Cranial nerve book

Cranial Nerve Book Anne Sultenfuss

Transcript of Cranial nerve book

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Cranial Nerve BookAnne Sultenfuss

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Olfactory I

Smell Identifying familiar odors Sensory

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Optic II

Sight or vision Visual acuity Sensory

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Oculomotor III

Levator of eyelid Upward, downward,and medial gaze,

reaction to light Motor

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Trochlear IV

Superior oblique muscle of eyeball Downward and lateral gaze Motor

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Trigeminal V

Touch and pain skin of face, scalp behind the ears,

mucous membrane of nose, sinuses, moth, anterior longue

Muscle of mastication Corneal reflex, facial sensation, teeth

clenching Sensory and motor

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Abducens VI

Lateral rectus muscle of eyeball Lateral gaze Motor

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Facial VII

Taste Touch, pain Facial muscles Lateral gaze, facial expressions,

identifying familiar taste with front of tongue

Motor and sensory

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Vestibulocochlear VIII

Hearing, balance Detecting presence of sounds, balance

and coordination Sensory

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Glossopharyngeal IX

Touch, pain Taste Muscles of pharynx Gag reflex, swallowing Motor and sensory

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Vagus X

Touch, pain Muscle of palate, pharynx and larynx Gag reflex, swallowing, speech Motor and sensory

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Accessory XI

Sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscle

Shoulder shrugging, head movement Motor

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Hypoglossal XII

Muscles of tongue tongue movements Motor