich likewise called on

    Prime Miniser Neanyahu o pursue he iniiaive, as did Jusice Miniser zipi Livni,who ocially handles he Israeli-Palesinian negoiaions.39

    On July 17, 2013, Secreary Kerry received he Arab Leagues suppor or resaring

    negoiaions, an imporan sep in wo regards.40 Firs, i gave Presiden Abbas needed

    poliical cover or re-enering alks, abou which many o his own Palesinian consiu-

    ens have grown skepical. Second, i demonsraed o skepical Israelis ha here is

    regional suppor or negoiaions, which is necessary or any agreemen o be seen as

    legiimae and susainable. Te Arab Peace Iniiaive underscores his, oering normal-

    izaion and regional inegraion in exchange or an end o he Israeli occupaion.

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    Economic-development assistance for the Palestinian Authority

    A he World Economic Forum conerence in Jordan in May, Secreary Kerry

    announced $4 billion in economic-developmen assisance or he Palesinian

    Auhoriy.46 Developed by a group o inernaional and regional expers, he goal o his

    aid is o increase Palesines gross domesic produc by 50 percen and cu unemploy-men rom 21 percen o he workorce o 8 percen in hree years. Te inenion is no

    jus o make i ransormaive, bu o make i dieren rom anyhing ever seen beore,

    Secreary Kerry said, noing ha $4 billion can make an enormous dierence in a rela-

    ively small area wih a populaion o 4 million people.

    A group o 300 Palesinian and Israeli business leaders, led by Palesinian billionaire

    Munib al-Masri and Israeli venure capialis Yossi Vardi, also announced a Breaking

    he Impasse public-relaions campaign around he aoremenioned economic iniiaive,

    designed o convince skepical leaders ha here is a consiuency or resaring negoia-

    ions and ackling he ough issues.47

    A coordinaed easing o ravel resricions will be necessary or his plan o succeed.

    Resricions resuling rom he coninued occupaion o he Wes Bankincluding conrol

    o 60 percen o he Wes Bank designaed by agreemen as being under Israels miliary

    and civilian conrol, classied as Area C under he Oslo II Accords48hamper economic

    growh, he eors o build Palesinian Auhoriy insiuions, and urban planning.49

    Saudi Arabias Crown Prince Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud, now the

    king, promulgated the Arab Peace Initiative at the 2002 Beirut summit o

    the Arab League.41 The text o the declaration42 called upon Israel to:

    Complete its withdrawal rom the occupied Arab territories, including

    the Syrian Golan Heights, to the line drawn on June 4, 1967, and rom

    the territories still occupied in southern Lebanon

    Attain a just solution to the problem o Palestinian reugees, to be

    agreed upon in accordance with U.N. General Assembly Resolution 19443

    Accept the establishment o an independent and sovereign Palestinian

    state on the Palestinian territories occupied since June 4, 1967, in the

    West Bank and Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as its capital

    In return, the Arab League member states committed to:

    Consider the Arab-Israeli conict over, sign a peace agreement with

    Israel, and achieve peace or all states in the region

    Establish normal relations with Israel within the ramework o this com

    prehensive peace

    The Arab Peace Initiative was unanimously rearmed at the March 2007

    Arab League summit in Saudi Arabia, during which all 22 Arab member

    states except Libya were present.44 Prime Minister Haniyeh o Hamas,

    the militant group that now governs the Gaza Strip, abstained rom the

    vote. Earlier that month Jordans King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein delivere

    a speech beore a joint meeting o the U.S. Congress, highlighting the

    continued salience o the conict in the regions politics and calling onlawmakers to support U.S. eforts at peacemaking.45

    The Arab Peace Initiative

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    While Secreary Kerry discussed he broad conours o he economic-developmen

    plan, is deails have been largely kep under wraps. Palesinian leaders have cauioned,

    however, ha economic eors canno ake he place o achieving Palesinian saehood.

