Crafting Program Objectives with the Four C's


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Many organizations organize leadership development around a competency model. That's understandable, but competencies alone aren't enough to drive great program design. We need to get much more specific. Here's one way of doing it.

Transcript of Crafting Program Objectives with the Four C's

Page 1: Crafting Program Objectives with the Four C's

Beyond Competencies:Crafting Program Objectives with the Four C’s

Sean KennedySenior Strategic Relationship ManagerHarvard Business PublishingCorporate Learning

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Most organizations use competencies to broadly frame development

– They provide consistency across roles and levels– They link to performance appraisal and career paths– They are a good internal tool for HR and learning


But competencies aren’t enough to drive good design at the program level

– They’re intentionally broad– They’re just like everyone else’s– And your learners probably don’t care about them

We need to get much more specific– Clear connection to organizational strategy– Specific learning and behavioral objectives– Accounting for the organizational environment

© 2013 Harvard Business School Publishing. Harvard Business Publishing is an affiliate of Harvard Business School. All rights reserved.

Page 3: Crafting Program Objectives with the Four C's




• What do we need them to think about differently?

• Industry• Company• Customers• Market• Themselves


• What do we need them to do differently?

• Specific actions• Start/stop• Perform more

effectively• Prioritization/time



• With whom do we need them to work differently?

• Employees• Senior leaders• Peers• Other functions• Customers• External partners


• What organizational norms do we need to foster?

• Common practices• Common language• Values• Traditions

© 2013 Harvard Business School Publishing. Harvard Business Publishing is an affiliate of Harvard Business School. All rights reserved.

To execute our strategy, how do we need this group of leaders to change?

Page 4: Crafting Program Objectives with the Four C's



Describe Current and Future States– Specific and observable– What must be unlearned?

Clarify Interests– Organizational goals– Learner motivation

Identify Barriers– Competing commitments– Incentive and resources

Plan for Metrics– Clarify impact expectations– Design for behavior change

© 2013 Harvard Business School Publishing. Harvard Business Publishing is an affiliate of Harvard Business School. All rights reserved.

Crafting Program Objectives with the Four C’s

Worksheet for Clarifying an Objective

Only a detailed understanding of program objectives will enable effective evaluation of design alternatives. Use this worksheet to focus each program objective by drilling down on key elements.

Program Name

Objective Name

Circle One Context Capability Connection Culture

Objective Summary:

Objective Drill-down Describe the current state as well as the desired state for the objective. Be sure to reflect the reasons for both the status quo and the rationale for change. This will help you identify potential environmental barriers, behaviors to be un-learned, and learner/organizational motivations.

From what? To what?

Why is it this way? Why change?

Measurement Considerations Capturing measurement ideas early in the process will inform metrics scorecards and ensure that you develop a clear idea of what success looks like.

How will we know learners are changing? What organizational impacts will we see?

What time horizons are involved?

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