    Te Palesinian leadership will no oer poliical concessions in exchange or economic

    benes, said Mohammad Musaa, chairman and CEO o he Palesine Invesmen

    Fund, shorly afer Secreary Kerry announced he economic plan.50

    Under he leadership o Middle Eas Quare Represenaive ony Blair, he plan is

    undersood o have argeed eigh secors or growh: consrucion/housing, building

    maerials, ourism, ligh manuacuring, agriculure, energy, waer, and inormaion

    echnology. Over he pas several years, cus in donor aid have led o a severe nancial

    crisis or he Palesinian Auhoriy, leaving i unable o pay he salaries o is governmen

    employees. Unemploymen in he Wes Bank is prediced o reach 24 percen his year,

    and in Gaza, i is currenly 31 percen.51

    Te objecive here is o leverage he privae secor ino making very, very signican

    invesmens ino he Wes Bank and also o Gaza Srip, said a senior Sae Deparmenocial.52 Te ocial cauioned, however, ha []his will only work in he conex o a

    wo-sae oucome.

    Security coordination

    In lae May Gen. John Allen, ormer commander o NAO orces in Aghanisan,

    was named as a special advisor or he secreary o deense ocusing on securiy in he

    conex o Middle Eas peace.53 Securiy is a op prioriy or he Israelis, and Gen. Allens

    work will ocus on coordinaing wih Israel on he securiy arrangemens and guaraneesha would accompany he esablishmen o a Palesinian sae and he wihdrawal o

    Israeli orces rom he Wes Bank.54

    Gen. Allens work complemens he eors o he U.S. securiy coordinaor, or USSC,

    a posiion esablished in 200555 o reorm, rain, and equip he Palesinian securiy

    orces ha is currenly lled by Vice Adm. Paul Bushong.56 Tis serves he dual purpose

    o creaing a proessional securiy corps ha enhances he Palesinians readiness or

    saehood while also addressing Israeli concerns abou he capabiliies o securiy orces

    poswihdrawal o Israeli soldiers.

    While he developmen o an eecive Palesinian securiy service is undersood as a

    necessary elemen o a susainable peace agreemen, he use o hese securiy orces o

    suppress dissen has he opposie eec, undermining he legiimacy needed or such an

    agreemen.57 Given ha he reorm and raining o Palesinian securiy orces has been

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    done under U.S. auspices, his is an area in which he Unied Saes is paricularly impli-

    caed. Addiionally, as wih he economic componen, securiy in he Wes Bank mus

    no be seen as an end in isel, bu raher as supporive o he poliical goal. Securiy

    coordinaion beween all paries will bene rom progress on he poliical ron and will

    be harmed by a lack o progress.

    Strategic communications

    A key elemen o he Obama adminisraions eors has been o call on people o push

    heir leaders o make he ough choices necessary or peace. Speaking as a poliician,

    I can promise you his, Presiden Obama said in his speech in Jerusalem in March,

    poliical leaders will no ake risks i he people do no demand ha hey do. You mus

    creae he change ha you wan o see.58

    Undersanding he imporance o U.S. domesic poliics o Middle Eas policy, he

    adminisraion has iniiaed oureach o U.S. groups invesed in he issue. SecrearyKerry echoed he presidens Jerusalem speech in his own speech o he American

    Jewish Commitee on June 3. Send he message ha you are behind his hopeul vision

    o wha can be, he said. Le your leaders and your neighbors alike know ha you

    undersand his will be a ough process wih ough decisions, bu ha youre ready o

    back he leaders who make hem.59

    On July 12, he Jewish Council or Public Aairs, or JCPA, and American ask Force

    on Palesine, or AFP, announced a join lobbying eor, wih represenaives o boh

    groups meeing wih saers or he oreign-relaions commitees in he U.S. House o

    Represenaives and Senae. We are making he case ogeher and rying o represenhe win-win aspec o negoiaions, said Ben Suarao, a spokesman or JCPA. We

    suppored he wo-sae soluion and he commimen o he U.S. governmen, he

    indispensable parner, o say engaged, said Ziad Asali, he presiden o he AFP. We

    hough i is useul o have a Palesinian and Jewish American saemen ha i is no a

    zero sum game.60

    Conclusion and recommendations

    While he images o a U.S. secreary o sae shutling back and orh rom he Middle

    Eas may seem amiliar on he surace, Secreary Kerry s eors o creae movemen on a

    range o rons marks a shif in sraegy or he adminisraion. While sill acknowledging

    direc alks beween Israelis and Palesinians as he necessary arena or nal saus nego-

    iaions, Secreary Kerrys approach is based on he undersanding ha cerain seps can

    and mus be aken in order o give he alks a greaer chance o success.

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    Tere is a growing sense among many Israeli leaders ha he ime or a wo-sae solu-

    ion is running ou. In a recen op-ed, Yuval Diskin, ormer head o Israels Shin Be

    securiy service, wroe, Tis is a mater ha requires naional responsibiliy o he high-

    es order. I requires aking advanage o wha may be he las opporuniy o exricae

    ourselves rom he deadly cluches o our conic wih he Palesinians, cluches which

    we have ehered o ourselves.61

    Tese warnings echo Secreary Kerry s views rom his June speech. Te dierence is

    ha wha happens in he coming days will acually dicae wha happens in he coming

    decades, he said. Were running ou o ime. Were running ou o possibiliies. And

    les be clear: I we do no succeed nowand I know Im raising hose sakesbu i we

    do no succeed now, we may no ge anoher chance.

    While he Israeli-Palesinian conic is only one o a number o regional challenges or

    U.S. policymakers, i is one in which he Unied Saes is uniquely engaged, by virue

    o our special relaionship wih Israel and by he so-ar ailed eors by muliple U.S.

    adminisraions o broker a lasing peace deal. As saed by ormer U.S. Ambassador oIsrael Daniel Kurzer, Is no he bigges problem in he region, bu i is he issue on

    which percepion o U.S. power is largely ormed.62 Ending he conic won make oher

    problems in he region simply go away, bu by removing a core issue o insabiliy, i will

    make addressing hose problems easier. I will also serve as an imporan demonsraion

    o American leadership a a momen when many in he region are quesioning is value.

    Recommendaions or he Obama adminisraion as i navigaes hese peace alks are

    as ollows.

    Continue to voice support for an agreed-upon frame of reference

    based upon President Obamas May 2011 speech

    While i may be necessary o keep he erms o alks vague a he ouse, muliple U.N.

    resoluions and a srong inernaional consensus suppor he use o he 1967 lines as a

    saring poin or negoiaions. While boh sides undersand ha Israel will no reurn

    o he pre-1967 lines, he lack o an agreed-upon saring poin has undermined negoia-

    ions in he pas.

    Increase engagement with all sectors of American, Palestinian, and Israeli society

    Presiden Obama should reierae o Congress and o he American public why his

    eor is being underaken and why i is in he U.S. ineres o do so. Te U.S. ambassador

    o Israel and consul general should also coninue o look or opporuniies o engage

    wih he Israeli and Palesinian publics and ampliy he presidens message rom March

    2013. All sides should know ha he Unied Saes is in his or he long haul.

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    Keep a record of private commitments by parties and hold them

    to those commitments

    Opporuniies or breakhroughs have ofen been undermined by oers made and

    reraced in negoiaions. While keeping he deails o negoiaions secre, he U.S.

    mediaor should keep rack o commimens made in order o coninue o push he alks

    orward. Te mediaor should also ensure ha once a commimen has been made, he orshe enorces he erms o ha pledge and holds he paries accounable.

    Work to end the separation of the West Bank and Gaza

    Palesinian uniy is essenial or any genuine, lasing peace beween Israelis and

    Palesinians. Te division beween Gaza and he Wes Bank undermines he possibil-

    iy ha an evenual agreemen will be susainable or seen as legiimae by all secors

    o Palesinian sociey. While he Unied Saes should be cauious abou empowering

    Hamas, i should work wih Israel and wih European and Arab parners o end heeconomic separaion beween he Wes Bank and Gaza by allowing greaer expors rom

    Gaza o he Wes Bank as a rs sep.

    Mathew Duss is a Policy Analys wih he Naional Securiy and Inernaional Policy eam a

    he Cener for American Progress.

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    1 Agence France-Presse, Kerry Returning to Mideast Hopingto Kickstart Talks, FRANCE 24,July 15, 2013, available at

    2 Scott Wilson, Hamas Sweeps Palestinian Elections, Compli-cating Peace Eorts in Mideast, The Washington Post, January

    27, 2006, available at

    3 Ilene Prusher, Inuential Palestinians Say its Time or a One-State Soluti on, TIME,May 24, 2013, available at

    4 EUbusiness, Palestinian Boycott Leaders Say Peace TalksUseless, June 12, 2013, available at

    5 BBC News, Intiada tol l 2000-2005, February 8, 2005, avail-able at

    6 Allyn Fisher-Ilan, New Israel housing minister pledges moresettlement building, Reuters, March 17, 2013, availableat

    7 Institute or Middle East Understanding, Fact Sheet: TheIsraeli Government & the Two-State Solution, July 15, 2013,available at

    8 Ilan Ben Zion, Amid uproar, deputy deense minister standsby rejection o two states, The Times o Israel, June 9, 2013,available at

    9 Address by Secretary o State John Kerry to the AmericanJewish Committees Global Forum 2013, Washington, D.C.,June 3, 2013, available at

    10 Matthew Duss, Linkage and its Discontents: What WikiLeaksReveals about Israel-Palestine, Foreign Policy, December16, 2010, available at

    11 Gen. James Mattis, CENTCOM Review: Turmoil in theMideast and Southwest Asi a, Remarks to the Aspen Sec urityForum, Washington, D.C., July 20, 2013, available at

    12 Shibley Telhami, Is Kerry Right to Put Peace First?, ForeignPolicy, July 22, 2013, available at

    13 Matthew Kalman, Israel Palestine peace talks break downover settlement row, The Telegraph, March 11, 2010, avail-able at

    14 The New York Times, President Bushs Road Map toa Palestinian State, November 14, 2002, available at


    15 Dan Rothem and Shira Eron, Correcting The Record On The1967 Lines, Middle East Progress, June 13, 2011, availableat

    16 Ofce o the Press Secretary, Remarks by the President onthe Middle East and North Arica, Press release, May 19,2011, available at

    17 Michael Wilner, Palestinian Ambassador to US: Nothingemerged rom Kerry talks - yet,The Jerusalem Post, July15, 2013, available at

    18 Associated Press, Israeli PM: EU should join US push on

    peace talks, Yahoo! News,June 20, 2013, available at

    19 Ian Deitch, Palestinians Say 67 Borders Basis or Talks, TheBig Story, July 20, 2013, available at

    20 Maayan Lubell, Israel to ree Palestinian prisoners or peacetalks: minister, Reuters,July 20, 2013, available at

    21 William Booth, Peace Talks Set to Begin ater Israel Agreesto Free 104 Palestinian Prisoners, The Washington Post,July 28, 2013, available at

    22 Ethan Bronner and Christine Hauser, U.N. Assembly, inBlow to U.S., Elevates Status o Palestine,The New YorkTimes, November 29, 2012, available at

    23 Jose Federman and Deb Reichmann, Kerry Says ProgressMade in Peace Talks,The Big Story,June 30, 2013, availableat

    24 Donna Cassata, US lawmakers threaten to halt aid toPalestinians i they use UN upgrade against Israel, TheTimes o Israel, November 29, 2012, available at

    25 Palestine News Network, EU Provides 10 Million toSupport Palestinian Families Living in Extreme Povertyin West Bank, Gaza, June 28, 2013, available at


    26 Palestine News Network, EU Contributes 19.2 Million toPAs May Salaries and Pensions, June 5, 2013, available at

    27 The Jerusalem Post, EU may push Israel into peace talks,March 13, 2010, available at

    28 Harriet Sherwood, EU Takes Tougher Stance on IsraeliSettlements,The Guardian, July 16, 2013, available at

    29 Barak Ravid, U.S. ofcial: EU will take urther measuresagainst Israeli settlements i Kerrys peace bid ails, Haaretz,

    July 16, 2013, available at

    30 Barak Ravid, EU made Netanyahu go the extra mile, U.S.threats let Abbas with no choice, Haaretz, July 21, 2013,available at

    31 Asher Zeiger, Kerry expected to revive 2002 Saudi peaceinitiative, The Times o Israel,March 20, 2013, available at,-gaza,-gaza,-gaza,-gaza,-gaza,-gaza,-gaza,-gaza
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    32 Steven Lee Myers and Jodi Rudoren, Kerry Calls ArabLeague Plan to Revive Talks with Israel a Big Step, The NewYork Times, April 30, 2013, available at

    33 Al Jazeera, Arab States Back Israel-Palestine Land Swaps,April 30, 2013, available at

    34 Khaled Abu Toameh, Fatah accepts Arab League landswap proposal, The Jerusalem Post, May 12, 2013, availableat


    35 Al Jazeera, Hamas Rejects Arab League Peace Initiative,May 3, 2013, available at

    36 Israel Ministry o Foreign Aairs, Response o FM Peres tothe decisions o the Arab Summit in Beirut, Press release,March 28, 2002, available at

    37 Associated Press, Israel to Oer Counterproposal to ArabPeace Initiative, Peres Says, USA Today, May 20, 2007, avail-able at

    38 United Press International, Mixed Response in Israel toPeace Plan, May 1, 2013, available at


    39 Hugh Naylor, Kerry returns to region ater Israelis snub ArabPeace I nitiative, The National, May 19, 2013, available at

    40 Associated Press, Kerry Wins Arab League Support or Bidto Restart Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks, The WashingtonPost, July 17, 2013, available at

    41 BBC News, Arabs Oer Israelis Peace Plan, March 28,2002, available at

    42 BBC News, Text: Beirut Declaration, March 28, 2002,available at

    43 U.N. General Assembly, 194 (III). Palestine Progress Reporto the United Nations Mediator (1948), available at

    44 Avi Issacharo, Arab States unanimously approve Saudipeace initiative, Haaretz, March 28, 2007, available at

    45 Helene Cooper, Jordans king calls or U.S. help on Mideastpeace / Abdullah a ddresses Congress, presses or Arab-Israeli pact, SFGate, March 8, 2007, available at

    46 World Economic Forum, Kerry Announces US$4 BillionEconomic Plan to Break Israeli-Palestinian Impasse, Pressrelease, May 26, 2013, available at


    47 William Booth, Israeli and Palestinian tycoons pushor peace, The Washington Post, May 30, 2013, avail-able at

    48 Council on Foreign Relations, Oslo II Accords (InterimAgreement on the West Bank and Gaza Strip), September28, 1995, available at

    49 Rudy deLeon, Brian Katulis, and Matthew Duss, 5 KeyFindings rom CAPs Recent Discussions in the Middle East(Washington: Center or American Progress, 2013), avail-able at

    50 Agence-France Presse, Palestinian economic recovery plan

    takes shape, The National, July 12, 2013, available at

    51 Agence France-Presse,Palestinian Economic Plan TakingShape, Ahram Online, July 11, 2013, available at

    52 U.S. Department o State, Background Brieng on Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks, July 30, 2013, available at

    53 Julian Pecquet, Former Aghanistan Commander NamedSpecial Envoy or Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process, TheHills Global Aairs,May 23, 2013, available at

    54 Barak Ravid, Gen. John Allen appointed U.S. securityenvoy in peace process, Haaretz, May 23, 2013, availableat

    55 U.S. Department o State, United States Security Coordina-tor or Israel and the Palestinian Authority (USSC), availableat (last accessed July 2013).

    56 Michal Shmulovich, US picks new Israel-PA security coordi-nator, as Abbas undertakes West Bank sec urity crackdown,The Times o Israel, June 9, 2012, available at

    57 Human Rights Watch, Palestinian Authority Police BeatProtesters, July 30, 2013, available at

    58 Ofce o the Press Secretary, Remarks o President BarackObama To the People o Israel, Press release, March 21,2013, available at

    59 Address by Secretary o State Kerry to the American JewishCommittees Global Forum 2013.

    60 Jewish Telegraphic Agency, JCPA, Task Force on PalestineLobby or Two States, July 12, 2013, available at

    61 Yuval Diskin, Diskin: Israel nears point o no return on two-state solu tion, The Jerusalem Post,July 13, 2013, available at

    62 Matthew Duss, The Arab Spring and Palestine, Near East

    Quarterly, September 7, 2011, available at